British universities. English universities: benefits of studying

UK higher education is considered the best in Europe. Thanks to their impeccable reputation, British universities attract outstanding scientists and specialists. The highest level of English education is well known to employers around the world, and a British degree allows you to build a successful international career. According to a 2013 QS study, employers rate the quality of higher education at England's top universities as the highest in the world.

We present to your attention an overview of UK universities by region, based on the TOP 200 of the QS World University Rankings® 2014.

Best Universities in Greater London

Greater London consists of the City and 32 metropolitan regions. In this smallest region of England, there are five universities included in the TOP 200 of the world rankings. One of them, Imperial College London, tops the ranking of UK universities.

The best in Greater London are:
  • Imperial College London (No. 2 in the world ranking; No. 1 in the UK university ranking)
  • University College London (No. 5 in the world ranking; No. 2 in the UK university ranking)
  • King's College London (No. 16 in the world ranking; No. 3 in the UK university ranking)
  • The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) (No. 71 in the world ranking; No. 11 in the UK university ranking)
  • Queen Mary University of London (No. 98 in the world ranking; No. 17 in the UK university ranking)

Top Universities in South East England

The region of South East England borders Greater London. It was here, in the city of Oxford, that the first British university, the oldest English-speaking university in the world, the University of Oxford, appeared.

The best in South East England are:
  • University of Oxford (No. 5 in the world ranking; No. 2 in the UK university ranking)
  • The University of Southampton (No. 94 in the world ranking; No. 15 in the UK university ranking)
  • The University of Sussex (No. 200 in the world ranking; No. 26 in the UK university ranking)

Top Universities in South West England

South West England is the largest region of the country, centered on the city of Bristol, which is home to the region's best university. In addition to it, two more universities are in the TOP 200 in the world.

The best in South West England are:
  • University of Bristol (No. 29 in the world ranking; No. 5 in the UK university ranking)
  • The University of Exeter (No. 161 in the world ranking; No. 23 in the UK university ranking)
  • University of Bath (No. 179 in the world ranking; No. 25 in the UK university ranking)

Best Universities in West Midlands

The West Midlands is a region located on the border with Wales. Its capital and largest city is Birmingham. The world TOP 200 includes two universities in this region.

The best in the West Midlands are:
  • The University of Warwick (No. 61 in the world ranking; No. 8 in the UK university ranking)
  • University of Birmingham (No. 64 in the world ranking; No. 9 in the UK university ranking)

Top Universities in North West England

North West England is a region bordering Scotland and Wales and washed to the west by the Irish Sea. The largest cities in the region are Liverpool and Manchester.

The best in North West England are:
  • The University of Manchester (No. 30 in the world ranking; No. 6 in the UK university ranking)
  • The University of Liverpool (No. 123 in the world ranking; No. 19 in the UK university ranking)
  • Lancaster University (No. 160 in the world ranking; No. 22 in the UK university ranking)

Top Universities in North East England

Northeast England borders Scotland and is washed in the northeast by the North Sea. The administrative center of the region is the city of Newcastle upon Tyne.

The best in North East England are:
  • Durham University (No. 92 in the world ranking; No. 14 in the UK university ranking)
  • Newcastle University (No. 127 in the world ranking; No. 20 in the UK university ranking)

Top Universities in Yorkshire and the Humber

Yorkshire and the Humber is a region in the east of England, the administrative center of which is the city of Leeds. Three universities in this region are in the TOP 200 in the world.

The best in Yorkshire and the Humber are:
  • The University of Sheffield (No. 69 in the world ranking; No. 10 in the UK university ranking)
  • University of Leeds (No. 97 in the world ranking; No. 16 in the UK university ranking)
  • The University of York (No. 120 in the world ranking; No. 18 in the UK university ranking)

East Midlands

The East Midlands is a region in the east of England. The largest city is Nottingham. It is here that the best university in the region is located, which is also one of the hundred leading universities in the world.

Best University in the East Midlands:
  • The University of Nottingham (No. 77 in the world ranking; No. 12 in the UK university ranking)

East Anglia

East Anglia is the region bordering Greater London. The administrative center is the city of Cambridge, world famous thanks to the University of Cambridge, which is considered one of the leaders both in the UK and throughout the world. Along with Imperial College London, it leads the ranking of universities in England.

Best University in East Anglia:
  • University of Cambridge (No. 2 in the world ranking; No. 1 in the UK university ranking)

Top Universities in Scotland

Of the six first universities in Great Britain, four were founded in Scotland. After Oxford and Cambridge (England), universities were opened in Scotland in the cities of St. Andrews, Glasgow, Aberdeen, and Edinburgh. It is these four universities that now lead Scotland and are among the top 200 in the world.

The best in Scotland are:
  • The University of Edinburgh (No. 17 in the world ranking; No. 4 in the UK university ranking)
  • The University of Glasgow (No. 55 in the world ranking; No. 7 in the UK university ranking)
  • The University of St Andrews (No. 88 in the world ranking; No. 13 in the UK university ranking)
  • University of Aberdeen (No. 137 in the world ranking; No. 21 in the UK university ranking)

Top Universities in Northern Ireland

Northern Ireland's top university is located in the region's capital. This is a public university that is part of the Russell group. It includes 20 of the UK's leading research universities, including Cambridge and Oxford.

Best University in Northern Ireland:
  • Queen's University Belfast (No. 170 in the world ranking; No. 24 in the UK university ranking).


The leading and largest university in Wales, Cardiff University, is part of the Russell Group. It includes three colleges - Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences; Biomedical and Biological Sciences; Physical Sciences and Engineering.

Best university in Wales:
  • Cardiff University (No. 123 in the world ranking; No. 19 in the UK university ranking)

Studying in England is a dream for many young people thinking about higher education. Universities in England are so prestigious that high tuition fees do not bother students and their parents from all over the world. Currently, about 65 thousand foreign students.

The result of studying in English higher education institutions is an international level qualification and serious knowledge in numerous subjects. The structure of English education is such that one university can unite several colleges and departments (for example, observatories, laboratories, business schools).

Laboratory classes, lectures, exams in each institution are organized centrally, i.e. are common to everyone, and individual classes and seminars are held in colleges.

To obtain a bachelor's degree, you have to study at English universities for three years, and at Scottish universities for four. For architectural, medical and other specialties, longer training is required. After receiving a bachelor's degree, you can continue your studies and obtain a master's degree in 1-2 years.

Oxford students

The Government of England is interested in qualified personnel from other countries, therefore it is developing internship programs where a graduate can spend up to 2 years in his specialty. A program has also been developed to provide work permits to those students who decide to stay after studying.

For the efficiency of work and cooperation between educational institutions, societies are created, for example, the Russell group unites 24 of the best higher education institutions in England.

The term "red brick universities" refers to 6 prestigious institutions of large industrial cities, which were originally created as colleges of engineering and applied subjects, but then received royal university charters.

It is worth taking a closer look at the universities included in the list of the most famous universities, both in England and in the world.

Oxford University

The oldest university in England and the second oldest higher education institution in Europe is located in. Scientists have not established the exact date of its foundation, but it is known that in the 11th century they were already teaching there.

All the prime ministers of Great Britain studied at the three universities described above.

The job of employing graduates is excellent here. Assistance with documents and work permits is also provided for those foreign students who, after receiving their diploma, wish to stay and work in Scotland.

The university, which unites several educational institutions in Manchester, is in third place in the number of Nobel laureates (25) after Oxford and Cambridge. The competition for a place at the University of Manchester is the highest in England.

The Manchester educational institution includes: Manchester Museum, which houses more than 4 million artifacts from around the world; Whitworth Art Gallery, which exhibits historical prints, sculptures, paintings, and printed works; Theater Kontakt, designed mainly for youth audiences.

The main alternative to Oxbridge is the public research university in Nottingham.

The third oldest university in England is Durham University, and the Durham Castle building in which it is located is the oldest university building in the world.

Aston University ranks first in England in terms of teaching medical subjects.

The University of Buckingham is interesting - the only private institution among universities; has extensive connections with colleagues in other countries.

The Westminster educational institution, which was formerly called the Central London Polytechnic, was the first to introduce the new science of photography. The first photo studio in Europe was opened here.

Cranfield University is a joint French-British postgraduate institution. This educational institution is the only one that has its own airport and aircraft for teaching and researching aerospace technologies.

Thanks to the widespread use of distance learning methods, the Open University of Great Britain has become the largest in terms of the number of students.

Also known are Southampton, Leeds, Bristol, Liverpool and many other higher education institutions. In total there are more than 120 universities in England. English higher education institutions are rightfully considered one of the best in the world.

Interesting video about Cambridge University:

Higher education in Great Britain has a rich history, starting with the founding of the University of Oxford in the 12th century, and a little later of Cambridge University. Today there are over 300 universities in England. You can get an education in higher schools in the United Kingdom in any specialty.

Modern British education provides international qualifications and is renowned for its excellence in a wide range of subjects. Centuries-old traditions are combined with the latest methodological pedagogical developments and excellent technical equipment of educational buildings - this is how the famous English quality is achieved. An English university degree is recognized in more than 180 countries around the world and opens up excellent career opportunities.

The structure of higher education is represented by three degrees: bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees. There is also a separate business education - MBA.

Despite the fact that all UK universities are supervised by the Department of Education and Research, there are slight differences in educational systems. Thus, in England it takes three years to obtain a bachelor's degree, in Scotland - four. Many universities provide the opportunity to undergo practical training during their studies. In this case, the total duration of study increases by a year. Some specialties related to medicine, dentistry and architecture will require longer bachelor's studies - up to 7 years. The master's program lasts 1-2 years, depending on the specialty.

Top Universities in England

From year to year, UK universities occupy first places in world rankings. Thus, according to the Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2019, the top 500 universities in the world include 58 British universities. The top ten traditionally includes Cambridge, Oxford and Imperial College London. Most schoolchildren, dreaming of studying at an English university, most often imagine themselves as students of these famous educational institutions. In practice, getting into them is not just difficult, but very difficult - the competition, depending on the faculty, is up to 12 people per place. But before applying to any English university, a Russian student will also need to level out the differences between the school certificates of the Russian Federation and the UK.

How can Russians enter a British university?

Unfortunately for Russian applicants, it is impossible to get into a British university after graduating from a Russian school. The reason lies in the inconsistency of educational systems: English schoolchildren spend 13 years at a school desk, while our compatriots spend 11.

In order to compensate for the “gap”, you can:

  • Study for 1 year at a Russian university, and then enter the British one. This option can be called the riskiest - such applicants have a low chance of being accepted.
  • Pass the training in Foundation program, which lasts 1 year and allows you to improve your knowledge of English, as well as “pull up” your core disciplines. The Foundation Certificate is accepted by most UK universities, but not all. So before choosing this program, it is better to make sure that the university you are interested in considers applications from applicants with this type of certificate.
  • Enter a British high school and study there for 2 years by program Advanced Level (A-level) Program or International Baccalaureate Program (IB). The first program is more narrowly focused and is suitable for those who have already decided on their future specialty. IB provides training in a wider range of subjects. Both certificate options are accepted by all UK higher education institutions. In fact, you become an English school student and will enter university on the same basis as the English.

Enrollment in a British university

The admission process to UK universities is unified and carried out centrally through UCAS (Universities and Colleges Admissions Service). All applicants, including Russians, fill out a special form that contains the following data:

  • The final exam score or the score a student expects to achieve on exams.
  • A short essay (personal statement), in which the student talks about his professional plans, justifying the need to study in this field.
  • A list of universities, no more than 6 institutions, that the applicant would like to enroll in.

Universities receive applications from applicants and communicate their decision. Since applications are submitted no later than January, when final exams have not yet been taken, admission is usually “conditional”. After the applicant receives the results of the final exams, we can talk about actual admission.

As a rule, applicants calculate their strengths in advance - every year in the UK a ranking of universities is published, which indicates the passing scores. For Oxford and Cambridge, they traditionally amount to 100 points (the maximum possible result), but for admission you also need to pass exams at the university itself and undergo a personal interview. By the way, applications to these educational giants should be sent no later than September of the previous year.

Cost of higher education in the UK

The cost of higher education in the UK is the highest in Europe. However, studying at British universities is considered so prestigious that this does not stop foreigners. It is also worth considering the opportunity to obtain a bachelor's degree in 3 years: reducing the total training time allows you to significantly save on education. Prices for a year of study range from £10,000 to £22,000 (depending on the university and department). The most affordable faculties are the humanities: the price rarely exceeds £12,000. Technical specialties will cost about £17,000. For business specialties (economics, political science, law, management) in leading universities the price tag reaches £20,000. They are on par with doctors. 17,000-22,000 pounds sterling per year - this is the cost of higher medical education in England.

An important expense item is accommodation: most English universities provide dormitories only to first-year students. After that, students will have to decide the issue of living on their own, which can be very expensive. Thus, renting an apartment in London will cost about £900.

You can reduce the cost of higher education in England with the help of scholarships and grants, which you can find out about on the website of the same UCAS admissions committee. Often, there are separate programs for students from Russia and the CIS countries.

5 categories of British universities

When choosing a British university, it is important to know which category it belongs to. All universities in the UK can be divided into 5 categories, depending on when they were founded. Universities in England, created around the same time, have many common features, although, of course, each university is unique and has its own advantages.

Ancient Universities- created before the beginning of the 17th century, in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance.

  • University of Oxford - founded in 1167
  • University of Cambridge - founded in 1209
  • University of St Andrews - founded in 1413
  • University of Glasgow - founded in 1451
  • University of Aberdeen - founded 1495
  • University of Edinburgh - founded in 1583

Red Brick Universities— initially, this group included only 6 “civilian” universities, founded in large industrial cities of Great Britain, which received the status of universities before the start of the Second World War. The main difference between these universities and Ancient Universities was their practical rather than academic focus.

  • University of Birmingham
  • University of Bristol
  • University of Leeds
  • University of Liverpool
  • University of Manchester
  • University of Sheffield

Currently, all universities that are members of the so-called Russell Group, which was a collaboration of 20 UK universities (the previous 6 and the 14 below) receiving government grants and government support. The community of these universities took its name from the hotel where their first informal meetings took place - the Russel Hotel in Russel Square in London.

  • University of Leicester
  • University of Newcastle Upon Tyne
  • University of Nottingham
  • Queen's University of Belfast
  • University of Reading
  • University of Southampton
  • University of Swansea
  • University of Wales (Aberystwyth)
  • University of Wales (Bangor)
  • Cardiff University
  • University of Dundee
  • University of Exeter
  • University of Hull
  • University of Wales (Lampeter)

Plate Glass Universities- English universities created between 1963 and 1992 (mainly in the 60s). The name of this category reflects their contemporary architecture, contrasting with universities in the previous categories - Red Brick and Ancient.

  • Aston University
  • University of Bath
  • University of Bradford
  • Brunel University
  • City University
  • Cranfield University
  • University of East Anglia
  • University of Essex
  • Heriot-Watt University
  • Keele University
  • University of Kent
  • Lancaster University
  • Loughborough University
  • University of Salford
  • University of Stirling
  • University of Strathclyde
  • University of Surrey
  • University of Sussex
  • University of Warwick
  • University of Ulster
  • University of York

New Universities- former polytechnic institutes in England, which received university status in 1992 in accordance with the Further and Higher Education Act 1992.

  • University of Abertay Dundee
  • Anglia Ruskin University
  • Bath Spa University
  • University of Bedfordshire
  • Birmingham City University
  • University of Bolton
  • Bournemouth University
  • University of Brighton
  • University of Central Lancashire
  • Coventry University
  • De Montfort University
  • University of Derby
  • University of East London
  • Edge Hill University
  • University of Glamorgan
  • Glasgow Caledonian University
  • University of Gloucestershire
  • University of Greenwich
  • University of Hertfordshire
  • University of Huddersfield
  • Kingston University
  • Leeds Metropolitan University
  • University of Lincoln
  • Liverpool Hope University
  • Liverpool John Moores University
  • London Metropolitan University
  • London South Bank University
  • Manchester Metropolitan University
  • Middlesex University
  • Napier University
  • Northumbria University
  • University of Northampton
  • Nottingham Trent University
  • Oxford Brookes University
  • University of Plymouth
  • University of Portsmouth
  • Robert Gordon University
  • Roehampton University
  • Sheffield Hallam University
  • Staffordshire University
  • Southampton Solent University
  • University of Sunderland
  • University of Teesside
  • Thames Valley University
  • University of the West of England
  • University of the West of Scotland
  • University of Westminster
  • University of Wolverhampton

Recently Created Universities- former colleges that received university status in 2005.

  • Canterbury Christ Church University
  • University of Chester
  • University of Chichester
  • Queen Margaret University
  • University of Winchester
  • York St John University
  • University of Cumbria

Traditional European higher education includes bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees. In English universities, there are five undergraduate degrees: BA - Bachelor of Arts, BSc - Natural Sciences, EEng - Bachelor of Engineering, LLB - Bachelor of Laws and BM - Bachelor of Medicine. A bachelor's degree, which usually takes 3-3.5 years to obtain (in medicine up to 7 years), is a completed higher education that gives you the opportunity to start working.

A master's degree implies a deeper mastery of a specialty, in addition to the higher education already received. There are about a hundred master's programs in UK universities, which are divided into two main types - research and teaching. A master's degree, which usually takes 1 to 2 years to complete, allows you to improve your professional level and begin an academic career.

Admission conditions

British universities have high requirements for applicants.
To enroll in a bachelor's degree after 11th grade in a Russian school, you need to complete the Foundation preparatory program to make up for the missing year. A graduate of an English school provides exam results for university preparation programs - A-Level / IB (International Baccalaureate).

The level of language proficiency for admission to a university for a bachelor's program must be at least 6.0 points on IELTS.

You can enroll in a master's program with a diploma from a Russian university, which is usually recommended to be supplemented with preparation for the Pre-Masters academic program, also aimed at improving the level of English proficiency.

Universities and specialties

UK universities offer a wide range of programs for international students - from business majors to multimedia. IQ Consultancy specialists will help you find out all the intricacies of studying at a particular university in a specific program and make your choice.

Language of instruction

Where else to study English if not in its historical homeland? A perfect British accent will be a welcome addition to your academic knowledge and correct grammar.

Obtaining a visa

Obtaining a visa to England, as you know, is not so easy; a student visa also has certain requirements. IQ Consultancy specialists will help you cope with all formalities, prepare and translate documents, including a visa letter, and, if necessary, improve your English skills.


On the institute campus or in a rented apartment.

Cost of education

The cost of studying at UK universities depends on the chosen educational institution, as well as on the faculty and specialty. Accommodation may be included.

The cost ranges from £9,500 to £34,000 for 1 year of study.

University ranking

According to the Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU), compiled by Shanghai Jiao Tong University, in 2014, 18 universities in England were included in the top 100 universities in the world, with 4 of them sharing places in the top ten.

The UK leads Europe in terms of prestigious business schools, 8 of which are in the top 50 in the world according to the Financial Times magazine rankings.

Question answer

Upon admission to Degree Programs, IELTS – overall score 6.5 or TOEFL(iBT) – overall score 88.

The ideal option is to submit documents a year before the start of your studies. But, being realists, we understand that this is not always possible. Therefore, we recommend doing this at least six months before the start date of your academic program in the USA.

No. In a master's program in the USA, you will study together with American students and you will not be given any concessions for the fact that you are a foreigner... Once you are accepted, you are welcome to study... Therefore, with a weak language (even if you imagine the situation that you were accepted for the course), you simply won’t do anything You will understand at lectures and seminars! If you have weak/average English, we strongly advise you to take special preparatory courses in which you will improve both the “general” and “academic” aspects of English.

In this matter it is better to focus on your taste. As a rule, the training program is the same for all centers within one language school. It is worth considering that London is a huge city. It is more suitable for adults who prefer to live in a metropolis and want to live in the capital. If you want to touch the traditions, it is better to choose a small town somewhere in the outback, and come to London on excursions. You can also go to improve your English on the coast and combine study and a wonderful holiday by the sea. For children, it is better to choose small cities and centers with a rich cultural program.

Yes, you can enroll in the Foundation or A-Level preparatory program. Such programs exist at international language centers and at some universities. The A-Level program is designed for 2 years, after its completion you can enter British universities on the same basis as British applicants. The Foundation program lasts 1 year and is designed specifically to prepare students from abroad for admission and further study at UK universities. After successful completion of such a program, you can enroll in the 1st year, and in some universities, the second.

The most prestigious universities in the UK. Expensive but effective

Margaret Thatcher, Tony Blair, Winston Churchill, US President John F. Kennedy, Stella McCartney, John Galliano, Alexander McQueen, Jonathan Swift, Arthur Conan Doyle, George Gordon Byron, Vladimir Nabokov, John Locke, Oscar Wilde... Here are just a few of the famous alumni British universities. Add here the names of almost all British monarchs, Members of the British House of Commons, chairmen of the board and presidents of many world-famous corporations, and you will get the answer to the question “what does an expensive British education give graduates?”

Today, the most financially successful graduates are graduates of the following British universities (the ranking of the best universities in the UK by graduates' salaries was compiled by the popular publication The Times):

London School of Economics - average graduate salary £27,637;
Imperial College - 26,299;
Oxford University - 24,460;
King's College London - 24,110;
University College London - 23,478;
South Bank - 23,469;
Queen Mary, University of London - 23,118;
Cambridge - 22,964;
City - 22,664;
Warwick - 22,586;
Bristol - 22,458;
Baht - 22,279;
Brunel - 21,934;
Surrey - 21,764;
Edinburgh - 21,750.

The cost of education in Foggy Albion is one of the highest in the world, second only to some private universities in the USA, Switzerland and France. And given the cost of living in this expensive country, training costs automatically double.

The most expensive universities are located in the central part of England, while those located in the northern part of Scotland have lower prices. Of course, the cost of studying at UK universities depends on the specialty. The most expensive specialties, as in many other countries, are medicine, dentistry and biotechnology.

The average cost of studying at universities in England ranges from £10,000 to £15,000 per year. Contrary to popular belief, the cost of studying at the famous Oxford and Cambridge is not much different from other British universities - from 13,000 to 18,000 pounds sterling, depending on the program of study. Read more about the most expensive universities in the UK below.

The University of Buckingham

The University of Buckingham is the only private university in the UK independent of direct government support. The university annually invests more money in technology than any other university in the UK, so in terms of equipment (especially when it comes to IT), the university has no equal.

Located in Buckingham - a small picturesque ancient town, about an hour's drive from London. Chancellor of the university in 1993-1998. was the former British Prime Minister, Baroness Margaret Thatcher.

One of the strongest and largest departments at the university is the School of Law and Business, which has an excellent reputation not only nationally but also internationally.

Programs begin in January, July and September.

. Accounting and Financial Management
. Accounting with Communication Studies (EFL)
. Business and Management
. Business and Management with Communication Studies (EFL)
. Business and Management with Communication Studies (ESL)
. Business and Management with Information Systems
. Business Economics
. Business Enterprise
. Economics
. Economics with a minor
. Marketing with French or Spanish
. Marketing with Media Communications
. Marketing with Psychology

The cost of 1 year of study for international students at the University of Buckingham is from £15,840 (approximately $24,566 US).

A comparison table of tuition costs at the University of Buckingham and other UK universities.

Buckingham University

Other UK universities

Education fee

Cost of living

Education fee

Cost of living

First year of study

Second year of study

Third year of study

Total tuition

General expenses



Note * Prices are subject to annual fee increases.

So, even though the independent University of Buckingham charges a higher annual fee, the tuition here may end up being... average in cost, with only two years of tuition to pay. Accelerated learning is one of the undeniable advantages of the university. The University of Buckingham is the only university that has introduced a system of dividing the academic year into 4 cycles, thanks to which students receive a bachelor's degree not in three years, as in most British universities, but in just two.

Preparatory programs
. A-level (Certificate of General Education Advanced Level)
. IB (International Baccalaureate)
. Foundation

It is easier to get into it than some other universities in the UK. Admission requirements:

application (UCAS form);
level of English knowledge is at least IELTS: 6.0, TOEFL: 580, TOEFL (CBT): 213.

The University of Buckingham is ranked number one for the internationality of its students, with 59% of its students coming from outside the UK.

Graduates of the University of Buckingham work in a variety of fields around the world or continue their studies at Harvard, Oxford, Cambridge and other universities around the world. The most famous of the graduates are Chris de Lapuente (president of Proctor and Gamble), Marc Gene (racing driver, Formula 1), Alex Jovy (film director).

London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE).

The London School of Economics, a division of the University of London, is one of the world's leading centers of economic education and research, which, along with Oxford and Cambridge, is one of the top three leading research centers in the UK. The London School of Economics is an elite institution of higher education in the UK.

The LSE structure includes more than 30 research centers and institutes, as well as one of the best libraries in the world - the British Library of Political and Economic Sciences.

The profile of the university is the study of political, social and economic problems of Britain, Europe and other countries of the world; it is also one of the leading universities in the world in the field of social sciences. Teaching is carried out in 19 faculties and five interdisciplinary institutes.

Admission requirements:
secondary education (A-level, GCSE);
application (UCAS form);
level of knowledge of English is at least IELTS - 6.5-7.0, TOEFL 603/627.

Preparatory programs
One-year language training program for foreign students - English for Academic Purposes.

Famous graduates:

The most famous and prestigious world-class economic and financial organizations are pleased to hire LSE graduates who occupy high positions in the public service, in politics, business and industry, and international organizations. LSE graduates are popular with the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund.

Among the graduates of the London School of Economics are 28 former and current heads of state, 13 Nobel laureates, 5 of them in the field of economics. In addition, 30 members of parliament studied or taught here.
Tuition fees can range from £4,000 to £18,000 per year depending on the program and type of course.

University of Cambridge - Cambridge University (Cambridge)

The University of Cambridge is one of the oldest (1209) and largest universities in the world and the second oldest after the University of Oxford in the UK. The University of Cambridge has an internationally recognized reputation, which is largely due to its outstanding academic achievements and the highest level of scientific research. Cambridge University is a member of the elite Russell Group.

One of the distinctive features of the university is the presence of its own constitution, which makes it a self-governing structure with its own legislative body (Regent House). Over the 800 years of its existence, the University of Cambridge has acquired its own traditions and even legends. The most interesting of them is Newton’s mathematical bridge, which the scientist supposedly assembled without a single nail.

Tuition fees for international students for 2012-2013:


Cost per year

Humanities specialties: Anglo-Saxon, Scandinavian and Celtic culture; archeology and anthropology; architecture; antique classics; economics; education; English; geography; stories; art history; land management; rights; linguistics; management; modern and medieval languages; music; oriental culture; philosophy; social and political sciences; religion and theology.


Architecture, geography, music

Chemical engineering, computer science, engineering, research management, mechanical engineering, natural sciences.

Medicine and veterinary medicine (both preclinical and clinical studies)

Admission requirements:
secondary education (A-level, GCSE);
application (UCAS form);

The level of knowledge of English is not lower than GCSE - C; IELTS - 7 (with a score of at least 7 in all four components of the exam); TOEFL 600/250;

Famous graduates:
Cambridge graduates included world-famous scientists: Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin, Francis Bacon, James Maxwell. There are 88 Nobel laureates among Cambridge University alumni and faculty. According to this indicator, Cambridge ranks one of the first places among higher education institutions in the world.

Oxford University

In 2011, more than 17,000 people applied for admission to this famous university. Thus, the qualifying competition was more than 5 people per place. Oxford is the oldest English-speaking university in the world (1096), one of the first universities in the world, and also the first university in Great Britain. Located in the city of Oxford, Oxfordshire. Oxford University is the most famous educational center in the world, whose graduates have achieved the highest results in almost all spheres of human activity.

Oxford has been ranked first in national rankings (Times Good University Guide, The Guardian, The Independent) for many decades. It is included in the group of "old universities" of Great Britain and Ireland, as well as in the elite Russell Group of the best 20 universities in the UK. Oxford spends over £2.5 million each year on outreach activities, in addition to over £6,600,000 spent on scholarships, considered the most generous in the UK.

Oxford offers more than 320 different study programs and enrolls more than 9,600 students from more than 140 countries.
The most popular faculties among students are politics, law, business, and computer science, which rank in the top three according to the Complete Univesity Guide 2011.

Admission requirements:
secondary education (A-level, IB);
application (UCAS form);
level of knowledge of English is not lower than: GCSE - B; IELTS - 7 (the score for each of the four components of the exam must be at least 7), TOEFL (computer/paper version) - 250/600 (the score for the written test is at least 5.5). You may be required to submit at least 2 samples of written work in English;

Tuition fees: for UK students, fees will start from £9,000 per year (tuition fees for students from families with an income of less than £16,000 per year will be £3,500 for the first year of study and £6,000 in subsequent years of study). Training for foreigners will cost 20 thousand dollars per year.

Famous graduates:
At one time, Roger Bacon, Erasmus of Rotterdam, Thomas More taught at Oxford; studied or taught 47 Nobel laureates, received bachelor's and/or master's degrees from 26 British Prime Ministers, 7 recipients of the Order of Merit, about 50 Olympic medalists, 30 international leaders, including Tony Blair, Indira Gandhi and ex-President USA Bill Clinton, as well as Tim Berners Lee, founder of the World Wide Web, Professor Nick White, who developed a medicine against malaria, popular writer and linguist John Tolkien.

According to the university's own statistics, 93% of Oxford graduates are employed within six months of graduation.

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