Bios doesn't work. BIOS does not start: the main causes of the problem. Energy “CMOS problem” - the battery is dead

One of the most common situations is when the computer does not start, the system does not enter the BIOS. In this case, power is supplied to the motherboard, but the system self-test does not run. Typically, users describe this malfunction something like this: when I start the computer, I can hear the noise of the fans on the processor and in the case, but the monitor is blank and does not emit any signals.

What could be causing the problem?

When the computer system boots normally after being turned on, it diagnoses its electronic components and initializes them. For this purpose, the BIOS chip contains a special program code. When the BIOS loads, this code is executed. If everything is normal, one short beep is issued. If an error is detected, the system does not start; a signal specific to the detected problem is issued. If the system does not perform a self-test upon boot, this does not mean that the code embedded in the bios has failed. In fact, this happens very rarely, and the cause is unsuccessful experimentation with the BIOS firmware.

Some possible reasons for a computer freezing when the bios does not load include:

  • incorrect;
  • contacts: either there is no contact somewhere, or, on the contrary, something is shorted (it happens, for example, that the metal plug of the motherboard on the rear panel of the case short-circuits the USB sockets);
  • faulty RAM;
  • dead battery (to power bios) on the motherboard;
  • stuck buttons on the front panel of the case, for example, “reset”;
  • a faulty power supply may be the reason why your computer won't boot;
  • damaged chipset chips;
  • swollen or leaking capacitors on the motherboard;
  • general contamination of the system unit.

Procedure for “treatment”

To cure the problem when the bios does not start, the first thing you need to do is open the system unit and assess the degree of contamination. Often the system does not boot for such a prosaic reason as a large amount of dirt. If dust is visible on the motherboard and other components, it is necessary to clean the computer. To do this, you can use a brush and a vacuum cleaner. Dust from surfaces is swept away with a brush and captured in the vacuum cleaner hose. When doing this, care must be taken not to damage any elements. In addition, you should not touch the vacuum cleaner hose to anything, as static electricity may accumulate on it during operation.

If the computer does not start, that is, general cleaning did not help, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Check if the speaker is connected correctly. Maybe the BIOS booted and found errors, but the signals are not heard.
  2. Check the front panel buttons for sticking.

These procedures can be done quickly and without much effort, and their result is often a solution to the problem - the system enters the BIOS.

Usually on the motherboard for resetting the BIOS there are three pins in the area where the battery is located, as well as a jumper that closes two of them. The jumper marking looks like “CLR” or “CMOS CLR”. To reset the bios settings in this case, you need to move the jumper to the other two contacts and wait a few seconds. The jumper then returns to its original position.

If there is no such jumper, the bios parameters are cleared by removing the battery from the board socket. But keep in mind that the bios reset does not occur instantly, but with a delay. The delay is explained by the fact that power to the microcircuit is retained from the charged capacitors of the motherboard. On high-quality boards, their discharge time can reach half an hour or more. For accelerated discharge, you can close the contacts to which the battery is connected.

Element-by-element check

If these actions lead to nothing, it is necessary to perform an element-by-element check. To do this, leave the processor with the fan and the wire leading to the speaker on the motherboard. Disconnect all other cables from the motherboard and remove the expansion cards. When you start the bios you should hear a “no RAM” sound. If it is heard, the diagnostics have worked, the processor and motherboard are operational. Then after that you need to insert one memory stick and start the computer again. If the video card is external, there should be a sound signal from the BIOS indicating its absence. By connecting all other devices gradually, one at each step, you can identify the faulty one, when installed, the system does not start.

Before installing memory sticks and expansion cards, you should make sure that they are not chipped or damaged, and then clean their contacts. To do this, it is best to use a cotton swab moistened with alcohol. But you can also wipe it with a regular rubber eraser.

Checking the processor is the last thing to do when finding the reason why the BIOS crashed

If even after removing all elements except the processor, the system does not boot and no bios signals are heard, you need to check the functionality of the processor. It is best to replace it with a known good one. If this is not possible, remove the cooler, press your finger to the surface of the processor, and turn on the computer. When we feel heating, we quickly turn it off - the processor is working. Otherwise, we check the motherboard: are there any chips, are there visible swollen or leaking capacitors. Problem capacitors, if any, can be replaced. But this, of course, requires a good level of soldering iron skills.

To check that the chipset chips are “live”, we check their temperature. They should warm up slightly within a minute of turning on the power. If the chip remains cold or heats up to a high temperature, there is a very high probability that it is faulty and the computer will not start because of it.

So if, when you turn on the computer, it does not boot and freezes at the bios self-test stage, you should not despair. In this case, you need to follow the procedures described above, and you will almost certainly achieve a positive result - the BIOS starts and the system starts working.

Greetings to all readers of the computer blog site! The other day I came across a Samsung NP300E5C-S0VRU laptop with the BOOTMGR is Missing problem. The problem is basically standard. The solution is to restore the bootloader via Live-CD, or reinstall Windows. Since, according to the client, the hard drive was formatted, they decided to reinstall it.

No problem - everything is as usual, go to the BIOS, set to boot from a flash drive, install Windows. Let's go... Oops... Not so fast, bro!

Samsung NP300E5C laptop does not enter BIOS when pressing f2

The laptop interrupted the process of its revival at the first point. When I pressed F2, it wrote “Entering SETUP” for a split second, but still continued booting from the hard drive, and persistently displayed the message BootMgr is Missing.

Physical disconnecting the hard drive It didn’t give any results - the laptop simply went into a cyclic reboot, preventing me from entering the BIOS via F2 or launching Recovery Mode via F4.

Poking around on the Internet showed that the problem is quite common, specifically for this model. The fact is that this laptop has the keyboard locked by default when entering the BIOS. When reinstalling Windows from 8 to 7, you first had to go into UEFI via Win8, disable Secure Boot, and enable CSV. And then carry out some actions to reinstall Windows.

The owner of the laptop somehow formatted the hard drive without first changing the BIOS settings, and, accordingly, got a “vicious circle” - in order to enter the BIOS, you had to install the OS, and in order to install the OS, you had to go into the BIOS.

BIOS won't start on laptop

There are different solutions to this problem offered on the Internet, but I will offer mine, which I have personally tested.

List of what you will need:

So, you have a hard drive with the OS installed, you inserted it into your laptop. We launch it, the OS should load. We install pre-downloaded drivers for network adapters, connect the laptop to the Internet via Wi-Fi or cable.

We launch the BIOS update program downloaded from the off. site. This is what the Bios update utility window looks like on Samsung laptops (in the background is the Samsung website, where everything was downloaded from):

As you can see in the picture, the current system BIOS version is the same as the latest bios version available for download (firmware P09RAP). This is because I took the photo after the update.

These versions most likely do not match for you, so, firstly, make sure that you have a battery inserted and charged at least 30%, and a network device is connected. Secondly, click the “Update” button.

So, the progress of the BIOS update has reached its end, the laptop has rebooted. Most likely, the OS will now stop loading, but now this is not a problem for us, because the BIOS is unlocked! We press F2 when loading, change the settings to the ones we need (disable Secure biot and enable Legacy CSV), and calmly install any Windows we want!

Laptop does not enter BIOS - [solved]

It is possible that the problem is when bios does not start when pressing F2, May occur on other laptops besides Samsung. Also, it may occur when replacing a hard drive. Everything can be solved by updating the bios to the latest version. And updating the BIOS is not such a complicated procedure, as you can see by reading this article!

The most important thing is that there is no sudden power outage, otherwise we will get a “brick”. Which will have to be revived by disassembling the laptop, desoldering the BIOS chip with a hot air gun, flashing it through the programmer, and soldering it back. This is an operation that is not available to everyone.

I'm glad I could help you with my note! If you have any questions, write them in the comments! Don’t forget to subscribe to blog updates so you don’t miss interesting articles on repairing and setting up your computer equipment!

The basic input/output system is the beginning of a computer's electronic life. In the event of a hardware or software malfunction of the BIOS microchip, successful startup of the computing device simply becomes impossible. Despite the extreme degree of reliability of the specified element of the computer system, software failures in the basic microsystem (due to many factors!) still occur. In most cases, the problem “BIOS does not start: what to do?” is resolved by simply replacing the CMOS battery, otherwise it is necessary to apply a comprehensive diagnostic plan, and only after identifying the cause of the problem, carry out a repair (correct!) algorithm of actions, -. details in the article!

Not a short introduction: small BIOS and big consequences...

Indeed, everything depends on a small microcircuit, which contains a set of microprograms in its memory, and in totality is the basic microsystem of a computer! A very rare electronic ailment that occurs in our time is damage to the main BIOS record of the system (not to be confused with temporary data stored in CMOS memory!) - this is a “dead” motherboard. That is, the motherboard becomes completely useless, since it is deprived of a startup control element.

A partial malfunction of the microchip BIOS can be accompanied by an incredible variety of surprises, both hardware and software. In general, the beginning of all computing principles is a small microcircuit with a certain set of programs. The degree of efficiency of the computer you are using directly influences the overall operational life of the computing device as a whole depends on how correctly you configure the BIOS. If for you, dear reader, everything written above has become news, then it makes sense to think: “Do I comply with the manufacturer’s critical instructions regarding operating rules?”

Why the BIOS suddenly stopped starting: a little about all the reasons

Let's move on to specifics, because the situation “does not start” can look different:

  1. When you press the “on” button, nothing happens - a black screen and silence.
  2. The computer turns on, the screen flickers with a black void (not active) - the noise of the fans is heard and the system speaker (BIOS speaker) beeps.
  3. The computing device starts, some message is displayed on the screen - the buttons do not respond, except that... the restart works.
  4. The system boots too quickly (and safely!), but you can’t get into the BIOS.

There is another interpretation of the problem voiced, when a novice user does not correctly understand what exactly is happening and at the same time wonders how to enter the BIOS in general? Let's start with the last one...

How to enter basic computer settings

Depending on the BIOS version(s), as well as the design features of the computer, access to basic settings may differ radically from the methods that are considered standard.

For example, in most PC modifications, entering the BIOS is done by pressing the “F2” or “Delete” function button. Moreover, the activation of one of these buttons is carried out immediately at the moment of starting the computer system at its initial stage. By the way, there is a special technique for calling the BIOS main menu - repeatedly pressing the corresponding button with an interval of two clicks per second.

There are other “tactile schemes” for entering the BIOS - some manufacturers equip the devices they produce with special mechanisms, push-button or lever type, when activated, the user enters the service menu of the base microsystem. However, there are also more exotic buttons - touch ones. However, the essence of the listed keys and service gadgets is the same - calling the BIOS Setup menu.

As for the “speed resistance” to entering the basic computer settings menu, there are several possible solutions:

  • Enter the BIOS menu through Windows OS - use this link to read about how this is done.
  • Try calling the BIOS using other service keys, for example, “F8”.
  • Finally, you can get to the basic settings using the System Restore rescue disk or Windows distribution.

Black screen and silence: causes and solutions

This “electronic incident” has a rather long list of “causes and consequences”, however, it is possible to highlight the main symptoms of the malfunction, namely, to quickly identify the real culprit of the “silent triumph”.

  • There is a 99.9% chance that the power supply has failed. Naturally, replacing the component with a known-good power supply unit will correct the situation in the direction of “Problem resolved!”
  • The power button has failed - replace the switching element or check the wire for mechanical damage (obvious breakage, deformation of the wire, oxidation of contacts, etc.), of course, with its subsequent restoration (soldering, cleaning).
  • Dust contamination of the inside of the computer case (especially important for portable computer equipment - a laptop) - it is necessary to clean all components of the system board, as well as the attached modules and wiring equipment, from dust. Do not forget to clean the protective mesh of the air intakes and other structural elements of the body.

The computer turns on, but the monitor screen is “full of dark secrets”

As a rule, problems with starting a computer system are always accompanied by a specific sound signal, the tone and sound sequence of which has its own decoding code.

To solve the problem described, you can also try changing the computer’s power supply, but more likely this “PC behavior” indicates that the BIOS has detected a faulty component in the system: one of the memory sticks (RAM) has failed, the hard drive has broken, or The processor temperature has reached a critical value. In the latter case, it is necessary to replace the thermal paste and check the cooling system cooler for serviceability.

Otherwise, user actions should be as follows:

  • Disconnect all peripheral devices (printer, fax, webcam, external storage devices, etc.).
  • Remove all RAM modules.
  • Disconnect hard drives.
  • Switch to a different graphics mode - change the video circuit from integrated to discrete, or switch to the built-in video chip if you used an external video card.

If an empty continent starts up, add one component at a time from the previously disabled components and carefully monitor the reaction of the microsystem as a whole. In any case, if the BIOS starts, it means you have already achieved a positive result!

By the way, do not forget that a black screen may be the result of a failed monitor. In laptops, the integrity of the connecting cable is often compromised, which is constantly subjected to dynamic load when opening/closing the display cover. In the latter case, it is better to contact a laptop repair service center. In both the first and second cases, to check the truth of the assumption, you can always try connecting an external monitor to the VGA connector.

In conclusion

Here, in brief, is the entire list of instructions for the problem “BIOS does not start: what to do.” We hope everything worked out for you and access to basic settings is restored. Of course, you should not lose sight of another not described way to resolve the problem - switch the CMOS jumper to the RESET position (then return the contact element to its original position).

And you know, this article has a big continuation, because the BIOS may not start due to swollen capacitors, as well as “dead” transistors... Don’t miss it!

BIOS is a basic input and output system that stores special algorithms necessary for the proper functioning of the entire computer. The user can make certain changes to it in order to improve the performance of the PC, but if the BIOS does not start, this may indicate serious problems with the computer.

There is no universal way to solve this problem, since, depending on the cause, you need to look for a solution. For example, in some cases, in order to “revive” the BIOS, you will have to disassemble the computer and carry out some manipulations with the hardware, while in others, it will be enough to simply try to enter it using the capabilities of the operating system.

Reason 1: Problems with components

If, when you turn on the PC, the machine either does not show any signs of life at all, or only the indicators on the case are lit, but there are no sounds and/or messages on the screen, then in most cases this means that the problem lies in the components. Inspect these components:

Physical damage to important computer components does occur, but the main reason for the inability to start a PC normally is severe dust contamination of its insides. Dust can become lodged in fans and contacts, disrupting the flow of voltage from one component to another.

When disassembling the system unit or laptop case, pay attention to the amount of dust. If there is too much of it, then do “cleaning”. Large volumes can be removed with a vacuum cleaner operating at low power. If you use a vacuum cleaner while cleaning, be careful as you may accidentally damage the inside of your PC.

When the main layer of dust has been removed, arm yourself with a brush and dry wipes to remove the remaining dirt. It is possible that contamination has entered the power supply. In this case, it will have to be disassembled and cleaned from the inside. Also check the contacts and connectors for dust.

Reason 2: Compatibility issues

In rare cases, the computer and BIOS may stop working due to incompatibility of any component that is connected to the motherboard. Usually, identifying the problem object is quite simple, for example, if you recently added/changed a RAM stick, then most likely the new stick is incompatible with the rest of the PC components. In this case, try starting the computer with old RAM.

Less commonly, it happens when one of the computer components fails and is no longer supported by the system. It is quite difficult to identify the problem in this case, since the computer does not start. Various sound signals or special messages on the screen that the BIOS gives can be very helpful. For example, by looking at the error code or sound signal, you can find out which component is having a problem.

In the case of incompatibility of certain components on the motherboard, the computer often shows signs of life. The user can hear the operation of hard drives, coolers, and the startup of other components, but nothing appears on the screen. Most often, in addition to the startup sounds of computer components, you can hear some extraneous signals produced by the BIOS or some important PC component, thus reporting a problem.

If there is no signal/message or they are illegible, then you will have to use this instruction to find out what the problem is:

If you completely assembled the computer (without finding a problematic element), connected all the devices to it and it began to turn on normally, then there can be two explanations for this behavior:

  • Perhaps due to vibration and/or other physical impact on the PC, the contact from some important component has come out of the connector. In the actual disassembly and reassembly, you simply reconnected an important component;
  • A system failure occurred due to which the computer had problems reading a component. Reconnecting each element to the motherboard again or resetting the BIOS solves this problem.

Reason 3: System failure

In this case, the OS loads without any complications, work in it also proceeds normally, but when you need to enter the BIOS, you are unable to do anything. This scenario is extremely rare, but it does happen.

The method for solving the problem that has arisen is effective only if your operating system boots normally, but you cannot enter the BIOS. Here we can also recommend trying all the login keys - F2, F3, F4, F5, F6, F7, F8, F9, F10, F11, F12, Delete, Esc. Another option is to use each of these keys in combination with Shift or fn(the latter is only relevant for laptops).

This method will only be applicable for Windows 8 and higher, since this system allows you to restart the PC and then enable the BIOS. Use this instruction to perform a reboot and then start the basic input and output system:

If you have an operating system Windows 7 or older, and also if you have not found the item "Firmware and UEFI Settings" V "Advanced options", you can use "Command line". Open it using the cmd command in the line "Run"(called by key combination Win+R).

You need to enter the following value in it:

shutdown.exe /r /o

After clicking on Enter the computer will reboot and enter the BIOS or offer boot options with entering the BIOS.

Typically, after such an entry, the basic I/O system will boot without any problems in the future if you are already using key combinations. If it is not possible to re-enter the BIOS using the keys, it means that a serious failure has occurred in the settings.

Reason 4: Incorrect settings

Due to a failure in the settings, the hot keys for entering may change, so if such a failure occurs, it would be wise to reset all settings to factory settings. In most cases, everything returns to normal. This method is recommended only in cases where the computer boots without problems, but you cannot enter the BIOS.