Archangel Satan. Who is Satan? The sign of Satan. Early mentions in Old Testament texts

The Bible also gives a description of Leviathan, often identified with Satan. Here he is a huge sea creature or a flying dragon.

In the Old Testament

In its original meaning " Satan" is a common noun meaning one who interferes and interferes . In the Bible this word refers to people (1 Kings, 2 Kings; 1 Kings;). The exception is probably 1 Chron. .

Satan first appears as the name of a specific angel in the book of the prophet Zechariah (Zech.), where Satan acts as an accuser in the heavenly court.

- "Your father - devil; and you want to do the lusts of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning and did not stand in the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he tells a lie, he speaks his own way, for he is a liar and the father of lies.” (In.).

Bible also says that on the Day of Judgment the Devil (" ancient serpent") will be cast into the abyss for a thousand years by an angel who owns the key to the abyss (Rev.). After the second battle, Satan will forever be cast into " lake of fire and brimstone"(Open).

Names of Satan in the Bible

Satan has the following names in the Bible:

  • Abaddon (Hebrew: אבדון‎ - “ extermination"), Apollyon (Greek Απολλύων) - " destroyer") And Angel of the Abyss(Open)
  • Great Red Dragon (Revelation)
  • Beelzebub (Matthew 12:24)
  • Belial (2 Cor. 6:15)
  • Great Dragon (Rev.)
  • Devil (Luke 8:12; 1 Peter 5:8)
  • Dragon (Revelation)
  • Ancient serpent (Rev., Rev.)
  • Cruel angel (Prov. 17:11)
  • Evil angel (Ps. 77:49)
  • The evil spirit is from God (1 Samuel 16:14, 16:23; 1 Samuel 18:10; 1 Samuel 19:9)
  • Tempter (Matt.4:3; 1Thess.3:5)
  • Prince of demons (Matthew 12:24)
  • Prince of This World (John 12:31; John 14:30; John 16:11)
  • Lying spirit (1 Kings 22:22)
  • Evil One (Matthew 13:19)
  • Father of lies (John 8:55).

In Judaism

« Renunciation of Satan» included in the Orthodox and the Catholic rite of baptism.

Alternative opinions in Christianity

A minority of Christians consider the story of Satan an allegory . Among those: Faustus Socinus and the Socinians, Hobbes, Newton, Priestley, and, since the mid-19th century, the Christadelphians.


Temple of Black Light(Temple of Black Light) sees Satan as the restorer of the full and original form of Chaos and the consort of Lilith, one of the 11 higher demons.

Horns, a modern attribute of Satan, was originally perceived as a symbol of divinity and fertility. At the same time, there were goat-horned and ram-headed gods (the Egyptian ram-headed god Khnum and the Greek god Pan with a goat), as well as the goddess Hathor with cow horns.

Relationship with Satan

Modern Satanists differ in their perception of Satan.

Valentinus Scaurus in the “Book of Ten Appeals” (lat. Codex Decium) writes about Satan:

Boundless Power of Darkness, Almighty Parent of Chaos, You are our immeasurable Origin, who gave birth to the devilish and predatory source of our souls .

Temple of Black Light sees Satan as the restorer of the full and original form of Chaos and the consort of Lilith, one of the 11 higher demons .

The Temple of Black Light (TOTBL) calls Satan the supreme Devil, whose goal is to destroy the current form of the universe and end all eons of time.

When the eyes of Taninivera open, Satan and Taninsam Lilith will unite, and the eleven corners will also be united, because the name Azerate opens macrocosmic portals into the dark dimensions of chaos. This will be the beginning of an anti-cosmic invasion and total destruction of the cosmic order on all spiritual and material planes . When the eyes of a dragon open, the one whose eyes are open turns into the physical embodiment of the strongest descendant of Satan and Lilith, who, with the awakened black fire of chaos, plunges the cosmos into fire. Liber Azerate

Satan, like Lilith, has no form :

The first three forces facing Satan are chaos, emptiness and darkness. . Satan himself consists of these three forces, and he himself is completely formless, without any semblance of body shape. Thus, he cannot influence events on the cosmic plane with his own hand.

The Satanism of Michael Ford (author of Luciferian Witchcraf and Liber HVHI) is characterized by the perception of Satan as the supreme Adversary, liberating man and granting him initiation and magical abilities, as well as accurate identification Satan and the Zoroastrian Devil Ahriman.

For members of the Church of Satan(Church of Satan) and followers of Anton Sandor LaVey. Satan- a symbol of earthly life and protest against " hypocrisy of public morality ».

Satan is a symbol, nothing more. Satan symbolizes our love for all earthly things and denial of the pale, barren image of Christ on the cross . (Anton LaVey)

This concludes the introductory part of the article. Let's move on to our research.


So, above we learned that Satan has many " Names" However, actually " Name» SATAN, to which we are accustomed, is not explained in any way. If you break it down Name into syllables, then it will look like this - SAT And ANA. But SAT And ANA– these are actually words in Sanskrit. Moreover SAT– translated from Sanskrit as “ being", and ANA - as " warp" or "breathing". Below in Figure 3 the “Name” entry is shown. SATAN in Sanskrit into the matrix of the Universe.

Rice. 3. The figure shows entries in Sanskrit in the Upper World of the matrix of the Universe of three words in Sanskrit. 1. Sura- demigods, and Asura– semi-demons. 2. Satan– which can be translated as – “ The basis of being" or " Being Breath" Below in the insert are the words SAT and SANT, which have a similar translation. Statuses " Name» Satan extend from the 16th level of the Upper world of the matrix of the Universe to the 1st and can extend to the Lower world of the matrix of the Universe. At the top left are the statuses “ Name» Brahma – « co-creator "The Universe, and the first living being in our Material Universe. The basis for recording the “Name” of Satan in Sanskrit in the Upper World of the matrix of the Universe was the results of our research on the ancient Christian icon from the work in the section “ Author's articles» on the website - In a dream, Jacob saw a staircase leading to heaven, in the matrix of the Universe! . Figures 2 and 6 from this work will be shown below in Figures 5 and 6.

Rice. 4.
The figure shows an entry in Sanskrit into the Upper World of the Word Matrix of the Universe Jiva(Soul) and Loka(space or area), – denoting space “ Shower - Jeev"in the Upper and Lower worlds of the matrix of the Universe. This area is from the 12th level of the Upper World to the 4th level of the Lower World of the matrix of the Universe. From the analysis of Figures 3 and 4 it is clear that the space " Jiva - Loka" located " inside » space "Name" Satan. Thus, Satan « available » Souls - Jivas living beings.

Rice. 5. Icon (color original) – “ Spiritual ladder» from the monastery Saint Catherine on the Sinai Peninsula. By " stairs"Souls rise. They are met in the upper right corner by the Lord Jesus Christ. Some of the Souls are pulled down the stairs by demons (dark forces) and prevented from reaching Jesus Christ.

Rice. 6. The picture above shows an Egyptian hieroglyph – an amulet – “ Two Fingers", index and middle, which are god Choir(Horus) gave it to his father Osiris, helping him climb the stairway to heaven. It is added to the top of the hieroglyphic notation, ladder– (Egyptian – Maaket). The upper level of the hieroglyph-amulet " Two fingers"does not reach level 17 in the Upper World matrix. This fact probably indicates the difficulties " With independent » transition « Souls"from the 16th level of the Upper World to the 17th, and it is possible that in this case Divine intervention or assistance is required for such a transition. From the picture it is clear that the top of the stairs reaches the 17th level of the Upper World of the matrix of the Universe. In Figure 3, the Sanskrit entry for “Name” Satan also begins from the 16th level of the Upper World of the matrix of the Universe.

Rice. 7.
The figure shows the entry into the matrix of the Universe of words in Sanskrit: 1. Sura(demigods) Asura(half-demons). 3. Sura And Kula (monastery, school ) – « Abode of demigods and half-demons" In this area of ​​the matrix of the Universe there are clashes between demigods and half-demons. This agrees well with what is shown in Figure 5 on the icon - “ Spiritual ladder».

The upper world of the matrix of the Universe in volume looks like a quadrangular pyramid with the top turned down. In the plane version, it is a triangle with the apex pointing downwards, and the Material - Lower World of the matrix of the Universe - is a triangle with the apex pointing upwards. The tops of these triangles, as can be seen in the figures, overlap. In fact, these are two mountains"in the matrix of the Universe.

In the New Testament, the Gospel of Matthew talks about exactly this “ very high mountain", to which Satan exalted Jesus Christ. Unfortunately, in Christian " Interpretations"The church fathers are mistaken about the Gospel and all the Gospel and Old Testament provisions about " Earth», « Sky», « very high mountain » wrongly referred only to our planet « Earth" It is about this possible error " interpretations "Said, in particular, the Holy Apostle John, in the "Revelation of John the Theologian. (Apocalypse)” (Rev. 2:29) – “29. He who has an ear (to hear), let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches " Well, God bless them with stereotypes. This is what the Gospel of Matthew says about “ very high mountain "(Matt. 4:1-11):

Gospel of Matthew

"1. Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil,

2. And having fasted forty days and forty nights, he was finally hungry.

3. And the tempter came to Him and said: If You are the Son of God, command that these stones become bread.

4. He answered and said to him, “It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.”

5. Then the devil takes Him to the holy city and places Him on the wing of the temple,

6. And he said to Him: If You are the Son of God, throw yourself down, for it is written: He will command His angels concerning You, and in their hands they will bear You up, lest You dash Your foot against a stone.

7 Jesus said to him, “It is also written, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God.”

9. And he says to Him: I will give all this to You if you fall down and worship me.

10. Then Jesus says to him: get away from me, satan , for it is written: You shall worship the Lord your God and serve Him alone.

11. Then the devil left Him, and behold, the angels came and served Him.”

Rice. 8. The picture shows " very high mountain “—the darkened triangle of the pyramid of the Upper World of the matrix of the Universe. Satan " checked “Is Jesus really the Messiah and, when he was convinced that this was so, “8. Again the devil takes Him to a very high mountain and shows Him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory , », « decides » give everything to Jesus ( all spaces of the matrix of the Universe ) that belongs to him by the will of God. But Satan could have deceived Jesus, because “ form of his service to God » — « Tempt and deceive" Therefore, the answer of Jesus Christ was: “ Get away from me, Satan... ", especially since " Satan's domain "just a small part of what" belongs» by right Jesus Christ- “11. Then the devil left Him, and behold, the angels came and served Him». But the conversation between Jesus Christ and Satan took place not on our planet “Mother Earth”, but in the “Invisible World” of the matrix of the Universe! Planet Earth is only tiny" piece » The material world of the matrix of the Universe. By the way, this " very high mountain " - in Buddhism and the Vedic tradition of India is called " mountain » Meru or Sumeru, and Greek mythology - “ Mount Olympus" We talked about this in our article on the website in the “Mediterranean” section - Olympus and Meru - two names of the same mountain in the matrix of the Universe. This is shown below in Figure 9.

Rice. 9.
The picture on the right shows the Sanskrit spelling of the name of the mountain. Sumeru – Sumeru Kuta. On the left is the entry in Greek " Mount Olympus" "Mountain Meru(Sanskrit: मेरु) or Sumeru " great Meru» — sacred mountain in cosmology Buddhism and Hinduism, where she is seen as the center of all material and spiritual universes. It is considered the abode of Brahma and other devas. The Puranas describe its height as 80,000 yojanas (1,106,000 km) and that it is located on Jambudvipa, one of the continents on Earth . Many Hindu temples, including Angkor Wat in Cambodia, were built as a symbolic representation of Mount Meru. According to one interpretation, Mount Meru is in the subtle world over the North Pole." The figure shows entries in the matrix of the Universe of the name 1. - mountains Olympus and 2. -. Sumeru. Sumeru(Sanskrit) - translated as - 1. best, 2. highest, 3. beautiful. Sumerukuta- (Sanskrit) - Peak of Mount Sumeru . The letters of the Greek alphabet are three-level, and the letters of Sanskrit are four-level. For this reason, as can be seen in the figure, the name of Mount Olympus occupies one level more in the matrix of the Universe - it extends to the 21st level of the Upper World of the matrix of the Universe, and the name Sumerukuta - accordingly to the 20th level. From the figure it can be seen that both mountain names Olympus And Sumerukuta practically occupy the same space of the Upper World of the matrix of the Universe. In this sense, we can conclude that Mt. Olympus and mountain Sumerukuta or Sumeru identical. The arc bracket to the left of the inscriptions shows the position of the name - Brahma. There, on the top of the mountain, His abode is located. Such a conclusion will allow us to further draw analogies between the pantheon of gods, in particular, the ancient Hellenes, the Vedic gods in Hinduism and Buddhism. As a result, it probably became clear to the reader that the mountains Olympus And Sumeru — « mountains » — « in the space of the matrix of the universe " - on a universal scale. Therefore the word " Earth » in myths - or knowledge in this form, must be understood as specific spaces in “ the invisible world of the matrix of the universe "very distant from our planet, which we also call - Earth. It is this moment that creates a deep-rooted misconception in the minds of people and scientists. about the involvement of mythological mountains Olympus And Sumeru to our planet Earth.


Now let's turn to the Old Testament " Book of Job" We will consider in detail only three chapters from this book - 1, 2 and the last chapter 42.

Here is a brief description of the origin and belonging to the body of Old Testament writings of this “ teacher's room» books from the free encyclopedia Wikipedia - B2%D0%B0 :

« Book of Job— 29th part of the Tanakh, 3rd book of Ketuvim, part of the Bible, Old Testament.

  • Job— article from the Electronic Jewish Encyclopedia »

To this we can add the following: lands of Uz, in which, as this book says, he lived Job:

"If Job- the person is completely historical, then the question more naturally arises about the place and time of his life. According to the book itself, he lived in the land of Uz, “in the country of Ausitidia,” as the LXX interpreters call it (Job 1.1). But where exactly this area was located cannot be said with certainty. . The remark of the postscript at the end of the book on reading LXX: “on the borders of Idumea and Arabia” (Job 42.17) is as general as the indication of Job 1.3 that Job was “more famous than all the sons of the East,” i.e. Arabs (see interpretation on this verse); and the mention of the land of Uz in the book. the prophet Jeremiah (Jer 25.20) and in the book. Lamentations (Lamentations 4.21) does not clarify her situation. True, the words of the book. Crying: " rejoice and be glad, daughter of Edom, who dwells in the land Uts ", apparently give the right to think that Uts was in Idumea and constituted its region. But such an assumption is refuted by Articles 20 and 21. Chapter XXV book the prophet Jeremiah (Jer. 25.20-21), from which it is clear that the earth Uts, mentioned separately from Idumea, was not part of its borders. If the prophet attributes it to the Edomites, then this is explained, according to Ewald, by the fact that the land Uts was given to them by Nebuchadnezzar for the help they provided to the Chaldeans during the conquest of Judea. As for Jeremiah 25.20 et cetera, some see in these verses a listing of neighboring countries and, accordingly, the location Uts point between Egypt and Judea, southeast of the latter and east of Idumea. The validity of such considerations is weakened by Articles 21 and 22. of this chapter, indicating that when listing countries, the prophet was not guided by the beginning of contiguity...”

Let's move on to consider three chapters of the book of Job - 1, 2 and the last 42nd chapter:


1. There was a man in the land of Uz, his name is Job; and this man was blameless, just and God-fearing and shunned evil.

3. He had names : and quite a lot of servants; and this man was more famous than all the sons of the East.

4. His sons came together, each making feasts in his own house on his own day, and they sent and invited their three sisters to eat and drink with them.

5. When the circle of feast days was completed, Job sent [for them] and sanctified them and, rising early in the morning, offered burnt offerings according to the number of them all. For Job said: Perhaps my sons have sinned and blasphemed God in their hearts. This is what Job did on all [such] days.

7. And the Lord said to Satan: Where did you come from? And Satan answered the Lord and said: I walked on the earth and walked around it.

8. And the Lord said to Satan: Hast thou heeded thy attention to my servant Job? for there is no one like him on earth: a blameless, just, fearing God and shunning evil.

9. And Satan answered the Lord and said: Does Job fear God for nothing?

10. Haven’t you made a fence around him and his house and all that he has? You have blessed the work of his hands, and his flocks are spread over the earth;

11 But stretch out Your hand and touch everything that he has, will he bless You?

12. .

13 And there was a day when his sons and his daughters were eating and drinking wine in the house of their firstborn brother.

14. And [behold], a messenger comes to Job and says:

15. The oxen were yelling, and the donkeys were grazing near them, when the Sabeans attacked and took them, and struck the youths with the edge of the sword; and I alone was saved to tell you.

16. While he was still speaking, another came and said: The fire of God fell from heaven and scorched the sheep and the youths and devoured them; and I alone was saved to tell you.

17. While he was still speaking, another came and said: The Chaldeans settled down in three detachments and rushed at the camels and took them, and struck the youths with the edge of the sword; and I alone was saved to tell you.

18. While this one was speaking, another came and said: Your sons and your daughters ate and drank wine in the house of their firstborn brother;

19. And behold, a great wind came from the desert and swept through the four corners of the house, and the house fell on the youths, and they died; and I alone was saved to tell you.

20. Then Job stood up and tore his outer garment, shaved his head and fell to the ground and bowed down.

21. and he said, “Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked I will return.” The Lord gave, the Lord also took away; Blessed be the name of the Lord!

22. In all this, Job did not sin and did not say anything unreasonable about God .

1. There was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord; Satan also came among them to present himself before the Lord.

2. And the Lord said to Satan: Where did you come from? And Satan answered the Lord and said: I walked on the earth and walked around it.

3. And the Lord said to Satan: Hast thou heeded thy attention to my servant Job? for there is no one like him on earth: a blameless, just, God-fearing man who shuns evil, and is still firm in his integrity; and you stirred Me up against him in order to destroy him innocently.

4. And Satan answered the Lord and said: Skin for skin, and for his life a man will give all that he has;

5 But stretch out Your hand and touch his bone and his flesh, will he bless You?

6. And the Lord said to Satan: Behold, he is in your hand; only spare his soul.

7. Satan departed from the presence of the Lord and smote Job with fierce leprosy from the sole of his foot to the very top of his head.

8. And he took himself a tile to scrape himself with it, and sat down in the ashes.

9. And his wife said to him: You are still firm in your integrity! blaspheme God and die .

10. But he said to her: You speak like one of the madmen: will we really accept good from God, but not accept evil? In all this Job did not sin with his mouth .

11. And Job's three friends heard about all these misfortunes that had befallen him, and they went each from their place: Eliphaz the Temanite, Bildad the Shebaite, and Zophar the Naamite, and they came together to go and mourn with him and console him.

12. And lifting up their eyes from afar, they did not recognize him; and they lifted up their voice and wept; And every man tore his outer garment, and threw the dust over their heads toward heaven.

13. And they sat with him on the ground seven days and seven nights; and no one said a word to him, for they saw that his suffering was very great.

1. And Job answered the Lord and said:

2. I know that You can do everything, and that Your intention cannot be stopped.

3. Who is this one who darkens Providence, not understanding anything? - So, I spoke about what I did not understand, about things that were wonderful to me, which I did not know.

4. Listen, [I cried,] and I will speak, and what I will ask You, explain to me.

5. I have heard of You by the hearing of the ear; now my eyes see You;

6. Therefore I renounce and repent in dust and ashes.

7. And it came to pass after the Lord had spoken these words to Job, that the Lord said unto Eliphaz the Temanite, My wrath burneth against thee and against thy two friends, because ye have not spoken of Me so truly as My servant Job.

8. Therefore take for yourselves seven bulls and seven rams, and go to My servant Job and offer a sacrifice for yourself; and My servant Job will pray for you, for only his face will I accept, so as not to reject you because you have not spoken about Me as truly as My servant Job.

9. And Eliphaz the Temanite and Bildad the Shebaite and Zophar the Naamite went and did as the Lord commanded them, and the Lord took the face of Job.

10. And the Lord restored Job's loss when he prayed for his friends; and the Lord gave Job twice as much as he had before.

11. Then all his brothers and all his sisters and all his former acquaintances came to him, and ate bread with him in his house, and grieved with him, and comforted him for all the evil that the Lord had brought upon him, and they each gave him by kesita and by the golden ring.

12. And God blessed the last days of Job more than before : he had.

13. And he had seven sons and three daughters .

14. And he called the name of the first Emima, the second name is Cassia, and the name of the third is Kerengappuh.

15. And there were not in all the earth such beautiful women as the daughters of Job, and their father gave them an inheritance among their brothers.

16. ;

17 And Job died in old age, full of days.”

I have always liked this book. From the first two chapters, it obviously follows that Satan is a powerful servant of God, but without the command or permission of God, Satan does nothing, although he has the right to appeal to God and can express his opinion: “6. And there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord; Satan came among them…. 9. And Satan answered the Lord and said: Does Job fear God for nothing? 10. Haven’t you made a fence around him and his house and all that he has? You have blessed the work of his hands, and his flocks are spread over the earth; 11. But stretch out Your hand and touch everything that he has, will he bless You?... And the Lord said to Satan: Behold, all that he has is in your hand; just don’t stretch out your hand on him. And Satan departed from the presence of the Lord ».

I re-read its chapters with pleasure, but each time I asked myself the question: “ Why is the exact numerical value of the children of Job and his Estate given in this ancient scripture??! - “Ch. 1. 2. And seven sons and three daughters were born to him . 3. He had names : seven thousand small livestock, three thousand camels, five hundred pairs of oxen and five hundred donkeys and a lot of servants; and this man was more famous than all the sons of the East.” And in the last 42nd chapter - “12. And God blessed Job's last days more than before : he had fourteen thousand flocks, six thousand camels, one thousand yoke of oxen and one thousand donkeys . 13. And he had seven sons and three daughters . 14. And he called the name of the first Emima, the second name is Cassia, and the name of the third is Kerengappuh. 15. And there were not in all the earth such beautiful women as the daughters of Job, and their father gave them an inheritance among their brothers. 16. After this Job lived a hundred and forty years, and saw his sons and his sons' sons to the fourth generation ; 17 And Job died in old age, full of days.”

The first " 10 children" And " Estate"were destroyed by Satan with the permission of the Lord! One got the impression that their exact numerical value was needed only to show in the last 42nd chapter that 10 children born again Job, A " Estate» doubled?! It could have been written, it just increased “ doubled"And that's all?! Then I decided that the exact numerical values ​​" Children" And " Estates" - This " key » to secret knowledge about sacred meaning « Books of Job" We described a similar study in an article on the website in the section “ Author's articles» — Tale of Pushkin A.S. “About Tsar Saltan” is an allegory built on the basis of the matrix of the Universe. If the numerical values ​​in the book of Job are an indication of the matrix of the Universe, then we need to look for answers to our questions there!

Figure 10 shows the results of the analysis " numerical values "from the first Chapter of the Book of Job using knowledge about the matrix of the Universe.

Rice. 10.
In the figure, at the transition between the Upper and Lower worlds, the matrices of the Universe are shown: On the right “ CHILDREN"Job - "Ch. 1. 2. And seven sons and three daughters were born to him " Job himself is shown in the place " maleAND" Next to him " women'ssons"Job" men's» positions. Moreover, the seventh sondaughterswomen'schildren» Job « reside » in the land of Uz. We have found the land of Uts! More details about " men's" And " women'sAuthor's articles"(Fig. 4) - From Paleolithic Venus to the goddess of ancient Iran Ardvisura Anahita, the secret of knowledge about the matrix of the Universe was preserved. Now let's look at " ESTATE- “Ch. 1. 3. He had names : seven thousand small livestock, three thousand camels, five hundred pairs of oxen and five hundred donkeys …». According to the rules " gematria " All " ESTATEseven thousand small livestock " = 7000 = 7, " three thousand camels" = 3000 = 3," five hundred pairs of oxen " - 500 x 2 (pair) = 1000 = 1, " five hundred donkeys" = 500 = 5. Total " ESTATE» = 7+3+1+5 = 16 From the top of the pyramid of the Lower World of the matrix of the Universe - 16 positions!

Rice. 11.
In the figure, at the transition between the Upper and Lower worlds of the matrix of the Universe, the following are shown: On the right are the newly born “ CHILDREN» Job – Ch. 42.- "13. And he had seven sons and three daughters . 14. And he called the name of the first Emima, the second name is Cassia, and the name of the third is Kerengappuh. 15. And there were not in all the earth such beautiful women as the daughters of Job, and their father gave them an inheritance among their brothers.” Job himself is shown in the place " male» positions on the 5th level in the form of a circle with the letter « AND" Next to him " women's» The position on the 4th level is indicated by a large double star. Below, with numbers in circles, seven “ sons"Job" men's» positions. Moreover, the seventh son» Job was located at the top of the pyramid of the Lower World of the matrix of the Universe. Three " daughters"Job are shown with small stars on " women's» positions of the matrix of the Universe. All " children» Job « reside » in the land of Uz. We have found the land of Uts! More details about " men's" And " women's“We spoke about positions in the matrix of the Universe in an article on the website in the section “ Author's articles"(Fig. 4) - From Paleolithic Venus to the goddess of ancient Iran Ardvisura Anahita, the secret of knowledge about the matrix of the Universe was preserved. Bottom right shows " sons" And " daughters» Job, which were placed, taking into account the position of the Kabbalistic “tree of the Sephiroth” in the matrix of the Universe, into the position of the sefirot – the 2nd son – the sefirot Netzach (Eternity), 6th son – Sefirot Malchut (Kingdom), daughter Cassia– sephirot Yesod (Warp), and the “Double Star” is a sefirot Move (Glory, Greatness). We examined the Kabbalistic tree of the Sefirot in the matrix of the Universe in detail in an article on the website in the section “ Judaism"(Fig. 8) - The Matrix of the Universe is the sacred basis of the science of Kabbalah. Now let's look at " ESTATE"Job on the left in the picture. All these small cattle, camels, oxen and donkeys - this is an allegory that has only a numerical meaning– Ch. 42. "12. And God blessed Job's last days more than before : he had fourteen thousand flocks, six thousand camels, one thousand yoke of oxen and one thousand donkeys …». According to the rules " gematria " All " ESTATE"Job can be reduced to the following sum of numbers - " fourteen thousand small livestock " = 14000 = 14, " six thousand camels" = 6000 = 6, " a thousand pairs of oxen " - 1000 x 2 (pair) = 2000 = 2, " thousand donkeys" = 1000 = 1. Total " ESTATE» = 14+6+2+1 = 23 , as shown in the figure on the left. From the top of the pyramid of the Lower World of the matrix of the Universe - 23 positions!

Rice. 12. The figure shows the interpretation of the allegory in the matrix of the Universe - Ch. 42– “16. After this Job lived a hundred and forty years, and saw his sons and his sons' sons to the fourth generation ; 17 And Job died in old age, full of days.” The countdown of Job’s 140 years in the matrix of the Universe begins after the 23rd position “ ESTATES"Job, when the Lord blessed him after all his trials. Job's 140 years are not shortened. The number is added to them - “... and he saw his sons and his sons' sons to the fourth generation; "- 7 sons x 4 clans = 28. Total counting down – 140 + 28 = 168 positions down into the Lower World of the matrix of the Universe. We see that 19 levels of the Lower World of the matrix of the Universe and one position at the beginning of the 20th level of the Lower World are completely filled. Based on the results we obtained, we can conclude that the sacred meaning of the “numerical values” in the book of Job lies in the description of “CREATION” by the descendants of Job of the Lower World of the matrix of the Universe!

It can also be said that the ideas about Job, his Wife and children, as people familiar to us, do not correspond to the sacred meaning of the book of Job, which we managed to understand. That is why, for example, such a wonderful painting by I. Repin - “ Job and his friends"just a tribute to the wonderful " Book of Job”, which actually does not correspond to the sacred meaning of this book.

Rice. 13.
Job stricken Satan leprosy, sitting in the ashes, and his friends. Artist I. Repin. Behind Job on the left, his wife is shown grieving over his fate.

More detailed information about the matrix of the Universe can be obtained by reading the articles on the website in the “Egyptology” section - Secret knowledge of the Egyptian priests about the matrix of the Universe. Part one. Pythagoras, Tetractys and the god Ptah and the Secret knowledge of the Egyptian priests about the matrix of the Universe. Part two. Nomes of Egypt.

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© Arushanov Sergey Zarmailovich 2011

I read 2 articles first, then this one as a snack, it’s not only God who loves the Trinity. I was not mistaken in my choice - this one impressed me the most. That’s it, now I’ll definitely make a matrix for myself from an inverted Star of David and I’ll twist cuneiform and the name of the great Cthulhu in it. I hope that I will be a little less masterly. Hmm...

Considering that the ROC CJSC is a corporation whose main goal is to make a profit, Christians are consumers of goods and services provided by the CJSC. The Consumer Rights Protection Law obliges the seller of goods and services to disclose information about the composition of the product, demonstrate the product itself and its properties, after first removing it from the packaging. And since the company is in no hurry to do it itself, we, the consumers, will do it. We just read what is “written in the small print in the offer (public contract). Well, you know how OPSOs and bankers like to write this. The text below should be read carefully, savoring every word. For the average consumer of information, some points will be difficult to grasp with the brain due to the unpreparedness of the brain. In this case, the texts are provided with comments.

ALE-OP! Today we present to our readers the apocrypha “The Secret Gospel of John”, also known as “The Secret Book of John”.

Apocrypha are books that are inconvenient for Christian priests, as a result of which they are forcibly removed from circulation by the flock, under fear of “fiery hyena”, “ulcerative diseases”, “anathema”, “censer on the head” and other options, for tuning the psyche of parishioners, to the advantage in the direction. Why are once sacred books declared apocrypha? “They contain inconvenient truths.” Parishioners begin to ask stupid and awkward questions, and en masse. It’s easier to seize and ban than to “burn down the office.” It is known that the citizen Jesus had 12 apostles. Each of them wrote his own gospel. But we were allowed to read only 4 of them. The rest were forbidden to read. Why?

Frankly speaking, I was going to find the original source on the Internet in order to post and comment, but it turned out that “everything was invented long ago before us.” The text was discovered on a very respected resource that we would like to invite for cooperation. I hope the owners of the resource will not be offended by me, because we are doing a common cause.

Although there will be a lot of text, the learning process promises to be exciting.

(with comments)

I. I, John, your brother, who has a share in misfortune and a share in the Kingdom of Heaven, said as I reclined on the chest of our Lord Jesus Christ: “Lord, who is elected(1), betray You? And answering, He said: “He who dipped his hand with Me in Holy Grail(2). And everything must be fulfilled, John, so that My Father will convict Satanaila(3) in evil."

1. The Bible says that one of them will betray, but nothing is said about the chosen one.
2. The Bible says that the one who put his hand into the bowl, but all the disciples from time to time put their hands into the bowl to take out food, and there is not a word about the Grail in the Bible, but how many legends have been preserved. And what was King Arthur looking for with his knights?
3. Correctly in Aramaic and Hebrew Shtanail, which passed into Islam in the form of “shaitan”. From Shtanail came Shabbat, Sabat (rest, i.e. Saturday).
There is no concept of Sanathael in the Bible. “Il” - in Aramaic and Hebrew - the son of God, i.e. Sanata is the son of God.

II. And I said: “Lord, before Satanael fell, in what glory was he with Thy Father?” And He said to me: “He was in such glory that he ruled the powers of heaven; I was sitting next to My Father. Satanael ruled all who followed the Father, and descended from heaven to the underworld, and ascended from the lower worlds to the throne itself invisible Father(4). He guarded the word that moves the heavens (5).

4. That is The Father of Jesus and the invisible Father are different Persons. Moreover, the invisible Father is a higher Personality. That is why the concepts of God and Lord (i.e. Master) exist, although Christians do not distinguish between these two different concepts. For example, in Acts 2-36: “Therefore let all the house of Israel know for sure that God has made (i.e. appointed) Lord (i.e. ruler, lord) and Christ (i.e. savior) this Jesus, whom you crucified." Those. God appointed Jesus as Lord after his crucifixion. In the Old Testament, the Lord of Israel says: “You shall have no other gods before Me” (Exodus 20:3), i.e. there were other gods, which is confirmed in Psalm 15: “Let the sorrows of those who run after a strange god multiply” (Psalm 15:4), “If you leave the Lord and serve foreign gods, He will bring evil upon you and destroy you.” you" (Joshua 24:20), etc.
5. That is Satanail was engaged in certain matters, could enter both the upper and lower Worlds, and controlled the heavenly forces.

III. And he planned to place his throne above the clouds of heaven, and wished to become like the Most High(6). And when he descended into the air, said to Samael (7), angel (8) air: “Open the air gates for me,” and he opened the air gates for him. Rushing down, he saw an angel holding water and said to him: “ Leviathan, open the gates of water for me,” and he opened the gates for him. And passing through limits(9), saw everything appearance of the earth(10), covered with waters.

6. We are talking about the invisible Father, whom Satanail wanted to become like.
7. Samael - correctly in Aramaic Shmael
8. An angel is a fallen Leg: LegGa. In the old texts it is written Aggel, which the Jews, reading in reverse, from right to left from LegG received Aggel, and later from Aggel they received Angel.
9. That is Satanail passed through the limits that separate different-dimensional Worlds (ours is 4-dimensional).
10. That is I saw some planet.

IV. Passing underground, he saw two fish (11) lying under the waters; like bulls. harnessed to a plow (12), they held (13) the whole earth, at the command of the invisible Father (14), from sunset to sunrise. And when he descended even lower, he saw the underworld, which is a kind of fire, and could not descend further because of the flame of the blazing fire (15). And Satanael returned, filled with envy, looking at the creation of the Father, and approached Samael, the angel of the air, and Leviathan, the angel of the waters, and said to them: “All this is mine: if you listen to me, I will set my throne above the clouds and I will become like the Most High; I will place the waters above the heights of this firmament, and I will gather other waters into the wide seas(6), and I will reign with you forever and ever.”

11. That is We are talking about the constellation Pisces.
12. Heavenly plow is the second name of the constellation of fish, for those who suddenly do not understand.
13. That is planet in the constellation Pisces.
14. That is the invisible Father is the Creator of everything.
15. That is he could not pass into the Fiery World.
16. That is he decides to create something of his own, as he did in Genesis 1.

V. And having said this to the angels, Samael and Leviathan, he ascended to the other angels who were subordinate to him, up to the fifth heaven (17), and thus spoke to each of them, winning them over to his side. And he said to one angel: “ Asmadeus! How much do you owe your Lord?” He said: “One hundred measures of wheat.” And Satanael said to him: “Take pen and ink and write: sixty” (18). And he said to another angel: “And you, Belial How much do you owe your Lord? He answered: “One hundred jars of oil.” And Satanael said: “Sit down and write: fifty” (19). And, ascending to all the heavens, even to the fifth heaven, he spoke thus, deceiving the angels of the invisible Father.

17. Heaven - “there is no god,” i.e. up to the dark Worlds of Navi.
18. That is figuratively, if Asmadeus obeys Satanail, he will forgive him some debt by 40%.
19. The same thing, only I saved half of the debt.

VI. And a voice was heard from the throne of the Father: “What are you doing, you denier of the Father, turning away the angels? A doer of sin." And Satanail answered: “Father, I decided to create my own world.” And a voice from the throne of the Father said to him: “ You don't have the power of love(20) to create, but if you decide, quickly do what you have in mind” (21). And then the Father commanded his angels: “Take off from the angels of Satanel the garments of My peace (22), for they no longer serve Me.” And they stripped off their garments and their crowns from all the angels who had listened to Satanael and began to serve him.

20. Love is a creative force.
21. Let’s “son” the creature, no one forbids it, because Freedom and Freedom to everyone.
22. Something was taken off them, maybe some kind of insignia...

VII. And I asked the Lord: “When Satanail fell, in what place did he begin to live? And He answered me: “My Father transformed him because of his pride and his envy, and the light was taken away from him, and his appearance became like hot iron, and like that of a man (23), his whole appearance became; and he carried away with him a third of the angels of God, and was expelled from the throne of God and from the order of heaven (24). And having descended into this firmament of heaven, Satanael could not create any peace either for himself or for those who were with him. And Satanail asked the Father: “Have mercy on me, and I will return everything Yours to You.” And the Father took pity on him, and gave him and the angels who were with him rest as long as he wished, up to seven days (25).

23. That is man has already existed, existed on different Earths in the Universe.
24. Heaven - “there is no demon,” i.e. they went to the dark Worlds of Navi.
25. 7 “heavenly” days were allotted to Satanail.

VIII. Then Satanael sat down in the firmament of heaven and he commanded Samael, the angel of the air, and Leviathan, the angel of the waters, so that they would lift up into the air two parts of the waters, and from the third part they would create fifty seas, for this is how the invisible Father created the Upper World (26) . And they did as Satanael commanded. And the division of the waters took place according to the purpose of the invisible Father. And again Satanail commanded Leviathan, the angel of the waters: “Stand on two fish,” and Leviathan stood on two fish, and raised the third with his head, and it appeared dry.

26. He saw how his father created it, but we remember that he does not have the power of love.

IX. When Satanael received the crown from Samael, the angel of the air, from one half of it he created his throne, and from the other half he created light like the sun (27). And having received the crown from Leviathan, the angel of the waters, from one half of it he created light like that of the moon, and from the other half of it he created light like daylight. From the stones that were in the crowns of the angels, Satanail created fire, and from the fire - all the starry hosts. From the armies of the stars he created the angels of the wind, his servants, in the image of the angels of the Most High Organizer, and created thunder, rain, hail and snow, and sent his angels - his servants.

27. That is created some kind of artificial light.

X. But one stone from Samael's crown fell to the ground, into the desert. He was later found by the high priest Melchesedek, who created the Holy Grail. And Melchesedek hid her from people until the time of My future coming. From this cup you have drunk from the bunches of grapes, and My blood will be poured into it when they offer Me as a sacrifice for the sins of this world.

XI. And then the Lord said to me: “And Satanael also commanded the earth that it produced animals that fed on flesh and blood. And he commanded the seas to They produced fish that ate flesh and birds that ate the carrion of the sky.. For this reason he commanded this, so that they devoured all living things created by the invisible Father (28).

28. That is Satanail created a completely different world (he has no love), different from the one created by the Creator.

XII. Then I came up with Satanail and decided to create man in his own image and likeness, because he saw people on earth created by the invisible Father(29). AND he created two human bodies and commanded the angels of the second heaven to enter into bodies of clay (30). And Satanael called the man in the form of a man - Adam, and in the form of a woman - Lilith(31) . And they began to argue which of them was the eldest, and their dispute was great, for they were created in the image and likeness of Satanael. And Satanael was tired of their disputes, and separated Adam from Lilith.

29. That is people already existed, created by the Creator in the likeness and image of God (Genesis 1:27). In the original Bible, instead of “God,” the word Elohim (Gods) is used.
30. Satanail, i.e. The Lord God (in the original: Yahweh Elohim. From Yahweh came Jehovah) according to the Bible, creates in his own likeness (Genesis 2:7). But he creates from clay, i.e. The base is silicon, not like ours - carbon.
31. Judaism also says that Lilith was the first, not Eve.

XIII. And Satanael brought a dream to Adam, and took a part from it, and made another body, in the form of a woman, and commanded the angel of the first heaven to enter the woman's body, and named her Eve. The angel of the first heaven wept bitterly, seeing in himself a mortal image and not being in an image similar to it. And Samael, the angel of the air, commanded them to do carnal work in bodies of clay, and they did not understand how commit a sin (32).

32. Genesis 1 tells people to be fruitful and multiply, but no one told these creations of “genetic engineering” to multiply. And Samael decided to contribute to the course of the biological experiment.

XIV. Then Satanail decided to create paradise, in the east of Earth(33), and bring people in there and forbid them to leave it, so that they do not know about the invisible Father, and praise only him, Satanael. And Samael, the angel of the air, planted a reed in the middle of paradise, and hid his invention in such a way that they would not understand why he started it.

33. That is in the galactic east of our planet.

XV. And Satanael entered the paradise that he had created, and thus spoke to the people whom he had created: “Eat of all the fruit that is in paradise, but do not eat of the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil, and listen to what I say to you, for I am God your creator(34). For if you do not listen to me and eat the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil, you will die that same hour.”

34. For everyone he is Lord, but for them he is the creator god. This is indicated all the time in the Bible, for example: “I am the Lord your God, who brought you [from the land of Egypt] out from under the yoke of Egypt” (Exodus 6:7), “And God spoke to Moses and said to him: I am the Lord. 3 I appeared to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob with the name “God Almighty,” but with My name “Lord” I did not make myself known to them” (Exodus 6:2). Those. The Lord is cunning, he does not say that he is the Lord, but says that God is Almighty. “Say therefore to the children of Israel, I am the LORD...I will take you as my people, and will be your God, and ye shall know that I am the LORD your God” (Exodus 6:6-7).

XVI. And Samael, the angel of the air, entered the serpent, and took the form of a beautiful youth, whom he saw on earth, in the country of Hyperboreans (1), and deceived the angel of the first heaven, who was in the form of a woman, and persuaded Eve to partake of the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil. , and she ate the forbidden fruit, and knew good and evil. Samael seduced Eve with sweet words, and did a carnal thing with her.

35. Hyperborea (Greek) is a country in the far north - “beyond Boreas”, where the Slavic-Aryans lived before the Ice Age (Great Cooling). Those. he saw one of ours.

XVII. Adam, seeing all this, also tasted the forbidden fruit, and was filled with the desire for sin and fulfilled his desire with Eve to glorify the serpent. Therefore they are called sons of Samael and sons of the serpent who fulfill the desire of Samael their father until the end of this age. And again Samael poured out his poison and desire into the angel who was in Adam, giving birth to the sons of the serpent and the sons of Samael, until the end of this age. And from the serpent Eve gave birth to a son, Cain, and a daughter, Kalmena, and from Adam, Abel, who was later killed by Cain (36).

36. That is Eve gave birth to Samael, “I obtained a man from the Lord” (Genesis 4:1) and from Adam, “And she gave birth to his brother Abel” (Genesis 4:2). The daughter Kalmena is mentioned in Judaism; she was removed from the Bible. After Cain killed Abel, Satanael did not allow his son Cain to be killed, but “Cain went away from the presence of the Lord and settled in the land (planet) Nod, to the (galactic) east of Eden” (Genesis 4:6).

ХVIII. And then I, John, asked the Lord: “What happened to Lilith after Satanael separated her from Adam?” And the Lord said to me: “After Satanail separated Lilith from Adam, he gave her to Samael, the angel of the air, and Lilith became his wife, and gave birth to a son of hosts(37). And Sabaoth grew up, and Satanail gave him power over all his starry host.

37. In many Christian churches, he is depicted on a cloud with the inscription: “Lord-Warrior Almighty Hosts” and above him there is also an eye in a triangle (the all-seeing eye). The triangle symbolizes: Satanael, Samael and Lilith, who are “above him”, i.e. Hosts is the grandson of Satanael.

XIX. And I asked the Lord: “Why do people say that Adam and Eve were created by God and placed in paradise in order to observe the plans of the Father, and at the same time they claim that they are mortal? And the Lord said to me: “Listen, dear John: foolish people say this, that My Father hypocritically created clay bodies; but all the powers of heaven He created from the Holy Spirit, these same angels were revealed through their fault with clay bodies That's why they are called mortals."

XX. And again I, John, asked the Lord: “How does man begin his existence from the spirit, being in a body of flesh?” And the Lord said to me: “From the fallen angels of heaven they are conceived in female bodies and receive flesh from the desire of the flesh, but spirit is born from spirit, and flesh from flesh; This is how the power of Satanael is exercised in this world and in all generations.”

XXI. And I, John, asked the Lord: “How long will Satanael rule over people in this world, and over the essence of mankind?” And the Lord said to me: “My Father gave him dominion over this world until seven days, which are seven eras.”

XXII. And I asked the Lord: “How long will this be?” And the Lord said to me: “Count everything yourself, John; for this day is equal to the path during which the sun makes its journey three times, but these are not your three days” (38). And the Lord also said: “When Satanael fell from the glory of the Father and the Jew desired glory, he sat above the clouds and sent his angelic servants - scorching fire - to his people below, from Adam to Enoch (39), his servant.

38. That is the sun will make a complete revolution around the center of the galaxy three times, and astronomers say that this is approximately 250 million years, i.e. 3 x 250 = 750 million years.
39. There are two Enochs in the Bible. Which one?

XXSH. He lifted Enoch to the firmament of heaven and showed his greatness, and ordered to give him pen and ink, and sitting down, Enoch wrote seventy-six books. And Satanael commanded that Enoch take them to earth and hand them over to his sons. And Enoch placed the books on the ground, and passed them on to his sons, and began to teach them how to perform sacrifices and illegal sacraments, and so the Kingdom of Heaven was hidden from people.”

XXIV. And Satanael said to Enoch: “See that I am your God, and there is no other God besides me, for I created my people Israel” (40). And the Lord said to me: “That is why My Father sent Me into this world, to all the twelve tribes of Israel living in Evil, so that I would explain to people, and they would understand the evil nature of Satanael and his thirst for blood (41). And they could distinguish people created by the invisible Father from people created by Satanail. For the people created by the Heavenly Father have the Spirit of God, but the people created by Satanael do not have the Spirit of God and they secretly taste human blood, thinking that through the blood they receive the Spirit of God (42).

40. Israel = God-fighter: “from now on your name will not be Jacob, but Israel, for you have fought with God” (Genesis 32:28).
41. That is blood sacrifices, circumcision, etc.
42. That is Jews have only body and soul: “And the Lord God formed man from the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul. Genesis 2:7). Those. The Lord God gave the body
and soul= . So they draw a mogendoid (2 triangles), and we also have the Spirit that Jesus brought to them, but they asked him to go to the cross.

XXV. And at the time when Satanael knew that I had descended from heaven into this world, he sent his angel to take wood from three trees for My crucifixion and gave it to Moses, and to this day it has been preserved for Me (43). Moses then announced the deity to his people and commanded that the law be given to the children of Israel, which he received from Satanael. And Moses led the people of Israel out on dry land across the sea, so that they would capture the land that Satanael, the creator god of Israel, had promised them.

43. That is everything was ready a long time ago for the coming of Jesus.

XXVI. When My Father thought to send Me into the world, He sent before Me, through the mediation of the Holy Spirit, His angel named Maria so that She would accept Me. I, descending, entered Her through hearing and came out through hearing. And Satanael, the ruler of this world, knew that I was descending to seek and save those who were perishing, and he sent his angel Elijah the prophet who is called John the Baptist(44), baptizing with water.

44. John the Baptist = John Baptist in English.

XXVII. Elijah asked the ruler of this world: “How can I recognize Him?” And then Satanael said to him: “Over Whom you see the Spirit descending like a dove and abiding on Him, He will baptize with Fire and the Holy Spirit for deliverance from sins, He has the power to destroy and save.”

XXVIII. Again I, John, asked the Lord: “Can a person be saved through John’s baptism, without your baptism?” And the Lord answered: “If I do not baptize with Fire and the Holy Spirit for deliverance from sins, through water baptism no one will be able to see the Kingdom of Heaven, for I am the bread of life that came down from the seventh heaven, and those who eat My body and drink My blood , they will be called children of God.”

XXIX. And I asked the Lord and said: “What does it mean to eat My flesh and drink My blood?” And the Lord said to me: “ I am the Bread of Life and he who eats the Bread eats My flesh. AND drinking juice(45) from the bunches of grapes he receives My blood, and not the blood of man, for before Satanael with all his starry army fell from the glory of My Father, they glorified the Father in their prayers with these words: “Our Father who is in heaven,” - and all their songs ascended to the throne of the Father. And when they fell, they could no longer glorify God with this prayer.”

45. Juice, not wine, with which our people were drunk and taught from infancy (communion, etc.). Those. those who work and grow bread (the flesh of God), and drink juice from grapes (the “blood of nature”) live according to the laws of the Father.

XXX. And I also asked the Lord: “Why does everyone accept John’s baptism. Not everyone accepts your baptism?” And the Lord answered: “For their deeds are evil and they do not come to the light. John’s disciples marry and organize marriages, but My disciples do neither one nor the other, but remain as the angels of God in heaven.”

XXXI. I told the Lord: “After all, if a woman commits sin, then a man has no benefit from marriage.” The Lord told me: “Not everyone can comprehend these words, only those to whom it is given (46). After all, there are eunuchs who are born as such from their mother’s womb; there are eunuchs who have been castrated by people; and there are eunuchs who have purified themselves for the Kingdom of Heaven. Whoever can contain it, let him contain it.”

46. ​​Marriage is a mixture, a degeneration; there must be a family union. Those. a hint of telegony (Laws of Rita).

XXXII. I asked the Lord about the day of judgment: “What will be the sign of Your coming?” And, answering, He said to me: “When the number of the righteous is equal to the number of the falling crowns, then Satanael, who has great wrath, will be released from his prison, and will begin to fight with the righteous, and they will cry out to the Lord with a great voice. And immediately the Lord will command the angel to sound the trumpet. The trumpet voice of the heavenly archangel will be heard to hell.

XXXIII. Then the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, the stars will fall, the four winds will break from their foundations and make the earth and sea, mountains and hills, tremble at the same time. Immediately the sky will tremble, and the sun will be darkened, which will shine until the ninth hour. Then the sign of the Son of Man will appear and with Him all the holy angels, and He will establish His throne above the clouds, and He will sit above the seven Glories of His majesty with the twelve apostles on the twelve thrones of His glory.

XXXIV. And two books will appear, and the Lord will judge the whole world, and what was predicted will be fulfilled. Then the Son of Man will send His angels, and they will gather His chosen ones from the four winds, from the highest heavens, even to their ends, and the angels will descend to seek them, and will take them up with them into the air above the clouds. Then the Son of God will send evil demons so that all nations will send them to Him, and will say to them: “Come, you who said: Let us eat and drink, and acquire the blessings of this world.”

XXXV. And then they will be called again, and they will all appear before the court - all the nations, overwhelmed with fear (47). The two books of life will appear, and the dishonor of all nations will become clear. And Christ will glorify the just for their patience and good deeds, glory, honor and integrity, serving with angelic instructions and submission in injustice, when they were surrounded by anger and indignation, misfortune and need. And the Son of God will bring His elect out of the midst of sin and say to them: “Come, blessed ones of My Father, possess the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.”

47. That is only those who are afraid.

XXXVI. Then he will say to sinners: “Depart from Me, you revilers, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels.” And the rest, who saw the last division of people, will drive sinners into the underworld at the command of the invisible Father. Then the spirits will come out of incredible prisons, and My voice will be heard, and there will be one sheepfold and one Shepherd. A gloomy darkness will emerge from the depths of the earth - the darkness of fiery Gehenna, and the Universe will burn out from the depths to the air of the firmament. And the Lord will remain in the firmament right down to the depths of the earth. The depth of the fiery abyss, where sinners will dwell, is as follows: if a man thirty years old lifts a stone and throws it down, he will barely reach the bottom in three years.

XXXVII. And then Satanael and all his army will be bound and sent into the fiery abyss. And the Son of God will descend from the firmament of heaven and imprison Satanael, binding him with strong chains that cannot be broken. Then the sinners, in weeping and sorrow, will say: “Swallow us, earth, cover us, death,” but the righteous will shine like the sun in the Kingdom of their Father. Christ will lead them to the throne of the invisible Father and say: “Here I am and My children whom God has given me. O Righteous One! The world did not know You; But I have known You in truth, for You sent Me.”

XXXVIII. Then the Father will answer His Son: “My beloved Son! Sit at My right hand until I have brought Your enemies to Your footstool, those who rejected Me and said: “We are gods, and there is no other God besides us”; those who killed Your prophets and persecuted Your righteous; and You will drive them out into outer darkness. There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth."

XXXIX. Then the Son of God will sit at the right hand of His Father, and the Father will give command to His angels, lead them and arrange them in angelic choirs, and give them unfading crowns and unshakable thrones, and God will remain in the middle. And they will not experience hunger or thirst, the sun will not set on them, and no heat will torment them. God will dry every tear from their eyes, and the Son will reign with the Father forever and ever.”

So that they don’t say that this was just invented and posted on the Internet in order to lead Christians away from the path of salvation... you can read other sources about these events and these heroes:

  • Afanasyev “Poetic views of the Slavs on nature” volume 2 Moscow 1868. Assignment from the creation of the world and man.
  • Legend of the Templar Order. A. Muhamadi “Genies: myth and reality” M.: FAIR PRESS, 2004
  • Gnostic myth as presented by Irenaeus.
  • Treatise “On the Origin of the World.” Nag Hammadi Library.
  • Apocrypha “On the origin of the world.
  • I. Flavius ​​Jewish historian “Jewish Antiquities.” The book was written in 93 AD.
  • Rafael Patay "Jewish Myths. Genesis.
  • Treatise Nidd.
  • Book of Joseph the Carpenter.
  • “The Myth of the Fallen Sophia.” Ophites.

Brief conclusions:

1. Adam and Eve (and all their descendants) are not people. They are not from the planet Earth, but from the planet Satanaila - Eden.

2. They are not born, but created through psycho-energetic cloning. Therefore, they are not Children of God (like people), but servants of God, i.e. self-reproducing biorobot clones of the highest level of performance (from the First Angel - Satanail). People created by the Heavenly Creator have a carbon molecular structure, and Satanail’s clones have a silica structure, like all computers (their bodies are made of clay).

3. Their “single creator god”, whom they faithfully serve, receiving benefits for this on the planet Earth they occupied, and forcing others to serve, has a very specific name - Satanail.

4. They have only body and spirit. They lack Soul and Conscience (which people have) because... not having Love, not having conceived and given birth to them naturally, Satanail could not give this to them.

5 From the planet Eden, Adam and Eve were then transported to Paradise - another possession of Satanael.

6. People striving for Paradise strive for the possession of Satanail, i.e. For people, the Jewish Paradise is hell, hell. Hence the name Adam, i.e. representative of hell.

7. Cain was conceived by Eve not from Adam, but from Samael. In accordance with the law of telegony, the matrix of the image of the Spirit and Blood in Eve and all her subsequent descendants is also from Samael.

8. Hosts, whom Christians falsely call “Heavenly Father,” and therefore the father of Jesus Christ, is actually the son of Samael and Lilith. So in all Christian churches - the old man on the cloud under the dome - this is Sabaoth - the king of all the star armies of Satanail. Christian churches are synagogues (i.e., temples of Satanael), in which during liturgies they sing: “Glory, glory to the Lord of Israel of hosts.”

9. The Old Testament is the work of Satanael, dictated by him to his slaves - the “prophets”.

10. Jewish matzah, Christian unleavened bread, as well as all kosher food, contain human blood obtained during a special killing ritual with the maximum release of gavvah (the energy of suffering that nourishes and gives pleasure to Satanail and his slaves). By eating this food, the Jews hope through human blood to join the Holy Spirit, which only humans possess.

11. Samael seduced Eve in the form of a Slav, because The Slavs are the best representatives of the human race, created by the Heavenly Creator. Eve conveyed her lust to the entire people of Israel; it was written in their gene code. Therefore, the Slavs for the Jews are food and clothing. They initially crave to eat and drink Slavic blood and wear Slavic bodies.

12. Moses is the slave of Satanael, who controlled the Israeli (God-fighting) occupation of planet Earth.

13. Israel - from Ra (Divine Light) silt (bottom mud with mud). Israel means: “dirt, silt, torn away from the Radiance of the Heavenly Creator.”

14. John the Baptist is the angel of Satanail, who led most of the Jews astray from the path of salvation so that they would remain slaves of Satanail. He baptized them with water, and not with the Holy Spirit, putting on a false show.

15. Christian water baptism is also a false show. Which priest is overshadowed by the Holy Spirit?

16. All Baptists (John Baptist - in Russian - John the Baptist) are secret or open Satanists.

17. All Jehovahists (Jehovah, Yahweh, Hosts - personifications of Samael) are secret or open Satanists.

18. Jesus offered the Jews to find a Soul (by accumulating moral and ethical victories over their satanic inner essence) and Conscience (Become sinless, like the Children of the Heavenly Father). Everywhere in the Gospel Jesus says to the people of Israel: “Your father is Satan.”

19. The Jews never deserved to return to their ancestral home - Paradise (except for the thief crucified next to Jesus). Even the Apostle Peter only stands at the gate with the keys. In the Kingdom of Heaven, the most exemplary of them, under the supervision of Jesus, will sing hymns to the Creator, but they are not promised any Independence, Co-Creativity with the Almighty Creator, like people. To graze (in order to someday be saved) in the flock of the shepherd Jesus to accelerate their evolution is better than to be slaves of Satanael.

Main Conclusion:

The descendants of Adam and Eve, the people of Israel, non-humans - the slaves of Satanael, Samael and Hosts (Jehovah).

To achieve these goals, they use their main weapon - LIES.


Satanail - the ending -il -el in ancient Aramaic literally means “son of God.”

Brief content of this apocrypha: The son of God, Satan (aka Satanail), grew up and decided to cut off part of the business from his powerful dad. For these purposes, he cut off part of the debts to other children, apparently cousins. Was caught by the Father in ratting. But that’s why the Father is the Father, to forgive his sons any dirty tricks, so that they grow up as independent individuals. “Whatever the child enjoys, as long as it’s not with his hands.” The creator father allowed his son to create worlds of Darkness (darkness - 10,000, in our case we are talking about the number of Earths in the universe). Well, Satanail, taking advantage of the Father’s connivance, began genetic experiments, creating Jews. And he slipped this dirty trick to the goyim, several billion years earlier, created by dad and who managed to multiply and develop a bunch of Earths (in the sense of planets). The Jews created a bunch of religions and implanted them by force and deception by the goyish DLB. And they exploit the fears of goyish DLB Christians, who do not even know WHO they are bringing praise to, or from whom they are asking for help and healing. To make it easier for Jews (and among priests, non-Jews are the exception to the rule) to fool the people, a Bible was created, consisting of a manual for Administrators (priests) - the Old Testament, another name for the Torah. and that's about 80% of the information in the Bible. The New Testament was written for suckers, “so that they would ask fewer questions and not stick their noses where they are not asked.”

P/S It is extremely interesting to know that Christianity is Satanism in disguise. Of course, the events unfolding in the Bible cannot be called real, like the characters, this is a fairy tale for the naive and mythology, like Greek myths with little animals, but the main thing: this information shows the true nature of Christianity.

(and Christianity as well) the main antagonist of heavenly forces in general, and God in particular. From Aramaic and ancient Hebrew, this word is translated as “enemy” or “slanderer.” The most common and well-known synonyms for Satan are the Devil, Lucifer and Beelzebub. However, both in the Bible and in life, his other names are often found - the Father of Lies, the Evil One, the Ancient Serpent.

What is Satan? He is the most complete personification of evil, deliberately and consciously pushing a person onto the path of spiritual death. It is curious that in the most ancient manuscripts of the Ancient Testament this word is written with a small letter and is a common noun - like an adjective. And only from the book of Zechariah we speak about a specific entity that has this name.

How did he appear

How did Satan appear? If we consider the origin of this entity, then it would be most fair to use its other name - Lucifer. Lightbringer, if you're interested in translation (or Lightbringer). And, yes - originally an angel. We won’t retell the story of Adam and Eve; it’s better to dwell on its consequences. So, the first couple of people were expelled from Heaven to earth, and Lucifer was expelled to Hell. Those who want to understand this issue in more detail will be surprised to learn that he did not go there alone - about a third of the angels’ personnel followed the leader. The Fallen, as they were later called, acquired the essence of demons, demons and devils - according to the surrounding environment. The apocrypha of Scripture cites the fact that another third of the angels took neutrality and did not accept either side of the conflict. They were also expelled - but only from Heaven until the Last Judgment.

A little history

What is Satan, Satanism? Some semblance of the cult of Satanism appeared almost immediately after the formation of the most widespread world religions. This is evidenced by data from the Blue Book discovered in Ancient Iraq. With the spread of Christianity throughout Europe, the number of corresponding sects began to increase. For example, the German Emperor Gerich IV not only himself took part in the ancient analogues of black masses, but also actively tried to involve his wife in this matter. Then the Inquisition appeared, and the sky seemed like a sheepskin to all the real Satanists. Ordinary people and nobles were dragged to the stake for ordinary and unsubstantiated denunciations - to say nothing of real cults, albeit scattered ones. With the Renaissance, things began to become simpler, and those in power began to embrace the forbidden. For example, under Louis XIV, a Satanic lodge existed almost openly. By the way, it is believed that it was at this time that a greater number of human sacrifices were made by the servants of this cult.

And Crowley came

As time passed, new ideas captured the minds of mankind, new philosophical concepts were developed. Some of the most interesting works within the framework of this material can be considered the works of Aleister Crowley (the creators of the series “Supernatural” also apparently read them). At his core, the man was engaged in the occult in a fairly broad sense of the word. The term “Satanism” did not appear in any of his works - after all, even at the end of the 19th century, this could get you into a lot of trouble. But the general concept and philosophy of his works became the cornerstone on which another very enterprising person would later raise a lot of money.

LaVey as the founder of modern Satanism

In the modern world we can say that Satan is Anton Sandor LaVey. He is the founder of modern Satanism and the Church of Satan, the author of the Satanic Bible and generally an extremely charismatic person. At his lectures in America, he packed stadiums, advised (in the broadest sense of the word) Marilyn Monroe and, according to rumors, other representatives of the American post-war elite. And if Crowley could be called a philosopher, then LaVey is, first of all, a successful businessman. Yes, he systematized Alistair’s works and other materials, giving them a single direction and essence in his works. Yes, he founded the Church of Satan on Walpurgis Night in 1966. But in the harsh world of capitalism, you can’t get far on ideology alone. It’s sad to say, but any church first of all cares about its own well-being, and not about the souls of parishioners. And the Church of Satan in this sense was no exception - LaVey’s organization brought in not just good, but very good money. By the way, it still brings it now, but more on that below. Well, the Norn sisters had a very successful joke - on October 29, 1997, LaVey died in St. Mary's Hospital. Followers tried to change the date of death so that it would fall on Halloween, but it didn’t work out - they couldn’t give the end of the founder’s life a mystical connotation.

Church of Satan

As mentioned above, the organization created by LaVey is doing great to this day. This is the Church of Satan. A lot of parishioners, participation in public events, the most significant of which can be called the installation of a statue of Baphomet about three meters high in the central part of Detroit. The current head is Peter Gilmore, during breaks he plays good music in the death metal band Acheron (guess the theme of the songs three times). Three main holidays: two common to everyone - Walpurgis Night and Halloween, one purely personal for each novice - the day of initiation into the secret of the cult. Benches with inverted crosses and corresponding literature, regular services that are distorted copies of Catholic ones - a completely standard set of any church trying to extract more money from parishioners.

Sign of Lucifer

The sign of Satan has been known since ancient times. This is a pentagram. Many “fighters against evil” perceive it as an ordinary Victorian pentagram with one ray at the top. In fact, this is not so - just the correct satanic pentagram has two rays in its upper part, and one in the lower part (you can see a photo of this sign below). The image of the head of Baphomet, one of the material incarnations of Satan in our world, easily fits into it. The two upper rays are the horns, the lower one is the beard, and the side ones are the ears. And in no way is an inverted cross a satanic sign - it is enough to remember that the Apostle Peter was crucified on precisely such a structure, so this cannot in any way be a symbol of Satanism.

Black Bible

The Bible of Satan is LaVey's main work, to which he dedicated his entire life. Divided into four main volumes - the books of Satan, Lucifer, Belial and Leviathan, respectively. The main book of a Satanist can be easily found on the Internet, including in Russian. The work denies a number of Christian commandments, in particular forgiveness of enemies, and places a fairly strong emphasis on people’s selfish aspirations. You can read this book and be surprised to learn that many of the habits of the most ordinary person are quite consistent with what the author calls Satanism. Not for a weak and unstable psyche - let's say right away that it is better not to read such literature for people who are suggestible. For the rest, it is quite recommended - banal for informational purposes. Generally a reference book for sociopaths.

Prayer to Satan

A classic example, known from Hollywood films, is the Lord's Prayer in Latin, read backwards. More detailed materials on this topic can be found in the works of LaVey, but it is important to understand that modern Satanism has existed for less than a century, so there is no need to say that the prayer to Satan is the same for everyone. Perhaps there are more ancient sources in the basements of the Vatican, but access there is closed to mere mortals.

Bride of Satan

Another procedure no less well known to all fans of this topic is the sacrifice of a virgin. She is the bride, the future wife of Satan. It is believed that as a sign of gratitude you can receive strength, power and other pleasant things in return. No reliable documentary evidence of this procedure has been preserved, nor is there any evidence that Satan’s wife exists. So we’ll leave consideration of this fact to the discretion of writers and screenwriters of horror films.

Satan in human form

And since we’re talking about films, we can’t ignore the “Omen” series of films. The Antichrist has come to our world, the man Satan is striving for power to destroy all of humanity in the fire of a nuclear war. An original but controversial concept, Satanic possession is not found in credible sources of any age. Demons of varying strength - as much as you like, but Lucifer himself - no. As for the procedure for calling Satan into our world or into the human shell, you can also find a lot of “useful and absolutely reliable” information on this topic on the Internet. Of course, Satanism and demonology have quite large areas of overlap, but explain - why call the most important thing? To buy groceries in a store, communication with the seller is enough, and only in the most controversial cases does the director get involved - we hope the example is clear?

Satanism in Russia

Who is Satan? Are there any known facts of his worship in Russia? The topic is interesting and quite extensive. Let's start with the most important thing - the official representation of the Church of Satan on the territory of our country and the countries of the former USSR is not registered. But nature abhors a vacuum - for example, in the vastness of the RuNet there is a portal for the largest organization of a similar type. Officially registered, if anything, with its own printed materials and periodicals - for very substantial money, by the way. They are collecting money to build their own building, but something tells us that the business will not work out. We're not Detroit, so a chain of "accidental" fires can follow construction from the moment it begins. And Orthodox activists can quickly wean parishioners from going to “this ungodly place” - in general, the activities of both this organization and its other analogues are unlikely to go beyond the site.

Who is Satan and how is he perceived by modern youth? As for such a phenomenon as teenage Satanism, at present it is pure hooliganism - administratively or criminally punishable. The sacrifice of domestic animals, vandalism of monuments and churches - all this can be safely described by one saying - “a bad head does not give rest to the hands.” Yes, girls of “light moral views” are attracted to the corresponding black “outfit” and pentagrams in the most unexpected places; orgies with alcohol and drugs attract many. But what prevents you from doing the same thing, but in a less extreme environment, is completely unclear.

How to recognize a Satanist

Now you know who Satan is. But the question arises, how to recognize a Satanist? No way, unless he wants to tell you about it. It was said above that there are teenagers frolicking in cemeteries, but this has nothing to do with real Satanism. And it’s clear that a person with such an ideology will never stoop to human sacrifice; Satanism is a philosophy, not a way of life. She teaches how to set and achieve goals in your life, how to relate to friends and enemies, how to overcome life's troubles. And about the dismemberment of cats and the sacrifice of virgins - in another section. Many people, having accidentally read the Satanic Bible, may be surprised to learn that they live according to its precepts. Others go to this consciously and choose this philosophy because the principle “if you hit one cheek, turn the other” is clearly not for them. But Satanists do not and never have had any special marks, tattoos, mandatory clothing or jewelry.

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1) Satanail (Shtanail, Shaitan, Satan, Lucifer, Adanai, Yove, Jehovah, Yahweh, Lord God, Seth) - the ruler of the dark Lands of the World of Navi (planets of the World of Darkness, i.e. 10,000 planets that followed the technocratic path of development). The Latins called him Lucifer, which translated means “morning star” or “bearer of light.” The prototype of Lucifer was the “light of the Tsifirot”. In Kabbalah there is the concept of Tsifirot - ten Worlds united into one system, which is controlled by Lucifer (Satanail). The parent of Satanail was one of the Elohim (Elohim - “Gods” from Hebrew), who was called the “God of the seven heavens” (later he was called the “God of the seventh heaven”).

2) Samael (Shmael, Yaldabaoth, Saklyas, Devil, he was also called Seth, like Satanaila) - the prince of the air and the angel of judgment (bailiff in modern times) in the dark Worlds of Navi.

3) Lilith - the creation of Satanael, the first wife of Adam, who later became the first wife of Samael. Satanail created Adam and Lilith in the likeness of the angels of the second heaven on Earth called Eden (our Ancestors called Jotun). Eden is located in a younger and hotter galaxy, which our Ancestors called Peklo (i.e. bakes, life is created), which is located in the galactic east of ours - the Milky Way (Perunov Way). Adam and Lilith argued very strongly about which of them was more important, that they “got” Satanael and he created Eve in the likeness of the angel of the first heaven, who became a wife for Adam, and Lilith was given as a wife to Samael. From Samael, Lilith gave birth to Hosts and Belial. Due to the fact that these children were very nightmarish and ugly even by their standards, they began to be called demons. Lilith, seeing her born children, took this as God’s revenge, and gave her word to kill every day one hundred babies of those peoples who would refuse to name their children after her, i.e. in those nations where they refuse to call girls “Lilith”, “Lolita” and similar names. (By the way, “Lily” comes from the lily flower, not from Lilith). In those worlds where her influence and power extend, she usually tried to kill girls.

4) hosts (from Hebrew Tsebaoth or Bafomed, in the Bible: Jehovah, Yahweh, Lord) - son of Lelit, prince of darkness, commander-in-chief and manager of all the stellar forces of Satanail. You can see Sabaoth in Christian churches - a grandfather with gray hair, who sits on clouds with the inscription “Lord-Warrior Almighty Hosts.” But its real symbol (depicted above) is an inverted five-pointed star, into which is inscribed a horned goat's face. Above is the inscription Samael, below is Lilith, showing his parents. Freemasons worship Baphomed because... various Masonic lodges appeared after the prohibition of the Knights Templar. And the Templars worshiped Baphomed, they were also called templars, with the official name the Order of the Poor Knights of the Temple of Solomon. The Templars, guardians of Solomon's temple, could not worship anyone else.

5) Gagtungr - the dark prince who ensures the capture of the Earths in various star systems. He makes a seizure through his assistants, who have no pity, compassion, love, conscience, etc. That's why they are called demons. He was also helped by assistants who crossed the line of permissibility, moving from palace to palace (from constellation to constellation), violating all sorts of rules and laws, which is why they were called devils. Hence the “don’t curse” (don’t cross the line of permissibility, decency). Gagtungr captured Lands in all Worlds and Spaces and annexed these Lands to the Darkness, but at the same time he carefully guarded his Lands in the dark worlds from the penetration of strangers. For this he was called Shandanakara, i.e. guardian of the Lands of Dark Worlds (these Worlds were described more or less accessible by Daniil Andreev in the book “Rose of the World” and Vasily Golovachev in the book “Messenger or Virus of Darkness”). In the Secret Book of John we see that to capture they use lies, deception, and subsequently the destruction of the people.

6) Beelzebub (Beelzebub, Beelzebub, Beelzebub, Beelzebuth, Baal-Zebub) - the dark prince of demons, who is also the lord of the “flies” (fly-like demons) and can send all sorts of reptiles and all kinds of misfortune.

7) Belial (Velial, Belial) - son of Lelit, dark prince, who was the highest manifestation of treachery and deception.

8) Daneel - the “judge of God”, appointed by “God” (i.e. Satanail), sent those condemned to eternal suffering or destruction.

9) Asmadeus - dark leg (angel), destroyer of life, destroyer of all living things.

10) Lethiathan - angel of waters, keeper of dark knowledge, i.e. knowledge of the World of Darkness, as well as the manager of predatory creatures living in the water.

Koshchei - demons bringing death, i.e. immortals (in the fairy tales "Koshey the Immortal"). They control the grays. The main task of the Koschei is the accumulation of natural elements that carry and accumulate energy and the spread of their power to more Worlds and Lands for an even greater accumulation of natural elements that accumulate energy. This is gold and crystals (diamonds, amber, etc.). Because of this, wars (Assa) have always happened and are happening, where darkness sought to overcome quantity, and light forces with quality. Even Pushkin has something about the Koschei: “There the king of the Koschei is wasting away over gold...”, i.e. fueled by gold, which the grays extract from the occupied Lands with lies and deceit. Darkness lacks this energy (Inglia), which flows from the Center, from the Invisible Father Himself (the Most High) called RA-M-HA. The closer to the Center, the more England, the more comfortable the living conditions.

The name "Satan" comes from a Hebrew word meaning "to resist." In the early books of the Old Testament, written before the Babylonian captivity (i.e., before the 6th century BC), the word satan is used to mean “adversary.” In the episode telling about the journey of Balaam, the Angel of the Lord “stood ... on the road to hinder (satan) him” (Num. 22:22). At the same time the word satan did not necessarily refer to a supernatural adversary. Thus, the Philistines refused to accept David’s help, fearing that in the battle he would go over to the side of the enemy and become their satan, that is, their enemy (1 Sam. 29:4).

The word "Satan" in its more familiar sense appears in two later passages written after the Babylonian captivity. Here Satan is an angel belonging to Jehovah's entourage and acting as an accuser of sinners before God. In the Book of the Prophet Zechariah, approximately dating from the end of the 6th century BC. e., a vision is described in which the high priest Jesus appears before the court of God. At the right hand of Jesus stands Satan “to oppose him,” that is, to act as an accuser. This passage gives only a hint that Satan is overzealous in his task:

God rebukes him for trying to accuse a righteous man (Zech. 3:1-2).

In the first two chapters of the Book of Job, written about a hundred years later than the Book of the Prophet Zechariah, Satan is still the accuser of sinners, but here his malicious intent is already quite obvious.

It tells how the sons of God, including Satan, appear before Jehovah. Satan reports that he “walked the earth and walked around it,” and, according to the author of the book, these words should have sounded ominous: after all, Satan’s functions obviously included searching for unrighteous people. Jehovah then praises Job as a sinless and God-fearing man; Satan objects to this that it is not difficult for Job to fear God, for he is happy and rich. As a test, Jehovah allows Satan to kill Job's children and servants and destroy his livestock. However, despite all these disasters, Job refuses to curse God, philosophically declaring: "The Lord gave, the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord!" But Satan, not content with this, insidiously advises Jehovah: “ for skin, and for his life a man will give everything that he has; but stretch out Your hand and touch his bone and flesh, will he bless You?” Jehovah allows Satan to infect Job with leprosy, but Job remains faithful to the Lord.

William Blake. Satan showers Job with troubles

In this episode, Satan shows a strong determination to undermine Job's faith in God and acts as the direct executor of the punishments that befall Job. However, it acts in complete accordance with God's instructions and appears to perform a useful function. He seeks to reveal the sinfulness inherent in every person by nature. But later, apparently, because of such fierce zeal, Satan became no less disgusted with God than with people. In the 1st Book of Enoch, which was not included in the Old Testament, but influenced the early Christians, a whole category appears - Satans, who are not allowed into heaven at all. Enoch hears the voice of the archangel Phanuel, "driving away the satans and forbidding them to appear before the Lord and accuse the inhabitants of the earth." In the same book, “punishing angels” appear, apparently identical to Satan. Enoch sees them preparing instruments for the execution of "the kings and rulers of this land, to destroy them."

From this idea of ​​an inexorable angel accusing and punishing people, the medieval and modern Christian image of the Devil developed over time. When the Old Testament was first translated into Greek, the word "satan" was rendered as "diabolos" - "accuser", with a connotation of the meaning of "false accuser", "slanderer", "slanderer"; From this word the name “Devil” arose.

Later Jewish authors tended to distinguish between good and evil principles and presented Jehovah as an absolutely good God. The actions of Jehovah in some biblical episodes seemed completely incredible to them, and therefore were attributed to some evil angel. The first version of the story of how David numbered the people of Israel and thereby brought God's punishment upon the Israelites is contained in the 2nd Book of Samuel (24:1), which dates back to the beginning of the 8th century BC. e. Here the idea of ​​conducting a census is suggested to David by Jehovah himself. But retelling the same episode in the 1st Book of Chronicles, the author of the 4th century BC. e. shifts responsibility for this act from God to Satan:

“And Satan rose up against Israel, and stirred up David to number the Israelites” (1 Chron. 21:1). This is the only instance in the original text of the Old Testament of the use of the word "Satan" as a proper name.

In even later Jewish texts and in Christian teaching, the image of Satan becomes increasingly clear. Satan is gradually gaining strength, turning into a great adversary of God and man and almost (but not completely) leaving the power of the Lord. Many have wondered why Satan, initially a helpful but rather unpleasant servant of Jehovah, eventually falls from God's favor and becomes His enemy. One of the possible answers to this question is given by the legend about the so-called Guardians, the grain of which is contained in the Book of Genesis. When the human race multiplied on earth, “the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were beautiful, and they took them as wives whom they chose.” In those days, “there were giants on earth,” and the children that human daughters bore from angels were “strong people, glorious people of old.” Perhaps this fragment merely served to explain the legends about ancient giants and heroes; however, wittingly or unwittingly, the next verse connected it with the reign of evil on earth: “And the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of their hearts was only evil continually.” That is why God decided to cause a great flood and destroy humanity (Gen. 6:1-5).

Several allusions to this story can be found in other books of the Old Testament, but the first complete (albeit later) version appears only in 1 Enoch, in fragments apparently dating back to the 2nd century BC. h. “And it came to pass that when the human race multiplied, beautiful and beautiful daughters began to be born to men in those days. And the angels, the sons of heaven, saw them and desired them, and said to each other: Let us go, let us choose wives for ourselves among the daughters of men, and let them bear us children." These angels belonged to the rank of Guardians who do not know sleep. Their leader was either Semjaza or, according to other fragments, Azazel. Two hundred Guardians descended to earth - to Mount Hermon. There they took wives for themselves “and began to go in to them and indulge in filth with them.” They taught their wives witchcraft and magic, and also passed on to them knowledge about the healing properties of plants. Azazel taught men to make weapons - swords, knives, shields. In addition, he introduced people to the vicious art of cosmetics.

Mortal women began to give birth to children from the Guardians - powerful giants who, over time, ate all the food supplies. “And when people could no longer feed them, the giants turned against them and devoured humanity, and they began to indulge in sin with birds and beasts, reptiles and fish, and devour each other’s flesh and drink blood.”

Then God sent the archangel Raphael to imprison Azazel in the desert until the Day of Judgment, at which he would be condemned to eternal fire.

The remaining Guardians were forced to watch as the angels killed their children. Then God ordered the Archangel Michael to chain the Guardians and imprison them in the gorges of the earth until the day when they would be cast into the fiery abyss to eternal torment. Demons emerged from the bodies of dead giants and settled on the earth, where they still live, spreading evil and destruction everywhere.

One passage sympathetically suggests that the sin committed by the angels was explained not so much by lust as by a thirst for family comfort, which, unlike people, the celestials were deprived of. This is the first hint of the later legend about the envy that some angels began to feel towards man. God tells the angels that they are not given wives and children, since they are immortal and do not need procreation. But in later eras the prevailing idea was that evil, bloodshed and forbidden arts appeared on earth due to the fact that a monstrous crime was committed against the laws of Nature. The carnal union of the angelic, divine principle with the mortal, human, gave birth to monsters - giants. It is possible that, on the basis of the legend of the Guardians, medieval beliefs about sexual relations between witches and the Devil arose. And, in essence, this whole legend turns out to be a kind of devilish parody of the main mystery of the Christian faith - the mystery of the descent of God to a mortal woman and the birth of the Savior.

Some church fathers, including Augustine the Blessed, rejected the legend of the Guardians and linked the origin of evil with the rebellion of the supreme archangel, who rebelled against God, overwhelmed by pride.

They found confirmation of this version in the famous fragment from the Book of the Prophet Isaiah, which in fact is a prophecy about the deplorable fate of the king of Babylon:

Lucifer is the star of the Dawn.

“How you have fallen from heaven, Lucifer, son of the dawn! You who trampled on the nations were broken on the ground. And you said in your heart: I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God, and I will sit on the mountain in the assembly of gods, on the edge of the north; and I will ascend to the heights cloudy, I will be like the Most High. But you are cast down into hell, into the depths of the pit" (Is. 14:12-15).

This is how the Christian legend was born about the Devil’s attempt to become equal to God himself and about the expulsion of the rebel from heaven. This version of the answer to the question of why the early biblical Satan-accuser fell from Jehovah's favor turned out to be especially successful, since it was consistent with the tendency of later Jewish and Christian authors to elevate the original status of Satan almost to the position of an independent deity. At the same time, it was argued that before the fall the rebellious archangel bore the name Dennitsa, and after the fall he began to be called Satan.

The quoted fragment from the Book of the Prophet Isaiah is possibly associated with the legend of the beautiful morning star who lived in Eden, clothed in sparkling gems and bright light. Seized with insane pride, he dared to challenge God himself. “Daystar, son of the dawn” in the original Hebrew sounded like Helel ben Shahar, i.e. “day star, son of the dawn.”

Ancient Jews, Arabs, Greeks and Romans identified the morning star (planet Venus) with a male deity. In Greek it was called "phosphoros" (Phosphoros), and in Latin - "lucifer" (Lucifer); both of these names mean "light bearer." It has been hypothesized that the legend of Lucifer is based on the fact that the morning star is the last of the stars visible at dawn. She seems to challenge the rising sun, which is why the legend arose about the rebellious morning star and the punishment that befell him.

The legends of Lucifer and the Guardians connect the origin of evil with the fall of the celestials, who succumbed to the sin of pride or lust and were condemned to punishment in hell. These two legends naturally came together:

The Guardians began to be considered Lucifer's minions. Hints of such an interpretation are already contained in the 1st Book of Enoch. One of its fragments says that the Guardians were seduced by Satan, who led them astray from the true path and led them to the path of sin; Elsewhere, Azazel, the leader of the apostate angels, is described as “a star that fell from heaven.” By the 1st century AD. e. Lucifer, Satan and the Guardians were united in a single tradition, to which was added the story of Eden. The 2nd Book of Enoch says that the archangel Satanael tried to become like God and tempted the Guardians to rise up with him. They were all expelled from heaven, and Satanael, wanting to take revenge on God, tempted Eve in Eden. According to the apocryphal text “The Life of Adam and Eve” (“Vita Adae et Evae”), Satan was expelled from the host of angels because he disobeyed God and did not want to worship Adam. Michael told him that God would be angry with him for this, but Satan replied: “If he becomes angry with me, then I will set my throne above the stars of heaven and will be like the Most High.” Upon learning of this, God cast Satan and his followers to earth, and Satan seduced Eve in revenge. Here the idea of ​​the sin of pride that overwhelmed the Devil is combined with the legend of the envy of angels towards man.

There is not a single hint in the Book of Genesis that the serpent who tempted Eve was the Devil; however, Christian authors generally assert that it was either a messenger from the Devil or the Devil himself in guise. On this basis, Saint Paul developed the fundamental Christian dogma, which consists in the fact that the Fall of Adam betrayed all subsequent generations of people into the power of the Devil and doomed them to sins and; but then God sent His Son to earth to free people from this punishment. If Adam, having disobeyed God, made people mortal, then Christ, having voluntarily accepted, gave people eternal life: “As in Adam all die, so in Christ all will live” (1 Cor. 15:22).

Jesus and his disciples apparently believed that The devil has power over this world- or, at least, above worldly vanity, luxury and pride. The Gospel of Matthew tells how the Devil, tempting Christ in the desert, showed Him “all the kingdoms of the world and the glory of them” and uttered the words that then formed the basis of Satanism: “... all this I will give you if you fall and worship me " (Matt. 4:8-9). In a parallel episode in the Gospel of Luke, the Devil specifically stipulates that he has been given authority over all the kingdoms of this world:

“I will give you the power over all these kingdoms and the glory of them, for it has been given to me, and I give it to whomever I want” (Luke 4:6). Jesus calls the Devil “the prince of this world” (John 12:31, 14:30, 16:11), and St. Paul calls him “the god of this world” (2 Cor. 4:4). The Gnostics later interpreted these fragments in their own way: they argued that the Devil rules this world because it was he who created it, while God is alien to man and far from what is happening on earth.

Another later trend in the formation of the image of the Devil was to identify him with Leviathan - the monstrous primordial dragon or serpent who once challenged Jehovah to battle. Isaiah says that God will smite “the leviathan that runs straight, and the leviathan that bends” (Isaiah 27:1). It is possible that the legend of Jehovah’s victory over Leviathan is connected with the Babylonian and Canaanite ones. In Babylon, the victory of the god Marduk over the great Tiamat, who tried to overthrow the gods and take their place, was celebrated annually. In Canaanite, Baal slays the sea dragon Lophan (Itn), or Leviathan:

“When you struck Leviathan, the slippery one, (And) put an end to the writhing, seven-headed Tyrant...”*.

In the Revelation of John, Leviathan and the Devil - opponents of God, overcome by pride and deserving of severe punishment - are identified with each other. A huge dragon with seven heads appears. His tail pulls a third of the stars from the sky and casts them to the ground. “And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought against them, but they did not stand, and there was no longer a place for them in heaven. And the great dragon was cast out, the ancient serpent, called the devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world, was cast out to the earth, and his angels were cast out with him." Then a triumphant voice is heard from heaven: “... the slanderer of our brethren is cast down, who slandered them before our God day and night.” And this voice proclaims woe to those who live on earth, “for the devil has come down to you in great wrath, knowing that he has not much time left” (Rev. 12:3-12).
This grandiose vision combines almost all the main motifs of the later Christian concept of the Devil: “Satan” accusing people before God; war in heaven, in which the Lord's army is led by the Archangel Michael; the overthrow of Dennitsa-Lucifer from heaven; fallen angels (fallen stars) are his minions; seven-headed dragon Leviathan; and, finally, the belief that the vengeful wrath of the Devil has fallen upon the earth. It is not entirely clear whether the description of the Devil as a “seducer” referred to the episode of the Serpent of Eden, but many generations of Christians who read this fragment of the Book of Revelation almost certainly identified the “ancient serpent” with the tempter of Eve.

It was the Christians who exalted the Devil, almost equalizing him in rights with God.

Convinced of the impeccable goodness of God, they nevertheless felt the frightening proximity of the great supernatural Enemy, the quintessence of all the world's evil. Catholics began to explain the fall of the Devil as a sin of pride; this version became orthodox and remains so to this day.

In the Middle Ages and at the dawn of modern times, the Devil remained frighteningly real and close to almost every Christian. He has appeared in folk tales, stage plays and Christmas pantomimes; priests remembered him every now and then in their sermons; He watched the parishioners with an ominous gaze from church frescoes and stained glass windows. And his minions were everywhere - invisible to mere mortals, omniscient, evil and treacherous.

Evil is attractive in its own way, and the more power the Devil was endowed with in people’s imaginations, the more attractive this image became.

The devil, like God, was usually depicted in the guise of a man, and Christians believed in the rebellion of the supreme archangel against God not least because this legend touched on certain hidden strings of the human heart. Lucifer was perceived as a rebellious man, and pride, oddly enough, seemed a more worthy reason for the fall of the angels than the lust that overwhelmed the Guardians. As a result, the image of the Devil acquired romantic features. In Milton's Paradise Lost, this greatest of rebels appears as a fearless, strong-willed, determined rebel who did not want to bow to a superior force and did not humble himself even after defeat. Such a powerful image inevitably inspired admiration. Considering how magnificent and grandiose the devil's pride and power were, it is not surprising that some people awakened the desire to worship the Devil, and not God.

People who worship the Devil do not consider him evil. That supernatural being, which in Christianity acts as the Enemy, for a Satanist is a kind and merciful god. However, the word “good” in relation to the Devil in the mouths of his adherents differs in meaning from the traditional Christian understanding. From the point of view of a Satanist, what Christians consider good is actually evil, and vice versa. True, the Satanist’s attitude towards good and evil turns out to be ambivalent: for example, he experiences perverted pleasure from the knowledge that he is doing evil, but at the same time he is convinced that his actions are actually righteous.

Worship of the Devil as a good god naturally entails the belief that the Christian God the Father, the Old Testament Lord, was and remains an evil god, hostile to man, trampling upon truth and morality. In developed forms of Satanic cult, Jesus Christ is also condemned as an evil entity, although in the past sects accused of devil worship did not always share this opinion.

Claiming that God the Father and God the Son, the creators of Jewish and Christian morality, are in fact the bearers of evil, Satanists, of course, come to deny the entire Judeo-Christian moral law and the rules of behavior based on it. Devotees of the devil are highly concerned with sense gratification and worldly success. They strive for power and self-affirmation, satisfaction of carnal desires and sensual passions, violence and cruelty. Christian piety with its virtues of self-denial, humility, spiritual purity and integrity seems to them lifeless, faded and sluggish. They are ready to repeat with all their hearts after Swinburne: “You have conquered, O pale Galilean, and the world has lost its colors from your breath.”

In Satanism, as in all forms of magic, any acts traditionally condemned as evil are highly valued for their special psychological and mystical effects. According to devil worshipers, it is possible to achieve perfection and divine bliss, for example, through the ecstasy into which participants in a sexual orgy (often including perverted forms of sex, homosexuality, masochism, and sometimes cannibalism) bring themselves. Since the Christian Church (especially the Roman Catholic Church) is perceived as a disgusting sect of adherents of an evil deity, its rituals should be parodied and profaned. Thus, Satanists not only express their devotion to the Devil, but also transfer to Satan’s disposal the power that is contained in Christian rituals.

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    The name "Satan" comes from a Hebrew word meaning "to resist." In the early books of the Old Testament, written before the Babylonian captivity (i.e., before the 6th century BC), the word satan is used to mean “adversary.” In the episode telling about the journey of Balaam, the Angel of the Lord “stood ... on the road to hinder (satan) him” (Num. 22:22). Moreover, the word satan is not at all...