Flower arrangement pencil drawing. How to draw beautiful flowers step by step. Decorate the bouquet with a ribbon

The desire to pick up a pencil and start painting a landscape sheet with lines and contours in order to create a beautiful drawing, at times covers every person. In this way he tries to express thoughts, internal sensations and his vision of certain objects. On the one hand, it is a fascinating and exciting activity, and on the other hand, it is painstaking work that requires skill and skill. But don’t rush to get upset! Today we will reveal some secrets to you artistic arts and tell you how to draw a bouquet of flowers.

Prelude to drawing

For this you will need: a landscape sheet, a simple pencil, an eraser, colored pencils (optional), enthusiasm and patience.

There are different ways to recreate flowers on paper. The source of ideas can be a fragrant bouquet of flowers standing on the windowsill, or a postcard with their image given to you by friends.

Don’t think about what you will succeed, but just draw, trusting the flight of your imagination. The simplest design is flowers with a round core and rounded petals, but you can try to depict something more complex and unusual.

How to draw a bouquet of flowers step by step

Regardless of what flowers will make up your bouquet, the first strokes of the picture are drawn the same way:

  • The general outlines of the bouquet are indicated.
  • The buds and stems of flowers are depicted using ovals and lines.
  • Flower cores and petals are drawn. The latter can be drawn in the form of clouds and daisies with rounded ends and a circle in the middle.
  • Buds, large and small leaves are depicted, taking into account the selected bouquet of flowers.

It was step-by-step instruction about how to draw a bouquet of flowers from the simplest category. A successful drawing will give you confidence and inspire you to create a more complex artistic composition.

Draw a bouquet of roses

Blossoming fragrant, velvet roses on paper is a little more difficult than drawing ordinary flowers. But a beautifully designed drawing can be given to a loved one in the same way as real roses. Let's try to draw a bouquet of these beautiful flowers with you. A rose is generally a flower of five petals, leaves and stems with thorns.

Step-by-step instruction

Step 1. The first step is to draw the stems. To do this, draw two smooth intersecting lines running diagonally along the plane of the sheet. Draw circles at the top points of the stems, thereby indicating the location of the flowers. Use curved lines to recreate the outlines of the leaves on the stems of your roses.

Step 2. Drawing a bouquet of roses is quite simple if you first carefully study the object, “disassembling” it in your mind into its component parts and lines. Having sketched a sketch of the future picture, draw petals inside the circles, designating them with wavy arc lines. The arcs should intersect each other, recreating the effect of petals overlapping each other. Draw one more line parallel to the line of the stems.

Step 3. The sheets need to be drawn with uneven lines with small corners. Draw a central vein on each one. Having finished decorating the leaves, add one at a time to the stems on which they are located. parallel line. Add thorns to the rose stems. Decide for yourself how to draw a bouquet of flowers: as a still life (in black and white) or as a full-fledged color picture.

Step 4. Give the edges of the petals a natural look, making them uneven rather than rounded. On the leaves, draw small veins in the direction from the center line to the edges.

Using an eraser, carefully remove the auxiliary contours of the sketch and unnecessary lines. Then, additionally outline the image with a pencil to give it a finished look. The drawing is ready!

We hope that our tips on how to draw a bouquet of flowers helped you. Don't be upset if the picture doesn't turn out so believable. Drawing requires regular training, and the more often you pick up a pencil, the more beautiful your “reproductions” will turn out. And who knows, maybe in the future it will turn out that a modern Michelangelo lives inside you!

In this tutorial we will look at an example of how how to draw a flower with a pencil. After searching the Internet for pictures of flowers drawn in pencil, we decided to take a lily as an example. The gardens grow about 30 different types and many varieties of these. We will draw from this picture: Let's start by drawing a circle in which it will be placed. There will be a stem underneath it. The main stem is leafy, simple or slightly branched at the top. In our example there are only two leaves. I don’t think there should be any difficulties with this, so let’s move on.

How to draw a flower with a pencil step by step

Next, start drawing each petal. Pay attention to their shape, and that these flowers usually have 6 petals. Proceed to drawing the stamens. This is how it should turn out for you:
Next we move on to the image of Lily in more detail. Let's add spots on the petals.
Next stage. Erase the auxiliary lines that we made in initial stage and outline the contours of Lily.
And finally:
Try to take this lesson yourself, you can even take a different flower (for example). Do you still have questions? how to draw a flower beautifully? Leave your comments on this and show your work. We have another similar lesson about . I also recommend the beautiful one! I also recommend trying your hand at drawing.

Every person has the talent to draw, but you need to start developing this ability from childhood. Parents, by teaching and helping the child to formulate images into images, provide him with great service. Step by step drawing Using a pencil is interesting and very useful not only for small children, but also for adults.

Beautiful flowers in pencil: what to choose for drawing?

There are a huge number of flowers on our planet. But each of them has its own special structure. Some buds are more round with wide leaves, others, on the contrary, are thin and pointed. Also, each plant has its own unique color. All this must be taken into account when choosing a model for a drawing.

To begin with, give preference to more simple colors and gradually move on to complex ones.

The easiest drawing technique is chamomile. It will consist of several petals, a stem with leaves. But painted flowers do not always look real.

A common mistake is that you start drawing a chamomile from the petals, and to make them even and symmetrical, you need to have a good eye.

Start drawing from the stem, the outline of the inflorescence. Draw in stages, first use a simple pencil, and then color with colored pencils or paints. This way you will get a beautiful bouquet of chamomile flowers.

Draw a small circle for the chamomile bud, draw in advance with a simple pencil stem line. Now you will be able to maintain the required proportions in the drawing, and the petals on it will be located exactly in a circle.

Draw the outer border of the daisy petals.

Draw another circle around the 1st contour, but with a larger diameter. This way you will get a line beyond which the petals will not extend. They will all be the same length, which will make drawing more attractive.

Chamomile petals are the only element of the design that will require attention and effort.

Having an external internal border their location, you can easily draw them even and neat. But there is one rule - they must be the same width.

Next, you need to draw in detail the stem of the plant with all the details. Add sharp leaves of different sizes to it. Make a few veins on the leaves, then you can start coloring the picture with colored pencils or paints. You will only need 2 colors - yellow and green.

Drawings of flowers in pencil: rose

A rose is a flower with petals, stems and needles. The most common are red roses. But there are also other colors: white, yellow, pink.

  • Start drawing with a simple pencil. The first thing you need to learn is to draw the outline of leaves and buds.
  • Draw the stems in the form of 2 wavy diagonal lines that intersect each other. Draw circles at the top of each stem; these will be the flowers.
  • Using jagged lines draw the leaves on the stems.
  • Inside the circles, sketch out the petals. Petals need to be drawn in wavy arcs. At the same time, remember that another comes out of one arc, this will ensure the effect of overlapping petals.
  • Draw 1 more line for the plant stems.
  • Shape the leaves, draw outlines with jagged lines. Divide the leaves in half with the main vein.
  • Add 2 lines for each stem on which the leaves will be located.
  • Draw a few more prickly thorns on the flower stems.
  • Draw the edges of the petals more uneven (natural).
  • Add small veins, drawing them from the thick central one to the edges of the leaves.
  • Now carefully erase all unnecessary auxiliary elements of the picture.
  • Trace the drawing again, giving it a finished look.

How to draw flowers in a bouquet with a pencil?

Take a white sheet, draw ovals, circles of the same size, they will be the shape for flower buds. Place them in small groups with space between them. Try to make your first lines not very clear; you don’t need to press on the pencil. These are only approximate shapes of the future drawing of a bouquet of flowers.

Then draw the core and pistils of the flower buds.

To do this, simply add one smaller circle to the circle of the bud.

  • Give a clearer shape to the drawn outlines of the plant buds. Round the contours if there were corners and divide each contour of the inflorescence into small segments - petals.
  • For more color, add tulip flowers to the bouquet, with 3 pointed petals, slightly raise them above the bouquet.
  • Decorate the bouquet with a ribbon, this will make it festive.
  • To do this, simply draw 2 parallel, rounded lines several times around the stems above the leaves.
  • Draw the leaves of the flowers with a simple pencil.
  • Draw the leaves and stems thoroughly with a simple pencil.
  • You can add a few leaves of decorative fern. Such leaves are easy to draw - you need to divide the entire leaf into many sharp segments. Dr. make the leaves more rounded. In the lower part drawing draw a bunch of stems.
  • At the end, paint the bouquet with paints.
  • Almost all flowers have green leaves, so choose the color of the ribbon so that the bouquet looks harmonious with it.
    To hone your drawing skills, you need to draw flowers with a pencil several times.

A true artist can create entire worlds with just a pencil that are easily mistaken for reality. Try drawing the same picture several times and compare the results. You will be pleasantly surprised at the level of progress you make. Be patient with yourself and your creative success. Remember, good drawing skills need to be developed through observation and practice.

All children love to draw bouquets and flowers. You can please your parents or teachers with such images; the main thing is to know how to draw a flower so that it turns out beautiful and original.

Drawing a lily of the valley with a pencil

Quite easy to draw beautiful bouquets from lilies of the valley, which will be a wonderful gift.

This process is carried out step by step as follows:

  • You need to draw the bases of the stem (3 pieces) and two leaves.

  • Then you need to make voluminous stems, and at the bottom draw branches on which the lily of the valley flowers will be held.

  • Next, you need to draw the caps of the buds, and at the end of the branch (bottom) - berries. Some flowers have a pistil at the bottom.

  • On the stems (their tips) you need to draw berries, then twigs and the base of the buds.

  • Then you need to apply the curved sides of the leaves again and finish the bells.

After this, you need to remove all intersections (in places where they are unnecessary) and add realism to the drawing. This can be done using shadows that are applied with a simple pencil.

How to paint a bouquet of gladioli and wildflowers

How to draw flowers step by step so that they form an attractive and sophisticated bouquet? For this, stunning gladioli or delicate wildflowers are most often chosen. Only in the first version they use a pencil, and in the second - paints. In order to draw gladioli you need to use the following diagram:

  • First you need to draw half a flower, and then add another one below.
  • Next, attach 2 buds at the back, add another one at the front.
  • You need to “attach” another flower on top, then add buds, stem and leaves.
  • It is necessary to shade the drawing to complete the composition.

How to paint flowers?

Usually, for this you will need to buy gouache or watercolor at an art store. First you need to draw the stems. Should be mixed White color with green and add a little blue tint. You need to take a brush and draw long grass along the leaf. You need to apply such stems until the grass becomes too thick. Next you need to add 5-6 blades of bright green grass. Then you need to mix white paint with dark blue and draw a few cornflowers. Absolutely all edges of the flower must be uneven and asynchronous. This will give naturalness to the buds. Next, you need to take red paint and paint a couple of flowers of this shade. Each bud should have a white core. You also need to add daisy petals, with a yellow center. To complete the picture, you need to depict several spikelets, and only after that the picture will be ready.

How to draw a tulip?

You can depict a tulip very beautifully. How to draw a flower with a pencil?

To do this, use the following scheme:

  • Draw the outline of the bud and stem.

  • The square outline needs to be “transformed” into a beautiful tulip.

  • Draw the petals proportionally, removing unnecessary lines. You need to outline the contours of the stem and leaves.

  • Remove the original markings from the painting.

  • Draw the tulip with a simple pencil.

If you know how to draw beautiful flower, then you can teach your child a new type of art, especially since it’s very easy to do.

So today, let’s try to draw a few flowers and please our friends by giving them a masterpiece on paper. And at the same time we learn something new. Agreed?

Divine irises

A symbol of wisdom, trust, hope. Van Gogh himself painted them on his famous canvases. And Claude Monet not only depicted irises in his paintings, but also skillfully decorated his own garden with them.

Enchanting poppies

Symbol eternal youth and unfading beauty. This beautiful flower grows in Europe and North America, and in some regions of Asia (China and India). A drawing of graceful poppies is a wonderful gift for your mother, grandmother or sister.

Drawing cornflowers

And this blue flower symbolizes spiritual purity, modesty and tenderness. They say that cornflowers have magical powers and protect the house from evil forces.

Important sunflowers

They are a symbol of labor, abundance, and, of course, the Sun - it is in his direction that they always turn their heads. And the sunflower is a symbol of the Motherland. Just as he always reaches out to the Sun, so a person is always with his homeland in mind.

Fragile bells

This is a hint that someone is thinking about You. Therefore, if you want to make a friend a pleasant surprise, draw this particular flower as a sign that you often remember him.


According to the Greeks, they symbolize pride and vanity. But the Japanese consider them a sign of silent beauty and joy.

Do you like daffodils? Then check out the video tutorial on how to draw these wonderful flowers!

Mysterious gentian

Symbol of summer warmth. It has long been considered magic potion. Even legend there is a story about a smart girl who decorated her head with a wreath of gentian and did not marry the devil, who turned into a guy. The devil could not approach the girl - the effect of the amulet was so strong. “If it weren’t for gentian and toya(name of the flower) “Then the girl would be mine.”, - the unclean one shouted in disappointment. What a tricky gentian flower!

Fantasy flower

If you like to come up with something new, mysterious, fantasy flower will make your efforts easier. This beauty will decorate any design.

Rose hip

What the bright flame on thorny branches? Why, this is rose hip- a symbol of youth, beauty and health.

Red Rose

The Lady of Flowers symbolizes passionate love, heavenly perfection and passion. In world symbolism, a golden rose meant perfection, a red rose meant beauty, a white rose meant innocence, and a blue rose meant inaccessibility.

I also suggest watching a video on how to draw a gorgeous rose with a pencil.

Faded dandelion

Fragile and light, this flower is beautiful even when it loses its freshness and bright yellow color. I just want to blow on it so that its weightless fluff will fly far, far away with the summer wind. Dandelion is a symbol of openness and warmth.

Tiger Lily

A very bright and even slightly predatory tiger lily is a symbol of energy and enthusiasm. Of course - it is sophisticated and at the same time extravagant, and its colors also hint at its extraordinary strength!

Would you like some more flowers?