Circus of huge and small animals. Ticket prices

The Circus of Big Animals invites you to a unique New Year's interactive show with wild animals.

From December 18 in Sokolniki, the Circus of Big Animals gives a grandiose New Year's performance. Viewers will be treated to an extraordinary detective investigation, in which a rhinoceros, a giraffe, elephants, a white lion and two tigers, a monkey and a goat-tightrope walker will take part. The show's star cast includes world-class artists, laureates of the Monte Carlo festival and many prestigious competitions and awards.

Until January 10, 2016, every viewer will become a participant in an exciting interactive performance, organized at a high professional level. Magnificent costumes, bright lighting effects, dangerous and risky numbers with predators, a fascinating show of soap bubbles, where everyone can find themselves inside a giant soap bubble, magical music - all this holds the viewer’s attention from the first minute and does not let you get bored until the end of the program. The whirlwind of events in the New Year's detective story will captivate everyone - parents and little spectators will be involved in the investigation of the kidnapping of the rising circus star monkey Chika. Everyone will be under suspicion, especially the highlight of this season, the only goat in the world - the tightrope walker Chanfa. And whether circus artists Zoyka and Zhenya will find the monkey, the symbol of the new year 2016, or whether Chika will disappear forever from the famous show of the Circus of Big Animals will be known only at the very end of the performance.

By the way, all four-legged artists are collected from all over the world. The goat tightrope walker Changfa and the monkey Chika came from the Chinese Imperial Circus. Chanfa translates to “cloud walker.” Rhinoceros Boni was found as a 2-month-old cub on the African savannah, its mother was killed by hunters. Now he is 6 years old, he weighs several tons and despite his enormous weight he easily fulfills all the commands of trainer Inna Zabelkina, although in circus practice it is believed that rhinoceroses are the most difficult animals to train and it is almost impossible to tame them. Inna's art of training refuted another statement about the giraffe's absurd character. Handsome Bagir loves to kiss, especially for his favorite treat - vanilla cracker. His height of 7 meters does not prevent him from gracefully waltzing around the circus arena to the thunderous applause of the audience. Another of Inna Zabelkina's pets are wild cats - the white lion cub Jeri from Kenya and the Bengal tigers Baikal and Petrik demonstrate fantastic tricks.

In the final part of the New Year's performance, Indian elephants Jenny and Magda appear. They are famous all over the world, act in films and, like real stars, enter the arena only with a pedicure. Elephants follow all the fashion trends of our time - they are vegetarians, they eat 150 kg of vegetables and fruits a day and drink 300 liters of water. The five-ton beauties lift their trainer Sergei Gulevich like a feather and spin around in a dance. A game of ball with spectators causes general delight; fathers and mothers race with their children to try to hit a multi-colored ball.

At the very end, Zoyka and Zhenya, with the help of the audience, still find the monkey Chika, the lost symbol of the New Year, again in the circus arena. After the end of the show, New Year's surprises await all viewers.

During the break, parents can please their kids with toys and a variety of goodies, which are sold in a large assortment.

For particularly selective guests, a closed VIP area has been created with comfortable sofas, an open bar and a buffet table.

The Circus of Huge Animals was first presented in Moscow in October 2013. The best and most famous artists from different countries took part in the program: Italians, Hungarians, Bulgarians, Germans and Mongols. There were dynasties of hereditary European trainers who passed on the secrets of their craft from generation to generation for more than a hundred years.

But the most important thing that children like about the Circus of Huge Animals is the animals, the largest on our planet. Elephants, giraffes, hippos, zebras and lions, llamas and camels, horses of all kinds, from proud Arabian horses to cute ponies, perform under the circus dome. Spectators can only enjoy the art of circus animals of all breeds and stripes.

Everything in the circus is aimed primarily at children. Children under three years old are admitted to the performances for free. Before the start of the program, together with a friendly ticket taker, a funny clown approaches the entering guests and will make even the shyest child laugh. You can also jump on a real trampoline before the show starts.

In front of some acts in the circus arena, bars are installed. If this happens, it means that dangerous predators will now appear in front of the audience. But don’t be afraid - they are well-mannered and will be under the supervision of their mentor-trainer. While the fence is being erected, a clown performs. Volunteers from the audience can take part in this reprise and will get tremendous pleasure from communicating with the cheerful circus performers. We warn you: those who do not want to dance with the reckless clown should not sit in the front row. Then there are animal performances. Lions and tigers, horses and ponies, elephants and Dutch friezes, as well as a tall giraffe and other furry performers, give way to acrobatic performances and new performances by funny clowns.

During the intermission, there is an entertainment program for children with animators, in which young spectators willingly participate in competitions, play and dance. You can take pictures with circus performers. Having refreshed yourself at the circus buffet, where the prices are pleasantly surprising, return to the arena again to watch the second act with the performance of zebras, camels, llamas and horses, including cute ponies. A very interesting and unique number, where the main character is a cute hippopotamus. He is replaced by an elephant barber.

A child will not see such a number of large animals at the same time anywhere else in Moscow - only in the Circus of Huge Animals in Sokolniki. It's not at all like seeing animals in a picture. Animals and other circus performers are waiting to introduce you to a new and unknown world.

CEC, Pavilion 3

Where does it take place?

Sokolniki Park, 5th ray clearing, Convention and Exhibition Center,
pavilion No. 3

Less than 10 minutes walk from the central entrance to the Park, about 20 minutes walk from Sokolniki metro station.

How to get:
From Sokolniki metro station along the boulevard to the central entrance to the park, then go straight to the Convention and Exhibition Center, following the signs.

Difference from other circuses in Moscow:

We have all heard that our circus performers are the best in the world. But it turned out that this statement is only half true - after all, there are amazing circus performers in other countries. Suffice it to recall “Du Soleil” and “Chinese Circus”, which now regularly come to us on tour.

The circus masters who organize the “Circus of Big Animals” show in Sokolniki Park are an international troupe of artists from 10 countries. The second feature of these performances is that there are a lot of animals performing here, much more than usual in such programs. And what is quite unusual is that most of the four-legged artists are truly large animals. Among them are lions and tigers, elephants, rhinoceros, giraffe, horses, monkeys...

And the trainers themselves, like artists of other genres, are for the most part laureates of the Circus Arts Festival in Monte Carlo. They represent Italy, Hungary, Germany, Mongolia, Bulgaria...

Another positive difference between these performances is the large area of ​​the arena in Sokolniki.

Ticket prices:

From 600 to 3000 rubles depending on the row and sector.

Scheme: ticket prices depending on seat in the hall:

Schedule and session times:

Upcoming dates:

October 24 (Saturday) - 13.00 and 17.00
October 25 (Sunday) - 13.00 and 17.00
October 30 (Friday) - 19.00
October 31 (Saturday) - 13.00 and 17.00
November 1 (Sunday) - 13.00 and 17.00
November 3 (Friday) - 19.00
November 4 (Friday) - 19.00

The duration of the performance is 2 hours 20 minutes (with intermission).

Famous artists from 7 countries take part in the project:
Italy, Colombia, Spain, Cuba, Ireland, Germany, Belarus.

Event program

  • The highlight of the program is exclusive number “Elephant Trio” under the direction of the Gartner brothers (Germany-Ireland) laureates of International circus competitions in Italy, Spain, prize-winners of the competition in Monte Carlo. These elephants are also famous for starring in Naomi Campbell's video. And the independent performance of little artists, who are from 2 to 5 years old, with the giants of our planet will not leave anyone indifferent!
  • Colombian tightrope walking duo, Rosero Erazo brothers will ride bicycles on a tightrope under the circus big top without insurance!
  • Italian snake tamer and charmer Bruno Meggialaro will show a mesmerizing and spectacular number where giant pythons, anacondas, scorpions, iguanas and huge meat-eating spiders demonstrate their strength. The trainer is the only one in the world who puts poisonous spiders into his mouth. For this trick, Bruno was twice awarded an entry into the Guinness Book of Records.
  • Tricks on flip boards will show acrobats from Spain Guerreiro family. Together with fearless children they perform incredibly difficult somersaults.
  • Trainer from Belarus - Serge Bondarchuk will bring a performance with charming Dalmatian ponies and llamas, who from the first minutes until the end of the performance do not let go of the attention of the little spectators.
  • Artists from Germany will show mind-blowing stunts on the “wheel of fear” without insurance at a height of more than 10 meters blindfolded.
  • An enchanting, fiery performance of ballet from Cuba in bright carnival costumes accompanies the program throughout the evening. Ballet director Haile Monier Edles is a real star of the most famous Cuban pop group, Tropicana Stars (Havana).
  • Funny clown from Spain Coco not only makes the children's audience laugh, who are delighted with him, but also works in several circus genres and performs quite complex tricks.

Only in our circus there is a unique opportunity to take pictures on elephants and ride a pony!

The duration of the performance is 2 hours with intermission.


Children under 3 years of age travel with an adult free of charge; please bring a document confirming the child’s age. From 3 years old a full ticket is purchased.

Ticket prices for the new season remain the same from 800 to 1900 rubles.

Tickets can be purchased at the circus box office at the address: Moscow, Sokolniki Park, 5th Luchevoy Prosek 5A, building 2, pavilion 3.

The cash desk is open daily from 10-00 to 18-00.

The child had been inviting him to the circus for a long time. I was there once, when he was four years old. I was very impressed by the elephants then - their power and greatness. Been nostalgic ever since. Therefore, when posters for the Circus of Big Animals appeared in the city, we decided that we definitely needed to go there. Wishes come true! We're at the premiere!

The animal show turned out to be simply wonderful. Interesting and unusual! The four-legged artists captivated us with their performances. For the first time we saw animals in the circus arena, which we had previously only seen in zoos and would never have thought that they could be trained.

This three-ton giant, affectionately named Boni, can dance the waltz, which he easily demonstrates to the public.

And this guy, it turns out, really likes to kiss.

Kisses are his signature number.

And Bagheer, that’s the name of the giraffe, dances wonderfully and, despite his long legs, curtsies gracefully.

The predators in the show turned out to be incredibly beautiful. A snow-white tiger and a lion, I’ve never seen these even in the zoo. They perform standard tricks - jumping through a hoop, walking on ladders and spinning on a ball, but they do it somehow easily and naturally, without much prodding from the trainer.

In the cage with the tigers, by the way, there is a fragile woman - Inna Zabelkina, which is also quite surprising. In general, the composition of her charges is amazing - a lion with tigers, a giraffe and a white rhinoceros. And she tamed everyone - she affectionately calls them babies, feeds them from her hands and scratches them behind the ears.

It was also surprising to see this artist at the circus. He performs a virtually fatal trick - he walks on the crossbar. I looked at this with frozen heart.

At the beginning, he still couldn’t step on it; he put his front paws on, but was afraid to move his hind paws. I searched for balance for a long time. The audience began to cheer him on with applause. I thought that this would be the end of his number. But like a real circus performer, he completed what he started.

The goat overcame his fear and walked along the crossbar like a tightrope walker. But the number didn't end there! He turned around, walked back to the middle, climbed onto the pedestal, spun on it and walked triumphantly down the stairs. I was amazed by what I saw; I would never have imagined that this was possible.

Numbers with animals alternated with performances of jugglers and tightrope walkers. The guys had very energetic and lively programs.

There was also a fascinating show of soap bubbles.

The pauses between numbers were filled by the clown Seryozha. Every now and then he called spectators from the hall to participate in his comic attractions.

The final highlight of the program was Indian elephants.

These giants turned out to be very nice girls. They danced, blew trumpets to the music, moved from pedestal to pedestal, crawled under each other on their bellies!, and pushed their mentors on swings held in their mouths.

And most of all, of course, I was touched by the ability to sit on my hind legs.

All the participants in the show are great! Real hard workers! There is so much to do despite your size and weight. They brought a lot of pleasure to all the spectators with their performances.

At the end of the performance and during intermission, you can take photos with the characters for an additional fee. A photo with a dog is three hundred rubles, with a giraffe one and a half thousand rubles. In the lobby you can take a free photo with life-size puppets and against the backdrop of billboards, where stars love to take pictures. There is also a traditional sale of Chinese toys and face painting. The buffet has popcorn and cotton candy, water and pies.

Performances of the Circus of Big Animals take place in the third pavilion of Sokolniki Park, specially converted for the show. A free bus runs from Sokolniki metro station to the pavilion. The schedule can be viewed on the circus website. There you can also find a map of the hall so you can choose a seat before purchasing tickets. The hall is built in such a way that the arena can be clearly seen from any place.

There are three sectors in the circus - white opposite the artists' exit, red on the side and blue near the wings. There are not many rows - only nine, the rise is large. The numbering of seats begins with the white sector and smoothly moves into the forties and fifties in blue. The performances, naturally, are focused on the white sector, but since the artists do not stand still, but move all the time, from any sector you can see in detail what is happening in the arena.

It's very warm in the hall, really! It's even stuffy. Therefore, you should dress lighter for the performance, you can even wear short sleeves. And be sure to take water with you. Thirst creeps up suddenly and unnoticed.