Business for the production of wooden pallets. Business in the production of pallets (pallets)

It is always much more profitable to engage in production than to resell finished products. The main problem with which it is important not to make a mistake is the choice of products. Today we will learn how to organize the production of wooden pallets as a business.

Wooden pallets are containers for transporting and storing a wide variety of goods. Using various methods, the cargo is attached to the pallet. The cargo is loaded on pallets to make it easy and simple to load using special forklifts.

The use of pallets is quite wide. They are very often used for storing building materials, in supermarkets for placing goods, in warehouses and industrial enterprises.

How profitable is it to make pallets?

It should be noted that there are a number of reasons why the production of pallets as a business is a very profitable enterprise.

  1. There are several reasons for this.
  2. The recent growth in production in the Russian Federation suggests an increase in production output. And any product needs packaging and loading and unloading. This is where pallets come to the rescue.
  3. The production of pallets is a fairly simple process. In such production there is no need to use complex equipment and multi-component raw materials. It's quite simple.
  4. The demand for wooden pallets is quite high. Moreover, the demand for these products is not subject to seasonal fluctuations.
  5. Pallets are made from wood, which means there are no problems with sourcing and supplying raw materials. Wood is a fairly affordable material.

Such production does not require hiring workers with serious knowledge and skills. This presupposes the ability to hire sufficiently low-paid employees.

As you can see, there are plenty of advantages to such a business.

Registration of ownership of a business

  • In order for the enterprise to operate legally and not have problems with regulatory authorities, it is necessary to register ownership before starting work. This can be done in two ways:
  • register as an individual entrepreneur;

register a limited liability company.

  • identification document (passport) and its copy;
  • a receipt for payment of the state fee for registering a citizen as an individual entrepreneur;
  • a document confirming the assignment of an individual taxpayer number and a copy thereof;
  • statement.

If documents are submitted not in person, but through a representative, then in addition to the listed documents, it is necessary to submit a notarized power of attorney for the right to represent the interests of the principal in the Federal Tax Service and documents identifying the representative.

Before writing an application for registration as an individual entrepreneur, you must select a taxation system and a business activity code according to the All-Russian Classifier of Types of Economic Activities (OKVED). As a taxation system for the production of wooden pallets, we can recommend the use of a simplified taxation system. OKVED code is selected 20.4 - production of wooden containers.

It should be noted that documents can be submitted in several ways.

  1. Directly to the branch of the Federal Tax Service at the place of registration.
  2. Through the multifunctional center.
  3. Through the website of the Federal Tax Service.

If you are planning large-scale production from the very beginning, then it is better to register as a limited liability company. To register a limited liability company, the following documents must be submitted to the tax service:

  • application for registration of a limited liability company;
  • receipt of payment of the state fee for registration of a limited liability company;
  • charter of the company;
  • document on the establishment of the company;
  • a document confirming the presence of a legal address.

Read also: How to start a dumpling business at home

All these documents can also be submitted in person or through a representative.

Manufacturing process

The design of pallets, regardless of their size, is the same. All pallets consist of:

  • base boards;
  • wooden cubes on which the upper and lower parts are supported;
  • flooring directly on which the load is placed.

The structure is designed so that a forklift can drive up and lift the pallet. There is a GOST for wooden pallets with the number 9557-87. Moreover, our GOST corresponds to the European one.

If you decide to produce wooden pallets, then the main criterion for your work should be the quality of the product. If standards are violated during production and the geometry of the product is not respected, this can lead to serious problems when using the product. And this, in turn, can lead to refusal of your products and, accordingly, your losses.

Several production methods and raw materials can be used to produce quality pallets:

  1. It is possible to produce pallets from scrap boards. Actually, this is waste - various leftovers, trimmings and illiquid goods. This is the cheapest option and, as a rule, the resulting product is of rather low quality. These products are made entirely by hand.
  2. The next method is production, using a hammer on a pneumatic motor, using a pallet mold.
  3. A semi-automatic line is one of the methods for manufacturing products. Such lines are used in small industries.
  4. The process, which is fully automated, can be afforded by fairly large manufacturers. Pallets produced on such lines are of high quality and are produced in large quantities.

Which production method to choose is up to you. First of all, from the opportunity to invest money in production.

Raw materials

Even waste wood can be used to produce wooden pallets. Naturally, products made from rejected timber will be of low quality. You should understand that the higher the quality of the wood that is used for production, the higher the quality of the finished product.

It should be noted that despite the fact that the quality of the wood should be at a sufficient level, its moisture content is not of fundamental importance. In accordance with the standard, wood can be dried in the form of a finished product.

Production premises

If you plan to start your business at the initial stage on a small scale, then production can be organized, even in a garage. If you are planning to develop a large enterprise from the very beginning, then you should look for a large premises that will meet all the requirements. Otherwise, the subsequent move will take a lot of time, money and effort.

The premises for the production of pallets must meet a number of requirements. In particular:

  • the room should be fairly dry so that the finished product does not get wet, but can dry if necessary;
  • presence of a ventilation system;
  • availability of good access roads of sufficient size for freight transport;
  • The room must have a flat concrete floor.

Many entrepreneurs who are engaged in the production of their own products, regular cargo transportation or storage of goods in warehouses are faced with the need to use wooden pallets for cargo so that they do not deteriorate due to dampness, mechanical stress, etc. The production of wooden pallets involves the production of special containers that ensure the safety of the cargo. Such products are very effective and reliable, due to which they are actively used by farms and agricultural enterprises, markets and shopping centers, manufacturers and cargo carriers.

Production of wooden pallets

Today, many companies produce wooden pallets, but not all of them are ready to provide good products at an affordable price. Thanks to the use of innovative solutions and a responsible approach to work, our company "Spetspromstroy" is one of the leaders in the field of manufacturing wooden containers for storing and transporting goods. During our existence, we have gained trust from customers and respect among competitors, and all thanks to the following advantages:

  • exclusively the highest quality, functionality, strength and durability of the products offered;
  • wide production line (including production of euro pallets), thanks to which every entrepreneur or individual will be able to choose the most suitable products;
  • production of pallets of standard and non-standard shapes and sizes;
  • reasonable prices that are accessible to all market representatives;
  • favorable offers for regular customers and wholesale buyers.

Our company produces wooden pallets on a huge scale, since these products are in great demand on the market, while their cost is relatively low. For production, we use automated and semi-automated technologies, thanks to which the products fully comply with the requirements of state standards and sanitary and epidemiological norms.

Production of wooden pallets

Our company “Spetspromstroy” also produces wooden pallets. For this purpose, coniferous and deciduous wood is used (the choice depends on customer requirements and the characteristics of the product’s operation). We cut and process wooden pallets using modern woodworking equipment. This process is complex, and at each stage the quality of manufactured products is monitored. For reliable fastening, we use special nails (brushed or screw), which ensures maximum strength of the structures.

Our company often produces pallets of standard sizes (1200×800 mm, 1200×1000 mm, 1200×1200 mm), but we also produce wooden pallets based on customer drawings. Thanks to this, our craftsmen and engineers will quickly and efficiently develop compact or very large products. Therefore, you will be able to transport and store non-standard cargo. Immediately after production, we send finished structures to customers, but if necessary, you can leave the products for temporary storage in our warehouses, where optimal temperature and humidity are constantly maintained.

Manufacturing of wooden pallets

Would you like to order production of wooden pallets or pallet? Call our managers or leave a request on our website - we will kindly help you place an order and choose the most suitable products to solve specific problems, and also answer all your questions.

Good day, dear woodworkers! Welcome to Andrey Noak! Today I will tell you about the cost of a wooden pallet.

Interesting things about making wooden pallets

In order to understand how much the cost of one wooden pallet will be, you need to understand the following things:

  1. What this very pallet will be made of, this means the material, the quality of the material, the price, whether the pallet will be for export or domestically. The fact is that export pallets must be dried so that pallets used within the country do not need drying.
  2. Necessary, planed or unplaned wood, dimensional accuracy and deviations.
  3. There are quite a large variety of finished product sizes.
  4. Pallet load capacity.
  5. For what purposes is the pallet made?
  6. Nails, nail sizes, number of nails.
  7. The technology for producing pallets is either several people manually assembling pallets from ready-made blanks, or it is a full-fledged production where wood is prepared specifically for the production of pallets. By the way, it is recommended to produce more than 200 pallets per shift using special equipment, but if you produce less than 200, then it is not advisable to operate the equipment.

On average, the cost of manufacturing wooden pallets ranges from 75 to 85% of its selling price. The selling price of high-quality pallets for export ranges from 320 to 360 rubles.

It turns out that the cost of manufacturing one pallet will be equal to 250 - 300 rubles.

The fact is that GOST for wooden pallets today is not as relevant as, for example, some time ago. I’ll explain why, for example, why should I, when producing pellets (for heating) in big bags, buy pallets for them that are 20 cm wider and 30 cm longer, or why for these same pellets I will buy pallets that have twice the load capacity and, accordingly, in price.

To do this, it’s easier to order a pallet from the manufacturer to suit your needs. If you order a pallet for yourself, this can be beneficial for both you and the manufacturer. When designating the characteristics that pallets should have, the manufacturer can use some tricks, making it cheaper, he can use wood of a different species, with wane, with optimal thickness. Which can ultimately affect the price reduction in pallet production.

Good luck and see you again!

Opening your own business related to the production of goods used in the movement of goods involves providing production with the necessary tape - this is equipment for the production of pallets.

Business benefits

In any city where there is commodity production, there are warehouses, there are markets, there is a constant demand for wooden pallets. These are the entrepreneur's potential clients. Proceedings should be organized by analyzing the prospects of the case.

Determine sales availability. To increase the customer base, it is advisable to start production by producing both standard products and customized products. The installation of additional removable elements in pallets, the presence of folding racks, etc. will ensure the profitability of the enterprise from the first days.

Ensure supply of raw materials. It is profitable to organize a production workshop without buying ready-made material, but to prepare it yourself. In this case, in addition to equipment for the production of pallets, it is necessary to calculate the funds for the purchase of a sawmill.

Rent a room. When installing equipment, it is advisable to organize a warehouse for materials and finished products in one room (hangar, production area). It should be noted that the main material is wood, so the sun and moisture always spoil the appearance of wooden pallets, affect the strength and reduce the cost.

This type of product is produced in accordance with GOST requirements:

  • product size;
  • length and width of boards;
  • quality of material for internal and external coating;
  • special fastener.

GOST standards correspond to the European ones (Russian Federation GOST - 9557-87, EU - UIC 435-2).

Necessary equipment to start production

Production requires the purchase of certain types of machines.

This is the main equipment for both a small workshop and large-scale production.

The automatic nailer has a pneumatic, hydraulic and electric drive in its design. Designed for three operating modes.

Manual mode – product assembly involves the use of manual labor more than 80%.

Automatic mode - the automated line includes an automatic nailer SMPA 500.1 ED (Electric Drive). Price from 105,000 € for an original new kit. Automatic pallet assembly line Storti - includes all the machines for the production of high-quality goods. Price from 250,000 €.

Semi-automatic mode – universal jig for stacking pallets Optimal KUP 0.1, price from RUB 150,000. Involves automatic knocking and manual adjustment of work. Use of manual labor from 40%. The productivity of the semi-automatic line is from 2 pallets per minute.

This kind of machine consists of a main production table and an additional conductor.

The manufacturing table has:

  • horizontal tilt;
  • the presence of special slots for cubes (checkers);
  • adjustment pins.

With manual and semi-automatic assembly, a new machine has a price of 50,000 rubles. The productivity of one conductor table for the production of pallets such as pallets of the Palleton series is about 180 pcs. per work shift.

Additional machines:

  • Apparatus for cutting corners.
  • Hydraulic protractor
  • Table for assembling Euro pallets.
  • Milling machine.

The latest equipment has sliding clamps to produce products to specific custom sizes. The Europallet has non-standard but applicable dimensions in its certification (1240*1000 mm, 1560*1000 mm).

Opinion of entrepreneurs. You should not buy an expensive automatic production line in the first year. You should purchase two main machines; payback will occur in 6–8 months. During this time, the aspiring businessman manages to learn all the intricacies of production, sales, and material purchases. In addition, working on machines does not require qualifications, and therefore there is no problem in recruiting personnel.

Sawmill machines

If production excludes the purchase of material, but involves its processing, woodworking machines should be purchased.

  • Sawmill.
  • Edger for trimming the edges of boards. The Optima-A machine is most suitable for this work.
  • Trimming machine for cutting cubes Optima CT500A.

The production of internal cubes (checkers, bosses), according to GOST, can use sawdust, shavings, or a whole board. The production of wood boards for cubes requires the presence of a pressing machine.

Standard requirements

For the production of Euro pallets, the same standards are applied as in the production of Russian analogues.

  • Standard sizes, the most popular are 1200*800 mm, 1200*1000 mm. Four more standards are less in demand.
  • Using special nails.
  • The pallet must be manufactured in accordance with the technology.
  • Quality of material. Planed or untreated boards of class 1 and 2, of a certain thickness.
  • To produce a custom product, additional sanding of the wood may be required.
  • Proper storage of material and finished products.
  • GOST 9557-87 defines standards for lumber when using sawdust and shavings cubes.

Entrepreneurs Council. Offer customers the production of non-standard models. To do this, you need to have one table for assembling Euro pallets and a pneumatic hammer.

It is not worth buying a special line, since this tool will not be used often.

Technology for assembling wooden pallets on a semi-automatic line

Main stages:

  • Assembly begins with fixing the size and installation of cubes (checkers).
  • Knocking down cross boards with the necessary flooring for installing loads.
  • Knocking down the bottom.

In production where material is procured locally, the production line may include additional production:

  • Cutting wood into boards.
  • Trimming.
  • Additional cutting into cubes (checkers or bosses).
  • Trimming cubes.
  • Possible additional sanding of the board.

Advice for beginners. In addition to producing new pallets, it is profitable to repair used products. Raw material savings will be about 15–20% per year.

In some cases, drying of the finished product is required. It is recommended to dry the wood to 15–20% humidity. You cannot dry wood, as well as finished products, under the sun or a fan heater. It is recommended to dry in a well-ventilated area with an air humidity of 50–60%.

The Russian market has an average level of filling with these products, so opening a workshop for the production of pallets will be profitable over the next three years. The invested capital will pay off on average in two to three years. With proper organization and a reliable sales base, this business is among the ten most promising.

Which production is currently the most cost-effective and profitable in the difficult realities of the Russian economy? It is impossible to give an unambiguous and specific answer, but we can say with confidence that, first of all, this is the production of all kinds of containers. That’s right: not the goods themselves, but their packaging. Although at first glance this sounds a little strange, it is explained quite simply.

Firstly, the production of any product requires the use of different raw materials. For containers, this is most often one main component. The production of packaging materials itself is also an incomparably simpler process that does not require the use of high technology.

Why is it beneficial?

If we talk about what kind of “packaging” business is most profitable to develop in Russia, then here, undoubtedly, the leader is the production of wooden pallets (so-called pallets).

This is beneficial not only due to the fact that the demand for packaging containers is high and constant in almost any type of activity that requires loading, unloading and transporting something, but also because one of the main resources of Russia is forest, and, as a result, domestic producers do not have to spend exorbitant sums on it, as a raw material.

In addition, the production of pallets does not require any particularly high level of worker qualifications, even if assembly is done by hand. Therefore, a very significant point can be added to a business plan for the production of wooden pallets - a relatively small cost part for labor.

The result of the analysis of these and other factors is the conclusion that importing wooden pallets from Europe simply does not make sense, because it is associated with transportation through customs and mandatory sanitary control, which, of course, significantly increases the purchase price of the goods. And pallets made of plastic and metal, which are in demand in Europe, of course, have proven themselves to be excellent, but in Russia they have not taken root due to their high price.

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What to take as a basis

What should you focus on when drawing up a business plan on the topic “Production of pallets” for an average Russian city? First of all, on methods of obtaining raw materials and technical equipment for production. Of course, we are talking about an automated, not a manual process.

The first important condition under which the production of pallets will become truly profitable is the purchase of raw materials directly from sawmills.

Because ready-made “semi-finished products” immediately make the cost of a pallet several times higher.

  • the technical plan for the production of pallets should be based on such a “basis of all bases” as GOST-9557-87, which, in terms of technical aspects, almost completely corresponds to the European UIC-435-2;
  • The main point on which a business plan for the production of pallets is based, of course, is the equipment of the production workshop. And here the main dilemma is the following: buy new equipment or choose a decent option among used ones. Of course, there is no limit to the best. But such a plan is not always a rational decision.

Therefore, the best advice that can be given regarding the purchase of a production line is to buy machines produced in the 90s of the last century. They are not considered obsolete and produce products that meet all standards, but at the same time they cost several times cheaper than their counterparts released 10 years later.

For comparison: a line produced in 1995 will cost 0.7-6 million rubles (depending on condition). Released in 2003 (not new!) will cost between 4-12.5 million rubles.

New lines for the production of pallets cost from 11.5 to 18 million rubles, depending on the number of nailing machines.

In addition to the main line, the business plan must include the costs of purchasing the following equipment:

  • hydraulic conveyor (an average of 500 thousand rubles will be required);
  • machines for cutting catch (800-900 thousand);
  • milling machine (450 thousand).

The production of this equipment is very small, so buying new devices simply does not make sense.