Novikova Ksenia Andreevna. Biography. Creative career of Ksenia Novikova

Who collaborated with the team for 12 years, author of the lyrics of the hit “And I kept flying.” Organizer of the charity foundation “Our Meaning of Life”. Now he performs solo.

Ksenia Novikova is a native Muscovite. Parents, noticing their daughter's musical abilities, took the girl to the children's choir. V. Lokteva. Soon the girl became the soloist of a musical group. And in 1990, when Ksenia was 10 years old, Novikova was a soloist in another ensemble - the youth pop group “Class”.

At the same time, Ksenia managed to study well. After all, the parents set a condition: tours and performances as part of the “Class” should not interfere with success at school. At the same time, the girl found time to study at a music school, which she successfully completed.

After 9th grade, Ksenia Novikova entered the capital's pop and jazz college. And after graduating in 1999, she went to the Moscow University of Culture, where, unexpectedly for everyone, she chose the directing department. The singer received her diploma in 2004.

Despite the similarity of surnames with the restaurateur, owner of signature cuisine restaurants, Ksenia is not related to him.


Summer 1999 creative biography Ksenia Novikova has been enriched with a new star chapter: the singer was officially accepted into the group “Brilliant” in the place that was vacated after the departure of lead singer Polina Iodis. Before this, the girl performed as a backing vocalist.

For the first time, fans of "Brilliant" saw new member group in the video for the song “Ciao, bambina!” This was Novikova's debut, which turned out to be successful.

In 2000, the “shiny girls” already had 2 studio albums- “White Snow” and “About Love”. Videos appeared for a number of songs. Long time the videos remained on the first lines of the music charts, and the songs “I’ve been waiting for you for a long time” and “Ay-ay,” which became hits, were included in the rotation of Russian radio stations.

In 2002, “Brilliant” presented to their fans new album, called "Beyond the Four Seas." In it, fans of the group noted the clear advantage of Ksenia Novikova’s voice: the girl sang the main hits. The words of one of them - “And I kept flying,” Novikova wrote. The song was awarded the Golden Gramophone and the Muz-TV Award. The singer also won “Song of the Year”, “Bomb of the Year” and “Hit-FM”. In 2006, a photo shoot with the artist appeared on the page of Maxim magazine, where Novikova appeared practically naked. Candid pictures added to the singer’s popularity among the male population of Russia.

But in mid-2007, Novikova left the team, having been in it longer than the other participants - 8 years. Fans and music critics They agree that Ksenia turned out to be the most popular soloist in the history of the group.

In 2011, Blestyashchiye fans were delighted with the news of Ksyusha’s return to the group. With the participation of the artist Music band released the singles “Love”, “My Darling”, “Green Eyes”, “Lose”, “Don’t Give Me to Anyone”. But four years later, the singer decided to create her own group.

In 2015, Ksenia Novikova announced a casting for a new girl pop group called “Ksyusha”. The casting took place in September. The girls performed for the first time in December of the same year at the Russian Music Box award.

The singer began her solo work in 2012. In the spring the girl presented musical composition"I want to forget it". It must be said that Ksenia Novikova does not please fans with new songs too often. The artist’s second song, “Tango,” appeared in 2014, and the third, called “Obsessed,” was performed in May 2016.

2015 is notable for the fact that this year the singer, together with lawyer Maria Timofeevskaya, founded a new charitable foundation, which has chosen to specialize in protecting the rights and interests of families. The foundation was named “Our Meaning of Life.”

The singer regularly appears on television and has acted in films since 2002. With the participation of Ksenia came out musical comedy“Silver Lily of the Valley 2”, where the artist appeared in cameo role. Two years later, the girl appeared in the blockbuster " The night Watch", Where main role performed by her colleague in brilliant – . In the same year by order STS TV channel starred in the television musical “Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves” in the company, and.

The developed image of Ksenia Novikova was brought to life on screen only in 2007, starring in the role of Sokolov’s wife (Zurab Gurtskaya) in the comedy “Love-Carrots”. Another “Brilliant” played in the film. On the TNT channel, the artist participated throughout the season as a TV presenter of the “Battle of Psychics” program.

Personal life

At one time, Ksenia Novikova lived in a civil marriage with an entrepreneur named Andrei Sereda. At first the couple was happy. They had two boys - Miron and Bogdan.

After the birth of their second son, the relationship deteriorated and the couple separated. Photos of the beaten Novikova appeared in the tabloids. But the problems in Ksenia’s life did not end there. Unexpected for a woman ex-husband kidnapped his sons and took the boys to England without receiving official permission from his ex-wife. Throughout the year, the singer fought for the return of her children. Having achieved resolution of the conflict during judicial trial, Ksenia defended the right to sons. Miron and Bogdan returned to their mother, and the boys continued to see their father only once a month in the presence of Novikova’s personal lawyer.

In 2015, Ksenia Novikova’s personal life again hit the top news. This time the event, which attracted the attention of journalists, turned out to be joyful. The ex-brilliant met a man who became her husband and a true friend to her sons. Ksenia’s second husband is entrepreneur Alexey Sorokin. The young people met through mutual friends in 2014. Alexey looked after Ksenia for a year and became a reliable support for the artist’s children. Novikova's sons quickly found mutual language with Alexey.

In 2016, journalists began to discuss the change in the figure of Ksenia Novikova. In the singer’s personal photos it was clear that the girl was trying to hide her rounded tummy. At social parties, Ksenia began to appear in loose outfits. The media started talking about the ex-brilliant’s pregnancy. But the news that Novikova gave birth to a third child never followed. The artist herself commented on the rumors with the phrase: “If they started talking about pregnancy, then it’s time to lose weight.” And Ksenia Novikova fulfilled her intention.

Ksenia Novikova now

In 2017, the singer spent six months on a diet, thanks to which she achieved a weight loss from 64 kg to 52 kg with a height of 173 cm. After achieving the result, Ksenia did not stop and continues to keep herself in shape. Her method is dietary food, which includes proteins, fiber and vitamins, sports activities and massage.

The artist eats five meals a day, snacks on dried fruits, and drinks up to 2 liters of water. The nutritionist advised to exclude flour, sweet fruits and dairy products from the diet. Ksenia uses Omega-3, collagen preparations and Coenzyme Q10 as dietary supplements. Page in " Instagram” is strewn with photos of the artist in open bikinis, where Ksenia demonstrates her ideal figure parameters.

Novikova maintains her skin condition using cosmetic masks and creams; the singer visits a cosmetologist on the eve of spring. But many users are sure that Ksenia regularly attends beauty treatments and even had a nose job. The artist herself categorically rejects these assumptions. As proof, the girl posted childhood photos on her own microblog, in which the shape of her nose is clearly visible. Ksenia Novikova associates changes in appearance with age and weight loss, which provoked the disappearance of plump cheeks and the appearance of cheekbones.


As part of the group "Brilliant"

  • 1996 - “There, only there” (backing vocals)
  • 2000 - “About Love”
  • 2000 - “White Snow”
  • 2002 - “Beyond the Four Seas”
  • 2003 - “Orange Paradise”
  • 2005 - “Oriental Tales”
  • 2008 - “Odnoklassniki”
  • 2016 - “Best 20”

For fans of her talent, Ksenia Novikova will always remain someone to look up to in Everyday life and creativity. After reading her biography, everyone begins to understand that the singer really deserves it.


Ksenia Novikova was born in Moscow. This happened on May 17, 1980. Brother Maxim also grew up in the family. Marina Nikolaevna and Andrei Nikolaevich are the singer’s parents.

Music lessons captured Ksenia's early childhood. The girl devoted a lot of time to them. She entered music school and graduated with success. Her favorite were vocal lessons, which she took very seriously.

IN secondary school our heroine tried to study well. There was an agreement with the parents on this score. Successful study at school was a passport to the world of music and singing.

Group "Class"

Ksenia Novikova began her singing career very early. In 1985 she became a soloist of the Loktev choir. And when the girl was only 10 years old, she was enrolled in youth group"Class". Life in the team was stormy, filled with bright events. These were performances at concerts in different cities countries, work in a recording studio, participation in the creation of television programs. Activities in the team continued until 1998. During this time, two music discs were released.

Group "Brilliant"

As a member of the “Class” group, Ksenia visited a recording studio, where she worked as a backing vocalist for the “Brilliant” group. At that time it was an incredible success.

In 1999, after leaving the project, a casting was announced to find a replacement for the retired soloist. In August of the same year, Ksenia Novikova was offered to take Polina’s place in the group, despite the fact that the singer did not participate in the casting. This decision was made by the producers of the project.

Since August 1999, Ksenia Novikova has officially become the soloist of the group “Brilliant”. The singer's biography shows that she worked in this group longer than all the other soloists.

The popularity of this group grew steadily. Not a single event in the world of pop music was complete without the participation of “Brilliant”. The albums came out one after another. Most music awards various competitions and hit parades were awarded to the girls unconditionally. Clips were created that occupied the highest places in the ranking.

Much of the credit for such a tremendous success belongs to Ksenia Novikova. For example, in 2002, an album called “Beyond the Four Seas” was released, where the singer is a soloist in almost every song.

But fate decreed that in 2007 Ksenia Novikova left the “Brilliant” group. The break in work was four years. In June 2011, the singer decided to return to the group, where she pleases fans to this day.


Ksenia Novikova never neglected education. Serious attitude to the process of acquiring new knowledge brought her to that point in creativity where she is now.

After school, Ksenia entered the pop-jazz college and graduated with success. The next step in her education was the Moscow University of Culture and Art, where the singer studied at the directing department.

Besides the fact that Ksenia has musical abilities, she also tries herself in poetry. Songs have been written for two of her poems. Fans know them under the names “And I kept flying” and “I really want to forget.”

Little known to the general public is the fact that in 2012 Ksenia Novikova was recognized as the winner of the “Stars Reach for the Feather” poetry competition. The competition was held by the Moskovsky Komsomolets publishing house.

In 2009, another bright event happened in the life of Ksenia Novikova - she received the main role in the filming of the Hollywood series “7 Stars”. And the total list of cinematic works is about ten.

Filming in videos is a facet of the singer’s creativity that cannot be ignored. All fans of the singer’s talent admire this. Videos with the participation of Ksenia Novikova certainly end up at the very top of the popularity ratings. The singer has dozens of such works.

Fashion designers couldn't help but notice the beautiful, talented woman. Ksenia Novikova twice participated in fashion shows as a model and was a success with the public.

Since 2012, the singer began to try herself in solo work. The song “I want to forget you so much” was recorded.


Fans of the group “Brilliant” and its soloist Ksenia Novikova number in the millions. And this is not an exaggeration.

The exceptional popularity is evidenced by the high demand for albums with recordings of the group's songs. Tour schedule The team is very dense - there are several concerts a day.

The high traffic to websites on the Internet where the singer’s work is presented also indicates increased interest in her.

Personal site

It must be said that the official website of Ksenia Novikova was created by one of her fans. In 2013, this resource celebrated its fifth anniversary. Its content is constantly updated, and archival materials from the singer appear. This makes the site interesting, it lives, and its traffic increases. Many people have access to interesting points the life and work of your idol. Guests of the site are long-time fans of the singer and those who have shown interest in her activities only now.

Personal life

It often happens that musicians and actors are an integral part of their professional activity. But things are not like that for our heroine.

Ksenia Novikova acted differently, whose personal life at some point became more important to her than her career. It was in order to devote more time to herself and her future husband that the singer left her job in the “Brilliant” group.

During this period of her life, she decided to create a family in which there must be children, loving husband. At first everything went as the young woman had planned.

Ksenia Novikova's husband is businessman Andrei Sereda. He lived in London and was a British citizen. Soon two charming babies appeared - Miron and Bogdan. The eldest son, Miron, was born on August 5, 2008, the youngest, Bogdan, was born on March 17, 2010. Everything was going as well as possible.

But the happy marriage of the young people lasted only 4 years. After the birth of their second child, the relationship between the spouses began to collapse. There were mutual reproaches and misunderstandings.

After long and difficult clarification of relations between ex-spouses there was a final break. Now our heroine and her two sons live in Moscow, and Andrei lives in London.


The children of Ksenia Novikova make up family happiness and fill her life with meaning. Unfortunately, the sons were also involved in the story of the parents’ divorce. For nine months the children lived with their father in England. Ksenia could not see them. The young mother considers these months the most difficult in her life. Today Miron and Bogdan live with their mother in Moscow, but their father is prohibited from visiting them by court decision. This is the outcome of these sad events.

Despite this turn of fate, Ksenia remains a very sociable person. She shares everything that might be interesting and useful to people from her life experience. This also applies to issues of raising children in the family.

“Krokha” is the name of the site where Ksenia Novikova’s blog is located. She is happy to share her thoughts regarding raising children. Personal experience and the observations of a mother of two children may be interesting and useful to other parents.

Ksenia Novikova photo from family archive often posted in in social networks, on the blog. Judging by the content of the pictures, we can judge that our heroine spends a lot of time communicating with children. She knows how to organize her sons’ leisure time, making it memorable and useful.

One of the most popular girl groups of the 90s, “Brilliant,” again accepted singer Ksenia Novikova into its lineup, who once again decided to give up trying to build solo career.

Ksenia Novikova told her fans good news that she had returned to the Blestyaschiye group again, but many Internet users were sincerely surprised by the fact that the musical group still exists.

The girl group “Brilliant” appeared back in 1995. Having invited Olga Orlova to become the first soloist of the group, the producers did not yet suspect how often the participants in their project would change. Over the 23 years of the existence of “Brilliant,” the world of show business has come to know such amazing singers as Zhanna Friske, Anna Semenovich, Yulia Kovalchuk and Nadya Ruchka.

Each of these girls managed to build a solo career. The only participant in the project who never managed to completely part with “Brilliant” was Ksenia Novikova. The artist left the team several times, but then invariably returned back.

"Yes! Yes! Yes!!! I'm back at Blestyashchiye!!! Again!!! I’m like that cat that takes a walk and walk on the roofs, and then returns home!”, 38-year-old Ksenia wrote in her microblog, also publishing a number of photographs surrounded by the young soloists of the quartet.

However, the reaction of Internet users that followed in response to Novikova’s statement hardly met her expectations.

“And this group existed Lately? I thought she broke up a long time ago"

“They were nowhere to be seen... Do they still exist?”

“Didn’t it fall apart? Strange…"

“Does the group still exist?”

“Your dress is cool, but who are these people around?!”

“Do they still exist? I thought everything had died down a long time ago."

“Come on, Ksyusha!!! God grant that with your help the group will become popular again... It’s still not the same without the old lineup...”

Let us note that from next month Ksenia will begin performing as part of the group “Brilliant” together with Marina Berezhnaya, Silvia Zolotova and Kristina Illarionova. Whatever it is, we must admit that Novikova is one of the most popular soloists in the entire history of the existence of the female quartet. Of the 23-year history of the team, 12 years were spent together with Ksenia.

The thin star of “Brilliant” Ksenia Novikova shows off her sunken stomach

Former lead singer of the group “Brilliant” Ksenia Novikova surprised fans with her transformation. After having three children, the 37-year-old star has a stunning figure. Fans notice that Ksenia has never been thin, but now she looks like a professional model.

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Former husband of Ksenia Novikova, the lead singer of the group “Brilliant,” provided the mother of his children with the kind of PR that you wouldn’t wish on your enemy. A successful businessman in the past and also a loving husband in the past, as it turns out, has a great imagination in the field of humiliating women and intimidating children. Who would have thought that Andrei Sereda, so praised by Ksenia at the beginning of their relationship, would turn out to be a mentally unstable man?

According to Novikova, problems began shortly after the birth of her first son. He tried to drown out the jealousy that Andrei felt towards his wife with the help of vodka. Then a simple glass at dinner turned into days-long binges, smoothly flowing into scandals, destruction of furniture and even beatings. By the time her second son was born, Ksenia had to sell some of her jewelry to pay for the maternity hospital and feed her family. According to her confessions, her husband did not give money for weeks, and in moments of enlightenment, when he was sober and asked for forgiveness, sometimes he still remembered them.

The singer's biggest pain is her children. According to the law, Ksenia is the main guardian, but Andrey had the right to take them to his place on weekends. Having arrived with the boys once, Sereda never returned the children to their mother, but took them to London to live with his parents. He told Ksenia that she could come for the children at any time, or even better, return to him.

How Ksenia Novikova’s ex-husband took his sons away without passports and official permission is still not clear. Ksenia can talk to children for no more than five minutes a day and lie that she is very busy at work. The singer raised the ears of the entire press and public. To her husband’s condemning remarks, she responds in the same way - it took her too long to forgive the man who turned her life into hell.

We sincerely hope that lawyers and officials will help the mother return her children, and that the court will protect the entire family from Sereda’s inappropriate behavior.

3 September 2012, 16:10

The lead singer of "Brilliant" took the children from common-law husband Andrey SEREDA, who stole them fraudulently. Ksenia Novikova left her successful career for the sake of her family musical career. The girl preferred a family: she lived in a civil marriage with businessman Andrei Sereda. The couple raised two sons - Miron, who was born in 2008, and Bogdan, who was born in 2010. However, happy family life turned out to be short-lived. After Ksenia and Andrey broke up, the former lovers agreed that the caring dad would take his sons to his place on weekends. But one day after the expiration of the planned period, he did not return the children. “From the beeps, I realized that he was abroad. Later I found out that he took our children to London. I still don’t understand how he did it. In a legal way this is hardly possible: I still have the children’s passports, I did not give permission for my sons to travel abroad,” Novikova concluded. In June, the singer decided to act decisively. The artist went to her husband in London and tried to establish contact with him. “It seemed that after that June trip Andrei heard her. But when my ward returned, Andrei began to demand that Ksenia appear on TV and publicly renounce her previous words that he was not an alcoholic, he did not beat her, and the children are in London legally And he also demanded that she leave the group,” Express Gazeta quotes Novikova’s lawyer Maria Timofeevskaya. In August, Andrei Sereda went with his sons to Spain on vacation. There, Myron's eldest son developed a fever. Ksenia, who learned about this, immediately flew to Barcelona. There, the singer’s lawyer contacted the Russian Consulate General in the hope that in Spain they would be able to take the children to Russia, since this was impossible to do in the UK. When Ksenia and her lawyer came to Sereda, he didn’t even let them in the door. I had to call the police. “The cops arrived and took Sereda and Ksenia to the station. For several hours, with the help of a translator, the police studied the documents, checked the fact of the application to the Consulate General and publications in the Russian media,” Timofeevskaya said. According to the laws of Spain, there was no reason to detain him and Andrei was released. However, a local court prohibited him from taking the children out of the country. Soon, by court decision, the sons were handed over to Novikova. “Now Sereda can’t get closer than 500 meters to Ksenia. Sereda was very nervous, but he couldn’t do anything. We flew to Moscow. Ksenia is so happy: it’s as if wings have grown behind her back!” – said the lawyer.
Husband's version:- Everything was not as Ksenia imagines. They stole my children and blackmailed me with money! In September 2011, Ksenia took all the documents and took Miron and Bogdan to a one-room apartment in Orekhovo-Zuevo. The children lived there, and not in the luxurious apartment where the TV crew filmed it! I was offered to meet with my sons two hours a week in her mother’s shitty entrance. I had no choice but to sign a settlement agreement, according to which she was allocated 120 thousand rubles a month for maintenance. - Like two loving person Have you reached the point of complete misunderstanding?- Initially, I set two conditions for Ksenia: to fulfill maternal responsibilities and not to move all my relatives into my house! When one day you realize that you are nobody and you have one hundred and fifty strangers in the house, it's unpleasant. He explained to her mother: “Don’t meddle in my life, we have a family.” But in response I heard: “My daughter lives here, so we will live here too.” This is where our problems began. - Why did you forbid Ksenia to sing in the group?- It's normal for a mother to take care of children. I asked: “Maybe for once I can stay at home and not go to karaoke?” To which Ksyusha’s mother answered me: “She has a magnificent voice, she is a megastar.” Understand, I really wanted children. I followed her and asked. Ksyusha agreed: “I can give birth, but I won’t study, I don’t have time.” He agreed: “There’s no problem, I’ll do it, I’ll hire a nanny to help.” And she had nannies. But this does not relieve you of your responsibilities as a mother. And thanks to her interview, for TV viewers I turned into an alcoholic shooting a pistol. Then these fake photographs with painted bruises... - You took the children to London. How did they live there for nine months?- The eldest began to practice kickboxing. When 5-year-old Myron was awarded a medal for first place, I was so proud of him! The words “Dad, I did this for you!” are worth a lot. We went swimming together in the pool, worked out English language, drawing. I placed Miron in the most the best school in London. It’s a pity that he won’t be able to go there on September 5 because of his mother. Will go to a Russian kindergarten... - Ksenia came to see you back in June, and everything seemed to work out?- Yes, she came to London in June. We lived as one family again. I showed her what I had achieved in my upbringing. We ate together, slept in the same bed. We had a happy time. She swore that she loved me and that she would leave the group. - She promised to leave “Brilliant” and move to London?!- Yes. And now Ksenia flies to Spain in August, where we were vacationing with our sons. This performance lasted three weeks. I knew in advance what she was up to. I read her text messages on the phone. I found out a lot. I am listed as her “neighbor”. But I was lucky, because another young man who has loved her for 12 years is encrypted under the nickname “Svetlana”! She is going to get together with him, move in together. I also knew that Ksyusha’s lawyer was in Barcelona, ​​and not on vacation in Turkey, as I was told. I could fly from Spain to London any day, but I waited three weeks for the outcome. I thought: “How can you sleep with me without loving me and lie like that?” I suddenly realized clearly: such a deceitful woman is not needed. And he said: “Let’s go to London.” She grabbed the children and tried to run away from the apartment with them. I say: “Stop, what are you doing? Let's calmly discuss everything." And then the show began with her lawyer and the police. At the Spanish police station I was accused of beating children for two weeks! And without understanding they carried it out judgment in her favor. As soon as they released the children, Ksyusha immediately wrote a document stating that she did not beat the children, and they released me. - And what do you intend to do now?- IN next year I'll definitely get married. And I will definitely have children. And these two sons of mine will return to me sooner or later. - Ksenia doesn’t want you to participate in their upbringing at all?- Now she refuses money, says that she doesn’t need anything. I'm not a weekend dad. He doesn’t want to, I will leave the children’s lives if he insists on doing so. But then she will explain to them where dad went. Let Ksenia Andreevna sing, dance, walk and live with even ten! I don't care about her now.