Differentiation of letters h c in writing exercises. Differentiation of consonants in syllables, words, sentences. Development of phonemic awareness

You can begin to differentiate only after the sound has been delivered and automated.

Pronounce (read) phrases and sentences.
Black starling, clean street, someone else's button, black chicken, brown mittens, clean water, prickly flowers, excellent singer, someone else's border, baked eggs, hot pepper, sensitive hare, evening sun, fourth finger, chiseled ring, whole cup, tenacious hook . .
The sun is burning. Vova peeled the egg. Bird cherry blossoms. The cavalry gallops. I want to drink some tea. A blacksmith forges hot metal. There are bricks by the porch. Learning is always useful. The birds have died, the flowers have faded. A bug on a chain by the porch. A sparrow is chirping on an acacia tree. The coachman sat down on the beam. The stroller rushes: clop-clop-clop. The river is angry at the mill.

There is a prickly flower on the window
Looks beyond the outskirts.
You better not touch him -
It stings very painfully.

The thunderous thunder fell silent over the forest
Three whole hours ago.
But mushrooms just in case
They look from under the umbrellas.
(V. Orlov)

Learn a poem by heart.

A bee sits on a flower
How small she is!
Our bee in her proboscis
Picks up sweet juice.
And the flower sways -
She doesn't like it.
(K. Bykova)

The first worm.

The hen took the chicks to teach them how to look for worms.
“There are all kinds of worms, and it’s not easy to find them,” the chicken taught.
Eight chickens listened to the hen. But the two chickens did not listen. They rushed to look for the worm. I really wanted to be the first to find the worm.
One chicken tripped over something and fell.
“This is the worm,” the chicken shouted.
- We'll dig it up and take it to these fools.
After much work, the chickens finally dug up the worm and took the worm to their brothers.
“That’s what a worm is,” said the chickens and threw... a nail.

(According to M. Petrov)

We wish you success!


1. Correctional and developmental:

  • development of phonemic awareness;
  • development of thinking, attention, memory, visual perception.

2. Educational:

  • the ability to distinguish the sounds Ch, C by articulation;
  • expansion and activation of the dictionary based on the topic “Birds”;
  • differentiation of sounds and letters C, CH;
  • exercises in correctly reading words with the letters C, C;
  • mastering the concept of the meaning-distinguishing role of the letters C, CH;
  • ability to navigate in space;
  • developing skills to work according to instructions.

3. Educational:

  • nurturing interest in learning.


  • workbooks;
  • mirrors;
  • pictures of birds;
  • demonstration cards depicting the letters Chch, Ts;
  • table with letters.

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational moment.

(Students stand near their desks.)

Speech therapist: The first one to sit down will be the one who clearly and clearly repeats the tongue twister: “The black hen has four chickens.”

(Students complete the task.)

Speech therapist: What sounds are most often repeated in a tongue twister?

Students: Sounds [h] and [ts].

Speech therapist(hangs demonstration cards with pictures of letters on the board): What letters will we talk about in class?

Students: About the letters Ch and C.

2. Working with mirrors.

A comparison is made of [ts] and [h] in terms of articulation with clarification of the sound composition: [ts] = [t] + [s], [h] = [t"] + [sh"].

Speech therapist: Guys, let's look in the mirrors and find the differences in the articulation of the sounds [ch] and [ts].

(Students complete assignments.)

3. Correlation of sounds with letters.

Speech therapist: Guys, listen to the poems:

Letter C - hook at the bottom,
Just like a barrel tap.
Here is the letter C:
With a claw at the end.
Scratchy claw
Like a cat's paw.
Siskin confused H with four
And he read: “Four Izhik.”
Yes, you made the right decision
We write h as four.
Only with numbers, friends,
We can't confuse the letters.

Speech therapist: Guys, what else do you think the bottom element of the letter C looks like?

Students: On a chain link and on a heron's leg.

Speech therapist: What about the top element of the letter H?

Students: On the wing of a seagull and on the spout of a teapot.

4. Development of phonemic awareness.

Speech therapist: Now I will pronounce syllables and words with the sounds [ts], [h]. If you hear the sound [h], then raise your hand up, if you hear [ts], lower it down.

Tsa, chu, och, ec, qi, chi, hour, goal, chain, kidney, ring, wheelbarrow, handkerchiefs, mirror, finger, boy.

(Students complete assignments.)

5. Didactic game “Chicken”.

The game is aimed at developing visual perception.

Speech therapist: Guess the riddle: “He cackles, clucks, calls the children, gathers everyone under his wings.”

Students: This is chicken.

Speech therapist: Right. Chicken is a domestic bird. She lives in a chicken coop and sleeps on the roost. She walks around the yard and collects grains. But our chicken is unusual; instead of grains, it will collect letters. If the chicken collects them correctly, she will get a whole word. Listen carefully to my commands and write down the letters that the chicken will collect - and at the end of the journey you will be able to read the resulting word.

M N Yo Y C Kommersant

The first letter that the chicken collected was C. Then she went to the left and stopped - Y. Down, down, left – P. Up – L. Up – E. Left – N. Down – O. Down – H. Left – E. Up – K.

What word did you come up with?

Students: Chicken.

Speech therapist: What is the first letter and what is the eighth letter in this word?

Students: The first letter is C, and the eighth is Ch.

Speech therapist: Let's write the combination tsch, tsch to the end of the line, saying it out loud.

(Students complete the task.)

6. Physical education minute.

Speech therapist: Well done. Now we will rest a little.

Girls and boys
They bounce like balls. (Jumping on two legs.)
They stomp their feet, (They stomp their feet.)
They laugh merrily. (Pronounced: ha-ha-ha.

Speech therapist: Guys, what other birds do you know that have the sounds [Ts] and [H] in their names?

Students: Starling, tit, siskin, heron, gull, rook.

(The speech therapist hangs pictures of birds on the board.)

7. Encryption of words.

Speech therapist: Well done! Now you will write these words in your notebook, drawing a triangle instead of the letter C, and a square instead of the letter C.

At the end there is a test: students read the words together.

8. Game "Big-small".

Speech therapist: Now let's play the game "Big-Small". Talked big tit And little titmouse(words are written on the board).

Students: Porch, chicken, egg, chick.

Speech therapist: What sound Ts or Ch sounded in large objects? And in small ones?

Students: The sound C sounded in large objects, and the sound Ch in small objects.

Speech therapist: Now write these words down in your notebook in two columns.

9. Repeat after me.

  • Tsa-tsa-tsa - chicken.
  • Chi-chi-chi - rooks.
  • Cha-cha-cha - seagull.
  • Tsy-tsy-tsy - chicken.
  • Chi-chi-chi - chizhi.

10. Summary of the lesson.

Speech therapist: That's the end of our lesson. Let's remember what we did in class. How to distinguish between the letters C and CH? What tasks did you like best?

(Students answer questions.)


  1. Anishchenkova E. S. A practical guide to correcting sound pronunciation in children for speech therapists and parents. Moscow, AST "Astrel", 2007.
  2. Gadasina L. Ya., Ivanovskaya O. G. Effective lesson planning for correcting the pronunciation of sounds. St. Petersburg, “KARO”, 2009.
  3. Pimenova T.I. I want to reprimand... St. Petersburg, “KARO”, 2006.
  4. Uspenskaya L.P., Uspensky M.B. Learn to speak correctly. Moscow, “Enlightenment”, 1995.



  • the ability to distinguish sounds [h] - [ts] by articulation;
  • differentiation of sounds [h] - [ts] and letters Ch, ch – Ts, ts;
  • exercises in correctly reading words with the letters ch - c;
  • developing skills to work according to instructions.


  • development of phonemic perception, analysis, synthesis and phonemic representations;
  • development of thinking, attention, memory, visual perception.


  • to develop full-fledged communication skills in the process of educational work.

Equipment: mirrors, tables for determining the topic of the lesson, a table for reading syllables, individual cards for the game “Wizards”, cards for working on sentences, cards for working on text, cards with homework.



Topic: “Differentiation of sounds [ch] - [ts] and letters Ch, ch – Ts, ts.”



  1. the ability to distinguish sounds [h] - [ts] by articulation;
  2. differentiation of sounds [h] - [ts] and letters Ch, ch – Ts, ts;
  3. exercises in correctly reading words with the letters ch - c;
  4. developing skills to work according to instructions.


  1. development of phonemic perception, analysis, synthesis and phonemic representations;
  2. development of thinking, attention, memory, visual perception.


  1. to develop full-fledged communication skills in the process of educational work.

Equipment: mirrors, tables for determining the topic of the lesson, a table for reading syllables, individual cards for the game “Wizards”, cards for working on sentences, cards for working on text, cards with homework.

Progress of the lesson

1. Org. moment (slide 2)

The first one to sit down will be the one who clearly and clearly repeats the tongue twister: “The black hen has four chickens.”

2. Announcing the topic of the lesson.(slide 3)

Look at the table, there is a word hidden there. If we assemble the letters correctly, we will succeed. Listen carefully to my commands and highlight the letters that we will collect - and you will be able to read the resulting word.

What word did you get? Name all the sounds in order. How many are there?

Name what sound is in 1st place, in 8th place?

What letter sounds will we distinguish today?

Sounds [h] and [ts].

What letters will we talk about in class?

About the letters Ch and C.

3. Pronouncing isolated sounds that are different.

Say the sounds [ts] and [h] and look in the mirrors.

4. Articulation analysis.(slide 4)

A comparison is made of [ts] and [h] in terms of articulation with clarification of the sound composition: [ts] = [t] + [s], [h] = [t"] + [sh"].

Guys, let's find the differences in the articulation of the sounds [h] and [ts].

(Students complete assignments.)

5. Characteristics of sounds.

6. Connection of sounds and letters.(slide 5)

Guys, listen to the poems:

Letter C - hook at the bottom,
Just like a barrel tap.
Here is the letter C:
With a claw at the end.
Scratchy claw
Like a cat's paw.
Siskin confused H with four
And he read: “Four Izhik.”
Yes, you made the right decision
We write h as four.
Only with numbers, friends,
We can't confuse the letters.

Guys, what else do you think the bottom element of the letter C looks like?

What about the top element of the letter H?

Open your notebooks, write down the date and topic of the lesson: “Sounds [h] - [ts].”

7. Development of phonemic hearing:

Now you and I will play code talkers, I will pronounce syllables and words with the sounds [ts], [h]. If you hear the sound [h], draw an upward arrow in your notebooks; if you hear [ts], draw a downward arrow. (-sound [h], -sound [ts])

Tsa, chu, och, ec, qi, chi, hour, goal, chain, kidney, ring, wheelbarrow, handkerchiefs, mirror, finger, boy.

8. Differentiation of sounds in syllables.(slide 6)

What happens to our lips when we say the sounds [ch] and [ts]?

(remember the features of articulation). We read the syllables in the table.

Lips are rounded (sound [ch]) - lips in a smile (sound [ts])

9. Finger gymnastics

Let's play with our fingers.

“This finger of mine is dancing,

this circle draws,

this finger jumps deftly

Like a light, light ball.

And the little finger, my baby.

scratches his nails like a mouse.

And my big fat man

fell on his side"

10. Differentiation of sounds in words.(slide 7)

In which words did you now hear the sound [h] again?

(finger, little finger, jumps, ball, fatty, side)

Now let's try to change the word so that the sound appears in it[ts].

(finger - finger, little finger - little finger)

It turns out that in some words the sounds [ch] - [ts]may alternate.

I suggest you play the game “Wizards”. The card contains a word with a sound[ts], and you turn it into [h]:

ring - ring

chicken - chicken

cucumber - cucumber

button - button

bird - bird

sister - little sister

fox - fox

street - street

mittens - mittens

water - water

egg - testicle

pepper - pepper

hare - bunny

sheep - lamb

porch - porch

pepper - pepper

face - face

word - word

onion - onion

saucer - saucer

11. Differentiation of sounds in a sentence

Complete the sentences.(slide 8)

After Wednesday comes...

The concert featured......

The stream is shallower....

Bees spread flowers....

Words for reference:

pollen, Thursday, violinists, rivers.

12. Differentiation of sounds in the text.(slide 9)

Restoring deformed text. Make up a story from the sentences, putting the sentences in order:


The swallow had four chicks. One chick fell out of the nest. The swallow could not help him. Mitya picked up the chick and put it in the nest. The swallow chirped cheerfully.

13. Homework.(slide 10)

Do the following task at home: make sentences from the words written on the card:

Birds feed chicks

Children watering cucumbers and garlic

Boy knocking on the window

Flowers bloom in the garden

14. Summary of the lesson.

That's the end of our lesson. Let's remember what we did in class. How to distinguish between the sounds [h] - [ts], letters c and h?

15. Assessing children’s work in class.

Children are invited to evaluate their achievements in the lesson by performing certain movements, as well as express their attitude towards the lesson. The following movements are suggested:

· squatting - very low rating, negative attitude;

· standing, hands at your sides - good grade, positive attitude;

· raise your hands up, clapping your hands, rise on tiptoes - a very high rating, an enthusiastic attitude.

Thanks guys! Well done!(slide 11)


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Slide captions:

Differentiation of sounds [ch]-[ts] and letters ch - ts. 1 class

clearly repeat the tongue twister: “The black hen has four chickens.”

Find the word in the table: B K R O SCH I J E J E D G V M K E CH U SH YU Z I N Y Y C F L P L

smile rounded slightly open behind the upper teeth behind the lower teeth

What does the letter look like? The letter C is a hook at the bottom, like a barrel with a faucet. Yes, you decided correctly, we write H as four. Only with numbers, friends, We cannot confuse letters.



COMPLETE THE SENTENCES: After Wednesday comes... Thursday. The concert featured... violinists. The stream is smaller...river. Bees spread flower pollen.

PLACE THE SENTENCES IN ORDER: Nest. The swallow had four chicks. One chick fell out of the nest. The swallow could not help him. Mitya picked up the chick and put it in the nest. The swallow chirped cheerfully.

HOMEWORK: Make sentences from the words: Feed the birds chicks Children water the cucumbers and garlic The boy knocks on the window Flowers bloom in the garden

THANKS GUYS! Well done!


Change the word to

The sound [H] appeared in it:


chicken – ____________________________

cucumber – ____________________________

button –__________________________


Change the word to

the sound [H] appeared in it:


fox – _____________________________


mittens – ___________________________

water – _____________________________

Change the word to

the sound [H] appeared in it:


pepper – ______________________________

hare – _______________________________

sheep – _______________________________

porch – ____________________________

Change the word to

The sound [H] appeared in it:

pepper – ______________________________

face – ______________________________

word – _____________________________

bulb – ___________________________

saucer – ____________________________

Complete the sentences.

After Wednesday comes...

The concert featured...

The stream is smaller...

Bees spread flowers...

Complete the sentences.

After Wednesday comes...

The concert featured...

The stream is smaller...

Bees spread flowers...

pollen Thursday fiddlers river


The swallow chirped cheerfully.


The swallow chirped cheerfully.

The swallow had four chicks.

Mitya picked up the chick and put it in the nest. The swallow could not help him.

One chick fell out of the nest.

Stalin Lazarev
Differentiation of sounds [ts] - [h]. Summary of a group speech therapy session (for children 6–7 years old)

Subject: Differentiation c-h.

Target: teach discrimination sounds ts-ch by ear and the correct spelling of the letters ts-ch in syllables, words, sentences.



Clarification and comparison of articulation and sound sounds"ts" And "h", having acoustic-articulatory similarity;

Development of phonemic analysis and synthesis skills;

Development of grammatical structure of speech;

Expanding vocabulary on the topic "Birds".

Formation of coherent speech;

correctional and developmental:

Development of phonemic awareness;

Development of thinking, attention, memory, visual perception;

Development of tactile sensations;


nurturing interest in learning.

Interdisciplinary connections: mathematics, speech development, the world around us.

Equipment: mirrors, cards with letters, presentation, compass.

Progress of the lesson.

1. Org. moment.

Hello guys!

Check if everything is ready for occupation?

Let's activate the eyes and face.

Let's do psycho-gymnastics:

We know how to smile (smile, we know how to be surprised (make a surprised face, we know how to get angry (frown, we know how to admire) (express admiration).

With a good mood we begin our occupation.

2. Identifying a theme:

Listen to the tongue twister and determine which sounds most often repeated in it?

The heron clawed at the black ink, the white heron drew with a compass.

Who is this heron? (bird)

What does snatched mean? (grabbed)

What is ink? (black liquid that is put into a pen)

What is a compass? (a geometric tool used to draw a circle)

Which sounds most often repeated? (ch-ts sounds)

3. Articulation refinement and communication sound with letter.

Look in the mirror, say sounds ts and ch. Let's characterize these sounds:

Ts – consonant, deaf, hard, lips in a smile, tip of the tongue behind the lower teeth, consists of sounds t and s.

Ch - consonant, deaf, hard, lips in the proboscis, tip of the tongue behind the upper teeth, consists of sounds th and sh.

Show the letter sounds ts, h.

Name the sound of this letter.

For the letter h we remember a seagull, for the letter c we remember a chain.

Isographs "Chicken", "Watch" (what is shown in the pictures? See appendix)

Identify the letters h-ts by touch (letters cut from velvet paper are offered)

4. Development of phonemic awareness.

a) by syllabic table(see Attachment)

b) game "Vice versa"(I throw the ball, saying the syllable tsa, the student must throw the ball back, saying the syllable cha, etc.)

V) "Echo"(repeat after speech therapist a chain of syllables tsa-tsa-cha, tso-cho-cho, etc.)

d) purely speaking

tsa-tsa-tsa – four eggs

cho-cho-cho – very hot

tsu-tsu-tsu - we are leading a sheep

Chu-chu-chu - I want a five.

Phys. just a minute.

Hamster, hamster, hamster,

Striped barrel (bends to the sides, hands on the belt).

Khomka gets up early (stretch,

He washes his cheeks (with his hands, rub his cheeks and neck,

He rubs his neck.

The hamster sweeps the hut (body bends forward)

And goes out to charge (marching on the spot)

One two three four five (arms up, to the sides, forward)

Khomka wants to become strong.

5. Typing syllables from dictation

1): cha, tsa, ots, uts, ich, ec, chu, tsu.

2) guess the riddle:

To the feeder near our window

An amazing bird landed:

In a black hat and yellow blouse.

It's called a bird. (Tit)

The sun is warming at the doorstep

And the snowdrifts melted,

Streams flowed like rivers,

They arrived to us...


Stands on one leg

He looks intently into the water.

Pokes his beak at random -

Looking for frogs in the river.


Guess what kind of bird:

Little dark girl

White from the belly,

The tail is spread into two tails. (Martin)

The grain pecks

The kids are calling:

"Ko-ko-ko, ko-ko-ko,

Don't go far! " (Chicken).

The trunk stands

There is a stake on the trunk,

The palace is on stake,

There is a singer in the palace.

And his name is starling


She flies over the wave,

There are enough fish out of water,

Sees off ships

And meets near the ground


Which bird is the odd one out? (Chicken because she is a poultry)

3) insert the syllable tsa or cha:

Uli-, yes-, smoke-, uda-, stain-, stoli-

4) insert the letters c or h: (form the diminutive form of nouns according to the model):

Drive...a – drive...ka

Li...o - li...ico

Bunny... - bunny... hic

Cucumber... - cucumber... hic.

5) Make sentences using pictures (starling, seagull, heron).

Lives in a swamp... .

Flew over the sea...

Lives in a birdhouse...

6. Summary classes.

Which sounds and we distinguished the letters into class?

Name the words with sounds ts and h.

List of used literature.

2. Sadovnikova I. N. Impairments in written speech and their overcoming in primary schoolchildren - Vlados, 1997.

3. Uzorova O. Nefedova E. The Big Book of Riddles - Ast\ Astrel, 2008.

Elena Novikova
Correctional lesson “Sounds [Ts]-[H] and letters Ts-H”

Subject: Sounds and letters Ts-Ch.

Target: differentiation of sounds and letters Ts-Ch.

Lesson Objectives:

1. Learn to distinguish consonant sounds and letters mixed in spoken speech and writing.

2. Develop simple forms of phonemic analysis, phonemic representations.

3. Develop mental functions (visual memory, auditory attention).

4. Form correct articulation and sound pronunciation of these sounds.


1. Cards with portraits of heroes: Dunno, Slovoznaykin, Zvukoznaykin, “clouds of breathing.”

2. Object pictures for words with sounds (C) and (CH).

3. Cards for the games “Corrector” and “Sound Mat”.

4. Multi-colored flags for assessing correct answers.

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational moment

Hello guys!

Check if everything is ready for class?

For the most attentive, active and diligent children, my assistants prepared small surprises.

2 Breathing exercises.

“Breath Cloud”

So, what do we learn in speech therapy sessions?

(speak and write correctly)

How should we speak?

(clear, intelligible, understandable to everyone)

What is the energy of our speech, its driving force?

(exhaled air)

Which hero helps us do breathing exercises?

(“Breathing cloud.” I hang it on the board.)

Performing exercises with hand movements.

I. p. standing, arms down. We take a slow breath through the nose, inflate the tummy, hands in front of the chest. Exhale slowly through your mouth, while simultaneously drawing a circle symmetrically with both hands. We try to distribute the air over the entire circle. We repeat three times.

Now let's draw squares and triangles (three times each).

Let's work on the strength of exhalation.

Exercise “candle”.

Inhale through the nose, three short strong exhalations onto the fingers, representing a burning candle. We repeat three times.

The cloud gives blue flags to those guys who performed these movements correctly.

(I give it away quickly)

3. Preparing to perceive new material.


Try to guess what sounds we will be working on today. These are the poems Slovoznaykin brought today.

Heron walks through the swamp

They are waiting for her in the nest chicks.

Circus opens on Saturday

We've already arrived wrestlers

What sound is repeated here? (C)

In which words did the sound (C) occur? (I show illustrations to the poems)

“I was in a hurry to get somewhere cricket,

Found cricketpatch,

replaced patch on hook,

hook changed to icon

What sound was repeated? (H)

In which words did the sound (H) occur? What do they mean, who will show it in the picture?

Well done, Slovoznaykin really liked your answers, he gives you a green flag.

4. Announcement of the topic and objectives of the lesson

Who can announce the topic of our lesson?

“Comparison and differentiation of sounds Ts – Ch” (Open the note on the board)

What will we learn to do with these sounds? (pronounce correctly, analyze, find these sounds in words, compare with each other, designate with letters)

And what hero will help us with this? (Zvukoznaykin)

5. Analysis of sounds according to the table


consonant consonant

Deaf - unpaired Deaf - unpaired

Hard - unpaired Soft - unpaired

whistling hissing

Tab at the bottom Tab at the top

Lips - “smile” Lips – “tube”

Cold jet Warm jet

What do you know about these sounds?

How are these sounds similar and different?

Pay attention to the position of your lips and tongue.

The guys who gave correct and complete answers receive a red flag from my assistant.

6 U knowledge of sound from silently articulated

niya - Find out by my lips what sound I want to make. The palm shows the position of the tongue (ts, ts, ts, ts, ts, ts, ts, ts, ts)

7 Physical education minute

Let's take a little rest. Stand up and show how the heron stands (children stand on one leg).

Listen to the words: if you hear the sound C in a word, stand up like a heron; if H, show a small cricket, squat down.


8 Correlating sounds and letters


Dunno confuses these letters. He asks you to help him, to explain how they differ. Who wants to show on the board how the letters C and C are written and explain to Dunno how they differ? How can Dunno remember how to write these letters?

Remember Dunno: the lower position of the tip of the tongue on the sound C – and the lower element of the letter is the “hook”; the upper position of the tip of the tongue on the sound CH is the upper element of the letter - “seagull”.

9 Game "Be careful"

Find the letters CH and C in the text. Circle the letter CH, cross out the letter C.

(Each child is given pieces of paper with printed text, cut out from a magazine. Students look for letters and complete the task) Dunno has prepared yellow flags for you.

10 Finger gymnastics

Our fingers have worked hard, and now they want to play a little.

“This finger of mine is dancing,

this circle draws,

this finger jumps deftly

Like a light, light ball.

And the little finger, my baby.

scratches his nails like a mouse.

And my big fat man

fell on his side"

11 Observation of the alternation of sounds C - C

In which words did you hear the sound H again?

(finger, little finger, jumps, ball, fatty, side)

Now let's try to change the word so that the sound T appears in it.

(finger - finger, little finger - little finger)

It turns out that in some words the sounds Ts – Ch can alternate.

I suggest you play the game “Wizards” (with a ball). I say a word with the sound C, and you turn it into H

Ring - ring

Chicken - chicken

Cucumber - cucumber

Button - button

Bird - bird

Sister - little sister

Fox - fox

What happens to our sponges when we say the sound Ts and Ch? (remember the features of articulation)

12 Training in recognizing analyzed sounds

Today we learned a lot about the sounds (C) and (Ch).

We learned to distinguish them by ear and articulation.

My assistants want to check whether all the guys were attentive today and learned to distinguish these sounds.

Game “Sound Mat”

(each has a canvas with a grid of 3*3 squares and a simple pencil)

If you hear the sound C in a word, draw elongated lips (-, if you hear the sound CH - round ones (0)

1. trait, chain, flowers

2. strongman, ball, well done

3. mill, soap dish, candle

Let's check. Compare the pattern on my board and on your pieces of paper. Stand up, whoever has the right one.

You have won a beautiful pink flag. Well done. Let's give these guys a round of applause.

13 Summary of the lesson.


Unfortunately, our lesson is ending. Let's repeat once again what we learned today about the sounds (C) and (CH).

What hint did we come up with so as not to confuse these sounds and letters?

Let's summarize, how many flags did each student earn?

I promised to show you what surprise my assistants have prepared for you. These are the boats that they drew for each of you. All you have to do at home is stick on these flags that you won today.

Raise your hand those who can say that they have learned not to confuse the sounds and letters Ts-H.