Family of Olga Buzova. All the details of Olga Buzova’s personal life and biography. How many higher educations does Buzova have?

In this program, Andrey Cherkasov and Vlad Kadoni will manage the process. In the video you can hear them saying, “Now Olga Buzova’s son will appear in this studio.” After these words, a boy appears on stage with a bouquet of flowers for the heroine of the issue. In response to the bouquet, the star hugs and kisses the child.

This scene caused a flurry of questions from subscribers. “Ol, do you have a son???” (the author’s spelling and punctuation are preserved hereinafter. - Ed.), “Oli has a son?”, “son???”, “Do you have a son?”, “Does she have a son”, “I I first learned that Olya has a son. I’m really shocked”, “Do you have a son? Whaaat??”, “Does she have a son?” – wrote surprised fans.

The most observant fans, of course, realized that the boy was actually the godson of the star. And among many subscribers, the topic of the TV project caused outrage and negative remarks were directed at Buzova.

“There’s nothing to film. They’re already filming about the presenters,” “Family??? not a husband, not children... what kind of family evening? Borodina is more suitable for this evening,” “The stars are no longer paying attention to her, she’s already composing a program to herself so that at least somehow she’ll be caught here looking at her with such humiliation,” Internet users were indignant.

Publication from Olga Buzova(@buzova86) Feb 8, 2018 at 2:15 PST

Well, there are no comrades according to taste, there are many admirers of Olga Buzova’s work. Which segment of TV viewers do you consider yourself to be?

    Olya was born in the city of intellectuals, St. Petersburg, on January 20, 1986, as they say, “in a simple family.” Olin’s father, Igor Dmitrievich, works as a sales manager, and his mother, Irina Aleksandrovna, is a dentist in a district clinic. Olga is not the only daughter, she has a sister Anna, who is two years younger than Olga. And if Olya chose her image, then Anya is a burning brunette and also a dazzling beauty.

    Olga graduated from school No. 631 in St. Petersburg with a silver medal, entered the budget department of the Faculty of Geography of St. Petersburg State University, and graduated from the university in 2008 with honors. Speaks foreign languages: she knows English perfectly, for which she was issued a certificate from the British Embassy; studied German at school, then continued her studies at the prestigious language school Peter und Paul Shule. In addition, Olga has relatives in Lithuania, which is probably why she can also speak Lithuanian.

    In 2004, while a university student, Olga became a participant in the popular reality show on the TNT channel “Dom-2” and in this capacity gained many fans throughout the country. And 5 years later she was invited to host the show as a presenter along with Ksenia Sobchak and Ksenia Borodina. By this time, Buzova had managed to write three books: two, “A Romance with Buzova” and “It’s About the Hairpin. Tips from a blonde." Her literary talent was appreciated and Olya was offered the position of editor-in-chief of the Dom-2 magazine.

    Olga managed to try herself in media projects: as a co-host of Roman Tretyakov in the youth talk show “Roman with Buzova” on the TNT channel in 2005-2006, and then a talk show on the radio “Popsa” with the same name. Since September 2007, Olga was entrusted with leading the column “Beware, stylists!” in the program “Morning on TNT”. In addition, Olga hosted the TV show “Black Mark”.

    Olga has always had a passion for singing, and she was able to realize herself in this role by recording several solo songs.
    In 2010, Olga made her debut on the theater stage in the performances “ Honeymoon" and "Chic wedding." And then success awaited her. About her performance in the play “Chic Wedding” famous actor Stas Sadalsky wrote in his blog that Olga came out instead of the spoiled star (Maria Kozhevnikova) and literally tore the viewer apart.

    Fans closely follow Olga Buzova’s personal life. Her boyfriend status at the beginning of 2011 included entrepreneur Andrei Sorokin, who, according to yellow, after five months life together in a 4-room Moscow apartment, he almost kicked the beauty out of the house. However, Olga quickly found comfort in the arms of rapper Alexander Tarasov (aka T-killah), with whom she expressed a desire to star in an openly erotic film. At the same time, popular rumor attributed Olga to an affair with the rapper’s namesake – married Lokomotiv football player Dmitry Tarasov, who in June 2011 left his wife and little daughter, allegedly for Olga’s sake. According to official data, Olga has not yet received a marriage proposal, although, by her own admission, most of all she would like to succeed as a wife and mother.

    She is an unformatted blonde. Smart, well-educated, fluent in several foreign languages, she doesn’t mince words. She began her journey in show business with the television project “Dom-2”. The girl not only managed to stay in the “House” for a record period, but also confidently moved on, mastering new creative frontiers.

    Olga Buzova - biography

    She was born in January 1986 in St. Petersburg. Her parents were neither rich nor famous personalities, but ordinary employees. Olya and her younger sister Anya was brought up in strictness. From the age of three they studied English language, we studied a lot, there was no time left for children's pranks. Sometimes mom was even too demanding of her girls.

    All photos 16

    Olya studied at the city gymnasium, from which she graduated with a silver medal. The girl's grades were always good, but her classmates and teachers did not like her for her too pronounced individuality. Olga always strived to stand out in everything, be it a presentation or the height of her heels. The desire to be in the spotlight led her to success.

    When a casting call for the famous TV show “Dom-2” was announced in 2004, Anya signed up her older sister for the competition without her knowledge. However, Olya gladly went to the audition, although she was very worried. But she was still chosen among thousands of other participants! This television project became the first step in the bright career of Olga Buzova. Although at that time she had a lucrative invitation from a leading international modeling agency, she chose “TV.” And I was not mistaken.

    Buzova lasted a record long time on the project - 4.5 years. All this time she was under the gun of television cameras, her everyday life passed before the eyes of millions of viewers, and the Russians fell in love with this blonde. Despite the fact that the inhabitants of “House-2” did not like Olga Buzova and persistently tried to kick her out of the project, the girl stayed afloat thanks to the love of TV viewers. She became the best heroine in the entire epic of the project.

    During the period from 2004 to 2008, she accomplished a lot. Graduated with "excellent" marks from St. Petersburg State University and make-up artist courses. She published three books - two of them she co-authored, one herself. "The history of the beautiful love"was named the star's best revelation. Olga Buzova appeared at many studios - “Battle of Psychics”, “Cosmopolitan. Video version", "Robot Child". She was the host of such a popular program as “Romance with Buzova”, the bloody show “Black Mark”, the rating review “Beware, stylists!”, and the beauty competition “Miss Russian Radio”.

    The last day of spring 2007 turned out to be very pleasant for the girl. She was awarded the Golden Person award as the most stunning and charming blonde in the country. Olya says about herself that she very successfully exploits the image of a real blonde.

    She tried herself in the acting field. Her debut was the role of her friend Kuzi in the TV series “Univer”. But the blonde didn't stop there. In November 2008, she expanded her role and became a singer. Having no special vocal abilities, she gathered full stadiums and concert halls not only in Russia, but also in neighboring countries. She released an album of her songs called “Stars of “House-2”. The Law of Love."

    The end of 2008 became a turning point in her life. A month before this date, Olga Buzova informed her producer that she was leaving Dom-2, and on December 25 she was called on the carpet and offered to become the host of a reality show along with Ksyusha Borodina and Ksenia Sobchak. Not immediately, but she nevertheless accepted this offer and at the same time became the chief editor of the Dom-2 magazine. Her fame continues to grow rapidly. Fans admire, and spiteful critics predict a quick fall from the pedestal. But this doesn’t bother Olga. She is a very positive person. Everyone who knows her - friends, acquaintances, colleagues - unanimously confirms that the girl is very sincere and spontaneous. She is always real, with crazy energy and ability to work. 2009 brought her a place in the top three most rated TV presenters in Russia.

    In the fall of 2010, she made her debut on the stage in a comedic role in the play “Honeymoon”; her second work was a role in the play “Gorgeous Wedding”. Buzova - very versatile personality. He dances with the stars, sings, plays on stage, acts in films, and hosts many television shows. She is a volunteer and advocates for healthy image life, with the Youth Train propaganda team from the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation, conducted a number of campaign campaigns around the country. And in 2011, she proved herself as a fashion designer, releasing a line of youth clothing in collaboration with the C&C brand. At the collection show, Olga once again surprised everyone by taking on the duties of a DJ. Currently, Olga Buzova's stores operate throughout Russia. She and her sister make jewelry.

    From 2011 to 2016, she acted in films and TV series, wrote a book about herself, “The Price of Happiness,” and released a signature perfume. She continues to be invited to rating programs: “Let’s get married,” “Don’t move your bags,” “Improvisation.”

    But, perhaps, 2017 became special in Buzova’s career. She began to sing professionally and go on stage not with the participants of “Dom-2”, but with the stars Russian show business. Moreover, her song “To the Sound of Kisses” took first place on the iTunes chart in Russia in the first two days after the presentation, and the video for the song “I’m getting used to it” became one of the most rated on the network. For Olya’s success in show business, she was nominated for the Muz-TV Award in the “Breakthrough of the Year” category.

    Many say that Olga is at the peak of her popularity today, but she categorically denies this. The girl is sure that real success is yet to come, and claims that the whole world will soon be talking about her.

    Olga Buzova - personal life

    The girl's first love happened in her youth. The guy didn't smoke or drink, but was an avid gambler. This was the reason for the breakup. The second novel arose under the gun of television cameras in “House-2”. Roma Tretyakov and Buzova were the most popular couple. Their relationship lasted three years, it was leading to a wedding, and then a sudden break. Fans were very worried about the blonde, who had a hard time breaking up with her loved one. As the most popular couple in the entire history of the project, Roma and Olya were given the honor - their copies appeared in the Moscow Museum wax figures. For some time, Buzova was free, but did not stop actively looking for a man. She openly said that she wanted marriage, a family and children, that she had long been ripe for a serious relationship.

    Only in 2012 Olga found her happiness. She met football player Dmitry Tarasov, who left his wife three months ago. Through a short time young people played a magnificent wedding and began to live in country house. From the outside it seemed that everything was perfect in the Buzova and Tarasov family. They posted on Instagram almost every day joint photos graphics under the hashtag #tarabuziki and #myamoy and looked very happy. But alas. In one moment it was all over.

    At the end of 2016, news appeared that the Tarabuziki no longer lived together. Celebrities got divorced with scandal. Buzova accused Tarasov of cheating with model Anastasia Kostenko. And Tarasov assured that Buzova was fixated on work and did not want to give birth to children. Where is the truth and where is the lie is still unknown. But on December 30, the once exemplary couple officially divorced. At the same time, Tarasov immediately began dating the previously mentioned Kostenko, and Buzova took up her singing career.

    Olya took the divorce very hard. She tried to fill her mental pain with work and worked seven days a week. This, of course, affected her health. Several times the TV personality had to call an ambulance. And one day she fainted while performing on stage at the Big Love Show concert in St. Petersburg. Fortunately, Buzova later listened to the doctors and, turning off all phones, spent about three days in the hospital. The treatment helped her. Now her health is not in danger.

    There is no time to deal with Buzova’s personal life yet, but she still continues to believe in true love and hope that a man will appear in her life whom she can love. From time to time, Olga stirs up interest in her personal life. Either she “accidentally” appears in the same frame with Timur Batrutdinov far away in Thailand, or her team tells reporters that a rich secret admirer has appeared in Buzova and is falling asleep in her apartment scarlet roses. Ato and the singer reports that after the divorce not a single man touched her, and she completely gave up sex for two years for the sake of work.

    These reasons or Buzova’s perseverance and hard work are bearing fruit, but her successes by 2018 are admirable. Buzova became the queen of Instagram and even surpassed Kim Kardashian herself in terms of views of her stories. She was the only Russian woman in the ranking and took third place. And this is with 12.6 million subscribers versus 109 million Kardashians! Olga endlessly tours throughout Russia and abroad, and her concerts attract full houses in nightclubs and large venues.

    Each release of her single becomes a sensation. On this moment the most impressive result was shown by the release of the single “She’s Not Afraid.” New song Olga Buzova topped the Russian iTunes rating a minute after the release and broke a world record.

    The biography and personal life of Olga Buzova is being actively discussed today. Over the past few years, the girl has gained incredible popularity. She is the leader in the number of subscribers in the Russian version social network Instagram. Today, 10 million people have subscribed to her page. And this number is increasing every day. Let's look at the most Interesting Facts from the biography of the most popular girl in Russia.

    Olga Buzova was born in St. Petersburg, into a military family. Little Olya very quickly learned to walk and talk. She mastered reading and writing with ease. Mom, looking at how quickly her daughter was developing, decided to send her to school as early as possible. Olga became a first-grader at the age of five.

    At first, it was difficult for the girl to be in a group where she was the youngest. But thanks to her sociability and perseverance, little Olya made friends with her classmates. The girl studied well. Although not all subjects were easy for her, she was able to become an excellent student. Olga Buzova grew up in intelligent family, where people preferred to spend money not on luxurious outfits and jewelry, but on education.

    Olga started working very early. At the age of 13 she went to Kid `s camp, and worked there as a counselor all summer. After 2 years, Olga passed the audition and got a job as a model in an agency. The star told reporters that she spent the first money she earned on fashionable things, in which she proudly walked around school.

    Since childhood, Olga Buzova dreamed of becoming an actress, but after graduating from school she entered the Faculty of Geography rather than acting. Her parents made the choice for the girl because they considered the acting profession to be frivolous.

    Reality show "Dom-2"

    At the age of 19, Olga Buzova came to Moscow to become a participant in the new reality show “Dom-2”. To participate in the project, the girl took an academic leave from the institute. And even the fact that the girl stayed in Moscow for a long time did not prevent her from graduating from college with honors.

    While participating in the show "Dom-2"

    The participants of “House-2” warmly accepted Olga Buzova into their team. Literally immediately she created a couple with Roman Tretyakov, who was on the project from the first days of its creation. The young man affectionately called Olya “Buzyonysh”. Soon other participants began to address her in the same way. The relationship between Olga and Roman lasted 3 years.

    During this time, the guy got tired of life under the gun of television cameras and decided to leave the project. He settled in the capital and waited for his beloved girl to come live with him. But that did not happen. Olga really liked it TV life, so she didn’t plan to leave Dom-2. Long distance relationships soon became obsolete. The young people dispersed.

    After breaking up with Roman Tretyakov, Olga Buzova had 2 short novels on the project - with Alexander Materazzo and Stas Karimov.

    In 2008, the girl decided to leave the television project, but the producers were not ready to say goodbye to her. They invited Buzova to become another presenter.

    Working on television

    While still a participant in “House-2”, Olga, together with her partner Roman Tretyakov, began to host fun show"Romance with Buzova." The program soon closed, but the management of the Popsa radio station managed to notice the young people.

    As a presenter in the program “Romance with Buzova”

    They began to host a program with the same name, but now on the radio. In 2007, she became a TV presenter of two more programs: “Black Mark” and “Beware, stylists!” IN next year she will become the host of the project for which she became famous.

    Literary creativity

    In 2006, Olga wrote her first book, “A Romance with Buzova,” in which she told about her beautiful love with her project partner, Roman Tretyakov. The book received high praise from both readers and critics. A year later, the second part of the book was published, as well as a new, no less interesting work, “The Thing About the Hairpin.”

    A girl presents a book “It’s all about the hairpin”

    In 2016, Olga Buzova wrote a new work and called it “The Price of Happiness.” The book turned out to be very colorful - every page is saturated with perfume, and photographs of Olga are published on all the spreads. I want to look at the book more than read it. Be that as it may, the circulation of Buzova’s next creation quickly sold out.

    Olga Buzova: personal life

    Despite the popularity and a large number of fans of Olga Buzova’s personal life can hardly be called stormy. This is due to the strict upbringing of the girl. After she broke up with Roman Tretyakov, she did not have a bright and long-term relationship.

    In 2011, rumors appeared in the media that Olga Buzova began dating football player Dmitry Tarasov. The girl did not refute them. The loving couple was increasingly seen together - they did not hide their relationship much. And this, despite the fact that Dmitry was married and had a small child growing up.

    Olga began to be accused of “taking” Tarasov away from the family, but the footballer himself claimed that his marriage had long been “bursting at the seams.”

    After two months of relationship, Tarasov proposed to Olga, which she happily accepted. The wedding took place in the summer of 2012. Only relatives and friends of the couple were present at the celebration. Olga took her husband's last name, but kept hers maiden name as a pseudonym.

    Olga devoted a lot of time to her husband; she wanted to create a strong and happy family, but their love story was destined to end. At the end of November 2016, information appeared on the Internet about the breakup of Tarasov and Buzova.

    At first, fans noticed that the football player had deleted joint photos with Olga Buzova from the social network. A little later, Dmitry Tarasov was injured during the match, but in an interview he thanked not his wife, but his mother for his support. But before, Olga always supported him in everything, and he was grateful to her for that.

    After these events ex-lovers began to officially comment on their breakup. And if Olga openly stated this, then Dmitry gave the journalists a cynical answer: “Why don’t you take an interest in Olya’s comments? She loves to comment on everything! So let her comment on our divorce.” From that time on, dramatic changes began in her biography and personal life: Olga Buzova replaced happy photos together with photographs demonstrating her active creative activity.

    Olga Buzova had a very hard time with her divorce from Tarasov. Colleagues on the TV project said that Olya often cries and lashes out at others. It was these emotional experiences that became the impetus for a new turn in creative career. Olga Buzova decided to try herself as a singer and recorded the song “I’m getting used to it.”

    Skeptics negatively assessed the singer’s vocal abilities and argued that things would not go beyond one song. However, they did not take into account the fact that Olga Buzova is very popular with people on Instagram. It was they who began to listen to her songs and come to concerts. Olga began to actively perform, go on tour, and record new songs.

    Divorce also served as a reason for a change in appearance. A bright blonde decided to change her hair color and cut her hair. New image highly appreciated by fans and colleagues. In a word, Olga Buzova’s life after divorce is getting better.

    As a presenter in the show "Dom-2"

    And here’s how Oksana Tarasova, the former wife of the football player, commented on the divorce of Olga and Dmitry: “I don’t hold any grudges against Olga. We have not been at enmity and are not at enmity. However, the law of karma exists. As for her songs about “universal suffering,” but this is even funny. They will not destroy this concept. Overall she looks good and the clips are fun to watch. But... Her voice sounds like she has sinusitis. Sorry for being frank, but that’s how it is.”

    Psychic predictions: all about Olga Buzova

    The winner of the “Battle of Psychics 14” Julia Wang made several predictions regarding the biography, personal life and husband of Olga Buzova. She predicted the divorce of Buzova and Tarasov back in 2015. When Olga found out this information, she was very surprised. At that moment it seemed to her that their happiness was endless. This is how Olga Buzova commented on Wang’s words: “No one has predicted anything for me yet. I just don't believe in fate. I am sure that everything is in our hands. It depends only on us how our fate will turn out.

    I got married once and I hope forever. By at least, I do everything to make it so.” But as we know, Olga Buzova’s personal life has changed - a divorce appeared in her biography. But the children that Olga dreamed of, as well as joint photos with them, have not yet appeared in her biography.

    Olga Buzova in the “Battle of Psychics”

    And here’s what Mohsen Norouzi (winner of the 10th battle of psychics) predicted to Olga Buzova at the beginning of 2017: “After the divorce, Olga is not going through better times. However, difficulties will benefit her - she will become more mature and stronger. Conversations around divorce will quickly subside.

    The reason for the separation of Dmitry and Olga is simple - the husband lost interest in his wife. He wanted deep, real feelings. But they weren’t there. He didn't want to play love for show.

    Conflicts regarding the division of property ex-spouses will drag on a little. Very soon Tarasov will have a son. But he will be in a relationship with his mother for no more than 5 years. Olya will have several suitors. Olga Buzova’s personal life will be eventful - her biography will include 3 marriages and three children. She will appear on screens for another 4 years and then disappear.”