Four men are given to Borisova. Dana Borisova: biography, personal life, latest news Broadcast with Dana Borisova about the army

Dana Borisova is one of the most famous TV presenters in Russian show business. She practically changes all standards, and proves by her example that you can be beautiful and smart at the same time. Despite the fact that she has been trying to avoid public attention lately, Dana Borisova’s personal life is still under constant surveillance from video cameras.

She achieved success in her career not only thanks to her external data, but also with the help of her determination, ability to bypass life's troubles, reacting to problems with irony and a smile. The biography of Dana Borisova is the story of a bright and courageous personality, whose life is far from being like a fairy tale.


Borisova Dana Aleksandrovna was born on June 13, 1976 in the city of Mozyr (Belarus). But her family immediately, after the birth of their daughter, moved to Norilsk. Her father, Alexander Borisov, was a police officer, and her mother, Ekaterina Ivanovna, worked as an ambulance paramedic. Dana also has a younger sister, whom she happily took care of as a child.

Dana as a child with her parents

The girl very quickly became independent. Her parents often left her at home alone, as they had to constantly work. She had difficulty finding a common language with her peers: she was very thin and unremarkable, which is why boys did not like her. In addition, she participated in all kinds of creative circles and received only good grades; her peers certainly could not forgive her for this. One of Dana's favorite activities was playing the piano. She simply could not imagine her life without music.

Student years

While still a teenager, Borisova accidentally came across an advertisement from a television company about enrollment in a television journalism class. She instantly made a decision and immediately set off to open new horizons. But Dana never dreamed that she would easily pass the rather difficult competitive selection process. On the contrary, she strongly doubted her abilities and did not believe in her success until the very end. It was from this moment that her difficult but successful journey as a journalist began.

Borisova first appeared on television at the age of sixteen. She liked the image of a television diva. Even during her school years, Dana was offered to host the youth television program “Zebra”. Naturally, she accepted the offer and established herself as an announcer on one of the main channels in her city. After some time, she became the host of the “Congratulations” program. Gradually, Dana began to believe in herself and her talent, so immediately after finishing school, the girl went to conquer the capital.

Carier start

Arriving in Moscow, Borisova successfully enters Moscow State University. Lomonosov. But the educational process is extremely difficult for her; Dana constantly has to combine study and work. It was during this period that the girl was offered to become the host of the TV show “Army Store”. Therefore, she decides to interrupt her studies and develop her career.

Borisova host of the “Army Store” program

After the release of this program, Dana Borisova became one of the most discussed personalities in the media. It was from this moment that her career growth began. As she walked down the street, she was surrounded by a crowd of admirers, and soldiers watching an army television show sent stacks of letters declaring their love.

It seemed that such a life could only be dreamed of. But for Dana it was a difficult period in her life. At this time, the parents moved to another city. After filming, she had to get to the station to catch the last train. As a result, she was robbed several times. In addition, the parents did not get along well with each other. And after some time they decided to file for divorce. Dad moved to Belarus, and he and mom went back to Moscow.


Meanwhile, unlike her personal life, Dana Borisova’s creative biography was rapidly gaining momentum. She took even the most risky steps to achieve popularity. For example, in 1996, Borisova posed almost naked for the famous men's magazine Playboy. Thus, she increased her popularity several times more. For some time, Dana left the filming of the TV show “Army Store”, but a few months later she returned to the team.

D. Borisova host of the “Domino Principle” program

In 2002, she was recognized as the most popular girl on the Internet. It was thanks to this that Borisova was invited to participate in the TV show “The Last Hero 3.” But Dana very quickly realized that she could not remain in such living conditions for long. After leaving the show, the TV presenter took up a new project, “City of Cougars.” Many TV viewers noticed that the girl began to feel more relaxed and confident. But in the “Domino Principle” program, Borisova completely changed her role as a cute blonde.

Long-awaited success

In 2007, Borisova decided to diversify her activities and act in films. She played a role in an episode of the film "Bear Mountain".

After which the TV presenter decided to take a break from her career and disappeared from television screens for several years. But in 2012, the TV presenter resumed work again and appeared in the shows “Battle of Psychics” and “Tower Tower,” which was broadcast on Channel One. Two years later, the presenter began hosting the TV show “Machine”. Her co-host was Viktor Loginov. Paradoxically, all of the programs listed subsequently became very popular and all thanks to the bright and extraordinary blonde - Dana Borisova.

Dana Borisova famous TV presenter

In 2014, Dana Borisova, together with Stanislav Kostyushkin, attended the program “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?” Famous guests managed to answer the tricky questions of TV presenter Dmitry Dibrov, and won a large sum of money.

At the end of next year, Borisova decided to leave television and try herself as a PR manager. For some time she worked in one of the elite plastic surgery clinics.

Dana Borisova: biography, personal life, children, photo

Despite the fact that Dana Borisova received great pleasure from her favorite work, her personal life for a very long time brought only negative emotions. She could not find exactly the man who could give her his warmth, care and love. She sorely lacked a serious relationship.

Only at the age of 29 did Dana decide for the first time to have a civil marriage with businessman Maxim Aksenov. Two years later, Borisova gave birth to a daughter, Polina. Literally immediately after the birth of the child, the couple began to experience discord in their relationship, and they broke up.

With her first husband Maxim Aksenov

Their breakup greatly affected Dana's psychological state. She fell into a deep depression, which led to alcohol abuse. After a while, the TV presenter finally pulled herself together and continued to live for the sake of her daughter.

The relationship with her former partner continued to deteriorate. Maxim categorically refused to help raise their common child, so Borisova sued him. She won the case. After which the businessman offered her a large sum of money several times, but on the condition that Dana would abandon her daughter. Only two years later, the former lovers managed to improve their relationship.

In the spring of 2014, publications of scandalous intimate photos with Borisova appeared in the media. This happened after the TV presenter broke off her relationship with a young man who was several years younger. Thus, the guy decided to express his grievance. But Dana reacted more than calmly: “If he hoped to upset me with this act, then he did not succeed. When I started dating him, I wanted to try something new. I'm tired of famous fans. I wanted something real, that’s why I trusted him so much...”

TV presenter with daughter Polina

In 2015, Dana’s personal life changes for the better, as she begins a serious relationship with a young man named Andrei (joint photo later in the article). They knew each other for several years, he was her neighbor: “We met 3 years ago, when we started living next door. At the moment when my car was towed, Andrey kindly gave me a ride, and that’s how we started a friendly conversation for the first time.” Despite the fact that Andrei was married, they began a relationship, and after a while the man left the family. For more information about the biography and personal life of Dana Borisova, watch this video.

Their wedding took place on June 23, 2015. But the lovers hid this date until the last moment, so as not to attract increased attention from the press. They lived together for about 8 months. After which the TV presenter filed for divorce. All this happened due to the fact that Troshchenko decided to leave his wife, taking his wife’s two foreign cars with him. Dana filed a report of car theft with the police.

With Vladimir Shirokov

Once Dana Borisova amazed TV viewers with her appearance on the TV program “Let's Get Married!” One of the contenders for her attention was businessman Alexey Pankov from Germany. Later, the girl admitted that she immediately liked him. After the transfer, they began a relationship, as a result of which Dana decided to move to another country.

She began to pay great attention to her appearance: constant exercise, grueling diets and even changing the size of her breasts. Unfortunately, their romance ended very quickly. According to the TV presenter, Alexey was an ordinary gigolo. He borrowed a large amount of money from her and had no intention of paying it back. But Pankov also decided to tarnish the girl’s reputation and said not the most pleasant things about her. In addition, he made several threats against his former lover.

Dana Borisova: latest news from her personal life

For a long time, the TV star hid some details of her personal life. She was repeatedly accused of taking various psychotropic substances and alcohol abuse.

Beginning in 2010, her mother sent her several times to various clinics to combat alcoholism. But as it turned out, she needed to be treated not only for this. Dana became seriously interested in drugs, but stubbornly did not admit her addiction.

And only in the spring of 2017, Ekaterina Ivanovna began to ring all the bells. She turned to the “Let Them Talk” program, where she talked about this problem and asked for help. She didn't know where else she could turn to save her daughter. According to her mother, Borisova was in a complete dead end from which she could not get out on her own.

Dana Borisova with Andrey Troshchenko

Despite the fact that Dana was treated several times in a special clinic, her psychological state did not improve. Some people from close circles confirmed Ekaterina Ivanovna’s fears.

The TV presenter of the program and close friend Andrei Malakhov promised that he would do everything possible to ensure that Dana received the necessary treatment and got rid of this illness. Immediately after the end of the airtime, he and several other people went to Borisova’s home to trick the girl into undergoing treatment. Luckily they succeeded.

Dana Borisova: personal life 2017

Now the personal life of Dana Borisova has become the subject of discussion among many famous personalities. Despite this, she continues treatment for drug addiction in a clinic in Thailand. She really hopes that by the end of this year she will definitely overcome her inner experiences and cope with all the difficulties. Borisova believes that many horizons will open up before her, and thanks to her talent she will be able to reach unprecedented heights.

Nowadays you can find a frequently asked question on the Internet: “What happened to Danna Borisova?” Lately, Dana has been seriously scaring her fans with her noticeably neglected appearance and figure. It became known that the country's enviable blonde has recently gained more than 30 kg of excess weight, and this figure does not bother her at all. It was also found out that Dana Borisova “made friends” with alcohol, and now she cannot imagine her life without alcoholic beverages. Many suggest that it was precisely due to such a global passion for alcohol that Dana Borisova lost her appearance and aged noticeably.

We all know Dana Borisova as a TV presenter with a capital T, who was liked by all viewers. She began her career at the age of 16, from the moment at school she was offered to be the host of the TV show “Zebra”. From that time on, her finest hour began. In the near future, she was lucky enough to host the TV show “Congratulations.”

In 1996, she starred in Playboy magazine; at that time she was the only TV presenter in the USSR who allowed herself such candid filming. They brought Dana even more popularity, her work began to develop and reach the heights that she dreamed of. In 2003, Dana confidently decided to star in the reality show “The Last Hero,” the filming of which was very difficult for the girl. As a result, she decided to leave the project and try herself as a TV presenter of the City of Cougars program.

In addition to the fact that Dana Borisova became famous as a successful and self-confident TV presenter, she decided to make her debut as an actress in films. Her first film was “Bear Hunt,” where the girl played a cameo role.

For many fans, Dana Borisova became a real standard of beauty; she was an incentive for further development and success.

Everyone liked her, both men and women. Many women wanted to be like her, and men dreamed of mastering her beauty.

Dana Borisova: children and p changes in life

It is worth recalling that Dana Borisova is a journalist, TV presenter, famous actress who had many fans. They all appreciated her creativity, admired her beauty and rejoiced at her every success. She always appeared before spectators and television viewers as a brave person, a beautiful woman, a bright and interesting TV presenter. But lately her life has simply gone downhill.

From the latest photos of Dana Borisova, you can understand that excess weight and noticeable bags under the eyes are a consequence of not paying attention to yourself. The Russian TV presenter said that such a great attraction to alcohol was caused by constant stress and depression, from which it was simply impossible to get out.

Let us remind you that the TV presenter recently broke up with her husband Maxim, from whom she has a 9-year-old daughter.

In addition, Dana Borisova is now going through difficult times and professional problems, financial instability and many other nuances that leave imprints on her life. That is why the star began to “eat and drink away” her problems in order to forget about everything in the world at least for a moment.

Dana Borisova's mother is fighting for her health

As the latest news for today in 2017 shows, her mother, Ekaterina Ivanovna, is very worried about Dana Borisova, who suspects that her daughter is using drugs and could die because of this. She is sure that something terrible is happening to Dana now, and that without outside help she simply cannot part with such an addiction.

Ekaterina Ivanovna also said that she was very worried about her granddaughter Polina; she currently lives with her father. At this time, Dana’s mother is quickly looking for money to help her daughter get out of this situation. She wants to send her for expensive treatment, which will guarantee her recovery. Due to the lack of the required amount, the star’s mother is ready to mortgage her apartment.

Now Ekaterina Ivanovna often began calling her former son-in-law to find out how her granddaughter was living, whether she missed her mother, and whether she needed a woman’s love. It is worth noting that the 9-year-old girl already understands everything; more than once she had to witness how her mother came home in a state of alcoholic intoxication and lay helplessly in the corridor. Polina told her grandmother about this with horror.

Polina also shared terrible news with her grandmother - in the kitchen she found a small vial containing white powder wrapped in a tube bill, as well as a credit card lying nearby.

As a result of this, Ekaterina Ivanovna concluded that Dana Borisova used drugs. That is why I took urgent measures to help my daughter get out of this state.

Dana Borisova during her participation in the “Let Them Talk” program

Dana Borisova had an alibi on this score; she assured her mother that she had undergone an examination in the presence of doctors, and it turned out that there were no drugs in her blood. But the TV presenter’s mother is still determined; she wants to save her daughter from this condition and return her to a normal life.

We also managed to find out that in 2009, Ekaterina Ivanovna had already resorted to medical help; she wanted to cure her daughter of alcoholism. But Dana did not respond to treatment; she did not stay in one clinic for more than two weeks. Already at that time, Ekaterina Ivanovna realized that the problem here was not only alcoholism. But, according to her, she has never met drug addicts in her life, despite the fact that she worked as an ambulance for 25 years.

That is why she could not determine exactly what her main problem was. It was not possible to completely get rid of this addiction due to the fact that Dana never completed treatment. Now the latest photos of 2017 with Dana Borisova are simply shocking; her fans are unpleasantly surprised by such global changes.

Exposing Dana Borisova to the whole country

After the release of the television program “Let Them Talk,” the whole country learned that the famous TV presenter, bright personality Dana Borisova began to drink large amounts of alcohol. Of course, it was not the TV personality who came to the program itself, but her mother, Ekaterina Ivanovna. She talked about how terrible things have been happening to Dana lately, she simply lost control of herself, and what’s worst is that the star likes this kind of life. Borisova does not devote time to her daughter at all; she completely closed herself off in herself and her problems. Let us remind you that her father, Maxim Aksenov, took his daughter into his care.

The star’s mother also said that Dana Borisova has been friends with alcohol for 7 years, despite the fact that her daughter is only 9 years old. Almost a year after giving birth, she gave preference not to raising her daughter, but to alcohol.

The actress said that there are a lot of problems in her life, popularity and fame simply cannot solve them. It also became known that the relationship with her ex-husband had not worked out since the first year of marriage, so their divorce was not a surprise to anyone.

No matter how much Dana Borisova tried to undergo treatment, any attempts did not produce any results. As a rule, any treatment was not completed. Having seen the photo, many are wondering what is happening to Dana Borisova now, whether she was able to find the strength to overcome this terrible addiction. Of course, Dana does not allow anyone to see her drunk; there are no videos or photos about this on the Internet. But many of her Instagram followers never cease to express their opinion that the star has aged noticeably lately, she has large bags under her eyes, and there are noticeable wrinkles that she previously managed to hide.

Active subscribers also noticed that Dana has recently posted a lot of videos in which one can hear a noticeably rough voice, as well as sloppy, several-day makeup that simply cannot help but be noticeable.

They concluded that alcohol completely overcame the star, she is not interested in her daughter’s life, does not take care of her appearance and lives simply immorally. Many cannot understand what happened to Dana Borisova, that her life is only being destroyed every year.

Dana Borisova: latest news - r rehabilitation in Thailand

After the filming of the “Let Them Talk” program appeared on television screens, the news about Dana’s condition spread not only throughout Russia, but also to neighboring countries. Dana had no choice but to confirm such rumors and say that she was really addicted to alcohol. Dana Borisova underwent rehabilitation in Thailand, where she was provided with a full range of rehabilitation procedures that contributed to her rapid recovery.

But the treatment situation noticeably worsened when Dana learned that, due to all the circumstances, her ex-husband Maxim intended to deprive her of parental rights.

You think it's easy to become a boyfriend Dana Borisova? No matter how it is. For example, Dana Borisova believes that a man must earn more than her and have his own home, where he will take her - preferably a country house. So, if you are a simple engineer, doctor or manager, then look away Dana Borisova, alas, not worth it. Dana Borisova Did she often make mistakes in her choice of men or were they mistaken in laying their eyes on her? This lady did not have a long-term relationship. As soon as she began to give interviews about her happy family life, the connection with her beloved collapsed in ways incomprehensible to us, but most likely obvious to herself. Dana Borisova, reasons.

Can't be named Dan Borisova an absolutely stupid person, but, frankly speaking, I am amazed, this lady can be original, witty, her humor is interesting, she often thinks sensibly, but everything that concerns her attitude towards men and money depresses me. I never just post photos of stars on my blog, I read their interviews, watch projects, films, TV series with their participation. Sometimes you read one interview - and it seems that the star is adequate, then you read a second, third, and the new knowledge I acquired about a certain person of interest to me, like beads strung on top of each other, turns out to be a necklace. But beads alone will not make beads, and, in general, my judgments are not groundless. Behind Dana Borisova I have been watching for a long time, I notice everything that happens to this bright young lady, and I, frankly, feel very sorry for this girl, because everything in her life could have turned out differently if she had not so longed for a good, beautiful life, if she could love a man not for expensive gifts: cars, jewelry, trips, but simply as an individual, as a person, to abstract himself from all these handouts. This is what I read in one of the interviews Dana Borisova. A certain man began to court her, she immediately didn’t like his appearance very much, but on the fourth day of their acquaintance he gave her a brand new one Range Rover, mom Are given expensive jewelry, daughter Polina showered with gifts, and that’s it! Dana Borisova she looked at her boyfriend with completely different eyes, now he no longer seemed like just an ugly friend to her, warmth appeared in her gaze, and as a result, she allowed him to follow her.

Men have Dana Borisova There were quite a few, she threw herself into every relationship like a whirlwind, and as she got older, she became more restrained, but she didn’t stop making mistakes about people.

Started her career Dana Borisova in a programme "Army Store", many people watched this program, thanks to the pleasant presenter. With time Dana Borisova started running other programs: "The Domino Principle", "This morning", talk show "You're right for us"(by the way, it is on this program Dana Borisova picked up another suitor, who in the end turned out to be, in her words, a small gigolo).

Last time Dana Borisova very unhappy, she became disillusioned with life, became withdrawn, developed phobias, and after the scandalous release of the program "Let them talk" With Andrey Malakhov, it became clear (from the words of the mother Are given), that the TV presenter suffers from addiction and urgently needs treatment. Dana Borisova I resisted as best I could, but in the end I flew to rehabilitation in Thailand, paid for the clinic "First" channel.

In this photo you see Dan Borisova with her ex-husband Andrey Tishchenko. The marriage of these two lasted only 8 months. By the way, Andrey Dan took her away from the family because it seemed to her that once in eight years Andrey and his model wife did not have children, that something was wrong between them, which means we need to act - urgently remove the man from such a defective family.

And in this wedding photo you see Dan Borisova, her daughter Polina, ex-husband Andrey Tishchenko. The young couple planned to live the rest of their lives together, but in reality, eight months was enough for them...

Take a look at this photo, Dana Borisova very often she uses too much foundation, she chooses the wrong tone and distributes the product unevenly across her face.

And here is this photo Dana Borisova very strange. She probably dressed up like that for some show, and after filming she decided to drink tea with lemon in a cafe.

Take a look at this photo Dana Borisova, this is what she looked like in her youth. As you can see, she slightly adjusted her nose and changed the dumplings a little, and changed her girlfriends accordingly.

On this photo Dana Borisova and her daughter Pauline. To celebrate your child's birthday, Dana Borisova spares no money, no time, no imagination!

And in these photos Dana Borisova very young, young, that’s how she was when she hosted the program "Army Store".

On this photo Dana Borisova with her first common-law husband Maxim Aksenov, he meets her from the maternity hospital. Born Pauline!

Dana was born into the family of a policeman and a nurse in the city of Mozyr in Belarus, but did not live there for even a year. Soon after her birth, her parents decided to move to Norilsk. The icy northern city did not greet the girl cordially.

The fact is that Dana often had to be left alone. The parents disappeared at work, and the eldest daughter soon had to pay a lot of attention to her little sister Ksyusha - she was born three years after the move.

Dana didn’t make any friends at school. A modest and delicate girl with frightened eyes did not arouse interest among her peers.

In addition, the girl was interested in study, to which she devoted a lot of time and attention, and in music school. Dana was a typical excellent student.

But the girl was drawn to learn everything new, to try herself in different guises. Therefore, having one day seen an advertisement for the recruitment of presenters for the local State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company, she decided to try - what if? Hand on heart, Dana didn’t really believe that a 16-year-old schoolgirl would be taken seriously by a reputable television company.

She was both happy and surprised when, after a complex multi-stage casting, in which more than a dozen girls participated, she managed to get this position. A beautiful girl with a leisurely, pleasant voice was first hired as the host of a youth program, then they added the work of an announcer. And finally, they entrusted a kind and touching program in which local residents congratulated their loved ones on the holidays.


After working for a year on television, the girl no longer doubted that she would be able to enter the journalism department, so after school she went to Moscow. An excellent student with experience working at State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company easily entered Moscow State University. The TV presenter does not hide: she was not sure that she wanted to become a journalist. But getting into one of the main universities in the country is the real dream of a girl from Norilsk.

However, studying at the capital's university was not as easy as at school. In Norilsk, the girl easily combined classes with work. Here, studying full-time and working on television at the same time was not easy. But Dana tried not to give up either her career or her studies.

Her first and immediately successful work on television was an entertainment program for conscripts, “Army Store.” The intelligent blonde in revealing outfits worked so subtly and witty that “The Store” soon became one of the highest-rated projects on TV.

Dana went to film reports in military units and even visited Chechnya several times - and this was during the period of hostilities in this territory! She quickly began to be recognized on the street and was literally bombarded with letters of declarations of love.

And, it would seem, the girl can be congratulated: as soon as she arrived in Moscow, she became a real star. But it was not there. Contrary to the prevailing stereotype, Borisova did not immediately become a socialite, able to afford her own apartment and travel by private transport.


After entering the university, the girl rented a room in Vnukovo, from where she traveled “only” 40 minutes to her place of study and work. And two years later her parents moved from the northern latitudes to Sergiev Posad. To save money, Dana began to live in her parents’ new apartment.

The TV presenter says that the journey now took a total of six hours. In order not to be late, we had to get up in the dark and return late in the evening. Tired and always dozing in the carriage, the girl was often robbed.

The difficult period continued with another trauma: her parents decided to divorce for the second time. For the first time, the girl experienced a breakup between her mother and father at the age of 14. But then, having lived separately, missed each other and forgiven the insults, the parents got back together and got married. And now their break was final.

Later, Dana admits that she was angry with her father for a long time, but, left with little Polina, who was barely 8 months old, she thought - why not invite dad? You can't refuse male support. And only then I realized that he still loves his daughters, and even masterfully manages the baby! But this was in the mid-2000s, and while the 90s were going on...


At some point, Dana had to choose between work, which was becoming more and more, and study. As a result, she never graduated from Moscow State University. But his career was going uphill. Having recognized the TV presenter as one of the most beautiful girls on television, the famous Playboy invited her to star in an erotic photo shoot.

She was the first TV personality to agree to be naked for a men's magazine. The blonde's photo shoot caused a stir, gossip, an internal investigation by the Ministry of Defense and dismissal.

Time has passed. In 1997, the girl was reinstated at work and - paradox! — they even presented me with a certificate from the Ministry of Defense. For his contribution to the patriotic education of the country's young population. But she didn’t stay long on the military TV show.

At the beginning of the 2000s, despite the fact that she was no longer on the air, Dana enjoyed wild popularity on the RuNet. According to polls, she was recognized as the most popular woman in the Russian segment of the Internet.


The media could not ignore this fact. The popular beauty was invited to the show “The Last Hero 3”. The TV presenter admits that life on a desert island was too hard for her. She was one of the first to leave the project and never regretted it.

But Dana’s appearance in reality again raised her already considerable ratings. TV channel producers remembered the blonde. Soon she began to accept invitations to host one program or another.

First she became the co-host of “City of Cougars” on Channel One, and in 2005, along with some change of image, she appeared on NTV in “The Domino Principle.” There, the viewer, accustomed to the light and sweet Dana, saw another woman in her.

Cooler, more demanding and intellectual. The format of the program required this, and this is how Borisova now felt.

She remained on the channel even after the show closed. Now the friendly beauty opened the morning broadcast of NTV every day. She will work as a TV presenter for another two years.


Looking into the blue eyes of the charming blonde, it’s hard to call her vicious. However, gossipers often surround Dana’s name with rumors about her debauchery or alcoholism. Dana even wrote down an appeal on Instagram asking her not to bother her with gossip, but that was not the case.

A woman remains in demand among the stronger sex and is still just as naive and defenseless, demanding love and attention and ready to give female affection and warmth in return.

The girl’s first serious hobby was businessman Maxim Aksenov, whom Dana met in 2005. Having met him for some time, she became convinced that this man was created just for her. The girl called him the man of her dreams and pretty soon agreed to move in with her beloved. Two years later, the common-law spouses had a joint daughter, Polina.

At first, Maxim’s kind and patient wife was a real goddess. But it’s not easy for a girl to remain an inaccessible cold beauty in life - she wants comfort and warmth, soft slippers and a break from Olympus. And when a woman ceases to be a goddess, a man changes his attitude.


In one of her interviews, Borisova will say that she can endure a lot, but there is a limit to everything. There also came a point in her relationship with Maxim when she decided to separate.

The man did not provide for little Polina. Only through the court was Dana able to get his attention for her daughter. However, the couple later managed to make peace.

Severe depression from endless problems did not have the best effect on the blonde beauty. He gained a lot of weight and, according to rumors, began to drink. She was able to pull herself together only for the sake of the child.

A new beautiful and athletic body, a change of wardrobe and an even stronger personality of Dana provoked a number of new proposals. First, she dealt with professional issues and became the host of a morning program on the RBC TV channel, then a new husband appeared in her life - Andrei Tereshchenko.

Tough 2016

In 2015, they went to the registry office without wedding suits - they simply signed their names and became husband and wife. A celebration with friends and gifts was held only two months later. The TV presenter claims that at that time the lovers had already lived together for three years.

But the marriage lasted only 8 months. The couple filed for divorce.

Soon Dana began to appear in society with her old friend, hockey player Alexander Morozov. But this romance quickly came to an end. A jealous former boyfriend sent the man an intimate video with Dana, convincing Alexander that it was made when he was already dating the TV presenter.

The vengeful “unknown” turned out to be Denis Kozlovich, a participant in the Dom-2 show. Borisova denies any connection with him, and her daughter confirms that her mother did not go anywhere during this period.

The TV star’s troubles did not end with this incident. At the end of 2016, Polina’s dad took her to visit and “forgot” to tell Borisova where he had taken the child. Later, Dana, who did not understand anything, began to call “his people” demanding that she abandon her daughter in favor of her father. Only with the help of the police did Borisova manage to find Polina and bring her back.

Now she hopes that the misadventures are over, she works for her own pleasure and devotes a lot of time to her daughter.

Dana Borisova
​Photo: Instagram

TV presenter Dana Borisova can safely be awarded the title of the most open girl in Russian show business. Recently, she has made some shocking confessions about her personal life. But it turns out that alcohol, addiction to potent drugs, unsuccessful marriages are not all the skeletons in the blond diva’s closet.

Dana Borisova now also states that at the age of twenty she was actually engaged in prostitution. Wealthy businessmen made offers to the blonde that she could not refuse. Dana really needed money.

“I can say that I had a relationship, the cornerstone of which was material gain,” Dana Borisova frankly stated on the NTV channel’s “The Stars Aligned” program.

The TV personality clarified that men offered tens of thousands of dollars to communicate with her. Dana Borisova made it clear that she saw no point in hiding this fact. It seems that the star is a little saddened by the fact that now she can no longer earn that kind of money.

Dana Borisova made a frank confession
​Photo: Program frame

“The older I get, the fewer such offers there are,” complained 42-year-old Dana Borisova.

The star is now not at all ashamed of his free behavior and actual trading of his body. She believes that she did not do anything wrong, but simply earned money.

“I am a free woman. She was not married then. And if I met someone, I voiced what I needed. There is never too much money,” concluded Dana Borisova.

Actor Oleg Taktarov, who was present in the studio, recalled that after he attended the program hosted by Dana Borisova, he began to receive offers from respectable businessmen asking him to arrange a meeting with the beauty for a good reward.

“But I told them: she’s not like that. She is a decent, intelligent girl with high moral principles. Dana, I’m sorry, because of me you lost a lot of money,” said Oleg Taktarov.

Dana Borisova is sincerely confident that she did nothing wrong. Didn't rob, didn't kill...
Photo: Instagram

Let us recall that in February of this year, intimate correspondence between Dana Borisova and a certain businessman surfaced on the Internet. It discussed prices for the blonde's services. The TV personality then indignantly called it a fake and rejected the accusations of prostitution. But now, apparently, she has decided that it is pointless to renounce this fact of her biography.