Batyshev is the organizer of the vocational and technical education system. Batyshev Sergey Yakovlevich. What would you say about the enemy?

Class hour: “Hero of the Soviet Union -

Batyshev Sergey Yakovlevich"

The phonogram of the song “Let us bow to those great years...” plays.

Presenter 1.

The time of heroes, usually you seem to be in the past:

The main battles come from books and movies,

The main dates are cast in newspaper lines,

The main destinies became history long ago.

Presenter 2:

Today is a day of memories

And my heart is tight from lofty words.

Today is the day of reminders

About the feat and valor of the fathers.

Presenter 1. Good afternoon guys! Today is an unusual day. Today we celebrate the 100th anniversary of an amazing person, Hero of the Soviet Union, scientist, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation.

Presenter 2. Stop, time! Freeze! Stop and look back! Look back at those who look at us from the heights of their monuments. Who dedicated their lives to the Fatherland.

Biography of Batyshev S.Ya. (presentation)

Slide 1. Batyshev S.Ya. (1915-2000)

Slide 2 . BatyshevSergey Yakovlevich:

    Soviet and Russian military and scientific figure,

    Hero of the Soviet Union (1944),

    Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR (1989),

    full member of the Russian Academy of Education (1993), New York Academy of Sciences (1979), International Academy of Technical Education (1995), International Personnel Academy (1989), Academy of Vocational Education (1990),

    honorary member of the International Academy of Education (1990),

    Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences (1969),

    professor (1970),

    Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation (1990).

Slide 3

Sergei Yakovlevich was born on October 19, 1915 in a peasant family in the village of Kadom, a prayer place in the Ryazan region, which is located near the Diveevsky Monastery and Pushkinsky Boldino. Until 1917, there were 18 churches and two monasteries in Kadoma, one of which was founded by Seraphim of Sarov.

Slide 4. Monasteries of Kadoma

Slide 5.

After finishing seven classes at a local school, he worked as a mason for several years.

At the age of 14, he left home and entered the Novomoskovsk Chemical College.

In 1933, Batyshev S.Ya. entered the Moscow Mechanical Engineering Institute. Completed three courses with excellent grades. After the third year, financial problems arose. The institute received information that teaching staff were needed in North Ossetia. The decision was taken.

Slide 6.

Arrived in Vladikavkaz. He came to the People's Commissariat for Education, where Sergei Yakovlevich was sent to work at the Digorsky rural workers' faculty. I had to teach almost all subjects. He had a special love for literature. At the workers' faculty, he met his fate in the person of student Maria Toguzaeva. He was 22 years old, she was 18. He worked in the village of Digora from 1936 to 1939.

Slide 7 . In 1939, when he had worked for three years, he was called up for active service in the Red Army. There were two months left before demobilization, but June 22, 1941 arrived. By this time, he had completed the regimental school, and then the courses for junior lieutenants at the 137th Infantry Division of the Moscow Military District.

War S.Ya. Batyshev met him as a junior sergeant near Brest. It was June 23, 1941. He experienced all the hardships of war: the bitterness of defeat and retreat, the loss of fighting friends and close relatives, and injuries. In one of the letters to his wife dated May 16, 1943, he said: “I will definitely return to Digora only with victory. We beat the fascists with frenzy, truly, as it should be for quick destruction. And for the death of Uncle Vasya, Uncle Vanya, for the death of Volodya and the wounds of Zorya, they will receive from me in abundance. On my personal account I already have 37 killed soldiers, 2 officers and destroyed two enemy machine guns and two mortars... There are a lot of Ossetians with me now.”

Slide 8.

In June 1943, the regiment commander, Lieutenant Colonel Zakharchenko, reported to the front command: “In battles with the Nazi invaders north-west of the village of Keslerovo, a company under the commandsenior lieutenant Batysheva destroyed up to a platoon of infantry with her mortar fire, suppressed a mortar battery, and destroyed seven enemy firing points...”

In September 1943, the same Zakharchenko reported to the division command: “The chief of staff of the battalioncaptain Batyshev Before the attack on September 7 near the farm, Leninsky organized and personally took part in reconnaissance of enemy battle formations, firing points and minefields. Three times he personally led the fighters into the attack. With a group of fighters, he burst into enemy trenches and destroyed 19 soldiers and officers. In this operation, Comrade. Batyshev personally destroyed a Nazi officer and eight soldiers in hand-to-hand combat, captured three soldiers and captured a briefcase with staff documents...”

Slide 9.

The apotheosis of the war for Batyshev was the Lviv-Sandomierz offensive operation of the 1st Ukrainian Front on July 13 - August 29, 1944 - one of the largest in World War II.

This is how Sergei Yakovlevich himself describes this bloody and lengthy battle: “We held out for two days, captured many captured grenades and machine guns. They repulsed twelve attacks... They bled, but held on... One night the entire division, led by General Kolobov, crossed over to us. The division rushed forward, expanding and deepening the bridgehead, which later became known as Sandomierz. And the six of us, that’s all that was left of the unit, were sent to a hospital in Krakow. There were... 52 fragments inside me.”

S.Ya. Batyshev was only 29 years old at the time.

Slide 10.

Presentation by S.Ya. Batyshev to the title of Hero: “Major Batyshev, in the battles for the Soviet Motherland during the breakthrough of the German defense in the Zvinyache-Oschuv region of the Lviv region for the period from July 13 to July 16, 1944, showed exceptional tenacity, courage and determination. Major Batyshev, having received a combat mission to break through enemy defenses on July 13, 1944, skillfully and decisively led the battalion to storm the enemy’s front line. Thanks to bold and correct tactical actions, he captured this line and, pursuing the enemy, destroyed his manpower and equipment.

In the difficult moments of the battle when breaking through the enemy’s defenses, Major Batyshev, despising the danger to life, was always in those places where it was better to lead the battalion and where the success of the battle was decided. With his courage and bravery, determination and faith in victory, he inspired the entire battalion personnel... The soldiers, sergeants and officers, seeing their authoritative, courageous and strong-willed commander among them, fought steadfastly and selflessly. Major Batyshev, having extensive combat experience during the Patriotic War... led his battalion to defeat enemy fortifications.

Major Batyshev, while pursuing the enemy, skillfully bypassing his resistance groups and causing panic in his ranks, literally put the enemy to flight, not giving him any opportunity to gain a foothold anywhere.”

Slide 11.

The highest award of the Motherland - the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal - was presented to him by Marshal of the Soviet Union I.S. Konev.

Victory Day S.Ya. I met Batyshev in the hospital: during the storming of Berlin, on April 22, he was wounded for the last, fifth time.

He received the Hero of the Soviet Union certificate after the war in the Kremlin.

Having started the war as a sergeant, he successively went through the ranks of squad commander, platoon commander, company commander, chief of staff, battalion commander, and regiment commander. From sergeant to lieutenant colonel. A unique case.

This is how the envoy from Digora S.Ya fought. Batyshev.

The Motherland highly appreciated the military feat of S.Ya. Batyshev, awarding him with orders and medals

Slide 12. Medal of Honor"

Slide 13 Order of the Red Star

Slide 14. Order of the Red Banner

Slide 15. Order of the Patriotic War (1st and 2nd degree)

Slide 16. Order of Alexander Nevsky

After the war S.Ya. Batyshev devoted his entire life to study, research work, government and public activities and achieved outstanding results in this field.

Slide 17.

Since 1945, Major Batyshev has been in reserve. Returned to teaching. The first years he lived in the city of Saratov. He worked as director of the Saratov Industrial Pedagogical College and graduated from the Saratov Institute of Mechanization in 1946.

Slide 18.

Since 1947, he has been in leadership positions in the vocational education system:

    Head of the Tver Department of Vocational Education,

    Head of the Main Directorate of Educational Institutions;

    in 1967-1973 - Deputy Chairman of the State Committee of the USSR Council of Ministers for Vocational Education.

He combined his professional activities with scientific work. Studied the experience of vocational education institutions. Introduced the best methods in the system of training young personnel. He initiated research on the pedagogy of vocational education and, in fact, was its founder.

Under his scientific leadership, about 100 doctors and candidates of science were trained. He has published 36 books and over 400 scientific articles.

In 1998 he was awarded the Russian Presidential Prize in the field of education.

Slide 19 . On March 21, 2000, Sergei Yakovlevich Batyshev passed away. He died at the age of 85. Name S.Ya. Batyshev is immortalized in his homeland and in Moscow.

Slide 20Memorial plaque on the house where Batyshev lived from 1979 to 2000

Slide 21 – 22 The house is a museum in the Hero’s homeland. Kadom

Slide 23. The State Museum of Professional Education displays the office of S.Ya. Batysheva.

Slide 24. Digora. in the museum named after G. Tsagolov, the exhibition presents the combat path of S.Ya. Batysheva. A bust of the hero is installed on the Walk of Fame

Slide 26.(photo) Sergei Yakovlevich Batyshev.


The memory of generations is inextinguishable

And the memory of those whom we sacredly honor,

Let's stand for a moment

And in sorrow we will stand and be silent.

Let us honor the blessed memory of all who forged victory in the Great Patriotic War.

A minute of silence!

The metronome sounds


They write poems about exploits.

They create songs about fame.

"Heroes never die"

Heroes live in our memory!”

The phonogram of the song “From the heroes of bygone times..” or a video clip sounds


USSR 22x20px USSR

Type of army Years of service Rank

: Incorrect or missing image

Part Commanded


Job title Battles/wars Awards and prizes
Hero of the Soviet Union
The order of Lenin Order of the October Revolution Order of the Red Banner Order of the Red Banner of Labor
Order of Friendship of Peoples Order of the Badge of Honor Order of Alexander Nevsky Order of the Patriotic War, 1st degree
Order of the Patriotic War, II degree Order of the Red Star Medal of Honor" Medal "For the Defense of the Caucasus"
Medal "For victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945" 40px 40px 40px
40px 40px 40px 40px

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Retired Autograph

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Sergey Yakovlevich Batyshev(August 6, city of Kadom, Tambov province - March 21, Moscow) - Soviet and Russian military and scientific figure, Hero of the Soviet Union (), deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR (), full member of the Russian Academy of Education (), New York Academy of Sciences (), International Academy of Technical Education (), International Personnel Academy (), Academy of Vocational Education (), Honorary Member of the International Academy of Education (), Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences (), Professor (), Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation ().


Pre-war period

Sergei Yakovlevich Batyshev was born on August 19, 1915 in the city of Kadom, Temnikovsky district, Tambov province, into the family of a lumberjack. Russian.

After graduating from seven classes at a local school, S. Ya. Batyshev had to work as a mason for several years. In 1933, Batyshev entered the. Having completed three courses with excellent grades and moving on to the fourth, Batyshev was unable to complete his studies due to a sharp deterioration in his health. In 1936, he returned home and worked as a teacher at the Kadoma school, and soon began teaching mathematics at the agricultural workers' faculty in the village of Digora (North Ossetia), where he worked from 1936 to 1939.

In 1939, Sergei Yakovlevich was drafted into the Red Army. He was sent to the 137th Infantry Division of the Moscow Military District, where he graduated from the regimental school.

The Great Patriotic War

S. Ya. Batyshev met the beginning of the Great Patriotic War with the rank of junior sergeant as part of the 137th Infantry Division.

In the first days of the war he was wounded, and after recovery he returned to the front. Participated in battles on the Bryansk and Transcaucasian fronts. Since June 1942, member of the CPSU (b).

By the end of 1943, he received the rank of major and commanded a battalion in the 545th Infantry Regiment of the 389th Berdichev Infantry Division. On July 13-16, 1944, when breaking through the enemy’s defenses in the area of ​​​​the villages of Zvinyache and Oshchev, Gorokhovsky district, Volyn region, the battalion under the command of Major Batyshev inflicted heavy losses on the enemy in manpower and equipment, captured the enemy’s front line and developed an offensive. In this battle, battalion commander S. Ya. Batyshev, being seriously wounded, remained in service and continued to command the battalion.

By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated September 23, 1944, for exemplary fulfillment of command assignments and demonstrated courage and heroism in battles with the Nazi invaders, Major Sergei Yakovlevich Batyshev was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union with the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal (No. 2333 ).

After recovery, he returned to the front and took part in the battles on the Sandomierz bridgehead.

Post-war period

In 1945, S. Ya. Batyshev was transferred to the reserve and returned to teaching. He worked as the director of the Saratov Industrial Pedagogical College. In 1946, S. Ya. Batyshev graduated. In 1947 he was transferred to work at the Main Directorate of Labor Reserves. He worked as the head of the Kalinin Department of Vocational Education, then as the head of the Main Directorate of Educational Institutions of the USSR Vocational Education System. In 1967-1973, he worked as Deputy Chairman of the State Committee of the USSR Council of Ministers for Vocational Education.

S. Ya. Batyshev combined his work in the vocational education system with scientific work. He studied the experience of vocational education institutions, generalized the experience of educational work and introduced the best methods for training young production personnel. S. Ya. Batyshev was one of the founders of pedagogy of vocational education in the USSR. Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences (1969), Professor (1970).

S. Ya. Batyshev was an academician of the USSR Academy of Pedagogical Sciences. In 1973-1991, he was academician-secretary of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Vocational Education of the USSR Academy of Pedagogical Sciences, a permanent member of the Higher Attestation Commission, and a member of the Council for Awarding Prizes of the President of the Russian Federation.

Awards and prizes in the field of pedagogy and education

S. Ya. Batyshev was a member of the New York Academy of Sciences (1979), the International Academy of Technical Education (1995), the International Personnel Academy (1989), the Academy of Vocational Education (1990), an honorary member of the International Academy of Education (1990), an honored scientist Russian Federation (1990). In 1998 he was awarded the Russian Presidential Prize in the field of education.


  • Formation of qualified workers in the USSR. - M., 1974.
  • Industrial pedagogy. - M., 1976.
  • Scientific organization of the educational process. - M., 1980.
  • Labor training of schoolchildren. - M., 1981.
  • Training of workers. - M., 1984.
  • Vocational school reform. - M., 1987.


see also

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  • Heroes of the Soviet Union: A Brief Biographical Dictionary / Prev. ed. collegium I. N. Shkadov. - M.: Voenizdat, 1987. - T. 1 /Abaev - Lyubichev/. - 911 p. - 100,000 copies.

- ISBN ex., Reg. No. in RKP 87-95382.

Links 15px . Website "Heroes of the Country".

(Retrieved April 6, 2010)

Excerpt characterizing Batyshev, Sergey Yakovlevich
Smiling thoughtfully, Isidora peered very carefully into our excited faces, and for some reason I suddenly really wanted to please her... There was no special reason for this, except that the story of this wonderful woman interested me wildly, and I really wanted to know what no matter what it takes to find out. But I didn’t know their customs, I didn’t know how long they hadn’t seen each other, so I decided for myself to remain silent for now. But, apparently not wanting to torment me for long, Isidora herself started the conversation...
- What did you want to know, kids?
– I would like to ask you about your Earthly life, if this is possible, of course. And if it won’t be too painful for you to remember... – I immediately asked, a little shyly.
Such a terrible melancholy shone deep in the golden eyes that I immediately wanted to take back my words. But Anna, as if understanding everything, immediately gently hugged me by the shoulders, as if saying that everything was fine, and everything was fine...
And her beautiful mother was hovering somewhere very far away, in her never forgotten, and apparently very difficult past, in which at that moment her once very deeply wounded soul was wandering... I was afraid to move, expecting that now she will simply refuse us and leave, not wanting to share anything... But Isidora finally perked up, as if waking up from a terrible dream she knew only, and immediately smiling at us friendly, asked:
I accidentally looked at Anna... And just for a short moment I felt what she experienced. It was terrible, and I don’t understand why people could do this?! And what kind of people are they in general after this?.. I felt that indignation was boiling inside me again, and I tried my best to somehow calm down, so as not to seem like a “child” to her. – I also have a Gift, although I don’t know how valuable it is and how strong it is... I still know almost nothing about it. But I would really like to know, because now I see that gifted people even died for this. This means that the gift is valuable, but I don’t even know how to use it for the benefit of others. After all, it was not given to me just to be proud of it, right?.. So I would like to understand what to do with it. And I would like to know how you did it. How did you live... Sorry if this doesn't seem important enough to you... I won't be offended at all if you decide to leave now.
I almost didn’t know what I was saying and was more worried than ever. Something inside told me that I really needed this meeting and that I should be able to “talk” to Isidora, no matter how hard it would be for both of us...
But she, like her daughter, seemed to have nothing against my childish request. And leaving us again into her distant past, she began her story...
– There was once an amazing city - Venice... The most beautiful city on Earth!.. In any case, it seemed so to me then...
– I think you will be pleased to know that it still exists! – I immediately exclaimed. – And he’s really very handsome!
Nodding sadly, Isidora lightly waved her hand, as if lifting the heavy “veil of bygone time,” and a bizarre vision unfolded before our stunned eyes...
The azure-pure blue of the sky reflected the same deep blue of the water, right from which the amazing city rose... It seemed as if the pink domes and snow-white towers had somehow miraculously grown straight from the depths of the sea, and now stood proudly, sparkling in the morning rays of the rising sun , showing off to each other the grandeur of countless marble columns and the joyful glare of bright, multi-colored stained glass windows. A light breeze cheerfully drove the white “caps” of curly waves straight to the embankment, and they, immediately breaking into thousands of sparkling splashes, playfully washed the marble steps that went straight into the water. The canals glittered like long mirrored snakes, cheerfully reflected as sun “bunnies” on the neighboring houses. Everything around was breathing light and joy... And it looked somehow fabulously magical.
It was Venice... The city of great Love and beautiful arts, the capital of Books and great Minds, the amazing city of Poets...
I knew Venice, naturally, only from photographs and paintings, but now this wonderful city seemed a little different - completely real and much more colorful... Truly alive.
– I was born there. And I considered it a great honor. – Isidora’s voice began to gurgle in a quiet stream. – We lived in a huge palazzo (that’s what we called the most expensive houses), in the very heart of the city, since my family was very rich.
The windows of my room faced east, and below they looked directly at the canal. And I really loved meeting the dawn, watching how the first rays of the sun lit up golden reflections on the water covered with morning fog...
Sleepy gondoliers lazily began their daily “circular” journey, waiting for early customers. The city was usually still asleep, and only inquisitive and successful merchants were always the first to open their stalls. I really loved coming to them when there was no one on the streets yet, and the main square was not filled with people. I especially often ran to the “scribes” who knew me very well and always saved something “special” for me. I was only ten years old at that time, about the same as you are now... Right?
I just nodded, enchanted by the beauty of her voice, not wanting to interrupt the story, which was like a quiet, dreamy melody...
– Already at the age of ten I could do a lot... I could fly, walk in the air, treat people suffering from the most serious illnesses, see what was coming. My mother taught me everything she knew...
- How to fly?!. Fly in a physical body?!. Like a bird? – Stella blurted out, unable to bear it.
I was very sorry that she interrupted this magically flowing narrative!.. But kind, emotional Stella apparently was not able to calmly withstand such stunning news...
Isidora just smiled brightly at her... and we saw another, but even more stunning, picture...
In a marvelous marble hall, a fragile black-haired girl was spinning... With the ease of a fairy fairy, she danced some kind of bizarre dance that only she understood, at times suddenly jumping a little and... hovering in the air. And then, having made an intricate feast and smoothly flown several steps, she came back again, and everything began from the beginning... It was so amazing and so beautiful that Stella and I took our breath away!..
And Isidora just smiled sweetly and calmly continued her interrupted story.
– My mother was a hereditary Sage. She was born in Florence - a proud, free city... in which there was only as much of its famous “freedom” as the Medici, although fabulously rich, but (unfortunately!) not omnipotent, hated by the church, could protect it. And my poor mother, like her predecessors, had to hide her Gift, since she came from a very rich and very influential family, in which it was more than undesirable to “shine” with such knowledge. Therefore, she, just like her mother, grandmother and great-grandmother, had to hide her amazing “talents” from prying eyes and ears (and more often than not, even from friends!), otherwise, if the fathers of her future suitors found out about it, she would remain unmarried forever, which in her family would be considered the greatest disgrace. Mom was very strong, a truly gifted healer. And while still very young, she secretly treated almost the entire city for ailments, including the great Medici, who preferred her to their famous Greek doctors. However, very soon the “glory” about my mother’s “stormy successes” reached the ears of her father, my grandfather, who, of course, did not have a very positive attitude towards this kind of “underground” activity. And they tried to get my poor mother married as soon as possible, in order to wash away the “brewing shame” of her entire frightened family...

Pre-war period

Sergei Yakovlevich Batyshev was born on August 19, 1915 in the village of Kadom, Temnikovsky district, Tambov province in the family of a lumberjack. Russian.

After graduating from seven classes at a local school, S.E. Batyshev had to work as a mason for several years. In 1933, Batyshev entered the Moscow Mechanics and Engineering Institute. Having completed three courses with excellent grades and moving on to the fourth, Batyshev was unable to complete his studies due to a sharp deterioration in his health. In 1936, he returned home and worked as a teacher at the Kadoma school, and soon began teaching mathematics at the agricultural workers' faculty in the village of Digora (North Ossetia), where he worked from 1936 to 1939.

In 1939, Sergei Yakovlevich was drafted into the Red Army. He was sent to the 137th Infantry Division of the Moscow Military District, where he graduated from the regimental school.

The Great Patriotic War

S. Ya. Batyshev met the beginning of the Great Patriotic War with the rank of junior sergeant in the 137th Infantry Division.


  • Formation of qualified workers in the USSR. - M., 1974.
  • Industrial pedagogy. - M., 1976.
  • Scientific organization of the educational process. - M., 1980.
  • Labor training of schoolchildren. - M., 1981.
  • Training of workers. - M., 1984.
  • Vocational school reform. - M., 1987.


  • House museum of Sergei Yakovlevich Batyshev in the city of Kadom.

Sergei Yakovlevich Batyshev was born on August 19, 1915 in the city of Kadom, Temnikovsky district, Tambov province (now Kadomsky district, Ryazan region) in the family of a lumberjack. Russian.

  • After graduating from seven classes at a local school, S. Ya. Batyshev had to work as a mason for several years. In 1933, Batyshev entered the Moscow Mechanics and Engineering Institute. Having completed three courses with excellent grades and moving on to the fourth, Batyshev was unable to complete his studies due to a sharp deterioration in his health. In 1936, he returned home and worked as a teacher at the Kadoma school, and soon began teaching mathematics at the agricultural workers' faculty in the village of Digora (North Ossetia), where he worked from 1936 to 1939.
  • In 1939, Sergei Yakovlevich was drafted into the Red Army. He was sent to the 137th Infantry Division of the Moscow Military District, where he graduated from the regimental school.
  • S. Ya. Batyshev met the beginning of the Great Patriotic War with the rank of junior sergeant in the 137th Infantry Division.
  • In the first days of the war he was wounded, and after recovery he returned to the front. Participated in battles on the Bryansk and Transcaucasian fronts. Since June 1942, member of the CPSU (b).
  • By the end of 1943, he received the rank of major and commanded a battalion in the 545th Infantry Regiment of the 389th Berdichev Infantry Division. On July 13-16, 1944, when breaking through the enemy’s defenses in the area of ​​​​the villages of Zvinyache and Oshchev, Gorokhovsky district, Volyn region, the battalion under the command of Major Batyshev inflicted heavy losses on the enemy in manpower and equipment, captured the enemy’s front line and developed an offensive. In this battle, battalion commander S. Ya. Batyshev, being seriously wounded, remained in service and continued to command the battalion.
  • By a decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated September 23, 1944, for the exemplary fulfillment of command assignments and the courage and heroism shown in battles with the Nazi invaders, Major Sergei Yakovlevich Batyshev was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union with the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal.
  • After recovery, he returned to the front and took part in the battles on the Sandomierz bridgehead.
  • In 1945, S. Ya. Batyshev was transferred to the reserve and returned to teaching. He worked as the director of the Saratov Industrial Pedagogical College. In 1946, S. Ya. Batyshev graduated from the Saratov Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture named after. M.I.Kalinina. In 1947, he was transferred to work at the Main Directorate of Labor Reserves. He worked as the head of the Kalinin Department of Vocational Education, then as the head of the Main Directorate of Educational Institutions of the USSR Vocational Education System. In 1967-1973, he worked as Deputy Chairman of the State Committee of the USSR Council of Ministers for Vocational Education.
  • S. Ya. Batyshev combined his work in the vocational education system with scientific work. He studied the experience of vocational education institutions, generalized the experience of educational work and introduced the best methods for training young production personnel. S. Ya. Batyshev was one of the founders of pedagogy of vocational education in the USSR. Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences (1969), Professor (1970).
  • S. Ya. Batyshev was an academician of the USSR Academy of Pedagogical Sciences. In 1973-1991, he was academician-secretary of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Vocational Education of the USSR Academy of Pedagogical Sciences, a permanent member of the Higher Attestation Commission, and a member of the Council for Awarding Prizes of the President of the Russian Federation.
  • Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation (1990). In 1998 he was awarded the Russian Presidential Prize in the field of education.
  • He is the author of 36 books and more than 400 scientific articles. Under his leadership, more than 80 doctoral and candidate dissertations in the field of pedagogy were defended.
  • Died in Moscow on March 21, 2000.


  • Formation of qualified workers in the USSR. - M., 1974.
  • Industrial pedagogy. - M., 1976.
  • Scientific organization of the educational process. - M., 1980.
  • Labor training of schoolchildren. - M., 1981.
  • Training of workers. - M., 1984.
  • Vocational school reform. - M., 1987

Heroes of the Soviet Union of the Ryazan region -

1915-2000) - teacher, organizer of pedagogical science, full member of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the USSR (1974-1991). Hero of the Soviet Union (1944). In 1967-1973, Deputy Chairman of the State Professional Education Council of the USSR. In 1973-1989, Academician-Secretary of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Vocational Education of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences. Initiator of research on professional pedagogy and psychology of vocational education. Responsible editor and one of the authors of the work "Essays on the history of vocational education in the USSR" (1981), etc.

Excellent definition

Incomplete definition ↓

BATYSHEV Sergey Yakovlevich

R. 6(19). 10.1915, village. Kadom, now in the Ryazan region], teacher, pedagogical organizer. science, society activist Doctor of Science of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the USSR (1974-91), Doctor of Pedagogics. Sciences (1968). Hero of the Owls. Union (1944). Graduated from the Saratov Institute of Mechanization. x-va (1946). On ped. work since 1936. Since 1946 in managerial work in the professional-technical system. education, in 1967-73 deputy. prev Gosprofobra of the USSR. In 1973-89, Academic Secretary of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Prof.-Technical. education APN. Pred, (since 1965) of the Scientific Council on the problems of professional and technical. education APN. Prev. All-Union Association of Workers Prof. education (since 1989).

In the 60s initiated research into pedagogy and psychology of professional and technical specialists. education. Developed a theory of staged training of qualified specialists. workers in production and in vocational technical schools; proposed problem-analytic. system prof. training workers for automation. production Formulated the principles of grouping professions with the aim of training workers of a wide profile, creating the corresponding. uch. programs, use of various forms of classes. Author of a number of studies. programs for SPTU. Rep. ed. and one of the authors of the work “Essays on the history of prof.-technical”. education in the USSR" (1981).

Works: Formation of qualified specialists. workers in the USSR, M.; Scientific organization of educational institutions process, M., 1980J; Production pedagogy, M.; Labor training of schoolchildren, M., 1981; Training of workers, M., 1984; Reform Prof. Schools, M., 1987.