Former elves. Are elves real? Elf Borrowing Scissors

Based on the information given in Scandinavian legends, it is almost impossible. They are considered more like spirits - elves, than real earthly inhabitants. The gods and goddesses of the Tribe of the goddess Danu turned into the same spirits - Sids and Elves - after the defeat from the Goidels - the Sons of Mil. This happened between 1700-700. BC. Apsaras were at times considered the same spirits - elves, however, it is difficult to establish from Indian mythology when the transformation into apsaras and gandharvas - spirits (elves) apsaras and gandharvas - real earthly inhabitants took place.
Based on the above, we can talk about two possible periods of life in Scandinavia for Valkyries - elves (elves). 1) They lived there even before the flood and the time of their life coincided with later events described in the Indian epic, which found an echo in Scandinavian legends about warrior maidens moving through the air on winged horses (more likely).
2) Valkyries - elves lived in Scandinavia at about the same time as the Tribe of the Goddess Danu - Tuatha de Danann - elves in Ireland, that is, from approximately IV to II or I millennium BC It is even possible that they settled twice in Scandinavia, like the Tribe of the goddess Danu in Ireland, and were forced to leave there for several thousand years immediately after the flood.


Thus, the life of the elves on Earth, like other white gods, of which they were included, was incredibly long and lasted from the end of the Mesozoic era or the beginning of the Paleogene (65.5 million years ago) to II or I millennium BC What happened to them later is stated in my works “The Exodus of the White Gods. From Hyperborea to Easter Island” and “Emancipated Women’s Societies: A View from the Depth of Ages.”

Now, after studying North American, Central American, South American, Egyptian, Sumerian-Babylonian, Indian, Chinese, Korean, Japanese and other legends, it became clear to me where the elves went (they are also the Tribe of the goddess Danu, Tuatha de Danann, Tuatha de Anu, Gandharvas , apsaras, valkyries). Some of the elves (apparently, mostly male gods), probably, together with other white gods Adityas, sailed on ships to North America, marched in the form of “white gods”, led by “Quetzalcoatl”, “Kukulkan”, “Bocica” , "Vira Cochey", across North, Central and South America, charted the Nazca desert (apparently preserving one or more aircraft, the existence of which is noted in the legends of the Indians of North and South America), then sailed to Easter Island and other islands Polynesia was subsequently massacred there. Today, the power of the Tuatha de Danann is evidenced only by past legends, North American mounds and drawings of the Nazca desert. The lifetime portraits of the Gandharvas-Tuatha-elves, left on Easter Island, tell us what the representatives of this divine people looked like.
Another part of the elves, mostly goddesses - elves, created settlements and states of the Amazons in the Black Sea region, Asia Minor, Africa and South America (probably reaching there with male elves) and died during numerous battles and skirmishes with local residents.

© A.V. Koltypin, 2009
(additions and corrections 2012)

Distinctive features of elves

How to determine whether an individual is an elf or a human? You can rely on the genetic memory of your ancestors, but think about it, reader: aren’t you mistaking it for a figment of your imagination? Yes, this is undoubtedly offensive to realize, but no one is stopping you from testing yourself! And “genetic memory” has repeatedly failed numerous fans of Professor Tolkien who imagine themselves to be elves. However, imagination is just imagination, nothing more.

The two races are quite close in structure and at one time were very friendly. For example, Korablev writes in a commentary on the “Charo-Leifi” saga: “It is traditional to pay attention to the leitmotif about human assistance to elves during childbirth. Although the elves themselves very often help mortals in such situations.”

In the 13th century, the English priest Layamon wrote the poem “Brutus”, which says: “...The time has come when it was destined that Arthur (the British king) would be born. As soon as he was born, the elves accepted him, they spoke to the child (bigoben) with “powerful spells (galdere), they gave him the strength of the greatest warrior. Secondly, they intended him to be a noble king. The third thing he received from them was the gift of long life.”.

This is also confirmed by Tolkien in “The Laws and Customs of the Eldar”: “At the beginning of life there were few differences between the children of the Two Nations, and a person who saw elven children at play could easily believe that these were the children of People, some beautiful and happy people. For in their early days the children of the elves still admired the world around them, and the fire of their souls did not burn them, and the burden of memory was still light for them.".

However, despite the great external similarities, there are many differences between the two races. This is what I want to talk about today, reader.

1. The first and main sign: an elf, unlike a human, lives a very long time, so it is not surprising that he is “programmed” for slower, more leisurely development. Since he has almost no aging gene (or rather, when he realizes his elven essence, the gene begins to act many times more passively than a human), the elf must look much younger their human peers. Here is what Tolkien writes about this in “The Laws and Customs of the Eldar”: “The Eldar matured physically more slowly than people, but in mind much faster. They began to speak even before they were one year old, and at the same age they learned to walk and dance, for their bodies soon began to obey their will... Towards the end of the third year of life, the children of mortals began to outstrip the elves, hastening to grow up while the elves' life lasted first spring of childhood. The children of men could grow up completely, while the Eldar of the same age remained in body similar to the children of mortals... Not earlier than the fiftieth year of life, the Eldar reached that height and took on the appearance in which they lived for the rest of their lives and up to a hundred years could pass before they became adults.”.

It has already been said above that an elf who has realized himself as an elf at a certain stage of life seems to freeze at a given age. In fact, this impression is external: over time, he still changes, but ten times slower than a person. “Elves actually grow older, although very slowly: the limit of their life is the life of Arda, which, although beyond the counting of men, is not endless. And Arda is also getting old.". Even the elves, who have not yet realized themselves as such, look younger than their age, because such is their genetic nature. And as a result, an elf who is 50-60 years old looks 20-30 human years old, and who looks 40-50 human years old can be of any age - 100 or 200 years old... Look at yourself in the mirror - how old are you in fact, and how much do strangers give at first glance?

An elf almost always looks younger than his age, and never older. The elf's first test is the test of time!

2. Elves - Sids, Shi, Tuatha de Danan, Wonderful People - and this is confirmed by numerous studies - have a different blood formula, different from human. Unfortunately, in this book there are few scientific calculations of this kind, and therefore I will say only one thing about elven blood: there are more white cells (leukocytes) in the blood of an elf than in a person (not to be confused and not mistaken for leukemia!) and, nevertheless , the elf's hemoglobin level is always high. In addition, the regeneration of the skin of elves occurs at a very fast pace: all scars, cuts and abrasions heal twice as fast as those of humans. The same can be applied to bone tissue: bone fractures in an elf heal faster. Perhaps it was not for nothing that the elves called people “engvars” - “sick”? But hospital rest is not recommended for elves! Let us remember Robert Kirk and his “Treatise”: the universal law for the elf is movement, and only movement!

Check your blood formula, test yourself for hemoglobin. Elves often have enviable health and have great stamina.

3. The elf's immune system is also different. For example, the amazing resistance of elves to sexually transmitted diseases (syphilis, gonorrhea) and the AIDS virus has been noted. There are known cases when an elf had sexual contact with several people suffering from the same venereal disease, but did not become infected with it. Viruses of such diseases are apparently weak in the elven body. However, this statement requires final verification.

4. Another feature of the elf is different skin structure. We have already talked about its good regeneration. An elf's skin is usually smooth, non-porous, and there are very few sweat glands underneath it. Therefore, “the elf rarely and slightly sweats, but it is not recommended for him to stay in the open sun for a long time. (Is this why elves prefer twilight to all other times of day?)

Now - about hairiness. The hair on the heads of elves is, as a rule, very attractive and constitutes one of the main decorations. But male elves have almost no facial hair: the mustache and beard are very sparse and thin. There is hair on the body, but in much less quantity than on humans.

Little facial hair, no mustache or beard? So you are close to the elves!

This is only what relates to genetic makeup and health in general. Now let's look at the external signs of belonging to the elven race. As I already said, there are not many of them, the races are similar, and yet...

5. What distinguishes a cartoon elf from a human? Right - pointy ears!

True, they are presented there in a somewhat exaggerated way: they stick out above the head like donkeys, sometimes even covered in hair. Well, what about in life? Pointed ears are indeed a common sign of elf affiliation. But at the same time they do not rise above your head like locators! The elf's ears, first of all, differ from human ears in their special shape - they seem to be flattened on the sides and with a prominent tip, most often sharp, in contrast to the round human one. An interesting feature: when realizing oneself as an elf, during prolonged communication with nature or others like oneself, the elf’s ears slightly change their shape to a more “pointed” one. You can object to me, reader, by giving the example of fairly elderly people with sharply shaped ears: how is it possible, if they are elves, why did they age, and if they are people, why with elven ears?

Alas, the reader, these are, most likely, really elves (either half-elves or goblins - one or another type of blood carriers of ancient races), as mentioned above, but the elves never woke up. However, it is never too late for the elven essence to wake up.

Try to observe the shape of your ears. For elves they are almost always pointed.

Firstly, I would like to immediately object to all those who “calculate” elves by eye or hair color, guided, for example, by the books of Professor Tolkien. For example, he claims that all Noldor have gray eyes and black hair, and the one who has such a characteristic is really an elf. This, excuse me, is nonsense, because just as there are many human races, there are just as many elven ones, and I personally observed the most varied “color” of elves: from bright blondes to burning brunettes (contrary to, by the way, individual statements that there are no elves black-eyed, does not happen with straight hair, etc., etc.) And in order to better understand the Professor in this matter, let us turn once again to his “Laws and Customs of the Eldar”. So, “lamatyawe (enjoyment of the sound and shape of words) was considered a personality trait more important than others, such as height, hair color and facial features.” Or, for example: “According to the Eldar, the only completely unchangeable feature of any personality is belonging to a certain gender. For they consider this trait to belong not only to the body (roa), but to the spirit (inno) equally; thus, the individual as a whole. Personality or individuality they often called essay, which means “name,” but also erde, or “integrity,” “uniqueness.” Therefore those who returned from Mandos after the death of their first body were always reborn with the same name and the same gender as before.” This, by the way, is worth taking into account by the numerous fans of Tolkien’s work who imagine themselves as beings of a different sex (as a rule, women who call themselves by male names and claim that they have a “male quenata.” Honestly, for a true admirer of the Professor’s work, such behavior looks funny and pathetic!)

But - to the point. As a rule, elves and elves have long hair, which is rarely styled: elves love their nature very much and change it little. Elves' hair is often wavy (although, I repeat once again, there is a lot of straight hair!), eyes are bright, often almond-shaped, faces are most often oval and oblong. There are very few chubby faces among elves. Elves' facial features are often sharp and striking. They are distinguished by their rather slender build: even with high stature, men are most often thin and rarely build up large muscle mass, although they have a distinctive feature - wide shoulders with a narrow waist (Apollo build), and women do not have very convex parts of the body: huge busts and massive hips elves do not have them. (A small pebble for lovers of Boris Vallejo’s fantasy paintings). Due to this, there is even an opinion that elven men and women differ little from each other. There are practically no fat people among elves (although sometimes there are overweight individuals among half-elves, but this is due to the predominance of the human essence.) At the same time, many consider the elves’ build to be ideal: their forms are close to the classic human ones, but thinner and more fragile. Another distinctive feature of the appearance of elves is pale complexion: They rarely have a blush.

Look at yourself in the mirror - how much do you look like an elf?

7. The common unifying feature of all elves is ability to decorate yourself and others like you. At the same time, as already mentioned, they change their nature little (for example, I have never heard of an elf who deliberately performed plastic surgery on himself in order to bring himself to perfection). But everything that comes from creativity - sewing, embroidery, spinning, blacksmithing and jewelry, as well as music and poetry are fully inherent in them. Elves make good artists, designers, and fashion designers.

The male elf always plans, invents, models something in the sense of improving his appearance or his home. Elven women often love jewelry and clothing made of shiny fabrics.

Now - about clothes. Favorite colors of elves are blue and green.(less often - black, but this quality manifests itself on anxious days: black for an elf is the color of protection). The uniform is usually tight-fitting: men like turtlenecks, skinny jeans and high boots; women, on the other hand, prefer tight dresses and skirts (which, considering the elves’ slenderness, looks quite good!)

Look at your clothes, remember your favorite colors: the elf is simply drawn to dress himself in these shades.

However, all this concerns only the appearance of elves, but what distinguishes an elf from a human is primarily the inner content. Most often, it is diametrically opposed to human.

Therefore, let us turn to this side of the personality.

8. The main feature of the elven essence, in contrast to the human one, is self-sufficiency. The elf almost always knows what he wants, is confident in himself, and rarely goes to extremes. His favorite position is the “golden mean”. Maybe that's why the most preferred time of day for them is twilight: the middle between day and night. As a rule, they love the night, but with stars, twilight, but not with completely extinguished daylight. Among elves, “owls” rather than “larks” predominate. The elf's personality is harmonious and balanced; elves are not prone to rash actions such as suicidal tendencies due to disappointment in life. Insecure, rushing people often mistake this self-sufficiency and inner calm for arrogance, a sense of superiority over others, and sometimes for arrogance and conceit.

That is why the elves have become accustomed to cunning and a certain mimicry: with some they are one, with others they are different, and no one knows what they are like. Thanks to such mimicry, the elf has many friends, but, if you look at it, all these friends are good acquaintances who do not know him completely, and the elf rarely reveals his soul, and, as a rule, only to his own kind. Self-sufficiency and the position of the “golden mean” are the main traits of the elf.

9. Relations between people and elves have always been ambiguous. Of course: so similar and... so different! Elves - Firstborn, according to Tolkien, there were only three human races that were worth communicating with, and they preferred to ignore the rest of the human species.

The current elf, from childhood, almost always does not tolerate people well (apparently, he instinctively feels that they will not understand!) and chooses one of two positions towards them - passive friendliness or complete non-interference in their affairs. But people have two attitudes towards elves: some immediately fall under the elf’s charm and cannot resist him, others, for unknown reasons, begin to hate the alien elf for no apparent reason.

Why? Here we can make an assumption. An elf always emanates a flow of energy alien to humans. Some are disposed towards it and absorb it, or rather, are fed by it (there are always plenty of energy vampires around the elf), while others are absolutely averse. Elves crave only one feeling from people, and never achieve it - human indifference. But people are simply physically unable to remain indifferent to elves!

Test yourself for relationships with people: you - to people, and people - to you.

10. By the way, and elven psychology different from human. Therefore, the elf’s reactions to many real-life events are unpredictable for people. From a human point of view, an elf may be offended by a completely ordinary phrase and at the same time not react to an obvious insult addressed to you. People who meet an elf, if they intend to communicate with him, must adapt to his temperament, otherwise he will simply withdraw into himself and will not react to others. Again, if the elf considers his interlocutor unworthy of himself (for example, a person of different principles that are unacceptable to him), communication as such will not work: the elf will show offensive condescension with all his appearance, bringing down all his arrogance on the interlocutor.

Only another elf can fully understand an elf. And since there are few of the latter, the second type of behavior is quite often observed among elves - apparent arrogance and the lot of a lone wolf.

Remember your own reaction to surrounding events: people consider the elf’s reaction inadequate. As a rule, there is an opinion among people about an elf: “How strange!”

11. Regarding elven sexuality two diametrically opposed opinions are expressed. The first is that elves are androgynous and asexual: their mind rules over their feelings, so they are incapable of love. The second is that elves are very loving. Sometimes so much so that they break your heart and, without noticing, move on. The most dangerous seducers, they say, are elves. Which of the two opinions am I inclined to? More likely to the second than to the first, but with a big reservation.

Let's figure it out in order. Elves are neither androgynous nor asexual; on the contrary, their sexual characteristics are pronounced. If I’m not mistaken, this conclusion was made (for example, by K. Asmolov in his studies), rather based on the small differences between elven men and women, compared with human representatives of both sexes. It seems that elven youths are just as long-haired and thin as girls, and therefore there is no smell of sexuality here... In fact, elves are considered one of the most perfect creations of nature. “And in their appearance they are similar to ideal tall people, but certainly not to literary winged dwarfs.” (L. Korablev, translation of Icelandic sagas). Their ability to bewitch is full of legends and traditions, in which they often act as seducers and temptresses. We don’t even need to talk about how many mortals, starting with Thomas Learmonth, were taken to their kingdom by elves and fairies - it’s a well-known fact. Well, the elf men were not far behind: remember at least the story of Midhir from the Tuatha de Danan, who kidnapped his wife from her husband...

Here it is useful to quote lines from J. Gower’s poem “Confessio Amantis”, which Professor Tolkien mentions in his work “On Magic Stories”. The poet describes a young rake, as attractive as an elf:

And at the same time, we read from the same Tolkien in “Laws and Customs”: “The Eldar married once in their lives, out of love or at least free will on both sides. Even when in the later days, when, as history says, many of the Eldar of Middle-earth became corrupt, and their hearts were darkened by the shadow that lies on Arda, there were not many tales they could tell of the deeds of lust among them... The Eldar do not make careless mistakes in choosing a mate . They are not easily deceived, and their spirit rules the body, and therefore the desires of the body alone rarely guide them, and by nature they are temperate and steadfast.”

So, are they seductive or abstinent? Let me make a guess. Apparently, sex, like everything else, is perceived more freely by elves than by humans. Such is the elf’s nature: often the elf in matters of love simply goes with the flow, and the hearts around him, as if unexpectedly for him, break... After all, he has a lot of time left to find his mate and decide on love and marriage . Therefore, the human fear that “time is running out and I haven’t found anyone yet” is completely absent from the elves! Meanwhile, if there is no permanent partner, the elf can lead a very free lifestyle. Although the Eldar try to avoid perversions of any kind. Yes, by nature they are very faithful, but only to their partner, and only if they have deep feelings. If an elf finds his mate, he is completely immersed in his love and, as it were, “dies” for everyone else. And one more thing: the feeling of an elf, like the elf himself, is much more durable than a human one!

Many poems have been written about the love of humans and elves. But, it seems to me, this love and similar unions were sung by poets precisely because such cases are rare. It is difficult for a person to “tame” an elf: an elf is a wild and unpredictable creature. A man, I repeat, cannot resist the charms of an elf or elf, but it is a rare elf who is captivated by a mortal for a long time! A distinctive feature of all elves is carelessness, an easy perception of life, and, consequently, the ability to quickly free themselves from previous attachments. (Especially if the partner(s) does not seem to him to meet the requirements for a further union. And it is not easy for a person to satisfy such demands: he, poor fellow, often does not even understand what they want from him.) There are cases of deep and devoted love between people and elves, if a person does not refuse to understand and accept the alien nature of the elf. In such a situation, the elf can become so faithful to his love that his feeling outlasts the feeling of his human partner.

Therefore, an elf can find true happiness only with his own kind. An elf will always understand his brother, will not restrict his freedom and will not allow his own to be restricted...

If you are by nature a very loyal person, and at the same time easily “outgoing” in love relationships, you are closer to the elves.

12. A very important issue when defining an elf is the attitude towards childbirth and children. Perhaps the strangest feature of the elf (and the big difference from people) is their children will not be born out of wedlock! Even if one of the parents is a human and the other is an elf, half-elves will not be born into free civil unions. The very conclusion I made was after observing many elven and half-elven couples: those of them who adhered to the principle of “open relationships”, no matter how much they wanted, did not produce offspring, although from a purely medical point of view both were quite healthy. It is impossible to explain such a thing: such a trifle as a stamp in a passport or a ceremony performed play a role in such an important moment as birth. One might assume that since the spirit of the elves rules the body, they themselves give themselves a mental order: “No children!”, and this order is carried out. Whenever it weren’t for the persistent desire of some to conceive a child out of wedlock, and - complete failure...

Let us turn once again to my favorite “Laws and Customs of the Eldar”: "Their[elves] the children were few in number, but very dear to them. Their families, their homes were connected by love and a deep sense of spiritual and physical kinship, and the children needed little education or training. There were rarely more than four children in a house, and their number grew more and more slowly over the years. But even in ancient days, while the Eldar were still few, Fëanor was celebrated as the father of seven sons, and history knows none who surpassed him...

Regarding the conception and bearing of children: a year passes from conception to the birth of an elf child[in fact - a little less than nine months according to human chronology. All elf children are born a little earlier than their due date - from auto.] The elves celebrate the day of conception every year. For the most part, these are the days of spring...

The Eldar also say that to conceive and, even more so, to bear children, it takes them more vitality, spiritual and physical, than for mortal children. That is why it happens that the Eldar give birth to few children, and that this happens in their youth or at the beginning of life, unless a strange and difficult lot befalls them. But no matter what age they get married, their children are born a short time after the wedding. Briefly - according to the Eldar account. According to mortal accounts, quite a lot of time often passes between the wedding and the birth of the first child, and even longer before the birth of another...[at least one and a half human years from the wedding day - from auto.] The Eldar beget children only in days of happiness and peace, as far as possible.".

On my own behalf, I just want to add that elves have one more feature: a boy or a girl is born, as a rule, in accordance with the wishes of the parents. It has never happened to meet a single elven (or half-elven) family where children were born of the “wrong gender”. And one more thing: if both parents did not want children for a long time after the wedding, conceiving them turns out to be very difficult...

Remember, reader, when and how your child was born. Among elves, they are born only in marriage.

13. Another detail that distinguishes an elf from a person is magic.

What inherent abilities does an elf most often possess? As a rule, the gift of empathy (feeling someone else's emotional background), and some - telepathy; the gift of foresight; the ability to appear invisible (under certain circumstances, you can walk two steps away from an elf and not notice him - and he doesn’t even have to hide - most likely, this is where the legend about the ability of elves to pass through walls arose); love spells - they were already mentioned above; the ability to isolate himself from the outside world (something like an invisible wall appears between him and the interlocutor, after which the interlocutor cannot look him in the eye); some have the ability to control people's actions (with the help of thoughts). In the general context, I did not mention such elven talents as clairvoyance, the ability to endow another with good luck, the ability to increase harvests, find treasures... In fairness, it must be said that not every elf has the latter talents, or not everyone has developed them. As for the former, many elves have them in one set or another. Whether this is magic or the body’s still little-studied abilities, it’s difficult to say.

Leonid Korablev writes about elves in his “Little Treatise”:

« They (elves) are able to penetrate the future with their minds and read the thoughts of mortals. Alfar skilia, that is, elves feel, understand, foresee. The gift of insight was given to the elves, as well as the Norns.".

“Of course, only white sorcery could come from (or lead to) the elves. And although there are cases where elves (or their half-elf descendants) sometimes used harmful magic for their own purposes, the black art has never been associated with the Hidden People. Only a few mortals, having gained access to secret elven knowledge, managed to turn some of it into evil.”.

Speaking of magic, one cannot fail to mention elven music and poetry. Almost all elves have good hearing and voice, and can play musical instruments. Elves wonderful minstrels, but the main thing is still different: many people believed that it was with the help of spell songs that the elves showed their magic. With their singing, the forest elves enchanted passers-by; magical music made people forget home and friends and prefer the Magic Land to them... In translations of Icelandic sagas, L. Korablev writes: “In conclusion, speaking of Charo-Leifi” (Thorleif Thordarson), it is necessary to mention the most notorious event in his life - in 1611, together with another “power poet” Jon Gvudmundsson, the scientist Thorleif, through the magic rhymes they composed, expelled the most terrible thing in history "undead » (draugur), who with his furious attacks intimidated the entire region of Stud in Snaefjol".

14. And one more thing. Elves are known to be very sensitive people. Most often, they feel the approach of bad weather, as well as, for example, psychological discomfort from an impending conflict. Perhaps this upcoming conflict is not yet noticeable to people at all, and the weather will only worsen by tomorrow evening - the elf’s premonitions, as a rule, do not deceive, this has been verified by many years of repeated practice. And, although they do not like to lecture people (for example, there is a well-known saying: “Do not ask the elf or the wind for advice”), if some kind of warning comes from the elf, it is worth listening to it. Often it is the elves who see prophetic dreams, it is the elves who hear voices warning them about this or that event, or even just know from somewhere what will happen (in the slang expression, “download information from the astral plane”). Not all elves have such abilities, but many of them do.

Elves feel each other best, like the immortal Duncan MacLeod - their relatives. Not necessarily when approaching, as in the case of MacLeod. But it’s enough to see your brother in the face - and you understand that in front of you “is this very creature.”

When communicating with their own kind, elves transfer energy to each other, while replenishing their own. It is extremely harmful for an elf to constantly be in the human world - you need to communicate with your own kind at least once a month. If you are interested in elves, look for your own kind.

Only other elves can tell you with certainty that you are an elf.

So, in this chapter an attempt was made to formulate the main features of the differences between the two races - people and elves. I’ll immediately make a reservation that this list is far from complete and it lacks such important data as different blood compositions (rumored to be even in percentage terms), genetic studies, as well as reactions to possible irritants. But this book is not a medical reference book, and I, the reader, reserve the right to someday fill these gaps in a publication of a completely different profile and with the help and support of professionals in this field.

This list is not complete from the point of view of studying the types of elven personality. However, this is precisely what leaves room for further research (it would be a pleasure to explore!)

A small addition for you, reader. After all of the above, don’t go to extremes - don’t idealize elves. According to many fantasy books, legends and movies, elves, for example, are impossibly beautiful. This is not always the case. Yes, the elf is a perfect creation of mother nature, but not so much as to strike everyone around on the spot (although there are some).

To a person, elven beauty can sometimes even seem unattractive: too refined thin girls, thin young men without pumped muscles, often with sharp facial features - not everyone likes this. This is what cannot be taken away from the elven people: they are thin, but not bony, and very proportionate. And a little criticism about their intelligence: yes, elves are smart, but sometimes they are so lazy that they bury their talents in the ground. All of the above applies to the elves of this world; in parallel worlds, where history has taken a different path of development, perhaps a more ideal version of the elf race is found. And, as already mentioned, there are almost no pure elves on earth now; the races are greatly mixed among themselves.

But in principle, finding elves in a crowd and distinguishing them from people is not so difficult. Seek and you will find!

S. Pavlova. Road to the Unicorn.

Elves are a real people who lived before people and at the same time with people and formed a powerful elven civilization at the dawn of the human era.

Elf by John Anster Fitzgerald.

Elves - spirits of the "Magic Land"

For the first time, the concept of elves, apparently, appeared in Ireland to designate the magical people who lived in the hills - the Seeds and at first were called the Seeds. The Seeds were male and female creatures. Their ruler was the queen (of the elves) Medb - a tall, slender beauty with bright blue eyes and long blond hair. Behind her flowed a wide robe of the finest white silk. The man who happened to meet Medb soon died of lovesickness. The other elves were also very tall, and their beauty could immediately “blind” a mere mortal. With one touch of the hand they took away a person’s will and reason.

A person who accidentally wandered into their lands (they were always men), the Sid-elves, as a rule, turned into their slave. If the unfortunate man managed to escape and get home, his sanity never returned. Sometimes former Sid captives became prophets or healers, acquiring the ability to foresee the future or heal people. Despite this, Irish mythology contains many stories in which mortals and elves competed with each other, and people entered their world for the purpose of matchmaking or to obtain wonderful objects. There are also legends and historical evidence (and not only in Ireland) about marriages between the Seeds - elves, fairies and people - for example, Becuma Whiteskin with the king of Ireland Conn of Hundred Battles - and the birth of children from them.

Mythological and historical elves

According to “Education in the Houses of Two Cups”, “The Taking of the Sids” and other Irish sagas, the men and women of the Tribe of the goddess Danu (Tuatha de Danann) who previously lived in Ireland, Wales and northern France began to be called Sids after their defeat from the Sons of Mile of Spain ( approximately 1700-700 BC). According to one version of the saga “Education in the Houses of Two Cups” (there are only five of them), the country was divided into two parts by Amorgen - the poet and sage of the Goidels (the people to which the sons of Mil belonged), in such a way that the Tribe of the goddess Danu got the lower, underworld. The mythological elves, which I mentioned above, began to live in it. The Sids were not the only place where, according to legend, the Tribe of the goddess Danu (Tuatha de Danann) went after the defeat from the Sons of Mil. The Irish sagas also say that the people of the Tribe of the Goddess Danu sailed overseas and settled on the mysterious islands - Brendan, Blessed, Apple... A fragment from the saga “The Adventures of Art, son of Conn” can serve as a landmark for the location of the new homeland of the Tuatha de Danann. The tribe of the goddess Danu, who gathered in council in the Land of Promise because of Bekuma the White-skinned (daughter of Eoghan Inbir), who committed adultery, expels her to Ireland:

""So she was banished beyond the sea and the great abyss; and she was sent specifically to Ireland, because

The tribe of the goddess Danu hated the Sons of Mil after they were expelled from Ireland." Thus, after the defeat from the Sons of Mil, the men and women of the Tribe of the goddess Danu (Tuatha de Danann) were pushed to the periphery of the developed space - overseas, to the islands, in the depths of the hills, which received the name “Magic Land”. And they themselves began to be called elves.

Elves - men and women of the Tribe of the Goddess Danu who lived in Ireland

As follows from the above, those who lived from the 6th millennium BC. until 1700-700 BC. in Ireland, the men and women of the Tribe of the goddess Danu (Tuatha de Danann), in essence, were historical elves (the prototype of the mythological elves from the Other World). In the work "Elves in Ancient Ireland. The Secret of the Tribe of the Goddess Danu" I reconstructed in detail the appearance, clothing, abilities and way of life of this people. Therefore, I will note here only their main features.

The elves were tall, perfectly proportioned, eternally young and beautiful boys and girls with very fair skin, delicate facial features, blue, gray or green eyes and long golden hair, which with their impeccable beauty could drive mere mortals crazy.

The elves were forever young and did not die of old age, which indicates a very long life expectancy - for example, the god Danda and the goddess Banba lived for more than 3,000 years, and according to some sources, even more than 10,000 years. They could only be killed. Unlike their predecessors (except the Fomorians and Fir Bolg) and successors, the Sons of Mil, the elves had secret magical knowledge and possessed the secrets of witchcraft. They were the greatest sorcerers who taught the first Druids. Elves could revive the dead. One of the most important features of this people was their wonderful magical ability to change shape, appearance and size. They could turn into animals, birds, fish (horses, wolves, cows, swans, ravens, eels, etc.), ugly old women, as well as various elements of nature.

The elves were not only the greatest sorcerers, but also learned people who perfectly comprehended the laws of nature and knew how to control it. They had a comprehensive knowledge of the healing and energetic properties of plants and used them to treat various diseases, mortal wounds and to perform spells.

The elves were also very skilled craftsmen and musicians, warriors and poets, and their weapons were considered the best and most modern. Women enjoyed almost the same civil rights as men and actively participated in all men's affairs, even in war. They often acted as envoys in negotiations between warring parties, and also sat in councils when concluding peace.

Elves had the custom of raising children on the side either as a “pledge of friendship” or for a fee - for pedagogical purposes, to strengthen character. Boys remained in education until they were seventeen, girls until they were fourteen. The responsibilities of foster parents were understood very broadly. A close connection between foster or half-brothers was established for life - sometimes stronger and deeper than blood kinship.

Elves - a divine race of immortals and sorcerers

As follows from Irish (and Welsh) legends, the elves were a divine race of wizards and sorcerers, endowed with longevity or immortality, magical powers and similar to the most beautiful people, only many times more beautiful. It is no coincidence, therefore, that they have always been contrasted with people and referred to beings between mythical supermen and deities, divine demons, fallen gods or fallen angels (and here).

The story of Tuan Mac Cairil from the Book of the Brown Cow, written about 1100, says that no one knows where the Tuatha de Danann came to Ireland, but that “they seem to have come from heaven, as evidenced by their intelligence and perfection of their knowledge." According to one version (apparently the earliest) of the “Battle of Mag Tuired”, the Tuatha de Danann reached Ireland on dark clouds directly through the air, landed on Mount Conmaicne Rhine and covered the face of the sun with darkness for three days.

Elves are real creatures. Many legends and fairy tales mention elves - humanoid creatures, almost no different from us, except perhaps for some fragility of build, a different shape of ears, but possessing magical abilities. Of course, a fairy tale is a fairy tale. However...

One of the monastery chronicles mentions that at the beginning of the 15th century in Scotland, a man speaking an unknown language was found dying from wounds in the mountains. He was thin, even fragile. Having recovered, the stranger surprised everyone with his dexterity in fencing and archery - he never missed!

Over time, having learned the language, he said that he belonged to the Elwe people. According to him, these people live very, very far away. One interesting feature: he had pointy ears! It is known that the pointed tops of the ears are a sign of belonging to the satanic tribe, and the unfortunate tree would have burned at the stake, but it was saved by the fact that he, wounded, was immediately brought to the church. And as long as nothing happened to him (the devil within the holy walls would either have died immediately, or, at worst, he would have been writhing), no one touched him. Unfortunately, there is no more information about the mysterious stranger.

You can find such references in other countries. For example, in one of the family chronicles of Norway it is mentioned that in the 14th century one of the girls married a tall and handsome foreigner, an unsurpassed archer. However, he was soon accused of witchcraft and, in today's language, repressed. He lived in marriage for eight years and left two daughters, also distinguished by their beauty. But in addition to beauty, the daughters also inherited their father’s “family trait” - pointed ears, which, of course, greatly complicated their further existence... This stranger called himself Helwe.

In the chronicles, you can find other evidence. What’s interesting is that different peoples, different storytellers, often without any contacts, have been describing the mysterious Helve or Elwe almost identically for centuries. And this, especially taking into account reliable (relatively, of course) chronicles, cannot but suggest that the portrait of an average elf was actually copied from life. Moreover, all the “magical” skills attributed to them, by and large, do not go “outside the bounds”.

Let's start with their shooting talents. Not a single arrow missed the target - could this happen without magic? Here it is appropriate to recall something from the experience of Chinese master archers, who shoot no worse than fairy-tale elves. Here's how one of the masters describes this process:

"I look at the target and don't think about the bow when I draw it. I put all my consciousness into the arrowhead and continue to look at the target. Eventually, it grows in my consciousness to incredible proportions, it occupies the entire Universe. And I rush to the target - at the tip of the arrow. I know that I cannot miss - and I do not miss." Moreover, an arrow fired from a bow by a master pierces thick walls. There is a known case when an arrow stuck almost 10 centimeters into a stone! That is, it is not so much the bow and muscular strength of the shooter that directs the flight, but his will, his energy “qi”. Is this magic? Rather, the paranormal abilities of a person.

Or, for example, the “invisibility” of elves, their ability to disappear into the forest, walk on snow and sand, leaving no traces. If we turn to the experience of the same Shaolin monks or ninjas who master the “Qigong” technique, everything becomes clear. Specialists of this technique demonstrate truly real miracles (many times, by the way, captured on film, photo and video): they walk on sand, leaving almost no traces, stand on a board lying on eggs, and the eggs do not break, hang on “harsh” threads... Scientists cannot yet explain the phenomenon of qigong, but it is a proven fact that after mastering the technique, almost any person is capable of miracles. As for the ability to “dissolve” in the forest, ask the old people: they will tell you what it means to “look away.” Walking past a person so that he does not see you is just a type of suggestion, a kind of hypnosis.

Comparing these and some other facts, we can conclude that the mysterious Helwe are people or creatures that are extremely similar to them, according to some information, they can have children from ordinary women and have abilities that today are considered paranormal. And meetings with them in the 12th-16th centuries were not uncommon - remember the numerous “witchcraft” trials, where pointed ears were cited as the main evidence indicating a connection with otherworldly forces.

Another question is what kind of people are they, actually, where did these elves come from and where have they gone now? Researchers put forward two hypotheses. First: elves are the same homo sapiens, but they have a certain “extra gene” that allows paranormal abilities to be inherited. Maybe these are the descendants of the Atlanteans, maybe some kind of “branch of development”, which by the 10th-11th centuries was almost completely assimilated with people and only in some hard-to-reach unexplored areas (and at that time there were enough of them in Europe and Scandinavia) retained their communities . Another version is quite fantastic and is based on the hypothetical theory of discreteness of universes: in one place per unit time there is an infinite number of disjoint universes. Points of contact (intersection), of course, exist, and elves are aliens from a parallel world.

By the way, this theory also explains something, for example, the eternal youth of elves. Perhaps time flows differently in different parallel universes, and it is not surprising that a person, having entered the world of the elves and spent several hours there, finds out upon returning that years have passed on earth.

Are there any representatives of the Yelwe people among us today? Maybe. But even if this mysterious race completely disappeared, dissolved into “ordinary” people, a “gene pool” remained: from time to time children are born with pointed ears, some people display absolutely “elven” abilities... For example, the American Kenneth O'Hara ( newspapers wrote about him several times), having picked up a bow for the first time at the age of 43, he realized that he simply “doesn’t know how” to miss. He was examined by doctors and psychics, and it was thanks to the latter that he did not become a professional athlete: psychics determined that at the moment of the shot 0. “Hara “splashes out” a huge amount of mental energy. Based on this, he was banned from speaking. Having studied his ancestry, Kenneth 0"Hara learned that in the 15th century one of his ancestors - an Irishman - married a captive from the Helwe people - the woman was captured during a raid on one of the islands off the coast of Scandinavia.

Dance of the Elves: Digital Painting by Susan Justice

Great Elven Civilization

Based on all of the above, it was concluded that the people of “gods”, wizards and sorcerers, who were called Gandharvas, Apsaras, Tribe of the goddess Danu, Tuatha de Danann, Tuatha de Anu, Royal Scythians and other names, or simply put, elves, were quite widespread across the globe - in different places and at different times. Its numbers may have even been comparable to those of humans.

This means that the elves could be an entire race and even a civilization of non-human beings who lived “in parallel” with other non-human beings and people. Moreover, according to the Indian, Irish, Slavic, Scandinavian epics and the legends of many other peoples, all these creatures and people waged cruel wars with each other. In the end, almost everywhere the "non-humans" were defeated by people. But these are other stories, which I will tell you about in future works. This means that the civilization of the elves or the elven civilization is not a fantasy, but a historical reality. True, historical elves most likely differed from the fictional elves who came to us from the world of fantasy. I was never able to find in any of the Irish sagas information that they (men and women of the tribe of the goddess Danu (Tuatha de Danann), Tuatha de Anu, Gandharvas and Apsaras) had long pointed ears - because, you see, that’s exactly what most of us imagine elves. Most likely, such data simply does not exist.

In the legends of many peoples there are creatures that outwardly resemble people, but differ from them in their physiology and capabilities. Creatures with incomprehensible longevity and magical abilities are elves. People all over the world argue whether this ancient people existed in reality or only in fairy tales.

Elves are present in different cultures

Evidence of the existence of elves

Different peoples have myths that mention these creatures in different images and events. But history records facts about real mysterious finds. The Indians from North America have a legend about a small, kind people with supernatural abilities. Excavations at the site of their settlement also testify to this. Here archaeologists found objects with an unclear purpose, made from materials then unknown to ancient people.

And in 1932, a small mummy was found during excavations in San Pedro. Archaeologists conducted a study and found that the skeleton belonged to a man 30 cm tall who died of natural causes at the age of about 65 years. The owner of such an unusual find did not live long, and after his death the mummy disappeared under mysterious circumstances. Indigenous people claim that such objects are not uncommon in their area, but there is no documentary evidence to support these words.

In 1837, archaeologists discovered a small cemetery in Ohio, and historical excavations were carried out here. The growth of most of the mummies seemed strange to them: they did not exceed 1 m. Some researchers argue that this was an entire tribe of pygmies, and not an elven cemetery.

In Iceland in 1996, during excavation work on Kopavogur Hill, an amazing event occurred. Local residents believed that there was an elven settlement on this site and protested against the leveling of the land. During the work, the inexplicable happened - all the equipment broke down the day before the excavations and it was necessary to curtail activities. The construction company never returned to that place and chose to erect the building in another location.

In Iceland, people still believe in, who lives in different parts of the country and tries with all his might not to catch the eyes of the locals.

In the capital of the country there is even a special school of elves, the director of which has been communicating with people who have been subjected to magical influence for 30 years. Magnus Skarphedinsson collects stories and teaches eyewitnesses how to properly interact with mythical creatures when encountering them.

Theories of the origin of elves

The birth of elves is one of the greatest mysteries; they are even elevated to the rank of people. People still argue about where these mythical creatures came from. According to one version, evolution is to blame for everything, according to another, this is the creation of the gods.

The first theory immediately runs into the rocks of logic, and questions arise here. One of them is how evolution allowed only one species of humanoid creatures to achieve immortality. To achieve this, several factors had to come together:

  1. Constant weather conditions on earth.
  2. Long period of time.

The human body changes throughout life; immortality does not affect this indicator. But elves do not age, and skills undeveloped in youth are irretrievably lost. Therefore, the lack of progress in development suggests that the creatures appeared to the world in a finished form.

The divine creation of elves is more logical, it is determined by all the facts about them. The appearance of ready-made magical creatures adapted for life in society was thought out.

Types of creatures

Signs of Williams syndrome

The disease consists of the loss of 20 specific genes on chromosome 7. The patient has problems with the cardiovascular system. They act like children. All are diagnosed with a moderate degree of imbecility. It is difficult for them to study in general education institutions, but they are very caring, sensitive people. Everything beautiful is not alien to them; they have innate artistry and a beautiful melodic voice.

Whether to believe in mythical creatures or not - everyone decides for himself. Whether the legends were just descriptions of real cases of Williams syndrome or whether they were stories about real magical creatures is difficult to say.

In Iceland, people still believe in their existence and are trying to prove to the whole world that they are right by building entire fabulous tourist complexes.