Life after death. Celebrity graves. Novodevichy Cemetery - Peace of the Great (55 photos) Which artists are buried at the Novodevichy Cemetery

Their very young and energetic faces look at us from TV screens or old concert recordings. However, many of them are no longer alive.

Some might like to visit the graves of their idols to lay flowers and honor their memory. For some, this, sadly, is the only opportunity to be alone with their idol and at such a close distance.

The musician, beloved by many, died in an accident on August 15, 1990 on the 35th kilometer of the Sloka-Talsi highway. His car “Moskvich-2141” crashed into a regular bus. No one except Tsoi was injured. Viktor Tsoi is buried at the Bogoslovskoye cemetery in St. Petersburg.

To others no less loved and tragically lost Russian musician is Igor Talkov. He was killed on October 6, 1991 at a concert that took place in St. Petersburg at the Yubileiny Sports Palace. Igor Talkov is buried at Vagankovskoe cemetery in Moscow.

She was recently born on May 21, but the actress died on November 28, 2006 from a serious illness - spinal sarcoma. She was buried at the Troekurovskoye cemetery in Moscow.

Alexander Abdulov was the idol of millions, so the news of his illness – lung cancer – came as a shock to many. He died at the age of 54 on January 3, 2008. buried at the Vagankovskoye cemetery in Moscow.

2012 shocked many fans of her work. The actress and TV presenter died in an accident. She was cremated, and her ashes were buried at the Troekurovskoye cemetery in Moscow.

In Beverly Hills. She was found in the bathroom of one of the rooms at the Beverly Hilton Hotel. According to the police report, the singer died from drowning caused by atherosclerotic heart disease due to cocaine use. Whitney Houston was buried at Fairview Cemetery in Houston next to the grave of her father, John Russell Houston.

The King of Pop died on June 25, 2009. The musician died from an overdose of painkillers. On that fateful day, Dr. Conrad Murray injected him with Profopol and walked away. Returning 2 hours later, he found the patient lying wide with open eyes and mouth. In addition to profopol, substances such as lorazepam, diazepam and midazolam were also found in his blood. Michael was buried on September 3, 2009 at Forest Lawn Cemetery in the suburbs of Los Angeles. Conrand Murray was found guilty of Jackson's manslaughter and sentenced to 4 years in prison.

For a long time causes of death Amy Winehouse , whose July 23, 2013, remained unclear. Only in January 2013 was the version confirmed that the singer died from severe alcohol poisoning. Amy Winehouse was buried in Edgwarebury Lane Cemetery in Middlesex.

In a greenhouse built on the roof of his garage in Seattle, USA. According to the official version, the musician injected himself with an incompatible dose of heroin and shot himself in the head with a gun. In addition, there is a version that he was killed by Courtney Love, his wife. After his death he was cremated and his ashes were scattered over the River Wishka in Aberdeen. He does have a grave, however, the traditional place of worship being a park bench near his home. Interestingly, Cobain earned more after his death than during his lifetime.

Steve Jobs , founder Apple He became a legend during his lifetime. Long years he fought cancer but couldn't beat it. Jobs died on October 5, 2011. He was buried in Alta Mesa Cemetery in Palo Alto, California.

The Vagankovskoe cemetery is probably the most famous necropolis of our time. The history of this place began almost three hundred years ago and continues to this day. It is unlikely that it will ever be possible to establish an exact list of everyone who was buried at the Vagankovskoye cemetery at least in the last hundred years, not to mention its entire long history. The list of the deceased who found their final refuge here, according to the most conservative estimates, should have numbered about half a million names. However, many burials remain unnamed.

and the foundation of the cemetery

One of the last outbreaks of the plague in Russia in 1770-1772 was marked not only by mass death of the population, but also by significant popular unrest in Moscow and its surroundings. The unrest was suppressed, however, by decree of Empress Catherine II, dead citizens were prohibited from being buried within the city.

The preventive sanitary measure had an effect, the disease receded, and a necropolis grew up near Moscow in the village of Novoye Vagankovo, where ordinary Muscovites were buried.

Who is buried at the Vagankovskoye cemetery? Of course, no one kept a list of burials in those distant times. In the 18th and 19th centuries, those who died from epidemics, soldiers who fell in the Battle of Borodino, those who died on the Khodynka Field and many other victims of wars and historical tragedies found their final refuge there.

Great Patriotic War added to the Vagankovsky cemetery of mass graves and monuments to the defenders of the city.

Do they remember everyone? Who is buried at the Vagankovsky cemetery among celebrities

Today, the biggest thing we associate with the graves of everyone’s favorite actors, cultural and artistic figures, politicians - our contemporaries. Meanwhile, many people forget that, in fact, this place became a necropolis of celebrities more than a hundred years ago. If at the very beginning of its history the Vagankovskoe cemetery could only “boast” of nameless mass graves and modest graves of ordinary people, then half a century later it turned into a resting place greatest people of his era.

Among those buried at the Vagankovskoye cemetery, famous names 19th century. These are politicians, military men, cultural figures, writers and artists. Next to the magnificent graves of famous historical figures modest burials are now adjacent to almost forgotten people, whose names are known only to specialists.

Memory of the Decembrist uprising

The list of those buried at the Vagankovskoye cemetery can begin with the names of the Decembrists. Currently, only seven of their graves have survived. In one fence are the tombstones of Alexander Filippovich Frolov and Pavel Sergeevich Bobrishchev-Pushkin, next to them is a pink marble stele of Ivan Nikolaevich Khotyaintsev.

On the main alley is the grave of Mikhail Alexandrovich Bestuzhev. His daughters and sister Elena are also buried here. great woman, whose name is undeservedly forgotten by descendants. It was she who preserved for history the most valuable archival artifact - the famous Bestuzhev gallery of portraits of the Decembrists, taking it out of Siberia after the death of her brother.

A monument made of black granite crowns the grave of the Decembrist Alexander Petrovich Belyaev, and the grave of Nikolai Alexandrovich Zagoretsky is nearby.

Friends of A. S. Pushkin

Few people remember where the burial place of the great poet himself is. No, of course, he does not rest in the Vagankovskoye cemetery. The grave of the classic of Russian literature is located in the Svyatogorsk Monastery, in the Pskov region. Nevertheless, of those of his contemporaries who are buried at the Vagankovskoye cemetery, many were closely connected with A.S. Pushkin and his family.

Thus, near the church ensemble there are the graves of the poet’s close friends: Count Fyodor Ivanovich Tolstoy and the famous theater figure and composer Alexei Nikolaevich Verestovsky.

Masters of the Brush

Famous people buried at the Vagankovskoye cemetery did not always, after ending their lives, come to this place in glory and honor. Especially if we were talking about creative people who devoted all their strength to art and thought little about worldly affairs.

The host of outstanding artists, painters and graphic artists who are buried at the Vagankovskoye cemetery is impressive. Vasily Andreevich Tropinin is buried in a modest grave - great painter era of romanticism and the founder of realistic portraits in Russian painting. He left more three thousand portraits of his contemporaries and precisely his talent and skill of the brush Russian art owes to the development of realism and the emergence of the type portrait.

V. A. Tropinin was the first famous artist buried at the Vagankovskoye cemetery. Following him, this Moscow necropolis became last refuge for such masters of the brush as Vasily Ivanovich Surikov, Vasily Vladimirovich Pukirev, Nikolai Aleksandrovich Klodt, Aristarkh Vasilyevich Lentulov and many others. The Peredvizhniki and avant-garde artists, illustrators, decorators, graphic artists and painters who worked in the 19th and 20th centuries are buried here.

People who were buried at the Vagankovskoye cemetery and left an indelible mark on history are today mostly forgotten by their contemporaries. Many graves are dilapidated, some do not even have memorial plaques. Nevertheless, their names are gradually being returned.

The grave of the author of “The Rooks...”

At the Vagankovskoe cemetery there is the grave of the creator of the cult, or, as they say, “archetypal” work of Russian painting. Famous work“The rooks have arrived” is still known from school days. However, few people know tragic fate its creator.

Alexey Kondratievich Savrasov - one of the founders of the Partnership traveling exhibitions, a brilliant painter and teacher. Alas, last years he spent his life in poverty. Personal tragedies that the artist could not cope with, alcoholism and constant need led to the fact that he found himself completely alone, forgotten and sick. He died in a Moscow hospital for the poor.

Initially, his grave was crowned with the cheapest wooden cross and a modest inscription on it read: “Academician Alexey Kondratievich Savrasov. Born May 12, 1830, died September 26, 1897.” The boards on the cross rotted and collapsed, eventually it disappeared, and the burial place of the great painter was abandoned and forgotten for many years.

However, the words of Isaac Levitan about Savrasov turned out to be prophetic: “One of the most profound Russian artists has passed away... With Savrasov, lyricism appeared in landscape painting and endless Love to your native land... and this undoubted merit of his in the field of Russian art will never be forgotten.”

Today, his grave at the Vagankovskoye cemetery is decorated with a granite obelisk with a laconic inscription: “Outstanding Russian artist Alexey Kondratyevich Savrasov, 1830-1897.”

The last journey of Melpomene's servants

The list of celebrities buried at the Vagankovskoye cemetery is impressive. Paradoxically, the necropolis, which appeared as a result of the greatest tragedies in the history of the state, became a favorite burial place for theater and film actors, directors, musicians and composers.

According to legend, the tradition of burying people of the acting profession here came from one of the Moscow mayors, by whose decree it was instructed to bury acting people at Vagankovsky. Perhaps because this cemetery was the largest and it was quick and convenient to get to, which reduced the cost of funerals, which were often carried out at public expense. However, there is another mystical coincidence: it was on the site of the future necropolis that jesters and buffoons settled in the 17th century.

Today, the number of beloved actors, musicians and singers buried here is difficult to accurately determine. The actors buried at the Vagankovskoye cemetery were the idols of their time, and the glory of many has not been forgotten to this day.

At the entrance stands a snow-white iceberg monument in the constructivist style on the grave of Alexander Abdulov. The original monument-memorial in the form of film frames reminds of everyone’s beloved Mikhail Pugovkin. Nearby is the grave of “the best Watson in the world,” Vitaly Solomin. Actors Andrei Mironov, Oleg Dal, Leonid Filatov, directors and playwright, playwright and satirist Grigory Gorin. It’s impossible to count all the celebrities who are buried at the Vagankovskoye Cemetery who enriched the Russian and world culture. Below is a list (far from complete, of course, of celebrities not mentioned in the text):

  • - writer.
  • Alov Alexander - director.
  • Bogatyrev Yuri - actor.
  • Braginsky Emil - playwright.
  • Burkov Georgy - actor.
  • Balter Alla - actress.
  • Vitsin Georgy - actor.
  • Voroshilov Vladimir - presenter.
  • Spiridonov Vadim - actor.
  • Garin Erast is an actor.
  • Glebov Peter - actor.
  • Gluzsky Mikhail - actor.
  • Dvorzhetsky Evgeniy - actor.
  • Kaverin Veniamin - writer.
  • Mikhail Kononov - actor.
  • Levtova Marina - actress.
  • Liepa Maris - dancer.
  • Vlad Listyev is a journalist.
  • Migulya Vladimir - composer.
  • Rozov Victor - playwright.
  • Rostotsky Andrey - actor.
  • Sazonova Nina - actress.
  • Samoilov Vladimir - actor.
  • - actor.
  • Streltsov Eduard is an athlete.
  • Tanich Mikhail - poet.
  • Seraphim Tulikov - composer.
  • Fedorova Zoya - actress.
  • Leonid Kharitonov - actor.
  • Chekan Stanislav - actor.
  • Chukhrai Grigory is a film director.
  • Yumatov Georgy - actor.
  • Yashin Lev is an athlete.

Two graves of one genius

There is also a monument to Vsevolod Meyerhold. Tragic, like the life of the director himself, the fate of his grave. For a long time, the circumstances and place of Meyerhold’s death were kept secret. Only in 1987 did his real burial place in the cemetery near the Donskoy Monastery become known. A black stone stele with Meyerhold's name was installed on the grave of his tragically deceased wife Zinaida Reich 20 years before the discovery of the real burial place of the theater directing reformer.

"Faithful Galya"

The poet Sergei Yesenin is buried at the Vagankovskoye cemetery. Rebellious life and tragic death The young genius of poetry attracted the attention of fans and admirers to his resting place. Alas, the grave of Sergei Yesenin is notorious. Neither a bust carved in a block of white marble, nor a granite plinth buried in flowers can erase the sad facts of the history of this burial. One of the cemetery legends says that at night the ghost of a young woman appears near the grave.

“I committed suicide here, although I know that after this more dogs They will hang it on Yesenin. But he and I don’t care. Everything that is most precious to me is in this grave...”

Perhaps this legend was based on the sad fate of his friend and assistant. A year after the poet’s death, she shot herself at his grave, leaving the famous suicide note. She rests here, next to her idol. The first inscription on the modest grave: “Faithful Galya” very accurately reflected the essence of her feelings for Yesenin and their difficult, drama-filled relationship. However, now the snow-white slab is decorated with long lines from the poet’s letter to her: “Galya, dear! I repeat to you that you are very, very dear to me. And you yourself know that without your participation in my fate there would be a lot of deplorable things.”

The series of suicides that followed at the grave of the “Moscow reveler” shrouded the place in an ominous veil of fatalism and misfortune. In total, 12 people committed suicide here - all women.

Idols of millions

It is difficult to count which celebrities are buried at the Vagankovskoe cemetery and what stories and legends shroud their deaths and resting places. The grave of Vladimir Semenovich Vysotsky was no exception. The slightly pretentious monument depicts everyone’s favorite singer and artist, as expressive and eager as he was during his lifetime. On one side there is a portrait, on the other there is an allegory monument, the leitmotif of which is the lines of the artist’s prophetic song “Fasicky Horses.” Pathetic, strange monument. Eyewitnesses to Vysotsky's funeral claimed that his widow Marina Vladi cried when she saw the tombstone and called it an ugly example of socialist realism.

Vysotsky should not have found his last refuge on the main alley. The authorities assigned him a place in the far corner. However, fate intervened in the person of the director of the Vagankovsky cemetery, a great admirer of the work of Vladimir Semyonovich. It was he who allocated an empty place for the funeral at the very entrance, where the singer rests to this day.

The tombstone of another great bard is distinguished by its modesty and brevity. Bulat Okudzhava is also buried at the Vagankovskoye cemetery. The tombstone is in the form of a large boulder with an intricately executed inscription - the name of the singer and composer. This tombstone can rightfully be considered the most magnificent example of artistic minimalism.

One of the few graves still littered with flowers belongs to Igor Talkov. Another idol of millions, who died tragically at a young age. And his death is shrouded in secrets, rumors and legends, like many of his predecessors who were buried at the Vagankovskoye cemetery. A photo of the singer in a frame with a carved wooden pediment, reminiscent of a Russian hut, is almost always framed with garlands of carnations and roses. The tombstone itself is decorated in neo-pagan Slavic style. On a black pedestal stands a huge cross made of bronze, the surface of which is decorated with Cyrillic script, and at the base of the pedestal the famous lines “And defeated in battle, I will rise again and sing...” are inscribed in gold.

At the grave of Igor Talkov, as well as at the grave of Sergei Yesenin, there were suicide attempts. Fortunately, in this case, suicide was prevented and the restless fans were saved.

Who are the saints buried at the Vagankovskoye cemetery?

There are special graves in this huge necropolis. There are always crowds of people around them; people come here from afar with prayers and requests for help. One of these graves belongs to Father Valentin. Although he was never officially canonized, people sincerely believe in his intercession and consider the grave miraculous.

During his lifetime, Father Valentin was known for his kind disposition and open, generous heart. The poor and orphans, widows and homeless people turned to him for help. The priest took a sincere part in the fate of everyone who sought his protection and support.

It is noteworthy that the exact burial place of Father Valentin is unknown. The priest died in 1908, and in the roaring 20s they wanted to destroy his grave in order to stop the pilgrimage. In 1941, after digging up the supposed burial site, no remains were found. It is believed that, fulfilling the will of Father Valentin, he was buried two meters deeper than it was customary to bury the dead.

Today, at the supposed resting place of the holy father, there are two crosses, literally a meter from each other. The white one, stone, was erected by the great-granddaughter of a clergyman, the second, wooden, was erected by pilgrims. From somewhere there came a belief that it was here, away from the official grave, that the ashes of Father Valentin rested. Both crosses have flowers, candles, and there is always a line of people begging for help and thanking them for their intercession.

I accidentally wandered onto the site “Virtual Cemetery. Celebrity Graves." There is nothing new in this - in the Institute there have long been necropolises and graveyards, built by inconsolable relatives for their loved ones, relatives and friends, there are even necropolises for pets - beloved but deceased dogs, cats, birds...

The organizer of this site launched a project dedicated to domestic celebrities, and began to replenish the bank from the materials sent.

I downloaded a dozen photographs of writers’ graves...

Among them

Prigov Dmitry Alexandrovich (1940-2007)

Like everything in this fanfare-mediocre infantile-avant-garde party, the message about the funeral of D.A. Prigov on Granya.Ru begins with a LIE.

Clowns and clowns, affectations and affectations (right?), graphomaniacs and graphomaniacs, inhabitants of a washed-out territory swollen with money and tears in the middle of a devastated country bounded by the Moscow Ring Road, members of the “avant-garde” nomenklatura party - SOROKIN, EROFEEV, RUBINSTEIN, BORIS DUBIN, etc.

It was as if the writers of poetry and prose came to a funeral, as if torn away from their own affairs.

But the death of a person and the funeral turned out to be real.

Eternal memory to the servant of God Demetrius!..

The text on D.A. Prigov’s page ends with information from the “This is interesting!” series:

«… D. Prigov became the FIRST DEAD PERSON IN THE LAST 80 years to be buried in the cemetery of the Donskoy Monastery WITH A COFFIN IN THE GROUND; since 1927, only urns with ashes were buried there».

I wonder what Mr. writer himself would say about this?..

I would definitely say something witty. And I would write a poem.

(Forgive me, God, a sinner).


Some smart boy (girl?) on the “Virtual Cemetery” website jotted down a certificate about D.A. Prigov:

“...Dmitry Prigov is perceived as a postmodernist poet, called an artist, but, in my subjective opinion, he is a phenomenon, a phenomenon of “party culture,” a myth not even created by himself. Everything that Dmitry Prigov did was a game, a performance, and his texts and paintings were only instruments of “cultural shockingness.” In my opinion, all this was funny, interesting, but had nothing to do with art, although perhaps his work helped someone.
D.A. died Prigov July 16, 2007, buried in Moscow, at the Donskoye Cemetery (3 sites). The funeral took place on July 20, 2007.”

Graves of writers from the site “Virtual Cemetery” GRAVES OF CELEBRITIES:

Platonov Andrey Platonovich (1899-1951)
A.P. died Platonov January 5, 1951, buried in Moscow at the Armenian Cemetery (3 sites).

Pushkin Alexander Sergeevich (1799-1837)

buried A.S. Pushkin in the Svyatogorsk Monastery (now the village of Pushkinskiye Gory, Pskov Region).

Akhmatova (Gorenko) Anna Andreevna (1889-1966)

Dal Vladimir Ivanovich (1801-1872)

Died September 22 (October 4), 1872. Buried in Moscow at the Vagankovskoye cemetery

Lermontov Mikhail Yurievich (1814-1841)
Killed in a duel at the foot of Mount Mashuk, near Pyatigorsk; buried in the village of Tarkhany, Penza region.

Krylov Ivan Andreevich (1768-1844)

I.A. died Krylov November 9, 1844, buried in St. Petersburg on Tikhvinsky Cl. Alexander Nevsky Lavra (Necropolis of art masters).

Derzhavin Gavrila Romanovich (1743-1816)

G. R. Derzhavin died on July 8 (20), 1816, the poet’s grave in the Transfiguration Cathedral of the Varlaamo-Khutyn Monastery (Veliky Novgorod).

Venevitinov Dmitry Vladimirovich (1805-1827)

D.V. died Venevitinov was buried on March 15, 1827 in Moscow at the Simonov Monastery cemetery. In 1930, the poet’s remains were moved to the Novodevichy cemetery (2nd row, 13th row).

Blok Alexander Alexandrovich (1880-1921)

Initially he was buried at the Smolensk Cemetery, but in 1944 the poet’s ashes were transferred to the Literary Bridges of the Volkovsky Cemetery.

Chekhov Anton Pavlovich (1860-1904)

A.P. Chekhov died on July 2(15), 1904, in the city of Badenweiler, Germany; buried in Moscow at the Novodevichy cemetery

Dostoevsky Fyodor Mikhailovich (1821-1881)

F.M. was buried. Dostoevsky at the Tikhvin Cemetery of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra (Necropolis of Art Masters), St. Petersburg.

Tolstoy Lev Nikolaevich (1828-1910)

Buried in Yasnaya Polyana(now Shchekinsky district of the Tula region), but not in the cemetery, but in the forest of Stary Zakaz, near the ravine, where as a child he looked for the magic green wand of goodness and justice.

Tsvetaeva Marina Ivanovna (1892-1941)

I will only say that the exact location of her grave in the cemetery in Yelabuga (Peter and Paul Cemetery) is unknown. But on the side of the cemetery where her lost grave is located, in the place where in 1960 the poetess’s sister Anastasia Tsvetaeva erected a cross, and in 1970 a granite tombstone was built.

Stone of M.I. Tsvetaeva in Tarusa.

Andreev Leonid Nikolaevich (1871-1919)

L. N. Andreev died on September 12, 1919 in the village of Neivala near Mustamäki (Finland) and was buried at local cemetery. In 1956, his remains were reburied in Leningrad on the Literary Bridge of the Volkovsky Cemetery.

Zoshchenko Mikhail Mikhailovich (1895-1958)

Nikolai Alekseevich Zabolotsky (1903-1958)

N. Zabolotsky was buried in Moscow at the Novodevichy cemetery

Voloshin (Kirienko-Voloshin) Maximilian Alexandrovich (1877-1932)

M.A. died Voloshin August 11, 1932 in Koktebel. According to the poet’s last will, he was buried on the Kuchuk-Yenishar hill, which overlooks Koktebel Bay.

Schwartz Evgeniy Lvovich (1896-1958)

E.L. died Schwartz January 15, 1958. He was buried at the Bogoslovskoye Cemetery in St. Petersburg.

Shmelev Ivan Sergeevich (1873-1950)

I.S. Shmelev died on June 24, 1950 at the Intercession Monastery in Bussy-en-Haute (France) and was buried in the Sainte-Genevieve-des-Bois cemetery near Paris. On May 30, 2000, at the initiative of the Russian public and with the assistance of the Russian Government, the ashes of I.S. Shmelev and his wife were transported to Moscow and reburied in the necropolis of the Donskoy Monastery.

Brik Osip Maksimovich (1888-1945)

Osip Brik died on February 22, 1945. He was buried in Moscow at the Novodevichy Cemetery (columbarium). On the slab, next to the name O. Brik, it would be logical to see the name Lily Brik. But he's not there. According to her will, Lily Brik's ashes were scattered somewhere in the Moscow region. A stone with the inscription “LOVE” was installed in that place.

Kamensky Vasily Vasilievich (1884-1961)

V. Kamensky died in 1961. He was buried at the Novodevichy cemetery.

Velimir Khlebnikov (1885-1922)

At the Novodevichy cemetery. On the tombstone there is an authentic Scythian woman brought from the Black Sea steppes.

Gippius Zinaida Nikolaevna (1869-1945)
Merezhkovsky Dmitry Sergeevich (1865-1941)

They were buried in the same grave in the Sainte-Genevieve-des-Bois cemetery near Paris.

Green (Grinevsky) Alexander Stepanovich (1880-1932)

A.S. died Green July 8, 1932. He was buried in the cemetery of the town of Stary Krym (Crimea, Ukraine).

Ilf Ilya Arnoldovich (1897-1937)

Ilya Ilf died on April 13, 1937 from tuberculosis. He was buried in Moscow at the Novodevichy cemetery. .

Prishvin Mikhail Mikhailovich (1873-1954)

He was buried at the Vvedensky cemetery. The author of the monument on the grave is sculptor S.T. Konenkov.

Paustovsky Konstantin Georgievich (1892-1968)

K.G. died Paustovsky July 14, 1968, buried in the cemetery in Tarusa, above the steep bank of the Taruska River. There is a cross and a stone on the grave; the black monument is not on the grave, but next to it.

Shalamov Varlam (Varlaam) Tikhonovich (1907-1982)

Buried at the Kuntsevo cemetery (8th school old territory)

Nabokov Vladimir Vladimirovich (1899-1977)

Died and buried in Montreux (Switzerland),

Bianki Vitaly Valentinovich (1894-1959)
V.V. died Bianchi June 10, 1959, buried in St. Petersburg at the Bogoslovskoe cemetery.

BasilMakarovich Shukshin (1929-1974)

Buried in Moscow at the Novodevichy Cemetery

Brodsky Joseph Alexandrovich (1940-1996)

He died in New York in January 1996. By the will of the poet, he was buried in Venice, in the Protestant part of the cemetery on the island of San Michele.

Rubtsov Nikolai Mikhailovich (1936-1971)

N.M. was buried. Rubtsov at the Poshekhonskoye cemetery in Vologda.

Trifonov Yuri Valentinovich (1925-1981)

Astafiev Viktor Petrovich (1924-2001)

Efremov Ivan Antonovich (1907-1972)

I.A. died Efremov in 1972, buried in the cemetery of the village of Komarovo near St. Petersburg.

Erofeev Venedikt Vasilievich (1938-1990)

Konetsky Viktor Viktorovich (1929-2002)

V.V. died Konetsky March 30, 2002, buried in St. Petersburg at the Smolensk cemetery.

Nosov Nikolai Nikolaevich (1908-1976)

Drunina Yulia Vladimirovna (1925-1991)
Kapler Alexey Yakovlevich (1904-1979)

They were buried in the cemetery of the town of Stary Krym (Crimea, Ukraine).

Pikul Valentin Savvich (1928-1990)

V.S. died Pikul July 17, 1990 in Riga, buried at the 1st forest cemetery (Pirmie mezha kapi), Riga, Latvia

Lipatov Vil Vladimirovich (1927-1979)

V.V. Lipatov was buried at the Kuntsevo cemetery in Moscow

Nagibin Yuri Markovich (1920-1994)

Arbuzov Alexey Nikolaevich (1908-1986)

Bek Tatyana Alexandrovna (1949-2005)

She was buried next to her father at the Golovinsky cemetery (6th school) in Moscow.

Iskrenko Nina Yurievna (1951-1995)

She died in 1995 and was buried in Moscow at the Khovanskoye Cemetery

Khvostenko Alexey Lvovich (1940-2004)

Chuev Felix Ivanovich (1941-1999)

“Hero of Socialist Labor”, buried in Moscow at the Troekurovsky cemetery.

Website"Virtual cemetery. Celebrity Graves" here

The Vagankovskoe cemetery is one of the largest and most famous necropolises in Moscow. The memorial Complex covers an area of ​​50 hectares of land. Its location is the northwestern part of the capital.

The Vagankovskoe cemetery in Moscow has become one of the monuments of history and culture.

Necropolis - last refuge

In the capital of our country there are three cemeteries where it is customary to bury national idols: Novodevichye, Vagankovskoe, and Kuntsevo cemetery.

The first is the most prestigious; people who officially made history are buried here. The Vagankovskoe cemetery is a kind of alternative; those who “didn’t make it to Novodevichy for some reason” are buried here, mostly public figures surrounded people's love, rumor and fame. Surprisingly, the word “vagant” is translated as “wandering artists,” so the necropolis seems to tell in advance about the type of activity of those who found their last refuge here.

History of origin

The Vagankovskoe cemetery was founded in 1771 by order of Count Grigory Orlov. Catherine II personally sent him to Moscow to prevent the consequences of the plague epidemic.

The formation of a new burial place was a necessary measure due to the many deaths from terrible disease. There was a catastrophic shortage of land in old cemeteries.

Over the following years (until the mid-19th century), this place was the last refuge of peasants, minor officials, and ordinary residents of Moscow.

The Vagankovskoe cemetery in Moscow gained its popularity after the burial of the fallen soldiers of the Russian army in 1812 in the Battle of Borodino. After that, the graves of people who wrote their names in history began to appear here: politicians, writers, poets, scientists, military personnel, actors and others.

By the end of the 20th century, Vagankovsky graveyards had become famous and prestigious burial places.

Today there are no places for new graves in the necropolis, but related burials and burials of urns are allowed (in closed, open columbariums and in the ground).

Sightseeing tours are held here once a week. People visiting the Vagankovskoe cemetery take photos here quite often, photographing the graves of idols.


At the entrance to the territory of the necropolis there is a complex of buildings: on one side there is a church, on the other there are administrative premises.

In 1772, a small wooden church named after John the Merciful was erected. Instead, in 1824, the stone Church of the Resurrection of the Word was built, its architect was A. Grigoriev. Funds for construction were provided by Moscow merchants. The historical bells have been preserved in the Temple to this day.

In memory of the old church, a rotunda chapel was built, which is still there today.

The doors of the Temple were always open, even in Soviet times.

Mass graves at the Vagankovskoe cemetery

The tragic moments of our history can be traced through local burials.

Here are mass graves soldiers of the Battle of Borodino, burials of those who died during the stampede on the Khodynka field.

On the territory of the famous necropolis there are:

  • a memorial dedicated to the victims of repressions of Stalin's times;
  • mass grave of the defenders of Moscow who died in 1941-1942;
  • monuments to those killed in the 1991 coup, White House defenders, and child actors who were victims terrorist attack in 2002 during the musical “Nord-Ost”.

Vagankovskoye Cemetery: graves of celebrities (photos)

Not all people come to the Moscow necropolis to visit the burials of their deceased relatives. Most visitors are looking for burial sites famous people, for whom the Vagankovskoe cemetery became their last refuge.

Photos of celebrities, forever immortalized in stone, have always attracted attention. For some, this is comparable to going to historical Museum. On the territory of the Moscow necropolis there is a map that will help you navigate the area.

One of the most popular burials is the grave of Archpriest Valentin Amfitheatrov. It is considered miraculous; many pilgrims come here every day and pray at the cross on the grave. In the 20th century they tried to destroy it twice; the first time they could not find it, and the second time no remains were found.

Thus, the Vagankovskoe cemetery preserves its “quiet tenants”. Not everyone dares to take a photo of this grave, for fear of disturbing the archpriest’s peace.

The starting point for visiting the most famous burials is the columbarium. Right from the entrance, along the alley, there are chains of burials of athletes, actors, musicians, and poets.

Following the directions on the map, you can easily find the most visited graves - the poet Sergei Yesenin, the poet and actor Vladimir Vysotsky. The Vagankovskoe cemetery keeps many legends about them.

At the burial site of Yesenin, according to rumors, the ghost of a girl is seen. A year after his death, G. Benislavskaya committed suicide at the poet’s grave. In total, 12 people said goodbye to their lives here.

Vladimir Vysotsky rests in someone else's grave. Contrary to the order of the authorities to bury the poet and actor in the far corner, the director of the Vagankovsky cemetery gave other instructions, allocating a place at the entrance. Previously, relatives of one of the deceased removed the remains from the artist’s burial place for reburial, after which the grave was vacated. There is an opinion that those who visit his monument receive inspiration in creativity.

Keeps the Vagankovskoe cemetery graves of celebrities and famous artists, such as A.K. Savrasov, V.A. Tropinin, V.I. Surikov.

Tombstones of folk idols of the late 20th and early 21st centuries

Many monuments amaze with their architectural design. You can see the majestic statues of the deceased themselves in full height, such as Leonid Filatov.

Others have tombstones made in the Slavic style, for example, Igor Talkov’s - a large cross was built in memory of him, and at the head under a wooden visor there is his photo. This is one of the few graves where all year round Natural flowers.

The guides say that one girl wanted to bury herself alive next to famous singer, but she was not completely covered with earth, and the young woman was saved.

A bunch of similar stories preserves the Vagankovskoe cemetery. The graves of celebrities, photos of which are presented in this article, attract living people to themselves like magnets.

You can always meet someone at the graves of Andrei Mironov and Vlad Listyev. The first has a monument in the form of scenes, and the famous journalist and a bronze angel-girl with one broken wing is crying over the grave.

The unusual tombstone of actor Mikhail Pugovkin is like a film strip containing footage from the films in which he played.

Alexander Abdulov, who died of a serious illness in 2008, has a white monument erected in the spirit of constructivism, in the form of a rock with a large cross, a photograph of the actor and three-dimensional letters with his name.

Many athletes are also buried here: the Znamensky brothers, Inga Artamonova, Lyudmila Pakhomova, Lev Yashin, Stanislav Zhuk and others.

Monuments of “ordinary” people

“Vagankovskoye Cemetery” means “celebrity graves”; for some, these phrases have long become synonymous. However, when you walk along the narrow alleys of the necropolis, the tombstones of “mere mortals” catch your eye, whose loved ones tried to decorate the burial place in an unusual way.

It is impossible to pass by some of the tombstones, they are so striking in their architecture. Thus, a golden angel was erected on the grave of the artist A. Shilov’s daughter.

Here you can see family crypts, moments from life literally carved from stone, and sculptural sketches. There are also graves with simple crosses or monuments erected almost 200 years ago.

Vandals and other horror stories

Unfortunately, not all people treat cemeteries with respect; vandals often appear here. Most often they steal precious metals. Thus, an easel disappeared from the grave of the artist N. Romadin, copper strings were stolen from the harpist M. Gorelova, and a fence disappeared from A. Mironov. However, most often photos of idols disappear.

Not far from the entrance to the Vagankovskoye cemetery there is a statue of a headless woman - this is a monument erected to Sonya the Golden Hand. Its pedestal contains many handwritten inscriptions. She lost her head by accident - drunken vandals tried to kiss the monument and accidentally broke it.

There is an opinion that it is impossible to bury on the territory of the Moscow necropolis, since here the holy cemetery land was desecrated with the blood of suicides, and murders took place here. There are also many crime bosses buried here.

At A. Abdulov’s grave they often see a glow and feel the warmth coming from somewhere below. Against this background, the actor’s photo seems alive.

There's one more thing strange burial- A. Tenkova. Those who linger near it may fall into a trance, after which they suddenly find themselves near another grave.

Recently, majestic tombstones appeared on the graves of several people's favorites. And although an amount approximately equal to the cost of a one-room apartment in Moscow was spent on the production of each of the monuments that we will talk about today, one thing is clear: our love for the departed Vyacheslav TIKHONOV, Vlad GALKIN, Alexander LAZAREV, Vladimir TURCHINSKY is priceless .
On June 28, a long-awaited monument to the actor was unveiled on the actor’s alley of the Troekurovsky cemetery in Moscow, where Vlad Galkin rests. Sudden death 38-year-old Vladislav, who died three and a half years ago, shocked the whole country. Remind now tragic circumstances doesn't make sense. That week, when Galkin was escorted to last way, showed it last job- series about Grigory Kotovsky. At first glance, it seems that it was in the image of the legendary division commander that the actor was immortalized in a bronze sculpture installed on the grave. Nearby, little Huckleberry Finn sits by a block of stone. This scoundrel's future popular artist played at the very beginning of his career.

Vlad and Dasha were a beautiful couple
The secret was revealed by the author of the monument - artist and sculptor Vladimir Usov, creator of the monument to Yuri Gagarin in the city of Nicosia in Cyprus: - It took a year to work. Compositional solution it happened pretty quickly. The customers were Vlad's parents - Boris Sergeevich and Elena Petrovna. They asked to make only a sculpture of the boy Huck, but I was able to convince them that we were making a monument not to the hero of Mark Twain’s novel, but to Vlad himself. Without excluding the child’s figure, I proposed to sculpt the late Galkin himself, and not at all the actor in the image of Kotovsky. So we got such a two-figure composition - a boy sitting near a stone, and Vlad standing next to it. Such a philosophical circle. In my opinion, this is a good decision, revealing the image of the artist. According to the idea of ​​sculptor USOV, the monument to the main “truck driver” of the country symbolizes the philosophical circle of his life: from child actor to superstar
Fundraising for the monument to Vlad began immediately after his death. Then those surrounded by the family gossiped that, trying to find money, the parents asked his wife, actress Daria Mikhailova, with whom the deceased had been in Lately I didn’t live, but I didn’t have time to file for a divorce or sell my car. Vladislav gave Dasha a car. Allegedly, Elena Petrovna and Boris Sergeevich knew that shortly before his death, their son gave Mikhailova $45 thousand for safekeeping - part of the fee for one of latest films. But Mikhailova refused to part with the car or even return the money. The Galkins opened an account so that fans could transfer donations to the monument. “After the funeral, we found several messages on the Internet about the opening of accounts for the monument to Vlad,” Boris Galkin explained then. - It became clear that this was the work of crooks. People could give their money to someone unknown and lose it forever. Therefore, we were forced to open the only official account with the Union of Cinematographers for the monument to our son.
Before this, Lena and I received some strange calls, offering cash. I said that was out of the question. In short, we posted information on the union’s website to block the possible appearance of new accounts from scammers and unauthorized fundraising...
Who else provided financial assistance family and whether Mikhailova finally decided to contribute still remains a mystery. “Boris Sergeevich personally paid all the expenses,” says the sculptor Usov. - By the way, another sculptor worked on the monument before me, but the contract with him was terminated. Relatives came to the opening, Boris Sergeevich, Elena Petrovna, but I did not see Daria Mikhailova.
Let us remind you that it recently became known that Boris Galkin broke up with Vlad’s mother and married singer Inna Razumikhina, who is a quarter of a century younger than him. But the noble people’s artist, even after the divorce, did not stop overseeing work to perpetuate the memory of Vlad, his son ex-wife, whom he adopted as a boy, raised and brought into the people.
The tombstone is made in the old Russian style
Lazarevsky Pogost

People's Artist of Russia Alexander Lazarev, who died on May 2, 2011 at his dacha at the age of 74, is buried not far from Galkin’s grave. The monument to Alexander Sergeevich was ready in the spring, on the second anniversary of his death. But the long winter prevented the tombstone from being installed in time. When the snowdrifts melted, a lot of water accumulated on the actor’s alley of the Troekurovsky cemetery. We had to wait until the ground dried out. “On June 18, relatives, artists of the Mayakovsky Theater and our chief director gathered and unveiled a monument made from black diabase,” shared the master’s widow, actress Svetlana Nemolyaeva. - Sasha is a St. Petersburger, and after consulting with my son, I decided that it would be a Russian Orthodox tombstone, similar to the monument to Dostoevsky in the Alexander Nevsky Lavra.

LAZAREV and NEMOLYAEVA: only death could separate them
According to Nemolyaeva, the idea to immortalize her husband’s memory with just such a monument came when she was visiting the Northern capital.

WITH last wife I met Tamara TIKHONOV while dubbing the French film “A Man and a Woman.” “I was walking around the Lavra and met a guide who showed me the oldest burials,” continues the actress. - It turned out that there was a place for this graveyard for famous people highlighted by Peter the Great. And it is called very symbolically for us - Lazarevsky. In honor of Saint Lazarus. The guide gave me a book that tells about all the monuments. Then, together with my son Sasha, we carefully studied the photographs of the tombstones and chose one of them for Alexander Sergeevich. The monument turned out to be very expensive. But we were helped with money by Mikhail Ulyanov’s foundation, which is headed by his daughter Elena, in the Union theatrical figures under the direction of Sasha Kalyagin and, of course, in our native Mayakovsky Theater. Thank you so much to everyone, we couldn’t have done it without them. Sculptor Andrey Balashov listened to our wishes and made all the architectural calculations. So this monument is a joint collective creativity.

Tamara Ivanovna is proud of her grandchildren - twins Slava and Gosha. Putin helped. The installation of the monument to Vyacheslav Tikhonov was postponed many times. National artist The USSR died of a heart attack on December 4, 2009, and until recently there was no tombstone on his grave at the Novodevichy Cemetery. Colleagues began to ring all the bells, discussing the annoying fact at every corner. Tikhonov’s widow, Tamara Ivanovna, responded by complaining to the press that the sculptor Alexei Blagovestny had sculpted such a thing that she was shocked. In addition, the pensioner complained, the 4 million rubles allocated by the government for the monument seem to have evaporated. The talkative woman admitted that not everything was all right in her family. They say that the work is supervised by her daughter Anya and son-in-law Nikolai. Zyatek allegedly does not work, but receives money for selling video materials from Tikhonov’s archive, and besides, he used to, after drinking, raise his hand to his mother-in-law. In short, guard! And so the monument to Tikhonov was unveiled to the tune of “Seventeen Moments of Spring” and in the presence of all relatives and many colleagues.

Daughter and son-in-law of “Stirlitz”: actress Anna TIKHONOVA and her husband - director Nikolai VORONOVSKY
The master, who remade his creation several times, in the final version showed the favorite of millions of viewers in his very best. recognizable role- Stirlitz. And behind the figure legendary actor sculpted a bizarre relief based on the famous plot of “The Adoration of the Magi,” which depicts three dozen biblical characters, the central one of which was the Virgin and Child. Vyacheslav Vasilievich in the form Soviet intelligence officer as if coming out to meet fans from famous painting Leonardo da Vinci. At the opening ceremony it was revealed: sculptural composition it was cast in Italy and it cost not 4, but as much as 5 million rubles. The daughter of the late actor, Anna, admitted that she was grateful to Vladimir Putin, Vladimir Mashkov and sponsors for their help in installing the monument. Tikhonov’s widow did not make any speeches, and those present did not understand whether she was now happy with the result or not. But it was obvious: Tamara Ivanovna was glad that her twin grandchildren, Gosha and Slava, were nearby. The latter, by the way, was named after his great grandfather.
The monument to Vyacheslav Vasilyevich was liked by many. In the footsteps of his father. Actor, showman, TV presenter and athlete Vladimir Turchinsky, who died of a heart attack at the end of 2009 at the age of 46, was buried in a cemetery in the village of Voskresenskoye near Moscow. "Dynamite" lived in country house with his wife and little daughter in the neighboring village of Pashukovo. “Due to my age, I did not work on the monument to my son,” shared 80-year-old Nina Turchinskaya, the mother of the deceased. - The work was supervised by Irochka, Volodin’s wife. The money was collected by the whole world: part of it was given by us, the family, part by friends, part - in my opinion, by the Nikita Mikhalkov Foundation.
TURCHINSKY carried his wife Irina in his arms. They organized a competition for monument designs, in which a sea of ​​people participated. And the British won. I buried my husband and son, now they lie next to each other (Turchinsky rested next to his stepfather. - G.U.). When Volodya died, so much dirt was poured on his wife Ira, I don’t know how she endured everything. I have a wonderful daughter-in-law, she treats me wonderfully. Now she has moved to Moscow, lives in new apartment. Smart and beautiful woman, she is still single, but she will definitely meet good man. Many people are courting her and wooing her. She is not just Volodya’s widow, but she is many things herself: two higher education, Moscow fitness champion. Granddaughter Ksenia is now 13 years old. Like her parents, she is an athlete. Now in Kerch at training camp.

The grave of “Dynamite” is strikingly different from the modest neighboring burials in the graveyard in the village of Voskresenskoye near Moscow. The opening of the tombstone, stylized as a Colosseum, a circus arena or a stage - all that TURCHINSKY lived in, took place on September 2, 2012.