Anton Shastun - biography, personal life, photos, programs, rumors and latest news. How tall is Anton Shastun from the show Improvisation? Who is Anton Shastun

Anton Shastoon (on Instagram - anton.shastoon) is a Russian comedian. Born on April 19, 1989 in Voronezh. IN student years began performing in KVN in the BV team, at some point becoming captain. First they played in the city league, then in the Russian Center League, where they won.

The next step was " Comedy Club" He participated twice in the program " Comedy Battle" In this show, participants perform their comedy sketches in front of judges and audiences, trying to earn their sympathy. The judges are Sergey Svetlakov, Garik Martirosyan and Semyon Slepakov. He came to this show twice, but was never able to reach the finals, although last time, in 2013, went through several tours.

One of the shows in which Anton Shastun also participated for six years is “ Controversial issue", in which performers on stage act out skits based on plots suggested by the audience. Such conditions are very difficult for the actor, since he cannot prepare for the performance in advance.

Since 2016, the young comedian, together with his colleagues from the previous show, were invited to a similar program on the TNT channel - “Improvisation”. A photo of Anton Shastun from “Improvisation” is on his Instagram. There is also no prepared script here, but among the conditions, the participation of the viewer is not expected. What else can you see on his Instagram?


Anton Shastoon’s Instagram (official website) – anton.shastoon. He has a lot of subscribers - 418 thousand. Publications on this moment– 342. His Instagram contains many photographs and videos from all the programs in which he participated, as well as personal photographs with friends and colleagues. We can see where he traveled, what entertainment he took part in. As in life, on Instagram Anton - cheerful man, who can often be seen with friends or colleagues. His Instagram isn't all that exciting, but it does give fans a glimpse into his personal life. young man.

Creative biography of Anton Shastun

Anton Shastun is a young and very talented artist conversational genre. He became famous wide audience after he started performing in Improv shows. According to information from the official website of agent Anton Shastun, he was born in Voronezh in 1989. There he graduated from school, and then entered the Faculty of Economics and Management. And it was during his student years that he decided to try himself in KVN, joining the university team. Over time, he even became the captain of the BV team. The guys quickly broke into the Russian Center League and even became its champions.

Anton Shastun performed at the Comedy Club and Comedy Battle. His first performances did not make any impression at first. But in 2013, he was still able to rehabilitate himself, but Anton did not make it to the finals. Then the young comedian returned to hometown, where he began performing in local entertainment shows. His monologues began to enjoy great success, which is what attracted his attention. And in 2016, he got involved in the Improvisation project, where he achieved star status. And today his name is widely known among connoisseurs of first-class humor. Many began to strive to order a wedding or corporate event by Anton Shastun. It should be noted that the Improvisation project does not have previously prepared scripts, and not every artist can perform in this format. And Anton copes with this kind of performance with ease. That is why he is so in demand now at events - the artist quickly finds an approach to any audience.

Name: Anton Shastun
Date of Birth: April 19, 1989
28 years
Place of Birth: Voronezh, Russia
Height: 197
Activity: comedian, showman
Family status: not married

Anton Shastun: biography

Anton Shastun is a young Russian comedian and showman, a participant in the new entertainment show"Improvisation".
He comes from the capital of the Black Earth Region - Voronezh, where he graduated high school and entered the Faculty of Economics and Management at the State Agrarian University named after Peter the Great.

Comedian Anton Shastun

Anton began writing his own jokes during his school years, and when he became a student, he decided to realize himself in the humorous game of KVN and became a member of the university team "BV", eventually leading it as captain. For several years the guys played in the city student league, and then quickly broke into the Start League of the Russian Center. In their first season, "BV" entered the finals of the competition, and next year became League champions.

Anton Shastun on stage

Anton Shastun independently tried to gain a foothold on the Comedy Club stage. He twice came to the “Comedy Battle” program, in which the participants, competing with each other, try to cheer up the audience in the hall, and most importantly, the jury consisting of honored comedians of the country Sergei Svetlakov, Semyon Slepakova and Garik Martirosyan. The first time, Anton did not make much of an impression, and his performance was not even shown on television, but in 2013 he did much better, passed several difficult rounds, although he still could not get into the final stage.

Anton Shastun in the show "Comedy Battle"

Returning to his native Voronezh, the young man began performing as a showman in various Stand-up show. The artist went on stage and spoke in a rather comical manner auditorium about what worries him. Anton's monologues were successful and attracted attention to him.

Improv show

For about 6 years, Anton Shastun participated in the improvisational show “Controversial Issue,” in which actors, together with the host, act out stories suggested by the audience. For example, they sing invented songs on the go, comment on events, answer unexpected questions in a humorous manner, and so on. In total, seven artists participate in the program, of which Anton is not only the youngest, but also the tallest.
For Russian stage this show was truly unique, since previously domestic comedians did not dare to let fans in so closely creative process. Anton Shastun says that the difficulty of this genre lies in the fact that the artist does not have the opportunity to rehearse the scene in advance, since the main idea of ​​improvisation lies in feedback with the audience.
In February 2016, the TNT channel launched new transmission“Improvisation” within the framework of the multidisciplinary production company “Comedy Club”. Anton Shastun, together with his colleagues on the “Controversial Issue” Dmitry Pozov and Stas Sheminov, was invited to become the stars of this show. "Improv" is the only television program in which there is no pre-scripted script. As in the Voronezh program, Shastun and other comedians do not use pre-conceived jokes and have no idea where the story unfolding in the sketch will turn in the next second. Everything that the viewer sees is invented right on stage and is never repeated.

Personal life

Anton Shastun is completely devoted to his creative profession because he loves it very much live communication with people. But he uses social networks only to announce his humorous programs, practically without revealing aspects of his personal life.

    The best improviser, in my opinion, is Anton Shastun, the tallest participant in the TV show Improvisation on the TNT channel. And yes, in one of the episodes of the program Anton himself named his height. Shastun's height is as much as 197 cm.

    Despite his height, he copes brilliantly with the improvisation of the Red Room.

    Participant in the show Improvisation on TNT channel Anton Shastun somewhat different from his colleagues in the program. I don’t know about humor, I haven’t had a chance to evaluate the participants from this point of view yet, but his height clearly stands out in the group. Anton is the biggest. His height is 197 centimeters.

    I could play basketball. With such height, players are required for the position of light forward or attacking defender. I wouldn't get lost.

    Few people knew about Anton Shastun before the release of the Improvisation project on the TNT channel. And few people believed that the Improvisation project itself would be delayed for a long time. However, after the first broadcast, the program's ratings were huge. And they grow with every program. As for Anton Shastun, he is one of the most interesting participants. His growth is especially impressive - 197 centimeters (that’s almost 2 meters). In the photo below you can see this very significant difference in height.

    Anton Shastun certainly stands out from the rest of the participants in the Improvisation show. Perhaps his highlight, in addition to his sparkling humor, is also his tall height. Anton himself does not hide this and even named this figure in 1 meter 97 centimeters.

    Anton Shastun immediately attracts attention with his appearance- it’s not so common to meet people whose height is almost two meters - next to Anton, the rest of the quite tall participants in the Improvisation show do not look the most advantageous - he is actually head and shoulders taller than everyone else, because he has grown to 1 meter 97 centimeters, which is also one of his chips.

    Anton Shastun from the Improvisation project stands out from the rest of the participants due to his high growth. Anton, without hiding, said that his height is close to two meters, namely 1 meter 97 centimeters.

    In my opinion, just Anton Shastun stands out in the show Improvisation on the TNT channel not only for his height, but also for his ability to cheerfully improvise, especially in female roles.

    Yesterday, after watching next issue Improvisation asked the question: How tall is Anton Shastun?; answer: 197 centimeters.

    Anton Shastun is a participant in a show called Improvisation. Moreover, Anton Shastun is the tallest participant and many TV viewers are interested in the issue related to his height. So, Anton Shastun’s height is 1 meter 97 centimeters.

    Relatively recently, TNT began showing new comedy show called Improvisation. Naturally, most viewers asked various questions about the participants, and one of them was how tall Anton Shastun is. Anton stands out significantly due to his height compared to other participants - his height is less than 3 cm, two meters or 197 cm.

    Improvisation. The four main participants of this sparkling show are distinguished by their originality. And Anton Shastun, in addition, also stands out noticeably for his very tall. In one of the programs, he named the figure 197 centimeters.

The future artist was born in the city of Voronezh on April 19, 1989. Years have passed here carefree childhood and youth. Co school years he loved all kinds of pranks and jokes. After graduating from high school, the young man entered the local State Agrarian University, after which he left with a higher education diploma in his pocket.

At the university, Anton, in addition to his studies, found something for his soul: he became a member of the student KVN team “BV”. This team took part in the START KVN League, where it became the champion. For six years, the young comedian, together with his colleagues, participated in the “Controversial Issue” program, where he gained experience in the humorous field. In the project, he was the youngest member of the team, and the tallest (his height is 197 cm).

Anton Shastun career

The first step on the way to television was participation in humorous program"Comedy Battle". The strict jury represented by Svetlakov, Martirosyan and Slepakov appreciated the performance young comedian, but he was never able to get into the final round. Anton does not despair; after this failure he returns to his hometown and performs at various events in the “stand-up” style: the artist, going on stage, tells the audience in a comical manner about the burning moments of life. With these funny monologues, Shastun attracted everyone's attention more people, thanks to which his popularity began to grow exponentially.

The second attempt to break into TV was participation in the show “Improvisation” on the TNT channel. In it, Shastun, together with other comedians, comes up with jokes on the go under the leadership of Pavel Volya. From that moment on, the young man’s career, and with it the popularity of the young man, took off. “Improv,” as the name suggests, is a show without any pre-prepared script. All the jokes are made up on the fly, and neither the audience nor the participants themselves can predict how the plot will unfold. Before the performance, the team of comedians trained by performing in various clubs, where they tested proposed plots and humorous skits.

There are some truly dangerous moments in this unique show. For example, in the program there is a section in which artists, having uttered a certain letter, receive an electric shock. During this execution, Anton once even fell and injured his hand.

The next stage in conquering the heights of show business can be considered participation in another interesting project “Don't Sleep” on the same TNT. As part of the program, comedians fight for the right to be considered the funniest, placing bets from their own budget. The humorous talents of the contestants are assessed by the stars of “Comedy Club” and “Comedy Woman”.

In the summer of 2017, Anton was invited as an honored guest to the entertaining musical and comedy project “Studio Soyuz”. After this, the comedian, together with Dmitry Pozov, participated in the radio show “Couple for Rent” on the evening broadcast of Love Radio.

Anton's personal life

While still a schoolboy, Anton fell in love with a girl who was 2 years older. The romantic young man thought that this would be forever. But he never had the chance to admit his feelings, the love passed, and, having once met the recent object of his dreams, he realized that she would never know about the fact of falling in love.

Having already become a well-known and accomplished person, Shastun prefers not to show off his relationships with girls. So whether his heart is occupied or not, fans can only guess.

Curious facts

  • the comedian loves traveling - hot countries, snow-white beaches and warm seas;
  • Anton is an active user social networks, where he regularly posts latest photos and communicates with numerous subscribers;
  • when asked about his personal life, Shastun says that due to the heavy workload at work, there is not enough time to build relationships;
  • The comedian considers self-improvement and the development of his creative talents to be his main goal in life.

Anton's creative achievements

  1. Comedy show "Comedy Battle".
  2. 18+ format show “Don’t sleep.”
  3. Project “Where is the logic”.
  4. Humorous program "Improvisation".
  5. Musical project "Studio Soyuz".

What do you think about Anton Shastun? We are waiting for your comments.