What does VUS 844 mean? Briefly about the main thing - how VUS stands for in a military ID

    Military registration specialty (VUS)- category of military registration, indicating the military specialty of a serviceman (person liable for military service) and his affiliation with the branch of the Armed Forces, branch of the military (forces) or service. The VUS has a real and conventional name (code), which facilitates military registration... Glossary of military terms

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    This is a military faculty where specialized training of officers is conducted. Upon admission, young people enter into a contract with the Ministry of Defense, and upon completion they will have to serve three years as officers of the Armed Forces or, in agreement with the Ministry of Defense, in ... ... Wikipedia

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    VUS- vacuum device military registration specialty military registration table All-Russian Teachers' Union (1917 1918) auxiliary amplifier station auxiliary communication unit rectifier universal standard viscoelastic system (petroleum) ... Dictionary of Russian abbreviations

    VUS- military registration table Dictionary: S. Fadeev. Dictionary of abbreviations of the modern Russian language. St. Petersburg: Politekhnika, 1997. 527 p. VUS auxiliary amplification station Dictionary: S. Fadeev. Dictionary of abbreviations of the modern Russian language. S. Pb.:… … Dictionary of abbreviations and abbreviations

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Every citizen of Russia must have an identity document. Men can use a military ID, which is equivalent in legal force to a passport.


A military ID is issued to all male citizens, regardless of whether they served in law enforcement agencies or not. For those who, due to health reasons, are not able to serve along with everyone else, a “military officer” is also issued. Popularly, such citizens are called white ticket citizens. This name is due to the fact that previously, before the revolution, those unfit for military service were given a white military ID.

The document contains basic information about the identity of the serviceman, as well as his military specialty. What is it for? The VUS in the military ID is necessary for high-quality registration of Russian citizens liable for military service.

A specialty can be assigned to a cadet on the basis of completed higher education. At the same time, he receives an officer position and the corresponding military registration certificate in his military ID. Upon graduation from the military department, the student receives only a specialty. Such citizens do not serve under urgent conscription and are assigned to the reserves.

Under the fingerboard

The list of military specialties is classified state information and belongs to the Russian Ministry of Defense, in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation of July 21, 1993 No. 5485-1 (as amended on December 21, 2013) “On State Secrets.” This provision, Article 5, states that state secrets are information that relates to the military field.

It can be noted that the degree of secrecy is determined by the damage that the dissemination of information can cause to state security. There are several types of secrecy to which this or that information can be classified:

  • Of particular importance.
  • Top secret.
  • Secret.

The storage period for state secrets cannot be more than 30 years, after which the information is declassified by a special decree of the Government. At the same time, every 5 years the bodies that are empowered to determine the status of information review this list.


The list of VUS in a military ID can be divided into several categories. At the same time, the document indicates figures from several subsections, which generally give an idea of ​​the specialization, purpose and position of the person liable for military service not only in the armed forces, but also in civilian life.

As a rule, a complete list of specialties and their definitions are not published in the public domain. Nevertheless, information on this list is available.

Decoding military registration specialties includes determining the number of military personnel, position code and special characteristics of the service. For example, we can consider the digital designation of a specialty in the military - VUS-100097R. The first block of numbers (100) indicates the specialization - rifle, the second three of the code (097) determines the position - deputy platoon commander, the letter designation determines the branch of service (P) - border troops.

Thus, the decoding is a breakdown of the full code into subcategories with a definition of military and professional affiliation.

In practice, this specialty is important only during general mobilization and to facilitate the registration of citizens liable for military service in the military commissariat.

Command military positions

The commander's specialty involves managing the composition of the unit. The person appointed to this position must have the organizational qualities necessary to achieve a certain result. In wartime and peacetime, the commander is responsible for preparing soldiers or sailors professionally and psychologically.

The VUS in the commander’s military ID can be indicated as follows:

  • 70201 – track platoon commander;
  • 70203 – commander of a mechanized platoon;
  • 70204 – commander of the communications unit;
  • 01001 – commander of the sapper unit, etc.

Compliance with civilian specialties: administrator, paramilitary security officer, tourism and parachuting instructor, trainer, industrial training manager, etc.

Due to the fact that open and accessible information does not exist, the VUS codes may contain errors. Decoding the VUS in a military ID makes sense for everyone who received it, and only in their specialty.

In addition, all officers of the Armed Forces, personnel employees and other specialists who, by the nature of their work, are required to know this information can be aware of the purpose of numbers and letters in codes.

Operator military positions

The cameraman's job of a military man is to control the military equipment with which the modern army is equipped. When performing functional duties, a specialist goes through several stages to achieve the final result: obtaining and processing information, making and implementing decisions, and final control.

The operator must have the following personal qualities: observation, accuracy of perception, stability of attention and responsibility.

The operator's military specialty may correspond to the following civilian professions: specialist in working with various mechanized devices, including complex software, airfield dispatcher, technician, programmer, equipment adjuster and others.

Approximate digital specialty codes:

  • 97001 – optical reconnaissance unit;
  • 31000 – specialist in maintenance of radio engineering and radar equipment;
  • 20300 – engineer for repair of automatic support for tanks and special equipment;
  • 30202 – software management of military command and control systems and other similar positions that are included in the military ID.

Communication Specializations

Communication in military affairs is of great importance. Without communication, troops become uncontrollable and may suffer losses. The types of communications between units or units are quite diverse: telephone, telegraph, signal communications, telecode and videotelephone communications.

It should be noted that the signalman must have the same qualities as the operator. In addition, he must have excellent memory and intelligence, since this specialist has to recognize various codes and ciphers established within the framework of military service.

Civilian specialties corresponding to the records contained in the transcript of military registration specialties: sound engineer, sound designer, orchestra artist, telephone and similar communications equipment installer, radio mechanic, radio operator and others.

Codes indicated on the military ID:

  • 121000 – communications units;
  • 121202 – units with medium power radio stations;
  • 121400 – units with low-channel communications;
  • 129000 – provision of military postal services;
  • 121702 – divisions for the operation of long-distance communications and others.

Driving positions

The position of a military driver involves performing a variety of tasks. These specialists operate not only automobiles, but also armored vehicles, as well as trains, surface and underwater ships.

The driver, who has the corresponding military specialty recorded in his military ID, ensures the mobility of troops and their timely movement, which includes the movement of both personnel and necessary equipment.

In civilian life, a military personnel with this specialization has the right to perform the functions of the following professionals: a car driver and a machine operator, which is used in various niches of heavy industry.

Digital designations of specialties:

  • 121702 (124259) – driver of an armored personnel carrier;
  • 167259 642 – driver-radio operator;
  • 157259 – anti-aircraft gun driver-mechanic;
  • 180994 – excavator driver and others.

Special purpose positions

A special VUS in a military ID reflects the specific nature of the conditions in which military personnel have to function. Positions in this category involve solving particularly important and dangerous tasks that require not only special knowledge, but also appropriate training.

Special forces units exist in all branches of the military: airborne, marine, reconnaissance, radiation and chemical defense troops.

For those transferred to the reserve who have a military specialty, the list of civilian professions is as follows: blaster, diver, rescuer, fire brigade instructor, parachute instructor, gas rescuer and others.

According to code designations, there are the following VUS:

  • 107654 – reconnaissance diver of a special purpose reconnaissance unit;
  • 107746 – senior instructor for training special forces units and other similar positions.

Military registration specialties of Ukraine

The military training systems of the Ukrainian troops almost completely coincide with the Russian ones, since they were at one time borrowed from the list of military training systems of the USSR.

The decree of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine dated December 12, 2013 No. 860 contains only a list of positions that correspond to the specializations of military personnel training:

  • 021000 - Management of units of mechanized troops;
  • 021100 - Control of tank troops units;
  • 030300 - Control of the actions of missile force units, etc.

Accordingly, the full list of military specialties is classified in the same way as in the Russian Federation.

Replenishing the ranks of the Armed Forces with competent specialists is, if not the main task of the Ministry of Defense, then at least the most important. The modern army is high-tech equipment that is used in almost all branches of the military. Management and maintenance require professional operators, programmers, electricians, and mechanics. You can obtain these specialties in civilian life. The task of military registration is to group the contingent not only by health status, but also by acquired military skills.

The military specialty is entered during registration. After documentary confirmation, the specialty number is entered on the military ID. In the event of general mobilization, those liable for military service will be distributed in units, taking into account the military training received.

It should be noted that one of the accounting specialties can be obtained in the process of educational activities or military service.

How to read code correctly

The presence of a military registration specialty in a serviceman is reflected in the document in the form of a special code. It was introduced to maintain the status of data secrecy, however, among citizens transferred to the reserve, there is often a need to decrypt the recording. It is useful to do this not only as a matter of interest, but also to verify the relevance of the data.

Specialty codes must be divided into three parts, each of which has its own decoding. The first part is represented by a three-digit number and indicates the branch of service or specialization. As an example, here are some values:

  • 100 - rifle units;
  • 101 – machine gunner specialty;
  • 106 – military reconnaissance;
  • 107 – special forces troops;
  • 166 – engineering troops;
  • 838 – specialties related to driving equipment;
  • 998 – all persons who have military training, but have not served in the army;
  • 999 – persons with fitness category “B”.

The first three numbers show the code designation of specialties and are of a range nature. More detailed information can be found in specialized articles, or you can read the full list of specialties in the file from ours.

After determining your specialty, you need to find out what the following combination of numbers means. They code a military position.

  • 000 – no position. Means that the citizen did not serve in military service or was not appointed to a position.
  • 001 – battery.
  • 259 – driver.
  • 210 – crane operator.
  • 097 – platoon lock.

You can decode the VUS on a military ID in parts, but there is an alternative way. The directories contain ready-made codes, each of which corresponds to an accounting specialty.

Often the number code is followed by a letter. It indicates additions to the specialty.

  • A – ground forces;
  • B – Strategic Missile Forces;
  • D – landing;
  • M - Marine Corps troops.

Examples of reading encodings

Once again, we will make a reservation that we are not able to provide a complete list of designations, so we indicate only the principle of decoding. Let's give an example. We ask ourselves, what is 998000a? We break the code into parts. The number 998 tells us that the citizen did not serve in the army. Regardless of his specialty, he will receive this code for lack of combat service skills. Naturally, this person liable for military service could not hold any positions, which is confirmed by the entry 000. When martial law is declared, he can be drafted into the ground forces.

It is easy to look for the VUS designation in the list, since they are in ascending order. For example, 837037a means having a driver’s license and being an electrician, and 600543a is positioned as a computer operator. But don't forget the addition. Here the letter “a” indicates that these specialties will be in demand on land.

Not every VUS has a standard code. For example, in the list you can find the combination 837. This is a driver of cars and trucks. He does not hold a position, but potentially could, so no zeros are entered. The same can be said about code 100, the decoding of which was given above.


What is VUS on a military ID? VUS is a military specialty that is indicated on the military ID of a person liable for military service or a citizen who is undergoing military service.

According to current legislation, every adult male is required to be registered with the military registration and enlistment office. The category of persons liable for military service includes conscripts and persons in the reserve. These do not include those citizens who, due to their age, are not suitable for military service or those who are declared unfit for health reasons.

Not only men, but also women who have a specialty related to military registration can be registered with the military registration and enlistment office. These could be doctors, meteorologists, and signalmen. More details about this can be found in the Regulations on Military Registration.

How does VUS stand for?

The designation VUS is a military specialty indicated in the military ID of a person liable for military service or a person in military service. Each of the units in the Russian army has its own designation, which is a specific number, for example, 034097. Its decoding means: anti-aircraft missile forces, deputy platoon commander.

A citizen liable for military service with the rank of private military service is entered into documents on the basis of a diploma of education that he received in a civilian educational institution. If a person is studying at a university, then the university will be assigned to him after he graduates from the military department, if there is one. Most often, obtaining a university diploma provides grounds for awarding an officer rank.

Thus, the full code designation, which consists of the first three digits, refers to the specialization. These may be persons who belong to the rank and file, for example, warrant officers, sergeants, petty officers or soldiers. There are three more numbers in the code that indicate the position. This could be the squad commander, crane driver. At the end of the code, letters are also used that allow you to identify certain features of the service, for example, ground forces, airborne forces, border troops.

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Why do you need a VUS?

As a rule, when applying for a job, a citizen liable for military service is required to present a military ID. If this is an officer who is in the reserve, then he will have . Based on these documents, HR department employees:

  • fill out a personal card;
  • take into account the information specified in the military ID.

Very often, the code that denotes military service contains information not only about the specialty that a citizen acquired during military service, but also about his state of health if the person was declared unfit for conscription for military service, for example, due to illness.

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Why do you need a military specialty?

It should be noted that the VUS is necessary for maintaining records in military registration and enlistment offices.

In addition, it not only allows one to determine whether a citizen liable for military service belongs to a certain branch of the armed forces or type of the Armed Forces. Using the code makes it easier to keep records of citizens liable for military service. The list of specialties is constantly changing depending on the technical equipment of the army.

Who is being trained:

  • men who have reached pre-conscription age;
  • high school students;
  • students of secondary specialized educational institutions.

According to the law, training is mandatory and is included in the curriculum of educational institutions. The required number of persons who must be trained is indicated by the Russian Minister of Defense.

Obtaining a VUS allows a conscript to choose the desired branch of service in the army. This takes into account the need of army units for people with this specialty.
There is a list of civilian specialties that correspond to the military. This is determined depending on the psychological classification:

  • drivers;
  • signalmen;
  • specialists in the field of surveillance.

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Commander positions

A commander who is responsible for a certain position in the army must have a specialty and must be able to organize and educate his subordinates. Moreover, in each unit or branch of the military his responsibilities will be different. If we talk about civilian specialties, these positions include:

  • educators;
  • administrators;
  • airport dispatchers;
  • managers of travel companies;
  • circle leaders.

Thus, a number of civilian specialties have “analogues” in military service. It goes without saying that, for example, driving a tractor and a tank have certain differences, but you can’t do it without driving skills. Military aircraft exercises are monitored by military airfield controllers.

Conscripts are male citizens aged 18 to 27 years old, who are required to be registered with the military and are not in the reserves (subsection “a”, paragraph 1, article 22 of the Law of March 28, 1998 N 53-FZ).
Training in the military specialty of soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen (hereinafter referred to as VUS) is provided for male citizens who have reached the age of 17 years, and is carried out in public associations and professional educational organizations. At the same time, citizens who have mastered a complex VS (according to a specific list), when called up for military service, have the right to choose the type and type of troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies, taking into account the real need for such specialists (clauses 1, 2 Article 15 of Law No. 53-FZ).

Information on professional suitability for training in military training, as well as the availability of military training and civilian specialties is contained in military registration documents (clause 4 of article 8 of Law No. 53-FZ).
To obtain a VUS, we recommend following the following algorithm.

Step 1. Receive a summons and appear at events related to initial military registration
Having received a summons to appear at events related to initial military registration, you must personally appear at the military commissariat (recruitment point), having with you the relevant documents (clause 11 of the Instructions, approved by Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated October 2, 2007 N 400).

Note. The initial military registration of male citizens is carried out from January 1 to March 31 in the year they reach the age of 17 years. A list is issued against such citizensstudies, personal file and conscript registration card (clause 1, article 9 of Law No. 53-FZ; clause 9 of Instruction No. 400).

During the period of initial registration for military registration, a preliminary selection is carried out for training in military training, provided that you are recognized as fit for military service for health reasons and professional suitability for training in military training. At the same time, professional psychological selection is carried out and a conclusion is made about your professional suitability for training (training) in military training and military service in specific military positions (clause 23 of the Regulations, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 31, 1999 N 1441; clause 13 , 21 Instructions, approved by Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated 05/03/2001 N 202; paragraph 9 of the Manual, approved by Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated 01/26/2000 N 50).

Step 2. Pass a control medical examination and interview to prepare for the VUS
Within a month before the completion of selection for training in military training (which must end no later than 10 days before the start of training), a control medical examination and interview for training in military training are conducted at the district military commissariat (clause 21 of Instruction No. 202).

Step 3. Receive an order from the military commissar to enroll in an educational institution to obtain a higher education qualification
The district military commissar will issue an order to send you to training, after which he will inform you which educational institution you are enrolled in, what specialty you will be training in, as well as the start time of classes. In this case, you will be given the first part of the order for enrollment in an educational institution to undergo training in a higher education system. Its second part, the “notification”, is sent to the head of the organization at your place of work no later than five days before the start of classes (clause 21 of Instruction No. 202).

Note. Educational institutions (primarily maritime, technical and radio engineering) are staffed only by citizens who are subject to the next conscription for military service, fit for health, physical development, moral qualities and education for service according to the received military qualifications. The inclinations, civil specialty and practical work experience of the citizen are taken into account (clause 22Instructions No. 202).

Step 4. Pass the final exams and receive a certificate of completion
After passing the final exams, a certificate of completion of the educational institution for the relevant VUS and assignment of qualifications is issued, with the exception of drivers of vehicles of categories “B”, “C”, “B and C” and crane drivers. Persons who have undergone training in the specialties of drivers of vehicles of the specified categories and have passed exams by military examination commissions receive a certificate, which is the basis for passing qualifying exams at the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate and obtaining a corresponding driver's license.

For specialties related to work on power electrical units (for example, electrician, electrician driver), an additional certificate is issued to test knowledge of electrical safety rules when operating military electrical installations (clause 41 of Instruction No. 202).
Upon completion of training, educational institutions send to the military commissariat of the district at the place of military registration of the conscript a list of individual characteristics and physical fitness of citizens, containing, in particular, the name of the military training institution, attitude to the upcoming military service and the progress of passing the Polyathlon all-around standards. In turn, district military commissariats make a record of the received military service in the personal file of conscripts (paragraphs 42, 43 of Instruction No. 202).