What does it mean that a minute saves an hour? Development of a class lesson on the topic “A minute saves an hour!” II Lesson topic message

1. Opening remarks.

Riddles about time.

What cannot be returned?

What is faster than thought?

It has no legs and no wings,

He flies fast, you won't catch him.

2. Practical work with clocks.

What helps us recognize time? (watch)

What watches do you know? (pocket, wall, etc.)

Determine what time it is on a watch model?

An exercise in telling time.

What time periods do you know?

(Second, minute, hour, day, week, month, year, century)

Do you know how to calculate time correctly?

How many minutes does it take to get from home to school?

What does this time depend on? (speed and distance)

How many minutes will it take to put things in your briefcase? Get ready for math class?

(time trial)

Which row will line up faster?

Read the proverb: “Time is not money, if you lose it, you won’t find it.” When do they say that?

3.Work on creating a daily routine

Guess riddles and write down the first letter

from the answer:

1) As many as 25 teeth for curls and tufts.

And under each tooth

The hair will lie in a row. (Comb.)

2) Performer of the song “Smile”. (Raccoon)

3) I blindfolded Yurka -

My brother and I play (blind man's buff.)

4) The little bird will dive with its nose,

He wags his tail and leads a path. (Needle.)

5) Smooth. It's fragrant. Washes clean. (Soap.)

6) A cloud settled in the bathroom.

Rain pours from the ceiling onto my back and sides. (Shower.)

7) All their lives they walk side by side, but they overtake each other

they can't have a friend. (Legs.)

8) If it weren’t for him, I wouldn’t have said anything. (Language.)

What happened? DAILY REGIME

And what is it? Daily routine.

How do you understand this proverb?


When is it especially important to maintain order?

Maintaining order is especially important for athletes, astronauts, and schoolchildren in order to grow


How do you maintain your daily routine?

Poems about a man and his watch

S. Baruzdin

The clock is counting the seconds,

They keep track of the minutes.

The watch won't let you down

Who saves time?

Who knows how to live by the clock?

And appreciates every hour,

This is not necessary in the morning

Wake up 10 times.

And he won't talk

Why is he too lazy to get up?

Do exercises, wash hands

And make the bed.

He will have time to get dressed on time,

Wash and eat

He will have time to stand at the machine,

Sit at a desk at school.

Friendship with watches is good!

Work, rest,

Do your homework slowly

And don't forget the books!

So that in the evening, when you go to bed,

When the time comes,

You could confidently say:

It was a good day!

Physical education minute

The clock strikes on the old tower:

Tick-tock, tick-tock.

And the wall ones faster:

Tiki - taki, tiki - taki.

And the pocket ones are knocking:

Tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock.

Imagine that all the clocks on earth have disappeared.

What will happen then?

How do we save time?

How many minutes does the lesson last? Turn?

How many minutes do we practically use for work?

Examples of wasted time and reasons for it.

Collective discussion (being late, talking in class that distracts others, taking a long time to prepare for the lesson


What should we do during the break?

Poem by B. Zakhoder “Change”

Children read.

“Change, change!” -

The call is ringing.

Vova will definitely be the first

Flies out of the threshold.

Flies over the threshold -

Seven are knocked off their feet.

Is it really Vova?

Dozed off the entire lesson?

Is it really Vova?

5 minutes ago not a word

Couldn't you tell me at the board?

If he is, then undoubtedly

It's a big change with him.

You can't keep up with Vova!

Look how bad he is!

He made it in 5 minutes

Redo a bunch of things:

He put 3 steps

(Vaska, Kolka and Seryozhka),

Rolled somersaults

He sat astride the railing.

Dashingly plopped off the railing,

Got a slap on the head

He immediately gave change to someone;

He asked me to write off the tasks -

In a word, I did everything I could!

Well, here comes the call again.

Vova trudges back to class.

Poor! There is no face on it.

“Nothing,” sighs Vova, “

Let's relax during class..."

What can you do in 1 minute?

Turn to the clock and say the tongue twister:

On the hill near the slide

Cost 33 Egorki:

1 Egorka, 2 Egorka, 3 Egorka...

Physical education (relaxation)

In 1 minute we can go to the river bank to sunbathe.

Put your head in your hands, close your eyes, enjoy

warm sun; listen to the bees buzzing and chirping

grasshoppers. A butterfly landed on your palm. Look at it.

Then her wings fluttered to help her fly,

blow on it.

Solve problems in 1 minute.

1. 2 sausages are cooked for 6 minutes. How many minutes does it take to cook 1 sausage?

How do you understand the proverb: If you miss a minute -

Will you lose an hour?


  1. Time only moves forward.
  2. Follow your daily routine.
  3. Go to bed and get up on time, sit down for your homework at the same hours.
  4. Never be late for anything, take care of others’ time.
  5. You must not be late for lessons so as not to distract the teacher and students from their work.
  6. Come visit at the appointed time.
  7. Learn to value your time and your parents’ time.
  8. People need time. It cannot be returned, so it must be appreciated.

How do you understand the proverb: Time is more valuable than gold?

L.N. Tolstoy wrote: “Have a goal for life, a goal for a certain time, a goal for the year,

for the month, for the week, for the day and for the hour and for the minute, sacrificing the lower goals to the higher ones.”

Question: Do you have a goal? What are you missing to achieve it?

All students are given the floor. Everything that is missing to achieve the goal is written on the board.

Patience Time Knowledge Perseverance Willpower

Teacher: Yes, most often, for some reason we don’t have enough time. That is why we will talk today about time and how precious it is for any person.

One wise man said: “Time is the fabric from which life is woven.”

Question: How many years should a person live?

All students express their opinions.

Teacher: Scientists say that the average human life expectancy is at least 100 years.

Question: Why is human life expectancy 2–3 times less?

All students express their opinions. The reasons listed by the students are recorded on the board.

Health Failures Choosing a profession associated with health risks Disappointments

Bad habits

Teacher: Indeed, there are a lot of reasons. One of them is the inability to choose the right profession, to determine the path of life taking into account one’s inclinations and abilities. As a result, mastering the profession is slow and late, and not everyone achieves mastery in it. Hence, dissatisfaction with work and various diseases.

Human capabilities are great. As a result of systematic, purposeful, organized work, much can be achieved. However, even talented people often achieve little if they do not know how to value time. And vice versa, many people, even those who do not have outstanding abilities, manage to achieve great success in life if they take care of time and properly organize their work and their lives. An example of the ability to mobilize one’s internal reserves is the life of Professor A.A. Lyubishchev. Over his 56 years, he made many discoveries in the field of zoology, genetics, and philosophy.

However, many people waste their precious time. They live as they please, going with the flow, lead a chaotic lifestyle, do not use their capabilities and abilities, and put off many important matters for the future. It is no coincidence that the Roman philosopher Seneca noted: “As long as we are going to live; life passes."

Assignment: Name the main reason why precious time is wasted.

The reasons for wasting time are written down on the board:

Disorganization Excessive fuss Inability to plan your work Incorrect organization of your life

Teacher: You need to learn to take care of your own and other people’s time now, while studying at school. These are the years of not only learning, but also the formation of personality, preparation for future life. The value of time has now increased significantly, because... the flow of information has increased. And rather, it is necessary to say: time is more valuable than money, and not the American “time is money.” Wasted time can no longer be returned, but lost money can be earned.

Form of conduct: oral journal.

Progress of the event

Leading: We are opening our class hour “A minute saves an hour.”

First the page is entitled "Price of a Minute." The value of time has now increased significantly, as the flow of information has increased.

Americans often use the expression “Time is money.” However, today we hear more and more often: “Time is more valuable than money.” In a certain sense, this is true: well, if a person has lost or had some amount stolen from him, of course, he is offended, but what he lost can be earned again. But wasted, wasted time cannot be returned.

(Two students come out.)

Student 1: The clock is counting the seconds.

They keep track of the minutes.

The watch won't let you down

Who saves time?

Student 2: Who knows how to live by the clock?

And appreciates every hour,

This is not necessary in the morning,

Wake up ten times.

Student 3: And he won't talk

Why is he too lazy to get up?

Do exercises, wash hands

And make the bed

Student 4: He will have time to get dressed on time,

Wash and eat

And before the bell rings,

Sit at a desk at school

Student 5: Friendship with watches is good!

Work, rest,

Do your homework slowly

And don't forget the books!

Student 6: So that in the evening, when you go to bed,

When the time comes,

You could confidently say:

“It was a good day!”

Leading: People value time, and they determine it by the clock. In different eras they used different watches.

Student 7: Sometimes they say: “A lot of water has passed under the bridge since then,” and we understand that a lot of time has passed. And they say this because there used to be water clocks. They were arranged in the form of two communicating vessels. Time was recognized by how much water flowed from one vessel to another. An hourglass was constructed like a water clock: sand gradually poured from the upper vessel into the lower one.

Student 8: In the old days, watches were used on ships. Which were called flasks. The sailor on duty at this clock announced the time every half hour by striking the bell - “beating the bells.” Later, mechanical and then electronic watches appeared. Sometimes the time is determined by the striking of the clock. This is where the old expression “beats the clock” comes from.

Leading: Time cannot be killed, that is, it cannot be spent uselessly. It is important to choose your sense of time, to learn to use every hour, every minute wisely.

A person who knows how to appreciate even a second can achieve a lot. Let's listen to what famous people said about time.

· “You can always find enough time if you use it well.”

· “Whoever does not know how to use his time wisely is the first to complain about its lack.” (J. Labruyère)

· “Using time well makes time even more precious.”

(J. – J. Rousseau)

· “Order frees the mind.” (R. Descartes)

· “A careless person does everything twice.” (A. Suvorov)

· “They get tired and exhausted not so much because they work hard, but because they work poorly.” (N. Vvedensky)

Leading: I hope these statements make us think about time in a new way. The work of the clock does not stop for a second, time flows continuously. Let's listen for a minute (turns on the stopwatch). See how long it is! What can you do in 60 seconds?

(The guys give examples).

Leading: The next page is called: “Who stole Egorka’s time?”

Student 9: We know: time is stretchable,

It depends on

What kind of content

You fill it up.

Student 10: There are times when he has stagnation.

And sometimes it flows

Unloaded, empty,

Counting hours and days in vain.

Student 11: Let the intervals be evenly spaced,

What separates our days,

But, putting them on the scales,

We find long moments

And very short hours.

Sketch “About Yegorka”

(Four girls and a boy are participating.)

Boy. Once upon a time there lived an ordinary student whose name was Yegorka.

Girl 1. Our Yegorka is crying bitterly...

Girl 2. Our Yegorka is dissatisfied:

“To do homework,

I don’t have enough days!”

Girl 3. If only it were a day, even a week...

Boy. Then it would be a different matter!

Friends wouldn't laugh.

Then I would do everything myself.

Girl 4. Paul swept...

Girl 1. Washed the dishes…

Boy. I would make the bed myself...

Girl 3. I drank coffee and didn’t get burned...

Girl 4. Due to rush, for example,

I haven't solved the examples a hundred times.

Boy. I wish I could ride a hill...

Girl 1. Egorka would have a good life...

Boy. Well, at least for an hour

It was a longer day for us.

Girl 2. I would like to look at all the pictures...

Girl 3. I would put on my own boots...

Boy. I would also lace

Not my grandmother.

It's not difficult for me, I can

I'm just saving time.

Well, at least for a minute

It was more like a day,

I would be no worse than you

I wouldn't be late for class. (Lies down on the sofa.)

Girl 4. We agree with this without dispute:

Yegor's day is not enough!

Girl 1. Didn't finish so many things!

Girl 2. But where is he going with his time?

Girl 3. Look, Yegor woke up...

(Egorka jumps on one leg, looking for something.)

Girl 1. I couldn't find it for half an hour

Lost sock.

Boy. They are never together!

Girl 2. He doesn't put his socks together.

Girl 3. Finally found a sock.

Boy. Where's the belt?

Girl 4. In his search, he was knocked off his feet.

Girl 1. Our Yegor was looking for notebooks...

Girl 2. I played hide and seek with the briefcase...

Girl 3. What kind of game is this?

What if it's time to run to class?

(Egorka runs away.)

Girl 4. Here, grabbing the book under my arm,

Our Yegor is skipping.

Girl 1. Suddenly - back...

(Egorka returns.)


I didn’t take the pencil case...

Late for school again...

(Egorka leaves.)

Girl 2. Let Yegorka roar bitterly...

Girl 3. We don't feel sorry for him at all...

Girl 4. The thief did not go to Yegor.


Egor himself stole time!

Leading. Do you guys know how to value time? How many of you can explain the expression “Time is our wealth”?

(Children explain.)

Leading. But how our ancestors valued time is evidenced by the sayings and proverbs they created.

(A group of children lists proverbs about time.)

· If you miss a minute, you lose an hour.

· Time is a treasury for those who know its value

· Time for business - time for fun.

· A lost item can be found, but lost time can never be found.

· Time is gone - happiness is gone.

· A minute saves an hour.

· Order saves time.

· When starting a business, think about the end.

Leading. How many of you know other proverbs and sayings about time?

(The guys call them.)

Leading. As we know, there are 24 hours in a day. Of these, 8 hours are for sleep, another 8 (including travel there and back) are for school. 8 hours left. How much can you get done in this time? A lot of. During these 480 minutes you will have time to learn your homework, take a walk, read a book, and watch a little TV. You can do everything if you want. How can you save time? Let's take a look at ways to save time.

Student 12. I really don't want to get up in the morning. But you still have to get up. Therefore, do not imitate the ostrich, which buries its head in the sand to escape danger. Get up right away, don't feel sorry for yourself.

Student 13. Prepare for the morning in the evening. The most thankless task is to rush to pack your school bag in the morning, look for the right notebook, or figure out what shirt or blouse to wear. Get into the habit of preparing everything you might need in the morning the day before. It’s a good idea to think about tomorrow at least in general terms before going to bed every day.

Student 14. A lot of time is spent looking for things that are out of place. Therefore, everything should have its place.

Student 15. Don't waste time on long, empty conversations on the phone, face to face or in company. Especially during the time that is reserved for doing homework. Judge for yourself: you’ve just concentrated to think about the task or topic of the essay, when suddenly the phone rings, you’ve been talking for 15 minutes. Now we need to start everything from scratch. The easiest way is to warn your friends: “Call after 8 pm, and before that I will be busy.”

Student 16. Exercising for 5-6 hours without a break is harmful and ineffective. After an hour and a half, give yourself a break. But try to relax, not lying on the couch, but moving. Go to the bakery, wipe off the dust, wash the dishes, sweep the floor. Do some exercises to correct your posture or simply dance to rhythmic but not very loud music.

Student 17. You have, of course, heard the expression “Accuracy is the politeness of kings.” This means that we must always arrive on time to school, college, work, on a visit, or on a date. A business person has no right to abuse other people’s time, nor, indeed, to waste his own.

Leading. There are many more ways to save time. But even those that the guys suggested will help you save an hour or an hour and a half a day. So much for free time for walking, crafting or reading. It’s a shame if you spend these saved minutes and hours staring at the TV screen. 480 minutes is a lot, if, of course, you don’t waste them. Learn to save time: don’t lie in bed in the morning, prepare everything you need in the morning in the evening, assign each item its own permanent place, don’t have endless phone conversations and relax actively. In this case, you will notice that the days will become much longer.

Let's open the next page of the class hour “We are visiting today.” We invited the school doctor to once again remind us about the schoolchild’s daily routine.

(Story by a school doctor.)

Leading. Thanks for the interesting and useful story. Let's hope that the guys listened to you carefully and drew conclusions for themselves.

Let's open last page our class hour - "Labour Organization".

Student 18. The sage said: “If you give a person one fish, he will be fed for one day. If you give him two fish, he will be fed for two days. If you teach a person to fish, he will be fed for the rest of his life.” In all countries and at all times, the question has been: “How to quickly and better teach a person a profession?” To do this, a person must choose the right profession, taking into account his abilities, learn to value time, distribute it correctly, and alternate his work and rest. In many ways, if a person wants to succeed at work, proper organization of work will help him. It involves, first of all, the correct use of time, the ability to appreciate every minute. It is known that the less time and labor spent on the production of any thing, the cheaper it is. In order for academic work or any work to be successful and not tiresome, the following rules must be followed.

Rules for success

(distributed to each child)

1. Set yourself up for work

2. Prepare your work area

3. Establish a specific work order

4. Get started right away

5. Treat her more responsibly

6. Work hard, but don't overwork yourself

7. Alternate between different activities

8. Prevent or eliminate possible interference in your work

9. Don't take frequent breaks from mental work.

10. Work daily, systematically, but do not overwork

11. Skilfully organize rest during work

Student 19. Following these simple rules will help you guys spend your time wisely. avoid overload and will ultimately improve your academic performance.

Leading. Our oral journal is finished, but the clock ticks and life goes on. In youth it seems endless, and many boys and girls put off their affairs until later. And suddenly one day they discover that most of their life has already been lived. Lived aimlessly, grey, dull. Many people often blame everyone and everything for this. But they only have themselves to blame. They always had a catastrophic lack of time, because they did not value it, did not save it, failed to properly use it, or organize their lives correctly. We will be glad if our oral journal makes someone take a fresh look at their alien time.

Shahsuvaryan Anahit Mkhitarovna

How to understand your genetic clock and how it runs

For many years it was believed that cells were immortal if placed in an ideal environment. This belief was abandoned in the early 1960s when Leonard Hayflick, Ph.D., observed that human fibroblasts in tissue culture divided on average no more than 50 times. Hayflick discovered that if you freeze cells after 20 divisions, they will “remember” that after thawing they have 30 divisions left.

The researchers also noticed that fibroblasts became older in appearance as they approached their 50th cell division. They become larger and accumulate increased amounts of lipofuscin, the pigment responsible for “age spots.” Based on Hayflick's results, experts suggested that there is a genetic clock in every cell that determines the onset of old age.

Currently, many researchers in this field are working with the so-called “telomere shortening” theory of aging. Telomeres are the ends of DNA. Every time a cell reproduces, a small segment of DNA is removed from the telomere, and the shorter the telomere becomes, the more damaged gene expression is. The result is cell aging.

In addition to serving as the “aging clock,” telomeres are involved in protecting the ends of the chromosome from damage, controlling gene expression, and also contribute to the organization of the chromosome. The telomere not only determines cell aging, but also the risk of the cell developing into cancer, Alzheimer's disease and other degenerative diseases.

Slow down the clock

The key to extending human lifespan will ultimately involve maintaining or restoring telomere length in DNA. But this technology will not be available to us for decades. Luckily, there are age-old ways to slow down our genetic clock right now, namely:

  • Stress management
  • Regular gymnastics
  • Sleep at least 8 hours a day
  • Maintaining ideal body weight
  • Diet rich in vegetables and fruits
  • Preference in food for foods with a low glycemic index
  • Daily intake
  • Taking the optimal amount
  • Additional intake of polyphenols, and other essential nutrients.

Careful Consideration

Research has shown that many nutrients help fight telomere shortening, especially B vitamins such as , and ; ; ; and and. The best way to ensure you get enough of these and other nutrients is to take a high-quality multivitamin/multimineral supplement. Should I take iron as part of a multimineral? Unless you have a significant iron requirement or you are a non-menstruating woman, iron supplements should be avoided. Telomere shortening has been associated with iron intake. Excess iron can also trigger increased free radical activity.

Supplementing is also a good idea—most experts recommend a minimum of 2,000 IU daily. In one study, researchers examined the effect of vitamin D on telomere length in the white blood cells of 2,160 women aged 18-79 years. The higher their vitamin D levels, the longer their telomere length.

In terms of aging and telomere length, there was a five-year difference between those who had the highest levels of vitamin D and those who had the lowest levels. Obesity, smoking and lack of physical activity can shorten telomere length, but the researchers found that increasing vitamin D levels overcame these effects. This 5 year difference means that a 70 year old woman with higher vitamin D levels has a biological age of 65 years.

Fish oil is also important for slowing down the genetic clock. Higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA have been shown to inhibit telomere shortening in a long-term study. The recommended fish oil dosage is based on providing 1000 mg of EPA and DHA daily.

Finally, flavonoids and polyphenols from grape seed, pine bark (Pycnogenol), and green tea not only reduce inflammation scores, but also prevent telomere shortening in experimental studies. The recommended dosage for extracts providing at least 90 percent polyphenols is 150-300 mg per day.

Insulin approach

But perhaps the biggest cause of premature telomere shortening in North America is insulin resistance, which occurs in obesity, prediabetes and type 2 diabetes. Recent research has shown that insulin resistance is associated with shorter telomeres. Achieving an ideal body weight and using strategies to increase the sensitivity of the body's cells to insulin are critical goals for preventing telomere shortening.

Municipal educational institution Gymnasium No. 25

“A minute saves an hour!”

Extracurricular activity for students in grades 3-5

Tolmacheva T.N.

Irkutsk 2009

Location: assembly hall of Municipal Educational Institution Gymnasium No. 25.


    developing the ability to plan your day;

    introduce children to the types of watches;

    development of the ability to analyze, draw conclusions, generalize;

    fostering respect for time through various means (for example: music, cinema, art, etc.)

Equipment: projector, screen, laptop, presentation, video fragments, texts with tasks for groups, metronome, markers, A4 sheets, bench, alarm clock, blanket, books, bag, medical gown.

Progress of extracurricular activities

Entrance to the assembly hall: “Morning” (from TV “Office Romance”).

1. Teacher: Good afternoon, dear guests, colleagues, guys. I'm very glad to see you all. No one can argue with the fact that the past minute will never return to us. Today we will talk about the most valuable thing that helps a person in life - time, and the topic is: “A minute saves an hour!” (slide1).

What is time, do you think? Yes, we can talk about time for a very long time. This is the change of seasons, this is also our age - today you are 9, 10 and you will not notice how quickly time flies by and you will already be 20. And in the shortest definition we can say that time is our past, present and future.

2. - (Slide2) What is the name of this device and what is it intended for? (show metronome). The metronome measures even beats (tempo).

Let's move to the beat with a metronome. Now you and I live in the same rhythm! Well done!

And the rhythm in each person’s life, as well as in music, is different (Video fragment 1).

3. In the cartoon you all know (slide 3), the length of the boa constrictor was measured in different ways, but most of all the boa constrictor himself liked to measure himself in Parrots - there were 38 of them.

- A How is time measured? (slide4) Children's answers.

    in a clock - one hour after another (even the device that measures time was called); - Teacher: And also?

    inside an hour there are minutes (60 of them), inside each minute there are seconds (also 60);

    the hours add up to “day and night - a day away”; - Why do they say that?


    day after day and week after week - month;

    12 months – a whole year;

    year after year - into a century;

    centuries - in eras (1000 years) ...

4. People value time, and they determine it by the clock. Different clocks were used in different eras. And about their varieties, 7th grade student Borisova Liza has prepared a presentation for you (Video - fragment 2).

Which others do you know?

5. TASK: What kind of clock is used to measure time in this fairy tale, if this fairy tale is musical.

Listening: ( Scene “Midnight” from the ballet “Cinderella” by S. Prokofiev) After the answer (slide 5)

6. The value of time has now increased significantly. Even Americans often say: “Time is more valuable than money” (slide 6).

Why? (children's answers). After all, what is lost can be earned again, but wasted time cannot be returned. With every minute you spend, you can do a lot of good deeds.

7. Now let's see what happens to people who waste time (Video fragment 3) “The Tale of Lost Time” - the moment of transformation.

What is the name of this fairy tale? And if you haven't seen it, be sure to check it out.

Have you heard this expression: (slide7) “Accuracy is the politeness of kings”? How do you understand this? Try to take these words into account.

Don't abuse other people's time and don't waste yours.

8. What is the secret here that some people succeed everywhere - they study well at school, attend various clubs, and go to bed on time, while others don’t - after all, the time is the same for everyone?!

And the secret is simple! The ability to plan your time. 9th grade student Anna Belyanina will tell you about her daily routine. (Slide 8)

Daily regime:

At 7.00 - rise

From 7.00 to 7.30 - Make the bed, do morning exercises, wash, get dressed, comb your hair

From 7.30 to 7.50 – have breakfast

From 8 to 8.30 - spend half an hour outdoors before sitting down to study

From 8.30 to 11.30 – doing homework

From 11.30 to 12.00 – lunch

After lunch, slowly go to school to breathe in some fresh air, then you will be cheerful and attentive. When returning from school, also walk slowly.

After dinner with your family, you have time to help your mother with the housework and read a book.

Be sure to go to bed at 10 pm. Not later! Everyone needs a good night's sleep, especially those who go to school.

(Slide9) The main thing:

    Go to bed and get up on time.

    Do gymnastics in the morning.

    Toughen up.

    Strictly follow your daily routine.

    In your free time, play sports.

Teacher: (Slide 10) The German writer I. Goethe said: Order teaches you to save time. Do you save your time?

9. But they talk about how our ancestors valued time proverbs And sayings.

Work in groups.

I suggest creating 2 groups.

Task: Who can remember more proverbs and sayings about time (one tells).

Report of groups on work.

The rest at this time listen and sing along with the performer to V. Shainsky’s song “While the clock is knocking.” What is this song about? (Slides 11,12,13). Cover the projector with a piece of paper.

10. And now, 11th grade student Lera Chebotareva will introduce you to ways to save time.

Physical education minute:

To make it easier to get up in the morning,

You need to pack everything in your bag.

In the evening - notebooks, pens - everything is in order!

Don’t rush to go to bed,

Write down your plan for tomorrow.

If you start the day with exercise,

So everything will be alright

(Slide14) Don’t waste your time!

Keep your time busy!

11. TASK: Sometimes, finding yourself without a watch, falling asleep and waking up in cloudy weather, you look outside the window and cannot understand whether it is day, morning or evening-night outside. Another thing is music!

What time of day is it now?

“Morning” is a work by E. Grieg, a composer from Norway.

Listening (fragment). After answer(Slide15)

12. TASK: (Slide 16) And the morning of our entire country begins the main song of the state. What is it called? (Hymn), remember the first line: (Children's answers) Close the projector.

13. Scene “Who stole Egorka’s time.”

will allow you to check the validity of all the above words:

Student . We know time is stretchable,

It depends on

What kind of content

You fill it up.

There are times when he has stagnation,

And sometimes it flows

Unloaded, empty,

Counting hours and days in vain.

Let the intervals be uniform,

What separates our days,

But putting them on the scales,

We find long moments

And very short hours.

4 girls, 4 boys. Boy1. Once upon a time there lived an ordinary student whose name was Yegorka.

Girl1. Our Yegorka is crying bitterly.

Girl2. Our Yegorka is dissatisfied.

Boy2. I don’t have enough days to do my homework.

Girl3. If only there had been a day for at least a week...

Boy3. ...Then it would be a different matter. Friends wouldn't laugh

Then I would have done everything myself.

Girl4. Did Paul sweep?

Girl1. Did you wash the dishes?

Boy4. I would make the bed myself...

Boy1. I would like to go to school myself.

Girl3. I drank coffee and didn’t get burned.

Girl4. Because of the rush, for example, I would not have solved the example a hundred times.

Boy2. I wish I could ride a hill...

Girl1. Egorka would have a good life.

Boy3. Well, at least our day is an hour longer...

Girl3. ...I would put on the shoes myself.

Boy4. I would also lace, and not my grandmother.

It’s not difficult for me, I can do it, I just save time.

Well, at least for a minute, if only a day would have been longer.

I would be no worse than you, I would not be late for class.

(Lies down.)

Girl4. We agree with this without dispute, Yegor’s day is not enough.

Girl1. Didn't finish so many things!

Girl2. Well, where is he going?

Girl3. Look, Yegorka woke up.

(Egorka jumps on one leg, looking for something.)

Girl4. It took me half an hour to find my lost sock.

Boy1. They are never there!

Girl1. Doesn't put socks back.

Girl2. Finally found a sock.

Boy2. Where's the belt?

Girl3. In his search, he was knocked off his feet.

Girl4. Our Yegor was looking for notebooks.

Girl1. The briefcase played hide and seek with him.

Girl2. What a game this is, it’s time for him to run to class.

(Egorka runs away.)

Girl3. Here, grabbing a book under his arm.

Our Yegor is skipping.

Girl4. Suddenly back. (Egorka returns.)

Boy3. (Crying.) I didn’t take my pencil case, I was late for school again.

(Egorka leaves.)

Girl1. Let Yegorka roar bitterly.

Denvochka2. We don't feel sorry for him at all.

Girl3. The thief did not go to Yegor.

Girls (together). Egor himself stole time. (Everyone leaves.)

Who keeps track of the minutes?

Time will not let him down,

Who saves time?

Who knows how to live by the clock?

And appreciates every hour,

This is not necessary in the morning

Wake up ten times.

And he won't talk

Why is he too lazy to get up?

Do exercises, wash hands

And make the bed.

He will have time to get dressed on time,

Wash and eat

And before the bell rings,

Sit at a desk at school.

Friendship with a watch is good,

Work, rest,

Do your homework slowly

And don't forget the books.

So that in the evening, when you go to bed,

When the time comes,

You could confidently say:

“It was a good day.”

14. (Slides 17-23),Song"Bells"

It is very important in life to have time to notice the beauty around you.

15. -Let's sum up our meeting together.

- (Slide 24) Your task is to guess what word is hidden in the picture!?

Time will tell us

About everything in the world.

About snow-white (clouds)

ABOUT (Sun) and about summer,

About how stormy ( river)

Into the rocky (shore) beats

(Slide 25)How they look (mountains) from above,

(road) curls like a ribbon...

(Wedge) the crane flies away,

And on the hand (snowflakes) are melting.

(Slide 26) About how yellow (sheet) circles

And the light is in (window) it burns all night.

How they go out in the morning (lanterns),

Going to sea (ships)

Like (bonfire) friends sing

(Slide 27) And in the meadows (flowers) blooming...

How the pages rustle (books),

How precious every moment in life is!

Music: “Fear7SeaOfTime” by RoyalHunt

Notice (listen, compose, play, sing)

and you will become a wonderful person living on Earth!

(Slide 28) But even if you don’t hear the voice of the clock -

time still passes. Don't lose it!

Appreciate every minute so that as adults you don’t regret wasted time.

Well, the time of our meeting has come to an end, (slide 29) but the clock passes and life goes on.

See you again!

Form of conduct : oral journal.

Progress of the event

Leading: We are opening our class hour “A minute saves an hour.”

First the page is entitled "Price of a Minute." The value of time has now increased significantly, as the flow of information has increased.

Americans often use the expression “Time is money.” However, today we hear more and more often: “Time is more valuable than money.” In a certain sense, this is true: well, if a person has lost or had some amount stolen from him, of course, he is offended, but what he lost can be earned again. But wasted, wasted time cannot be returned.

(Two students come out.)

Student 1: The clock is counting the seconds.

They keep track of the minutes.

The watch won't let you down

Who saves time?

Student 2: Who knows how to live by the clock?

And appreciates every hour,

This is not necessary in the morning,

Wake up ten times.

Student 3: And he won't talk

Why is he too lazy to get up?

Do exercises, wash hands

And make the bed

Student 4: He will have time to get dressed on time,

Wash and eat

And before the bell rings,

Sit at a desk at school

Student 5: Friendship with watches is good!

Work, rest,

Do your homework slowly

And don't forget the books!

Student 6: So that in the evening, when you go to bed,

When the time comes,

You could confidently say:

“It was a good day!”

Leading: People value time, and they determine it by the clock. In different eras they used different watches.

Student 7: Sometimes they say: “A lot of water has passed under the bridge since then,” and we understand that a lot of time has passed. And they say this because there used to be water clocks. They were arranged in the form of two communicating vessels. Time was recognized by how much water flowed from one vessel to another. An hourglass was constructed like a water clock: sand gradually poured from the upper vessel into the lower one.

Student 8: In the old days, watches were used on ships. Which were called flasks. The sailor on duty at this clock announced the time every half hour by striking the bell - “beating the bells.” Later, mechanical and then electronic watches appeared. Sometimes the time is determined by the striking of the clock. This is where the old expression “beats the clock” comes from.

Leading: Time cannot be killed, that is, it cannot be spent uselessly. It is important to choose your sense of time, to learn to use every hour, every minute wisely.

A person who knows how to appreciate even a second can achieve a lot. Let's listen to what famous people said about time.

· “You can always find enough time if you use it well.”

· “Whoever does not know how to use his time wisely is the first to complain about its lack.” (J. Labruyère)

· “Using time well makes time even more precious.”

(J. – J. Rousseau)

· “Order frees the mind.” (R. Descartes)

· “A careless person does everything twice.” (A. Suvorov)

· “They get tired and exhausted not so much because they work hard, but because they work poorly.” (N. Vvedensky)

Leading: I hope these statements make us think about time in a new way. The work of the clock does not stop for a second, time flows continuously. Let's listen for a minute (turns on the stopwatch). See how long it is! What can you do in 60 seconds?

(The guys give examples).

Leading: The next page is called: “Who stole Egorka’s time?”

Student 9: We know: time is stretchable,

It depends on

What kind of content

You fill it up.

Student 10: There are times when he has stagnation.

And sometimes it flows

Unloaded, empty,

Counting hours and days in vain.

Student 11: Let the intervals be evenly spaced,

What separates our days,

But, putting them on the scales,

We find long moments

And very short hours.

Sketch “About Yegorka”

(Four girls and a boy are participating.)

Boy. Once upon a time there lived an ordinary student whose name was Yegorka.

Girl 1. Our Yegorka is crying bitterly...

Girl 2. Our Yegorka is dissatisfied:

“To do homework,

I don’t have enough days!”

Girl 3. If only it were a day, even a week...

Boy. Then it would be a different matter!

Friends wouldn't laugh.

Then I would do everything myself.

Girl 4. Paul swept...

Girl 1. Washed the dishes…

Boy. I would make the bed myself...

Girl 3. I drank coffee and didn’t get burned...

Girl 4. Due to rush, for example,

I haven't solved the examples a hundred times.

Boy. I wish I could ride a hill...

Girl 1. Egorka would have a good life...

Boy. Well, at least for an hour

It was a longer day for us.

Girl 2. I would like to look at all the pictures...

Girl 3. I would put on my own boots...

Boy. I would also lace

Not my grandmother.

It's not difficult for me, I can

I'm just saving time.

Well, at least for a minute

It was more like a day,

I would be no worse than you

I wouldn't be late for class. (Lies down on the sofa.)

Girl 4. We agree with this without dispute:

Yegor's day is not enough!

Girl 1. Didn't finish so many things!

Girl 2. But where is he going with his time?

Girl 3. Look, Yegor woke up...

(Egorka jumps on one leg, looking for something.)

Girl 1. I couldn't find it for half an hour

Lost sock.

Boy. They are never together!

Girl 2. He doesn't put his socks together.

Girl 3. Finally found a sock.

Boy. Where's the belt?

Girl 4. In his search, he was knocked off his feet.

Girl 1. Our Yegor was looking for notebooks...

Girl 2. I played hide and seek with the briefcase...

Girl 3. What kind of game is this?

What if it's time to run to class?

(Egorka runs away.)

Girl 4. Here, grabbing the book under my arm,

Our Yegor is skipping.

Girl 1. Suddenly - back...

(Egorka returns.)


I didn’t take the pencil case...

Late for school again...

(Egorka leaves.)

Girl 2. Let Yegorka roar bitterly...

Girl 3. We don't feel sorry for him at all...

Girl 4. The thief did not go to Yegor.


Egor himself stole time!

Leading. Do you guys know how to value time? How many of you can explain the expression “Time is our wealth”?

(Children explain.)

Leading. But how our ancestors valued time is evidenced by the sayings and proverbs they created.

(A group of children lists proverbs about time.)

· If you miss a minute, you lose an hour.

· Time is a treasury for those who know its value

· Time for business - time for fun.

· A lost item can be found, but lost time can never be found.

· Time is gone - happiness is gone.

· A minute saves an hour.

· Order saves time.

· When starting a business, think about the end.

Leading. How many of you know other proverbs and sayings about time?

(The guys call them.)


Student 12. I really don't want to get up in the morning. But you still have to get up. Therefore, do not imitate the ostrich, which buries its head in the sand to escape danger. Get up right away, don't feel sorry for yourself.

Student 13. Prepare for the morning in the evening. The most thankless task is to rush to pack your school bag in the morning, look for the right notebook, or figure out what shirt or blouse to wear. Get into the habit of preparing everything you might need in the morning the day before. It’s a good idea to think about tomorrow at least in general terms before going to bed every day.

Student 14. A lot of time is spent looking for things that are out of place. Therefore, everything should have its place.

Student 15. Don't waste time on long, empty conversations on the phone, face to face or in company. Especially during the time that is reserved for doing homework. Judge for yourself: you’ve just concentrated to think about the task or topic of the essay, when suddenly the phone rings, you’ve been talking for 15 minutes. Now we need to start everything from scratch. The easiest way is to warn your friends: “Call after 8 pm, and before that I will be busy.”

Student 16. Exercising for 5-6 hours without a break is harmful and ineffective. After an hour and a half, give yourself a break. But try to relax, not lying on the couch, but moving. Go to the bakery, wipe off the dust, wash the dishes, sweep the floor. Do some exercises to correct your posture or simply dance to rhythmic but not very loud music.

Student 17. You have, of course, heard the expression “Accuracy is the politeness of kings.” This means that we must always arrive on time to school, college, work, on a visit, or on a date. A business person has no right to abuse other people’s time, nor, indeed, to waste his own.

Leading. There are many more ways to save time. But even those that the guys suggested will help you save an hour or an hour and a half a day. So much for free time for walking, crafting or reading. It’s a shame if you spend these saved minutes and hours staring at the TV screen. 480 minutes is a lot, if, of course, you don’t waste them. Learn to save time: don’t lie in bed in the morning, prepare everything you need in the morning in the evening, assign each item its own permanent place, don’t have endless phone conversations and relax actively. In this case, you will notice that the days will become much longer.

Let's open the next page of the class hour “We are visiting today.” We invited the school doctor to once again remind us about the schoolchild’s daily routine.

(Story by a school doctor.)

Leading. Thanks for the interesting and useful story. Let's hope that the guys listened to you carefully and drew conclusions for themselves.

Let's open last page our class hour - "Labour Organization".

Student 18. The sage said: “If you give a person one fish, he will be fed for one day. If you give him two fish, he will be fed for two days. If you teach a person to fish, he will be fed for the rest of his life.” In all countries and at all times, the question has been: “How to quickly and better teach a person a profession?” To do this, a person must choose the right profession, taking into account his abilities, learn to value time, distribute it correctly, and alternate his work and rest. In many ways, if a person wants to succeed at work, proper organization of work will help him. It involves, first of all, the correct use of time, the ability to appreciate every minute. It is known that the less time and labor spent on the production of any thing, the cheaper it is. In order for academic work or any work to be successful and not tiresome, the following rules must be followed.

Rules for success

(distributed to each child)

1. Set yourself up for work

2. Prepare your work area

3. Establish a specific work order

4. Get started right away

5. Treat her more responsibly

6. Work hard, but don't overwork yourself

7. Alternate between different activities

8. Prevent or eliminate possible interference in your work

9. Don't take frequent breaks from mental work.

10. Work daily, systematically, but do not overwork

11. Skilfully organize rest during work

Student 19. Following these simple rules will help you guys spend your time wisely. avoid overload and will ultimately improve your academic performance.

Leading. Our oral journal is finished, but the clock ticks and life goes on. In youth it seems endless, and many boys and girls put off their affairs until later. And suddenly one day they discover that most of their life has already been lived. Lived aimlessly, grey, dull. Many people often blame everyone and everything for this. But they only have themselves to blame. They always had a catastrophic lack of time, because they did not value it, did not save it, failed to properly use it, or organize their lives correctly. We will be glad if our oral journal makes someone take a fresh look at their alien time.



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Slide captions:


Goals: to promote careful and rational use of one’s own and other people’s time.

Price Minutes

"Time is money"

Time is more valuable than money

The clock is counting the seconds. They keep track of the minutes. The watch will not let you down, who saves time. He who knows how to live by the clock and appreciates every hour, does not need to be woken up ten times in the morning.

And he won’t say that he’s too lazy to get up, do exercises, wash his hands and make the bed. He will have time to get dressed on time, wash and eat, and before the bell rings, sit down at his desk at school.

Friendship with watches is good! Work, relax, do your homework slowly, and don’t forget your books! So that in the evening, when you lie down in bed, when the time comes, you can confidently say: “It was a good day!”

Much water has flown under the bridge since that time

It is important to choose your sense of time, to learn to use every hour, every minute wisely.

Famous people about time

“You can always find enough time if you use it well.” (I. Goethe) “Whoever does not know how to use his time wisely is the first to complain about its lack.” (J. La Bruyère) “The good use of time makes time even more precious.” (Jean-Jacques Rousseau)

“Order frees the mind.” (R. Descartes) “A careless person does everything twice.” (A. Suvorov) “They get tired and exhausted not so much because they work hard, but because they work poorly.” (N. Vvedensky)

“Who stole Egorka’s time?”

We know: time is extensible, it depends on what kind of content you fill it with. There are times when he has stagnation. And sometimes it flows unloaded, empty, Counting hours and days in vain.

Let there be even intervals that divide our days, But, putting them on the scales, We find long minutes and very short hours.

Sketch “About Yegorka”

The thief did not go to Yegor. Egor himself stole time!

"Time is our wealth"

Sayings and proverbs about time.

If you miss a minute, you will lose an hour. Time is a treasury for those who know its value. Time for business - time for fun. A lost thing can be found, but lost time can never be found.

Time is gone - happiness is gone. A minute saves an hour. Order saves time. When starting a business, think about the end.

As we know, there are 24 hours in a day. Of these, 8 hours are for sleep, another 8 (including travel there and back) are for school. 8 hours left. How much can you get done in this time? A lot of. During these 480 minutes you will have time to learn your homework, take a walk, read a book, and watch a little TV. You can do everything if you want. How can you save time? Let's take a look at ways to save time.

Learn to save time: don’t lie in bed in the morning, prepare everything you need in the morning in the evening, assign each item its own permanent place, don’t have endless phone conversations and relax actively. In this case, you will notice that the days will become much longer.

"Our guest today"

"Labour Organization"

“If you give a person one fish, he will be fed for one day. If you give him two fish, he will be fed for two days. If you teach a person to fish, he will be fed for the rest of his life.”

“How to teach a person a profession faster and better?”

Proper use of time is the ability to appreciate every minute

Rules for success

Get yourself ready for work. 2. Prepare your workplace. 3. Establish a specific work order. 4. Get to work right away.

5. Treat her with more responsibility. 6. Work intensely, but do not overwork. 7. Alternate between different activities. 8. Prevent or eliminate possible interference in operation.

9. Do not take frequent breaks from mental work. 10.Work daily, systematically, but do not overwork. 11. Skilfully organize rest during work.

The clock goes by and life goes on. Organize your life correctly. Take a fresh look at your alien time.