What are the benefits of non-pedigreed cats? How to determine the breed of a cat: rules and tips. When buying a kitten and mating animals


Let us immediately note that it is impossible to determine the breed of a cat from a photograph alone with 100% accuracy - it’s like trying to diagnose a patient based on symptoms alone. However, it is still possible to get a rough idea of ​​the breed of an animal based on its characteristic external features. Determining the cat breed from a photograph relevant when buying an animal: unfortunately, a lot of scammers under the guise of purebred kittens sell ordinary yard cats, which, despite all their advantages, are not purebred. In many situations, you can determine the breed of an animal from a photograph, paying attention to pronounced external features and structural features of the body.

How to find out the breed of a cat from a photograph?

Unique features and mutations. Pay attention to the cat's body structure and its obvious features:

  • The animal's ears are bent forward - this is a Scottish Shorthair cat;
  • The ears are folded back - a distinctive feature of the American Curl;
  • A short “broken” tail is typical for bobtails (Kurilian, American, Japanese, Thai), Manx cats and the Cymric breed;
  • The cat's short legs, disproportionate to its body, are a key feature of the Munchkin breed.

Unusual fur (or lack thereof). The type of coat allows not only to divide cats into short-haired, long-haired and hairless, but also indicates that they belong to a specific breed:

  • Wool is mostly absent - in front of you is a Sphynx (Don, Canadian), Peterbald, Levkoy or Minskin;
  • Short curly hair is observed in the Ural and Prussian Rex, Cornish Rex, Devon Rex;
  • Long curly hair indicates belonging to such breeds as Serkirk Rex, Bohemian Rex, La Perm, American Wirehair;
  • Persian, Siberian and British longhair cats have very long and straight hair.

Remarkable color. Perhaps the color of the cat also corresponds to the distinctive features of the breed. There are several groups of animals based on color type:

  • Dominant light hair in combination with dark hair on the face, paws and tail indicates that the cat belongs to the Siamese group (Siamese, Thai, Himalayan Neva Masquerade, Balinese breeds);
  • If the dark color is dominant and the presence of white paws, muzzle and tail, pay attention to such breeds as: Burmese, Snowshoe, Ragdoll;
  • Blue, silver hair without visible spots may indicate that the cat belongs to such breeds as Scottish Fold, Russian Blue, Nibelung, Korat, Chartreuse;
  • The coat is sand-colored: probably you are looking at a Havana Brown, Abyssinian, Somali, Tiffany Chantilly;
  • The wild color of the animal (spots and stripes natural for wild cats) may indicate that it belongs to the Bengal or Siberian beard; Perhaps you also see the Egyptian Mau, Kurilian Bobtail, Savannah, Serengeti, Safari.

Unusual body structure. Perhaps the cat's physique seems too unusual to you. In this situation, it is worth paying attention to the characteristic breeds:

  • The cat has a thin but muscular body, it is extremely elongated. The paws are long, thin, the cat is distinguished by elegance and grace - this is a Siamese, Oriental, Javanese cat.
  • The animal is distinguished by a strong, muscular build and a large depressed nose - this is a Persian or exotic shorthair cat.

Unusually large body dimensions. If your cat weighs more than 8-10 kg, then it is quite possible that this cat is a Maine Coon, Savannah or Norwegian Forest cat.

It should be noted again that determine the cat breed Based on photographs alone, it is extremely difficult, especially if you do not understand felinology. Try to contact specialists who, based on the external characteristics of the animal, will certainly be able to determine its approximate belonging to a particular breed. However, according to the rules of all felinological associations, a cat can be considered purebred only if it has the appropriate documents.

If in dogs the breed can be seen at first glance, then some purebred cats are identified only by minor signs. Therefore, a kitten taken from the street can easily turn out to be of “noble blood.” But it makes no sense to determine the breed of a kitten, because with age its color can change radically. Therefore, the question of how to determine the breed of a cat remains open.

The animal is fully formed at one year of age. Then it’s time to figure out how to determine the cat’s breed. It will be difficult for anyone who is not very familiar with cats and does not consider themselves to be professional breeders to determine the breed of the pet. However, this can still be done after analyzing all external signs and his behavior. But is this necessary if the cat is already loyal and loved?

Most often, cats that differ in some way from outbred cats are simply similar to their privileged brothers. And owners who receive a pet without documents are happy with its interesting color or unusual ear shape, without bothering with identifying the breed. But it’s still worth establishing the origin, and here’s why:

A pet whose owner has managed to establish its high origin does not receive any regalia and cannot participate in exhibitions. After all, he has neither documents nor titled parents. But in some cases exceptions are possible.

Is it possible to return the status of an aristocrat without documents?

Without a pedigree issued by an international club, even the most purebred cat is only a copy of the titled animal. But if a cat picked up on the street seems noble to the owner in its color or body shape, there is an opportunity to earn status. The algorithm will be like this:

A pet, officially recognized as purebred, is allowed to participate in exhibitions, can win prizes there and receive titles. Cats give birth to purebred offspring, which will already have their own pedigree.

How to find out the cat breed: classification

Phenology clubs are responsible for assigning breeds to cats. Each breed is documented by certificates and meets basic standards.

The first priority in determining the breed is the appearance of the pet. Many factors are assessed, including body build, color, shape of ears and paws. It is the combination of these factors that influences. Thus, Russian Blue and British cats have similar colors, but different exteriors: the former are more refined, with an elongated body, and the latter are strong and massive.

Now in the world there are about 60 breeds and 200 varieties of cats. It is almost impossible to accurately count their number, even despite the clear gradation by characteristics. The generally accepted classification divides all cats into 5 groups.

Table 1. Classification of cat breeds

DescriptionRepresentatives of the breed
SlenderGraceful physique;
elongated torso
AverageSmall bodyBurma;
Blue Russian
StrongVery large bodyEuropean;
Long coat, wavy or straight;
average build
Norwegian forest,


With mutations or abnormalities
Small paws;
Crooked ears;
Lack of wool.
And other possible deformations and discrepancies with breed characteristics
American Curl

If, after lengthy examinations and manipulations, it was not possible to find out the breed, you should contact a veterinarian, professional breeders, or chat with cat lovers on specialized forums. In any case, it is worth knowing exactly the breed of your pet.

Thoroughbred vs mongrel: distinguish by test questions

Sometimes it is not enough to look at a photo to find out whether a cat is purebred or not. It is necessary to carefully study the pet and find answers to questions that will allow you to think about the true nature of the pet.

So, consider your pet and ask yourself:

  1. Is the size of the cat smaller or larger than the rest of his furry brothers?
  2. Does your pet's color look unusual or is it at least somehow different from the color of ordinary cats?
  3. Are there differences in the hair structure – waves, small curls, too long hair or other features?
  4. How developed are the limbs, ears, and tail? Are there any noticeable differences?
  5. Are there any other details in appearance that distinguish your pet from the neighbor's mongrel cat?

Sometimes the pedigree of cats lies “on the surface”, sometimes it does not have clearly defined identifying details

If you answered “yes” to at least 1 question, then your cat is special. To accurately determine its noble breed, it is necessary to delve into the details. So let's get started.

What is the difference between purebred and mongrel cats?

Basically, all domestic cats are the same in appearance. Signs to identify an ordinary cute cat:

  • round head and elongated body;
  • the sacrum and chest are not too wide;
  • long graceful paws with sharp claws;
  • pointed ears sticking up;
  • correctly placed eyes;
  • a long, energetic tail that they swing every now and then.

But purebred cats are something special. Their appearance can fascinate, surprise and even frighten. So, let's look at the brightest representatives of noble blood and find out how they differ from mongrel animals.


Let's get acquainted with the breeds whose calling card is unusual ears, the shape of which can accurately identify a cat.

  1. Scottish fold cat. The breed's ears are very unusual: sometimes it seems that the pet has no ears at all. Due to mutated cartilage, the auricle is almost folded in half. The bend can be barely noticeable or completely press the shell towards the head;

  2. American Curl. In cats of this breed, the ear is completely bent back: it can bend 180 degrees;

  3. Elf Kat. The deformed ear looks as if it is covered with patterns. The ears are very large, and their curve resembles devilish horns;

  4. Ukrainian Levkoy. The ears of such creatures are drooping and curved forward. It looks like someone broke the ear cartilage in half;

  5. Poodlecat. An artificially bred variety that is considered exotic. The ears may stick up or be drooping, like those of the left-handed. Breeders say that the larger the ears, the more beautiful the cat.

Small or missing tail

In domestic dogs, tails are docked intentionally to fit the animal to breed standards or to make the appearance more attractive. Some cats have short tails from birth or no tails at all. This flaw indicates the noble origin of the pet.

  1. Manx. Representatives of the breed do not have a tail at all; some cats have a small appendage instead;

  2. Cymric. Fluffy animals, completely devoid of tails. Their legs are short, which is why their gait is a bit jumpy;

  3. Kurilian Bobtail. This breed combines the blood of the Japanese Bobtail and the Siberian. Bobtail cats are distinguished from ordinary cats by their short tail: less than 10 cm;

  4. American Bobtail. The tail is slightly longer than that of the Kuril, but not more than 10 cm. It can reach the place where the hind legs grow;

  5. Japanese Bobtail. A classic among short-tailed breeds. According to the standard, the tail should not be longer than 11 cm, and curling upward is a mandatory criterion;

  6. Pixiebob. A true domestic lynx, distinguished by a short tail. It can be completely invisible - about 2 cm, or can reach 14 cm in length.

Little paws

Exclusively all breeds of cats with short legs are bred artificially. Veterinarians began to sound the alarm when breeders began to breed these breeds: it seemed to them that due to such a paw structure, cats would have problems with the spine or mobility.

But these suspicions were not confirmed, and short-legged pets actively participate in exhibitions along with others. These are the breeds:

  1. Munchkin. Representatives are also called cat-dachshunds because of their elongated body and very short legs;

  2. Bambino. At first glance, this is an intimidating breed with large ears, short legs and no hair at all. But if you observe the representatives of the breed, you can get used to these unusual features and fall in love with them;

  3. Dwelf. Another unusual breed whose representatives do not have hair. Their paws reach a length of no more than 7-8 cm;

  4. Skookum. Curly-haired representatives of the breed have long hair, a voluminous collar and short limbs;

  5. Napoleon. Majestic and very fluffy individuals, which are not at all spoiled by their short legs. They give them a cute appearance and playfulness;

All of these breeds are considered dwarf due to the miniature paws of their owners. If you notice that your pet does not grow in height with age, compare it with short-legged dogs of noble blood.


A standard cat is small in size: as a rule, excluding the tail, their length reaches 50-75 cm. Add the tail - about 30 cm. Weight does not exceed 4-6 kg for males and 2.5-4.5 kg for females. However, some breeds do not fit into these sizes at all: they are either too large or too small.

Important! Determining the breed of a pet by its size is quite difficult, but you can try.

Miniature cats

  • kinkalow - a very rare cat weighing up to 1.3 kg, charming and fluffy;
  • lambkin - weigh about 1.8 kg, have thick hair with curls; for this they were nicknamed cat “lambs”;
  • Singaporean - short-haired representatives with large ears and huge eyes;
  • Scythian-tay-don is the smallest representative of cats in the whole world.

Giant cats

There are about 10 cat breeds in the world, representatives of which exceed the generally accepted weight of 6 kg. Some giant cats can reach a weight of 15-20 kg. If you find it difficult to pick up your cat, he may be one of the following breeds:

  1. Chartreuse. Cats of this breed have developed muscles and a noble gray-blue color. Weight reaches 7-8 kg;

  2. Turkish Van cat. Massive and strong animals with fluffy tails. Weigh up to 9-10 kg;

  3. Norwegian forest cat. Fluffy and large, males reach a weight of 10 kg. They have a piercing look and interesting colors;

  4. British cat. Hardy and strong cats with a noble color. They can reach a weight of 12 to 18 kg;

  5. Maine Coon. Fluffy giants with pussies at the tips of their ears, the weight of cats can reach 16 kg;

  6. Ragdoll. A cat with fluffy fur, which, for all its charming appearance, can reach a weight of 9-10 kg.

Features of wool

Some cats can compete in the length of their fur with girls with long braids who have been growing their hair for years. Thus, the cat Colonel, who became known to the world thanks to his irritated face from memes on social networks, has the longest hair among males - 23 cm. The record holder among females is the beautiful Sophie with hair of about 26 cm.

Very long hair

  • Burmese cat;
  • ragdoll;
  • Turkish van;
  • Himalayan cat;
  • Napoleon;
  • Norwegian forest;
  • Turkish Angora;
  • Persian cats;
  • Maine Coons.

Long Curly Hair

Rex cats mostly have wavy hair, sometimes resembling real curls. It can be long or short. Long-haired owners:

  1. Selkirk Rex. Fluffy cats with long tails and curly fur. There are also short-haired representatives;

  2. Bohemian Rex. The ancestors of the breed are Persians. But, in contrast to them, the Bohemian Rex can boast not only long, but also curled hair;

  3. La Perm. It seems that this curly beauty curls her fur every morning.

Short curly coat

  1. Hermann rex (German rex). From a distance, it seems that someone has cut unusual patterns into the fur of these cats. But, if you look closely, you can see “plush” curls;

  2. Cornish Rex. An American breed with a physique similar to hound dogs. Representatives of the breed have large, pointed ears and wavy fur;

  3. Devonshire Rex. The breed has many fans who claim that the cats' fur is very pleasant to the touch. In appearance it resembles an astrakhan coating;

    The homeland of the Devonshire Rex is England.

  4. American Wirehair. Cute and affectionate cats with a stern look. Some even have curly mustaches.

Hairless cats

Contrary to popular belief, hairless cats are not limited to Sphynx cats. Of course, you can’t do without sphinxes, but among several varieties there are other breeds lurking:

  1. Bambino. A breed already familiar to us, whose representatives have short legs;
  2. Ukrainian Levkoy. Looking at the strange representatives of this breed, you reluctantly begin to remember films about aliens;
  3. Peterbald (Petersburg Sphinx). In some representatives you can clearly see human features on their faces. They are completely unlike anyone else, have a long graceful body, large ears and thin paws;

  4. Don Sphynx. Cats with baggy skin and expressive eyes;

  5. Canadian Sphynx. Their penetrating gaze looks into the very soul.

  6. Color: multi-colored or plain

    The most common cats are single or bicolor. As a rule, they are all outbred. So, you can recognize them by the following coat colors:

  • black;
  • tawny or red;
  • grey;
  • chocolate;
  • cream;
  • white.

Cats whose coat color contains one/two/three not too bright shades are most often outbred if there are no other distinguishing details. In purebred cats, the fur can have not only an unusual color, but also various shades, specks, stripes and patterns.

Siamese color

A fairly well-known color with two predominant tones - light and dark. So, the first group of pets with Siamese color may have black paws, tail and muzzle, and a white body. And, on the contrary, the second group has light limbs and a muzzle, and a dark body.

They have this color:

  1. Balinese cat. Almost albino: the shades of her coat contain an acromelanic color, which is considered partial albinism;

  2. Himalayan cat. Long fur, blue eyes, light body, dark socks and muzzle are the main features of the breed;

  3. Burmese cat. It has a point color, which is distinguished by light “gloves” on its paws;

  4. Neva Masquerade. A very large breed with a long bushy tail. Only Maine Coons or Norwegian Forest cats are larger than this cat;

    The name “masquerade” was assigned to this cat due to the characteristic darkening in the muzzle area

  5. Siamese cat. A famous subspecies whose most noticeable feature is its expressive, oval-shaped sky-blue eyes;

  6. Snow-shu. The name literally translates as “snow boots,” and for good reason. Cats have noticeable snow-white “socks” on their paws, and a bird-shaped mark on their face.

Blue cats

Silver or rich gray-blue shades most often indicate the noble breed of the owner. There are no spots or impurities of a different color on the fur of the representatives. This color is typical for 6 breeds:

  1. Chartreuse. They are often confused with British cats, but Chartreux cats have their own distinctive feature: a gray nose and blue toe pads;
  2. Korat. They have amazing marsh-colored eyes - this is their main distinguishing feature;

  3. British Shorthair. British adults look at the world with bright orange eyes;

  4. Nibelungs. They have large green eyes and special fur that is not prone to tangles;

    The peculiarity of the representatives of the breed lies in their gait - Nibelungs walk on tiptoes

  5. Scottish cats. Similar to the British, but the head is more rounded;

  6. Russian blue. They are similar to other subspecies of blues, but have a special feature - they try to never let out their claws when communicating with people.

Complex color

It’s rare, but you can still find pets with tortoiseshell or other unusual colors. The fur coat of representatives of such rare colors can have a variety of shades; sometimes one individual can boast several tones with unclear boundaries.

One of these unusual colors is tabby. These are two contrasting tones that intertwine and create an unusual pattern on the cat’s body.

Important! Cats with complex colors are very popular among breeders. As a result of crossing, you can get offspring with a very rare coat color.

Sand/cream colors

Cats with such shades are extremely rare. There are only 2 breeds that are characterized by this color:

Animal colors

Leopard-print cats are truly miniature versions of their wild relatives. Some cats with this coloring are of impressive size, so from afar they can be mistaken for leopard cubs. This group includes 7 breeds:

  1. Kurilian Bobtail. In all its appearance and habits it resembles a small lynx. The main feature is a small tail, curved upward;
  2. Bengal cat. Real indoor leopards who passionately love water treatments;

  3. Savannah. A representative of the breed has the appearance of a wild cat, under which hides an almost dog-like soul. Pets are incredibly smart and train almost as easily as dogs;

  4. Siberian cat. Individuals with long thick hair. Its structure has two undercoats that have amazing water resistance;

  5. Maine Coon. Good-natured and smart pets who take lessons and commands well. They look like small lynxes, given their impressive size and tufts on their ears;
  6. Egyptian Mau. The main difference from other breeds is leopard spots not only on the fur, but also on the skin;

  7. Serengeti. Spotted animals with long graceful paws.

    The Serengeti is a very rare breed; at the moment there are only a few hundred of its representatives.

Chocolate shade

Chocolate-colored cats are very rare, so a breeder who manages to breed a purebred brown cat is truly lucky. There are only two breeds in this category:

By the color of a pet you can roughly determine its relationship to one of the groups. However, for those who do not consider themselves experts, it will be quite difficult to decide on the breed. Only a specialist can see the slightest signs characteristic of each breed.

Pet's temperament

The character of the pet can roughly tell the owner what breed the cat is. Thus, wayward Siamese cats are prone to any adventures and can join any fight. Their ragdoll relatives, on the contrary, would choose to appear on a cozy sofa.

Eyes: color, shape, setting

Take a closer look at your pet's eyes: perhaps they will become the decisive sign in identifying the breed. For example, the breed awarded all purebred British with light brown eye color. Turkish Angoras often have eyes of different colors: for example, one is blue and the other is light brown. Siamese cats look at the world with slightly slanted eyes.

Exhibitions: how to get there and why?

Purebred cats and cats of noble breeds receive the right to participate in exhibitions. People gather at these events for various reasons: some people win prestigious titles with their pets, some simply want to communicate with passionate cat lovers, and some want to find a purebred pet for themselves.

The largest international organization of cat lovers is the World Cat Federation (WCF). It includes 540 clubs from all over the world. WCF holds an average of 300 cat shows annually, a third of which are in Russia.

What does it take to get to a cat show?

Anyone can come to the cat show, but you can only take part with a pet that is already 3 months old. In order for your pet to be included in the list of participants, you need to prepare the following documents:

Important! The exhibition organizers may require additional documents, so for each exhibition the set of papers should be clarified in advance.

The 20 most common cats in the world

Every year, the Cat Fanciers' Association (CFA) compiles a ranking of the most popular cat breeds. It is based on the volume of official registrations of purebred cats. So, according to the latest data, more than 2 million individuals are registered with the CFA, belonging to 42 breeds recognized by the corporation.

Table 2. The most popular purebred cats according to CFA


The breed was created in the 1960s after crossing a Persian cat with an American ShorthairWide stocky body, large paws. The coat is velvety and thick. Cats are calm and affectionate

The breed originated in Persia, which is now called Iran. In the 17th century it was taken from there to Italy. In 2012-2013, it confidently took 1st place in the ratings, but later lost groundDense body, legs short and thick. Round massive head, snub wide nose. The coat is silky and thick

The ancestors of modern Maine Coons lived on farms in Northeast America. The name comes from Maine, where they were common. Local farmers associated them with raccoons due to their dark striped color, so they added an additional part of the name - "coon" (literally "raccoon")A giant cat with large eyes, a fluffy tail and long hair

The ancestors of the Ragdoll appeared in California from a mixture of Burmese and Angora cats.

The name comes from the peculiarity of this breed: cats completely relax in your arms and allow you to do whatever you want with them.

Large cats with long hair and a bushy tail, round blue eyes

The first purebred Briton was bred in Great Britain in the 19th centuryMassive cats with a strong body, small paws and “plush” fur. The eyes are large and protruding

Appeared in North America thanks to the first immigrants from Europe, who brought cats on shipsStrong slender body, hard thick hairs. Round head, eyes wide open. These are independent and active cats

The first representative of the fold was discovered in Scotland in 1960. It was a mutated English shorthair catThe main feature is a gene mutation that results in “broken” cartilage in the ears

The oldest breed that began its journey from Ethiopia. According to legends, cats of this type were worshiped in Ancient Egypt. Some breeders suspect that the blood of reed wild cats may flow in the veins of AbyssiniansRefined elongated body, thick undercoat, triangular head with deep oval eyes. Unusually colored hairs with ticking

Documentary recognition befell the sphinxes in 1966 in Canada. However, some historians claim that representatives of the breed were popular even during the reign of the pharaohs in Egypt and the Mexican IncasHeavy body of medium size, triangular head. Prominent cheekbones and mustache pads, deep-set eyes

They were brought to Europe along with the Siamese at the end of the 19th century. The ancestors of Oriental cats lived in Thailand. The breed was finally recognized in the 70s simultaneously in the states and in EnglandAn elongated, strong body with a long, sharp tail. Small paws, wedge-shaped head. The color is similar to “Siamese”, but without a clear color-point pattern

A cat of this breed was first noticed in Great Britain in 1960. One of the local residents managed to tame a wild pregnant cat, which gave birth to charming wavy kittensA fragile but muscular body with curly silky hairs, huge ears. Wide head with thin graceful neck

Siamese cats first appeared in Siam (modern Thailand). From there they were brought to Europe by the English consul, where they were bred for about 200 yearsFlexible, thin body, the front legs are slightly shorter than the hind legs. Characteristic “Siamese” color, bright blue eyes, large ears

The breed was developed in Great Britain in 1950. Later, unusual kittens were crossed with Burmese and British, after which the breed was officially recognizedA small cat with a refined body, a curved back, and large ears. The main feature is long wavy hair

The breed was bred in Norway. The ancestors of modern Norwegian cats served as assistants on Viking longshipsMassive body with long waterproof hairs, triangular head with a flat nose. There are tassels on the wide-set ears, and a voluminous collar on the neck.

The breed was bred in France in the 20s of the last century. In Burma (Myanmar) they were sure that the souls of dead monks lived in these cats, and they were kept in Buddhist monasteriesIt has light long hair, pointing colors, characteristic of Siamese cats, and light “socks” on the tips of its paws. There are dark markings on the muzzle, joints and tail. The Burmese has large limbs and a massive body. Their temperament is calm, they are quick-witted and inclined to learn.

The breed began its development since the times of Old Slavonic times. Outside Rus', they learned about her in 1893, when one of the cat fans took several charming kittens from ArkhangelskThis is one of the most expensive cats in the world. Has short bluish fur that shimmers with an amazing silvery tint.

Bred in Vietnam. The breed was the result of crossing Siamese and Burmese catsWell-developed muscles, slender body, slanting, expressive eyes that change color. High cheekbones and well-shaped muzzle

She was born in Siberia in 1988. She is considered the pride of Russian felinologyMedium massive body with thick waterproof coat, strong paws. Large round eyes

The first chocolate-colored cat was brought to the states from Rangoon in 1930. There she was crossed with a Siamese cat. From this union came two branches of the Burmese - American (heavier) and British (graceful)Short silky hair, small body. Cats are muscular and strong. They have large, wide-set eyes

The first cats of this breed became known in 1964 in the USA, and reached Europe only in the 1990sThey have an animal coloration, but are considered completely domestic. They can be small or large in size, with a lean body and elongated legs. Short, dense coat with spots

How to properly care for a purebred cat?

Any pet, whether outbred or noble blood, needs decent care. The following procedures will be relevant for all breeds:

Nail trimming and combing

We trim the claws. Nails should be trimmed using a veterinary nail clipper. The most important thing is not to damage the living part of the nail. The vessels on the transparent claw are easily visible. You need to step back 2-3 mm from them and cut off the tip.

The animal will struggle, so the procedure must be carried out with an assistant. We comb the pet. Cats with luxurious long hair need to be brushed twice a day, and pets with medium-length hair need to be brushed every 3-4 days. The voluminous coat is combed out with a slicker brush and combed with a simple comb.


The list of regular hygiene procedures for cats includes:


Pedigree cats have a wide variety of coats. Long-haired, short-haired, hairless - this is not the entire list of nuances that should be taken into account when caring for the coat of your “aristocrat”. Different breeds have different hair structures, so each of them requires an individual approach. Basic tips for caring for your pet's fur are presented below.


If the owner has not found any visible signs of “pedigreedness”, but the suspicion that “blue blood” flows through the cat’s veins persists, it is worth turning to professional breeders. Only they will be able to calculate the breed based on the slightest signs. And even if your pet doesn’t turn out to be a Briton, a Maine Coon kitten or a charming Norwegian, don’t be upset. After all, even without titles he remains a beloved and affectionate member of the family.

Video - The rarest cat breeds

Hi all! Are purebred or non-pedigreed cats better for the home - we will try to answer this question. A cat is the wildest animal of all domestic animals. And, just as the cat used to walk on its own, now it differs from other pets in its obvious independence and independence. And, it seems, the benefit from it is minimal - it will overfish in the fall, and that’s all (and in urban conditions, people practically do not encounter mouse problems at all).

But, despite its apparent uselessness, the cat does not lose one of the first positions in the popularity rating among animal lovers.

If you believe the well-known Darwin, then once upon a time, a long time ago, ancient people lived on our Earth who, among other things, were engaged in the domestication of wild animals. And basically these animals were tamed with one main goal - to help human survival under conditions of natural selection. Since those ancient times, practically nothing has changed; all types of pets, by and large, exist to benefit their owners. All except one... Cat!!! And what is the main benefit of a cat?

And all this because a cat is a living “generator” of comfort. And this has probably always been the case: this animal performed mainly entertainment functions in the owner’s house and filled the house with energetic warmth. In addition, cats, with their independence, are quite unpretentious in their maintenance. For example, they do not need to be walked, unlike equally beloved dogs.

It is not necessary to devote a lot of time to their physical activity - it is enough to get by with any trinket and a small scratching post on which you can climb. Cats sleep a lot and eat little. They do not require increased attention to their own person. For these reasons, it is the ideal family pet for many.

Perhaps, having decided to add another family member to your home in the “face” of a cat, you are puzzled by the problem of choosing - which cat will be better: a purebred cat, in whose veins exclusively blue blood flows, or an unremarkable “ordinary yard cat”. Both have their advantages and disadvantages.

And therefore, first of all, you, as the future owner, need to decide on the main selection criteria. For example, why EXACTLY a kitten is purchased and what it should be like when it grows up.

If there are children in the family, they will almost certainly sooner or later ask their parents to give them a pet. Thus, a kitten is purchased as a living toy for children. Many people, especially city dwellers, live separately, on their own. And be that as it may, even they sometimes lack communication, namely, simply someone’s presence nearby - even if this someone does not know how to talk. In this case, the cat helps to unobtrusively brighten up loneliness.

Everyone knows that there are so-called status phones, or, for example, cars and clothing brands. Cats can also have status. No matter how rude it may sound, most often such cats are destined to live the life of an ordinary keychain or piece of furniture in the home of a Very Important Person.

Some live lovers express a desire to become participants in artificial selection and breed purebred kittens for exhibitions, for sale and to maintain the purity of the breed. There are also those who simply need a reliable live mousetrap.

And finally, the most common case is when people, regardless of their age, status, place of residence or marital status, decide to have a pet just for the soul. In this case, the animal usually becomes a full-fledged member of the family. No exaggeration. In this case, there is no question at all - purebred or non-pedigreed cats are better for the home - you just need a pet!

Appearance and character of the pet

Having decided on the choice of “load” that the new tenant will perform in the house, you can move on. And then you need to determine what your future friend should look like and what character he should have. It’s also worth deciding whether you want to have a very tiny kitten, a teenager, or it could be an adult.

All cats are approximately the same size. But they can have striking differences in color, length and coat structure. There is a myth about hypoallergenic cats that supposedly do not cause allergic reactions. However, this, unfortunately, is not the case. All cats, to one degree or another, are a source of allergen. The only difference is that so-called hypoallergenic cats often do not cause allergy attacks. It is believed that this is due to their special coat structure, and in hairless cats, to the lack of it.

True, the cats mentioned are always purebred and often expensive animals. If there are no restrictions associated with allergies, then the choice of “fur” of the animal will depend strictly on your preferences and on how much time you are willing to devote to caring for this very “fur”.

According to many cat lovers, the character of a cat, regardless of its breed, largely depends on its color. For example, black and white cats are very attached to their owner and can follow him around all the time. But at the same time, white cats are considered the most dependent on people, the most affectionate, calm and the least aggressive. Black cats, on the contrary, are very nimble, love communication and lead an active lifestyle even in a city apartment. The same applies to colored tortoiseshell cats.

Cats with a wild natural tabby color are the ones that walk on their own; their character can be extremely independent. Monochromatic cats tend to be as simple in character as they are in their simple appearance. They are independent, do not require any excessive attention and have a strong psyche.

And finally, saffron milk caps are the laziest phlegmatic cats, they are very cute, however, most often their main occupation is sound and healthy sleep in any position and in any place. In addition, saffron milk caps are purrs.

How much money does a kitten cost, should I pay or not?

When the issue with the appearance and desired character of the pet has been resolved, all that remains is to determine how much money you are willing to spend on purchasing the animal. Of course, if you plan to purchase a “status” kitten, or a show kitten with a good pedigree, you will have to pay the nth amount and, often, this amount is quite a “tidy sum”. Pedigree or non-pedigreed cats are better for home - it depends on your wallet.

If you do not expect to make a large financial investment for a small animal, then you should turn to numerous message boards about placing animals in responsible hands. In the Internet era, searches are simplified by the fact that advertisements are posted on the Internet with already attached photographs of “applicants for good hands.”

You can also ask your friends - perhaps one of them has a domestic cat that recently gave birth. And another option is to pick up a homeless person on the street. But it is more likely for brave altruists who are ready to take a risk and take into their home an animal without a clan or tribe. And this risk will be that there is a possibility of picking up a kitten with a whole bunch of infections. And the treatment in this case will fall entirely on the shoulders of the new owner.

In addition, it is almost impossible to find out what the parents of such a child were like if they did not all live on the street together. If you take a kitten through an advertisement or from friends, then you can find out a lot of useful information from the owners of the cat’s mother about her character, valuable qualities and any diseases, if any.

If you do not want to buy a “pig in a poke,” then the mixed-breed option is not for you. Choose a breed. It is best to buy purebred animals not at a bird farm or even at a pet store, but from trusted breeders or, again, from friends whom you personally know well.

The standard characteristics of a purebred cat (character, size, color, etc.) can be found out in advance from relevant sources, or from the breeder himself. After all, most breeds were bred through artificial selection, therefore each breed differs from any other precisely by those qualities that have been maintained in it from generation to generation by breed specialists.

When choosing a purebred animal, you can know in advance how it will grow with a high percentage of accuracy.

If we take a closer look at the difference between purebred and outbred cats, we can highlight some of their main advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages of purebred cats

A mongrel cat is likely to become a long-liver, because... According to statistics, “mongrels” live longer than their purebred “analogs.” She is distinguished by fairly good health and, if there were only “savages” in her family, then she may not be threatened with any diseases characteristic of certain breeds.

That is, outbred cats rarely have a predisposition to diseases, unlike purebred cats. This is explained by natural selection, under which, as is known, the strongest survive, and therefore the healthiest. However, this factor also largely depends on the conditions of detention.

A cat without a pedigree will most likely have more pronounced hunting instincts, so such an individual will make the best mousetrap. In addition to the above, yard animals often have a very developed intelligence by nature, which is also directly related to natural selection, although there is also the other side of the coin: such a “smart guy” can turn out to be very mischievous and cause a lot of everyday troubles to his owner, for example, stealing food from the table or catch all the aquarium fish.

When buying a purebred animal, you are buying a minimum set of known characteristics. And if you bought a bald purebred kitten from a good nursery, then it is very unlikely that after six months he will suddenly turn into an ordinary Vaska with the usual degree of hairiness. All breeds, to one degree or another, are susceptible to various diseases, but due to artificial breeding, some diseases may be more typical for some breeds, and some - for others.

Therefore, you can know in advance the weak points of the purchased kitten, and if trouble happens, the owner will be fully prepared for such events. If you are an ambitious person, then you should opt for a purebred cat with a “loud” pedigree. With it you can visit cat shows of different levels. Also, having high exterior characteristics, such an animal will most likely be allowed for breeding. And you can make good money selling kittens.

Summarizing all of the above, it should be noted that all cats and cats, from yard robbers to sofa fur toys, are equally good and equally worthy of having their own home and their owner.

The main thing is, when choosing a kitten, remember that a baby picked up on the street or taken from a shelter is not obliged to love you until he loses his pulse, and belonging to a particular breed and having a documented pedigree cannot guarantee that this particular kitten is a future champion, and that he will be able to please you in all respects.

First of all, in order to get an ideal pet, you need to try to become an ideal loving owner!!!

Are purebred or non-pedigreed cats better for homes? Who cares...

Representatives of the cat family can be found even in the most remote corners of the planet. The only exceptions are, perhaps, the territory of the Far North and Australia. The smallest of them is considered to be the domestic cat - one of the first animals domesticated by humans.

This predator combines strength, agility, and the ability to lie in wait for prey with a peaceful and affectionate disposition.

Its movements are soft, silent, and its weapons of attack and defense are sharp claws and teeth. Cats have amazing coordination - even falling from a small height, they manage to get back on their feet in time.

The weight of these animals can vary - from 3 to 5 kg, and life expectancy largely depends on conditions and nutrition. In caring hands, a cat can live up to 20 years.

History of origin

It is believed that the first country where a person tried to domesticate a wild cat was Egypt. It was there that an image of this animal was found on one of the ancient monuments.

The first mention of it was discovered, made by a Greek historian in the 5th century BC. There is an assumption that the man opened the doors of his house to the cat out of necessity. In an agricultural country like Ancient Egypt, large reserves of grain had to be stored in barns.

Hordes of rodents settled there, causing huge losses. Knowing that wild cats were the only danger to rodents, the Egyptians began to domesticate these animals. In addition to fighting mice, the animals were also trained to hunt game, using their predatory instinct.

Later in this country the cat was revered as a sacred animal and protected by law. Her murder, even through negligence, was punishable by death.

Gradually, cats began to appear in other countries. In Europe, the first reports of them date back to the first century AD. Today, outbred domestic cats that do not have a pedigree or other documents participate in exhibitions and receive awards.

Of course, this happens separately from their purebred counterparts. A special exhibition class has been created for them, which is called “domestic cats”. Judges evaluate the animal's physical condition, color, and grooming.


The appearance of outbred pets is very diverse. Only a small part of this category consists of cats with long hair. These are mainly animals from northern countries. They are also distinguished by strong bones and a dense, stocky build.

Cats living in warm countries usually have thinner coats and lack undercoat, making them appear lighter and more graceful.

The color variations in domestic cats are enormous. The most common color is “wild” (tiger). Blue cats are not uncommon in Western countries. In addition to single-colored animals, there are many two- and three-colored animals.

By standard, all colors are divided into groups:

  • Tabby.
  • Plain.
  • Tortoiseshell.
  • Chinchilla.
  • Color point.

Moreover, all of them can be combined with white.


There are no two domestic cats with exactly the same character. Some are very affectionate, sociable and playful, others are distrustful and withdrawn. But all domestic cats are significantly inferior to dogs in terms of attachment to their owner.

If a small kitten is able to quickly get used to a new home and get used to its inhabitants, then not every adult outbred animal can easily do this.

Some people immediately find a common language with new people, including children, while others may remain completely indifferent to their surroundings for a long time.

Properly raised domestic cats sometimes simply adore their owners, accompanying them everywhere around the apartment. They easily get used to walking on a leash, respond to their name, and even learn the simplest commands.

They are usually very peaceful creatures that get along well with other pets. They often establish very friendly relationships not only with their relatives, but also with dogs, and even with decorative rodents.

Their pronounced predatory instinct manifests itself only in hunting mice and birds.

All cats (including outbred cats) are unusually clean animals. However, they still require some care.

Those with long hair need to be brushed regularly to prevent tangles from forming. It is possible that the cat will have to be accustomed to this procedure, then this should be done gradually, combing the fur a little every day.

A cat that has returned from a long walk and has gone on a spree must be washed. Despite the fact that cats are excellent swimmers, they do not like water, so they also need to be taught to bathe. Wash the animal with warm water and regular soap.

At the same time, under no circumstances should they lather the wool itself. You need to dilute the soap foam separately and only then use it for washing. Rinse thoroughly with water.

It is not difficult to train a cat to use the toilet if the owner has taken care of the bath in advance, filling it with sand or a special cat litter. As a rule, the animal understands from the first time what is required of it.


To save time, many owners prefer to use commercial cat food. But natural nutrition has a number of advantages.

It excludes all kinds of dyes, preservatives, thickeners and other artificial components in its composition, and is as close as possible to natural food. In nature, a wild cat eats mice, birds, and sometimes insects or reptiles.

To get vitamins and fiber, you can eat green grass. But he will never, for example, fish.

This is an unusual food for them, so you should never feed the animal with it. A balanced diet for a domestic cat should include meat, offal, cereals, and vegetables.


Outbred domestic cats that are provided with good care and proper nutrition from a very early age rarely suffer from any diseases.

They usually have naturally strong immunity and excellent health. However, after purchasing such a pet, the very first step should be a visit to the veterinarian.

Pros and cons of content

These ordinary-looking pets are not much different from their purebred counterparts, in some ways even surpassing them.

They have a certain character, are not predisposed to genetic diseases, and from a small fluffy ball picked up on the street, a real handsome man and a reliable friend for the whole family may well grow up.

In matters of education, the owner will have to show maximum patience and perseverance, gradually, kindly and gently accustoming the animal to hygienic procedures and rules of behavior.

Photo gallery

Methods for determining cat breed

Here are the main points that will help determine the breed if the table above does not cope with this:

  • Mutation signs and features. More often it is the shape and size of the ears - for example, curled back in Curls or drooping in Scottish Folds. Tassels on the tips are also a characteristic feature (Caracat, Maine Coon). The short length of Munchkin's limbs, fixed by a mutation gene, also makes him easily recognizable.
  • The color of the iris, their shape and location. Some lines have only one eye color (blue - Siamese, green - Nibelungs) or multi-colored, like the Turkish Van. Asian cats, in addition, have a characteristic oriental cut, often with a slight braid.
  • Head shape and coat color. There are varieties that you will never confuse with anyone else due to the peculiar structure of the skull. For example, in Oriental it is narrow and elongated, while in Exot it is almost rectangular with rounded edges and an original flattened nose. The wild spotted color of the Bengal differs significantly from the pattern of the color-point Siamese.
  • Body type and coat quality. Bengals, Toygers, and some other breeds are characterized by a strong, muscular and agile body. Orientals, Thais and Sphinxes have an elegant, sophisticated physique. American Shorthair, bobtails are stocky, powerful, and heavy in appearance. The type of coat differs significantly between longhaired, semi-longhaired, short-haired and hairless cats.
  • The animal's temperament is also a feature of the breed. On this basis, the lively and restless Abyssinians can never be confused with the phlegmatic Briton.

Why determine the breed and when is it necessary?

It may be necessary to determine the breed of a cat if:

  • The pet was purchased from unknown persons, without documents, and it must be registered at a veterinary clinic or felinological club.
  • Mating with a purebred male (female) is planned.
  • A cat found on the street or abandoned needs to be given an accurate diagnosis, which may be related to hereditary or specific diseases.
  • A pet is beautiful and unusual and many people want to have the same one, or a photo with a cat has made them want to have an animal of this type.

To register a furry friend in the association of felinologists, it is necessary to have a pedigree or birth certificate - birth documents that indicate both parents with their document numbers and titles.


Both must be certified by a seal and contain information about the club and nursery. Even if an animal is born from a titled pair of the most expensive cats, without official paper it will be considered outbred.

In order to spend less money when purchasing an animal, many people buy it as a pet-class pet, that is, as a pet, since the price in this case is significantly lower. After which, by any means, even turning to scammers, they try to make a pedigree. This is a big mistake. All purebred individuals are registered in the electronic felinological database. The deception will definitely be revealed and the animal will be disqualified.

If the owner plans to engage in breeding or participate in exhibitions with the cat, you should not save when purchasing.

Breed class (animal for breeding) and show class (exhibition) do not have the right to be outbred. Therefore, if a furry pet with a pedigree is offered mating with an animal, even clearly an “aristocrat”, but without documents, you should refuse. Otherwise, you need to understand that the offspring born will not be considered purebred.

In the veterinary passport, the name of the breed is quite arbitrary; the entry is made there according to the words of the owner and cannot be a document confirming the origin of the individual.

If a cat is found on the street, then, first of all, it should be taken to a veterinarian to identify diseases and carry out treatment.

It is not worth using such an individual to produce offspring, even if the stray looks like, for example, a Siberian cat

But if your pet has obvious health problems, then it is advisable to find out whether it belongs to a certain type. Some feline “aristocrats” are characterized by characteristic diseases. Diagnosis can be greatly simplified.

It is possible to determine the breed from a digitized photograph by doing a “picture search” on the Internet. Or if there are characteristic features - a short tail, characteristic ears, fur and color - formulate a description task in a search engine.

The best method is to contact a felinologist, for example, by visiting a cat show.

The main differences between purebred and outbred pets based on various factors

Any cat is unique and inimitable, regardless of whether it has a purebred document or not. But there are still some differences.

Each breed officially registered in the felinological system has a standard - a detailed description of its appearance: size, proportions of the body and limbs, color and length of coat, eye shape, ear position and other data. Even the standard character of an individual is usually described there.

Photos will be provided, from which it is quite easy to determine whether the pet belongs to this line.

The most characteristic colors for some varieties:

  • A kind of “mask” on the face, paws and tail of the same color, darker than the main tone - Siamese, Neva Masquerade, Thai breeds.
  • Blue coat color with a silver haze - Russian Blue or Nibelung.
  • Color with a “leopard” spot or “rosette” - Bengal, Savannah, Ocicat, some other lines with a “tabby” color.
  • Ticked reddish coat in the Abyssinian and Somali.
  • Toyger has brindle coloring - pronounced black stripes on short fur.
  • All varieties of Rex have wavy or curly fur.
  • The paws end in white “socks” in the Snowshoe or Sacred Burma.

All Sphinxes have no fur at all: Canadian, Don, St. Petersburg.
  • The coat of the Cornish Rex and Devon Rex is short and wavy.
  • Selikt rexes have long and curly hair.
  • Short and stiff, but at the same time having ringlets, the coat belongs to the American wirehair or curly haired cat.
  • Long, thick and fluff-like fur is characteristic of the Persian cat and the Turkish Angora.

  • Persian cat

    According to anatomical features:

    • Tassels on the ears - Maine Coon, Pixie Bob, Caracat, Siberian cat.
    • The tips of the soft ears “hanging” forward are found in Scottish Folds.
    • Curled ears make any Curl recognizable.
    • Bright blue or blue eyes - in Siamese cats, Mekong Bobtail, Sacred Burma, Turkish Angora, Ragdoll, Javanese.
    • Nibelung and Russian Blue have emerald eyes.
    • Multi-colored eyes (such as blue-green or blue-yellow) are often found in the Khao Mani, Turkish Angora, and Turkish Van.
    • Tailless cats - Kurilian, American bobtail, Pixie-Bob.
    • The Mekong Bobtail has a short tail with kinks and bends.
    • The tail is wrapped in a ring, like a Siberian husky, only in one breed - the Ringtail or Ring-tailed cat.
    • Short legs - Munchkin.
    • Siamese and Oriental cats have an elongated, rather narrow muzzle and large ears.
    • Very large, but at the same time graceful, short-haired and similar to a wild cat - Savannah, Caraqueta, Chausie.
    • Large, massive, heavy in appearance, with long hair - Maine Coon, Siberian, Norwegian Forest.


    Breed classification

    Felinology is a science that studies the anatomy and physiology of cats, their reproduction and selection. There are many systems for recording and assessing animals in this area. For the most part, they come down to two groups - American and European.

    At cat shows, without exception, everyone is judged by genotype. Family affiliation and origin are determined by the pedigree - the main cat document, which, in fact, reflects the family tree of the pet, at least up to the fourth generation. In addition to the names of the ancestors, all colors and dates of birth, the names of the nurseries where the animals came from are indicated.

    The data of the club and the association itself are necessarily recorded in the “header” of the document.

    Each pedigree has its own number, by which it can be easily found in the electronic accounting system. Colors are designated by specially adopted codes.

    Such a document not only indicates the pet’s ancestral affiliation, but also allows you to determine which genes it is a carrier of, and what kittens it may have.

    Only the oldest American system, TICA, as the most democratic, allows assessment by phenotype - the appearance of the animal.

    In this system, all individuals are divided into six categories:

    • Category I - Established Breeds - lines formed as a result of selection.
    • Category II - Natural Breeds - natural breeds.
    • III category Variant or Mutation Breeds - the result of genetic mutations.
    • Category IV - Domestic Hybrid Breeds - interbreeding.
    • Category V - Non-Domestics Source Breed Hybrids - crossing of domestic and wild animals.
    • Category VI - Experimental Breeds - experimental breeds.

    The cat's status code is indicated by a set of Latin letters and numbers (date of birth and personal number).

    If the alphabetic code SB is written in the pedigree, such a pet is a full-fledged representative of one of the recognized breeds. Its designation and the name of the animal (usually includes the nursery's own name) are written in the first line.

    There are four categories in the European WCF system. Cats are divided according to the type of cover:

    • Category I - Shorthair I - animals with short hair, group 1 - includes Orientals, Siamese and Thais, Peterbald and Tonkinese cats.
    • Category II - Shorthair II - animals with short hair, group 2 - all other shorthaired animals.
    • III category - Semi-Longhair - semi-longhair cats - Siberian, Maine Coon, Norwegian Forest, Nibelung, others.
    • Category IV - Longhair - long-haired group - Persian only.

    In this system, the pedigree number encrypts: breed, category, color and sex of the animal. A cat from the experimental group or an unrecognized variety will not be issued a document in this system.

    Pedigrees of other systems are not very common in Russia. But if you need to decrypt them, you should contact the club that issued it.

    Information about him and the felinological system, indicating telephone numbers and addresses, is required in the document of any association.

    Siberian cat

    Today, in the age of the ubiquitous Internet, to determine or clarify the breed of a pet, you can turn to “online identifiers”.

    These virtual assistants are tables that systematize the breed characteristics of a wide variety of cat representatives. Simply by answering the questions posed using logical chains, you can determine whether the animal is purebred and which group it belongs to.

    It should be remembered that these determiners are not an official expert; according to their estimates, it is impossible to obtain a pedigree for a cat. They cannot give a 100% guarantee that the result will be correct.

    In this case, it is advisable to evaluate an adult animal; it is impossible to test a newborn here. The kitten needs to mature for at least six months for its breed characteristics to appear.

    Features of pedigree kittens

    Determining the breed of a kitten by phenotype is not always within the power of a professional. Some have such obvious natural features that they cannot be confused with anyone else; in this case, the table at the beginning of the article will help. Others differ so little from each other that they require the help of an experienced felinologist, supported by a genetic test.


    Signs of thoroughbredness and obtaining a pedigree are important for those cases when the pet is awaiting breeding work or an exhibition career.

    It must be remembered that the upbringing, love and appreciation of a cat is not determined by the “purity” of its blood.