The VTB charity event “A World Without Tears” was held in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. VTB held a campaign for the corporate charity program “A World without Tears” Sergei Gultyaev, chief physician of the Children's City Hospital

  • 1960, September 24 - born in Ukraine into a family of employees. In early childhood he moved with his family to Magnitogorsk.
  • 1977 - graduated from secondary school No. 66.
  • 1977-1980 - studied at the Magnitogorsk State Pedagogical Institute (now a university) at the Faculty of Russian Language and Literature
  • from 1980-1990 - work in various organizations of Magnitogorsk - set assembler for the puppet and actor theater "Buratino", correspondent for the newspaper "Magnitostroy", head of a branch of the Central Library of Builders, controller of the Central Heat Engineering Laboratory of the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works, master of industrial training at the glass-graphics workshop of the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute
  • 1982 - first publication in periodicals
  • 1987 - was one of the organizers of the informal political association “Counter Movement”, which carried out environmental political actions in Magnitogorsk
  • 1987-1988 - member of the literary group “Breath”
  • 1989 - participant of the IX All-Union Meeting of Young Writers (Moscow)
  • 1990 - scholarship recipient of the Literary Fund of the Union of Writers of the USSR
  • since 1990 - designer of the group of image programs for information and public relations management of OJSC MMK
  • 1996 - co-editor of the first issue of the literary and artistic magazine “Bereg A”
  • 1997 - the Magnitogorsk publishing house "Halcyon" published the first book - a collection of poems and short prose "On Dark Water". Joined the Union of Russian Writers.
  • 1998-2001 - headed the Magnitogorsk regional organization of the Union of Russian Writers
  • 1999-2004 - editor of the magazine “Bereg A”
  • 2001-2003 - was the organizer and member of the jury of the Literary Competition named after K. M. Nefedyev
  • 2002 - was the organizer and participant of the World Poetry Forum in Magnitogorsk
  • 2003 - the publishing house “Halcyon” published a book of poetry and prose “Under the Sign of Aquarius”
  • since 2005 - art editor of the book series “Literature of Magnitka. Favorites"
  • 2006 - in the Alcyon publishing house in the series “Literature of Magnitogorsk. Favorites” the book “Iced Tea and the Winter Window” was published
  • since 2007 - art editor of the book series “Literature of Magnitka. Context"

Literary activity

Poetry cycles

  • Choose your life
  • Through the days flow

Cycles of short stories

  • Rain in Paris


  1. 1997 - On dark water. - Magnitogorsk, “Halcyon”. Artist: A. Erofeev.
  2. 2003 - Under the sign of Aquarius (poems and texts). - Magnitogorsk, “Halcyon”, 84 p. Artist: A. Erofeev. Circulation: 500 copies.
  3. 2006 - Iced tea and winter window (selected in poetry and prose). - Magnitogorsk, “Halcyon”, 64 p. Circulation: 500 copies. Series “Literature of Magnitka. Favorites" (issue 13).


  1. Rain in Paris (poems and short stories). - Portrait. - Magnitogorsk, “Halcyon”, 2000, p. 53-82.
  2. Two poems. - “Bereg A” (Magnitogorsk), 2001, No. 2, p. 41-42.
  3. Poetry. - International Poetry Forum. - Moscow-Magnitogorsk, “Academy of Poetry”, “Moscow Writer”, 2002.
  4. “Choose your own life...” (poems). - “Bereg A” (Magnitogorsk), 2002, No. 1, p. 45-50.
  5. Poetry. - “Bulletin of Russian Literature” (Moscow), 2004, No. 1, p. 80-81.
  6. The Promised Soul (preface). - Churilin V. Confession (poems). - Magnitogorsk, “Halcyon”, 2005, p. 4-5.
  7. Quiet Angel (preface). - Tumanov V. Love me in red. - Magnitogorsk, “Halcyon”, 2007, p. 4-5.
  8. Poetry. - Heralds of Magnit Mountain Next. - Magnitogorsk, 2009, p. 4-10.

Artistic activity

Alexander Erofeev is engaged in bench and book graphics. Most of the books published by the Alcyon publishing house (Magnitogorsk) passed through his hands as a graphic designer and layout designer. Alexander Erofeev is the artistic editor of the book series “Literature of Magnitka. Favorites."

Participation in exhibitions

  1. 2007, March - personal exhibition “Reflections” in the exhibition hall of the Faculty of Fine Arts of Magnitogorsk State University

Books (artist, designer)

  1. Evdokimov V. Ticket to the Moon. - Magnitogorsk, “Halcyon”, 2005, 136 p. Artist: A. Erofeev. Circulation: 1000 copies.
  2. Erofeev A. On dark water. - Magnitogorsk, “Halcyon”, 1997. Artist: A. Erofeev.
  3. Erofeev A. Under the sign of Aquarius (poems and texts). - Magnitogorsk, “Halcyon”, 2003, 84 p. Artist: A. Erofeev. Circulation: 500 copies.
  4. Zamorsky I. Dark matter (poems). - Magnitogorsk, “Halcyon”, 2002. Artist: A. Erofeev.
  5. Zamorsky I. Nonlinear systems (poems). - Magnitogorsk, “Halcyon”, 2003. Artist: A. Erofeev.
  6. Kazachaya M. - We were all once... - Magnitogorsk, “Halcyon”, 2000, 60 p. Design: A. Erofeev. Circulation: 150 copies.
  7. Konovalchik D. Songs from the Lantern (poems). - Magnitogorsk, “Halcyon”, 2007, 92 p. Artist: A. Erofeev. Circulation: 200 copies. ISBN 978-5-88311-046-6
  8. Kudinov A. From three notebooks (stories, essays, essays). - Magnitogorsk, “Halcyon”, 2003, 124 p. Design: A. Erofeev. Circulation: 1000 copies.
  9. Leshchinskaya G. Turn of the landscape (book of poems). - Magnitogorsk, “Halcyon”, 68 p. Artist: A. Erofeev. Circulation: 500 copies. ISBN 5-8114-0494-7
  10. Maidanova L. In the fire of diamond tears (poems). - Magnitogorsk, “Halcyon”, 2003, 116 p. Design: A. Erofeev. Circulation: 500 copies.
  11. Matora A. Philosophy and poetry of stone. - Magnitogorsk, “Halkion”, 2007, 144 p. Design and layout: A. Erofeev. Circulation: 1000 copies.
  12. Navdush V. - Enter my house (book of poems). - Magnitogorsk, “Halcyon”, 2003, 120 p. Design: A. Erofeev. Circulation: 200 copies.
  13. Nekrasov V. Even-odd (prose). - Magnitogorsk, “Halcyon”, 2003. Artist: G. Holland. Design: A. Erofeev. Circulation: 50 copies.
  14. Popov I. A fragment of decadence (poems). - Magnitogorsk, “Halcyon”, 116 p. In the author's edition. Artist: A. Erofeev. Circulation: 500 copies. ISBN 978-5-88311-015-2
  15. Sample of the pen (collective collection). - Magnitogorsk, “Halcyon”, 2008, 128 p. Artist A. Erofeev. Circulation: 1000 copies. ISBN 978-5-88311-035-0
  16. Tyumenev A. In the hustle and bustle of city life (stories, novella). - Magnitogorsk, “Halcyon”, 2004, 156 p. Artist: A. Erofeev. Circulation: 1000 copies.
  17. Tyapkov E. A loaf of black (stories, stories). - Magnitogorsk, “Halcyon”, 2005, 180 p. Artist: A. Erofeev. Circulation: 1000 copies.
  18. Uglitsky S. M:/37/179/67 (poems). - Magnitogorsk, “Halcyon”, 50 p. Artist: A. Erofeev. Circulation: 50 copies.
  19. Kholodova E. Return (book of poems). - Magnitogorsk, “Halcyon”, 2006, 164 p. Artist: A. Erofeev. Circulation 500 copies.
  20. Kholodova E. Memories of a Small Town (book of prose). - Magnitogorsk, “Halcyon”, 2006, 164 p. Artist: A. Erofeev. Circulation 500 copies.
  21. Chernyshov L. A test of life. - Magnitogorsk, “Halcyon”, 2002, 124 p. Design: A. Erofeev. Circulation: 300 copies. ISBN 5-5653-0176-9

As part of the program, VTB donated a set of rehabilitation equipment to the hospital. The cost of medical equipment was 1,500,000 rubles. Svetlana Tatareva, head of the department for organizing medical care for mothers and children of the Ministry of Health of the Sverdlovsk Region, Sergey Gultyaev, chief physician of the Children's City Hospital, and Alexander Erofeev, head of the Department of Sponsorship and Client Events - Vice President of VTB Bank, were invited to present the gift certificate.

Svetlana Tatareva:

Sergey Gultyaev, chief physician of the Children's City Hospital:

Alexander Erofeev, Head of Sponsorship and Client Events Department - Vice President of VTB Bank:

According to tradition, on this day not only the hospital, but also young patients received a gift. For one day, the hospital corridors turned into a television studio. At the invitation of VTB, the heroes of the TV show “Good night, kids!” came to the children for the holiday. - Stepashka and Filya with friends. The extravagant Mad Hatter and the mischievous Clown Klepa greeted the children under camera flashes. Each of the little guests was able to get a “live” photo as a souvenir. And when the familiar song “Tired Toys Are Sleeping” began to play in the assembly hall, the children went in search of treasures. Incredible tricks, clever riddles and fun competitions awaited young adventurers. After all the obstacles were passed and the treasured chest was opened, each child received a personal “chest” with a drawing set as a gift.

This year, children's hospitals in Ulan-Ude, Ryazan, Kaluga, Ivanovo, Rostov-on-Don, Kostroma, Moscow, Grozny, and Tambov have already received assistance for the purchase of medical equipment. There are hundreds more little patients in need of treatment and sincere support ahead of the campaign. “A World Without Tears” is an action that unites children and adults from all over the country.

VTB financed the purchase of equipment for the neonatal intensive care unit in the amount of 1,500,000 rubles.

More than 4,000 children are treated at the Kamchatka Regional Children's Hospital every year. The hospital has a neonatal intensive care unit, where children born with low and extremely low birth weight receive the necessary care. It is this category of patients that often requires long-term respiratory replacement support using hardware.

Chief physician of the Kamchatka Regional Children's Hospital Olga Nikolaevna Frelikova said: “In the treatment of newborns, artificial ventilation is one of the most complex methods of therapy, both for respiratory diseases and for all other types of treatment. Artificial controlled ventilation in children is carried out using ventilators designed specifically for pediatric intensive care and designed taking into account the anatomical characteristics of small patients. Modern devices are highly sensitive, they perform the function of synchronization and constant adaptation, this makes it possible to adjust the operation of the device to a specific child, catch his own rhythm of life and help him adapt to the external environment.”

VTB Bank has been implementing the “World Without Tears” program for more than ten years and during this time has provided assistance to children's medical institutions in more than 50 regions of the country. Alexander Yurievich Erofeev, Vice President of VTB Bank commented: “The VTB Bank charity program “World Without Tears” has been in effect since 2003, all funds are used to purchase high-tech medical equipment and medicines for children's hospitals. Over these 12 years, targeted assistance has been provided to more than 100 medical institutions. This year, as in the past, the “World Without Tears” program events will be held in 20 regions of Russia. Events have already taken place in Sochi, Ulyanovsk, Kostroma, Belgorod, Rostov-on-Don, Tula, Novokuznetsk, Barnaul and Tyumen and Vladivostok. New equipment will also be received in Novosibirsk, Chelyabinsk, Chita, Perm, Tver, Sakhalin and Khabarovsk. Promotions will continue in children’s hospitals in Moscow.”

“We strive to actively participate in the life of our region and consider social responsibility as part of our work. The “World Without Tears” program comes to Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky for the second time. Last year, VTB financed the purchase of an automatic biochemical analyzer for the clinical diagnostic laboratory department of the Petropavlovsk-Kamchatka city children's clinic No. 1,” said Sergei Ivanovich Finke, Head of the VTB Directorate for the Kamchatka Territory.

According to the tradition of the program, the Bank organized a children's party at the hospital with the participation of characters from the TV show “Good night, kids!” and composer Vladimir Shchukin– long-time friends of the “World Without Tears” program. Khryusha, Stepashka and Karkusha performed for the children, and at the end of the holiday, each child received a gift from their favorite heroes. “It’s no secret that children are our future, which is why it is so important, first of all, to take care of their health. No less than quality treatment, a positive attitude and good mood are important for the recovery of children. The rays of laughter in children's eyes are the best reward for me and proof that everything can be overcome. Let every baby be loved and happy,” says Natalya Aleksandrovna Golubentseva, Stepashka's voice.

23.04.2018 13:00

Alfa-Bank and VTB have new board members, personnel changes have taken place in Rosbank, Otkritie Bank has appointed a chief accountant, Expobank has appointed a managing director, Vostochny has appointed a general director of the management company, and the head of IBEC has been approved.

After approval of the appointment by the regulator, he will assume the position of First Deputy President - Chairman of the Board VTB. He will oversee finance, accounting, risks, operational business support and business process optimization. Over the past five years, Olyunin headed the board of Rosbank, in 2011-2013 he was first vice president, then president of TransCreditBank, and before that, since 2006, he worked at VTB North-West Bank in St. Petersburg.

Also the supervisory board VTB elected a member of the board Valeria Chulkova, who held the position of head of the operational business support department - senior vice president. In 2008-2017, Chulkov was director of the operations department, and then a member of the board of VTB 24, previously worked at ABN Amro Bank. In his new position, he will continue to be responsible for operational support of the VTB Group business.

Alfa Bank included in the board of directors Denis Osin, who headed the new direction “Small and Medium Corporate Bank”. It united two blocks - “Mass business” and “Medium regional corporate business”. Osin came to Alfa-Bank in 2006, from 2015 until recently he headed the Mass Business block. In 2016, he joined the boards of directors of Kazakhstan’s Alfa-Bank and Alfa-Leasing company.

Chief accountant of the bank "Opening" appointed Oksana Anokhina. She will oversee accounting, taxation and reporting issues. From 2012 until the end of the integration of the VTB Group's banking business, Anokhina was deputy chief accountant and then chief accountant of VTB 24. In 1998-2012, she held various positions at MDM Bank, progressing from an expert in the balance sheet department to a chief accountant.

Became the head of the corporate block Rosbank, replacing Ilya Polyakov in this post, who recently became a credit organization. Since 2013, Shaikhina has been Deputy Chairman of the Board of Rosbank, and since 2011, Risk Director of the Societe Generale group in Russia. Previously, since 2003, she held various positions at Bank Societe Generale Vostok (merged with Rosbank).

IN Rosbank a department for the development of non-digital sales and service channels was created, headed by. This division will be responsible for B2B, remote interaction with clients, including through contact centers and the ATM network, and also for supporting non-standard credit transactions. Since 2009, Shklyar has worked in the legal department of DeltaCredit Bank, since 2013 he has headed the department for dealing with overdue debts of Rosbank, and since 2017 he has been in charge of the interaction of the organization’s retail unit with government agencies and associations.

Managing Director for Wealthy Clients Expobank appointed . At various times he worked at Troika Dialog, Renaissance Capital and the Moscow School of Management Skolkovo, and was engaged in private consulting for wealthy clients. Since 2014, Amichba has headed the departments for working with large private capital and asset management in the private banking segment at MDM Bank and B&N Bank (B&N Exclusive). At Expobank, he will focus on building a portfolio of wealthy clients and launching new investment products and services.