Married couples are among the current residents of the Comedy Club in the photo. Interview with the trio “Smirnov, Ivanov, Sobolev” for Glamor Alexey Smirnov from the comedy played in the orchestra

The St. Petersburg trio “Smirnov, Ivanov, Sobolev” is one of the brightest humorous groups in the modern comedy industry


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The trio was formed in the fall of 2013, when already experienced comedians Anton Ivanov, Alexey Smirnov and Ilya Sobolev teamed up. The decision turned out to be correct: today the guys are the main residents in Moscow and St. Petersburg.


To discourage you right away, I’ll ask a question that probably interests many: is it true that all Comedy residents are rich? Have you already earned your first million? In general, is it profitable to joke on stage? Or is it just a hobby that allows you to meet beautiful girls?

Anton Ivanov: I will also discourage you right away and answer that information about who gets paid at Comedy is a strictly kept secret. And if a resident finds out how much another gets, he must immediately leave the project. For example, Alexander Revva, when he found out how much I was earning, immediately did so. But this was more likely due to the fact that he did not want to be in the same team with such a beggar. Of course, I’ve already earned the first million, but it’s more like a million kopecks. Which is also not bad, considering the current economic situation in the country.

Alexey Smirnov:(Laughs.) The fact that all Comedy residents are rich is an absolute lie! Look at us: we are sitting in bast shoes, belted with sedge. In the morning I had breakfast with snow. So not all residents are rich. Not everyone.

By the way, about girls. Are you already married or looking? Probably become the resident's girlfriend Comedy Club- this is very cool. Fans don't bother you?

Alexey Smirnov: I've been married for eight years, and we've been together for twelve. So my wife was with me even before I got into Comedy. Accordingly, this is not what I conquered her with.

Anton Ivanov: I'm already married. This year will be ten years. My wife married me when I was as far from the Comedy Club as I was from my first million. Fans don't bother me. No one is standing under my balcony with posters. And if any unknown girl calls for me to go down to the street, then this is only so that I drive the car away.

Ilya Sobolev: And I'm married. Therefore, becoming my girlfriend is not so easy now. The wife won't understand this.


In a couple of weeks you will travel through the cities of Russia with your “Walking Tour”. Tell us what cities you will visit and what it will be like?

Anton Ivanov: This will be a real walking tour. On February 23 it starts in the city of Kursk and ends on March 12 in Novosibirsk. We will visit only twelve cities: Belgorod, Voronezh, Stary Oskol, Lipetsk, Togliatti, Dzerzhinsk, Yaroslavl, Cherepovets, Vologda and Nizhny Novgorod. From city to city we will cover the distance by walking, maybe running. But, knowing our endurance and speed, I think that we cannot do without trains and planes. This will be a big one and a half to two hour concert that we have been preparing whole year. Now it's time for other cities to see it. There will be a lot of humor, improvisation, dancing and also an act of spontaneous combustion. To see all this, you must come to our concert.

Alexey Smirnov: Here! Finally let's go interesting questions! We have been preparing this program for a year. For 2014 and the beginning of 2015 in St. Petersburg they gave five solo concerts in order to select the best from them. So on our “Walking Tour” we will take you, or rather, we will bring you the very juice of our creativity, a humorous concentrate. This is not an ordinary performance, not similar to the usual Comedy Club format. A slightly theatrical action in the usual absurd way with elements of improvisation and, perhaps, there will even be an elephant.

- If it’s not a secret, what do you do outside the Comedy Club? Who did you study for?

Alexey Smirnov: (Laughs.) I work as a cashier at Magnit, Anton works at a ski rental, and Ilya serves as a sexton at the Alexander Nevsky Lavra. I studied to be a cashier, Anton - to become a ski rental company, and Ilya - to become a lawyer.

Ilya Sobolev: I am an engineer by first education and a pop actor by second. I've been doing comedy since I was sixteen, that is, sixteen years. So if I had employment history, which I started for myself, it would say: “Comedian. Experience - sixteen years."

Anton Ivanov: Apart from Comedy, there is no work as such; now all efforts are thrown into coming up with acts. This is a rather painstaking process, so no matter how much you would like to manage some large bank, unfortunately, there is no time for this. And in the past, I had the opportunity to work for two years in the Ministry of Emergency Situations in the fire service and rose to the rank of sergeant. Although I graduated from a pedagogical university, I am a biology teacher and educational psychologist by training.

There is a stereotype that good jokes they write exclusively after a couple of glasses of cognac or something else, for which the State Drug Control Service punishes. Could you categorically dispel these vile speculations?

Ilya Sobolev: My dope is books and Western recordings of American comedians, which I consume daily.

Alexey Smirnov: We couldn't, because we come up with all our jokes while we're dead drunk. I'm telling you, we've been writing our numbers for quite a long time. This is partly due to difficult communication in this state (laughs).

Anton Ivanov: I categorically debunk these vile speculations! All that is most adequate is born only in an adequate state. For us, doping as such does not exist. The main thing is to get enough sleep and be ready to work. And also read a lot, have information about what is happening in the world and what is interesting in this moment people, because topical humor is often the most successful.


Do you think it's acceptable to laugh at topics that hurt others' feelings? Do you have your own internal taboos, what and who will you never joke about?

Alexey Smirnov: We don't think about it somehow. There is no taboo, we just understand at the script stage whether it is worth showing it to the viewer or not. In addition, our humor is absolutely not provocative, let’s say, harmless. It is harsh in places, but harmless. We just have a different genre. We are not a stand-up, which must express some position, and we are not the Charlie Hebdo newspaper, which quite firmly demonstrates freedom of speech. Our miniatures create such a special grotesque world where our idiotic characters live their lives. It makes us happy, and if it makes someone in the audience happy, then it’s great!

Anton Ivanov: We are unlikely to joke about other people's grief. We try to avoid topics of wars and religions. We also treat politics with caution. We believe that the most funny topics for humor - everyday ones.

Ilya Sobolev: I dream of telling jokes so delicately that any topic would be accessible. I believe that such mastery can be achieved. For now, I only joke about what I understand. I don’t get involved in religion or politics. Although it would be great to joke about politics in our country. Because it's worth it.

I would really like to appreciate your talent for working in the stand-up genre. Please joke about Komsomolskaya Pravda, but in such a way that the editor will put these jokes in the newspaper.

Anton Ivanov: Dmitry's wife was jealous of Komsomolskaya Pravda because he went to bed with the newspaper more often than with her.

Alexey Smirnov: So this is a joke: “ TVNZ" boldly declared that she was not afraid of retaliation from any religion and printed a caricature of Yarilo on the front page.

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Date of birth: November 26, 1983.
Place of birth: Kingisepp.
Childhood: Born into a family of teachers.
Study: By education - teacher of Russian language and literature.
Career: Together with his future partner in the duet “Bydlo” Anton Ivanov, he played in the KVN team “Hot Finnish Guys” representing Helsinki, which performed in interregional and central KVN leagues. In 2005, the team even made it to the Premier League, but did not make it past the opening festival. The highest achievement of the team is getting into the television version of the festival “Voting KiViN 2005” with a number in which Alexey Smirnov played the ultimate wrestler Alexey Smirnov from the city of Bdyshch.
Teams: Outsiders V, Pushkin; Northern Alliance, St. Petersburg (Slobozhan League 2003); Hot Finnish guys, Helsinki (Slobozhan League 2004, Premier League 2005, Jurmala 2005).
For a long time he performed at the Comedy Club Piter Style in the duet “Bydlo”.
Repeatedly performed on the stage of the Moscow Comedy Club as part of the same duet and group NestroyBand.
Took second place in the third season of Laughter Without Rules. With Anton Ivanov (duet “Bydlo”).
Member of the “Slaughter League” (TNT). There he performed in the duets “Bydlo”, “Clocks”, “Ed and Alexey Smirnov” and the group “SAM”
Host of the tenth season of “Laughter Without Rules.”
Participant in the humorous projects “Killer Night” and “Killer Evening” (TNT).
Together with Anton Ivanov, Ruslan Bely and Ilya Sobolev, he starred in the video “Nuances” of the group 3NT.
In August 2009, Alexey Smirnov starred in the video “Falling” by the Russian pop-rock group “Khaki”.
One of the leading actors in the TV series “MAskvichi” (NTV).
Participant stand-up show“Bunker News” (first name “News T-34”) (REN).
Participant music group NestroyBand.
The 2x2 channel released the series Super Oleg, created by Alexey.
Interesting facts, personal life: Married.
Currently: Member television projects Laughter without rules Slaughter League, Comedy Club, Killer Night, KVN as part of the duet “Bydlo”. Host of the TV program “Laughter without Rules” on TNT together with Anton Ivanov.

You can invite Alexey Smirnov to a holiday, order a performance by Alexey Smirnov (duet Bydlo) for a corporate party, wedding, anniversary or birthday with the help of our concert and holiday agency 123 SHOW. Entrust the organization and holding of your celebration to our agency! How much does Alexey Smirnov’s performance at a holiday, corporate event, wedding cost - see, prices are correct for Moscow and the region (except for the pre-New Year period and New Year's Eve). Check the artist’s employment on the form feedback or by phone 8-495-760-78-76

Ilya Viktorovich Sobolev is a stand-up comedian, showman, TV presenter, actor, musician, member of the Krasnoyarsk KVN team “Left Bank”, winner of the “Laughter without Rules” program, resident of the “Comedy Club”, member of the trio “Ivanov, Smirnov, Sobolev”.

Childhood and youth

Ilya was born on February 25, 1983 in Krasnoyarsk. Since childhood, he loved to joke and joke. There was always laughter around the boy. At school, Ilya was the ringleader and the highlight of the company. But the guy felt best on stage. At that time, the stage was a school stage, sometimes in the House of Culture.

On stage, Ilya Sobolev brilliantly joked, improvised and amused teachers, peers and others present. KVN with the participation of the young man and his performances became a joyful event that the audience did not miss.

After graduating from school, Ilya Sobolev received two educations: higher technical (ITsMiMSFU) and acting.

The creative biography of Ilya Sobolev began as part of the KVN team called “Left Bank”. In 2003, Sobolev’s team became the champion of the Premier League of the Cheerful and Resourceful Club. Among the 18 teams, which included “Narts from Abkhazia”, “Persons of Ural nationality”, “ Ordinary people", the national teams of Belarus, Kharkov, players from Krasnoyarsk, reached the finals and won with the highest score, sharing first place with the team from Saransk "Region-13".

This allowed LB to become participants a year later Major League, where the players reached the quarterfinals. In 2004, Siberians also received gold at the Voting KiViN 2004 festival. In 2005, Left Bank became a semi-finalist in the Premier League, losing to the teams MaximM (Tomsk) and Friends (Perm).

Humor and creativity

Ilya Sobolev, as one of the brightest and most talented KVN players, was invited to television. The comedian became a participant in popular comedy projects, appeared in the “Slaughter League”, “Laughter without Rules” and “Comedy Club”.

Together with Roman Klyachkin, Sobolev participated in the first season of the show program “Laughter without Rules,” where he took 2nd place. And in the 9th, “golden” season of “Laughter Without Rules,” in which most of the finalists of previous years participated, Ilya Sobolev, as part of the “Beautiful” duet, won 1st place.

Ilya’s name is associated with another participant in “Laughter Without Rules” and “Slaughter League”, performing under the stage name Uncle Vitya. When the latter appeared in the 10th season of “Laughter Without Rules” on TNT, attentive TV viewers began to compare the new character with Sobolev, noting considerable similarities. The project managers denied this, but the audience remained with their own opinion.

Over time, more and more “evidence” of this appeared. Firstly, the image of Uncle Vitya was partly borrowed from Ilya’s favorite film “Man on the Moon”. Secondly, during one of the performances, Uncle Vitya’s voice broke, and many recognized the timbre and notes of Sobolev’s voice.

Ilya Sobolev in the Stand-Up show

Plus, in 2017, a new show “Money or Shame” was launched on the TNT4 channel, hosted by this scandalous character. Despite the fact that Sobolev continued to deny involvement in Uncle Vita, a video message from the angry soloist was sent to him MBAND groups. The fact is that on the air of the program Uncle Vitya spoke impartially about the team, calling them “the favorite group of worms.”

Once again, comedian Ilya began to deny that it was not he who was hosting the show. And therefore, he has nothing to apologize for.

In February 2010, Ilya Sobolev left the “Slaughter League”, deciding that he needed to move on. The creative producer of the project, a TV presenter and 12 participants left with the comedian. The guys worked, and at the end of August of the same year on the TNT channel, viewers saw a new comedy show entitled " Comedy Battle", consisting of two parts - selection and tournament.

5 clans took part in the game - finalists of the Comedy Battle. Selection" ("The Chosen"), residents of the "Comedy Club" ("Five Eggplants"), former members“Slaughter League” (“Aristocrats”, “Pimps of Happiness” and “Jokers”). Ilya Sobolev, together with comedians Konstantin Pushkin and Evgeniy Otstavnov, joined the “Aristocrats” team.

Ilya Sobolev is a talented artist who has received recognition as a presenter and showman. Ilya’s colleagues claim that the comedian is extremely creative person. He is not afraid to experiment and does not recognize boundaries and limitations.

Therefore, Ilya manages to realize himself in projects of different genres. The comedian makes parodies and miniatures. Performs brilliantly in the stand-up genre. The artist also works as an entertainer. Organizes special events, holidays and weddings. He was repeatedly invited as the host of corporate events for the companies “Dyula-Tour”, “Sberbank”, “UralEnergoGaz”, “Uralsib”, “Mars”.

Dj FrEsH ft Andrian & Ilya Sobolev - “Don’t think about the bad”

Ilya Sobolev is also interested in music. Together with a popular St. Petersburg musician, Ilya recorded two musical tracks - “Gansta” and “Don’t Think.” The songs became hits and long time stayed in the charts of the first dance “Radio Record”. The track “Gansta” even took 16th place in the final superchart in 2009.

In 2013, 3 members of the Comedy Club, former members of the KVN team, decided to create a creative comedy trio “Ivanov, Smirnov, Sobolev”. Anton Ivanov and Alexey Smirnov, members of the KVN team “Hot Finnish Guys”, worked as a duet called “Cattle”, which gained popularity among viewers of the projects “Laughter without rules”, “Killer League”, “Killer Night”.

Alexey Smirnov, Anton Ivanov and Ilya Sobolev at the Comedy Club

The third participant, Ilya, organically complemented the acting ensemble. The short artist (Sobolev’s height is 166 cm, weight about 60 kg) proved that he can become an energy center humorous skit. The club residents decided not to limit themselves to comical numbers of the usual themes. Anton, Alexey and Ilya created their own format of humor, bordering on the absurd.

The trio “Ivanov, Smirnov, Sobolev” began to regularly appear on the air of the Comedy Club program, collecting high viewer ratings. Soon the comedians starred together in the video “Nuances” of the group “3NT”. Once the acting ensemble received an award in the category “Best media group of the city of St. Petersburg.” The figurine was signed “Ivanov, Petrov, Sobolev,” which surprised the comedians.

Personal life

The personal life of Ilya Sobolev is arranged. The artist has a beloved wife, Natalya Pakhomova, who is involved in jurisprudence, as well as issues of purchasing real estate abroad. Natalya Soboleva is the organizer and co-owner of the EMS studio “Fit Premium”, the agency “Real Estate in Spain”. The family lives in St. Petersburg.

The young people have been together for several years now. When they first started dating, Ilya brought his bride to meet his parents. Mom gave her future daughter-in-law real exams to make sure the girl was ready for family life. Natalya passed the test, and soon the lovers legalized their relationship.

Ilya Sobolev with his wife Natalya and daughter

Later they had a daughter, Sofia. In September 2015, Natalya gave her husband a second daughter, Eva. The birth took place in a Moscow clinic. Being an experienced mother, Natalya developed the “Nutrition Diary and Postpartum Recovery” application for microblog subscribers on Instagram. Both spouses maintain their own pages on in social networks, including Twitter, where they regularly post joint and work photos. All free time the man tries to spend time with his children and wife.

Ilya Sobolev now

In mid-April 2017, Ilya Sobolev, as part of a comedy trio, went on tour to China, to the island of Hainan, where the Comedy Club festival was held. The event program included daily performances by club residents. During the day, participants and spectators were offered joint participation in games, competitions and relay races. The comedians prepared for the concerts best numbers, as well as miniatures that were created specifically for the festival.

In May 2017, the artist was detained by police officers to check his documents, during which it turned out that Ilya was driving with an invalid driver’s license. The traffic police service deprived Sobolev of his rights back in 2014. But the artist, according to him, did not know about this, since he did not receive a summons from the court.

Also in 2017, Sobolev made his film debut. He starred in the series “The Phantom of the Opera,” directed by Emil Nikoghosyan, known for the films “Champions” and “Moms 3.” It is noteworthy that his colleagues from the Comedy Club also starred in the film - and. This is the story of friendship between police operative Lesha and the ghost of the legendary swindler Pashka Veterok. At the moment, Ilya’s filmography is limited only to this picture.

Ilya Sobolev and blogger Nikolai Sobolev are namesakes

In 2018, Ilya decided to conquer the Internet. His YouTube channel was registered in 2012, but only now he began to develop and popularize it. The man admits that he can afford much more on the Internet than on TV. Here his monologues are even more poignant and topical. He also publishes his impromptu concerts and parodies of stars on the channel. Russian show business.

Ilya Sobolev on the project "Where is the logic"

In the winter of 2018, a new show “Prozharka” launched on the TNT4 channel, hosted by Ilya. The format of the program is comedy: young comedians make fun of the invited guest. TV presenter and singer, stand-up comedian Ruslan Bely, blogger, etc. have already visited Sobolev at Prozharka. Some fans believe that they are brothers. But this is not so, the guys are just namesakes.

By the way, in August 2018, both Sobolevs came to the show “Where is the logic?”, Ilya was in tandem with rapper L’One, and Nikolai was with.


  • 1999 – KVN team “Left Bank”
  • 2007 – “Laughter without rules”
  • 2007 – “Slaughter League”
  • 2010 – “Comedy Battle”
  • 2013 – “Ivanov, Smirnov, Sobolev”
  • 2013 – “ComedyClub”
  • 2018 – “Roasting”

Welcome to the page of the sought-after Russian comedian and presenter. Alexey Smirnov - popular artist conversational genre, participant in such humorous television programs as “Laughter without Rules”, “Slaughter League” and Comedy Club. Alexey Smirnov was born in the city of Kingisepp, November 26, 1983. After graduating from school, I decided that I would be a philologist. As a result, Alexey Smirnov Smirnyaga’s specialty is a teacher of Russian language and literature. Already in student years he began to become interested in the KVN game. Together with his colleague Anton Ivanov, he wrote scripts and played for the Hot Finnish Guys team and even got into the Premier League. The concert of Voicing KiViN in 2005, in which the comedian participated, broadcast on television, brought him, perhaps, his first serious fame. Alexey Smirnov Smirnyaga is quite happy after that for a long time worked at the Comedy Club Piter Style. Many people know about him as one of the best stand-up artists who knows how to amuse people with funny miniatures and original jokes.

Alexey Smirnov from the duo Bydlo made it to the top of the most popular conversational stars in Russia. His numbers have always been original. Together with his colleague Anton Ivanov, he took second place in the competition of the third season of the show “Laughter without Rules”, and later became a regular hero of the program “Slaughter League”, working in the teams “SAM”, “Clocks”, “Ed and A.S. " Alexey Smirnov from the duo Bydlo rose to the role of host of the tenth season of the humorous program “Laughter without Rules.” He also began working in the music industry, first starring in a video for the group 3NT, and then in a video for the pop group Khaki. Here he first tried himself as an actor, and it is worth noting that he did a great job! Alexey Smirnov did not stop there. The next stage in his career was filming in the humorous television series “Maskvichi,” which was broadcast on NTV. Then he participated in the stand-up project “Bunker News” on the REN channel and even tried himself as a member of the Nestroy Band music team! Presenter Alexey Smirnov became the initiator and author of the popular youth series “Super Oleg”. He writes amazing scripts and continues to evolve. You can invite Alexey Smirnov to your party on this website by carefully filling out electronic application for his participation in your upcoming event.

Invite Comedy participants Club, you can order a performance by a comedy resident for a wedding or your birthday at ProConcert. How much does it cost to organize a comedy event with a popular Comedy Club showman? The cost depends on the format of the celebration, date and location. It will be a little more expensive to invite Alexey Smirnov (Smirnyaga) as a presenter during the holidays for the whole country, since comedian stars are especially in demand during this period. To find out about Alexey Smirnov’s (Smirnyahu) fee for the holiday, call us.

Participant's name: Smirnov Alexey Alexandrovich

Age (birthday): 26.11.1983

City: Kingisepp

Education: teacher of Russian language and literature

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Read with this article:

Alexey Alexandrovich Smirnov grew up in Kingisepp, a city in Leningrad region. The mother, a teacher, raised her son highest category, excellent student of public education and labor veteran.

Her son took his example from her, because in the future he chose to become a teacher of Russian language and literature, even though he never managed to work on his diploma. Alexey admits that his childhood years, before he went to school, were the best in his life.

He enthusiastically explored the world in all its beauty, even tried to knock a nail off his finger with a stone, which brought him great pleasure, although it all ended in hellish pain.

The boy's plans for the future were excellent. Lesha also never got bored at school. He studied in two educational institutions and was friends with cheerful hooligans whose names were Sanya one and Sanya two.

After school I received Teacher Education at Leningrad State University. A.S. Pushkin. Completed his studies in 2006.

I have always been passionate about playing KVN. He was a member of the “Strangers V” (Pushkin), the St. Petersburg team “Northern Alliance”.

I met Ivanov when I played in the KVN league for the team “Hot Finnish Guys” (Helsinki). With him he created the humorous duet “Cattle”.

In 2005, the team managed to enter the KVN Premier League, but failed to advance further.

Among his significant achievements is participation in the Voting KiVin festival, which was broadcast on television in the same year. Smirnov played the ultimate fighter from Bdyshch.

Participated in programs from TNT“Killer League”, “Killer Evening”, starred in the 3NT group’s video for the song “Nuances”, as well as Khaki for the song “Falling”.

Hosted the 10th season of “Laughter Without Rules.” He played one of the leading roles in the multi-part project on NTV “MAskvichi”.

He appeared in public several times as part of the group NestroyBand, in the stand-up show “Bunker News”. Member of the trio “Ivanov, Smirnov and Sobolev” since 2013.

Alexey didn’t stop there, he realized his long-standing idea and was able to release the series “Super Oleg”, which was broadcast on TV channel 2x2.

As for his personal life, Alexey has something to brag about in this area too. He is married to his beloved wife, with whom he is raising two children.

Lesha admits that he is incredibly happy that he has a strong family, and therefore is ready to do everything to strengthen family bonds and make your loved ones happy.