Diary entries. Memoir genre. Personal diary

As I wrote in the very first post on LiveJournal, I have never liked diaries - neither paper nor online. Before she actually turned him on. But in my youth, sometimes I forced myself to do paperwork. I believed that every respecting girl should lead him so as not to forget anything. I made the most effort on myself in 2006 during a trip to St. Petersburg, but I didn’t have enough for a long time. And this happened in 2008.

02.02.2008. I want to fall in love deeply. Mutually. So that I don’t have to languish while waiting for the object of my desires to deign to pay attention to me. And fall in love with a tall, handsome, interesting guy, and not some bloke as always...

So that we walk hand in hand down the street, and passers-by look after us and rejoice, what a beautiful couple... Again, treating a guy like an accessory? No, something else... I want strong, long, beautiful relationship. Who can stop you from thinking about this?!

After a long walk with friends, I enter the subway car tired and, it seems, a little drunk (lo and behold!) from Coca-Cola, and yet without losing grace (cat reflexes and long skirt contribute), I sit down on the seat... I look up: and there he is! Tall, stately, long-haired blond in a long black coat... Eyes... Seemingly gray, but so expressive... Handsome. I look at him, he looks at me... I don’t try to make eyes, I just look... With a sad look, which is now always with me for some time. He moves from one door to another. I don’t try to look in his direction for half a minute. I can't stand it - I turn around. I look at him - he looks at me. Doesn't turn away. Anyone would have turned away and not looked. I feel that suffering and pleading shades appear in my gaze. I can't help it! And suddenly... He closes his beautiful eyes, closes them for a second. No, he doesn’t blink, he covers it in agreement, as if he wants to say this (it’s easy to read): “I see, baby, but I’m sorry... I can’t yet. Maybe later...” For a moment I looked at the ceiling of the car, at the dim lamp, sighed, I don’t know how loudly. It seemed like a clear movement, but as if half asleep, she got up and walked to the door, trying to show with all her appearance: “And I’m also getting off at this station!” I didn’t see his reaction, I didn’t have the strength to look anymore... We left. I hoped that we were on the same path, but I immediately saw that he needed to go to another station, while I should have gone to the exit. I followed him with my eyes. The way he walked... He was in a hurry, but it seemed to me that there was so much solemnity in his movements... However, it also seemed to me that time had slowed down. Like a ghost, I flew to the escalator and stood on the stairs, which seemed to me like wings that would carry me higher, maybe into the sky. It's already nighttime.

Read while sitting at your desk and have a pencil and paper with you. Write down thoughts from the book, as well as your own, which flashed through reading or for some other reason. (Dad)

Often a woman refuses what she passionately desires. (Kuprin)




monteristica (on fingers)

cherosophy (by nails)

A stupid person cannot distinguish the essential from the accidental.

The boasting of a stupid person is sincere; the boasting of a smart person is of an evil, unsympathetic nature.


1) Miniature

2) Prelude of Death

3) From “The Bell”

4) Fire snow

5) Eastern

7) Military

Friday 7 o'clock Chemistry.

Letter to E. Rusakova

Baba Yaga.

Broken lily.

Not a word about the Bogdad Thief.

But on the way, I (I don’t know about you) thought about him all the time and it was funny to me. Damn you because of your image and Rita, I had to kill time with this idiotic letter. Varshavsky, clearly, was carried away somewhere, but in order to burst your head, I’m doomed to write.

The situation is hopeless! I am like fair man and friend, for the sake of honor, a blowjob, without any admixture of other perversions, I do not go to the hall to get my coat, but sit on your bed and praise myself for my honesty.

It turns out you’re calling me, but I’ve already gotten excited and I want to write more and more. Some kind of hard cardboard bends in the team and theme, even the glitchers will raise the eaves. The Takamba are infested with stineria and callous clushes. The old karanda siverium weighs itself down, and its supine shifts away from the wool. Double-eyed, double-crossed, call yourself a naive monster for a second. Face the walled flame in the non-walls with a huge and boring ornamentation suddenly. There they splash logs with a head and blinking blowjobs. Rostinki are justified and harmful, you throw a gift - debauchery - a pistol. The prorades are sparkling and the strings are hushed, the Cabernet is fun in the pre-dance polonaise. They will fall in love, the blue wall has moved back, the style is yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes

June - July 1925

Books from the Library of New Books:

1) Introduction to metaphysics

2) Psychophysical parallelism and positive metaphysics

Questions of philosophy and psychology.

Time and free will.

Duration and simultaneity.

A. Bergson:

Matter and memory. Research on the relationship of body to spirit. Immediate data of consciousness, vol. II. Creative evolution.

Bergson. Laughter in life and on stage.

Bernstein A. Clinical techniques for psychological research of mentally ill patients.

Bekhterev V. M.

Collective reflexology.

Objective study of personalities. Vol. I.

About hypnotism.

Fundamentals of the study of brain functions. Vol. III.

Sexual question:

Bard and Fockwell. - Sexual weakness as a type of neurasthenia;

I. Bloch. - Sex life of our time;

Vasilevsky L. M. - Towards a healthy sexual life;

Vasilevsky L. M. Sexual perversion;

Weininger O. - O Gen. Ibsen and his works;

Weininger Otto. - Gender and character;

Weininger - O. - Last words;

Afanasiev. Treasured tales. "Bashful lady."

Gegar A. - Sexual desire;

Prof. Herzegi. - Woman in physiology, pathology, and morality. relation;

Levenfeld L. - Sexual problems:

Lenz A.K. - Shame and its meaning. for sexual feeling;

Meyer A. - Hygiene of childless marriage;

Freud Z. - Theory of sexual desire;

Kovalevsky. - Sexual psychology;

Havelock Ellis. - Geschlechtstrieb und Schamgefuehl.

Soon the horses will urinate -

it means they want it that way.

Similar to gears

Passers-by are coming

And the echo scratches them

And your steps will grind

Beating off the trumpets and murmurs

Having filled the hooves with stomping

They hit boulders on their foreheads

And you didn't understand me

And I'm your Japan

And all that is our life

there is a struggle.

Mann Thomas. Herr und Hund. 1919. Berlin.

Hegeler Wilh. Der vershuettete Mensch. 1924. Berlin.

Inber V. Purpose and path.

Ivan Pavlovich Yuvachev (1860–1940) had an important influence on the spiritual formation of Kharms. According to the memoirs of E. I. Gritsyna, the poet’s sister, his father was primarily his teacher, but the relationship between them remained quite complex:

“Ivan Pavlovich’s Narodnaya Volya past somewhat shocked his son,” V. N. Petrov testifies in his memoirs. “But they must have had some similarities in their thinking style.” Many years later, one of our mutual friends told me how once, in his presence, Ivan Pavlovich asked his son for some book. He offered him “Aurora or Dawn in the Morning Rising” by Jacob Boehme. Soon the old man returned the book to him, saying that he did not understand either Be or Me in it. Kharms himself could make such a joke. However, Daniil Ivanovich had, it seems to me, a completely special and separate life, and he kept somewhat aloof from his relatives.” (Petrov V. N. D. I. Kharms / Private collection, Leningrad)

Let us note that Kharms’ religiosity, in our opinion, is connected with the consistent Orthodox views of I.P. Yuvachev, although it is by no means a canonical form.

I. P. Yuvachev published a number of religious works: “Between the World and the Monastery” (1903), “Pilgrimage to Palestine to the Holy Sepulcher”, “Secrets of the Kingdom of Heaven” (1910), “War and Faith” (1917), etc., which A. A. Aleksandrov, in the categorical preface to the mass edition of Kharms, without mentioning, characterizes as “Lenten discussions about the secrets of the kingdom of heaven.” (Kharms D. Flight to heaven. L., 1989. P. 10)

The graphologist becomes one of the “speaking” characters in the story “Power” (1940).

“One graphologist, extremely vodka lover, sat in the garden on a bench and thought about how nice it would be to come now to a large, spacious apartment in which a large, sweet family lived with young daughters playing the piano. The graphologist would be greeted very kindly, taken to the dining room, seated in a chair near the fireplace and a small table placed in front of him. And on the table there would be a decanter of vodka and a plate of hot meat pies. The graphologist would sit and drink vodka, snack on hot pies, and the pretty daughters of the owner would play the piano in the next room and sing beautiful arias from Italian operas.”

(GPB. F. 1232, storage unit 219, sheet 28 vol.)

According to the story of I.V. Bakhterev, among Kharms’ acquaintances there was a graphologist nicknamed Nonesma.

Wed. also in the novel by K. K. Vaginov “The Works and Days of Svistonov”: “In the evenings, Psikhachev worked part-time in a tavern as a graphologist.” (Vaginov K. Goat song. Works and days of Svistonov. Bambochada. M., 1989. P. 330)

Alexander Vasilyevich Tufanov (1877 - not earlier than 1941) - poet, “Chairman Globe Get lost." The son of a peasant in the Arkhangelsk province. “Born during the heyday of Veliky Novgorod in the 15th century during the robbery campaigns of slaves on the ears and during their resettlement to Zavolochye on the river. North Dvina,” he wrote in his autobiography. (IRLI. F. 172, item 348)

In 1900 he graduated from the Teachers' Institute. Since 1905 he was engaged in journalism, publishing theater reviews and court chronicles in the newspaper “Son of the Fatherland”. In 1913 - 17 was the editor of the School Update magazine. In 1915, he headed the literary section of the Northern Guslyar magazine, where he published articles and poems. They also publish under the pseudonyms “Sitentium” and “A. V. Belomorsky" in the magazines "Peaks", "Nature and People", "Life for Everyone", "Rudin", newspapers " Modern word", "Evening penny newspaper". “Taganrog Bulletin”, “Sochi Leaflet”.

In 1917, at his own expense, he published the first collection of poems, “Aeolian Harp,” in the preface to which he declared creative independence: “Yes, I am no one, and therefore I should not. My soul is nowhere, and therefore I shouldn’t.” The poems of this book, imbued with the influence of Balmont, Severyanin and Mallarmé, at the same time were an important stage in the creation of Tufanov own theory creativity. Their musicality is one of the necessary features of poetry (“we need music theory verse") - was a manifestation of the “fluidity of verse” - the most important characteristic of Tufanov’s theory. Developing “scientifically and symbolically” Khlebnikov’s ideas, he develops his own system of semantization of phonemes, when phonemes become “material of art.” The manifesto of his theoretical views was the book he published “To Zaumi” (L., 1924), in the preface to which he formulated the main provisions of his school.

Apparently, it was at this time that Kharms met Tufanov. The reason for acquaintance and rapprochement, on the one hand, could be admiration for Khlebnikov (see Khlebnikov’s obituary written by Tufanov: A.V. T-v. In Memory of Velimir Khlebnikov / News 1922, June 17; and the announcement of the creation of the “Circle in Memory of the Poet Khlebnikov "(News 1922, June 24)), and on the other hand, the most important idea for Kharms was the consolidation of “left forces” in art. Unfortunately, the meetings between Kharms and Tufanov are practically not documented (we do not know the contents of Tufanov’s “unsorted” fund in the IRLI). Without a doubt, they met at readings at the Union of Poets, perhaps at GIIS.

In March 1925, Tufanov created the “Order of Brainiacs DSO.” “The 'Order of Brainiacs' in Leningrad arose after my speech at the Leningrad branch of the Union of Poets in March 1925,” he wrote in a letter to an unknown collector of materials about literary groups of the 20s. - […] DSO - abstruse meaning: with the weakening of material barriers /D/, ray aspiration /S/ into the centuries with an expanded perception of space and time /O/. The core of the group consists of three: me, Kharms and Vigilyansky: Kharms and Vigilyansky are students who constantly work in my studio. There are 6 more people who have a bias towards Zaumi and are engaged in preliminary preparation. Then in Leningrad there is also Terentyev, a student of the Kruchenykhs, who has now moved away from our work, works in the theater and has a student of Vvedensky (at the preparatory stage). Terentyev considers me “the only theoretician in Zaumi,” so there are 11 theorists in Leningrad, and my messages can be considered exhaustive.” (Private collection, Leningrad; prepared for publication by T. L. Nikolskaya and J.-F. Jacquard as part of A. V. Tufanov’s volume “Ushkuiniki” (in print))

In the same letter, Tufanov wrote about the “contacts” of the “Order of Clever DSO” with the group “Zorved” (Vigilant Knowledge), headed by M.V. Matyushin through the artist Boris Ender, and the “Order of Leningrad Imagists”, headed by G.B. Shmerelson, through the poet Ivan Afanasyev-Soloviev (see note 54). The theoretical provisions of the declaration of the “Order of Abstruse DSO” were published and commented on by T. L. Nikolskaya. (Nikolskaya T. L. Order of Zaumnikov / Russian Literature. XXII (1987), No. 1. P. 85–96. In the magazine, the article was incorrectly attributed to Sergei Sigov)

On October 17, 1925, the Union of Poets hosted an Evening of Leningrad nerds, where the “Manifesto” was announced, in which the methodology of Tufanov’s theory was defined - “expanded perception of the world and non-spatial perception of time,” and nerds (and expressionists) were called the only revolutionary in poetry (see text in Appendix).

In December 1926, at the suggestion of Kharms and Vvedensky, who joined the “DSO Zaumnikov Order” in the summer of 1925, the name of the group was replaced by “Left Flank”, which in January 1927 took its final form “Left Flank”. Soon, however, presumably after a quarrel between Vvedensky and Tufanov, he left the “Left Flank”, retaining the name and returning to the position “Circle - myself,” as he wrote in 1924 in the questionnaire of the Union of Poets. (IRLI. F. 491)

In 1927 he released the third and last book“Ushkuiniki (fragments of the poem)” and continues his theoretical studies.

In December 1931, Tufanov was arrested in the same case with Kharms and in the spring of 1932 he was exiled to Novgorod, which he apparently chose himself as a place of exile.

In 1933, he was brought in for interrogation by the local NKVD in connection with the “case of the Novgorod Museum” (see the memoirs of the museum director N. G. Porfiridov. “Novgorod” (L., 1987)). In Novgorod, he heads the Historical Cabinet at the Pedagogical Institute. In November 1941, Tufanov disappeared, further fate his is unknown.

See about him: Nikolskaya T. L. Decree. op.

This year, in the “Berkeley Slavic Specialties” series, a reissue of the book “Ushkuiniki” will be published with the addition of basic information about the author (articles, biographical materials), scientifically prepared by J.-F. Jacquard and T. L. Nikolskaya.

Paul Alexandrovich Marcel (real name Rusakov. 1908–1973) - composer, conductor. Born in Marseille in the family of political emigrant A. I. Rusakov (Ioselevich). In 1919 he came to Petrograd with his family. In 1929-32 studied at the composition department of the Leningrad Conservatory.

First independent musical works date back to 1924, which soon became very popular “Tango Tampa” and “Bustling”. He published songs and romances based on poems by S. A. Yesenin (“The Golden Grove Dissuaded”), A. A. Blok (“Harmonica”), and B. L. Pasternak (“Goodbye”). N. Ya. Agnivtseva (“Cog screw”), M. A. Svetlova (“Grenada”) and others under the pseudonym Paul Marcel. His tangos were especially popular: “Game of Love”, “Secret Love”, “Tango” (from the film “Peter”), etc. He wrote music for performances.

The first production is a performance by third-year students of the State Institute and Technical College Performing Arts workshop of S. E. Radlov “The Piggy Bank” by L. Lyabin, where the main roles were played by Boris Chirkov and Nikolai Cherkasov.

Evenings of music and poetry were held in the Rusakovs' house on Zhelyabova Street. Partly due to his acquaintance with Marcel, the image of the Musician appears in Kharms’s poetry:

They took a frieze overcoat,

We stitched the edging,

Placed on the panel

So the musician came out.

In 1928-29 the family of A.I. Rusakov became a victim of the provocation of the GPU (see: Fleishman Lazar. About one mysterious poem by Daniil Xapmca / Stanford Slavic Studies vol. 1. Stanford, 1987. pp. 256–257). Soon after this, Marcel became musical director Theater of the Special Far Eastern Army. In 1938, his family was arrested. Mother and Esther died in the camp. Marcel was sent to Vyatlag, where he was recruited as a musician and conductor to work in the “exemplary” Musical and Drama Theater of the Vyatlag NKVD, artistic director of which L. Leo was and the director was B. Rozin. P. Marcel’s first premiere was “Staging in 6 scenes with apotheosis” “Vasily Terkin” (1943), then: “Program “Maritsa”” (instrumentation by Marcel) (1943), after this production Marcel, by order of the beginning. the camp was appointed conductor; “Cossack beyond the Danube” (August 20, 1944), “Gypsy Baron” (October 29, 1944); he was thin. director of the production, “Wedding in Malinovka” (November 7, 1944), “Somewhere in Moscow” by V. Mass and M. Chervinsky (August 27, 1945), “La Traviata” (November 1945).

In 1947, with a minus, he arrived in Voronezh, where until 1949 he worked as a conductor of the local circus. In 1949-56 - conductor of the Ivanovo circus. In October 1956, after final rehabilitation, he returned to Leningrad. On October 21, 1956, D. D. Shostakovich writes a letter to the Chairman of the Leningrad City Executive Committee N. I. Smirnov with a request to provide Marcel with an apartment:

“Dear Nikolai Ivanovich!

The bearer of this, composer P. A. Rusakov, was completely rehabilitated by the decision of the Leningrad City Court and returned to his place of permanent residence in Leningrad.

I urge you to provide him with all possible assistance in obtaining living space, given that before his arrest he lived in Leningrad all the time and is currently appointed chief conductor of the Leningrad Circus.

With deep respect

D. Shostakovich"

(TSGALIL. F. 211, item 72, l. 2)

Similar letters were written by N.I. Cherkasov and Yu.V. Tolubeev. Marcel was the chief conductor of the circus from 1956 to 1963. In 1964-70. He worked as a conductor of the Circus on Stage ensemble. His archive is kept in TsGALIL (F. 211).

There is probably no girl in the world who does not keep a personal diary. I think the boys write their thoughts on paper, immediately hiding the notes in secret place so that no one reads it. So today I decided to start a personal diary. This was facilitated by the teacher, who asked in the form of a diary entry.

Essay in the form of a diary entry

Well, hello diary. Here I will write my innermost and secret.

October 19

Today I became interested in how to keep a diary and what is generally included in diary entries. I think you can write about everything in a diary, especially about painful things. For example, today the teacher unfairly reprimanded me without understanding the situation. But the culprit was my classmate, whom I did not betray. Now I’m offended by the teacher and my mood today is not the best. Now I understand how good it is to have friends. So I was able to talk to them and my soul felt calm.

The 20th of October

Continuing my essay, I will write about cherished dream. I'm in 9th grade and I have a dream. So, my favorite diary and my diary entry, I have been dreaming of having a pet for a long time. I really want a parrot. This cheerful and vocal bird that can imitate human speech. I already know everything I need about these birds, because I have read a lot of different literature. I'll probably ask my mom and dad to give it to me for my birthday. Maybe my dream will come true after all, especially since my birthday is just around the corner. In the meantime, see you soon, my diary, because soon I will write my thoughts here again.

Educational goals:

  1. introduce students to different types diaries, their purpose, features of keeping;
  2. teach the correct formatting of diary entries.


  • various types of diaries, works and diaries of writers, poets of modern and 19th, 20th centuries,
  • landscapes by artists of Yakutia,
  • video about the visit memorable places Yakutia;
  • On the students’ desks are the texts necessary for work.

Teacher's word: Hello, guys. Today is an unusual lesson. You and I will go on an unusual journey, we will meet something new, namely...we will find out about this in a few minutes. Make yourself comfortable, prepare notebooks and pens for future notes.

Let's start the lesson with a speech warm-up. Reading a poem by S. Makhotin. (Student reads)

Two diaries

The room smells like thunder!
But for now
Two diaries are tightly hidden.
In the first,
Which lies under a fur coat,
The red two is trembling with anger,
A secret, a note, a walk to the river -
All this is in the second diary.
But no one will ever find

This tattered blue notebook:
It will be written in it a little later:
Punished with a belt.
I haven't seen her for ten hours...
Fourteen days until the holidays!”

What is it about? What diaries are we talking about?

What mood is felt at the beginning of the poem?

What words create it? (Feeling of tense anticipation of retribution for the deuce: “smells like a thunderstorm”, “tightly hidden” “the red deuce is trembling with anger.”)

What mood is in the second part of the poem? How does this affect linguistic means?

Conclusion. At the beginning of S. Makhotin's poem, the contents of the last diary entry are conveyed, then the anxious tension, and after recognition and well-deserved punishment - abrupt phrases of the entries. But among them there is an unspoken line about the personal, about one’s own: “I haven’t seen her for ten hours...”.

II. Work on the topic.

1. You guessed it, today’s lesson will talk about different types diaries. Write down today's date and the topic of the lesson in your notebook.

From what word was the word formed? diary! (day)

Find V " Explanatory dictionary Russian language" S.I. Ozhegova definition of the word diary.

A) diary - This is a student notebook for recording assigned lessons and for taking notes on academic performance and behavior.

(This is the same diary in which “the red two is trembling with anger” and which is well known to us);

b) diary - These are records of everyday affairs, current events that are carried out day after day.

(This is the second diary mentioned in S. Makhotin’s poem).

What types of diaries are you familiar with?

(Observation diary, travel diary, personal diary).

Based on the name (the names are conditional), explain the purpose of each of the different types of diaries.

Observation diaries are kept during natural history lessons; they record daily observations of the state of nature.

Travel diaries are kept during travel.

Personal diaries include recordings of significant events in personal and public life people, talk about the writer’s mood, feelings about their experiences; a personal diary helps in self-knowledge and self-education.

Exercise. Define main idea text.

Many people - both children and adults - keep diaries. This is the need of the soul - to write down an event, an impression, a thought. The recording becomes a silent interlocutor, a friend with whom you share.

A notebook is a companion, a notebook is a piggy bank - what a wonderful thing this is! On its pages, as if caught by a line, it continues to live; The tourist lines along which you passed meander, footsteps and voices are heard again; and the dispute that has touched you calls you to delve deeper into it. And everything that is around you, and everything that is in you, everything is reflected in the diary.

Good people live next to us. Next to each of us. Let your diaries become true testimonies about our time, about its people, and therefore about yourself. (According to E. Tsyuryupa)

Identify what types of diaries the following entries come from. Give reasons for your answer.

Text No. 1

On November 26, at three o'clock in the morning, the Nautilus crossed the Tropic of Cancer at 172" longitude. On November 27 we passed the Sandwich Islands, where the famous Captain Cook died on February 14, 1779. (Jules Verne)

(Travel Diary)

Text No. 2

Glory to you, Lord! Here comes the holidays! Finally, I'm home... Yes! You need to cram, like me all year round lessons, every day, and even twice a day - with the exception, of course, of holidays - in a stuffy room, in a circle of six comrades, bending over a soiled notebook or a battered book until midnight, cramming Greek and Latin languages, geometry and so on, so on. You need, I say, to experience and experience all this in order to appreciate all the charm of a warm, hospitable, native corner... My father is so quiet, so unforgiving! If I happen to do something wrong, he will shake his head, make a slight reproach - and that’s all...

However, it's time for lunch. After lunch I’ll go to bed and sleep until the evening, it’s just pure pleasure!.. (I.S. Nikitin)

(Personal diary)

Most often, personal diaries are written “for oneself,” that is, they are not intended for prying eyes. But sometimes a person himself or after his death, relatives publish diary entries. This mainly concerns the personal diaries of writers, scientists, public figures, teachers whose thoughts and reasoning may be of interest to both contemporaries and descendants. Sometimes writers deliberately design their works in the form of diary entries, so that events look more authentic and the actions of the characters, their thoughts and feelings become more understandable.

Read an excerpt from a story written in diary form. Remember its title and author.

Twenty eighth of May!

Today is a very happy day for me: school is over, I moved to the next grade with only straight A’s.

Vacations start tomorrow. I decided to keep a diary during the holidays. Mom said that she would give me an eternal pen if I kept a diary carefully. I bought a thick one general notebook in a blue cover and decided to carefully write down various interesting cases. As soon as something interesting happens, I'll write it down right away. In addition, I will write down my thoughts. I will think about different things, and as soon as a good thought comes to my mind, I will write it down too.

Nothing interesting has happened today yet. There were no thoughts yet either. (N. Nosov’s story “The Diary of Kol Sinitsyn”)

Guys, travel is always interesting because you meet new people, their stories about themselves and others. You are a math class, so I wanted to introduce you to Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky, a world-famous scientist. On May 27, 1892, he wrote in his diary: “What an important thing is “hygiene of thought.” It seems to me that this is the most important thing in life, because this achieves the desire for harmony and a sense of harmony is created by a person in this way...”

Another name is Yuri Annenkov. He is a brilliant graphic artist, painter, and theater artist. Thanks to his “Diary of Meetings,” we will continue to get acquainted with wonderful Russian writers and poets in literature lessons.

And what kind of diaries did you guys come across? Tell me.

(Answers are varied. Students give examples of the diaries of L.N. Tolstoy, letters of I.S. Turgenev and others, read treasured pages.)

Next stop – next task. Look again at all the suggested fragments of diary entries.

What do they have in common?

1. Date of recording: day, month, year (sometimes place and time are indicated).

A) interesting events in personal and public life;
b) feelings about these events;
c) reasoning about current and interesting life problems.

What does each diary entry represent? Justify your answer.

(Text: sentences are related in meaning; each entry can be titled.)

In what style of speech can entries be made in diaries?

(In the observation diary - in scientific, popular science, artistic;

V personal diary- in fiction and conversation;

in a travel diary - in popular science, fiction.)

Define each style.

Scientific - a style in which scientific information is communicated and facts are explained.

Scientifically popular – scientific style with elements of other speech styles.

Artistic - the writer paints with words some pictures and images.

Determine the type of speech of the proposed diary entries. (Jules Verne and N. Nosov have a narrative; I.S. Nikitin has a reasoning).

Define types of speech:

Narration is...

Description is...

Reasoning is...

CONCLUSION (made by the student)

So, diary entries are texts different styles and types of speech. Most often they include narration, reasoning, and description. Although narration is preferable when recounting events, reasoning is preferable when thinking about them, and description is more common in travel diaries. Travel does not leave without conversation, often intimate, when a person reveals himself from a completely different side.

Guys, have you ever asked yourself what kind of person you are, what kind of person you want to become? Now you are at an age when it is important to choose and determine for yourself the moral laws by which you will strive to live. It's hard to do at your age, but you have to try. And diaries, in which a person reveals himself to himself without embellishment, have helped and are helping many people to understand these complex issues.

Today we will get acquainted with excerpts from the diary of young Leo Tolstoy.

Student's word.

Lev Nikolaevich kept his diary from youth, and made his last entries a few days before his death. Why are the diaries of young Tolstoy interesting? This is a wonderful example of how a person formed himself, his personality, what high goals he set for himself and, consciously struggling with shortcomings, paved his life path. In this case, the shortcomings are not only indicated, but also emphasized, exposed, otherwise it is impossible to fight them. In the diaries of young Tolstoy, one is struck by the incredible sincerity. In them he analyzes the internal, spiritual life, brings in his observations and thoughts, determines the goals and objectives of his life.

Let's, guys, read the lines from L.N.'s diary entries. Tolstoy, let's try to find those places where the writer defined the basic rules for himself, main goal own life..

March 24!847, I have changed a lot; but I still have not reached the degree of perfection (in my studies) that I would like to achieve. I do not do what I prescribe to myself; What I do, I don’t do well, I don’t strain my memory. To do this, I am writing here some rules, which, it seems to me, will help me a lot if I follow them. 1) Whatever you are destined to do, do it no matter what. 2) What you do, do it well. 3) Never consult a book if you forgot something, but try to remember it yourself. 4) Force your mind to constantly act with all its possible strength...

7 April 1847 I never had a diary because I saw no use for it. Now, when I am developing my abilities, from the diary I will be able to judge the progress of this development. The diary should contain a table of rules, and my future actions should also be determined in the diary.

April 8, 1847 Although I have already gained a lot since I began to take care of myself, I am still very dissatisfied with myself. The further you progress in improving yourself, the more shortcomings you see in yourself, and Socrates said the truth that highest degree perfection. A person has to know that he knows nothing.

June 14, I850 I started writing my diary again and again with new zeal... Maybe I’ll give it up again; but it is a pleasant activity and it will be pleasant to re-read, just as it is pleasant to re-read old ones...

The diary is very convenient for judging yourself. Then, since I find it necessary to determine all activities in advance, a diary is also necessary for this. I would like to get used to defining my way of life in advance, not just for one day, but for a year, for several years, even for a dog’s life; too difficult, almost impossible; however, I’ll try, first for a day, the flood for two days - how many days do I will true to definitions for how many days will ask yourself ahead...

December 8, 1850 ...I noticed an important change in myself: I became more
self-confident, that is, no longer embarrassed; I believe this is because
that I have one goal in mind (interest), and by striving, I could evaluate myself and acquired a consciousness of my dignity, which makes it so much easier to carry people.

March 7, 1851<:. Нахожу для дневника, кроме определения будущих действий, полезную цель, - отчет каждого дня, с точки зрения тех слабостей, от которых хочешь исправиться.September 21, 1855. ...My main goal in life is the good of my neighbor, and conditional goals are literary glory, based on benefit, good to my neighbor.

Student answers.

Wealth based on works useful for others and aimed at good.

Service glory, based on the benefit of the fatherland. I'll sort it out in my diary, I) what I did every day and 2) how many times I did not fulfill my destiny.

3. I could appreciate myself and acquired a consciousness of my dignity, which makes carrying people around so much easier.

4 ...It is very convenient to use a diary to judge oneself, since I find it necessary to determine all activities in advance, then a diary is also necessary for this. I would like to get used to defining my lifestyle in advance, not just for one day, but for a year, for several years, for life

Often the writer reveals the character of the characters through their diary entries, through internal monologues, and gives the floor to the narrator. The hero of L. Tolstoy’s story “After the Ball,” Ivan Vasilyevich, is concerned about moral and social problems; he tries to find out what the moral principles of society are, the criteria for assessing good and evil, what the army is based on, of which he dreamed of becoming an officer.

Remember how I.V.’s life changed. after the incident with the Tatar?

(He gave up his career. The hero chooses the path of “non-participation in lies.” This is the path of moral self-improvement, internal opposition to social evil).

Find the definition of the word morality in Ozhegov’s dictionary.

Morality is...

And according to L. Tolstoy?

(According to Tolstoy, “morality cannot be based on anything other than the consciousness of oneself as a spiritual being, one with all other beings and with everything. If a person is not a spiritual, but a physical being, he inevitably lives only for himself, and life for oneself and morality are incompatible.)

Remember how I.V.’s assessment sounded? one of the listeners?

(“Well, we know how no good you are. No matter how many people would be no good if you were not there.” The hero lives in accordance with his conscience, instructing his neighbors on the path of good. Not personal happiness, love, but the search for Truth goodness is the meaning of his life.)

(The students’ conclusion, voiced during the lesson, allowed me, the teacher, to see that many children agreed with the statement of L.N. Tolstoy, others took the position of some of our contemporaries). I suggest re-reading the writers' diaries.


I wanted you to reflect on the diary entries of the famous writer, try to get to know yourself with the help of an improvised diary, see your shortcomings, weaknesses and, if necessary, change something in yourself.

Maybe, first, make a note in the form of a letter to an unfamiliar peer, where you introduce yourself and tell us about yourself - who you are, where and how you live, what you are interested in, what you strive for, what attracts you, what people play a significant role in your life, what they do attract you, read what is written, look at yourself as if from the outside. Write down what impression the person in the letter left on you.

Or maybe these will be lines about today’s lesson - travel. The guys and I will be happy to listen to you, if, of course, you trust us with your recordings. After all, a personal diary can only be read with the permission of the Owner.

I would like to end today’s lesson with an excerpt from the collective diary of our school’s teachers, who traveled to Kempendyai in January last year, to the “Kyrbyi Uyata” sports and recreation complex.


I read the passage and ask you to answer the questions:

  • Are you interested in what was discussed here?
  • I would like you to visit these places,
  • what type of diary is this?


Early morning. A bus with teachers returning from a trip to Kempendai stops at the entrance to secondary school No. 20. And the next day, in the corridors of the school, questions are heard every now and then: “Were you also in Kempendai? Was it interesting there? What were you doing there? And in response, enthusiastic words: “It was great there!”

Before the trip, many prepared cameras and movie cameras to capture all stages of the long-awaited journey.

The road to Mirny was already familiar to many, and yet enthusiastic exclamations were heard every now and then. The teachers were as happy as children. The farther from Udachny, the more beautiful the surrounding landscape became: gradually the larches gave way to fir trees and birches, and those strewn with snow were fabulously beautiful and evoked nostalgic sadness. And now, instead of recordings of fashionable hits, the following began to sound:

... The main thing, guys, is not to grow old in your heart...,

...Komsomol members are restless hearts...,

... Under the wing of an airplane he sings about something

Green sea of ​​taiga...

and other songs that came to mind.

The twelve-hour trip to Mirny passed under the motto “And the path is both far and long...”. We arrived in the city late in the evening. And our visit to school No. 12 evoked notes of white envy among our teachers. Everyone vying with each other asked to see the offices, halls, dining room, and library. We looked carefully, trying to remember the design features, took photographs of stands and exhibitions.

The journey from Mirny to Kempendyai is “a journey into the unknown.” Stop in the village. Toybokhoy - excursion to the local history museum. The beautiful new museum building, erected by the ALROSA company, interesting exhibitions (the curiosities of nature are especially striking), friendly guides, ready to answer any question, could not leave anyone indifferent.

Next stop in the village. Suntar, the center of Suntarsky ulus. How nice it is to feel like a long-awaited guest, to feel the care and attention that unobtrusively surrounds you on such a long journey.

There is another museum in the village of Elgyay. Yes what! Elgyai Regional Museum and Ecological Center named after. B.N. Andreeva (ERMETs). Moving from hall to hall, you are transported from one natural and climatic zone to another. Here in front of you are the tropics, then steppes and savannas, mountainous regions, birds of the Vilyui region - a total of 18 exhibitions that reveal the features of the zonal landscape complexes of the Earth.

Everyone had the opportunity not only to examine in detail the animal that most interested him, but even to touch it and take a photo next to it.

After visiting the museum, we spent a long time on the bus discussing the enthusiasm of its workers, who were collecting exhibition material bit by bit, and the scale of the exhibitions on display. We regretted that our students did not have the opportunity to see all this beauty.

Late at night we arrived at our destination – the sports and recreation complex “Kyrbyi Uyata” in the village. Kempendyay. We stayed in wooden houses. Festive dinner – opening, sauna. And the next morning we finally looked around. The unique beauty of the surrounding nature delighted everyone: the light wood of the houses stood out brightly against the background of tall snow-covered spruces and pines, penetrated by the rays of the sun. It seems: if you step a little further to the side, you will find yourself in a fairy tale. Standing on the steep bank of the Kempendyai River, you see vast spaces covered with snow-covered forests. Transparent air. Silence. Only the snow crunches underfoot...

All that remains is to visit the Museum of the History of the Search for Yakut Diamonds in the village of Krestya. Head and founder of the museum Konobulova M.Kh. She even offered to stay in their village for a few days to get to know each other better. Unfortunately, it was time for us to return home.

The team of teachers from secondary school No. 20.

The answer is almost in unison - travel.

And then I heard a lot of interesting things about the travels of the guys themselves.

When traveling on vacation with their parents, they not only relax, but also get to know our country, get acquainted with monuments of architecture, art, and literature.

There is a promise that when the opportunity arises, they will show these diaries and read interesting pages.

The lesson is over.


  1. Speech development lessons. Methodological manual for teachers of language arts in the “Speech” program.
  2. Moscow, Humanitarian Publishing Center, 1999.

G.A. Bogdanov. Russian language lessons in 8th grade.

Moscow, Enlightenment, 2000

The evening was dedicated to beginners. Among them was a school teacher. During the war, he volunteered for the tank corps, was wounded and, it seems, was awarded twice. Naturally, now he wants to reflect his experiences during the war in literature, although he accumulated the richest material in another area - in the area of ​​village life and observations of natural phenomena. This also affected his work. The story, generally worthless from the point of view of the plot, turned out to be magnificent in its individual inclusions in the waste. The very title of the first story, “Perch - He Lives in the Roots,” attracts attention. The title of the phrase, in my opinion, is one of the most difficult. Here you need to choose something very bright and short. Rarely does anyone succeed. Here, it seems to me, luck is undeniable. From this short phrase you can see the main character - at least paint a portrait. So a wide-bearded old man stands in front of you, perhaps with a bald head, or even with gray curls. He may not be very distant, but he believes in himself and is inclined to teach. “The perch lives in the roots.” A wide beard and a “thick” voice are quite appropriate here. This is not a tenor, not sly eyes and a narrow beard. Then there would be other phrases: “Perch - he loves roots.” Even better was the name of one of the characters - Pavelko. It just amazed me. I myself bear this name, I know, it seems, all its changes: Pasha, Pashutka, Pashunya, Pavlik, Pavlushka, Pavka, Pashka, etc., but I didn’t even imagine this. And at the same time it is incredibly simple and natural. It’s kind of one of the endless indicators that you can sit in your leather-lined pants at your desk and not come up with anything you can overhear in life. And this gives impetus to your word formations. After Pavelko, it is not surprising to compose something of the same kind. The story turned out to be rich in details taken from observations of nature. It is felt that the author knows a lot and is able to convey those vivid sayings that have developed among the people as a generalization of these observations. Of course, the loon coughs, and the quail complains - “here they lead you!” Here they will lead you!” I was pleasantly impressed that the author does not rush off the beaten path too easily.

There is a place in the story when an old fisherman must undress and climb into the water to pull out a perch. According to all literary traditions, in this case it is supposed that it smells, that the person examines his naked body with swollen veins and blue veins. Regarding a tanned, wrinkled neck, the supplement is also familiar. There is none of this in the story, and it gives the impression of freshness. This is how it should be, so that the reader does not remember: “But this is the same with Bunin, and this is with Chekhov.” And more correctly, it seems that in simple village conditions such details as undressing or dressing are not noticed. I need to undress. What's unusual here? On this occasion, I remembered an incident from my newspaper work. We were driving, it seems, in the Talitsky district. It was necessary to ask the way to one of the artels, where we were making our way with the agronomist, I remember, Belonogov (I still had to travel quite a bit with him). They asked the shepherds. They pointed along the road and explained: “You see, the girls are swimming. So, before you get a little further, you will see a turn off to the left. You can’t see it from here behind the forest.” Then, looking towards the swimmers, they added: “Look at them, cholera, the cape is full!” It’s no different from the artel. Close here. You ask which one. He carries it out, otherwise the fence will go away when they turn, there are many paths, but everything is in the forest. It’s easy to get lost.” This simplicity of relationships, which presupposes the ability to ask directions from “swimming girls,” was remembered here. The girls would probably have started squealing at first, but then, having learned that they were being asked “about business,” they would calmly explain. But we, city people, were shy and, as a result, having set off faithfully along the path, we later became entangled in its many branches. In the evening in the artel they laughed at us: “They were scared of our girls. They thought, go ahead, they’re goblins!” “So they guessed at the factory potato plant. It’s almost like we’ve traveled fifteen miles, but here we can’t even get two.” “The girls really scared them away! They don’t see the light, they’re chasing in vain!”

A village man, although he had been working at school for over twenty years, the author absorbed this simplicity and passed by such a moment as undressing and dressing, but he did not forget to vividly imagine the old man, mentioning the emerging beard. This emerging beard is also a noticeable indicator that the narrator has undoubted qualities as a writer: he sees those about whom he writes.

His second story, “Ide - a cunning fish,” is something completely different. First of all, the title. Placed next to the previous one, it seems deliberate. It seems that the author took up fishing stories. The rustic framing here is done much worse. There is nothing that would be remembered in the same way as in the previous, plot-wise, useless story. But here we find a very original plot of a war story with a deep philosophical generalization. Moreover, details emerged that were not always available to the writer even with the rank of war correspondent. There may be physical intimacy, but there are always elements of tension, the same as, for example, when taking photographs. People are sometimes asked to “be more free, more natural,” but everyone nevertheless remembers that “he is being filmed” and tries to “appear better.” Here one feels a closeness of a different order: the author sees people in everyday situations as they do in reality. As a political worker in one of the combat units, he, twice wounded, was, of course, not an outside spectator, but one of the participants in the life of an ordinary soldier and therefore could see it in its entirety and without embellishment. It seems true that the Red Army soldiers, during forced idleness, talk... about fishing. One of the fighters turned out to be a specialist in catching ides. They laugh at him a little, they don’t quite trust that such a specialty exists. In response, he talks in some detail about the peculiarities of ide fishing. This story is told at length and is complicated by side details, but this does not prevent the reader from understanding that catching ides is essentially a very difficult sport that requires great observation, endurance and patience. The story ends with the narrator calling the commander. The remaining fighters are talking among themselves about the one who left.

Ide hunter! No wonder he brought up eight languages. I learned how to catch ides.

Again, an excursion into personal memories. Krasnokamsk during its construction. Questionnaire from the Construction Committee on how someone spent their month off. Of the thirty-two responses, the majority were considered “cultural.” Translated into colloquial language, this means that people took vouchers and went somewhere. Including, I remember, Shartash and Sysert were mentioned. (At that time Krasnokamsk was still part of the Sverdlovsk region.) But they also turned out to be “uncultured”. One, as it appears on the sheet, spent a whole month fishing on Lysva, the other berry-picking and haymaking. They tried to turn such people “toward culture,” but is it necessary? Living for a month on the Kama bank, in my opinion, is no worse than in Sysert, which I know and love as the place of my homeland, but still I do not dare to say that it is worth going from the Kama to the stagnant waters of the pond. There is nothing to say about Shartash.

It also seems wrong to underestimate some types of old Russian sports, such as fishing. Some reminder of this, even if it is given in passing, seems useful.

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