Andreeva from prima to octave. Musical intervals: what are they and how to build them? Russian language course program

Type of lesson: studying and primary consolidation of new educational material.

Type of lesson: traditional.

Goal: mastering theoretically and practically the concepts of major and minor.

  • reveal the features of musical modes, find out the main differences between major and minor;
  • develop students' visual and auditory perceptions;
  • cultivate the “art of hearing” - creatively perceiving - cognizing a piece of music.

Form of work: group.

List of visual aids, handouts, sources of information:

  • Visual aids: reproductions of paintings by I.I. Levitan.
  • Technical means: music center.
  • Educational equipment: blackboard.
  • Handout:
  • dictionary “What music sounds like” from T. Pervozvanskaya’s collection “The World of Music”, 2nd grade;
  • major and minor scales with illustrations from the collection of Alexandrova N.L. "Workbook" 1st grade;
  • sheet music: “Song of Masha and her friends” from M. Andreeva’s collection “From prima to octave.”
  • Literature: poem by A.S. Pushkin “Winter Morning”.
  • Musical works for listening: Sviridov G.V. "Spring and Autumn".

Teaching methods: verbal, visual, practical.

Lesson structure:

  1. organizational moment - 3 min.
  2. communication of new material, awareness and comprehension of educational information, primary consolidation of new material - 15 min.
  3. application of knowledge (practical work) - 5 min.
  4. information about homework - 1 min.
  5. summing up the work - 1 min.
Teacher's actions Actions of the teacher and students
1 Organizing time Greetings. Introductory speech by the teacher: epigraph to the lesson, announcement of the topic and purpose of the lesson. Initial motivation.
2 Updating knowledge The teacher asks students to remember the definitions of “mode” and “tonic” and has students chant in the key of C-dur.

Write on the board:

3 Posting new material Teacher: “Lada is a wonderful word. In a family it means friendship, agreement. “What is a treasure, if there is harmony in the family,” says popular wisdom. Consistency between sounds allows you to perceive music as clear, understandable speech, and not sound chaos. The most common modes are major and minor. Major is usually denoted by a particle of the Latin alphabet - dur, which is translated as “hard”. Thus, the major mode is light and bright. Minor is denoted by a particle of the Latin alphabet - moll, translated as “soft mode”. - matte, dark."
4 Awareness and comprehension of educational information Teacher: “Think, if you were asked to depict light, bright, joyful - what colors would you choose? And if you were asked to depict sad, dark and mysterious?

Students answer questions, offer their own options for shades - red, orange, green, blue; black, brown, dark gray.

5 Primary consolidation of new material The teacher suggests looking at two reproductions of the 19th century Russian artist I.I. Levitan: “Above Eternal Peace” and “Golden Autumn”.

Question: “What colors does the artist use in his works, what mood does he want to convey?”

Students express their thoughts.

Question: “Tell me, is it possible to find major and minor moods in poetry?”

The teacher reads excerpts from a poem by A.S. Pushkin, invites students to read, then everyone together determines the mood that the poet wanted to convey.

Question: “Are major and minor keys in music as beautiful as light and shadow in painting?”

Students listen to G.V. Sviridov’s musical work “Spring and Autumn”.

There is a discussion of the piece listened to.

6 Application of knowledge (practical work) Handout material (picture) is provided. Assignment: color the pictures, come up with and write down words corresponding to major and minor. Discussion.

The teacher provides sheet music examples of a children's song. Students and a teacher analyze the musical material, then perform a song.

7 Homework Information Learn the definitions of major and minor.
8 Draw a picture. Summing up the lesson

In the form of questions and answers, the concepts and basic characteristics of the major and minor modes are reinforced.

  1. Bibliography
  2. Alexandrova, N.L. Workbook on solfeggio 3rd grade./N.L. Alexandrova. - Novosibirsk: Okarina, 2006. - 60 p.
  3. Bogolyubova, N.Kh. Secrets of the musical world./N.Kh.
  4. Bogolyubova.- S-P.: Composer, 2006.-95 p.
  5. Dadiomov, A.V. Elementary music theory./A.V.
  6. Dadiomov.- M.: V. Katansky, 2002.- 241 p.

Pervozvanskaya, T.E. Music theory for little musicians and their parents./ I.E. Pervozvanskaya.- S-P.: Composer, 2001.- 77 p. Fridkin, G.A. A practical guide to musical literacy./ G.A. Fridkin.- M., 1987.- 270 p. Intervals in music play a very important role.

Musical intervals

– the fundamental principle of harmony, the “building material” of a work.

All music is composed of notes, but one note is not music yet - just like any book is written in letters, but the letters themselves do not carry the meaning of the work. If we take larger units of meaning, then in texts these will be words, and in a piece of music these will be consonances. Harmonic and melodic intervals The consonance of two sounds is called interval, and these two sounds can be played both together and in turn, in the first case the interval will be called harmonic.

, and in the second – melodic What means harmonic interval and melodic interval? The sounds of a harmonic interval are taken simultaneously and therefore merge into a single consonance -


, which can sound very soft, or maybe sharp, prickly. In melodic intervals, sounds are played (or sung) in turn - first one, then the other. These intervals can be compared to two connected links in a chain - any melody consists of such links. The role of intervals in music

What is the essence of intervals in music, for example, in melody? Let's imagine two different melodies and analyze their very beginning: let them be well-known children's songs “Like under a hill, under a mountain” and “A Christmas tree was born in the forest.” Let's compare the beginnings of these songs. Both melodies begin with the note "before", but develop further in completely different ways. In the first song we hear as if the melody is rising up the steps in small steps - first from the note before to note re, then from re To mi etc. But at the very first words of the second song, the melody immediately jumps upward, as if jumping over several steps at once ( “in the forest” – move from C to A). Indeed, between the notes C and A.

would fit in quite calmly re mi fa and sol Moving up and down steps and jumping, as well as repeating sounds at the same height is all musical intervals.

, which ultimately make up the total re mi fa and sol, then you probably already know the notes and now understand me well. If you don’t know the notes yet, check out the article.

Interval Properties

You already understand that an interval is a certain interval, the distance from one note to another. Now let’s figure out how this distance can be measured, especially since it’s time to find out the names of the intervals.

Each interval has two properties (or two quantities) - this is The step value depends on how many musical steps does the interval cover?– one, two, three, etc. (and the sounds of the interval themselves also count). Well, the tonal value refers to the composition of specific intervals - the exact the number of tones (or semitones) that fit in an interval. These properties are sometimes called differently - quantitative and qualitative value, their essence does not change.

Musical intervals - names

To name the intervals use numerals in Latin, the name is determined by the properties of the interval. Depending on how many steps the interval covers (that is, on the step or quantitative value), the names are given:

1 – prima
2 – second
3 – third
4 – quart
5 – fifth
6 – sixth
7 – septima
8 – octave.

These Latin words are used to name intervals, but for recording it is still more convenient to use digital designations. For example, a fourth can be designated by the number 4, a sixth by the number 6, etc.

There are intervals pure (h), small (m), large (b), decreased (mind) and increased (uv). These definitions are based on the second property of the interval, that is, tonal composition (tone or qualitative value). These characteristics are attached to the name, for example: pure fifth (abbreviated h5) or minor seventh (m7), major third (bz), etc.

Pure intervals are pure prima (ch1), pure octave (ch8), pure fourth (ch4) and pure fifth (ch5). Small and major are seconds (m2, b2), thirds (m3, b3), sixths (m6, b6) and sevenths (m7, b7).

The number of tones in each interval must be remembered. For example, in pure intervals it’s like this: there are 0 tones in a prima, 6 tones in an octave, 2.5 tones in a fourth, and 3.5 tones in a fifth. To repeat the topic of tones and halftones, read the articles and, where these issues are discussed in detail.

Intervals in music - summary

In this article, which could be called a lesson, we looked at them, found out what they are called, what properties they have, and what role they play.

In the future, you can expect to expand your knowledge on this very important topic. Why is it so important? Yes, because music theory is the universal key to understanding any musical work.

What to do if you are unable to understand the topic? The first is to relax and read the entire article again today or tomorrow, the second is to look for information on other sites, the third is to contact us in the VKontakte group or ask your questions in the comments.

If everything is clear, then I’m very happy! At the bottom of the page you will find buttons for various social networks - share this article with your friends! Well, after that you can relax a little and watch a cool video - pianist Denis Matsuev improvises on the theme of the song “A Christmas Tree Was Born in the Forest” in the styles of different composers.

Denis Matsuev “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”

Intervals in music are the distance between two sounds, and also the consonance of two notes. This is a simple definition that can be given to this concept. In solfeggio lessons, intervals are sung and listened to in order to later recognize them in musical works, but first you need to learn how to build them from different notes.

There are only eight simple intervals, they are designated by ordinary numbers from 1 to 8, and are called by special Latin words:

1 – prima
2 – second
3 – third
4 – quart
5 – fifth
6 – sixth
7 – septima
8 – octave

What do these names mean? Translated from Latin, prima means first, second means second, third means third, etc.

Interesting facts about interval names

You have probably heard many of the names of intervals more than once, even if the conversation did not concern music. For example, the word “prima” is in the phrase “prima donna” (this is the name given to the first, that is, the main artist-singer of the theater).

The word “second” is very similar to the English numeral “second” (that is, second), and the name of the sixth interval “sext” is similar to the English “six” (six).

Interesting from this point of view are the intervals “septima” and “octave”. Remember how to say “September” and “October” in English? This is "September" and "October"! That is, these names of months have the same roots as the names of intervals. “But a seventh is seven, and an octave is eight, and the indicated months in a year are the ninth and tenth,” you will say, and you will be absolutely right. The fact is that there were times when each new year was counted not from January, as now, but from March, the first month of spring. If you count like this, then everything falls into place: September will be the seventh month, and October will be the eighth.

We have not yet said a word about the fourth and third. Everything is clear with the third - you just need to remember it, but those who are especially observant will probably notice that if you read the word “third”, skipping every second letter, you get the usual “three”.

In the Russian language there are words similar to “quart”: this is, for example, an apartment or a block. What is a "quarter"? This word has two meanings: 1) dividing the year into 4 equal parts; 2) a site of urban development, which is surrounded on four sides by streets. One way or another, the number 4 appears here, and if you remember this association, then you will never confuse the fourth with any other interval.

How to build intervals from different notes up and down?

Intervals consist of two notes that can be close or far apart in relation to each other. And the distance at which they are located is told to us by the number of the interval by which it is designated (from 1 to 8).

You know that every sound in music is a step on a large musical ladder. So the number of the interval shows how many steps you need to go through in order to get from the first sound of the interval to the second. The larger the number, the wider the interval, and the further its sounds are from each other.

Let's look at specific intervals:

Prima– is indicated by the number 1, which tells us: two sounds are on the same pitch. This means that prima is an ordinary repetition of a sound, a step in place: do and again do, or re and re, mi-mi, etc.

Second- is indicated by a two, because this interval already covers two steps: one sound is on a certain note, and the second is on an adjacent one, that is, the second step in a row. For example: do and re, re and mi, mi and fa, etc.

Third– covers three stages. The second sound is located in relation to the first at a distance of three steps, if you go in a row along the musical ladder. Examples of thirds: do and mi, re and fa, mi and salt, etc.

Quart– now the interval expands to four steps, that is, the first sound is on the first step, and the second sound is on the quarter note. For example: do and fa, re and salt, etc. Let us explain once again that You can start counting steps from any note: from to to, from re – we choose what we need.

Quint– the designation with the number 5 indicates that the width of the interval is 5 steps. For example: do and salt, re and la, mi and si, etc.

Sexta and Septima - the numbers 6 and 7 with which they are designated indicate that you need to count six or seven steps to get a sixth or seventh. Examples of sixths: do and la, re and si, mi and do. Examples of sevenths (all up the ladder): do and si, re and do, mi and re.

Octave– the last interval, as easy as prima. This is also a repetition of sound, only at a different height. For example: to the first octave and to the second octave, D and D, E and E, etc.

Now let's line up all the intervals in order from the note C to the note, for example, SALT. You can listen to examples. Do it!

Intervals from note B up

Intervals from G upwards

Intervals from note B down

Intervals from A down

Exercises: playing intervals on the piano

When studying intervals, exercises on the piano or on a drawing are equally useful for both adults and children. A piano or synthesizer with sound is, of course, better, because the goal of studying intervals in solfeggio is to remember not the name of the interval, not the notes that make it up (although this is also important), but the sound.

Therefore, if you don’t have a suitable instrument at hand, you can use a virtual keyboard or the “Piano” application on your phone (tablet). It is important that you work not in silent mode, but with sound (preferably).

Exercise 1. Playing primas

Primas are easy to play, because a prima is the repetition of the same note twice. This means you just need to hit any key twice and you’ll get an interval. Prima is a very important interval that appears in many songs, so you should never forget about it (they usually forget because it is easy).

Exercise 2. Play seconds

A second is always formed by two adjacent degrees, two notes that are nearby. And on a piano keyboard, to play a second, you also need to take two adjacent keys. Play seconds from different notes - up and down, memorize the sound, you can also practice solfeggio at the same time, that is, sing the notes you play.

Exercise 3. Playing thirds

Third is little V.A.’s favorite interval. Mozart - the genius of world music. It is known that as a child, the little Mozart approached his father’s harpsichord (the instrument is the predecessor of the piano); he did not see the keys (based on his height), but reached them with his hands. Mozart played all sorts of consonances, but he was most happy when he managed to “catch” the third – this interval sounds so beautiful and melodic.

Try playing thirds too. Take the third “DO-MI” and remember this distance: the sounds are located on the keyboard through one key (one step apart). Play thirds up and down from different notes. Play the sounds of thirds simultaneously or alternately, that is, staggered.

Exercise 4. Playing fourths and fifths

Fourths and fifths are intervals that sound militant, inviting and very solemn. It’s not for nothing that our Russian anthem begins with a fourth. Take the quart “DO-FA” and the fifth “DO-SOL”, compare them by sound, remember the distance. Play fourths and fifths from different notes. Try to learn how to instantly find these intervals with your eyes on the keyboard.

Exercise 5. Playing sixths

Sexts, like thirds, are also very melodic and beautiful in sound. To quickly play a sixth, you can mentally imagine a fifth (its number is 5) and add another step to it (to make it 6). Play sixths up “DO-LA”, “RE-SI” and from all other notes and down “DO-MI”, “RE-FA”, etc.

Exercise 6. Playing octaves

An octave is the repetition of a sound in the next octave. This is a paradoxical and funny definition that can be given to this interval. Find two identical notes on the keyboard that are located as close as possible: two DO (one in , the other in the second), or two RE. These will be the octaves. That is, an octave is the distance from one sound to its repetition on the musical ladder. Octaves need to be seen immediately. Practice.

Exercise 7. Playing sevenths

For example: we need a septima from RE. Let's imagine an octave - RE-RE, and now let's lower the top sound one step: we get the seventh RE-DO!

Another example: let's build a seventh from MI down. We put the octave down - MI-MI, and now, attention, we raise the lower sound one step up and get the seventh MI-FA down. Why did we raise the lower sound and not lower it? Because intervals built down are like a reflection in a mirror, and therefore all actions must be done in reverse.

Dear friends, if you have completed the suggested exercises, then you are doing great! You have learned a lot, but this is just the beginning, your first acquaintance with intervals. Intervals in this form usually take place in grades 1-2 of music schools, and then everything becomes a little more complicated. And we invite you to go for new knowledge with us.

In the next issues you will learn about what it is, what it is and how you can get it. See you again!