Diet to lose 5 kilograms. Basic rules of the seven-day diet. General rules for express diets

Small changes in diet and lifestyle can help change your weight. Do you want to lose extra pounds? Don't worry, you won't have to starve yourself or do strenuous exercise. Research shows that such efforts can quickly get rid of excess weight, but - alas - not for long. Oddly enough, the best way to lose weight is to make small adjustments to your diet and lifestyle. Here are ten simple ways to help your fat melt away—for good.

1. Don't skip meals.

Skipping one meal a day seems like a smart way to shed a few pounds. For example, by stopping breakfast (a typical breakfast is 500 kilocalories), you will reduce 3,500 kcal in seven days, which is equivalent to burning about 500 grams.

The trouble is that you usually make up for what you missed at lunchtime. Recent research by James Hill, a nutritionist at the University of Colorado, found that breakfast eaters eat foods lower in fat and higher in carbohydrates than those who skip breakfast. Hill believes that breakfast may reduce the desire to snack on high-calorie, fatty foods.

Dr. Uzin Callaway, an obesity specialist at George Washington University in Washington, says skipping meals slows down what would normally speed up to help the body digest food. If your body burns 1600 kcal per day at rest, then by skipping breakfast you burn 80 kcal less per day. But if you eat breakfast, it speeds up and burns those 80 kcal.

After about 15 months, you will be able to burn an additional 35 thousand calories, that is, lose about five kilograms.

2. Become a vegetarian twice a week.

When Dr. Dean Ornish of the Preventive Medicine Research Institute in Sausalto, California, discovered that diet and lifestyle changes could help get rid of fatty deposits on the walls of blood vessels, it created a sensation. But Ornish also discovered that the low-fat vegetarian diet he prescribed to clear arteries helped reduce waist size. During the first year of observation, his patients lost an average of ten kilograms. The result was unexpected since most patients ate more.

Dr. Lee Lipsenthal, a colleague of Ornish's, explains it this way: "A candy bar and a serving of fresh broccoli have about the same number of calories. Eating a candy bar won't make you feel full. But eating broccoli will make you feel full."

Luckily, you don't have to be on a vegetarian diet all the time to lose weight. To begin with, twice a week, instead of meat and pasta, eat vegetables: eggplant, mushrooms or peppers. Or try beans and rice instead of sausages and beans. Eating non-meat food twice a week will help you save 550 kcal per week, or even more - about five kilograms in 16 months.

3. Follow the one-to-one rule.

Some people consume excessive quantities of low-fat and low-fat foods. Unfortunately, "they're often high in calories," says Barbara Rolls, a nutritionist at Pennsylvania State University. "People sometimes take low-fat labels as permission to eat."

You can find a way out by following the one-to-one rule. That is, when replacing a brownie with a low-calorie one, eat the same portion, not a larger one. If you eat two instead of four low-fat muffins every day, you can lose five kilograms in ten or 12 months.

It happens that at some point we forget about the rules of healthy eating, we allow ourselves to have dinner at night, eat buns and sweets without counting. As a result, the scales show a bleak picture, and your favorite trousers can barely be buttoned.

But now, you realized the mistake and decided to lose 5 kg in a week. What to do, how to get rid of excess weight gained due to poor nutrition and lack of physical activity?

Checking your motivation

In order to quickly lose weight, you need to pull yourself together and set quite strict restrictions. It is better not to start this path if you are not mentally prepared for self-control. Don't go on an extreme diet if you have doubts.

Many people, thinking about how to quickly lose 5 kg, imagine an ideal picture: here I am a month later in my favorite dress, slim and beautiful.

At the same time, they may forget that in order to achieve their goal they will need to limit themselves to their favorite foods and add significant physical activity. That is, it turns out that they get involved in the game without fully understanding the consequences of their decision to lose 5 kg in a week.

It is worse to stop the express diet halfway than not to start the idea. Let's explain why: such an unlucky eater will have defeat in his head, doubts about his willpower will arise, and self-esteem may fall.

The next time there is a desire to get rid of excess weight, defeatist thoughts will emerge from your memory and, quite likely, will become the cause of another breakdown.

It is much more correct to calculate your strengths, weigh the pros and cons. How to quickly lose 5 kg? Of course, strictly limiting yourself! If you are ready to give up sweets, flour, spicy and salty foods every day for several weeks, and sharply reduce the number of calories you consume per day, then quick weight loss methods are for you.

Are there all the conditions to achieve the goal?

Consider your life circumstances before you decide to take a quick weight loss leap. If you don’t have a separate canteen at work, and it’s difficult to organize a full lunch, be prepared for the fact that you will have to take trays of salad or cottage cheese with you.

Do you have two children and need to take them to kindergarten or school, and then to additional classes? Consider whether it is worth seriously thinking about how to lose 10-15 kg in a month.

Isn’t it better to slow down the pace so that you can slowly but surely move towards the same goal over, say, six months? After all, finding time for strength training in the gym with such a schedule will not be easy.

Another thing to think about before deciding to go on a crash diet is your health status. Can you say with confidence that strict limits will not unsettle your body?

Go for it if your health is close to ideal, there are no chronic diseases, problems with the liver, kidneys, heart or blood pressure. If there is the slightest doubt about the need to quickly lose from 5 to 15 kg per month in terms of possible deterioration in health, be sure to consult a doctor and, if necessary, take blood and urine tests.

General rules for express diets

The alumni meeting is approaching, you have been invited to appear on television as an expert or participant in a popular show, a vacation in warmer climes and a fashion show on the beach in a swimsuit are coming. These or other reasons may force you to decide to lose at least 5 kg in a week.

Now you can find a variety of techniques that allow you to quickly lose weight. They are all based on similar principles. If you adhere to common sense and maintain motivation at a high level, then achieving your goal is quite possible.

Here are the main postulates of the most common and effective diets, which allow you to quickly remove volume in the hips, abdomen and arms, and make a full face slimmer:

  • establish a strict ban on all flour and sweets (including bread in any form);
  • review your meal times: after 19 pm food is taboo for you;
  • focus on fresh vegetables and low-fat dairy products (kefir, fermented baked milk, milk, cottage cheese);
  • keep a strict count of the fats, proteins and carbohydrates you consume so as not to exceed the “norm” for your weight category: the norm in this case will mean a reduction in calories by at least 20-25% compared to the usual diet;
  • eat fruits with great caution, since due to the large amount of carbohydrates they contain, you can easily exceed the daily limit;
  • saturate your body with proteins using chicken eggs, meat, fish, cottage cheese;
  • steam food, stew it, but under no circumstances fry it;
  • try to avoid feeling very hungry, snack often, but in small portions: this way, you will send a signal to the body that everything is in order, there is no need to panic and hold on to a strategic reserve of fat;
  • drink a lot of water - table mineral water, 1% yogurt, green or black tea without sugar are suitable, but lactic acid drinks with normal fat content and fruit and berry juices are best left for a less strict stage of the diet.

Often, excess weight occurs not only due to the appearance of fatty deposits, but also due to slagging in the body.

To overcome this phenomenon and thereby lose an additional 2-3 kilograms, you can cleanse yourself with the help of special teas or pharmaceutical preparations containing hibiscus, hay, corn silk and other herbs that affect the metabolic rate. The more active a person’s metabolism, the faster the process of cleansing all tissues and organs.

Difference from long-term approach

If you are ready to stretch out the weight loss process over a longer period, then the restrictions will not be so severe. For example, you will have to have dinner no later than 3 hours before bedtime, and not strictly after seven. If you feel hungry, it is recommended to drink low-fat kefir.

And even better, not just kefir, but a fermented milk drink with the addition of cinnamon, a pinch of red pepper and finely grated ginger root. This mixture allows you to speed up your metabolism and satisfy your hunger.

With longer-term weight loss, you can give up bread not completely:

  • reduce the number of slices eaten during the day;
  • replace black wheat loaf with bran bread;
  • To replace your favorite loaf, buy special pressed crisps.

If your goal is to lose five or more kilograms in a week, even these options will be a luxury for you. It’s better to forget about the word “bread” during the express diet.

You need to understand that if you make the slightest mistakes, weakening self-control during the attack on fat deposits, you will roll back to your original weight, or even gain additional kilograms. Are you constantly hungry?

Are you skipping meals? Do you forget your promise not to eat sweets or open the refrigerator before going to bed? Rest assured, in a week the scales will not please you, but you really wanted to look your best on the beach or during a reunion!

Do you want to achieve stunning results in a short time? Don't relax, don't allow yourself small deviations from the strict rules. Very soon you will be able to loosen your grip and switch to a gentle diet, characteristic of an approach with a simple name - “proper nutrition”.

Losing weight, preferably quickly, is the dream of most of us. Everyone would like to know a miracle recipe that will tell you how to lose 5 kg in a week. But this noble goal, as a rule, is not very realistic. In addition, too rapid weight loss can lead to extremely negative consequences for the entire body as a whole.

However, if you approach the matter wisely, then losing 5 or more extra pounds will not be so difficult. Start by following the 12 steps we offer you.

We will also tell you about the right diet that will not be detrimental to your health. If you don’t know how to eat properly and don’t even know where to start, then we will offer you a couple of options for the right menu, on the basis of which you can build your nutrition system


Diet to lose 5 kg in a week

In order to get rid of excess weight in such a short time and without sacrificing your health, you need the right diet that would limit the number of calories, fats and carbohydrates, but in reasonable quantities.

You will learn about some secrets and rules that will help you make your diet more effective and allow you to urgently lose 5 kg in a week in the next paragraph!

Well, now we will give you some examples of the right menu for weight loss:

Option 1:

  • First meal: 1 glass of low-fat kefir + 1 banana;
  • Second meal: salad of tomatoes, cucumbers and green peppers + a sandwich of grain bread with boiled chicken and a slice of cheese;
  • Third meal: vegetable soup with boiled chicken breast + a piece of grain bread, 100 grams of boiled brown rice + 100 grams of steamed salmon;
  • Fourth meal: 100 grams of low-fat natural yogurt + apple;
  • Fifth meal: 100 grams of steamed salmon + steamed broccoli.

Option 2:

  • First meal: 100 grams of oatmeal with water + a handful of prunes;
  • Second meal: 100 grams of low-fat cottage cheese + 1 banana;
  • Third meal: 150 grams of cream soup of broccoli, carrots and chicken breast + 150 grams of Caesar salad with olive oil and quail egg;
  • Fourth meal: a glass of low-fat kefir;
  • Fifth meal: 100 grams of baked zucchini and broccoli + 100 grams of steamed salmon.

You can also drink a cup of coffee or tea a couple of times a day for energy. To lose 5 kg in a week, this is a realistic diet that you can easily tolerate.

And don’t forget that a good half of your weight will be lost due to the removal of excess fluid (you will learn how to do this below ↓). Losing 5 kg in just a week, taking into account the fact that all five kilograms will be fat, is simply not possible!

12 steps that will help you quickly lose 5 kg in a week!

Eliminate carbohydrates

Scientific research shows that one of the fastest ways to lose weight is to eat a low-carb diet. Therefore, if you need a diet on how to lose 5 kg in a week, then limit carbohydrate-rich foods in your diet.

Milk, starchy vegetables and fruits also contain carbohydrates. Their use should also be reduced, but they should not be completely abandoned. These products can enrich your diet with valuable nutrients.

Eat protein at every meal

The basis of your diet should be protein. Eating plans that are high in protein and low in carbohydrates are very effective for losing weight quickly.

Eat lean, low-calorie protein foods: eggs, skinless chicken, lean beef, seafood, legumes, soy cheese.

If you include protein in every meal, you will be able to meet your daily intake. One serving of protein measures approximately 100-120 grams.

Eating protein will not only help you lose weight, but will also allow you to feel full after eating, and the feeling of hunger will not appear for a long time.

Always fill half your plate with vegetables.

Whatever your lunch, put vegetables on one half of your plate and fill the other half with leftover food. Vegetables and fruits are low-calorie foods and high in vitamins and minerals. Therefore, they should become your best friends on the path to slimness.

One serving of vegetables is approximately a glass. But if you are ready to eat more, you don’t have to limit yourself.

But many fruits contain sugar and carbohydrates, so a serving of fruit should not exceed half a glass.

Drink more water

Regardless of whether you need to lose weight or not, drink enough fluids. If you are trying to lose weight, then drinking a lot of water should be your indispensable rule.

Most scientists agree that a sufficient daily dose of fluid for a person is 2 liters (about 8 glasses of water). But these are general recommendations; your individual norm can reach up to 13 glasses a day.

Drink plain or mineral water, coffee and tea without caffeine, milk and sugar.

As soon as the body begins to lack water, it sends signals to the brain, and these signals are very similar to the feeling of hunger! Therefore, many people often simply confuse thirst and hunger. Drink water, and this is guaranteed to save you from unnecessary snacking and overeating.

In addition, make it a rule to drink a glass of water before each meal. This simple technique will allow you to eat much less at a meal than usual.

Buy food substitutes

Food substitutes – this is what ready-made dry nutritional mixtures are called in sports and dietary nutrition. They prepare very quickly - just mix the powder with water, milk or other liquid.

When asked how to quickly lose 5 kg in a week, most nutritionists will tell you that it is difficult to achieve. But, still, using food substitutes, you can get closer to your desired goal much faster.

Food substitutes (for example, protein mixtures for muscle building) are good because, while being low in calories, they contain a significant amount of protein, fiber and all the vitamins and minerals the body needs.

You can visit a nutritionist and he will create an individual nutrition plan for you using food substitutes. The service is quite expensive, but you can be sure of the safety and effectiveness of the prepared diet.

Food substitutes can also be purchased in sports and healthy lifestyle stores, or in ordinary supermarkets, in the diet departments. Find information about such products on the Internet, carefully study the properties and composition, and create your own nutritional plan using nutritional supplements that suits your lifestyle and budget.

Remember that meal replacements are just a temporary diet and not intended for permanent use. As a rule, such diets are designed for only one or two weeks of consumption.

150 minutes of cardio per week

Cardio training includes the following types of sports: running, brisk walking, swimming, exercise on an exercise bike, kickboxing.

The optimal time for cardio training is 2.5 hours per week. If you want to lose weight, increase this time to 5 hours a week.

The intensity of training must be selected individually. The active phase of fat burning begins immediately after your breathing quickens and you begin to sweat heavily. After this condition occurs, try to perform the exercises for another 20-30 minutes.

Cardio or aerobic exercise directly aims to burn calories. In combination with a diet, such physical activity will allow you to lose excess weight in record time.

High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

In addition to cardio training, devote two to three days a week to interval training.

HIIT is the latest development in the field of fitness. Conducted studies prove that this type of training helps burn a significant amount of calories and reduce the fat component in record time.

HIIT also speeds up the body's metabolism, so even after the workout ends, fat and calorie burning continues for several hours.

Example of a HIIT workout: 5-minute warm-up, then 1 minute of running at maximum speed, followed by 1.5 minutes of moderate running. Do these repetitions for 20 minutes. And after this, 5 minutes are allotted to restore breathing.

To lose 5 kg in a week, exercises do not have to be done in the gym or with a trainer. You can simply try doing HIIT workouts every day and doing a light jog in the morning.

Move more throughout the day

To burn calories, make your lifestyle more active. Consider how you can do this given the way you operate.

For example, you can use the stairs instead of the elevator, or walk a couple of stops, or even go for a very short jog during a commercial break while watching TV.

Try to be more active, look for new ways to make your lifestyle active, and soon it will become a habit and become your normal way of life.

Say no to snacking between meals

Healthy, low-calorie snacks are included in many weight loss diets. But if your goal is to lose weight as quickly as possible, give them up.

If you feel hungry between meals, drink a glass of water, coffee or decaffeinated tea. So for some time you can deceive the body, which will receive a signal of saturation.

If you're still hungry, choose a lean protein snack to get your protein fix. The nutritional value of your dish should not exceed 100-150 kilocalories.

For example, this could be a handful of almonds or other nuts, or one boiled egg, or a glass of soy milk, or a glass of low-fat yogurt.

Sleep at least 7-9 hours a day

Sleep plays an extremely important role in the healthy functioning of the body. Getting enough sleep is especially important when you are losing weight. Even if you decide to go on a diet for just a week, do not neglect getting enough sleep.

When you don't get enough sleep, hormonal changes occur in your body, which contribute to a persistent feeling of hunger. In addition, a person who has not had enough sleep, as a rule, tends to unconsciously choose foods that are much more fatty and high in calories.

A person simply needs to sleep at least 7-9 hours a day. This is an axiom. Try to go to bed early and wake up later if possible. Make sure that no external stimuli, such as noise or light, will interfere with your restful sleep.

Avoid stress

Excessive stress, as well as insufficient sleep, can make your weight loss process much more difficult.

When you are nervous, your body begins to produce the hormone cortisol, which ultimately causes you to feel tired and hungry.

Come up with ways for yourself to deal with the inevitable stresses of daily life. You can take a leisurely evening walk, or take a relaxing bath, watch a good movie or read a book, meet friends or have a nice family tea party.

If you feel that you cannot cope with stress on your own, and this is interfering with your weight loss process, then seek support and advice from a psychologist.

Take a course of diuretics

Since losing weight quickly is quite difficult, you can try modern diuretics as “heavy artillery”. They will help significantly reduce your weight.

Diuretics remove excess fluid from the body. Sometimes, due to a number of factors including poor diet and lifestyle choices, excess water can accumulate in the body. This may cause you to feel somewhat swollen and cause the scale to show several kilograms more than your normal weight.

But it is recommended to use diuretics for no more than a week in a row. This time will be enough to lose “a couple of kg” in a week. After all, like any other medications, these drugs have clear contraindications. Therefore, before starting use, consult your doctor and make sure that taking them will be safe for you.

Most of these rules may seem simple and obvious at first glance. This is true. However, many of us are not always able to adhere to these tips. That's why we said at the beginning of the article that if you really want to lose weight quickly, then memorize these rules and make them an integral part of your life.

You will need about two weeks of constant self-control to readjust, and then your body will accept the new rules of the game. After this, following the principles of your new way of life will become simple and easy. Believe me, the result will exceed your expectations.

There is probably not a single woman who has not dreamed of losing 5 kg or losing at least half a kilogram in order to get rid of the feeling of guilt for eating a piece of chocolate cake...

It turns out that if you want, it’s not so difficult to lose even a few kilograms! Especially if you have good motivation - for example, your friend returns from a business trip, and you want to lose 5 kg in 7 days and pleasantly surprise him with your slim figure, or you booked tickets to Hawaii and want to look amazing on the beach.

You will certainly achieve success and be able to lose 5 kg in a week if you REMEMBER why you want to lose weight and UNDERSTAND that the muffins you see on the counter in the bakery are not the latest baked goods in the world! If you want to lose weight quickly and feel good, you will have to forget about buns during the diet.

Try to convince yourself that you can eat your favorite baked goods when you lose weight. The main thing is the right attitude, and everything else is trivial!

Key Points You Should Remember

  1. Eat no more than four times a day.
  2. Try not to eat 2 hours before bedtime.
  3. DO NOT EAT the entire portion on your plate: as soon as you feel that hunger has passed, DO NOT EAT anymore. You can divide the portion in half and eat only half. Listen to your feelings while eating - do you still feel hungry after eating half a portion, or do you just feel sorry for throwing away good food? Determine the ideal portion for yourself so that you don’t overeat and know exactly how much food you need to take at any time of the day to relieve hunger.
  4. Try to constantly do something, since laziness is primarily the cause of false hunger. It could even be such exciting activities as shopping, going to the cinema, walking with friends, etc.

A list of products that can help you lose 5–5.5 kg without even noticing it!

1. Oatmeal with honey.

Just pour boiling water over the oatmeal, cover with something and let sit for 5 minutes. Then add chopped fruit pieces and honey.

It's a funny thing, but it's really very tasty and healthy. Porridge improves the condition of the skin and starts the stomach working at the beginning of a new day!

2. Any fruit.

There are practically no restrictions, because each of us has our own favorite fruits. The main thing is not to overdo it with peaches, bananas and grapes - they contain quite a lot of calories!

3. Any vegetables.

Try not to add special dressings to them; it is best to limit yourself to olive oil.

4. Yogurts with a fat content of 2.5% or less.

5. Green tea and freshly squeezed juices.

Use them instead of carbonated drinks - they contain a lot of calories hidden from the buyer, which are later completely converted into fat.

6. White chicken or fish.

7. Soups and broths.

8. Drink more water.

This helps reduce appetite. Be sure to drink a glass of water 15-20 minutes before meals - this way you will feel full after eating only half a serving!

For many, it is not one of their favorite sweets. But try, when you next want something sweet, don’t run for chocolate or ice cream - these are not the products you need right now. Instead, make a cup of coffee with milk (latte or cappuccino) or a cup of hot tea and add honey. After you try this drink, you will no longer want any sweets!

Sample menu for the day

  • Breakfast: a bowl of oatmeal (see above), green tea with honey.
  • Lunch: a plate of chicken broth, a glass of juice, a banana.
  • Afternoon snack: fruit or vegetable salad, water.
  • Dinner: strawberry yogurt 2.5% fat, green tea with honey.

All these tips will certainly help you lose weight quickly without harm to your health. Good luck!

Most often they resort to special weekly diets. All of them can be divided into three types:


Starvation diets;

Protein diets.

Diets of the first group are associated with eating any one product. These include weight loss programs based on drinking a liter of kefir daily, eating a kilogram of apples, a plate of buckwheat and other foods. However, despite the rapid weight loss, such weekly fasting is not only not effective enough, but is also often dangerous for the body. Due to limited nutrition, the body may not receive a large amount of important microelements and minerals that it needs daily. In addition, not everyone can withstand seven days of eating one product.

The second type of diet is based on a sharp reduction in calorie consumption to 800-1000 kcal per day or less. At the same time, for a healthy woman, depending on the initial body weight, age, lifestyle, at least 2400 kcal is needed. Starvation diets cause the body to experience stress by acting too aggressively. Fat really begins to burn quite quickly, but when you return to your normal diet, you can notice the same accelerated weight gain.

Many doctors recognize protein nutrition as one of the best types of diets. The protein diet regime involves limiting the consumption of carbohydrates: not only fast ones that are harmful to the figure (sugar, flour), but also healthy slow ones (vegetables, fruits). Meals for the week can consist of egg whites, fish, cottage cheese, and lean poultry.

The advantages of a protein diet are a quick weight loss, a lower risk of losing muscle mass, and long-term preservation of the results achieved. The protein diet also has significant disadvantages. These include an increased risk of constipation, bad breath, and greater stress on the kidneys due to water loss.

How to lose 5 kg in a week

To quickly lose 5 kg in one or two weeks, it is best to give up strict diets. Cleansing the body of toxins and proper nutrition will come to the rescue.

Oat bran and vegetable salads will help to effectively cleanse the intestines. The first dish can be eaten for breakfast, and the second in addition to meat or poultry for lunch and dinner.

To prepare porridge for weight loss from oat bran, you need to pour 3-5 tablespoons of crushed flakes with boiling water for twenty minutes, then drain off the excess water. You can add berries and fruits, as well as a few nuts to this porridge.

A salad to cleanse the digestive system can be prepared from large carrots, green apples and beets. All ingredients must be grated fresh, seasoned with a spoon of lemon juice and olive oil.

Another version of broom salad can consist of a stalk of celery and fresh cucumber with herbs, vegetable oil and lemon juice.

Cleansing the body of toxins will allow you to remove from 3 to 5 kg of excess weight in the first few days without much effort. However, without proper nutrition it is almost impossible to achieve serious results.

Proper nutrition is not a diet. With this, the result is achieved more slowly, but the body does not experience stress, and the result is consolidated for a long time.

Proper nutrition means that the body receives the optimal amount of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Nutritionists have concluded that this ratio should be approximately 2:4:1.

If you want to lose 5 kg in a week, you need to adhere to the principles of proper nutrition:

1. You need to eat food at least 5-6 times a day in small portions. Between breakfast, lunch and dinner you need to have small snacks. They may include several nuts, a glass of kefir or yogurt, an apple or citrus.

2. It is necessary to observe the optimal amount of calorie intake, which is calculated individually depending on lifestyle, weight, gender, age. In order not to cause harm to the body, this level should not be reduced below 1200-1400 kcal.

3. Food should not only be moderate, but also varied, rich in minerals and vitamins. Most of all you should consume vegetables and fruits.

4. In the morning you can eat more carbohydrate foods (cereals, fruits), in the evening – protein foods (fish, poultry, low-fat cottage cheese or kefir).

5. Fats of animal origin (fatty meat, fish), flour, sweets, fried, and canned foods should be avoided. Bread can be replaced with whole grain bread, sugar with honey, salt with natural seasonings.

6. Alcohol consumption should be kept to a minimum.

Is it possible to lose 5 kg in a week with exercise?

To lose 5 kg in two weeks or less, you can use various exercises. Cardio training while limiting the number of calories will help you burn excess fat more effectively, and strength training will make your muscles more toned, which will visually help you achieve beauty and slimness.

However, grueling daily exercise in the gym will not help if you do not adhere to the principles of proper nutrition.

To consolidate and increase the effectiveness of weight loss, you can also use cosmetic procedures. Among them, it is especially worth noting honey massages, wraps, salt and soda baths. If you want to find out how to lose 5 kg in a week with the help of cosmetics, contact a cosmetologist and massage therapist.