Children's theater festival "I'm not alone." Charity festival "I'm not alone" What money is needed for

The “I'm Not Alone” festival is an important social project that unites orphans and young actors and directors in their creativity. Last year, 35 children from Moscow and Moscow region orphanages took part in it. Under the guidance of five young, talented directors, recent graduates of theater universities, they created five performances over the course of 21 days. Guests of the festival in 2016 were Elizaveta Boyarskaya, Evgeny Knyazev, Igor Zolotovitsky, Anatoly Bely, Agrippina Steklova, Olga Lomonosova.

The essence of the festival is that for three weeks, teenagers, 35 people, studied with professional theater teachers everything related to the theater - stage speech, movement, dance, vocals, etc. Lectures were given and meetings with interesting people took place. All laboratory classes took place at the Polenovo children's camp.

Five groups of 6-8 people were formed from the participating children; a professional theater director was assigned to each group. During the preparatory stage, the directors staged performances that the guys will perform during the festival on the stages of Moscow - the A.P. Chekhov Moscow Art Theater, the Theater of Nations, the A.S. Pushkin Theater, the Vs. Meyerhold Center and the Gallery "On Solyanka" ".

The festival solves the main task of the "I'm Not Alone" Foundation - to show children the essence of theatrical work, the specifics of theatrical professions and theater in general from the inside and give them the opportunity to try to get involved in interesting theatrical work in practice.

“So we invite the children to overcome the habitual thing that stops them on the path to their dreams: “Well, where should we get into creativity, we are from an orphanage,” we help them find a calling, see new opportunities for their future path in life,” explain the organizers.

This year’s festival also includes a professional jury, prizes and nominations, including “Best Performance”, “Best Role”, “Best Ensemble”, etc. The main prize will be called "Magic Kickoff". As prizes, the children will be given certificates for training programs, educational materials, and assistance in finding individual tutors and curators. For those who do not connect their professional life with the stage, the festival provides socialization skills, teamwork, the ability to formulate and express their feelings and emotions, and develops empathy and faith in their abilities.

“And of course, for many, this is a chance to find parents and mentors. We actively cooperate with the Arithmetic of Good Foundation, which specialize specifically in teenagers “in the system” and foster families,” explain the organizers.

We do not amuse, we do not entertain, we do not promise mountains of gold. We're talking about work. About life. About career guidance and social adaptation. We speak and show honestly and openly what we ourselves know well to those who do not have the opportunity to see this world in its true light,” says Marietta Tsigal-Polishchuk, actress, founder of the “I’m Not Alone” Foundation.

The Life in Motion Charitable Foundation and the Artist Charitable Foundation presented THE THEATER FESTIVAL “I AM NOT ALONE” on October 6 - 10, 2015 at the branch of the Moscow Drama Theater named after. Pushkin. The “I'm Not Alone” festival is an important social project that unites orphans, theater and film veterans, young actors and directors in their creativity.

Goal: to enable pupils of orphanages to go beyond their closed lifestyle, realize themselves in creativity, and plunge into the world of the Theater.

The essence: 35 children - pupils of orphanages - Moscow and Moscow region - under the guidance of 5 young, talented directors, recent graduates of theater universities, will create 5 performances within 21 days. The rehearsal process takes place in the space where the children live. During this time, teachers of speech, stage movement, dance, in short, those who can tell and show them the profession of an artist from all sides, will come to the children for all kinds of master classes and meetings. Many of the orphans had previously participated in all sorts of amateur productions and managed to fall in love with a dream that seems unattainable to them and goes beyond the boundaries of their usual world around them. The festival is a good start for children, an opportunity to believe in themselves, fight for their future and make it what they dream of.

Guests of the Festival were: Elizaveta Boyarskaya, Evgeny Knyazev, Igor Zolotovitsky, Anatoly Bely, Agrippina Steklova, Olga Lomonosova. And inThe Foundation's wards were also present:Shilov Yuri Timofeevich - theater director,Lebedev Nikolai Sergeevich is the oldest artist of the Theater. Mossovet. For veterans, working with children is an opportunity to be needed again; creative work inspires them and gives them new strength and Life in Movement.

All performances were presented on the stage of the Branch of the Pushkin Theater for trial by members of the jury. Based on the results, the winning performance was chosen -"Gdetstvo", composed and staged by Veronica Shakhova with children and the children's rehabilitation center "Inspiration". The winners were congratulated and presented with prizes by the founder of the Artist Foundation, Evgeniy Mironov.

General sponsor of the festival “I’m not alone” -MitsubishiCorporation.

Partners within the festival are also the team of the Volunteer Movement “Gift Yourself,” which tried to help both with attracting helpers to the festival, and the orphanages themselves, which took part in “I’m Not Alone.”

Festival Poster:


19.00 Performance "Sunny Circle", composed and directed Yuri Titov with children from Children's Home "Sunny Circle". (Municipal budgetary educational institution of additional education for children, children and youth center "Solnechny Krug" (MBOU DOD Youth Center "Solnechny Krug")

18.00 Performance "There Lived Alone", composed and directed Zhenya Berkovich and Liza Bondar with children from the Orphanage in Ruza. (Municipal autonomous educational institution for orphans and children left without parental care “Ruzsky Center for Promotion of Family Development and Family Forms of Organization”).

18.00 Performance "Satellites", composed and directed Konstantin Kozhevnikov with children from the Sputnik Orphanage.(State budgetary institution of the city of Moscow “Center for the Promotion of Family Education “Sputnik” of the Department of Social Protection of the Population of the City of Moscow”).

18.00 Performance "Spectrum", composed and directed Ilya Podchezertsev and Yaroslav Frantsev with children from the Orphanage in Stupino.

This year the “I'm Not Alone” charity foundation is holding a theater festival of the same name for the second time.

The “I'm Not Alone” festival is an important social project that unites orphans and young actors and directors in their creativity. The purpose of the festival: to give the opportunity to pupils of orphanages to go beyond their closed lifestyle, realize themselves in creativity, and plunge into the world of the Theater.

Last year, 35 children, pupils of Moscow and Moscow region orphanages, took part in the Festival. Under the guidance of 5 young, talented directors, recent graduates of theater universities, they created 5 performances within 21 days. Guests of the Festival in 2016 were Elizaveta Boyarskaya, Evgeny Knyazev, Igor Zolotovitsky, Anatoly Bely, Agrippina Steklova, Olga Lomonosova.

The essence of the festival: For three weeks, teenagers - 35 people from children's social institutions and foster families studied with professional theater teachers everything related to the theater. These are stage speech, stage movement, dance, vocals, etc. Lectures were also given about other stage professions: props, make-up artists, sound engineers, artists, etc., and meetings with interesting people took place. All Laboratory classes took place this year at the Polenovo children's camp.

Five groups of 6-8 people were formed from the participating children; a professional theater director was assigned to each group. During the preparatory stage, the directors staged performances that the guys will perform during the Festival on the stages of Moscow - the A.P. Chekhov Moscow Art Theater, the Theater of Nations, the A.S. Pushkin Theater, the Vs. Meyerhold Center and the Na Solyanka Gallery "

The festival solves the main task of the “I'm Not Alone” Foundation to show children the essence of theatrical work, the specifics of theatrical professions and the Theater as a whole from the inside and give them the opportunity to try to engage in interesting theatrical work in practice. So we invite the children to overcome the habitual thing that stops them on the path to their dreams, “Well, where should we get into creativity, we are from an orphanage,” we help them find a calling, see new opportunities for their further life path. As at the first festival, there will be a professional jury, prizes, nominations for best performance, role, dance, vocals, best ensemble, etc. The main Award will be called “Magic Kickoff”. And as prizes, we issue certificates for training programs, educational materials, and help in finding individual tutors and curators. And for those who do not connect their professional life with the stage, the festival provides socialization skills, teamwork, the ability to formulate and express their feelings and emotions, develops empathy and faith in their capabilities.

And of course, for many, this is a chance to find parents and mentors. We actively cooperate with the Arithmetic of Good Foundation, which specializes specifically in teenagers “in the system” and foster families.

Marietta Tsigal-Polishchuk, actress, founder of the “I'm Not Alone” Foundation: “We don’t amuse, we don’t entertain, we don’t promise mountains of gold. We're talking about work. About life. About career guidance and social adaptation. We speak and show honestly and openly what we know well ourselves to those who do not have the opportunity to see this world in its true light».

The organizers express their gratitude to everyone who supported the festival financially, including those who took part in fundraising through crowdfunding, Union of Theater Workers of Russia and the Vladimir Smirnov and Konstantin Sorokin Foundation.

Poster for the 2nd festival “I’m not alone”
12-th of September
New Space of the Theater of Nations
18.00 Briefing of the organizers and participants of the Festival
Taking part in the briefing:
Marietta Tsigal-Polishchuk - author of the project, head of the “I'm Not Alone” Foundation
Evgenia Berkovich - director
Director Pavel Lungin, head of the Rodchenko school Elena Lungina, actress Olga Lomonosova, actor Mikhail Shirvindt
19.00 “Romeo and Juliet. Experiments"
Author William Shakespeare
Director Yuliana Laikova
Choreographer Maria Siukaeva
September 13
Moscow Art Theater named after A.P. Chekhov. New scene
19.00 “Children of children. Youth will forgive everything"
Directed by Semyon Serzin and Alessandra Giuntini.
September 14
Vs. Meyerhold Center, Black Hall
19.00 “House of Peculiar Children.” Based on the novel by Ransom Riggs
Director Yuri Alesin
Artist Ksenia Sorokina
Choreography Ilya Podchezertsev, Alexander Lyubashin
September 15th
Theatre. AS Pushkin. Branch
“Sea of ​​Trees” based on the play by Lyuba Strizhak
Director Daria Potishnaya
Artist Anna Gorbas
Composer Ksenia Shostakovich
Vocals Anna Medkova, Victoria Biryukova
16 of September
State Gallery on Solyanka
"Eye of the Wolf" based on the play by Daniel Pennac
Directed by Evgenia Nikitina
Artist Ksenia Sorokina
Choreography Ilya Podchezertsev, Dmitry Krivochurov
Staged by Anastasia Kolesnikova.
September 17
Ceremonial presentation of the “Magic Pendel” award

"I'm not alone" is a summer theater camp for teenagers from

orphanages, shelters, crisis centers in Moscow, Moscow region and other regions. And this is also a big theater festival - “in one bottle.” Five professional directors work with children for three weeks, rehearsing, writing, drawing, acting. At the same time, the children participate in master classes, listen to lectures, and meet the best specialists in various fields of performing arts. The result is five performances, which will be shown at the best theater venues in Moscow in the fall.

Why is this important and necessary?

Graduates of orphanages, just like “home children,” dream of becoming actors, directors, artists, and musicians. But they have practically no opportunity to go to study at a creative university or college. The system works against such a choice. “Who needs you, it’s all about connections and money”, “Get a normal profession - for example, a mechanic or a hairdresser”, “What kind of artist? Do you want to be a beggar? “Don’t even think about it, no one will take you anyway!”... - phrases that children hear even from very loving and caring teachers as soon as they decide to mention their dream. Sing, draw, cross-stitch, then forget all this and go study to become a landscaper or painter.

What is bad about the professions of landscaping and painting?

Nothing. Only if you haven’t dreamed of working as a sound engineer or choreographer since kindergarten, but you become a painter, because the children at home have a choice, but you don’t even have a chance to try.

What are we doing?

We give a teenager from an orphanage or shelter the opportunity to get seriously acquainted with various creative professions, tell and show how and what works in the theater, give a chance to work with professionals and go to the best theater stages in a real “adult” performance. A chance to be seen by teachers of theater universities, casting directors, serious professional juries, and of course potential adoptive parents. Find out the conditions for admission to universities and colleges, find a future tutor and supervisor who will convince the teacher and director of the need to give the child the opportunity to at least try.

How do we know it works?

We already held such a festival in 2015. You can see what came of it here:

This year we want to hold the “I'm Not Alone” festival for the second time, but without your help this is impossible.

As it will be

What do you need money for?

The theater festival, which takes place in Moscow on September 12-17, 2017, is a chance for many children to find parents and mentors. The event provides an opportunity for pupils of orphanages to go beyond the closed lifestyle, realize themselves in creativity, and plunge into the world of theater.

The “I'm Not Alone” festival is a social project where, for three weeks, 35 teenagers from children's social institutions and foster families studied with professional theater teachers.

In particular, the teachers choreographed stage speech, movement, dance, and vocals. Invited experts also gave lectures on various “near-stage” professions - prop makers, make-up artists, sound engineers, artists, etc. All classes took place this year at the Polenovo children's camp. During the preparatory stage, the directors staged performances that the guys would perform on stages in Moscow.

The organizer of the festival, the “I'm Not Alone” Foundation, decided to show interested teenagers the essence of theatrical work, the specifics of theatrical professions and theater in general from the inside, and give them the opportunity to try to get involved in interesting theatrical work in practice.

For many, this is also a chance to find parents and mentors. The “I'm Not Alone” Foundation actively cooperates with the “Arithmetic of Good” Foundation, which helps teenagers from orphanages and boarding schools, and foster families.

At the end of the festival, the professional jury will sum up the results and the participants will receive prizes in various categories - best performance, role, dance, vocals, ensemble. The main prize is “Magic Kickoff”. Prizes include certificates for training programs, educational materials, assistance in finding individual tutors and curators.

The following performances will be held as part of the festival program:

September 15th
Moscow Drama Theater named after A.S. Pushkin - "Sea of ​​Trees" based on the play by Lyuba Strizhak
Several children in a small “space” town play pirates, vampires, sheriffs, using fantasies, songs, and music, trying to color the gray reality and break out of the limits of the possible.
Director - Daria Potishnaya, artist - Anna Gorbas, composer - Ksenia Shostakovich, vocals - Anna Medkova, Victoria Biryukova
Address of the theater branch: Sytinsky lane, 3, building 1

16 of September
State Gallery "On Solyanka" - "Eye of the Wolf" based on the play by Daniel Pennac
Two intertwined stories - of an African black boy and a Canadian Blue Wolf - tell of loneliness, fears, the loss of family and finding a friend in a situation where it would seem that good is no longer possible.
Director - Evgenia Nikitina, designer - Ksenia Sorokina, choreography - Ilya Podchezertsev, Dmitry Krivochurov, staging - Anastasia Kolesnikova
Gallery address: st. Solyanka, 1/2, building 2 (entrance from Zabelina Street).

You can get accredited for performances by e-mail: [email protected](indicate media and mobile phone number).

Tickets for performances can be purchased.