Business plan: knitting on a custom knitting machine. How to make millions from knitting

Hello! In this article we will discuss how to make money by knitting.

  • How much can you earn: from 15,000 rubles in the first few months.
  • Minimum Requirements: ability to knit and sell your own goods.
  • Is it worth it?: if you are confident in your abilities.

General information about home business

Handmade goods are becoming increasingly popular. There are two reasons for this:

  • Such products are unique.
  • They are made from quality materials.

Uniqueness is the determining factor here. Stores and factories churn out hundreds of identical products for sale. The master cannot afford this; he has to come up with something new and interesting every time and maintain sales volume with a variety of goods.

People are willing to overpay money if they know that their neighbors, friends or acquaintances will not have such a thing.

Quality materials are also an important factor. Craftsmen who sell their goods value their clients. There are not so many of the latter that they can be wasted senselessly. Therefore, high-quality materials are used, and the work is done with passion.

But despite its popularity, it is still difficult to implement. Unlike a standard job, where you will be paid even for the time you eat lunch or spend time on social networks, in a home business you get paid exclusively for your work.

This approach leads to responsibility for every decision. For most this is difficult. It’s better to work the old fashioned way, but consistently.

From all this we can draw one simple conclusion:

Home business is profitable, interesting and challenging. Turning your hobby into a source of income is a dream for many people, but only a few will be able to achieve it.

Is it possible to earn money by knitting?

“Learn to make money from your hobby and you won’t have to work a single day” is a very interesting idea that is relevant for home business. If you like to knit, you can earn good money from it.

Knitting is hard manual labor. To achieve good income figures, you will have to work hard at the beginning.

On knitting or crocheting indeed. This is due to the fact that many foreign fashion houses have long been introducing knitted items into the modern wardrobe. They are comfortable, look aesthetically pleasing and will be relevant in any weather.

In order to start developing in knitting, you need to choose your niche. There are three options.

Knitting to order. This is the standard and most popular practice. You talk about what you know how to knit, what you specialize in, and the client places an order. If the client likes the finished result, he pays money. If you don't like it, you still have the product.

The main difficulty here is the discrepancy in tastes. Your vision and taste may differ from the customer, so sometimes you will have to prove that your option is better, and sometimes you will simply have to redo it and waste time.

Custom work should not be your only source of income.

Sale of finished products. This is a full-fledged sales business. You choose a product that you will specialize in, knit it and put it up for sale. [Sale price] - [all costs of the product] = [your profit]. Everything here is simple and clear.

You work with what you like and create what you think is necessary. But the minus is also obvious - . They may buy your work or not.

Master classes, clubs, lessons. This is a very promising niche. Many people are looking for their hobby, and in order to learn something from a professional, they have to pay. If you know how to knit well, you can be a teacher. Lessons can be taught either at home or in rented premises, or remotely via Skype.

The cost of one lesson depends on the region. In large cities, the cost of an hour for a master will cost from 700 to 1.5 thousand rubles. In the regions - 500-700.

All three options can be done at home. It’s not at all necessary to rent a space, create your own store and spend extra money.

What's in demand

Now a few words about what knitted goods are in demand. In fact, everything here is banal:

  • Home textiles - napkins, tablecloths, etc.
  • Clothes for women.
  • Children's clothing.
  • Interior decorations - toys, keychains, accessories.

I'll say a few words about clothes. Despite the fact that knitted items are really popular, we are very far from Western markets. If you want to specialize in selling clothes that you knitted yourself, you will have to enter the European market.

The easiest way to do this is with the help of a huge trading platform, an analogue of our Avito. The main one here is English speaking. Americans and Europeans greatly value any handmade goods.

How to sell knitted goods

Your task is not to knit a huge number of things, but to sell them. There are three big sales channels:

  • Real stores.
  • Social media.
  • Bulletin boards and similar sites.

Real stores

Start knitting at home, sell a few products, then open your own small store - a classic scheme for developing a home business. But beginners often get burned out on this. Without comparing expenses with their income, they rent large premises and expensive equipment, and then it turns out that the business is operating at a loss.

Rent premises only when you are really sure that you will make a profit. Income must cover all expenses and at the same time contribute to business development. A good option would be a small room away from the city center.

Social network

  1. VKontakte account with 50 - 100 friends (more is possible, less is not).
  2. Group.
  3. Product.

The first thing you need to do is write on your wall what you plan to do. It's simple. It’s enough to write a post in the key “I decided to start a home business. What brought me here. What do I want to do. What am I selling? The post should be catchy, consist of several parts and tell in detail about your knitting business.

Then you create a group and duplicate your own post into it. This is done so that you are recognized. Then you upload product photos into the “Products” field, set prices and start filling the group with content. Most often, these will be your posts in the format “For sale... Price... Size... Materials.”

To initially gather a certain number of people in a group, ask your friends to join and repost.

After that, keep active in the group, communicate, talk and sell.

Notice boards

This is the easiest and most banal sales option. Instead of bothering with a real store and social networks, just use the services of free advertisements.

The most popular message board is Avito. For handmade goods, it is still worth using the Crafts Fair.

You simply advertise your own handmade goods for sale and wait for customers to call. Nothing complicated. The more clients you have, the easier sales will be in the future.

Success stories

Here I will give some real stories about how people started making money from knitting. There are very few similar stories in Russia, so I will cite foreign ones.

Heidi May is the most famous private needlewoman. Lives in America, conducts business through his store and on the Internet. She specializes in children's knitted hats. Children's hats with ears brought her great popularity. Sold $300,000 worth of goods in 4 years of work.

Dudush - Turkish needlewoman. She creates cool knitted laptop sleeves. A little more than 160 orders are issued per year, which gives about $5,000 in profit per month.

Yoko Gibran is an American needlewoman who makes knitted scarves and hats. Sells goods online and in a store in his hometown. For 3 years of work, earnings amounted to about 140 thousand dollars.


Knitting can very well become a profitable home business. Numerous success stories are further proof of this. If you are willing to work hard, take risks and constantly improve in all areas, then you have a chance to break into this field.

Crochet to order

I have already written about knitting as work at home for women and, judging by its popularity, this topic is in great demand, so I will write in more detail about another popular type of this needlework: about custom crocheting. Owning handicrafts is a good opportunity to unleash your creativity, make your life more complete, and also earn additional income.

Personally, I love this business. True, now all my time is spent on the Internet, but several times a year I have an attack - I buy threads (), abandon my work and start creating. I don’t care what to knit, the main thing is that the item is original, special, unusual. But today we will talk less about creativity, and more about how to make money from it. In fact, you can earn not only and not so much by knitting clothes or napkins. There are a lot of related opportunities. I will try to tell you about them too.

Crochet to order - how to start this business?

Handicraftswomen who have never sold anything often think that it is incredibly difficult to start making money from their skills. In fact, the first buyers are usually found within the first week after the call is made to friends. But there are many more options to find clients and make money:

  1. Just custom crochet. We advertise in newspapers and regional forums, put ads on poles and turn on word of mouth. That is, we find clients and accept orders.
  2. We create a group on social networks where we post our work, communicate with potential clients, and collect orders.
  3. We create. Here you can also post descriptions of your work and at the same time teach people the craft. In this case, the site will not only be a supplier of orders, but also provide income in itself. Somehow, information came across on the Internet that a dozen Swiss grandmothers united, created their own website and began selling children's things through it. The business idea turned out to be quite successful.
  4. We create our own magazine. Once a month we print a beautiful book with two dozen new, beautifully presented models and detailed descriptions of how to do it yourself. They make money here mainly by placing other people's advertisements. Of course, this is not the case; you will have to invest a considerable amount right away.
  5. Crochet for sale. I’ll talk about this in more detail below, but I just want to say that until you get your hand so full that the knitted fabric seems knitted by a machine, there’s no point in poking your head into this niche.
  6. You can create something unusual, for example, I am in complete admiration for the idea of ​​the Japanese Toshiko Horiuchi. She knits playgrounds for children. These are absolutely fantastic designs that delight both kids and adults.

Artwork by Toshiko Horiuchi

Crochet for sale

If you visit fashion boutiques, you have probably noticed that many modern knitted items can be knitted yourself. Moreover, tunics costing 2,000 rubles will cost approximately 600 rubles (threads, buttons, beads, buckles, etc.). They also won’t require much time, because many things are crocheted with a thick hook from thick threads. You just need to get your own brand and negotiate with store owners. And don’t tell me that this doesn’t happen, working in the women’s clothing trade myself, I’ve seen a lot of this. This includes purchasing and sewing fake logos and labels onto homemade clothing.

Fashionable crocheted tunics

To speed up the process, you can knit the main fabric by machine and then crochet it. A lot of things have been made this way, they look great and practically never go out of style. Only the length, patterns and colors change. In addition to shops, you can sell your products at markets, craft fairs, folklore festivals, etc. This is especially true if you prefer work at home for women, such as knitting napkins, tablecloths, towels or carpets.

Features of custom crochet

  1. You can learn to crochet in one day using patterns in a knitting book, or by finding a specialized site on the Internet. Don't reinvent the wheel - follow the instructions exactly. If you do not immediately learn to hold the hook correctly, then it will be difficult to relearn it, and incorrect technique will reduce the speed of knitting. But until the knitting becomes perfectly even, you will have to practice a lot.
  2. Always, before starting a garment, first knit a sample and use it to calculate the pattern and number of stitches. A product that has been unraveled several times during the process will appear dirty.
  3. If you are knitting clothes that should fit well on your figure: a dress, jacket, coat, etc., then first you need to make patterns and follow them exactly.
  4. With the same thickness and density of knitting, crocheted items will be rougher and colder than knitted items.
  5. Don't knit with cheap threads! Even if you decide to create a blouse that resembles a torn floor rag (famous fashion houses offer such almost every year), it must be knitted from high-quality threads.
  6. Everything must be perfect, that is, as if this thing was created in a factory. No missing loops, protruding threads, rough seams, etc. Everything should be perfect on the inside too!

What can you crochet? All! In this way, not only clothes are created, but also furniture, shoes, jewelry, souvenirs, carpets, tablecloths, curtains, bedspreads and children's toys. Using this technique, you can knit the finest lace and make rough rugs from ropes. Therefore, it is better to find your own niche and specialize in it in order to become a real professional.

What can you crochet

Custom crochet can actually be turned into a business without investment for women, but under several conditions:

  • knit quickly and efficiently;
  • sell your work at a high price;
  • actively and regularly engage in advertising;
  • offer something that others don’t have;
  • hire assistants.

If you just want to knit a couple of blouses or several children’s suits a month for your friends, then this kind of work at home for women is not a business, but an additional income, and quite modest at that.

Crochet rugs

Knitting means that you have to buy a lot of yarn and often, thanks to the Internet, this problem can be solved quickly and economically. For example, you can buy crochet yarn cheaply from Aliexpress, I’ll tell you how I do it.

If you are already crocheting and want to receive orders, then please leave your email address, ICQ or phone number in the comments.

Hi all! Probably, when you saw the title, you decided that this article was intended for grandmothers, because we associate them with a ball of thread and knitting needles. But don’t rush to leave my page, because this is absolutely not true. Recently, there has been a demand for handmade products, and many progressive girls already know how to make money by knitting at home.

From this article you will learn:

Honestly, the last time I held knitting needles in my hands was during labor lessons at school. I really didn't like this tedious task. The stitches kept falling off the needles, and I didn't have the dexterity to catch them and hook them up. Often it was necessary to bandage the same place several times. The product turned out to be short because I did not know how to control the thread tension. In some places the canvas was looser, in others it was too dense. And in general, I always thought that they knit from threads. And only recently I found out that the correct name is yarn.

Later I learned that knitting is not only done with knitting needles. It turns out that there are other devices for this:

  1. Crochet hook. It is much more convenient to knit with them, because, as a rule, only the last loop of the row is on the hook, and even if it slips, you can easily pick it back up without re-tying half of the product.
  2. Knitting machine. This is not some huge industrial unit, but a completely compact thing that will fit on your desk or windowsill at home.
  3. Your hands - they can also become a tool for knitting. Maybe you've seen cardigans on the Internet made from yarn as thick as your thumb? So, they are wound around the hands, like on knitting needles, and the loops are knitted, threading the thread with the fingers.

Myth No. 1. This activity is for retirees.

One illustration from the Soviet alphabet is firmly ingrained in my subconscious. It depicts an elderly woman who has fallen asleep in a chair with knitting in her hands, and a mischievous kitten has tangled all her yarn. Do you remember this too? Then we will destroy stereotypes together.

But my friend has been interested in knitting for a long time and often travels to Moscow to attend interesting seminars in this area. She's doing great! I myself ordered things from her a couple of times for my daughter. And, by the way, she also works at. She is an active young woman who successfully combines family and work. So, she is already thinking about creating her own brand of knitted children's clothing. I will be happy to support her and perhaps help you, I will simply present knitting as a business, tell you where to start, how to succeed.

Knitting very often becomes a hobby for young people. We all want only the best for our children, so we prefer natural materials in clothing. We just want to make a beautiful, pleasant, exclusive thing. Knitting is also very relaxing and relieves stress. Counting loops occupies the brain, displacing everyday problems.

Myth No. 2. This is a seasonal business, because all knitted items are warm

Of course, the first things that come to mind are hats and sweaters. But do not forget that in central Russia the first cold weather begins already in September, and frosts occur until mid-May. It doesn’t happen from year to year, but it won’t hurt anyone to have a warm sweater on hand. And there is a category of people who live by the principle “prepare a sleigh in the summer and a cart in the winter.”

Do you know how many creative ideas have now appeared that are not at all related to the winter wardrobe:

  1. Interior baskets are the ideal storage system. The larger ones can be used to store children's toys. And the small ones are perfect for keys, hairpins, decorative cosmetics and other small items. They are knitted from thick yarn, so the manufacturing process is very fast.
  2. Rugs and rugs. Remember how our grandmothers cut old clothes into long strips and knitted creepy round rugs from them? Never do this! Now you can go to any handicraft store and buy a special cord or knitted yarn for this purpose, cut into even strips from a single piece of fabric. It would not be a shame to place such rugs not only at the dacha, but also in a city apartment. And if you show your imagination and design the product in the shape of a bear or Mickey Mouse, then your child will certainly want to put such a rug next to his crib.
  3. Beach bags, clutches and backpacks are great summer accessories. These are perfect for a trip to the beach or a boat trip. They are very popular among young people.
  4. Bedspreads, blankets and pillows. They are ordered both for children, for example, for discharge from the maternity hospital, or for a crib, and for adults. A voluminous bedspread with a large braid pattern is ideal for a Scandinavian-style interior. A blanket made of bulky yarn, knitted by hand, will harmoniously fit into a loft studio.
  5. Covers for chairs and ottomans are a new trend in interior design with ancient roots. It should be noted that it is very practical. After all, the cover can be easily removed and washed or replaced with a new one. And the furniture will remain safe and sound.
  6. Covers for mugs - but this, in my opinion, is a completely useless device. After all, after every tea party you will have to wash such “clothes”. But they look very cute and cozy. And to make them, there is enough leftover yarn, which is a pity to throw away.
  7. Kids toys. There are many variations on the theme possible here. You can make soft toys, or tie a ready-made rattle, or make a whole mobile (a toy that hangs over a baby’s crib)

Myth No. 3 Knitting is an expensive pleasure

One day I felt the urge to buy a warm woolen sweater. You could say it was a fixed idea. I visited a bunch of clothing sites. And here's what I found out. It turns out that there are practically no items containing wool on the shelves of popular chain stores. And if there is, then it is no more than 20%. And if you go to specialized online stores, the prices there are simply sky-high. For example, the cheapest sweater that I would wear cost about 15,000 rubles. And this is far from the limit.

Now let’s try to calculate the cost of such a sweater. For the sake of comparison, I went to several online craft stores. The most expensive German yarn made from 100% merino wool that I came across cost 390 rubles per 50 grams. To make a women's sweater of sizes 44-46, approximately 800 grams of yarn are required, that is, 16 skeins. The most expensive knitting needles are 370 rubles. By simple calculation we get 6,610 rubles for an excellent warm sweater.

You can find yarn much cheaper and no worse. For example, Russian or Turkish production. The price for a skein 100 m long varies from 170 to 250 rubles. And if you knit not with knitting needles, but with crochet, the price of which is about 100 rubles, then your sweater will cost about 1,700-2,000 rubles. And in terms of quality and thermal properties it will not be inferior to expensive ones.

Now estimate how much you can earn from knitting if the markup on market products is more than 100%. This is really profitable!

The question is how much time you will spend creating your product. But here it all depends on the skill, experience, complexity of the pattern and the amount of free time you have. Someone can knit a voluminous cardigan in a week, while others will spend a month on a regular hat. You will have to practice and carefully plan your schedule, because customers do not like to wait and want to receive the long-awaited item as quickly as possible.

Knitting machines are a completely different matter. With their help, you can speed up the process several times. However, you will have to fork out for them. The simplest models with manual programming cost about 20-30 thousand rubles, better ones - from 50 thousand, and professional automated machines 100-200 thousand rubles. Of course, you can purchase a used knitting machine. A used item usually costs half as much as a new one. It is best to look for them on free classifieds sites, such as Avito or Yula.

Myth No. 4. The learning process is difficult.

As I always say, there would be a desire. If you really want to, you can fly into space. The time has long passed when you had to buy knitting textbooks and magazines. You can find a huge number of training videos on the Internet, for example Here. Experienced needlewomen have already created their own channels on YouTube, and give step-by-step instructions from casting the first loops to the most complex elements, describing in detail all the methods of knitting and decorating products. By subscribing to such an account, you can learn knitting from scratch.

I found an interesting site - Masters Fair: Various master classes are collected here, and not only on knitting, but also on other types of creativity. You can look for interesting works of other users, be inspired by their ideas and take note of original schemes and solutions. There is also an interesting section - the order table. Users leave requests for one or another type of work and set a price, or they can exchange by barter, for example, a bouquet of sweets for handmade gingerbread.

Myth No. 5. Knitted items have long gone out of fashion and are not in demand.

This statement is partly true, and partly complete nonsense. Fashion is a capricious lady, and, as you know, goes in circles. If you study the collections of modern designers, you are unlikely to come across openwork knitted items, T-shirts - nets made of fine yarn, or blouses assembled from individual small flowers. Nobody really needs all these outdated models. But the volume ones hats and snoods, thick cardigans and pigtail sweaters, boho-style ponchos are the main trend of the fall-winter 2017/18 season. But that's today. What will happen tomorrow? I do not know. It is possible that famous couturiers are preparing some surprises for us.

Hand made has always been and will be in value. After all, anyone can buy something in a chain store that is exactly like millions of others in a pod.

In any case, in order to start selling, you will need to post photographs of your work on some information resource. For example, at the same Masters Fair. You can even open your own store there. All kinds of women's forums and mommy blogs will do for this purpose.

There is even a special social network for needlewomen and creative people - Pinterest, and an application of the same name for mobile devices. This is an international service. Here you can find millions of works from artists from all over the globe. I myself recently registered here, periodically I post photos of my desserts and watch videos about.

It is believed that knitting as a business is not a very profitable business. By doing hand knitting, you can earn about 20 thousand rubles in a month. But there are supporters of the opinion that with proper organization and active promotion of goods, income can be very high. It is important to offer original and high-quality products, which means perfectly processed seams and the presence of various decorative elements. And, of course, the success of the knitting business is influenced by the originality of the models produced.

Many people believe that knitting is a business tied to certain climatic conditions. But in the Internet era, this factor has lost its decisive importance.

Case registration

Before registering a knitting business, it is recommended to study the market and find your niche in it. Based on this, determine the scale of the enterprise and, accordingly, the form of its registration. If your plan includes making exclusive items to order, it is recommended not to rush into registration, but to first try yourself in this business. And only if the customer base starts to grow, you will have to hire someone to help, does it make sense to register your own company.


Again, if your business plan involves making a small number of custom items, you may be able to limit yourself to working from home. If you have a more ambitious plan, you can buy or rent a small room of 10-15 square meters. m, where you can sell a certain number of finished products and accept orders for new ones.


Regardless of whether you have a studio space or not, if you are building a serious business, your plan must include staffing. Finding craftsmen for the knitting business is not difficult, just leave an ad on the Internet, or look for those who exhibit their work yourself.

But if you want to get to the top of the knitting business, your staff should definitely take advanced training courses. Every year new technologies and features of making things from knitwear appear, which you need to know about and which you need to be able to make.

There are also various technological solutions for the production process. In some cases, craftsmen make products themselves and then hand them over to the studio. In others, a technological chain is established between personnel, when some employees are engaged in the manufacture of parts, while others are engaged in their assembly. Moreover, some entrepreneurs are limited to only one part of the production process - the manufacture of parts. And the assembly is given to experienced large studios. It is believed that this approach ensures the highest quality product possible.

Payment for personnel services also depends on the organization of the process. Thus, knitters who work from home usually earn about $50-70 per month. If we are talking about a large studio, then the salary plan should include $100-300 for each master.

Knitting needles and yarn

In fact, to work you will need yarn and knitting needles. As a rule, each craftsman has his own set of knitting needles. But yarn should be included in your spending plan - you will provide it for knitters.

As a rule, products are made from wool yarn, of which there is a huge variety on the market today in terms of quality, manufacturer and characteristics. The head of the company is simply obliged to understand what kind of wool, what characteristics it has and for what purposes it is used.

Therefore, when choosing wool for your products, you need to start from the range of products you plan to produce. As practice shows, the most popular knitted items are:

  • shawls;
  • scarves;
  • mittens;
  • mittens;
  • socks;
  • down scarves;
  • sweaters;
  • sleeveless vests.

To speed up the knitting process, you can purchase a special knitting machine. The simplest option costs about 10 thousand rubles. This machine makes fabric, which then needs to be carefully sewn.

Pricing for products

The cost of a product consists of the following components:

  • wages for a knitter;
  • cost of yarn and other consumables.

The average markup is about 100%. But you should always focus on the average price on the market and the product itself.

Profit calculation

  • wages for a knitter – 50-600 rubles;
  • the cost of 500-600 g of yarn is 500-600 rubles.

In just a month, about 15 such products can be made, provided that about 5 knitters work. After paying the necessary deductions, about 20 thousand rubles remain. arrived. This is provided that there is no need to pay rent.

Business advertising

Today it is not enough to use traditional advertising sources. Posting advertisements and placing them in thematic print publications, of course, can bring clients, but this will be a negligible percentage compared to the return the Internet provides.

The easiest way is to post photos of your work with an offer to buy on free message boards. But at the same time, it is important to take very high-quality photographs - the attractiveness of your products to the client depends on this.

Another promotion option is creating a group on social networks. Here you can quickly and thoroughly answer potential customers’ questions and quickly accept orders.

The more expensive option would be to create your own website. On it you can post photographs of works from different angles, give their detailed descriptions, accept orders and payments. With proper promotion and content of the site, it itself can become a source of small additional income.

But the most reliable tool for attracting new customers is word of mouth. To do this, it is necessary to produce exclusively high-quality and original things.

Nowadays, many people are engaged in knitting. Moreover, among them there are not only women, but also representatives of the stronger sex. Often this is a hobby that allows you to relax after a hard day behind the flickering of knitting needles or a crochet hook. But if knitting has become almost a way of life, and numerous ideas are swarming in your head without having time to become a reality, it’s time to think about opening your own knitting business, which brings not only pleasure, but also profit.

Before you begin to implement your plan, you need to think about some issues associated with knitting production.

Knitting is a long process. You need to have enough time for it. Therefore, if you try to combine it with some other serious activity, then most likely you will not be able to promote this activity beyond the status of a hobby. You will have to devote yourself entirely to this business and treat it as a small business.

In addition, this type of activity is accompanied by a certain seasonality. After all, warm knitted sweaters, warming hats, and overalls for babies are in demand when it’s cold. But here you can find a compromise, creating not only clothing items, but also interior decorations - lace napkins, patterned tablecloths, original bedspreads. In the summer you can successfully sell knitted toys, phone cases and other knitted things. In addition, many fashionistas want to purchase a delightful knitted swimsuit or an openwork light blouse.

The process of making products will be much faster when using a knitting machine. Funds are needed to purchase it. Of course, you can try to earn money on knitting equipment by knitting things by hand. You just need to keep in mind that this will take a sufficient amount of time.

And most importantly, the organization of sales of manufactured products. You can try to contact the knitwear seller and agree to place your knitted items with him. In this case, you will have to share part of the profit. If you have a certain amount of money, you can open your own store, coming up with an original name for it. The custom knitting method is also suitable. Over time, there will be more and more customers, if, of course, your work is done skillfully and tastefully.

When doing any type of business, it’s not easy to “get on your feet” right away, but if you devote yourself to it with all your heart, then everything will definitely work out!


Is quite real. And not only knitting, but also the whole home “handmade” - various jewelry, clothes, cross stitch and so on, for which you have enough imagination and related skills. Here in the next topic we also discuss making cases for mobile phones - a very popular activity now. You can distribute products made with your own hands on social networks, on forums, online auctions or using your website.

Quite a worthy business from the category of those that we call “female”. Mastering knitting is not at all difficult (and the Internet, as they say, helps), and an item that costs, for example, 500 rubles (a jacket), will cost the cost of wool 50 rubles, plus 2-3 hours of time. Not bad, considering that the demand for homemade wool products is consistently high, and it is not necessary to register as an individual entrepreneur: “your” clients here easily appear through friends. In the 90s, my grandmother’s pension was half as much as the profit from the sale of freshly knitted socks, mittens, mittens...

Of course it’s real, I even had one idea, I’ll try to use it, those who live near me, don’t read any further) In general, everyone knows grandmothers who sell apples in the markets in the summer and so on. Why don’t they order it, let them knit it, 50 rubles for a pair of woolen socks, the fabric from me, at the store’s expense, you can negotiate like this, you sell it for at least 150 rubles, everything on top is yours. But I have a better option, we have our own department, although not for socks, but that’s also possible. Same with girl students, those who can sew and don’t have enough money, order whatever you want, let them sew, then the scheme is the same.

It seems to me that you first need to try to knit something interesting, take a photo, and post it on the same forums. If people are interested, then think about custom knitting and creating your own website. Post your creations on our forum, we will be happy to appreciate it :)

But I’m sure that you can’t make a business out of knitting, and it’s doomed to failure. Well, no one needs knitted things now, this is already in the past, now is a different time, and therefore a different attitude towards knitted things. Knitting is a hobby, not a business. But this is my personal opinion, but for some reason it seems to me that this idea is no longer relevant now.

Knitting is a very labor-intensive and painstaking process; sometimes you have to unravel a part and knit the piece again. It is not profitable to sell products, since preference will be given to Chinese synthetics. But if you enjoy this process and calm your nerves, then sell your products and do business, don’t hoard them at home.

Well, as I said, knitting is for the soul, so to speak, a hobby that only Grandmothers are into now, and not all of them. Previously, about 10 years ago, knitting could still bring in a penny, I often saw grandmothers selling knitted socks and mittens at the market, but now I don’t see any practical ones, apparently grandmothers also realized that this business had already exhausted itself.

Yuran123, and in Europe and the West, on the contrary, handmade is gaining momentum. Training clubs are being created. And there are more young people there than grannies. Interesting patterns (schemes) for knitting can only be bought for money. By the way, this is also common in RuNet now. They display the finished model and announce the price of the design. You are simply not interested in this cuisine, so you have the opinion that you cannot make money from knitting. It’s very possible, and people make money.

You are absolutely right, men can knit too. I was once in a closed school, and there I learned a lot of things, but the most important thing was to crochet. I knitted mostly napkins to put under vases, flowerpots, as decoration, and by the way, I sold them for pennies. And then I grew up and abandoned this business, I need to remember.) You can actually sell through the Internet, as I had not thought of before.

Well, all these courses are for those who have nothing to do, or those who are looking for a hobby and found it in knitting, but not for business. I talked about the fact that you can’t earn much on knitted socks and mittens with sweaters made of thread, since such products are really no longer in fashion. I haven’t seen a single friend of mine in knitted socks or mittens for two years now.

Yuran123, meanwhile, Marks and Spencer, Gap, Debenhams actively sell handmade knitted items. Versace, Valentino, Delposo, Chanel, Armani and other luxury brands create entire lines, including hand-knitted evening dresses. I don’t think that your friends are an indicator of the demand for hand-knitted clothing.

A friend of mine is the only one who makes money by knitting; she knits jackets and sweaters. Now I have mastered knitting toys to order, they take it well and order from her.

In general, a lot in this business depends on just two factors: 1. How quickly and at the same time efficiently you knit and 2. Where are you going to sell the knitted items? Obviously, train cars and the front entrances of large stores are not very suitable for this purpose. Plus, variety is needed: at a minimum, the knitting should be multi-colored!

No matter how they say here now that knitting is real, I want to disappoint you, knitting is fading into oblivion, now very little is knitted, if only socks, pennies for children, footwear - slippers, that's all. Products, even those sweaters, sleeveless vests, were knitted with success for 10-15 years, now only for an amateur. There are no such homebodies now who will waste time on such a pastime, when China has sewn and imposed on any taste and color.

Galina, as you say, you have worn a lot of socks as you grow, but do yours wear them, or do they just lie there? That’s right, I also have knitted socks, but to be honest, I don’t wash them, they lie and gather dust. Not ours because it’s not stylish, and if one of my friends sees it, they’ll be ashamed.

Well, it’s a shame that you don’t wear it. They can be worn at home, in the forest, or in boots in cold weather. I believe that knitted things are quality, but how can quality be unfashionable?!

Yuran123, I don’t know about you, but here there is nothing shameful about knitted socks, I personally buy a couple of pairs during the winter, and they cost quite decently here, and they are in demand. Lately I’ve been seeing a lot of people wearing knitted sweaters and scarves, it’s even quite fashionable now, I think you can make some good money from it.

It is unlikely that anything will come of this, many people go to stores and buy knitted items there, knitted items are slowly becoming a thing of the past. And you need to spend a lot of time to knit the same sweater manually, perhaps with a machine, and this is already an investment. Thus, you will not earn money, but earn extra money. Business is great for grandmothers.