Favorable days for Scorpio in August

In August 2016, Scorpios will have to face their “favorite” fears. This will happen in the work area. That is, there is a high probability that what you feared most will happen. If it was a dismissal, then most likely you cannot avoid it. Or, at a minimum, you will be so close to this that you will stop hoping for a successful outcome. But with such a seemingly unfavorable prognosis, in fact everything is painted in positive tones. Suddenly? The fact is that the ending will still be positive, which will surprise you, and all your colleagues and friends, beyond words. Let’s say, if you do get fired, you will quickly find a new area of ​​employment, one that will be more interesting and financially attractive. So there is no need to worry in any case.

Act consistently and purposefully, without regard to colleagues and management. Of course, it will be easier in this sense for those who are themselves leaders and establish rules at work. But you need to be sure that the chosen path is correct. That is, your line of behavior must be confirmed logical arguments and serious justifications, and not be the result of stupid stubbornness and groundless fanaticism. In general, be aware of what is happening, follow events, draw the necessary conclusions and move forward.

This year, Scorpios' temperament will be tuned to romance and sexuality. This will make them very attractive to the opposite sex. For family Scorpios love horoscope 2016 promises to be a period of rethinking your relationship with your partner, which will help strengthen your feelings and make them deeper and brighter. This will bring peace and tranquility to family life.

The summer period may be overshadowed by minor disputes. But they are more likely to be an exam for a partner. After all, Scorpios are the most jealous of all the zodiac signs, and this side of their character will manifest itself to the fullest. Here we should not forget that it is simply stupid to make a scandal about this: direct conversation it will still not be possible to avoid it. And if suspicions about a partner turn out to be unfounded, excessive aggression can lead to resentment and a serious quarrel.

For lonely Scorpios, 2016 also promises changes. He promises a lot of acquaintances, which can most likely develop into strong long-term relationships. This year you have every chance to find your soulmate.

For women

2016 will bring many interesting interlocutors into the Scorpio woman’s social circle. For the first few months you will have a lot of guests, and you will often find yourself at a party where you will meet old friends and make new acquaintances. Conflicts with relatives are possible. And they will not be provoked by the Scorpio woman herself, but by her refusal to take on the entire burden of everyday worries.

For married women of this sign, the love horoscope predicts strengthening family ties. This will especially be facilitated by your husband and children, who will make it clear how important everything you do is. The main thing is not to get caught up in your household responsibilities. A trip to another city, or even better, to a foreign resort, will help you avoid the vicious circle of tasks that end up being completed with enviable tenacity. Of course, it’s better to go on vacation with your family.

For men

In the family of Scorpio men, the beginning of 2016 years will pass easily and without hesitation. But spring can bring not only warm sunshine, but also small conflicts with your wife, some coldness with your children and misunderstandings with your parents. There is no need to worry about this. Perhaps this is the result of fatigue and weakening of the energy field. At such a time, Scorpio needs to devote more time to his hobbies. Depending on the weather, a good way to recover would be a hike in nature or a simple walk in the park with the whole family.

For single women

This year Scorpio women will be endowed with a special charm that, like a magnet, will attract the men they like. And only an equally passionate and sexy gentleman will receive the attention of a lady. Some women will use these charms for their own selfish purposes.

For single men

For single Scorpio men, 2016 will be a real love series, some parts of which may even have several actresses. But this will play a cruel joke on him in the future, and Scorpio will be forced to suffer punishment in the form of a tarnished reputation. If a man doubts his relationship with his girlfriend this year, most likely they will break up. But if he is completely confident in the correctness of his choice, Scorpio’s chosen one will not be able to resist.

By month


  • For women who are usually confident in their decisions, January will be a test. You'll have to decide what to trust - your heart or common sense. This will especially apply to the object of your love. If suddenly the thought of breaking up comes to your mind, don’t rush in, first carefully weigh all the pros and cons. Single women are waiting for a meeting that can change their whole life.
  • For men, difficulties in relationships with a partner are expected in January. Now you will have to decide whether to continue a relationship in which you will have to break your character. It’s also worth considering whether you yourself are making too many demands on your loved one.


  • For women, February will be hectic, but at the same time barren. You will have occasions to flirt, but be careful when doing so. Now more than ever, a break in the family can easily occur. Single Scorpios may meet Cancer or Pisces men. Although it is better to wait until next month to start a relationship.
  • It's time for men to win hearts. But don't get carried away. In February, try to devote at least part of your time to male friends, and no matter how strange it may sound, this will pay dividends in future love affairs. Family Scorpios need to be with their partner more often - February is favorable for further strengthening your bond.


  • Women are expected to meet several times in March, but the love horoscope does not advise playing cat and mouse with your chosen ones or, conversely, plunging headlong into relationships. Stick to the golden mean. Family Scorpio women may become the subject of gossip and gossip, but they will not harm your happy union.
  • For men, this month does not foretell the beginning Serious relationships. Any acquaintances, even if you approach them with all responsibility, will not be fateful. But March is quite favorable for strengthening existing ties. Married Scorpios will have pleasant worries, which, with the support of their loved ones, will improve their material basis families.


  • For women, April will be quite diverse in terms of dating and communication, so it won’t be easy for you to find your chosen one. a lot of work. Since your aura will simply radiate with strength, gossip about the bright external image of Scorpios will be inevitable. But with this special appeal, you can't escape the fans.
  • For men, the whole of April will be spent worrying about own career, so you won’t have too much time for love. Therefore, the horoscope strongly recommends that Scorpios who have partners devote more time to them. Moreover, your loved ones have been dreaming about this for a long time.


  • For Scorpio women in May, the time will finally come to comprehend their love affairs. This will help you realize what caused the gradual fading of feelings, and try to fix everything.
  • For men, May will be marked by clear and windless days in relationships with their partners. But for free Scorpios planning a long trip, the stars predict interesting acquaintance with a beautiful person. And in the future you will do everything to overcome the kilometers that separate you.


  • For women, the whole month of June will be filled with exciting events. You will not be deprived of the attention of the stronger sex, and this can lead to the start of a dizzying romance. But be careful - not all men are selfless.
  • For men this month, there is a risk of causing misunderstanding of their partner. Your attentions to your beloved can be regarded as a desire to make amends after an unseemly act. Therefore, in June, try your best free time pay attention to your partner and avoid dubious adventures that could spoil your reputation as a faithful spouse.


  • For women in July, their entire personal life will be reduced to household routine. Everything seems to freeze in this hot air. In your relationship, you will almost completely give the reins to your partner, although you will not agree with him on everything.
  • For men a holiday romance in July it is unlikely to end in anything serious and will subsequently be limited to courtesy calls. Of course, family Scorpios should refrain from doing this, and upon returning home you will receive a worthy reward for your loyalty.


  • For women, August will not be the most successful month, since all efforts made to streamline affairs on the personal front may turn out to be empty. And the calls former men, on top of everything else, they will simply throw you out of balance. Most The best way deal with this - remain calm and indifferent.
  • For Scorpio men, the whole of August will be hectic and crumpled. Perhaps the reason for this will be the lack of home comfort due to the renovation or relocation you have begun. All this can affect your love affairs, since your significant other will not always be able to bear your bad mood.


  • For women this month, relationships with the opposite sex cannot be called calm. In September, you will have major quarrels with breaking dishes, and no less emotional reconciliations, turning into days full of love and tenderness.
  • For men, September will be a time to put things in order in their personal sphere. And when the question arises, who should you give more preference in communication, you decide to gather all your friends and throw a party. At this moment, a pretty female object will probably appear next to you, with whom you will begin to build a serious relationship.


  • For women, October will be the time for dating and social events, where you will forget about loneliness and will certainly be the center of attention. For family Scorpios, this month will be full of romance. Your loved one will finally remember that in Lately paid too little attention to you, and decides to correct it.
  • For men, the month will most likely start with a beautiful love story. In October, you will accidentally meet a pretty woman who, from the first days of communication, will tell you that she has been waiting for this meeting for a long time and is ready to spend the rest of her life with you.


  • For women, personal life in November risks becoming dull and monotonous. Lonely Scorpios will not want to let anyone into their cozy inner world. IN family relationships There will also be a lull, ready to turn into coldness, so you should take steps to renew your ardent feelings.
  • For men main problem will be a rethinking of the components of your personal life and deciding what course to follow in the future. But, alas, all this will remain in the project. For single people, November does not promise the start of a serious relationship. Even if they make acquaintances, they will not progress beyond a few dates.


  • For women, December will be a time to take stock of the year. You may decide that it's time to bring some newness to your relationship. If the acquaintance happened recently, do not count on a quick ending. Get ready for that bye own life each of you will not become common.
  • For men, December will not bring much change. Lonely Scorpios are apparently destined to spend New Year in the company of friends, and here it doesn’t even make sense to create the illusion of love at first sight for an unfamiliar woman. Married couples should show more warmth to their partner in order to maintain an atmosphere of friendship and mutual understanding.

Love is above all in our world, as it gives us happiness and good mood. A love horoscope will help you find your soulmate, as well as maintain existing relationships.

Previously, we wrote about three techniques for attracting love. They will help you come to an agreement with the outside world and the Universe in such a way that love luck will come into your life itself.


For Aries, the last month of summer promises good luck in love affairs, but it will not always lie on the surface waiting for you. Sometimes it will take some effort to find it.


Taurus who cannot cope with depression and negativity will have no luck. It’s not always so easy to just pick up and walk away from frustrations and bad thoughts, but this month it’s better to give it your all.


The love horoscope for August advises you to beware of people who seem not to be completely honest. Any, not just love relationship must be built on the truth - then everything will work out.


Cancers will not have any luck in love unless they stop thinking only about themselves. Self-sacrifice will make a special impression on the opposite sex, which will help seduce them.

a lion

The stars tell lonely Leos that love will finally find them soon. We previously wrote about the signs of approaching love. So you can accurately predict its appearance.


For Virgos, August will be a time of unification with their soulmate. Challenges await you that will help you become closer to each other. Single Virgos will also have a chance to find love.


Libra will be helped in love affairs by their diplomacy. Good nature, wisdom and flexibility are the most important tools, which it is advisable to use in August 2016.


The love horoscope advises Scorpios to be inspired by something beautiful throughout the month. Watch beautiful films about love, read books. Remember that love and beauty are almost synonymous.


Sagittarius will have the opportunity to both find happiness and lose it. The main thing is not to be afraid to move forward and not to deceive yourself. Do not under any circumstances resort to flattery, lies or betrayal.


Capricorns will be able to catch love luck in their nets with the help of wise advice from loved ones. Don't ignore what your friends or family tell you. In August, this will help you save or find love.


Intuition will bring good luck to Aquarius in August. This is especially true for those Aquarians who are looking for a relationship. Trust your heart and don't turn to others for advice - your happiness comes only from yourself.


In the last month of summer, the overall energy first freezes and then declines. Be careful - do not test the feelings of those you love. This attitude can lead you to loneliness.

Besides useful tips astrologers, each Zodiac Sign can be helped by rituals to strengthen and return love. In this area of ​​life, any ways to attract happiness and maintain it are important. We wish you success, goodness and that you will never be alone. Be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

The love horoscope for the Scorpio woman for August 2016 provides all the conditions to revive established relationships and dilute them with a portion of new impressions. For emotions, go on a trip together: even a short trip for two or three days off will greatly strengthen love, allowing both you and your significant other to prove themselves as prudent people who are characterized by active care. A trip or hike anywhere can be developed in different scenarios that are acceptable specifically for your couple. Some people like to lie down in a cozy hotel room, sleep longer, and then enjoy a leisurely romantic walk through the streets of an unknown city. Someone (an option for extreme sports enthusiasts) may prefer full of passion night in a tent in the middle of the forest. In a word, decide to experiment, stock up on the spirit of adventurism - our accurate horoscope I'm sure you can't go wrong with your approach!

Financial horoscope for a Scorpio woman for August 2016

In August 2016, the Scorpio woman will receive an unexpected offer, which could potentially have a very significant impact on her future success in her work. This could be a business trip abroad - do not refuse a business trip, even if its initially favorable outcome does not seem obvious. It's the same with projects - don't even think of giving it to a colleague or even a competitor just because you don't assume that your strengths are sufficient. If you lack knowledge, skills, and abilities, get them in the process of work, receiving the necessary finances along the way. The only point that allows you to doubt is the proposal to change your career field. Initially, the news risks seeming tempting, but in the end this process will more likely resemble a change from “sew to soap.” Balance and a rational approach are your everything! – summarizes the horoscope for the Scorpio woman for August 2016.