The last words of ordinary people before death (1 photo). Last words of Russian writers before death

1. Oscar Wilde, the great esthete and master of paradoxes, was dying in a room with tasteless wallpaper. Even in the face of death, his refined taste and sense of humor did not change him. After the words: “Killer coloring! One of us will have to leave here,” he went to another world.

2. Mikhail Evgrafovich Saltykov-Shchedrin greeted death with the question: “Are you a fool?”

3. Eugene O'Neill lamented before his death: “I knew it! I knew it! Born in a hotel and fucking dying in a hotel."

4. William Somerset Maugham took care of those who remained: “Dying is a boring and bleak business. My advice to you is never do this.

5. Last words William Saroyan is not devoid of grace and self-irony: “Everyone is destined to die, but I always thought that they would make an exception for me. And what?"

6. Dying, Honore de Balzac remembered one of the characters in his stories, an experienced doctor Bianchon. “He would have saved me,” the great writer sighed.

7. Johann Wolfgang Goethe said right before his death: “More light!” Before that, he asked the doctor how much he had left to live. When the doctor admitted that he more than an hour, Goethe breathed a sigh of relief with the words: "Thank God, only an hour!".

8. Dying in the town of Bougival near Paris, Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev uttered mysterious words: "Farewell, my dear, my whitish ...".

9. "So what's the answer?" asked Gertrude Stein as they wheeled her into the operating room. The writer was dying of cancer, from which her mother had previously died. Without waiting for an answer, she asked again: “What then is the question?” The writer did not wake up from anesthesia.

10. How the true zealot of the tongue died French writer, poet and playwright Felix Arver. Hearing the nurse say to someone: “This is at the end of the corridor,” he groaned with his last strength: “Not a corridor, but a corridor!” - and died.

Last words of famous people

Probably, many people wonder what they will think about in the last moments of their lives. In the face of death, everyone thinks and talks about his own - someone says goodbye to relatives and friends, others try to do what they love to the very end, and still others do not find anything better than to utter some kind of barb against those present.

Your attention - dying statements of individuals who, one way or another, left their mark on history.

Raphael Santi, artist


Gustav Mahler, composer

Gustav Mahler died in his bed. IN last minutes life it seemed to him that he was conducting an orchestra and his final word was: "Mozart!".

Jean-Philippe Rameau, composer

The dying composer did not like the fact that the priest sang psalms at his deathbed and he declared: “Why the hell do I need all these songs, holy father? You are fake!"

Frank Sinatra, singer

"I'm losing him."

George Orwell, writer

"At fifty, every man has the face he deserves." Orwell died at the age of 46.

Jean-Paul Sartre, philosopher, writer

In the last moments of his life, Sartre, referring to his beloved, Simone de Beauvoir, said: "I love you so much, my dear Beaver."

Nostradamus, doctor, alchemist, astrologer

The thinker's pre-death words, like many of his statements, turned out to be prophetic: "Tomorrow at dawn I will be gone." The prediction came true.

Vladimir Nabokov, writer

Except literary activity, Nabokov was interested in entomology, in particular - the study of butterflies. His last words were: "Some butterfly has already taken off."

Marie Antoinette, Queen of France

Stepping on the foot of the executioner, who was leading her to the scaffold, the queen said with dignity: “Please excuse me, monsieur. I did not mean to".

Sir Isaac Newton, physicist, mathematician

“I don’t know how the world perceived me. To myself, I always seemed like a boy who played on the seashore and entertained himself by searching for beautiful pebbles and shells, while the great ocean of truth lay before me unknown.

Leonardo da Vinci, thinker, scientist, artist

“I offended God and people, because in my work I did not reach the height that I aspired to.”

Benjamin Franklin, politician, diplomat, scientist, journalist

When the daughter asked 84-year-old seriously ill Franklin to lie down differently so that he could breathe easier, the old man, anticipating the imminent end, grumpily said: “Nothing comes easily to a dying man.”

Charles "Lucky" Luciano, gangster

Luciano died while filming a documentary about the Sicilian mafia. His dying phrase was: "One way or another, I want to get into the movies." The last wish of the mafiosi came true - based on the life of Luciano, several feature films and documentaries, he was one of the few gangsters who died a natural death.

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, writer

The creator of Sherlock Holmes died in his garden of a heart attack at the age of 71. His last words were addressed to his beloved wife: “You are wonderful,” the writer said and died.

Ernest Hemingway, writer

On July 2, 1961, Hemingway said to his wife: Good night, kitty". Then he went to his room, and a few minutes later his wife heard a loud jerky sound - the writer committed suicide with a shot in the head.

Alfred Hitchcock, film director, master of suspense

“No one knows what the ending will be. To know exactly what will happen after death, one must die, although Catholics have some hopes in this regard.

Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, revolutionary, one of the founders of the USSR

Before his death, Vladimir Ilyich, turning to his beloved dog, who brought him a dead bird, said: "Here is a dog."

Sir Winston Churchill, politician, Prime Minister of Great Britain

"How I'm tired of all this."

Joan Crawford, actress

With one foot in the grave, Joan turned to the housekeeper, who was reciting a prayer: “Damn it! Don't you dare ask God to help me!"

Bo Diddley, singer, founder of rock and roll

The famous musician died while listening to the song "Walk Around Heaven", authored by American singer Patti LaBelle. According to eyewitnesses, before his death, Diddley said: "Wow!".

Steve Jobs, Entrepreneur, Founder of Apple Corporation

"Wow. Wow. Wow!".

Many in the course of their lives think - how it will be, what I will be at this moment ... But no one can predict. However, brilliant people are capable of miraculous insights. The Periodic Table of the Elements appeared to Mendeleev in a dream. Jules Verne's technological fantasies came true decades later. And many brilliant Russian writers not only foresaw, but in their works even guessed the atmosphere and circumstances of their death.

Who said what when leaving

Scottish historian Thomas Carlyle, dying, calmly said: "So this is what it is, this death!".

Composer Edvard Grieg: "Well, if it's inevitable...".

Queen Marie Antoinette was completely calm before her execution. Climbing the scaffold, she stumbled and stepped on the executioner's foot: "Forgive me, please, monsieur, I did it by accident ...".

The Roman emperor and tyrant Nero before his death exclaimed: "What great artist dies!".

Vaslav Nijinsky, Anatole France, Garibaldi, Byron whispered the same word before their death: "Mother!".

When the Prussian king Frederick I died, the priest at his bedside read prayers. At the words "I came into this world naked and I will leave naked," Friedrich pushed him away with his hand and exclaimed: "Don't you dare bury me naked, not in full dress!"

Dying, Balzac recalled one of the characters in his stories, an experienced doctor Bianchon: "He would have saved me ...".

IN last moment before death great Leonardo da Vinci exclaimed: "I offended God and people! My works have not reached the height to which I aspired!".

Mikhail Romanov before the execution gave the executioners his boots - "Use, guys, after all, royal."

Spy dancer Mata Hari blew a kiss to soldiers aiming at her: "I'm ready, boys."

The philosopher Immanuel Kant said: "Das ist gut".

Sick Anna Akhmatova after an injection of camphor: "Still, I feel very bad!".

One of the cinematographer brothers, 92-year-old O. Lumiere: "My film is running out."

Ibsen, after lying paralyzed for several years, stood up and said: "On the contrary!" - and died.

Nadezhda Mandelstam to her nurse: "Don't be afraid."

Einstein's last words remained unknown because the nurse did not understand German.

Do the writers know in advance how it will be?

Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev died on August 22, 1883 at the age of 65 in the town of Bougival near Paris. His last words were strange: "Farewell, my dear, my whitish ...".

Heartbroken relatives did not stand around the bed of a dying man: despite several novels, the writer never married, spending his life in an ambiguous role true friend family of Pauline Viardot. Turgenev's death, all his life, by his own admission, "huddled on the edge of someone else's nest", was somewhat similar to his death famous hero- Evgenia Bazarova. Both were escorted to the other world by a dearly beloved and never fully owned woman.

Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky woke up at dawn on January 28, 1881 with the clear realization that today is the last day of his life. He silently waited for his wife to wake up. Anna Grigorievna did not believe the words of her husband, because the day before he was better. But Dostoevsky insisted that a priest be brought in, took communion, confessed, and soon died.

When Elder Zosima was dying, one of key characters novel "The Brothers Karamazov", his friends were amazed by this, because "they were even convinced that a noticeable improvement had occurred in his health." The elder felt the approach of death and humbly met it: "He bowed his face to the ground ... and, as if in joyful delight, kissing the ground and praying, quietly and joyfully gave his soul to God."

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov died on the night of July 2, 1904 in a hotel room in the German resort town of Badenweiler. The German doctor decided that death was already behind him. According to an ancient German medical tradition, a doctor who made a fatal diagnosis to his colleague treats the dying man to champagne... Anton Pavlovich said in German: "I'm dying" - and drank a glass of champagne to the bottom.

The writer's wife, Olga Leonardovna, would later write that the "terrible silence" of that night when Chekhov died was broken only by "a huge black moth that painfully beat against the burning night lamps and dangled around the room."

Here is his hero, the merchant Lopakhin, who bought The Cherry Orchard and who was about to cut it down to the root, offered Ranevskaya, for whom the loss of a family nest is tantamount to spiritual death, to celebrate the purchase with a glass of champagne. And at the end of the play, in front of the curtain, in the silence one can hear "how far in the garden they knock on wood with an axe."

Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy last days spent his life at the provincial railway station Astapovo. At 83, the count decided to break with an orderly, prosperous existence in Yasnaya Polyana. Accompanied by his daughter and family doctor, he left incognito in a third-class carriage. On the way, he caught a cold, pneumonia began.

The last words of Tolstoy, spoken by him on the morning of November 7, 1910, already in oblivion, were: "I love the truth" (according to another version, he said - "I do not understand").

In The Death of Ivan Ilyich, an official on his deathbed, tormented by pain and fear, admits that everything in his life was "not right." "What is 'that'?" he asked himself, and suddenly fell silent. Resigned to the inevitability of death, Ivan Ilyich suddenly discovered that "there was no fear, because there was no death either. Instead of death, there was light."

Gennady Poroshenko, Doctor of Biology: "Our souls remain in the noosphere"

(With) stale sounds don't remember the sounds

Vaslav Nijinsky, Anatole France, Garibaldi, Byron whispered the same word before their death: "Mother!"

- "And now do not believe everything that I have said, because I am the Buddha, but check everything on your own experience. Be your own guiding light" - the last words of the Buddha

- "It's done" - Jesus

Winston Churchill was very tired of life by the end, and his last words were: "How I'm tired of all this"

Oscar Wilde died in a room with tasteless wallpaper. The approaching death did not change his attitude to life. After the words: "Killer coloring! One of us will have to get out of here", he left

Alexandre Dumas: "So I won't know how it will end"

James Joyce: "Is there a soul here who can understand me?"

Alexander Blok: "Russia ate me like a stupid pig of its own pig"

François Rabelais: "I'm going to look for the great "Maybe"

Somerset Maugham: "Dying is boring and dreary. My advice to you is never do it."

Anton Chekhov died in the German resort town of Badenweiler. A German doctor treated him to champagne (according to the ancient German medical tradition, a doctor who has diagnosed his colleague with a fatal diagnosis puts champagne on a dying man). Chekhov said "Ich sterbe", drank the glass to the bottom, and said: "I haven't drunk champagne for a long time"

Henry James: "Well, finally, I was honored"

American prose writer and playwright William Saroyan: "Everyone is destined to die, but I always thought that they would make an exception for me. So what?"

Heinrich Heine: "God forgive me. This is his job"

The last words of Johann Goethe are widely known: "Open wider the shutters, more light!". But not everyone knows that before that he asked the doctor how much he still had left, and when the doctor replied that there was one hour left, Goethe sighed with relief: "Thank God, only an hour"

Boris Pasternak: "Open the window"

Victor Hugo: "I see a black light"

Mikhail Zoshchenko: "Leave me alone"

Saltykov-Shchedrin: "Is that you, fool?"

- "Well, why are you roaring? Did you think I was immortal?" - "Sun King" Louis XIV

Countess Dubarry, favorite of Louis XV, ascending the guillotine, said to the executioner: "Try not to hurt me!"

- "Doctor, I still won't die, but not because I'm afraid," said the first American president, George Washington.

Queen Marie Antoinette, climbing the scaffold, stumbled and stepped on the executioner's foot: "Excuse me, please, monsieur, I did it by accident"

Scottish historian Thomas Carlyle: "So this is what it is, this death!"

Composer Edvard Grieg: "Well, if it's inevitable..."

Nero: "What a great artist is dying!"

Balzac before his death remembered one of his literary heroes, an experienced Bianchon doctor and said: "He would have saved me"

Leonardo da Vinci: "I insulted God and people! My works have not reached the height to which I aspired!"

Mata Hari blew a kiss to the soldiers aiming at her and said, "I'm ready, boys."

Philosopher Immanuel Kant: "Das ist gut"

One of the brothers-filmmakers, 92-year-old Auguste Lumiere: "My film is running out"

American businessman Abrahim Hewitt tore off the mask of the oxygen apparatus and said: "Leave it! I'm already dead ..."

spanish general, statesman Ramon Narvaez, when asked by the confessor whether he asks for forgiveness from his enemies, smiled wryly and replied: "I have no one to ask for forgiveness. All my enemies have been shot."

When the Prussian king Frederick I died, the priest at his bedside read prayers. At the words "I came into this world naked and I will leave naked," Friedrich pushed him away with his hand and exclaimed: "Don't you dare bury me naked, not in full dress!"

Mikhail Romanov before the execution gave the executioners his boots - "Use, guys, after all, royal"

Sick Anna Akhmatova after an injection of camphor: "Still, I feel very bad!".

Ibsen, after lying paralyzed for several years, stood up and said: "On the contrary!" - and died.

Nadezhda Mandelstam to her nurse: "Don't be afraid!"

Lytton Strachey: "If this is death, I don't like it"

James Thurber: "God bless you, damn it!"

Paulette Brilat-Savarin, the sister of the famous French deli, on her 100th birthday, after the third course, feeling the approach of death, said: "Serve compote quickly - I'm dying"

The famous English surgeon Joseph Green, as a medical habit, measured his pulse. "The pulse is gone," he said.

The famous English director Noel Howard, feeling that he was dying, said: "Good night, my dears. See you tomorrow."

Einstein's last words remained unknown because the nurse did not understand German.

"And now do not believe everything that I have said, because I am the Buddha, but check everything on your own experience. Be your own guiding light" - the last words of the Buddha

"It's Done" - Jesus

At the beginning of the 19th century, the granddaughter of the famous Japanese warrior Shingen, one of the most beautiful girls Japan, a subtle poetess, a favorite of the Empress, wanted to learn Zen. Some famous masters rejected her because of her beauty. Master Hakou said, "Your beauty will be the source of all problems." Then she burned her face with a red-hot iron and became Hakou's apprentice. She took the name Rionen, which means "clearly understand".

Before her death, she wrote a short poem:

Sixty six times those eyes
We could enjoy autumn.
Ask nothing.
Listen to the hum of the pines in complete calm

Winston Churchill was very tired of life by the end, and his last words were: "How I'm tired of all this"

Oscar Wilde died in a room with tasteless wallpaper. The approaching death did not change his attitude to life. After the words: "Killer coloring! One of us will have to get out of here", he left

Alexandre Dumas: "So I won't know how it will end"

James Joyce: "Is there a soul here who can understand me?"

Alexander Blok: "Russia ate me like a stupid pig of its own pig"

François Rabelais: "I'm going to look for the great "Maybe"

Ernst Herter. Dying Achilles

Somerset Maugham: "Dying is boring and dreary. My advice to you is never do it"

Anton Chekhov died in the German resort town of Badenweiler. A German doctor treated him to champagne (according to the old German medical tradition, a doctor who has diagnosed his colleague with a fatal diagnosis treats a dying man to champagne). Chekhov said "Ich sterbe", drank the glass to the bottom, and said: "I haven't drunk champagne for a long time"

Henry James: "Well, finally, I was honored"

American prose writer and playwright William Saroyan: "Everyone is destined to die, but I always thought that they would make an exception for me. So what?"

Heinrich Heine: "God forgive me. This is his job"

The last words of Johann Goethe are widely known: "Open wider the shutters, more light!". But not everyone knows that before that he asked the doctor how much he still had left, and when the doctor replied that there was one hour left, Goethe sighed with relief: "Thank God, only an hour"

Boris Pasternak: "Open the window"

Victor Hugo: "I see a black light"

Mikhail Zoshchenko: "Leave me alone"

Saltykov-Shchedrin: "Is that you, fool?"

"Well, why are you crying? Did you think I was immortal?" - "Sun King" Louis XIV

Hendrik Goltzius. Dying Adonis

Countess Dubarry, favorite of Louis XV, ascending the guillotine, said to the executioner: "Try not to hurt me!"

"Doctor, I still won't die, but not because I'm afraid," said the first American president, George Washington.

Queen Marie Antoinette, climbing the scaffold, stumbled and stepped on the executioner's foot: "Excuse me, please, monsieur, I did it by accident"

Scottish historian Thomas Carlyle: "So this is what it is, this death!"

Composer Edvard Grieg: "Well, if it's inevitable..."

Nero: "What a great artist is dying!"

Balzac, before his death, remembered one of his literary heroes, an experienced doctor Bianchon, and said: "He would have saved me."

Leonardo da Vinci: "I insulted God and people! My works have not reached the height to which I aspired!"

Mata Hari blew a kiss to the soldiers aiming at her and said, "I'm ready, boys."

Philosopher Immanuel Kant: "Das ist gut"

One of the brothers-filmmakers, 92-year-old Auguste Lumiere: "My film is running out"

Lytton Strachey: "If this is death, I don't like it"

The Spanish general, statesman Ramon Narvaez, when asked by the confessor whether he asks for forgiveness from his enemies, smiled wryly and replied: "I have no one to ask for forgiveness. All my enemies have been shot."

American businessman Abrahim Hewitt tore off the mask of the oxygen apparatus and said: "Leave it! I'm already dead ..."

The famous English surgeon Joseph Green, as a medical habit, measured his pulse. "The pulse is gone," he said.

The famous English director Noel Howard, feeling that he was dying, said: "Good night, my dears. See you tomorrow."

1. Oscar Wilde died in a room with no-stained wallpaper. The approaching death did not change his attitude to life. After the words: “Killer coloring! One of us will have to leave here,” he left.

2. Queen Marie Antoinette, climbing the scaffold, stumbled and stepped on the executioner's foot: "Forgive me, please, monsieur, I did it by accident." And her husband, Louis XVIII, asked the executioner: "Don't you know, brother, what's new about the La Perouse expedition?"

3. Empress Elizaveta Petrovna extremely surprised the doctors when, half a minute before her death, she rose on pillows and threateningly asked: “Am I still alive ?!”. But the doctors did not have time to be afraid, as everything was corrected by itself.

4. American playwright Eugene O'Neill: “I knew it! I knew it! Born in a hotel and fucking dying in a hotel."

5. Spy dancer Mata Hari blew a kiss to the soldiers aiming at her: "I'm ready, boys."

6. English writer- prose writer Somerset Maugham: “Dying is a boring and dreary thing. My advice to you is never do this.

7. American prose writer and playwright William Saroyan: “Everyone is destined to die, but I always thought that they would make an exception for me. And what?"

8. The famous English surgeon Joseph Green, as a medical habit, measured his pulse. "The pulse is gone," he said.

9. English writer and critic Lytton Strachey: "If this is death, then I'm not happy with it."

10. Russian satirist Saltykov-Shchedrin greeted death with the question "Are you stupid?"

11. Chekhov dying words were a simple statement of fact: "Their shterbe."

12. Alexander Green before his death also whispered: "I'm dying ...".

13. "And now do not believe everything that I have said, because I am the Buddha, but check everything on your own experience. Be your own guiding light" - the last words of the Buddha.

14. Winston Churchill was very tired of life towards the end, and his last words were: "How tired I am of all this."

15. Alexandre Dumas: "So I don't know how it will all end."

16. James Joyce: "Is there at least one soul here who can understand me?"

17. Alexander Blok: "Russia ate me like a stupid pig of its pig."

18. Francois Rabelais: "I'm going to look for the great" Maybe ".

19. Philosopher Immanuel Kant: "Das ist gut".

20. One of the brothers-filmmakers, 92-year-old Auguste Lumiere: "My film is running out."

21. Lytton Strachey: "If this is death, then I'm not happy with it."

22. The Spanish general, statesman Ramon Narvaez, when asked by the confessor whether he asked for forgiveness from his enemies, smiled wryly and replied: "I have no one to ask for forgiveness. All my enemies have been shot."

23. American businessman Abraham Hewitt tore off the mask of the oxygen apparatus and said: "Leave it! I'm already dead ..."

25. The famous English director Noel Howard, feeling that he was dying, said: "Good night, my dears. See you tomorrow."

26. Scottish historian Thomas Carlyle: "So this is what it is, this death!"

27. Composer Edvard Grieg: "Well, if it's inevitable..."

29. Nero: "What a great artist is dying!"

31. Before his death, Balzac remembered one of his literary heroes, an experienced doctor Bianchon, and said: "He would have saved me."

32. Leonardo da Vinci: "I offended God and people! My works have not reached the height to which I aspired!"

34. Countess Dubarry, mistress of Louis XV, ascending the guillotine, said to the executioner: "Try not to hurt me!"

35. "Doctor, I still won't die, but not because I'm afraid," said the first American president, George Washington.

36. Henry James: "Well, finally, I was honored."

37. Heinrich Heine: "God forgive me. This is his job."

38. The last words of Johann Goethe are widely known: "Open wider the shutters, more light!". But not everyone knows that before that he asked the doctor how much he still had left, and when the doctor replied that there was one hour left, Goethe sighed with relief: "Thank God, only an hour."

39. Boris Pasternak: "Open the window."

40. Victor Hugo: "I see a black light."

41. Mikhail Zoshchenko: "Leave me alone."

42. "Well, why are you roaring? Thought I was immortal?" - "King-Sun" Louis XIV.

43. Vaslav Nijinsky, Anatole France, Garibaldi, Byron whispered the same word before their death: "Mother!" Touching and trite...

44. When the Prussian king Frederick I was dying, the priest at his bedside read prayers. At the words "I came into this world naked and I will leave naked," Friedrich pushed him away with his hand and exclaimed: "Don't you dare bury me naked, not in full dress!"

45. Before the execution, Mikhail Romanov gave his boots to the executioners - "Use, guys, after all, royal."

46. ​​Sick Anna Akhmatova after an injection of camphor: "Still, I feel very bad!"

47. Ibsen, after lying paralyzed for several years, stood up and said: "On the contrary!" - and died.

48. Nadezhda Mandelstam - to her nurse: "Don't be afraid!"

49. Paulette Brilat-Savarin, the sister of a famous French deli, on her 100th birthday, after the third course, feeling the approach of death, said: "Serve compote quickly - I'm dying."

50. Einstein's last words remained unknown because the nurse did not understand German.