What a fool you have done to a blind herd. Ivanushka the Fool is a Russian folk tale. "Ivan the Fool" Russian folk tale

Ivan the Fool

There was an old man and an old woman; They had three sons: two were smart, the third was Ivanushka the Fool. The smart ones tended the sheep in the field, but the fool did nothing, just sat on the stove and caught flies.

One day the old woman cooked some argent dumplings and said to the fool:

Come on, take these dumplings to the brothers; let them eat.

She poured a full pot and gave it to him; he wandered towards his brothers. The day was sunny; As soon as Ivanushka left the outskirts, he saw his shadow on the side and thought:

“What kind of person is this? He walks next to me, not a step behind: right, he wanted some dumplings?” And he began to throw dumplings at his shadow, and so he threw away every single one; looks, and the shadow keeps walking from the side.

What an insatiable womb! - said the fool with a heart and threw a pot at her - the shards scattered in different directions.

So he comes empty-handed to his brothers; they ask him:

You fool, why?

I brought you lunch.

Where's lunch? Come on lively.

Look, brothers, an unknown person got attached to me on the way and ate everything!

What kind of person is this?

Here he is! And now it’s standing nearby!

The brothers scold him, beat him, beat him; They beat off and forced the sheep to graze, and they themselves went to the village to dine.

The fool began to herd; sees that the sheep have scattered across the field, let's catch them and tear out their eyes. He caught everyone, gouged out everyone’s eyes, gathered the herd into one heap and the little one sits there as if he had done the job. The brothers had lunch and returned to the field.

What have you done, fool? Why is the flock blind?

Why do they have eyes? When you left, brothers, the sheep scattered apart, and I came up with an idea: I started catching them, collecting them in a pile, tearing out their eyes - how tired I was!

Wait, you’re not so crazy yet! - the brothers say and let’s treat him with their fists; The fool got a lot of nuts!

Not much time had passed, the old people sent Ivan the Fool to the city to buy household chores for the holiday. Ivanushka bought everything: he bought a table, spoons, cups, and salt; a whole cartload of all sorts of things. He’s going home, and the little horse is such an unlucky little horse: he’s lucky or unlucky!

“Well,” Ivanushka thinks to himself, “the horse has four legs and the table also has four, so the table will run away on its own.”

He took the table and put it on the road. He drives and drives, whether close or far, and the crows hover over him and keep cawing.

“You know, the sisters are hungry to eat, that they shouted so much!” thought the fool. He placed the dishes with food on the ground and began to regale:

Little sisters! Eat for your health.

And he keeps moving forward and forward.

Ivanushka is driving through a forest; All the stumps along the road are burnt.

“Eh,” he thinks, the guys are without hats; they’ll be cold, dear ones!”

He took pots and pots and put them on them. So Ivanushka reached the river, let’s water the horse, but she still doesn’t drink.

“You know, he doesn’t want it without salt!” - and well, salt the water. I poured out a bag full of salt, but the horse still didn’t drink.

Why don’t you drink, wolf meat? Did I pour out a bag of salt for nothing?

He grabbed her with a log, right in the head - and killed her on the spot. Ivanushka was left with only one purse of spoons, and he carried that too. As he goes, the spoons go back and clang: clang, clang, clang! And he thinks that the spoons say: “Ivanushka is a fool!” - he threw them and, well, trampled them and said:

Here's Ivanushka the Fool! Here's Ivanushka the Fool! They even decided to tease you, you bastards! He returned home and said to his brothers:

I've redeemed everything, brothers!

Thank you, fool, but where are your purchases?

And the table runs away, yes, you know, it fell behind, they eat from the sisters’ dishes, he put pots and pots on the heads of the children in the forest, he salted the horse’s swill with salt; and the spoons were teasing - so I left them on the road.

Go, you fool, quickly! Collect everything you scattered along the road!

Ivanushka went into the forest, took the pots from the charred stumps, knocked out the bottoms and put a dozen different pots on the batog: both large and small. Brings it home. His brothers beat him off; We went to the city ourselves to do some shopping, and left the fool to run the house. A fool listens, but the beer in the tub just ferments and ferments.

Beer, don't ferment! Don't tease the fool! - says Ivanushka.

No, beer doesn't listen; He took it and let everything out of the tub, sat down in the trough, drove around the hut and sang songs.

The brothers arrived, became very angry, took Ivanushka, sewed him up in a sack and dragged him to the river. They put the sack on the shore, and they themselves went to inspect the ice hole.

At that time, some gentleman was riding past in a troika of brown ones; Ivanushka and well shout:

They put me in the voivodeship to judge and dress, but I can neither judge nor dress!

Wait, fool,” said the master, “I know how to judge and judge; get out of the bag!

Ivanushka got out of the sack, sewed the master there, and he got into his cart and drove out of sight. The brothers came, lowered the sack under the ice and listened; and in the water it just gurgles.

You know, the burka catches! - the brothers said and wandered home.

Out of nowhere, Ivanushka rides towards them in a troika, rides and boasts:

That's a hundred horses I caught! And Sivko was still there - so nice!

The brothers became jealous; say to a fool:

Now sew us up and quickly lower us into the hole! Sivko will not leave us...

Ivan the Fool lowered them into the ice hole and drove them home to finish their beer and commemorate their brothers.

Ivanushka had a well, there was a dace fish in the well, and my fairy tale was over.

Alternative text:

Ivanushka the Fool - Russian folk tale processed by A.N. Afanasyev

Ivan the Fool is a folk tale that will tell young readers that luck loves fools. The main character of this tale is Ivanushka, the youngest son in the family. He was kind at heart, but not very smart. That's why everyone called him a fool. Ivanushka the Fool suffered insults and beatings from his brothers. They decided to somehow drown their foolish brother. But then luck smiled on Ivanushka: instead of him, the master went under the water like a stone, and two evil brothers followed him. You know, he turned out to be not so stupid! Read the fairy tale Ivanushka the Fool online can be found here.

Who enjoys living in Rus'?

In the old days it was believed that weak-minded people had an open heart and good intuition. It’s as if some divine power is guiding them through life, protecting them from accidents. Moreover, they are always accompanied by luck, which has not turned away from the hero of the fairy tale and Hard time saved his life. So think and guess, remember Nekrasov: who has a healthy life in Rus' - the learned cat or Ivan the Fool?

Once upon a time there lived an old man and an old woman and they had three sons: two were smart, and the third was Ivanushka the Fool. The smart ones tended the sheep in the field, but the fool did nothing, just sat on the stove and caught flies.

One day the old woman cooked some rye dumplings and said to the fool:

- Come on, take these dumplings to the brothers, let them eat.

She poured the pot full and gave it to him. He wandered to his brothers. The day was sunny. As soon as Ivanushka left the outskirts, he saw his shadow on the side and thought:

“What kind of person is this? He walks next to me, not a step behind: right, he wanted some dumplings?” And he began to throw dumplings at his shadow, and so he threw away every single one; looks, and the shadow keeps walking from the side.

- What an insatiable womb! - said the fool with a heart and threw a pot at her - the shards scattered in different directions.

So he comes empty-handed to his brothers; they ask him:

- You fool, why?

- I brought you lunch.

-Where is lunch? Come on lively.

- Look, brothers, an unknown person got attached to me on the way and ate everything!

- What kind of person is this?

- Here he is! And now it’s standing nearby!

Brothers, well, scold him, beat him, beat him. They beat off and forced the sheep to graze, and they themselves went to the village to dine.

The fool began to herd. He sees that the sheep have scattered across the field, let's catch them and tear out their eyes. He caught everyone, gouged out everyone’s eyes, gathered the herd into one heap and the little one sits there as if he had done the job. The brothers had lunch and returned to the field.

- What have you done, fool? Why is the flock blind?

- Why do they have eyes? When you left, brothers, the sheep scattered apart, and I came up with an idea: I started catching them, collecting them in a pile, tearing out their eyes - I was so tired!

- Wait, you’re not so smart yet! - the brothers say and let’s treat him with their fists; The fool got a lot of nuts!

No more or less time passed, the old people sent Ivan the Fool to the city to buy household chores for the holiday. Ivanushka bought everything: a table, spoons, cups, and salt. A whole cartload of stuff piled up. He’s going home, and the little horse is, you know, unlucky: he’s lucky or unlucky!

“Well,” Ivanushka thinks to himself, “the horse has four legs and the table also has four, so the table itself will run.”

He took the table and put it on the road. He drives and drives, whether close or far, and the crows hover over him and keep cawing.

“You know, the sisters are hungry to eat, they shouted so much!” - thought the fool. He placed the dishes with food on the ground and began to regale:

- Little sisters! Eat for your health.

Ivanushka is driving through a forest; All the stumps along the road are burnt.

“Eh,” he thinks, the guys are without hats; they’ll be cold, dear ones!”

He took pots and pots and put them on them. So Ivanushka reached the river, let’s water the horse, but she still doesn’t drink.

“You know, he doesn’t want to go without salt!” - and well, salt the water. I poured out a bag full of salt, but the horse still didn’t drink.

- Why don’t you drink, wolf meat? Did I pour out a bag of salt for nothing?

He grabbed her with a log, right in the head - and killed her on the spot. Ivanushka was left with only one purse of spoons, and he carried that too. As he walks, the spoons behind him keep clanking: clink, clink, clink! And he thinks that the spoons say: “Ivanushka is a fool!” - threw them and trampled them and said:

- Here's Ivanushka the fool! Here's Ivanushka the Fool! They even decided to tease you, you bastards! He returned home and said to his brothers:

- I bought everything, brothers!

- Thank you, fool, but where are your purchases?

- And the table is running away, yes, you know, it’s lagging behind, they’re eating from the sisters’ dishes, he put pots and pots on the children’s heads in the forest, he salted the horse’s swill with salt; and the spoons are teasing - so I threw them on the road.

- Go, fool, quickly! Collect everything you scattered along the road!

Ivanushka went into the forest, took the pots from the charred stumps, knocked out the bottoms and put a dozen different pots on the batog: both large and small. Brings it home. His brothers beat him off; We went to the city ourselves to do some shopping, and left the fool to run the house. A fool listens, but the beer in the tub just ferments and ferments.

- Beer, don’t wander! Don't tease the fool! - says Ivanushka.

No, beer doesn't listen; He took it and let everything out of the tub, sat down in the trough, drove around the hut and sang songs.

The brothers arrived, became very angry, took Ivanushka, sewed him up in a sack and dragged him to the river. They put the sack on the shore, and they themselves went to inspect the ice hole.

At that time, some gentleman was riding past in a troika of brown ones; Ivanushka and well shout:

“They put me in the voivodeship to judge and dress, but I can neither judge nor dress!”

“Wait, fool,” said the master, “I can judge and judge; get out of the bag!

Ivanushka got out of the sack, sewed the master there, and he got into his cart and drove out of sight. The brothers came, lowered the sack under the ice and listened; and in the water it just gurgles.

- You know, the burka catches! - the brothers said and wandered home.

Out of nowhere, Ivanushka rides towards them in a troika, rides and boasts:

- These are the horses I caught! And Sivko was still there - so nice!

The brothers became jealous; say to a fool:

- Now sew us up and lower us into the hole as quickly as possible! Sivko will not leave us...

Ivan the Fool dropped them into the hole and went home.

Ivanushka had a well, in the well there was a dace fish, and the fairy tale ended.

Ivanushka the Fool is a Russian folk tale about a guy of limited intelligence, but with a sincere kind hearted, for whom everything comes out funny and absurd. The tale of Ivanushka the Fool can be read online or download the text from doc format and PDF.
Ivanushka the Fool is one of the most popular heroes Russian folk tales. Usually Ivanushka is youngest son in the family, he is stupid and clumsy, everyone makes fun of him, especially his older brothers. If Ivan the Fool is given some kind of assignment, then he will definitely do something and ruin it. But the most interesting thing is that he does this not out of malice, but with childish sincerity, believing that he should do exactly this and not otherwise. He helps everyone, both humans and animals, in his simplicity not realizing that this could be to the detriment of himself and his family.
Fairy tales about Ivanushka the Fool a lot, this is one of the options where Ivan does not meet a magical helper on his way, as for example in fairy tales: Sivka Burka, Little Humpbacked Horse, Boots are fast walkers. In this tale, his salvation from trouble is real character- a gentleman driving past, whom he outwitted. In the fairy tale Ivanushka the Fool, the stupidity of the hero is most expressed: I saw my shadow and thought, what kind of person is walking next to me? , or Ivanushka thinks, because the horse has four legs, and the table also has four, so he’ll run there on his own, Ivanushka rides through a forest, along the road there are burnt stumps, - Eh, he thinks, the guys are without hats, their hearts will be cold. This Ivanushka is the stupidest of all fairy tales! but we must give him his due, at the end of the tale he is saved from death by his ingenuity and cunning.
Read the fairy tale Ivanushka the Fool not only very interesting, but also instructive. What is it the meaning of the fairy tale and what does it teach? Probably, the fact that an outwardly stupid person may not be such a fool as he seems. Our stupid hero still finds his luck, without really fighting for it, and at the end of the fairy tale it turns out that Ivanushka the fool turned out to be the smartest.
The catchphrase Fools are always lucky has the opposite: Fools are lucky only in fairy tales. It depends on who is considered a fool, for some a fool is the one who helps other people just like that, for others it is the one who always tells the truth, and for some a complete fool is the one who does not want wealth or fame, but just live and enjoy today.
The tale about Ivanushka the Fool is a clear example of such proverbs as: Don’t look for wisdom, look for the prostate, All hopes rest on a fool, but the fool has grown wiser, The fool lives not by work, but by luck, Where woe to the wise man, there's fun for the fool.

There was an old man and an old woman; They had three sons: two were smart, the third was Ivanushka the Fool. The smart ones tended the sheep in the field, but the fool did nothing, just sat on the stove and caught flies.
One day the old woman cooked some rye dumplings and said to the fool:
- Come on, take these dumplings to the brothers; let them eat.
She poured a full pot and gave it to him; he wandered towards his brothers. The day was sunny; As soon as Ivanushka left the outskirts, he saw his shadow on the side and thought:
“What kind of person is this? He walks next to me, not a step behind: right, he wanted some dumplings?” And he began to throw dumplings at his shadow, and so he threw away every single one; looks, and the shadow keeps walking from the side.
- What an insatiable womb! - said the fool with a heart and threw a pot at her - the shards scattered in different directions.
So he comes empty-handed to his brothers; they ask him:
- You fool, why did you come?
- I brought you lunch.
- Where is lunch? Come on lively.
- Look, brothers, an unknown person got attached to me on the way and ate everything!
- What kind of person is this?
- Here he is! And now it’s standing nearby!
The brothers scold him, beat him, beat him; They beat off and forced the sheep to graze, and they themselves went to the village to dine.
The fool began to herd; sees that the sheep have scattered across the field, let's catch them and tear out their eyes. He caught everyone, gouged out everyone’s eyes, gathered the herd into one heap and the little one sits there as if he had done the job. The brothers had lunch and returned to the field.
- What have you done, fool? Why is the flock blind?
- Why do they have eyes? When you left, brothers, the sheep scattered apart, and I came up with an idea: I started catching them, collecting them in a pile, tearing out their eyes - I was so tired!
- Wait, you’re not so smart yet! - the brothers say and let’s treat him with their fists; The fool got a lot of nuts!
Not much time had passed, the old people sent Ivan the Fool to the city to buy household chores for the holiday. Ivanushka bought everything: he bought a table, spoons, cups, and salt; a whole cartload of all sorts of things. He’s going home, and the little horse is such an unlucky little horse: he’s lucky or unlucky!
“Well,” Ivanushka thinks to himself, “the horse has four legs and the table also has four, so the table will run away on its own.”
He took the table and put it on the road. He drives and drives, whether close or far, and the crows hover over him and keep cawing.
“You know, the sisters are hungry to eat, that they shouted so much!” thought the fool. He placed the dishes with food on the ground and began to regale:
- Little sisters! Eat for your health.
And he keeps moving forward and forward.
Ivanushka is driving through a forest; All the stumps along the road are burnt.
“Eh,” he thinks, the guys are without hats; they’ll be cold, dear ones!”
He took pots and pots and put them on them. So Ivanushka reached the river, let’s water the horse, but she still doesn’t drink.
“You know, he doesn’t want it without salt!” - and well, salt the water. I poured out a bag full of salt, but the horse still didn’t drink.
- Why don’t you drink, wolf meat? Did I pour out a bag of salt for nothing?
He grabbed her with a log, right in the head - and killed her on the spot. Ivanushka was left with only one purse of spoons, and he carried that too. As he goes, the spoons go back and clang: clang, clang, clang! And he thinks that the spoons say: “Ivanushka is a fool!” - he threw them and, well, trampled them and said:
- Here's Ivanushka the fool! Here's Ivanushka the Fool! They even decided to tease you, you bastards! He returned home and said to his brothers:
- I've redeemed everything, brothers!
- Thank you, fool, but where are your purchases?
- And the table is running away, yes, you know, it’s lagging behind, they’re eating from the sisters’ dishes, he put pots and pots on the children’s heads in the forest, he salted the horse’s swill with salt; and the spoons were teasing - so I left them on the road.
- Go, fool, quickly! Collect everything you scattered along the road!
Ivanushka went into the forest, took the pots from the charred stumps, knocked out the bottoms and put a dozen different pots on the batog: both large and small. Brings it home. His brothers beat him off; We went to the city ourselves to do some shopping, and left the fool to run the house. A fool listens, but the beer in the tub just ferments and ferments.
- Beer, don't wander! Don't tease the fool! - says Ivanushka.
No, beer doesn't listen; He took it and let everything out of the tub, sat down in the trough, drove around the hut and sang songs.
The brothers arrived, became very angry, took Ivanushka, sewed him up in a sack and dragged him to the river. They put the sack on the shore, and they themselves went to inspect the ice hole.
At that time, some gentleman was riding past in a troika of brown ones; Ivanushka and well shout:
- They put me in the voivodeship to judge and dress, but I don’t know how to judge or dress!
“Wait, fool,” said the master, “I know how to judge and judge; get out of the bag!
Ivanushka got out of the sack, sewed the master there, and he got into his cart and drove out of sight. The brothers came, lowered the sack under the ice and listened; and in the water it just gurgles.
- You know, the burka catches! - the brothers said and wandered home.
Out of nowhere, Ivanushka rides towards them in a troika, rides and boasts:
- That's a hundred horses I caught! And Sivko was still there - so nice!
The brothers became jealous; say to a fool:
- Now sew us up and quickly lower us into the hole! Sivko will not leave us...
Ivan the Fool lowered them into the ice hole and drove them home to finish their beer and commemorate their brothers.
Ivanushka had a well, there was a dace fish in the well, and my fairy tale was over.

Russian folk tale in pictures. Illustrations.