Raging wolves. Yaroslav Ognev

There are many rumors and myths about these creatures. But nothing official has ever been found. Are they people or animals? The only thing known about them is that they are called berserkers, which is more common than berserkers. This name was mentioned in some ancient legends, but very little. This entire race is shrouded in secrets. Is this a human invention?

Or maybe they existed and exist in our time, these berserkers. But no one can confirm or prove this. There are only some indirect assumptions. They say that even the most formidable warriors were afraid, like puppies, to be caught in the eyes of these angry wolves.

The berserker caste, according to ancient scriptures, served the Viking God, Odin. He is described very well. So much so that the very mention of it makes you shiver. They talk about him as if he is a monster who can do anything to a person without even touching him. The researchers, believing that they had studied the name “berserkr,” many of the mysteries were solved on their own. After all, this word translates as “shirtless.” But it was not to be, somewhere in 1847, scientists and researchers, together with Sveinbjorn Egilsson, decided to dig up this secret again and completely refute it. They found out that this word has a completely different meaning. “Bear skin” or “bear shirt” is what they declared to the whole world. And yet there really is logic in this: the warriors, the Scandinavians, could not go into battle completely naked. Moreover, there is wild nature all around. But, none of these theories have been proven in any way. Everything is based on assumptions.

One interesting assumption came out of the theory about bear skins: berserkers are fighters whose totem is a bear, so they killed the beast and put the skin on themselves. This is very similar to the traditions of other peoples who did something similar. Closer to modern times, in 1930. Otto Hoefler, a historian from Germany, put forward the theory that berserkers are something like a brotherhood or squad of Odin. That perhaps their community was something like the beginning of a state. But Friedrich von der Leyen, a German philologist and folklorist, when he learned about this theory, concluded that these were all thoughts invented by a good imagination. Since at that moment in Germany there was a time of secret alliances, secret societies and the like. And this was confirmed by the fact that the historian was really attracted to this topic, because he himself was a member of the SA. And in mythology there were no brotherhoods or communities at all. The warriors simply fought each other, and after the battle they got drunk and ate to their heart's content, regardless of whether they won or not. So it was ridiculous to assume that there could be at least some semblance of statehood.

Another German philologist, Jacob Ludwig Karl Grimm (we all know him very well), he brought up his idea about God Odin. It said that people perceived this deity as something not material, not as a person, but as a collection of some elements and phenomena.

Only after a long time did Odin materialize as a God of blood and flesh, seated on a throne with a spear in his hand. But still, researchers are at a loss, if berserkers directly relate to Odin, then why are they almost never mentioned? Even in the main literature of Scandinavia, the Younger Edda, there is not a word about berserkers. There Odin is described as a lone wolf, coping with his problems himself. But, if you look from the other side, there is one assumption that suits us.

Snorri Sturlusun, studying ancient skaldic songs, suggested that the berserkers may well be the elite guards of the first king of Norway. But he did not take into account the most important thing: why then did the berserkers kill innocent people, not enemies? They already have quite a good profit. There was no point in killing ordinary residents at all. Often ordinary bandits who kill ordinary people were imprudently called berserkers.

For many, the Vikings act as fearless warriors who were never afraid of anything, including their enemies. Standing on the battlefield, they smiled, stomped in anticipation and bit their weapons like hungry wolves. But all these are just fairy tales for us. They only wanted to intimidate the enemy with their formidability. Bring them out of balance. Most likely, when ordinary people saw the berserkers, they immediately fled. Many theories have been built on this wondrous name “berserker”, but all of them are still groundless. And all the words in this article may turn out to be lies or this is so. But in any case, treating yourself to interesting stories about little-known pages of history is also quite useful.

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>> I. Ehrenburg. Raging Wolves

Adolf Gitler

In distant idyllic times, Adolf Hitler was fond of an innocent activity - painting. Hitler had no talent, and he was rejected as an artist. Hitler, indignant, exclaimed: “You will see that I will become famous!” He lived up to his words. It is hardly possible to find a more famous criminal in the history of modern times. In a tiny fishing village, a Norwegian woman, mourning her son, shot by the German fascists, repeats: “Hitler,” and on the other side of Europe, a Serb, whose village was burned by the Germans, says with hatred: “Hitler the dog.” This unfortunate painter has millions of human lives on his conscience.
The German fascists, in order to justify the seizure of other people's property, came up with a “racial theory”. According to this theory, the Germanic race is distinguished by a special skull shape and noble facial features - therefore the Germans should rule the world.
It would seem that Hitler should be an example of the “noble German race.” Let us give the floor to the most prominent anthropologist in Germany, Professor Max von Gruber. This professor, before Hitler's accession, acted as an expert at a meeting of the Munich court. Here's what he said about Hitler's appearance: “Low, sloping forehead, ugly nose, wide cheekbones, small eyes. The facial expression reveals a person who has poor self-control and is obsessed.”
Here is one of the stories about Hitler’s high-society debuts: “He entered in an elegant suit, with a huge bouquet of roses, kissing the hostess’s hand. The guests were introduced to him. He looked like a prosecutor present at the execution of a death sentence. When he spoke, a child in one of the neighboring rooms began to cry, awakened by Hitler’s exceptionally loud and shrill voice.”
Hitler's voice is unbearable - it is a hoarse bark that turns into a squeal. He speaks, grimacing, jumping, gradually enters a trance, shouting out incoherent words, like a shaman.
He began with demagogic speeches in the smoky pubs of Munich. Embittered by defeat and inflation, the burghers reveled in the cries of the holy fool.
Now Hitler is playing frantic, he is trying to warm up the crowd. However, the mental imbalance that was inherent in him from an early age suddenly confuses all his calculations - the Reich Chancellor begins to scream like a clique.
Hitler's past is dark. The son of an Austrian official, he sold suspicious postcards, huddled in flophouses, and finally became a spy - he went to work meetings and reported to his superiors about “troublemakers.” Last summer, this former spy solemnly entered empty Paris and posed against the backdrop of the Eiffel Tower...
Hitler began his political ascent as a protege of German heavy industry. At a meeting of industrialists in Essen, Voegler, Kirdorf, and Thyssen recognized him as a “savior.” Hitler needed money, and a lot of it. He told the industrialists: “Save your savior!”...
To the workers, Hitler said: “I will destroy the plutocracy.” He spoke in a different language with large capitalists: “We will divide the roles - you are left with the economy, I will take over politics.” The billionaire Fegler, the boss of the Steel Association, became his supporter. Hitler promised Vogler good profits - there would be a real serious war! And Hitler announced to the German people: “man perishes from peace, he flourishes only from war.”
Hitler turned Germany's excellent technology, the diligence and organization of its people into one thing - robbery. He convinces young Germans, cut off from the world, deprived of a universal human culture, that Germany must take possession of the Earth. He made megalomania a universal disease. With threats, blackmail, and cunning, he broke the resistance of neighboring states. Hitler remained an ignorant man who studied horoscopes. But eighty million Germans and one hundred million people from other countries enslaved by the German fascists fell under his heel.
This is a bad comedian. He built himself a palace among the rocks. An inveterate killer, he is a vegetarian: he is offended by the suffering of lambs and oxen. You can’t smoke in his presence, and this man, who spent ten years in smoky pubs, says without embarrassment: “No one has ever smoked in my presence.” He loves filming with children and dogs - he wants to show that he has a “gentle” soul. And he wrote: “There is no greater pleasure than putting a defeated opponent under the knife.” Himmler presents him with daily reports on torture and executions.
He is vindictive and evil. He ordered the torture of journalists who once spoke disrespectfully of him.
He said: “We need to hang a man on every lantern to restore order.”
This is a tyrant, a fanatic. In 1937 in Munich, visitors to the “Exhibition of German Painting” could admire a rare sight - the Reich Chancellor of Germany personally tore and cut paintings that he did not like.
He previously dreamed of becoming an architect. On his instructions, fascist pilots destroyed hundreds of wonderful monuments of world architecture. Hitler said: “I will destroy the whole world. Then maybe I’ll build it.”
He hates all the peoples of the world: he needs to torture and destroy people. He told his friend Rauschnigg: “If there were no Jews, they would have to be invented - only cruelty brings a person closer to a movement.” He wrote about the French: “They are blacks, they must be curbed.” Hitler takes revenge on the Czechs: his stepmother was Czech. He said: “These are Slavic pigs.” He especially hates Russians. This smug cretin called Leo Tolstoy a “bastard.”
Hitler despises the German people. He told Strasser: “Our workers want nothing but bread and circuses—they have no ideals.” He gave the Germans many spectacles. They saw fires on which books were burning. They saw an impoverished and wild Germany. They saw hundreds of thousands of soldiers' widows. They saw the ruins on the central street of Berlin, Unter den Linden - retribution for the barbaric bombing of London. Hitler was generous with spectacles. He did not give bread to the people. He ordered the soldiers to get bread by fire. He trampled Western Europe and the Balkans. There the bread was devoured. Then he drove the hungry horde east.
A Swedish journalist who recently spoke with Hitler says that the cannibal is haggard, agitated, and suffers from insomnia. He rushes around his palace. He feels his death is near. No sleeping pills will help anymore: in the silence of the night he hears the voices of the dead, he hears the voice of revenge.
Before, when he drove through the streets of German cities, flowers were thrown at him - he loves forget-me-nots and pansies. One day, among the forget-me-nots, there was a heavy stone - some admirer decided that flowers could not convey their feelings... Now flower offerings are prohibited: “Bouquets are premature.” Berliners will quietly joke: “He dreams of a laurel wreath on his grave”... It is unlikely that even a stone will be laid on his grave. An aspen stake - here is a monument to him!

Marshal Hermann Goering

Adolf Hitler found himself suitable henchmen. All of them, of course, talk about “the fight against plutocracy.” Everyone has a few million saved for a rainy day. They are destroying Europe busily, with German precision. In Germany, a joint stock company is called a “Limited Liability Company”. The cannibals formed their own trust: “The Third Reich – A Society with Unlimited Irresponsibility.”
Hitler's closest associate Hermann Goering is as arrogant as an Indian rooster. He wears medals on his stomach - they don’t fit on his chest. He loves titles and titles. Here's what's on his business card:


Field Marshal
Minister of Aeronautics
Chief of the Air Fleet
Honorary Commissioner for the Conduct
four year plan
Lord of the Germanic forests
Chairman of the Reichstag

Goering modestly remains silent about one title: he is the director of the large metallurgical trust “Hermann Goering”. He makes money on every weapon, on every shell. He pocketed the enterprises of the occupied countries - Czechoslovakia, France, Belgium.
He loves to live large. He has six apartments in Berlin. One, modest one, has thirty-two rooms. His rule: “Live, but don’t let others live!”...
He is exceptionally obese and does not suffer from lack of appetite. However, he recommends “moderation in eating” to others. He proclaimed: “Guns are better than butter,” and put the Germans on starvation rations. Speaking in front of the emaciated Berliners, he pathetically exclaimed: “I, too, have lost weight - I gave a few kilos to my dear fatherland,” and slapped himself on his incredible belly.
Once a year he stands on the street with a piggy bank: he collects for the benefit of the poor. He transferred through the broker Schlutter to a Brazilian bank in Sao Paolo one million two hundred and fifty thousand dollars - who knows if he might have to flee Germany?..
He loves props. He climbs out of the plane's cabin in full dress, tied with a gold scarf. He was filmed at home, sitting in a robe with a dagger hanging from it. He wears a pin in his tie - it's a gold swastika. He carefully considered the ritual of executions: the head is cut off with an ax; the executioner is in a black frock coat and top hat.
Goering publicly stated: “My business is not to bring justice, but to destroy people.” At the same time, he is sentimental, like Gretchen. He declared that scientists who dared to torture a guinea pig would be sent to a concentration camp.
He loves "wet" things. He set fire to the Reichstag and blamed the arson on the communists. He took antique statues from Paris to his bathroom. He once said: “I don’t care where to shoot, as long as I shoot.” Before Hitler came to power, a Berlin court took Goering’s child away from him, due to the fact that the father was declared a morphine addict and insane. Honest German judges did not want to entrust one child to this arrogant murderer. Hitler entrusted him with one hundred million conquered people.

Dr. Goebbels

Dr. Goebbels looks like a disgusting monkey: tiny in stature, grimacing, grimacing. He in no way fits the description of the “Aryan race” that the “scientists” of fascism present to the Germans. I had to come up with a “scientific” term specifically for Dr. Goebbels. According to the latest research by German “scientists,” Goebbels belongs to a special branch of the Aryan race, namely the “Germanic narrowed, which subsequently darkened.”
Hitler started with pictures, Goebbels with novels. Alas, he was unlucky too. Nobody bought his novels. Goebbels later explained: “These were the machinations of the Marxists”...
In his main novel, Goebbels vilified the Russians. The thoroughbred German Michel told the Russian with a somewhat pretentious surname - Venurevsky: “You must be conquered, exterminated!...” It is unlikely that Dr. Goebbels now set out to “exterminate” the Russians: he is a notorious coward who, even when there is no alarm, climbs into a bomb shelter.
Hitler entrusted Dr. Goebbels with a highly cultural task - public education. The choice was not made by chance - after all, Goebbels said: “When people talk about intelligence in front of me, I want to grab a revolver.” Having started work, Goebbels burned twenty million books at the stake - he took revenge on readers who preferred some Heine to Goebbels. He said: “The printed word makes me sick.” This is not entirely accurate - he loves his printed and unprinted words. He expelled all writers from Germany. But when the Nazis entered Paris, the French-language newspaper they began publishing published: “The greatest benefit for French culture will be familiarization with the works of Goebbels.”
Now he says: “We are fighting against the Russian Bolsheviks. We defend culture.”... In March 1939, he wrote: “Forget the words: humanism, culture, international law - for us these are empty concepts.”
He poses for photographers with his five children: he wants to show that he is an excellent family man. However, everyone knows that this is a lustful monkey. Goebbels paid for one of his love affairs - his husband knocked out his teeth.
Goebbels is interested in cinema. He comes up with scenarios that are a mixture of pornography and cannibalism. In addition, he came up with the “right of the first night” - every debutante must spend the night with a brilliant baboon.
They say that monkeys are frivolous. But Dr. Goebbels is a serious man - he thinks about the future. In Buenos Aires he has some savings, namely, one million eight hundred and fifty thousand dollars.

Alfred Rosenberg

The gang has its own philosopher - the Baltic German Alfred Rosenberg. He completed his education in Moscow in 1918. Yes, during the hungry year this Baltic rascal ate Russian bread. Then he got his hand on defamation of the Russian people. He wrote: “Let us curb the people poisoned by Tolstoy!” He traded Soviet Ukraine as if it were in his pocket. He wrote a large philosophical opus, “The Myth of the Twentieth Century,” a compilation of pamphlets by Russian Black Hundreds. He sheltered gangs of White Guards - he dreams of becoming Biron or Minikh.
Arriving in Paris, captured by the Nazis, Rosenberg demanded that he be given a report in the building where the French parliament had previously been located: he wanted to humiliate the French people. In his speech, he said that the ideas of the French Enlightenment "need to be thrown into the trash." He “threw out” ideas, and he himself visited Parisian shops and “purchased” various souvenirs.
Before the war, he was the head of a special department that dealt with espionage and sabotage. He demanded “the liberation of the Germans, who languish under the yoke of the Czechs and the French.” However, he was especially attracted to Ukraine: he definitely wanted to free Ukraine from Ukrainians. Now he is Hitler's main adviser: after all, Herr Rosenberg speaks Russian, and he drank in brotherhood with all the tsars laying claim to the Russian throne.

Mr von Ribbentrop

Mr. Joachim von Ribbentrop has surpassed both Goering and Goebbels - he has three million one hundred fifty-five thousand dollars in America. Von Ribbentrop was not previously a “von”: he acquired the nobility like a house. He married the daughter of a champagne merchant and began to sell sparkling wine himself. He sold bad German wine, passing it off as French champagne. Hitler realized that such a person was irreplaceable. Von Ribbentrop began to praise the peacefulness and humanity of the cannibals.
During the occupation of the Rhineland by French troops, Ribbentrop flourished. This “patriot” made money from French champagne, which he imported duty-free. Then he declared: “these years have been the greatest disgrace,” and returned to German fizzy drinks.
Von Ribbentrop is personable, trained in manners: the cannibals believe that he is good for conversations with decent people. However, Ribbentrop, like all Nazis, is a savage. When he was sent as ambassador to London, he decided to teach the British how to greet in the fascist way - by raising their hand up. The British barely tolerated him. Like athletes, they bet on who could sit longer in the room where von Ribbentrop was. This did not stop Hitler from declaring: “Never has there been such a brilliant diplomat in Germany. Von Ribbentrop left even Bismarck behind."
Ribbentrop always insisted that he loved Paris. The Parisians did not reciprocate his feelings. When he arrived in the capital of France six months before the war, the police cleared the streets - they were afraid that the German minister would be booed. Von Ribbentrop saw an empty city. Undeterred, he said: “I especially liked Paris this time.” A year and a half later he came to Paris again. The city captured by the Nazis was empty. Von Ribbentrop collected perfume and trinkets, drank champagne with the petty spy Abetz and counted how many dollars he could transfer to America...

Dr. Ley

How can we not mention workplace specialist Dr. Leah? Fifteen years ago, Ley showed himself to be a hero: in the Cologne Rathskeller he caused a pogrom, tore up paintings, broke mirrors, and mutilated two visitors. For 24 hours, doctors tried in vain to sober him up.
Having met Hitler's gang, he immediately blossomed. He became a major dignitary. He committed so many embezzlements that they stopped counting them: he took money collected for widows, party contributions, contributions in favor of children.
This petty swindler, having received rewards from entrepreneurs, enslaved the workers. He nicknamed the hard labor “Labor Front.” He likes to say: “We work not for money, but for the prosperity of... Germany.” However, American journalists found that Dr. Ley managed to transfer six hundred thousand dollars to America.


Heinrich Himmler is not a diplomat or a cultural leader. This is simply an executioner. The Nazis call him Hitler's "successor". He is stupid and vile: glasses on his dull eyes, a round, meaningless face. He is at the head of the Gestapo secret police. His specialty is torture. When the cannibals reigned in Germany, Himmler arrested over a million Germans. Then he expanded his work: he began to torture on a European scale. Following the tanks, executioners from the Gestapo appear. This was the case in Poland and Norway, Holland and France.
Himmler does not engage in idle theories. He said: “Let them hate me, as long as they are afraid!”...
He forces prisoners to pick up excrement with their hands. He supplied the camp commanders with special, improved whips. He considers it useful to have his wife present during interrogations of the arrested person - they “interrogate” them with tongs, a razor, and candles. Justice for Himmler is the smell of scorched human skin. This sadist once muttered: “Purity of race - that’s the sacrament of marriage!” He could be called insane if it were not for the ingenuity with which he drags his goods abroad. He apparently has a presentiment of the hour when they will no longer be afraid of him. A certain Gerstslet transported Himmler’s labor pennies to America - two million dollars.


Strangler of peasants - Darre was once an official. He was fired for embezzlement. He became an associate of Hitler and received a high position.
Darre is Rosenberg's bosom friend. Together they dreamed of Ukraine for twenty years...
Darre has its own land program. In May 1940, he stated it quite frankly: “The land of the countries we have conquered will be divided between soldiers who have especially distinguished themselves and between exemplary members of the National Socialist Party. In this way a new landed aristocracy will arise. This aristocracy will have its own serfs: the local population. The Germans are used to commanding. They are used to being punished. They will raise the level of agriculture and create a new order.” These are Herr Darre's dreams. Just in case, he transferred four hundred thousand dollars to a Japanese bank - who knows how the “conquest of the world” will end?..

These are the main representatives of the gang that rules Germany and which now, with the help of blackmail, cunning and arrogance, has captured a dozen foreign states. Speaking about Hitler and the Nazis, the future historian will have to look into a zoology textbook - these are animals. The German people, conquered or deceived by them, are in their hands. They have German equipment in their hands - planes and tanks. There is no need to argue with them; they must be destroyed like a pack of rabid wolves. They came out of their forest and rushed towards our cities. Wolves must be exterminated. Neither tanks nor safes in Rio de Janeiro will save them...

I. Ehrenburg. Raging wolves. – M. 1941

|| « » No. 157, July 6, 1941

The Red Army gives a crushing rebuff to the Nazi hordes. Every step costs the enemy huge losses in people and equipment. The whole world admires the courage of Soviet soldiers. Let's fulfill our duty to the end, destroy Hitler's barbarians!

In distant idyllic times, he was fond of an innocent activity - painting. Hitler had no talent, and he was rejected as an artist. Hitler, indignant, exclaimed: “You will see that I will become famous!” He lived up to his words. It is hardly possible to find a more famous criminal in the history of modern times. In a tiny fishing village, a Norwegian woman, mourning her son, shot by the German fascists, repeats: “Hitler,” and on the other side of Europe, a Serb, whose village was burned by the Germans, says with hatred: “!..” This unlucky painter has millions of human lives on his conscience.

A man of average height, with a mustache, with dull eyes that never look at the interlocutor. He has a hoarse, unpleasant voice, and in his speeches he barks. He speaks hysterically, shakes his fists, going into a rage, and spits out long spells in rapid succession. This is a shaman, but a special type of shaman - cunning and calculating. It seems to the crowd that he is in ecstasy, but he, sputtering with saliva, is wondering something. When he talks with Krupp or with the boss of the Steel Trust, Mr. Vogel, he does not shout or spit - he is used to speaking respectfully with the kings of the Ruhr.

In his main novel, Goebbels vilified the Russians. The thoroughbred German Michel says to the Russian with the somewhat pretentious surname Venurevsky: “You must be conquered, exterminated!..” It is unlikely that Dr. Goebbels has now set out to “exterminate” the Russians: he is an outright coward who, even when there is no alarm, climbs into a bomb shelter.

Hitler entrusted Dr. Goebbels with a highly cultural task - public education. The choice was not made by chance - after all, Goebbels said: “When people talk about intelligence in front of me, I want to grab a revolver.” Having started work, Goebbels burned twenty million books at the stake - he took revenge on readers who preferred some Heine to Goebbels. He said: “The printed word makes me sick.” This is not entirely accurate - he loves his printed and unprinted words. He expelled all writers from Germany. But when the Nazis entered Paris, the French-language newspaper they began publishing published: “The greatest benefit for French culture will be familiarization with.”

The gang has its own philosopher - a Baltic German nobleman. He completed his education in Moscow in 1918. Yes, during the hungry year this Baltic rascal ate Russian bread. Then he got his hand on defamation of the Russian people. He wrote: “Let’s curb the people!” He traded Soviet Ukraine as if it were in his pocket. He wrote a large philosophical opus, “The Myth of the Twentieth Century,” a compilation of pamphlets by Russian Black Hundreds. He sheltered gangs of White Guards - he dreams of becoming Biron or Minich. Arriving in Paris, captured by the Nazis, Rosenberg demanded that he be given a report in the building where the French parliament had previously been located: he wanted to humiliate the French people. In his speech, he said that the ideas of the French Enlightenment "need to be thrown into the trash." He “threw out” ideas, and he himself visited Parisian shops and “purchased” various souvenirs.

Before the war, he was the head of a special department that dealt with espionage and sabotage. He demanded “the liberation of the Germans, who languish under the yoke of the Czechs and the French.” However, he was especially attracted by: he definitely wanted to free Ukraine from Ukrainians. Now he is Hitler's main adviser: after all, Herr Rosenberg speaks Russian, and he drank in brotherhood with all the tsars laying claim to the Russian throne.

Heinrich Himmler is not interested in philosophy; This is a practical man - he is at the head of the Gestapo secret police. It is occupied by surveillance, concentration camps, torture and executions. In Germany itself, he locked up a million anti-fascists. Then he moved on to other countries. He organized the Gestapo in Paris, Oslo, and Belgrade. He began to torture people on a European scale. He is a bespectacled sadist, frail and disgusting. He was an “extraordinary commissar” in Poland: he killed Poles, tortured Polish patriots, burned villages, flogged old people, handed over girls to the soldiers. He proudly said: “Sedition and I are incompatible” - these executioners love historical phrases. However, like other representatives of Hitler’s gang, Himmler does not at all believe in Germany’s victory. He hastily transferred over two million dollars to Argentina. Now this executioner with eight years of experience sits in a German convoy and waits - he imagines gallows, scaffolding, dungeons. Maybe in moments of enlightenment he consoles himself - after all, his dollars are far away - in Buenos Aires...

The fascist dog Hitler wants to turn us into slaves. This should not happen! - said the Red Army soldier Sulaev. - We will not spare any strength or blood and destroy the reptiles!

Soon an order was received: to surround the height of N. and destroy the enemy, who was conducting increased fire on our advanced units. The fighters went into battle, filled with an unshakable determination to answer the leader’s call with a decisive blow to the fascist thugs. The combat mission was completed with honor.

**************************************** **************************************** ***************
Our strength is incalculable

Everyone is on defense!
Stalin's call
people are raised
and mobilized.
everyone has
there is only one solution,
here it is:
than on earth
live -
for the homeland
put your life down!

They're coming
and those
who turned gray in battle,
who's going to Winter
was led
so that every city
became a citadel
so that fortress
every house.

And if
the grass is crushed,
wherever you step
enemy's leg -
for each
fascist grenade boot,
bullet -
into each pupil

Don't leave him
not a drop of oil
not a crumb of bread
not an ounce of copper
not a single carriage
and the rail!

To the enemy -
so that the water
seemed bitter!
into it -
because of every tree
take aim!
because of every bump!

Do you hear -
the fascist evil spirits want
us -
us -

Came to a bad end
William the Second,
Hitler will cum
even more deplorable!
Multi-million dollar
Civil uprising!

Red Army soldiers!
Be firm
will and thoughts
with the party
soldered, -
our ranks,
people's strength
inexhaustible! ("Red Star", USSR)