What is short participle, full participle? How to make a morphological analysis of a participle? Participle (linguistics)

In Russian lessons we all studied the participle. However, linguists still do not have a common opinion on what a participle is. Some consider it a special form of the verb, others define the participle as an independent part of speech. Let's try to figure out what a participle is: the Russian language and its answers.

Definition of participle

Conventionally, a participle is a special form of a verb that denotes the attribute of an object or object by action, and answers the questions: which?, which?, which?, which?. In addition, the participle combines the characteristics of both a verb and an adjective.

Participle and adjective

Participles have many similarities with adjectives. Participles are inflected - agree with the noun in gender, number, case. The initial form of the participle has the same characteristics - masculine, singular, nominative case. For example, reflective, coloring, flying. Participles, like adjectives, can have a short form.

Short Communion

What is a short participle is another question that linguists ask when arguing whether it is an adjective or a special part of speech. One way or another, the modern Russian language distinguishes two forms of participle - short and full. The short participle answers the questions: what has been done?, what has been done?, what has been done?, what have been done?.

For example, spilled - spilled, lost - lost. In a sentence, short participles are always a predicate: “the shop has been closed for several hours.”

Short participles are formed from the full form by adding a zero ending, as well as the endings “a”, “o” and “s”. For example, built – built; beveled - beveled.

Participle and verb

The participle has common morphological properties with verbs - reflexivity, transitivity, aspect and tense. Moreover, unlike the verb, the participle does not have future tense forms. But only participles that are formed from imperfective verbs have present tense forms. For example, sit – sitting.

The most difficult moments are associated with the question of what a past participle is, namely with their formation. The following rules must be remembered:

  • Active past participles are formed from the infinitive with the addition of the suffixes “vsh” or “sh”, as well as the endings of adjectives. For example, hide - hidden; endure - endured.
  • Passive past participles are formed from the infinitive with the addition of the suffixes “nn”, “enn” and “t”, as well as the endings of adjectives. For example, do – done; contribute – contributed; shoe - shod.

Participle in a sentence

In a sentence, participles are a definition, less often part of a compound nominal predicate. Participles with dependent words: nouns, adverbs or adjectives form a participial phrase. In a sentence, it is usually separated by commas: “a dog running along the road”

It is customary to distinguish two types of participles: active and passive.

What is a passive participle

Passive participles denote a feature that is present in an object after the influence of another object or object. For example, a problem solved by a student is a problem that the student solved; lost fight by a boxer - a fight that a boxer lost.

What is a real participle

Active participles denote a characteristic that is created by the actions of the object or object itself. For example, a suffering man is a man who suffers; a running horse is a horse that runs.

It is worth remembering that a participle can be translated into an adjective or verb with dependent words. For example, a lying boy is a boy who was lying; a proven friend is a true friend. Sometimes you can form a short adjective from participles: a charming smile - a smile is charming.

What is communion in church

The word “communion” can mean not only a part of speech, but also the church rite of communion or the Eucharist.

During this rite, the believer must taste wine and bread, which symbolizes the flesh and blood of Jesus Christ. Communion or communion is done to come into close contact with God, which brings blessing.

At different times they received communion different numbers of times. In the Middle Ages, Christians observed the Eucharist every day, and since the 19th century, this rite was performed twice in a lifetime - after birth and before death.

The participle is an independent part of speech, possessing both the characteristics of a verb: tense, reflexivity and aspect, and the characteristics of an adjective: gender, number and case. We can say that it is a verbal adjective or a special form of a verb, as few linguists claim. Participles are also divided into active and passive.

Participles together with dependent words form participial phrases.

Participle conjugation

The participle changes according to the characteristics of both the verb and the noun. It changes by type, by tense, by number, by case, by gender in the singular.


  • verb "paint" - participle "painted"
  • verb "go" - participle "going"
  • verb “to exist” - participle “existing”
  • verb “to live” - participle “living”

see also


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    See what “Participation (part of speech)” is in other dictionaries:

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    This term has other meanings, see Communion. This article or section describes a certain linguistic phenomenon in relation only to the Russian language. You can help Wikipedia by adding information... Wikipedia Participle - (tracing sheet Latin participium) non-finite form of the verb (verboid), denoting a sign of a name (person, object) associated with an action, and used attributively (“flaming fire”, “broken jug”). The participle combines the properties of the verb and... ...

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    Wiktionary has an entry for “participle.” Participle is a polysemantic term. Communion (tracing paper from Latin participium) in grammar is a part of speech or a special form of the verb Communion (Holy Mysteries, Eucharist, holy ... Wikipedia

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The participle is a special independent part of speech in the Russian language, which combines the properties of a verb and an adjective. This is manifested in the fact that the participle is formed from a verb, but answers questions characteristic of an adjective: which one?, what one does?, what one did?, what one did?. Schoolchildren and linguistic students should be able to correctly determine the type of participle. This is a constant morphological feature of the participle; it significantly affects the interpretation of the meaning of the word. To determine the type of participle and avoid mistakes, it is important to use advice and follow the algorithm.
  1. Determine the type of participle. Recommendations
    • First, determine from which verb the participle was formed. This part of speech combines the characteristics of an adjective and a verb. The view can be passive and active. Either an object performs some action, or some action is performed on the object:
    • the active participle denotes the action of an object, for example: reader - someone is reading, a person is reading a book;
  2. the passive participle describes an action performed with an object, for example: read - something is being read, a book is being read by a person.
    • You can determine the type of participle by asking the appropriate questions: what did he do? what is he doing?
    • – questions of the actual participle; what's being done?
    Remember that this method of verification must be combined with a more academic one: by formal signs indicating the appearance. However, this method will help you initially focus on a certain type, and then check whether the participle corresponds to it by highlighting the suffix in it.
  3. Put the participle in full or short form. Note whether the participle you are considering can have both forms. Remember an important sign of the type of this part of speech:
    • the real participle has only a full form in Russian; it cannot be put into a short form without violating language norms;
    • the passive participle can have both forms: full and short; for example: readable - readable.
    If your participle does not have a short form, it is valid. Sometimes the short form of the passive participle may seem archaic, but you will see that it is quite consistent with the norms of the language. For example: breakable - breakable.

    Active participles are put into a short form only in some dialects, choosing separate words for this. You can immediately distinguish a violation of the norm of the Russian language: reading - reading.

  4. Please note: short passive participles change in Russian according to numbers and genders. For example: read - readable - readable - readable.
  5. Parse the participle according to its composition. It is advisable to carry out a complete analysis of the word according to its composition in order to accurately find the suffix. It is this part of the participle that is its formal specific feature. Each type of this part of speech has specific suffixes:
    • active participles: suffixes –ash-, -ush-, -yash-, -sh-, -vsh-;
    • passive participles: suffixes –em-, -nn-, -enn-.
  6. Draw your own summary table of characteristics of the type of participle. Include in it all the useful information about different methods for determining the type of this part of speech: by questions, suffixes, the presence of short and long forms. Provide your table with your own examples. Then it will be much easier for you to correctly determine the type of participle, and you will quickly remember all the information, using different types of memory.
  7. Please note that some participles have long since moved to another part of speech. Outwardly, they resemble participles, but in fact they are adjectives, since they denote actions and states that have become permanent features of objects. For example, canned peas. Such words should be treated as adjectives.
Algorithm for determining the type of participle
How to determine the type of participle correctly? Follow the algorithm and remember the recommendations.
  1. Write down on a separate piece of paper the participles whose type you need to determine.
  2. Remember your table and start looking at the words in accordance with it. To begin, ask the communion question.
  3. Check whether this participle has a short, full form.
  4. Parse the word according to its composition. Select the suffix and find out what type it corresponds to. Determine the type of participle.
  5. Test yourself: write down the verb from which the participle is formed. Make up a phrase with it. Think about it: are we talking about an action performed by an object or an action that someone performs on an object? Draw your final conclusions and write down the type of participle.
Follow the recommendations, determine the type of participle using the algorithm, then you will be able to do the job correctly.

Has some characteristics of this part of speech. They are of the perfect and imperfect form: “- prompted”, “excited - excited”; recurrent and irrevocable: “decided”, “falling asleep”; present and past tense: “thinking”, “running”.

Unlike a verb, a participle does not have a future tense form.

Denoting the attribute of an object, the participle, like adjectives, grammatically depends on and agrees with it in gender, number and case. For example: “boiling stream - boiling stream - boiling stream - boiling streams; boiling lava, boiling milk."

Types and methods of forming participles

Lexical meaning - a sign of an object by action - consists of the grammatical features of this part of speech. For example: “singing birds” (those that are singing now), “singing birds” (those that sang in the past), “the issue under discussion” (the one that someone is discussing now), “the issue under discussion” (the one which has already been discussed).

Accordingly, there are 4 forms of participles: active present and past tense, passive present and past tense.

The first group of participles (actual present tense) are formed from the present tense stem using the suffixes -ush- (-yush-), -ash- (-yash-). The choice of suffix depends on the verb. For example: “cry-ut - cry-ush-y”, “kol-yut - kol-yush-y” - I conjugation; “lech-at – lech-ash-y”, “kle-yat – kle-yash-y” – II conjugation.

Active participles in the past tense are formed from the infinitive by replacing the suffixes –т, -ти with the suffixes –вш-, -ш-. For example: “run - run - run”, “carry - carry”.

Passive present participles are formed from verbs in the present tense using the suffixes –em- (I conjugation) and –im- (II conjugation): “cherish-em – cherish-em-yy”, “kran-im – stored” -im."

Passive past participles are formed from the stem of the indefinite form of the verb using the suffix –nn-, if the verbs end in –att, -et. Verbs ending in –it receive the suffix –enn-, just like verbs ending in –ti, -ch, and verbs ending in –ot, -ut-, -ity- receive the suffix –t-. For example: “write - write-nn-y”, “capture - captured-nn-y”, “save - save-y”, “forget- forget-y”.

Short participles, like short adjectives, are the nominal part of a compound nominal predicate in a sentence.

Passive participles have a short form with truncated

Sacrament Participles established by the Lord Himself last supper- the last meal with the disciples on Easter night before His capture and crucifixion.

“And while they were eating, Jesus took bread, and blessed it, and broke it, and gave it to the disciples, and said, Take, eat: this is My body. And, taking the cup and giving thanks, he gave it to them and said: drink from it, all of you, for this is My Blood of the New Testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins" (Matthew 26:26-28), "...do this in remembrance of Me" (Luke 22:19). In the Sacrament of the Flesh and Blood of the Lord ( Eucharist - Greek. “thanksgiving”) there is a restoration of that unity between the nature of the Creator and the creation that existed before the Fall; this is our return to paradise lost. We can say that in Communion we receive, as it were, the embryos of future life in the Kingdom of Heaven. The mystical mystery of the Eucharist is rooted in the Savior's Sacrifice on the Cross. Having crucified His Flesh on the cross and shed His Blood, the God-man Jesus brought the Sacrifice of Love to the Creator for us and restored fallen human nature. Thus, the communion of the Body and Blood of the Savior becomes our participation in this restoration. « Christ is risen from the dead, death by death trampled down, and gave life to those in the tombs; and giving us eternal life...”

Eating the Flesh and Blood of Christ in the Sacrament of the Eucharist is not a symbolic action (as Protestants believe), but quite real. Not everyone can accommodate this secret.

« Jesus said to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you.”

He who eats My Flesh and drinks My Blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up on the last day.

For My Flesh is truly food, and My Blood is truly drink.

He who eats My Flesh and drinks My Blood abides in Me, and I in him.

Just as the living Father sent Me, and I live through the Father, so he who eats Me will also live through Me.

This is the bread that came down from heaven. Not as your fathers ate manna and died: whoever eats this bread will live forever.


Many of His disciples, hearing this, said: What strange words! who can listen to this?


From that time on, many of His disciples departed from Him and no longer walked with Him” (John 6:53–58, 60, 66).

Rationalists try to “bypass” the mystery, reducing mysticism to a symbol. The proud perceive what is inaccessible to their reason as an insult: Leo Tolstoy blasphemously called the sacrament “cannibalism.” For others it is a wild superstition, for others it is an anachronism. But the children of the Church of Christ know that in the Sacrament of the Eucharist, under the guise of bread and wine, they truly partake of the Body and Blood of Christ in Their essence. Indeed, it is not human nature to eat raw flesh and blood, and therefore at Communion the Gifts of Christ are hidden under the image of bread and wine. Nevertheless, hidden under the outer shell of perishable matter is the incorruptible substance of the Divine nature. Sometimes, by special permission, the Lord lifts this veil of mystery and allows those in doubt to see the true nature of the Holy Gifts. In particular, in my personal practice there were two cases when the Lord wanted to allow those who were communing to see His Body and Blood in their authentic form. Both times were first communions; in one case, a person was sent to the Church by psychics for their own reasons. In another, the reason for coming to the temple was very superficial curiosity. After such a wonderful event, both became faithful children of the Orthodox Church.

How can we at least approximately understand the meaning of what is happening in the Sacrament of Communion? The nature of creation was created by the Creator akin to Himself: not only permeable, but also, as it were, inseparable from the Creator. This is natural given the holiness of created nature - its original state of free unity and submission to the Creator. The angelic worlds are in this state. However, nature our The world is distorted and perverted by the fall of its guardian and leader - man. Nevertheless, she did not lose the opportunity to reunite with the nature of the Creator: the clearest evidence of this is the incarnation of the Savior. But man fell away from God voluntarily, and he can also reunite with Him only through free will (even the incarnation of Christ required the consent of a person - the Virgin Mary!). In the same time deification inanimate, non-free will nature, God can do it naturally, without permission . Thus, in the divinely established Sacrament of Communion, the grace of the Holy Spirit at the established moment of the service (and also at the request of a person!) descends on the substance of bread and wine and offers them into a substance of a different, higher nature: the Body and Blood of Christ. And now a person can accept these highest Gifts of Life only by showing his free will! The Lord gives Himself to everyone, but those who believe Him and love Him—the children of His Church—accept Him.

So, Communion is the grace-filled communion of the soul with the highest nature and in it with eternal life. Reducing this greatest mystery to the realm of an everyday image, we can compare Communion with the “nutrition” of the soul, which it should receive after its “birth” in the Sacrament of Baptism. And just as a person is born into the world by flesh once, and then feeds for the rest of his life, so Baptism is a one-time event, and we must resort to Communion regularly, preferably at least once a month, possibly more often. Communion once a year is the minimum acceptable, but such a “hungry” regime can bring the soul to the brink of survival.

How is Communion celebrated in the Church?

It is necessary to properly prepare for participation in the Eucharist. A meeting with God is an event that shakes the soul and transforms the body. Worthy communion requires a conscious and reverent attitude towards this event. There must be sincere faith in Christ and an understanding of the meaning of the Sacrament. We must have reverence for the Savior’s Sacrifice and awareness of our unworthiness to accept this great Gift (we accept It not as a well-deserved reward, but as a manifestation of the mercy of a loving Father). There must be reconciliation of the soul: you need to sincerely forgive in your heart everyone who has “saddened us” in one way or another (remembering the words of the Lord’s Prayer: “And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors”) and try, if possible, to reconcile with them ; This applies even more to those who, for one reason or another, consider themselves offended by us. Before Communion, one should read the prayers defined by the Church and compiled by the holy fathers, which are called: “Following to Holy Communion”; These prayer texts are present, as a rule, in all editions of Orthodox prayer books (collections of prayers). It is advisable to discuss the exact amount of reading of these texts with the priest to whom you turn for advice and who knows the specifics of your life. After the Sacrament of Communion is performed, it is necessary to read “Prayers of Thanksgiving for Holy Communion.” Finally, preparing to accept into yourself - into your flesh and into your soul - the Mysteries of the Body and Blood of Christ, terrible in their greatness, you must cleanse yourself with body and soul. Fasting and Confession serve this purpose.

Corporal fasting involves abstaining from eating savory food. The duration of fasting before Communion is usually up to three days. Directly on the eve of Communion one must abstain from marital relations and from midnight one must not eat any food (in fact, one must not eat or drink anything in the morning before the service). However, in specific cases, significant deviations from these norms are possible; They should, again, be discussed individually.

Communion in Church

The Sacrament of Communion itself takes place in the Church at a service called liturgy . As a rule, the liturgy is celebrated in the first half of the day; The exact start time of services and the days they take place should be found out directly in the temple you are going to go to. Services usually begin between seven and ten o'clock in the morning; The duration of the liturgy, depending on the nature of the service and partly on the number of communicants, is from one and a half to four to five hours. In cathedrals and monasteries, liturgies are served daily; in parish churches on Sundays and church holidays. It is advisable for those preparing for Communion to attend the service from the beginning (for this is a single spiritual action), and also to attend the evening service the day before, which is prayerful preparation for the Liturgy and the Eucharist.

During the liturgy, you need to stay in the church without going out, prayerfully participating in the service until the priest comes out of the altar with a cup and proclaims: “Approach with the fear of God and faith.” Then the communicants line up one after another in front of the pulpit (first children and the infirm, then men and then women). Hands should be folded crosswise on the chest; You are not supposed to be baptized in front of the cup. When your turn comes, you need to stand in front of the priest, say your name and open your mouth so that you can put in a spoon with a particle of the Body and Blood of Christ. The liar must be thoroughly licked with his lips, and after wiping his lips with the cloth, reverently kiss the edge of the bowl. Then, without venerating the icons or talking, you need to move away from the pulpit and take a drink - St. water with wine and a particle of prosphora (in this way, it is as if the oral cavity is washed, so that the smallest particles of the Gifts are not accidentally expelled from oneself, for example, when sneezing). After communion, you need to read (or listen in Church) prayers of thanksgiving and in the future carefully guard your soul from sins and passions.