What makes Judushka Golovlev an “eternal type”? (based on the novel by M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin “Gentlemen Golovlevs.”).

Women's secrets

The type of idle talk (Judushka Golovlev) is an artistic discovery of M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin. Before this, in Russian literature, in Gogol and Dostoevsky, there were images vaguely reminiscent of Judas, but these are only light hints. Neither before nor after Saltykov-Shchedrin was anyone able to paint the image of a windbag with such force and accusatory clarity. Judushka Golovlev is one of a kind, a brilliant find of the author.
Saltykov-Shchedrin, when creating his novel, set himself the task of showing the mechanism of family destruction. The soul of this process was, without any doubt, Porfishka the bloodsucker. It goes without saying that the author paid special attention to the development of this image, which is interesting, among other things, because it is constantly changing, right up to the last pages, and the reader can never be sure what exactly this image will turn out to be in the next chapter. We observe the portrait of Judas “in dynamics”. Having seen for the first time an unsympathetic “frank child”, sucking up to his mother, eavesdropping, whispering, the reader can hardly imagine the disgusting, shudder-inducing creature who commits suicide at the end of the book. The image changes beyond recognition. Only the name remains unchanged. Just as Porfiry becomes Judushka from the first pages of the novel, so Judushka dies. There is something surprisingly mean in this name, which so truly expresses the inner essence of this character.

But it’s not only with such “god-pleasing” speeches that Judas harasses his household. He has two more favorite topics: family and farming. On this, in fact, the scope of his outpourings is limited due to complete ignorance and reluctance to see anything lying outside the boundaries of his small world. However, these everyday conversations, which Mama Arina Petrovna is not averse to telling, in the mouth of Judas turn into endless moral teachings. He simply tyrannizes the entire family, bringing everyone to complete exhaustion. Of course, all these flattering, sugary speeches do not deceive anyone. Since childhood, Porfishka’s mother has not believed him: he overacts too much. Hypocrisy combined with ignorance does not know how to mislead.

There are several powerful scenes in “The Golovlev Gentlemen” that make the reader almost physically feel the state of oppression from the enveloping speeches of Judas. For example, his conversation with his brother Pavel, who was lying dying. The unfortunate dying man is suffocating from the presence of Judas, and he, supposedly not noticing these tossing, “like a relative” makes fun of his brother. The victims of Judas never feel so defenseless as in the moments when his idle talk is expressed in “harmless” banter that has no end. The same tension is felt in that part of the novel where Anninka, almost exhausted, tries to leave her uncle’s house.

The longer the story goes on, the more people fall under the yoke of Judas’ tyranny. He harasses everyone who comes into his field of vision, while remaining invulnerable. And yet, moreover, there are cracks in his armor. So, he is very afraid of Arina Petrovna’s curse. She reserves this weapon of hers as a last resort against her blood-drinking son. Alas, when she actually curses Porfiry, it does not have the effect on him that he himself feared. Another weakness of Judas is the fear of Evprakseyushka’s departure, that is, the fear of breaking the established way of life once and for all. However, Evprakseyushka can only threaten to leave, while she herself remains in place. Gradually, that same fear of the owner Golovlev is dulled.

The entire current way of life of Judas is pouring from empty to empty. He counts non-existent income, imagines some incredible situations and solves them himself. Gradually, when there is no one alive left to eat, Judas begins to harass those who appear to him in his imagination. He takes revenge on everyone indiscriminately, no one knows why: he reproaches his dead mother, fines men, robs peasants. This happens all the same with false affection ingrained into the soul. But is it possible to say “soul” about the inner essence of Judas? Saltykov-Shchedrin does not speak of the essence of Porfishka the Bloodsucker as anything other than dust.

The end of Judas is quite unexpected. It would seem, how can a selfish person who walks over corpses, a hoarder, who has ruined his entire family for his own profit, commit suicide? And yet, Judas apparently begins to realize his guilt. Saltykov-Shchedrin makes it clear that although the awareness of emptiness and uselessness has come, resurrection and purification are no longer possible, as well as further existence.

Judushka Golovlev is in fact an “eternal type”, firmly entrenched in Russian literature. His name has already become a household name. You don't have to read the novel, but you know this name. It is used infrequently, but still rarely heard in speech. Of course, Judas is a literary exaggeration, a collection of various vices for the edification of posterity. These vices, first of all, are hypocrisy, empty talk, and worthlessness. Judas is the personification of a person who is directly heading towards self-destruction and does not realize this until the very last moment. No matter how exaggerated that same character may be, his flaws are human, non-fictional. That is why the type of windbag is eternal.

What makes Judushka Golovlev an “eternal type”? (based on the novel by M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin “The Golovlev Gentlemen.”)

The type of idle talk (Judushka Golovlev) is an artistic discovery of M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin. Before this, in Russian literature, in Gogol, Dostoevsky, there are images that vaguely resemble Judas, but these are only light hints. Neither before nor after Saltykov-Shchedrin was anyone able to portray the image of a windbag with such accusatory clarity.

Having seen for the first time an unsympathetic “frank child”, sucking up to his mother, eavesdropping, gossiping, the reader can hardly imagine the disgusting, shudder-inducing creature who commits suicide at the end of the book. The image changes beyond recognition. Only the name remains unchanged. Just as Porfiry becomes Judushka from the first pages of the novel, so Judushka dies.

One of the main features of Judas (not counting, of course, idle talk) is hypocrisy, a striking contradiction between well-intentioned reasoning and dirty aspirations. All of Porfiry Golovlev’s attempts to snatch a larger piece for himself, to hold on to an extra penny, all of his murders (there’s no other way to call his policy towards his relatives), in short, everything he does is accompanied by prayers and pious speeches.

Remembering Christ through every word, Judas sends her son Petenka to certain death, harasses her niece Ashshnka, and sends her own newborn baby to an orphanage.

But it’s not only with such “godly” speeches that Judas harasses his household. He has two more favorite topics: family and farming. On this, in fact, the scope of his outpourings is limited due to complete ignorance and reluctance to see anything lying outside the boundaries of his small world. However, these everyday conversations, which Mama Arina Petrovna is not averse to telling, in the mouth of Judas turn into endless moral teachings. He simply tyrannizes the entire family, bringing it to complete exhaustion.

The longer the story goes on, the more people fall under the yoke of Judas’ tyranny. He harasses everyone who comes into his field of vision, while remaining invulnerable. And yet even his armor has cracks. So, he is very afraid of Arina Petrovna’s curse. She reserves this weapon of hers as a last resort against her blood-drinking son. Alas, when she really is. curses Porfiry, this does not have the effect on him that he himself feared. Another weakness of Judas is the fear of Evprakseyushka’s departure, that is, the fear of breaking the established way of life once and for all. However, Evprakseyushka can only threaten to leave, but she herself remains in place. Gradually, this fear of the owner Golovlev is dulled.

The whole way of life of Judas is pouring from empty to empty. He counts non-existent income, imagines some incredible situations and solves them himself. Gradually, when there is no one alive left around who could be eaten, Judas begins to harass those who appear to him in his imagination. He takes revenge on everyone indiscriminately, no one knows why: he reproaches his dead mother, fines men, robs peasants. This all happens with the same false affection ingrained into the soul. But is it possible to say “soul” about the inner essence of Judas? Saltykov-Shchedrin does not speak of the essence of Porfishka the Bloodsucker as anything other than ashes.

Judushka Golovlev is truly an “eternal type.” His name has already become a household name. Judas is the personification of a person who is directly heading towards self-destruction and does not realize this until the very last moment.

The type of idle talk (Judushka Golovlev) is an artistic discovery of M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin. Before this, in Russian literature, in Gogol and Dostoevsky, there were images vaguely reminiscent of Judas, but these are only light hints. Neither before nor after Saltykov-Shchedrin was anyone able to portray the image of a windbag with such force and accusatory clarity. Judushka Golovlev is a one-of-a-kind type, a brilliant find of the author.
Saltykov-Shchedrin, when creating his novel, set himself the task of showing the mechanism of family destruction. The soul of this process was, without any doubt, Porfishka the bloodsucker. It goes without saying that the author paid special attention to the development of this particular image, which is interesting, among other things, because it is constantly changing, right up to the last pages, and the reader can never be sure what exactly this image will turn out to be in the next chapter. We see the portrait of Judas “in dynamics.” Seeing for the first time the unsympathetic “frank child”, sucking up to his mother, eavesdropping, and ear-splitting, the reader can hardly imagine the disgusting, shudder-inducing creature who commits suicide at the end of the book. The image changes beyond recognition. Only the name remains unchanged. Just as Porfiry becomes Judushka from the first pages of the novel, so Judushka dies. There is something surprisingly mean in this name, which so truly expresses the inner essence of this character.
One of the main features of Judas (not counting, of course, idle talk) is hypocrisy, a striking contradiction between well-intentioned reasoning and dirty aspirations. All of Porfiry Golovlev’s attempts to snatch a larger piece for himself, to hold on to an extra penny, all of his murders (there is no other way to describe his policy towards his relatives), in short, everything he does is accompanied by prayers and pious speeches. Remembering Christ through every word, Judas sends her son Petenka to certain death, harasses her niece Anninka, and sends her own newborn baby to an orphanage.
But it’s not only with such “godly” speeches that Judas harasses his household. He has two more favorite topics: family and farming. On this, in fact, the scope of his outpourings is limited due to complete ignorance and reluctance to see anything lying outside the boundaries of his small world. However, these everyday conversations, which Mama Arina Petrovna is not averse to telling, in the mouth of Judas turn into endless moral teachings. He simply tyrannizes the entire family, bringing everyone to complete exhaustion. Of course, all these flattering, sugary speeches do not deceive anyone. Since childhood, Porfishka’s mother has not trusted him: he overacts too much. Hypocrisy combined with ignorance does not know how to mislead.
There are several powerful scenes in “The Golovlev Gentlemen” that make the reader almost physically feel the state of oppression from the enveloping speeches of Judas. For example, his conversation with his brother Pavel, who was lying dying. The unfortunate dying man is suffocating from the presence of Judas, and he, supposedly not noticing these tossing, “like a relative” makes fun of his brother. The victims of Judas never feel so defenseless as in the moments when his idle talk is expressed in “harmless” banter that has no end. The same tension is felt in that part of the novel where Anninka, almost exhausted, tries to escape from her uncle’s house.
The longer the story goes on, the more people fall under the yoke of Judas’ tyranny. He harasses everyone who comes into his field of vision, while remaining invulnerable. And yet even his armor has cracks. So, he is very afraid of Arina Petrovna’s curse. She reserves this weapon of hers as a last resort against her blood-drinking son. Alas, when she actually curses Porfiry, it does not have the effect on him that he himself feared. Another weakness of Judas is the fear of Evprakseyushka’s departure, that is, the fear of breaking the established way of life once and for all. However, Evprakseyushka can only threaten to leave, but she herself remains in place. Gradually, this fear of the owner Golovlev is dulled.
The whole way of life of Judas is pouring from empty to empty. He counts non-existent income, imagines some incredible situations and solves them himself. Gradually, when there is no one alive left around who could be eaten, Judas begins to harass those who appear to him in his imagination. He takes revenge on everyone indiscriminately, no one knows why: he reproaches his dead mother, fines men, robs peasants. This happens all the same with false affection ingrained into the soul. But is it possible to say “soul” about the inner essence of Judas? Saltykov-Shchedrin does not speak about the essence of Porfishka the Bloodsucker except about ashes.
The end of Judas is quite unexpected. It would seem, how can a selfish person who walks over corpses, a hoarder, who has ruined his entire family for his own profit, commit suicide? And yet, Judas apparently begins to realize his guilt. Saltykov-Shchedrin makes it clear that although the awareness of emptiness and uselessness has come, resurrection and purification are no longer possible, as well as further existence.
Judushka Golovlev is truly an “eternal type”, firmly entrenched in Russian literature. His name has already become a household name. You may not have read the novel, but you will know this name. It is not used often, but is still occasionally heard in speech. Of course, Judas is a literary exaggeration, a collection of various vices for the edification of posterity. These vices, first of all, are hypocrisy, empty talk, and worthlessness. Judas is the personification of a person who is directly heading towards self-destruction and does not realize this until the very last moment. No matter how exaggerated this character is, his flaws are human, non-fictional. That is why the type of windbag is eternal.

Apr 13 2015

The type of idle talk (Judushka Golovlev) is an artistic discovery of M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin. Before this, in Russian literature, in Gogol and Dostoevsky, there were images vaguely reminiscent of Judas, but these are only light hints. Neither before nor after Saltykov-Shchedrin was anyone able to portray a windbag with such force and accusatory clarity. Judushka Golovlev is a one-of-a-kind type, a brilliant find of the author. Saltykov-Shchedrin, creating his own, set himself the task of showing the mechanism of family destruction. The soul of this process was, without any doubt, Porfishka the bloodsucker.

It goes without saying that I paid special attention to the development of this particular one, which is interesting, among other things, because it is constantly changing, right up to the last pages, and the reader can never be sure what exactly this image will turn out to be in the next chapter. We see the portrait of Judas “in dynamics.” Seeing for the first time the unsympathetic “frank child”, sucking up to his mother, eavesdropping, and ear-splitting, the reader can hardly imagine the disgusting, shudder-inducing creature who commits suicide at the end of the book. The image changes beyond recognition. Only the name remains unchanged.

Just as Porfiry becomes Judushka from the first pages of the novel, so Judushka dies. There is something surprisingly mean in this name, which so truly expresses the inner essence of this character. One of the main features of Judas (not counting, of course, idle talk) is hypocrisy, a striking contradiction between well-intentioned reasoning and dirty aspirations. All of Porfiry Golovlev’s attempts to snatch a larger piece for himself, to hold on to an extra penny, all of his murders (there is no other way to describe his policy towards his relatives), in short, everything he does is accompanied by prayers and pious speeches. Remembering Christ through every word, Judas sends her son Petenka to certain death, harasses her niece Anninka, and sends her own newborn baby to an orphanage. But it’s not only with such “godly” speeches that Judas harasses his household.

He has two more favorite topics: family and farming. On this, in fact, the scope of his outpourings is limited due to complete ignorance and reluctance to see anything lying outside the boundaries of his small world. However, these everyday conversations, which Mama Arina Petrovna is not averse to telling, in the mouth of Judas turn into endless moral teachings. He simply tyrannizes the entire family, bringing everyone to complete exhaustion. Of course, all these flattering, sugary speeches do not deceive anyone.

Since childhood, Porfishka’s mother has not trusted him: he overacts too much. Hypocrisy combined with ignorance does not know how to mislead. There are several powerful scenes in “The Golovlev Gentlemen” that make the reader almost physically feel the state of oppression from the enveloping speeches of Judas. For example, his conversation with his brother Pavel, who was lying dying.

The unfortunate dying man is suffocating from the presence of Judas, and he, supposedly not noticing these tossing, “like a relative” makes fun of his brother. The victims of Judas never feel so defenseless as in the moments when his idle talk is expressed in “harmless” banter that has no end. The same tension is felt in that part of the novel where Anninka, almost exhausted, tries to escape from her uncle’s house.

The longer the story goes on, the more people fall under the yoke of Judas’ tyranny. He harasses everyone who comes into his field of vision, while remaining invulnerable. And yet even his armor has cracks.

So, he is very afraid of Arina Petrovna’s curse. She reserves this weapon of hers as a last resort against her blood-drinking son. Alas, when she copyright

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The type of idle talk (Judushka Golovlev) is an artistic discovery of M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin. Before this, in Russian literature, in Gogol and Dostoevsky, there were images vaguely reminiscent of Judas, but these are only light hints. Neither before nor after Saltykov-Shchedrin was anyone able to portray the image of a windbag with such force and accusatory clarity. Judushka Golovlev is a one-of-a-kind type, a brilliant find of the author.
Saltykov-Shchedrin, when creating his novel, set himself the task of showing the mechanism of family destruction. The soul of this process was

Without a doubt, Porfish the Bloodsucker. It goes without saying that the author paid special attention to the development of this particular image, which is interesting, among other things, because it is constantly changing, right up to the last pages, and the reader can never be sure what exactly this image will turn out to be in the next chapter. We see the portrait of Judas “in dynamics.” Seeing for the first time the unsympathetic “frank child”, sucking up to his mother, eavesdropping, and ear-splitting, the reader can hardly imagine the disgusting, shudder-inducing creature who commits suicide at the end of the book. The image changes beyond recognition. Only the name remains unchanged. Just as Porfiry becomes Judushka from the first pages of the novel, so Judushka dies. There is something surprisingly mean in this name, which so truly expresses the inner essence of this character.
One of the main features of Judas (not counting, of course, idle talk) is hypocrisy, a striking contradiction between well-intentioned reasoning and dirty aspirations. All of Porfiry Golovlev’s attempts to snatch a larger piece for himself, to hold on to an extra penny, all of his murders (there is no other way to describe his policy towards his relatives), in short, everything he does is accompanied by prayers and pious speeches. Remembering Christ through every word, Judas sends her son Petenka to certain death, harasses her niece Anninka, and sends her own newborn baby to an orphanage.
But it’s not only with such “godly” speeches that Judas harasses his household. He has two more favorite topics: family and farming. On this, in fact, the scope of his outpourings is limited due to complete ignorance and reluctance to see anything lying outside the boundaries of his small world. However, these everyday conversations, which Mama Arina Petrovna is not averse to telling, in the mouth of Judas turn into endless moral teachings. He simply tyrannizes the entire family, bringing everyone to complete exhaustion. Of course, all these flattering, sugary speeches do not deceive anyone. Since childhood, Porfishka’s mother has not trusted him: he overacts too much. Hypocrisy combined with ignorance does not know how to mislead.
There are several powerful scenes in “The Golovlev Gentlemen” that make the reader almost physically feel the state of oppression from the enveloping speeches of Judas. For example, his conversation with his brother Pavel, who was lying dying. The unfortunate dying man is suffocating from the presence of Judas, and he, supposedly not noticing these tossing, “like a relative” makes fun of his brother. The victims of Judas never feel so defenseless as in the moments when his idle talk is expressed in “harmless” banter that has no end. The same tension is felt in that part of the novel where Anninka, almost exhausted, tries to escape from her uncle’s house.
The longer the story goes on, the more people fall under the yoke of Judas’ tyranny. He harasses everyone who comes into his field of vision, while remaining invulnerable. And yet even his armor has cracks. So, he is very afraid of Arina Petrovna’s curse. She reserves this weapon of hers as a last resort against her blood-drinking son. Alas, when she actually curses Porfiry, it does not have the effect on him that he himself feared. Another weakness of Judas is the fear of Evprakseyushka’s departure, that is, the fear of breaking the established way of life once and for all. However, Evprakseyushka can only threaten to leave, but she herself remains in place. Gradually, this fear of the owner Golovlev is dulled.
The whole way of life of Judas is pouring from empty to empty. He counts non-existent income, imagines some incredible situations and solves them himself. Gradually, when there is no one alive left around who could be eaten, Judas begins to harass those who appear to him in his imagination. He takes revenge on everyone indiscriminately, no one knows why: he reproaches his dead mother, fines men, robs peasants. This happens all the same with false affection ingrained into the soul. But is it possible to say “soul” about the inner essence of Judas? Saltykov-Shchedrin does not speak about the essence of Porfishka the Bloodsucker except about ashes.
The end of Judas is quite unexpected. It would seem, how can a selfish person who walks over corpses, a hoarder, who has ruined his entire family for his own profit, commit suicide? And yet, Judas apparently begins to realize his guilt. Saltykov-Shchedrin makes it clear that although the awareness of emptiness and uselessness has come, resurrection and purification are no longer possible, as well as further existence.
Judushka Golovlev is truly an “eternal type”, firmly entrenched in Russian literature. His name has already become a household name. You may not have read the novel, but you will know this name. It is not used often, but is still occasionally heard in speech. Of course, Judas is a literary exaggeration, a collection of various vices for the edification of posterity. These vices, first of all, are hypocrisy, empty talk, and worthlessness. Judas is the personification of a person who is directly heading towards self-destruction and does not realize this until the very last moment. No matter how exaggerated this character is, his flaws are human, non-fictional. That is why the type of windbag is eternal.

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What makes Judushka Golovlev an “eternal type”?