Buinov what. An interesting case from life. “My husband knows how to control me”

Alexander Buinov is one of the popular pop performers. He attracted the attention of fans back in the mid-70s of the last century, when he was part of the extremely popular group “Jolly Fellows”. After the start solo career the artist disappeared from the screens for several years. But since the mid-90s of the last century, Alexander Buinov has become incredibly popular. His tour schedule scheduled for several months in advance.

The singer’s personal life is incredibly eventful. The artist was married three times. Only his third wife was able to make him happy. Despite this, Buinov cheated on his beloved. As a result of the singer’s chance relationship, a son was born, about whom Alexander prefers not to talk. Currently, the artist is faithful to his wife. He is grateful to fate that she gave him a meeting with Alena.

Height, weight, age. How old is Alexander Buynov

In his youth, Alexander Buinov was one of the members of the popular pop group “Jolly Fellows”. Since then, a large audience has fallen in love with this performer for his wide smile and excellent vocal abilities. Our hero had fans who wanted to know everything about the idol, including his height, weight, age, and how old Alexander Buinov was. In 2018, the musician celebrated his 68th birthday. He does not hide his biological age from the public, but outwardly the singer looks 10-15 years younger than he actually is.

Alexander Buinov, whose photos in his youth and now attract the attention of fans, is 180 cm tall and weighs 80 kg. The popular pop singer assures that he never thinks about his figure. But every day Alexander does exercises, which allows him to feel better, younger and more energetic. In addition, Buinov tries to eat right. Over the past ten years he has eliminated alcoholic drinks from your diet.

Biography of Alexander Buinov

The boy in the Buinov family was born in 1950. Father - Nikolai Aleksandrovich Buinov served at one of the airfields near Moscow. Mother - Klavdia Mikhailovna Buinova studied music. From childhood, parents raised their son as creative personality. Sasha did not grow up alone in the family. He had three brothers.

From the age of 6, the boy began to study music. Currently Buinov says that it was thanks to his mother that he received musical education. The boy learned to play the piano. Later he independently mastered playing the guitar and accordion. IN last years The artist rarely plays music in public.

Alexander went to school reluctantly. He didn’t like the fact that he had to sit quietly, read, and write. The boy wanted to run and jump. His favorite lesson was physical education. It was here that Buinov found an outlet for his violent energy.

Sasha in early years often took part in hooliganism with friends. Together with his friends, the boy broke glass in the windows and wrote obscene words, scared passers-by, broke light bulbs in the entrance. One day, during the explosion of a self-made bomb, the future popular artist damaged the retina of the eye. Doctors fought for a long time for Sasha’s vision. The eyes were saved, but from that time on the guy was forced to wear glasses.

It is at this time that it begins music career our hero. He met Alexander Gradsky, with whom he played in the same group for several years. At this time, Buinov became an ardent supporter of hippie ideology.

At the age of 18 young man drafted into the army. The service took place in Altai. Alexander now often recalls this carefree time. Once, in one of his interviews, the popular performer said that it was at this time that he met his first wife.

The creative biography of Alexander Buinov became successful from the moment he became one of the members of the popular VIA “Jolly Fellows”. The musician and his band performed before the Soviet public. In the early 80s of the last century, the group began to travel abroad. The audience tirelessly applauded the cheerful and hooligan artists. The guys became winners of various song competitions.

In 1989, Alexander decided to continue performing solo. For some time his career was not as successful as before. But the persistent popular performer achieved his goal. Since 1995, the hits of singer Alexander Buinov have become known to everyone. From now on, his tour schedule is planned literally several months in advance.

At the beginning of the new millennium, information appeared that a man was preparing for surgery. He himself told his fans about this. The singer refused to answer about the reason for the surgical intervention. Only after the operation did Alexander reveal that he had cancer. After successful surgical treatment, the musician did not stay in the clinic for long. Soon he was discharged home. Within a few weeks, Buinov was touring just as intensively as before his illness.

The popular pop singer starred in several films. In addition, Alexander regularly becomes a member of the jury of various song competitions.

Personal life of Alexander Buinov

If you characterize the personal life of a popular pop performer, the following come to mind: following definitions: richness, unpredictability and brightness. Throughout creative activity the man had a large number of lovers.

The young man fell in love for the first time while in the army. He soon proposed to his chosen one. She became his first wife. But the union did not last long. Within a few months, the young couple divorced.

Then the young artist married a girl, as they say, by chance. But after the birth of their daughter, the family did not last long. The young father fell in love once again and left the family towards happiness. Soon the relationship ended, but this did not save the marriage.

The personal life of Alexander Buinov then consisted of a series of meetings and relationships. Only in the mid-80s of the last century did he marry again. The marriage continues to this day. But this did not stop the flighty singer from having affairs on the side. One of his lovers bore him an illegitimate son, Alexei.

Alexander Buinov and his wife, whose photos allow us to judge the peace in their relationship, did not become parents of a child together. The pop star in his interview refuses to give a reason for this. He thanks fate that his wife turned out to be a wise woman and forgave him for his affairs on the side.

Family of Alexander Buinov

The family of Alexander Buinov had a great influence on the development of a man.

The musician's father was a pilot. The man tried to raise his four sons as real people. In his free time from work, he played sports.

Mom was a music teacher. She helped her sons develop musical talent.

The singer had three brothers with whom he maintained friendly relations. The elder brother Vladimir passed away in the mid-80s of the last century. He was a fairly famous improvising pianist performing jazz music.

The middle brother, whose name is Arkady, worked on the Kultura TV channel. He produced musical show programs. Currently retired.

The younger brother, whose name was Andrei, taught music at school. In mid-2017, the man passed away.

Alexander is currently happily married to his third wife. The singer often communicates with his daughter. Buynov is happy that he has grandchildren. It is known that our hero has illegitimate son. But the musician does not like to talk about his children.

Children of Alexander Buinov

The children of Alexander Buinov were born from various relationships popular pop singer. The artist himself jokes that he should be grateful to fate that only two children were born. In his youth, he had a large number of lovers, each of whom could give him an heir or heiress.

His second wife gave birth to a daughter. Due to being busy on tour, the man and the girl met occasionally. Nowadays, close people communicate often. Julia is the mother of three children. The woman named her son in honor of the star grandfather.

The artist also has an illegitimate son. He was born in the 80s of the last century. The guy's name is Alexey. The singer refuses to answer questions about him.

The third wife was never able to give the artist a child, which he regrets. What caused it is unknown.

Daughter of Alexander Buinov - Yulia

The second wife of the popular pop singer gave him a daughter in the early 70s of the last century. The young father was not long the head of the family after this. Soon he met a new woman, and then another.

After her parents’ divorce, Alexander Buinov’s daughter, Yulia, rarely saw her father. He came to congratulate his daughter only on her birthday and New Year. The girl was looking forward to these meetings very much. She hoped that dad would live with her and her mother. But this never happened.

Currently, Julia is already adult woman. She has three children. According to the singer himself, his grandson looks like him. He studies in the cadet corps. In the future, the guy dreams of serving in law enforcement agencies Russian Federation. Two girls born as Buinov's daughter love their grandfather.

Son of Alexander Buinov - Alexey

At the beginning of 1987, the singer’s illegitimate son was born. The boy was born to a friend from Hungary, with whom the man had a short-term affair. A few weeks later, the lovers separated. Only after a certain period of time the musician learned that he had become the father of a boy, who was named Alyosha.

According to Alexander himself, he did not meet his son very often. The musician regularly paid child support and participated in the fate of his son.

The son of Alexander Buinov, Alexey, is currently an adult. He is married and has a son, whom he named after his maternal grandfather.

The ex-wife of Alexander Buinov - Lyubov Vdovina

At a New Year's party in a military unit, the first meeting of the future popular pop singer and his first wife took place. After their first acquaintance, the young people realized that they could not live without each other. His beloved lived not far from the unit, so meetings were frequent.

After demobilization, the lovers legalized their relationship. But the marriage did not last long. After a few months, the couple separated. The reason, according to the singer himself, was his youthful maximalism and unwillingness to give in to another.

After the divorce, the former spouses almost did not communicate. It is known that ex-wife Alexandra Buinova - Lyubov Vdovina got married for the second time in the late 70s of the last century. The marriage produced a son. In mid-2006, the woman died tragically. She burned down in her own home.

The ex-wife of Alexander Buinov - Lyudmila Buinova

Recently, in one of his interviews, the singer said that he met his second wife at a concert. The girl came up and asked for an autograph. Alexander did not refuse. After the concert, the man saw the girl off. Somehow, unnoticed, the beloved found herself in a delicate state. Buinov had to go with her to the registry office. The performer himself says that he was not at all eager to become the husband of a girl who was stranger to him. After the birth of her daughter, quarrels often arose in the family. The reason was Alexander's constant betrayal.

A few months after the birth of his daughter, the popular performer met new love. He was silent for a long time, until his then-wife herself was faced with the singer’s betrayal and filed for divorce.

The ex-wife of Alexander Buinov, Lyudmila Buinova, raised her daughter Yulia herself. Currently, the woman prefers not to talk to her ex-husband. She avoids meeting with the artist. If you manage to meet, then between words ex-spouses little is said.

Alexander Buinov's common-law wife - Alena Rafailovna

In the early 80s of the last century, our hero met a girl named Alena. The novel developed rapidly. Just a few weeks after their first meeting, the lovers decided to live together. The girl went on all the tours with her beloved.

In 1985, the lovers officially registered their marriage. From that moment on, they were almost never separated. Only in 1987 did Alexander manage to deceive his beloved and spend a romantic two weeks with a friend from Hungary. About the betrayal of a loved one common-law wife Alexandra Buinova - Alena Rafailovna didn’t know for a long time. The artist informed her because he decided that if his wife found out about the betrayal from strangers, it would only get worse. For several weeks after this, the couple remained silent. Then they decided to save the marriage.

Currently, Alexander says that he is lucky to have such an understanding wife. The couple are happy. They are not separated even for a day. Alena manages all her husband’s financial affairs, accompanies him on tours, and organizes concerts.

Photo by Alexander Buinov before and after plastic surgery

Photos of Alexander Buinov before and after plastic surgery cannot be found. The artist himself assures that he never resorted to the services plastic surgeons. He manages to maintain his youth every day exercise And proper nutrition, which he has adhered to since his youth. Fans note that the singer is not lying, since age wrinkles are hidden in the corners of his eyes, which reveal how old Alexander is.

From an interview with a popular pop performer, we can conclude that in his youth he often defended his rightness with his fists. He managed to eliminate bruises with popular advice. Doctors helped him restore the integrity of his lost teeth.

Instagram and Wikipedia Alexander Buinov

Instagram and Wikipedia of Alexander Buinov allow you to fill all the gaps in knowledge about creative destiny popular pop singer.

Wikipedia contains the most detailed information about the biography of the singer, his parents, brothers, spouses and children. On the page you can find out which solo albums The star wrote down which films he took part in and what prizes and awards he was awarded.

IN in social networks there are pages of the idol of millions of fans of pop songs. The artist actively maintains his page on Instagram. Here you can view photos and videos taken at different moments in the artist’s life. There are also pages of Alexander Buinov on VK and Odnoklassniki. Due to the man’s busy schedule, these pages are run by fans who constantly update information about the star, allowing others to learn about the artist’s creative destiny.

The now famous musician and singer Alexander Buinov was born in Moscow in 1950. Alexander’s mother studied music, and her father was a military pilot. Buynov's dad was also interested in various types sports. Alexander has two more brothers. The mother wanted all her children to study music, so she sent them to music school all three sons. It must be said that the boys did not like learning to play instruments, especially Alexander.

Alexander Buinov and his family lived in an area full of juvenile hooligans. The impeccably dressed boy felt uncomfortable walking around the area like that, because he was friends with unkempt and ill-mannered punks. Ironed and bathed, Sasha turned into the same hooligan, making homemade explosives with his comrades, drawing obscene language on entrances and breaking windows.

Biography and personal life of Alexander Buinov

After graduating from music school, Buinov performs in a rock band, creates his own band, and all this while being a student in the 9th grade. Constantly communicating with hipsters who were in fashion in the 60s, Buinov often walked and drank with them.

Then Alexander serves in the ranks of the Soviet army in Altai. There he also does not lose heart, but finds a way to have fun (local girls). It was here that the singer met his future first wife. As for relationships, the musician was more than fickle. In the 70s he was married twice and had a daughter. Each marriage was accompanied by Alexander's constant infidelities. That's his nature.

In the 90s, the singer suffered several unpleasant moments. Firstly, his car was stolen, and secondly, the aspiring artist had to leave the ensemble in which he performed due to conscription into the army.

Nevertheless, after the army, Alexander did not leave music, but was engaged in it as part of the group “Flowers”, and for 16 years he played in the group “ Funny boys" It was she who brought Buinov a good impetus for his career, as well as recognition.

In “Jolly Fellows”, Alexander Buinov recorded more than one album and wrote lyrics. The team toured not only Soviet Union, but also in others foreign countries. And in 1989, Alexander decided to pursue a solo career.

First he worked as a vocalist in the Moscow Concert Association “Era”, then as an artist in “ARS”. Further, he begins to perform solo, having the opportunity to be simultaneously an author, singer, musician and director for his concerts.

From 1989 to 2011, Alexander Buinov released 18 records.

Buinov also liked the actor’s work. He starred in several domestic films, as well as a couple of television shows. Honored Artist of the Russian Federation and People's Artist of Russia, Alexander Buinov received many awards and prizes for his career.

The singer has other rash actions in his past. For example, in 2005, he publicly expressed support for businessman Khodorkovsky, who was convicted of theft of money on an especially large scale. Over time, the singer became ashamed of this.

Like anyone famous person, the biography and personal life of Alexander Buinov worries many. Moreover, there is something to gossip about here.

Wife of Alexander Buinov

Back in the 70s, Buinov’s heart was won by his colleague, a woman older than him, who was married at that time. The musician remembers the few years that they were in a relationship with trepidation and warmth.

Was married three times. He first got married during his army years. The second time was on Lyudmila, because of her pregnancy, which I later regretted.

He does not consider his lovers to be mere affairs; all the women in his life, without exception, were sent to him for a reason. Each woman of Buinov played some role in his life.

The current wife of Alexander Buinov is Alena Gutman, his third wife. About professions - dermatologist. The couple have been married for more than 30 years. But over these years there were betrayals on the part of Alexander, as well as the birth of a son from one such campaign to the left.

Children of Alexander Buinov

In their second marriage, Alexander Buinov and Lyudmila had a daughter, Yulia (1973). And thanks to an extramarital affair, the singer also has a son, Alexey, born in 1987. Alexander Buinov’s children communicate with him. The musician maintains a particularly warm relationship with his daughter Julia and her children. Alexander Buinov loves his grandchildren very much and constantly visits them. He has three grandchildren in total: grandson Sasha (born in 2005), twin granddaughters Sofia and Daria (born in 2006).

In 2013, it became known that Alexander Buinov had cancer. Prostate cancer was an unexpected diagnosis for the singer, because the symptoms were like a cold. Everything turned out to be very serious. The wife tried to surround her husband with love, affection and care. Soon, Buinov underwent surgery and defeated cancer.

In 2016, rumors began to circulate about the singer’s disease being in remission, but they have not yet been confirmed. But, on the Internet again there is a photo from new woman, who may be Alexander Buinov’s next mistress. Despite his health problems and age, Buynov is still popular among women today.

Alexander Nikolaevich Buinov was born on March 24, 1950. I wish Alexander Buinov success in his treatment and spiritual recovery! In 1987, Buinov had an illegitimate son, Alexey. Since 1985, Alexander Buinov has been married to Alena Rafailovna, a cosmetologist by profession.

The operation performed on Alexander Nikolaevich is quite common,” one of the specialists at the oncology center on Kashirka explained to Life News. Mother - Klavdiya Mikhailovna Buinova (1912) (nee Kosova), was a musician, studied piano at the conservatory and graduated with honors. In 2012, he participated in the project “Battle of the Choirs” (channel “Russia-1”).

However classical musician Alexander did not, he was fascinated by rock music, and he began to play in the group “Skomorokhi”. The 90s became the culmination of Buinov’s career. In 1996, Buynov took part in a concert tour in support of B.N. Yeltsin. Buynov took part in survival races. His older brother Arkady Buinov, who worked as a producer music programs ORT, sings in the choir of the church in the village of Litvinovo in the Moscow region.

Photo: Alexander Buynov

The musician signed everything Required documents, on the same day he underwent all the necessary express tests and underwent surgery. The operation was successful, the clinic told Life News, and he was already transferred to a regular ward.

Sasha is not in Moscow at all,” she said in response to a question about the operation. Meanwhile, the theater and concert agency that organizes the artist’s performances, Life News, explained that the singer has no concerts or tours planned in April and May. In the 1950s, the family moved to Moscow and settled in communal apartment. He made his debut as a keyboard player in the group “Skomorokhi”, where he established himself as a composer.

Buinov underwent surgery at the oncology center

From 1973 to May 1989, he was a keyboard player in the “Veselye Rebyaty” ensemble, in which he gained all-Union popularity over the course of 16 years of work. He participated in the recording of records by the ensemble “Jolly Fellows”: “Love is a huge country”, “We need to be friends”, “Musical Globe”, “Disco Club-2”, “Just a minute!!!”, the magnetic album “Banana Islands”. On June 28, 2005, he signed a “Letter in support of the verdict against the former leaders of YUKOS.”

Popular Russian singer, musician, songwriter. In 2010 he received the title of People's Artist of Russia (2010). His paternal grandfather was a dispossessed blacksmith, and on his maternal side, Alexander comes from an impoverished noble family. Alexander has three brothers.

Sasha began studying music very early, at the age of five, when he entered a music school to study piano. Later he moved to the Academic School at the State Conservatory. P.I. Tchaikovsky. Then Buinov began writing songs. In 1968 he joined the army. Returning, he studied at the school for two years. Gnessins in the conducting and choral department. At the same time, he played in the increasingly popular group “Araks”. Together with "Araks" Buinov worked with the director of "Lenkom" Mark Zakharov on musical arrangement performances “Avtograda-XXI”, “Til”, “The Star and Death of Joaquin Murietta”, “Juno and Avos”.

Alexander Buynov - latest news of 2015

Solo programs were held with great success at the country's leading venues: in 1994 - “Wow, life has brought you!”, in 1995 - “I Knew Love!”. In 1997 he created together with Igor Cool program“Island of Love” and released a video of the concert.

Alexander married for the first time in 1970 to Lyubov Vasilievna Vdovina. The Soviet military drama “Waiting and Hope” was filmed by director Suren Shahbazyan in 1980 based on the same name...

Natasha was very lucky because her benign tumor, which in Moscow was considered cancer, was on the surface, and nothing significant was cut off. She was also lucky that she went to Israel and did not undergo unnecessary chemotherapy in Moscow. Doctors in Israel, Germany and the United States report hundreds of cases of patients arriving from Russia who managed to amputate one or another part of the body based on erroneous diagnoses.

In addition to Alexander, there were three more brothers in the family. The surgical intervention was successful, and a day later Alexander Buinov was transferred from intensive care to a regular ward.

Alexander Nikolaevich Buinov is a singer, producer, actor, guitarist and keyboard player. The peak of fame and popularity came in the early nineties, but even now he is a sought-after performer. His songs “Dance like Petya”, “Leaves are Falling”, “Don’t Interrupt”, “Bitter Honey” and many others can be heard at various holidays.

The People's Artist has many awards, prestigious awards and certificates. He was awarded the medal “Participant in the military operation in Syria.” Alexander takes part in political life of his country, but does not strive to become part of it. He believes that performing in concerts is his purpose on earth, what he does best.

So, what is the height, weight, age, how old is Alexander Buinov? This question is repeatedly asked by dozens, and maybe hundreds of fans of the singer’s work. And indeed, at 68 years old, the star looks very young and attractive. How does he manage to do this?

The fact is that Alexander, despite his age, is actively involved in sports, attends all kinds of health treatments and naturally eats right. Today, his height is 180 centimeters and his weight is only 80 kilograms.

Alexander Buinov's photos in his youth and now are practically no different. He's still handsome handsome man, the only thing that has changed is the absence of the glasses that Buinov wore in his youth.

Biography of Alexander Buinov

The biography of Alexander Buinov begins back in 1950, on a spring day on March 24, and the future performer of everyone’s favorite hits was born.

He was born in Moscow, in the family of a military pilot. Father - Nikolai Alexandrovich, was often absent from home due to duty. The mother, Klavdia Mikhailovna, was involved in raising the children, of whom there were four in the family. It was she, being a certified musician, who instilled in children a love of music. Therefore, together with his brothers - Vladimir, Arkady and Andrey, Sasha attended a local music school. Now the singer is already the grandfather of three grandchildren: the boy Alexander and the girls Sofia and Daria.

At that time, Buinov and his family did not live in the quietest area; the streets were full of hooligans who often bullied the boy. But soon the singer defended himself with his fists and even began to hang out in these companies. So, unbeknownst to himself, the boy turned into a yard hooligan. With his new friends, Sasha often painted walls, threw stones at windows, and sometimes even dabbled in homemade explosives. One day, miscalculating the force of the explosion, he partially lost his sight and was forced to put on glasses.

The guy's musical career began in his youth. After graduating from music school, Buinov tried to organize his own group, but it did not last long. Towards the end of the 60s, he joined the group “Skomorokhi”, whose lead singer was Alexander Gradsky.

One of the brightest periods of the musician’s career can be safely called the 80s, when Alexander changed many areas of his creative activity. Subsequently became artistic director musical ensemble"Ciao." In the 90s, the singer and musician gained tremendous momentum in his creativity. Wherever the musician has appeared.

His songs were heard by both domestic and foreign fans, and the performer himself took part in all the most popular projects of that time. Around the same time, news was spread that Alexander Buinov was preparing for surgery. Alexander was diagnosed with cancer, but fortunately, everything went well and he quickly recovered. Even during treatment, the musician did not abandon his creativity and performed on tour.

Later, rumors began to appear that the musician could not overcome the disease and the oncology was progressing. The showman gets angry about this, declaring that he is absolutely healthy and full of strength.

Today Buinov is an Honored Artist of Russia, and his songs have become classics. He continues to delight his fans with his masterpieces and not a single large-scale event takes place without the appearance of this great man on stage.

Personal life of Alexander Buinov

The personal life of Alexander Buinov has always been filled with turbulent events. He enjoyed success with women and never hid it. He always named his hobbies love stories, Buinov doesn’t like the word “affairs.” The singer admits that he felt love for every girl he met, even remembers all of them by sight.

Alexander went to the registry office three times. In his third marriage, he finally acquired family happiness, which continues to this day. Alexander Buinov and his wife, photos of whom can be found on the Internet and on the covers of glossy publications, look in love and at peace.

The artist has two children - son Alexey and daughter Yulia. The son was born as a result holiday romance, a daughter was born in her second marriage.

Family of Alexander Buinov

The family of Alexander Buinov consisted of six people: his parents, he and his three siblings. Unfortunately, two are no longer alive: Vladimir Buinov died during tragic circumstances, Andrey Buinov died in 2017. All brothers, thanks to their intelligent mother, received a musical education. She believed that this would be useful to them in life and she turned out to be one hundred percent right. All sons linked their fate with music: some became a singer, some a music teacher, and some a producer of music programs.

Now Alexander lives happily married to Elena Buinova, who herself selects stage images for him and carefully monitors his health. The singer admitted that thanks to her care, he managed to cope with his illness.

Children of Alexander Buinov

The children of Alexander Buinov do not communicate with each other. The reason was, firstly, the age difference, and, as a consequence, the lack common interests. But the most important thing is not even this. The fact is that son Alexey bastard And for a long time his father did not even know about his existence.

Of course, the artist does not refuse help. So, when his mother and Alexei lived in Moscow at the same time, Buinov even came to Lesha’s school for a parent meeting.

We must pay tribute to his wife Elena, with whom Buinov had already been married for two years at the time of the affair. She found the strength not only to forgive her husband for his betrayal, but also to preserve the family hearth.

Son of Alexander Buinov - Alexey

The son of Alexander Buinov, Alexey, was born in 1987, he is the illegitimate child of a pop singer. The artist’s heir was born to a Hungarian woman, whom he met on tour in Sochi and they had a love story.

It is noteworthy that Buynov learned about the existence of his son twelve years later. I just approached him after the concert ex-girlfriend with the child and said that this was his son. Buinov immediately recognized “his hobby” and prepared for trouble: a showdown, a demand for alimony for all the years. But he was surprised when Alexei's mother said that she just wanted Alexander to know about my own son. It turns out that she got married successfully almost immediately, and the child called the man who raised him dad.

Now Alexey practically does not communicate with his own father, not because of childhood resentment, but because he does not know him, considering his father to be the man who gave him his last name and patronymic.

Alexander Nikolaevich himself says that his son is similar in character to him: he was just as hooligan in childhood, and he loves music just like Buinov.

Daughter of Alexander Buinov - Yulia

The daughter of Alexander Buinov, Yulia, was born in the performer’s second marriage. When the girl turned thirteen years old, her parents separated. However, this did not affect the relationship between father and daughter. Alexander helped the family, actively participated in his daughter’s life, they saw each other often.

Now Julia is married, but she decided to keep her last name famous father so that the Buinov family line continues. In 2005 married couple A boy was born, who was named Alexander, in honor of his grandfather. A year later, two twin sisters were born - Darina and Sofia.

The famous grandfather dotes on his grandchildren, tries to spend as much time with them as possible, pampering them in every possible way.

The ex-wife of Alexander Buinov - Lyubov Vdovina

The ex-wife of Alexander Buinov is Lyubov Vdovina, a native of the Altai Territory. The young people met when Alexander served in the ranks Soviet army. The seventeen-year-old girl was a beautiful brown-haired girl with green eyes. From the military unit to the village it was necessary to walk about ten kilometers, but this did not stop Buinov. He constantly went AWOL, for which he was systematically imprisoned. The couple formalized their relationship in the local village council and, at the end of the service, Alexander returned home with Lyuba.

Their marriage lasted only two years. The reason for the divorce was quite banal: they lived in two-room apartment with Buinov's parents and his three brothers, slept on a cot. There was no financial opportunity to acquire a separate living space. Alexander invited his wife to return home to Altai for a while. Lyuba hoped that her husband would settle all the problems and come back for her. However, it turned out completely differently. The singer has always been an addicted person and could not resist the temptation, falling in love with another girl. Buinov divorced Vdovina in absentia.

It became known that the singer’s first wife, at the age of forty-nine, died in a fire. Lyubov went to a friends birthday party and stayed there overnight. At night a fire broke out, everyone managed to jump out, except Vdovina.

The ex-wife of Alexander Buinov - Lyudmila

The ex-wife of Alexander Buinov, Lyudmila, almost immediately became pregnant from the singer. The young man acted like a real man, considered it his duty to marry the girl. In 1973, a girl was born who was named Julia.

Alexander and Lyudmila were married until 1985. The singer almost immediately regretted his noble deed. He realized that the child had never kept two people together if one of them stopped loving his other half. A twenty-five-year-old guy had an affair with a woman who was much older than him. There were rumors that she was also from show business, and she also had a family at that time.

In the end, the second wife got tired of her husband’s constant trips to the left, and they decided to divorce.

Alexander Buinov's wife - Elena Gutman

Alexander Buinov’s wife, Elena Gutman, is a cosmetologist by profession. They met in the artist’s dressing room, where Lena was brought by her friend. Their happiness lasts for 25 years. Alexander considers his wife to be his personal guardian angel, whom the Almighty gave him. Of course, like any other married couple, they have quarrels and disagreements. However, over the years life together, they learned to solve them without taking the situation to any extremes.

Buynov is not shy to admit on camera that he is always the first to take the first step, especially when it is not his fault. He writes letters to Alena, because at such moments she does not talk to him, she is on her knees, begging for forgiveness.

Alexander and Elena do not have children together, but they communicate with Yulia, Buinov’s daughter, and enjoy spending time together with the singer’s three grandchildren.

Instagram and Wikipedia Alexander Buinov

Instagram and Wikipedia of Alexander Buinov are not the only sources of information about life and creative career pop singer. He also has accounts on Facebook and Twitter. On Alexander's official website, fans can watch and order tickets for the next concert with his participation.

The artist loves football, he is an ardent fan of the Moscow team "Spartak". They will also not mind racing in extreme car races or riding on horseback.

All that remains is to wish Alexander Nikolaevich many more years to delight his fans with new songs and projects.

Popular Russian singer, musician, songwriter. In 2010 he received the title People's Artist of Russia(2010). His most famous hits: « Captain Katalkin», « Christmas», « Let's sit and be silent», « Empty bamboo», « Leaves are falling».

Alexander Nikolaevich Buinov born March 24, 1955 in Moscow in the family of a military pilot, participant in the Great Patriotic War, and physical education teacher Nikolai Alexandrovich Buinov and pianists Klavdia Mikhailovna Kosova. His paternal grandfather was a dispossessed blacksmith, and his maternal grandfather Alexander comes from an impoverished noble family. U Alexandra there are three brothers. All of them received primary musical education. Sasha I started studying music very early, at the age of five, when I entered a music school to study piano. Later he moved to Academic school at State Conservatory named after. P.I. Tchaikovsky.

However, a classical musician Alexander he didn’t, he was fascinated by rock music, and he began to play in the group “ Buffoons" At the same time Buynov started writing songs. In 1968 he joined the army. Returning, he studied for two years at school named after Gnessins at the conducting and choir department. At the same time, he played in the increasingly popular group “ Araks" Together with " Araks» Buynov worked with the director " Lenkom» Mark Zakharov on the musical design of performances " Avtograda-XXI», « Til», « The Star and Death of Joaquin Murietta», « Juno and Avos" Later he joined the super popular group " Flowers» Stas Namin.

Since 1973 as keyboard player, soloist, composer Alexander Buynov began performing together with the all-Union famous group “ Funny boys" With this group Buynov performed for 16 years, until May 1989. They released the albums " Love is a huge country», « We need to be friends», « Musical globe», « Disco club-2», « Wait a minute», « Banana Islands" The group was so popular that they gave concerts in Germany, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Finland, on Cuba.

Alexander not only wrote and performed songs himself. His " Silk grass"entered the repertoire Vyacheslav Malezhik, and the song " My mother fed me"performed as part of " Gems» Alexander Barykin.

In 1989 Buynov decided to perform solo and became a vocalist of the Moscow Concert Association " Era", and in 1991 he began collaborating with the production center Igor Krutoy « ARS" In February 1993 Buynov collected music group « Ciao».

Already being famous singer, in 1992, Buynov graduated from the directing department GITIS. Thesis work newly minted director-producer became a solo concert “ Captain Katalkin"in the St. Petersburg hall" October».

The 90s became for Buynova career highlight. Solo programs were held with great success at the country's leading venues: in 1994 - “ Wow, life has brought it!", in 1995 - " I knew love!" In 1996 Buynov participated in a concert tour in support of B.N. Yeltsin. In 1997 he created together with Igor Krutoy program " Love Islands"and released a video of the concert.

In 1998 Buynov voiced the role in Russian Rasputin in the Hollywood feature film " Anastasia».

A few years later the singer returned to Rasputin, recording along with popular group « Boney M"cover version of the hit" Rasputin" for a musical television program " Old songs about the main thing».

Interesting facts about Alexander Buynov

The singer is a passionate football fan, a fan of " Spartak" He has been friends with the team's former coach for a long time Oleg Romantsev.

Buynov took part in survival races.

The musician loves the works Scriabin And Bunina, tries to attend concerts Vladimir Spivakov and orchestra " Virtuosos of Moscow».

His older brother Arkady Buynov, worked as a music program producer ORT, sings in the village church choir Litvinovo V Moscow region.

Personal life of Alexander Buinov

First time Alexander married in 1970 to Lyubov Vasilievna Vdovina. The marriage lasted two years. In 2006, the first wife Buynova died tragically.

In second marriage Buynov was a member from 1972 to 1985, in 1973 his daughter was born Julia. In 2005, she gave her father a grandson Alexandra. In 1987 Buynova an illegitimate son was born Alexei.

Since 1985 Alexander Buynov married to Alena Rafailovna, cosmetologist by profession.

Alexander Buynov- Honored and National artist Russia, multiple laureate of the festival " Song of the year", winner of the Grand Prix of the competition " Bratislava lira", special diploma from the radio station " Hit-FM" behind " Song about the Motherland" In 2005 received Order of Honor for services in the development of domestic pop art. People's Artist of Ingushetia, republic North Ossetia– Alania, holder of the order “ Badge of Honor of Ukraine"I degree, honorary badge" For assistance to the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs"and medals Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation“For strengthening the military community” for patronage work in “hot spots”. Prize winner Leonida Utesov for his contribution to national culture.

Discography of Alexander Buinov:

  • Adult songs (2006)
  • Into the Clouds (2006)
  • All business (2004)
  • Lovi (2003)
  • No Words (2001)
  • Love for two (2000)
  • Finance Sings Romances (1999)
  • Love Islands (1997)
  • I am Moscow! (1996)
  • I Knew Love (1995)
  • Wow, life has brought it! (1994)
  • Hotel Razgulnaya (1993)
  • Yo-moe (1992)
  • Ticket to Copenhagen (1991)

Filmography of Alexander Buinov:

  • The Good and the Bad (1999)
  • Anastasia (1998)

Primorsky Boulevard (1988)