Circus on the Fontanka New Year's show by Gia Eradze. Premiere of “Gia Eradze’s New Year’s Show” at the Fontanka Circus. Features of Gia Eradze's performance

The Great St. Petersburg State Circus begins today the performance of the grandiose “New Year’s Show”, the main director of which is Deputy Acting. O. artistic director-director of the Cinizelli Circus, general producer of the Royal Circus Gia Eradze.

The creator himself calls his show “A Real Winter Tale” and promises that the viewer, upon entering the hall, will feel a completely different atmosphere. Correspondent NEVSKY NEWS I attended the pre-show of the New Year's program at the Ciniselli Circus and was convinced that there was not a drop of pathos in these words.

The rich decoration of the hall, the impeccable performance of the artists, animals that are ordinary for the average person, but exotic for the stage - all this, combined with the New Year's atmosphere in the air, puts the circus program on a completely new level.

Absolutely every moment of the program amazes the imagination - snow-white Samoyeds performing stunts with indescribable passion, aerialists working without insurance, “ships of the desert” cheerfully galloping around the arena and majestic lions, not tamed, but working with humans as equals.

Olga Borisova together with her husband Alexey, they presented an act with seven lions in the new show, which keeps the viewer in suspense until the very end - few trainers allow themselves such close contact with animals. Alexey puts his head in the mouths of four predators, Olga also does not lag behind him, hugging the king of beasts and soaring with him under the circus dome. And one of the lions walks along a three-meter rope stretched at a height of 17 meters!

Olga admits that the basis of her training is not suppressing the lion, but working with him on equal terms. And she succeeds superbly - the viewer does not feel the fear that often comes from a circus animal - the lions in the act are imposing and relaxed, so it is not immediately clear who is the owner of the arena.

However, the main surprise of the “New Year’s Show” is the number involving deer. This animal has never previously appeared in the Ciniselli Circus. Gia Eradze has been nurturing the act with deer for a long time:

“This is an exclusive attraction. A winter fairy tale, where 14 foxes, 3 Russian greyhounds and 5 deer simultaneously participate, accompanied by ballet and snow falling from under the dome. This is Russian winter. I decided to collect all the Russian forest animals and make a Russian fairy tale in a winter setting. It turned out to be a fantastically beautiful sight! But it was incredibly difficult to do. Make a deer jump onto a rock that stands in the center of the arena 4 meters high and teach him to stand in one place, and at the same time the rock will rotate, snow will fall on him, spotlights will shine, a ballet will spin around and dogs and foxes will run and appear other deer - a very long process. It’s all been in the making for years.”

Of course, the efforts brought worthy results - the number turned out to be truly royal, reflecting the luxurious essence of the Russian winter, where its soul is the red deer. At the same time, Eradze notes that under the cuteness and grace of a deer hides a very strong and dangerous animal that can kill a person. His training requires a particularly careful approach.

For many people, the circus is associated with trained animals, clowns and gymnasts. In fact, it could be something incredible. If you don’t believe me, then watch the circus on the Fontanka. The New Year's performance 2017 - 2018 will surprise and delight you at the same time.

Excursion into history

St. Petersburg is spoiled by the usual circus performances. Circus performers have been frequent guests here since Peter the Great. True, in those days they were not very favored in the northern capital. They performed in hastily constructed wooden arenas. And then one day, one Italian artist decided to build a solid building for such performances, using the latest engineering technologies of that time. The circus that was built amazed everyone. It was a comfortable and luxurious building. It enchanted spectators with its velvet decoration, abundance of gold and mirrors. The circus on the Fontanka turned out to be quite impressive in size. It could accommodate up to five thousand spectators, the number of seats in the stalls exceeded one and a half thousand seats. The opening of the circus took place on December 26, 1877. It has become one of the most beautiful facilities for circus performers in the world.

A lot of time has passed since then. The rich decor of the facade has already disappeared, and the interior decoration has also changed. Nevertheless, the St. Petersburg Circus continues the traditions of its predecessors. The authority of the famous troupe is still very high all over the world. Many famous circus performers consider it an honor to perform in the St. Petersburg circus. At one time, it was visited by such world-famous circus stars as:

  • Barraceta clowns;
  • artist Sandvina;
  • illusionist Kefalo;
  • trainers K. Kossmi and Togare.

Frequent guests of the circus on Fontanka were Soviet circus artists such as:

  • O. Popov;
  • Yu. Nikulin;
  • Yu. Kuklachev.

The circus in St. Petersburg has also experienced tragic moments in its history. During the Great Patriotic War he did not work. People at that time had no time for entertainment.

Today, the St. Petersburg circus continues to amaze viewers with spectacular numbers with animals, performances of clowns, jugglers, tightrope walkers and other circus artists.

However, recently New Year's performances on the famous stage have caused a real sensation among spectators. They are distinguished by brightness, variety and excellent lighting solutions. The last year has been especially successful in the history of the St. Petersburg circus. In the winter of 2016-2017, a performance by the outstanding master of circus art Gia Eradze took place.

What's different about his New Year's show?

The famous master from Georgia presented an impressive show to the audience, in which artists of all genres took part. The plot of the show is structured in such a way that the main characters must overcome many magical worlds, each of which was represented by bright and memorable performances of artists and animals. Original costumes and unique scenery helped the audience to fully immerse themselves in the atmosphere of what was happening. The performance combined all genres of circus, variety performances, ballet, as well as all kinds of special effects.

Plot of the show

The play is based on the story of three characters who set out to look for the New Year's star - the main symbol of the New Year. This:

  • young prince;
  • clown;
  • and a wizard.

The star was stolen by Evil Winter, who hopes that people won’t have a real holiday without her. After all, in order for postmen to be able to deliver New Year's cards to children, their path must be illuminated by a bright New Year's star. Santa Claus and Snegurochka, who must bring gifts to the kids, cannot do without her.

The young prince goes to look for parts of the star on five continents. During his journey, different stories happen to him. One of them is a meeting with a three-meter talking head, which will tell the characters of the play where to go and how to overcome the obstacles that will come across on the way of wanderers.

Features of Gia Eradze's performance

The circus program numbers were prepared very carefully. After they were invented, they were tested for several months throughout Russia. Only after this were numbers of various genres put together and presented at the arena of the St. Petersburg circus.

About eighty artists representing various circus organizations took part in this spectacular show: “Rosstate Circus”, Royal Circus, as well as ballet dancers.

One hundred and forty-one original costumes were prepared, which were made from exclusive materials and decorated with Swarovski stones. They sparkled unusually brightly under the spotlight.

Real masters of their craft were involved in the creation of this holiday:

They did everything in their power to turn the New Year's performance into a fusion of circus, theater, pop and musical elements. This show was different:

  • extraordinary tricks;
  • impressive choreographic numbers:
  • skillful training;
  • funny reprises of clowns;
  • original music;
  • designer suits;
  • spectacular special effects.

The most striking numbers of Gia Eradze's New Year's performance

The hallmark of any show led by this eminent master is performances with animals. The following took part in this performance:

Every number of the program surprises. The audience especially liked:

  • Samoyeds who performed the most difficult routines with great passion;
  • gymnasts who did everything under the circus big top without safety nets;
  • beautiful lions who worked with trainers as equals.

As O. Borisova noted, not all trainers allow themselves such close contact with predators. She shared the secret of their talent with her husband: when training lions, they do not suppress them, but work as equals. The end result is such an amazing result. Her husband Alexei easily places his head in the mouth of four predators. Olga hugs the lions and even climbs with them under the dome, where one of the kings of the beasts walks along a rope at a height of seventeen meters.

The most amazing performance according to the audience, of course, is the performance of several animals at once. The winter story with the New Year tree would not be a fairy tale without the snow that pours right from under the circus dome and Russian animals. Among which:

  • fourteen foxes;
  • five deer;
  • three Russian greyhounds.

As Gia Eradze noted, the hardest thing in this act was teaching the deer to jump onto a four-meter rock, which was located in the center of the arena, and at the same time remain standing there when dogs and foxes were running below, ballet dancing, music playing, snow falling and spotlights shining. This took years of painstaking work.

This fairy tale about the all-conquering power of good helped to take a fresh look at the possibilities of the circus. The Ciniselli circus show opened a new page in the history of the Russian circus. Let's hope that in the coming 2018 the maestro will surprise us with new achievements in the arena of the circus on the Fontanka.

Following the old custom of presenting a new pantomime at Christmas, the Circus on Fontanka decided to show small and large spectators not an ordinary performance, but a Christmas pantomime. And he turned to the experience of the circus founder, Gaetano Ciniselli.

Circus pantomime is a special genre in which a story is told based on a traditional circus performance. And Gaetano Ciniselli’s production of “Cinderella, or the Crystal Slipper” became the second circus pantomime in the world created for children based on a fairy tale. Its success was fantastic: “Cinderella” did not leave the repertoire for thirty years, even surviving the revolution and the nationalization of the Fontanka Circus.

Inspired by this production by Gaetano Ciniselli, the Fontanka Circus decided to use a traditional circus performance to tell young spectators a wandering story about the glass slipper.

The story of “Cinderella” will unfold in the circus kingdom of Gia Eradze. His performances, which have toured many countries and sparkled with all sorts of awards (among them gold at the V World Circus Festival), are even called “royal” for the luxury of their costumes and the high level of skill of the performers. Moreover, the first beauties of the kingdom also take part in the show: winners of the Silver and Bronze Crowns of the All-Russian festival “Princess of the Russian Circus”.

The fairy tale itself will be told by well-known and beloved clowns Leonid Leikin, Nikolai Terentyev, Anvar Libabov, Robert Gorodetsky, Viktor Solovyov and plastic theater actress Alisa Oleynik in the role of Cinderella.

And “Cinderella” will be staged by a young talented director and choreographer Maxim Didenko, known for his successful experiments in the field of synthetic arts. Music for a classical circus orchestra will be written by avant-garde St. Petersburg composer Ivan Kushnir. Artist Galina Solodovnikova, known for her original vision of the stage and now circus space, will create the scenography, and fashion designers Yulia Bunakova and Evgeny Khokhlov will create the costumes of the characters, in which they will try to restore the ancient circus techniques of “transformation”. The development of clown sideshows is carried out by Vladimir Kryukov, the founder of the clown theater “MimiKrichi” and one of the best clownery teachers, and the artistic director of the Fontanka Circus Vyacheslav Polunin.

Gia Eradze's New Year's show

From December 27 to January 11, at the Perm Circus, Gia Eradze and his Royal Circus will show a Grand New Year's show, created based on the legendary play “Five Continents”. As you know, the Royal Circus is not just one circus program, but a whole “creative factory” for preparing the best acts in the format of a circus show.

For several years now, the Royal Circus production center has been delighting audiences with unique New Year's performances. Every year is a new story that amazes with its magnificence and scale, but this year Gia Eradze has surpassed himself. Especially for the New Year's performances, the Royal Circus will release several global, completely new numbers.

Especially for the festive performances, a “crystal” piano was brought to the circus, on which, surrounded by fountains and special features. effects, a graceful tightrope walker will demonstrate his skills. The number has no analogues in the world. All the action will be accompanied by “airy” ballerinas in snow-white tutus. Spectators will see this incredibly beautiful number for the first time in the history of the Royal Circus.

The premiere will also be the number “Puppets” in which aerial gymnastics on the trapeze will perform such incredible tricks that will take the audience’s breath away. It is already obvious that the young, fearless girl will become a real world-class star. Perm viewers will see it first.

More than 2,000 exclusive costumes will be used in the performance, many of which are tailored specifically for New Year's performances. More than 120 young talented artists will appear at the arena in different roles.

A tribe of Indians, surrounded by zebras, llamas, porcupines, skunks, lemurs, kangaroos, ostriches, monkeys and other representatives of the animal world; a new Spanish story with yaks and a high riding school; “Empress” with marble mastiffs and charming ladies-in-waiting; Roman gladiators on chariots drawn by huge black Friezes; fabulous Pegasi, angels, the fiery “Brazilian Carnival”, jesters, clowns and much more... Viewers will see all this in Gia Eradze’s New Year’s show.

And, of course, the King of the Circus himself, Gia Eradze, will appear in the arena in the New Year's performances. Under his strict leadership, the attraction with lions and tigers will not leave either children or adults indifferent.

Gia Eradze’s New Year’s show wouldn’t be complete without the main New Year’s character, Santa Claus. The real Grandfather Frost will congratulate children and adults straight from the New Year's playpen.

More than 80,000 viewers will visit Gia Eradze’s new show this New Year’s holiday!

St. Petersburg residents will certainly be surprised by this new work of circus art from the legendary king of the arena! The extravaganza of real winter and New Year's holiday will reign these days under the dome of the circus on the Fontanka.

“Gia Eradze’s New Year’s Show” is a synthesis of circus, pop, musical and theater. The most complex circus tricks, choreography, and training are integrated into the circus performance. clown reprises, exclusive costumes and original music, multimedia special effects.

Leading circus and show ballet artists will appear to the public in the images of fairy-tale characters in magnificent designer costumes among New Year's decorations, accompanied by modern light and sound effects.

Traditionally, Gia Eradze’s calling card will be magnificent rooms with animals. This time, the king of the arena in his new performance will surprise the audience with such large-scale attractions and performances with four-legged performers, such as: the attraction of trained lions “In the constellation of the Lion” under the direction of Olga Borisova; attraction "Winter's Tale" with the participation of reindeer and marals, white foxes and greyhounds under the leadership of Nikolai Isaev and Tatyana Sidorenko; attraction of majestic ships of the desert, trained camels “Oriental Fantasy” under the direction of Konstantin Rastegaev; a bright “Dog show” with husky Samoyeds and Dalmatians under the leadership of the charming Ekaterina Zapashna.

The author of the project is the general producer of the Royal Circus, deputy acting director-artistic director of the Bolshoi St. Petersburg State Circus, Honored Artist of Georgia GIA ERADZE.

The director of the project is MAXIM LAKHNO. The art director of the project is SERGEY GOROKH.

The choreographers of the project are the soloist of “PREMIER BALLET” under the direction of Honored Artist of Russia Boris Moiseev NATALIA VYSOTSKAYA and the soloist of the show ballet “Royal Circus Gia Eradze” ANDREY GRIGORIEV.

We sincerely congratulate all participants of the circus project on the START of the tour and wish them a grateful audience, warm reviews, loud applause, sold-out houses and New Year's mood!