Fashionable verdict leading Alexander. Family of Alexander Vasiliev. Childhood in an intelligent family

Art critic, fashion historian, TV presenter - and that’s all he, Alexander Vasiliev, who gained wild popularity after he became the host of the program “ Fashionable verdict" They began to gossip about Vasiliev, imitate him, invite him to various shows, and the ubiquitous journalists began to interview him. The fashion historian always answers questions condescendingly and frankly, initially knowing that nothing can make him angry.

Currently Alexander Vasiliev (fashion historian) is an honorary member Russian Academy arts, works as a theater decorator, collaborating around the world, exhibits his own collection of historical costume, and also gives lectures on the history of fashion.


The famous fashion historian Alexander Vasiliev was born on December 8, 1958 in Moscow. Parents - exclusively intelligent people. Alexander Pavlovich Vasiliev, the father of Alexander Jr., was a theater artist and fashion designer. In the mid-fifties, he received the Grand Prix at the Brussels World Exhibition and also earned the title “People's Artist of Russia.” The works of Alexander Pavlovich are still kept in the Chekhov Theater and the Bolshoi Theater.

Mom, Tatyana Ilyinichna Vasilyeva-Gurevich, a woman with magnificent appearance and artistic talent, could not imagine herself outside the stage in her youth. Having served for quite a long time in Melpomene, she moved on to teaching at universities such as the Moscow Art Theater School and the Bolshoi Theater Choreographic School.

The cultural situation could not but influence young Alexander and his older sister Natasha. WITH early childhood he dreamed of becoming an actor, became interested in historical costume and helped his father in sewing scenery, and Alexander Vasiliev invented his first exclusive costumes and scenery at the age of five.

First time on set

His mother brought him to Shabolovka 37, where he first took part in the fascinating program “Alarm Clock,” which was then hosted by the popular actress Nadezhda Rumyantseva. As a teenager, he starred in the children's program "Bell Theatre", and at the age of twelve he became a set designer for the children's play "The Wizard" Emerald City».

All this fast paced life influenced the future biography of Alexander Vasiliev.

After graduating from high school, he entered the Moscow Art Theater School-Studio in the production department, after which he began working as a costume designer at the Theater on Malaya Bronnaya.

Personal life of Alexander Vasiliev

The further fate of the young man changed in many ways thanks to his first love. Masha, that was the name of his passion, went to live in Paris after her mother married a French citizen. The girl’s dream came true, but difficult days came for Alexander.

At that time, it was unthinkable to just up and leave the Soviet Union. Good reasons were needed, and Alexander Alexandrovich Jr. thought about a fictitious marriage. Fate smiled on him in the face of a young French woman who came to Russia to learn the language.

Fictitious marriage

Anna, having become the fictitious wife of Alexander Vasiliev, lived with him for several years in marriage. The expectations of the future fashion historian associated with his beloved girl did not materialize. Masha was married and expecting a child. She explained her behavior by saying that the father of the unborn baby is French. That said it all.

Vasiliev was unable to return to his homeland - he was awaiting service in Afghanistan, and in addition, according to the laws of the USSR, he did not have the right to leave his place of residence for fifteen years. I had to apply for a residence permit in France, becoming a “defector”.

Life of Alexander Vasiliev in France

At first, life in an unfamiliar environment was not sweet. Young Alexander was forced to rent an apartment, eat poorly, and save money.

This strengthened his character. The hardest thing was the separation from loved ones, especially my mother. Then no one could predict the future - the restructuring of the regime and so on. It seemed that I would have to live in a foreign land until the end of my days. The French wife of Alexander Vasiliev, being a calculating woman, fled to her next passion, and Alexander himself no longer formalized the official marriage.

Thanks to his talent and hard work, Alexander Vasiliev, whose photo is posted in the article, quickly found a use for himself. He began to design street festivals and performances in French theaters. His love for history led him to the Louvre School, from which he graduated with a degree in palace interior design.


Alexander Vasiliev’s creative and labor savings (photo is in the article) began to expand. At the same time, he began teaching fashion history to students of the Russian theater school and the famous fashion school in Paris. The fame of the talented decorator spread beyond France. From London he received an offer to collaborate with the National London Theater and the Scottish Ballet in Glasgow.

They learned about him in Spain, Turkey and Japan, and everywhere Alexander Alexandrovich managed to draw up a long-term contract, enjoying his work, studying the languages ​​and life of Europe. Today our favorite TV presenter is fluent in Spanish, French and Italian. Since 1994, having received French citizenship, he began to lecture on the history of fashion in these countries in their native language.

"Fashionable verdict"

Perestroika and the collapse of the Soviet Union allowed the popular fashion historian and designer to return to Russia.

Wanting to enlighten native people in the field of design, fashion and aesthetics, Alexander Vasiliev opens the Volga Seasons fashion festival in Samara.

Two years later, in 2002, he became the host of the television project “Blow of the Century” on the “Culture” channel. Many people sign up for private lectures with him, at Moscow State University he teaches students the history of fashion, and organizes traveling fashion schools in the cultural capitals of the world. One can endlessly list the vigorous activity of the master of fashion and design, but despite this, many first learned about Vasiliev through the TV show “Fashionable Verdict”.

Having replaced Vyacheslav Zaitsev on the set of the popular show, Alexander Alexandrovich became a constant favorite of women. Not one of the participants was ever offended by the presenter for criticizing their appearance. He chides the invited guest with a smile and gives advice with the same smile and insinuating, soft tone. There are many famous phrases from the TV presenter that have become catchphrases: “Yes, you are not Angelina Jolie, but she too will go out of fashion,” “You can wear a mini until you’re 99 years old, but you don’t need to show it to anyone,” “You remind me of the heroine of Mayakovsky’s comedy “The Bedbug” or Red A retirement cap” and so on.

The hard work of a show host

Four or five episodes of “Fashionable Verdict” are filmed a day. Alexander Vasiliev is the “judge” in the show, Evelina Khromchenko got the role of the “prosecutor” and Nadezhda Babkina played the “lawyer”. During the program they had to change clothes several times. And this is just the beginning. Sometimes people with inappropriate behavior come to the studio and start scandals, but this is rather the exception.

Alexander Vasilyev’s favorite model in “Fashionable Sentence” was a milkmaid from the Republic of Mari El, Zinaida Enova, who had in her wardrobe a work robe in which she milked about thirty cows, and a weekend outfit in the form of a national dress.

After she was dressed in a modern suit and put on high-heeled shoes, the audience sitting in the hall and behind the TV screen simply gasped. The post-Balzac woman impressed with her elegance, simplicity and confidence.

The interests of the invited guests, in addition to Nadezhda Babkina, are also protected by others famous personalities, for example, Arina Sharapova, Daria Dontsova, Larisa Verbitskaya, Anzhelika Varum, Renata Litvinova and others. In many ways, the program’s rating is maintained thanks to the jokes and sparklingness of Alexander Vasilyev Jr.

Radio "Mayak"

Since 2012, Vasiliev has been hosting a series of programs “Portraits of Great Fashionistas” on Mayak radio, in which he talks about famous fashion designers, actors and actresses, people whose names are in one way or another connected with fashion. The program lasts about 30-40 minutes. The acting and extraordinary talent of the presenter, his intonations create a bright, convex image of those about whom the conversation is being conducted. This makes the program interesting and listens in one breath.

In 2011, the fashion historian established his own version of the Michelin Star - a ceramic lily, which is awarded to those whose interior design is the most successful. These are mostly open to the public public places: cafes, train stations, galleries and so on. Each lily made has its own number, which can be used to determine its authenticity, and is made by hand.


But this is not all the activities of Alexander Vasiliev. Unfortunately, he has no children, but he has goddaughters to whom he will certainly leave part of the inheritance. One of the master's main legacies are his books.

Not everyone will be able to attend Alexander Alexandrovich’s lectures, and not everyone will be lucky enough to see his traveling costume collections. But reading books is much easier, because rich experience in the history of fashion should be passed on to descendants.

Currently, more than thirty books have been published. They are mainly dedicated to the style of Russian emigrants of the early 20th century. The book “Beauty in Exile” was published six times. He also wants to write a book dedicated to the memoirs of Tatyana Leskova, the great-granddaughter of Nikolai Leskov, famous writer late XIX and the beginning of the 20th centuries.

Over the years, Alexander Vasiliev has kept a diary, where he records significant or exciting events that happen both to him personally and to the country and people.

The master of fashion of the show “Fashionable Sentence” opens with a quote from Bernard Shaw: “Following fashion is funny, but not following is stupid.” This line between “funny” and “stupid” is style. Alexander Vasiliev’s sense of style and biography were influenced by his parents and life in France. Unlike Russians, the French tell children: “Beautiful or ugly,” while Russians say “Good or bad.” In a family where the parents, the parents' parents, were fashionable and stylish people, there is a huge chance that the future generation will also have taste and style.

Alexander Vasiliev’s advice can be written down in a notebook or notepad. They will become guiding star in the chaotic world of fashion. So, according to the fashion historian, it follows that:

  1. Only women with fair skin and forget-me-not eyes, as well as green and green eyes, are allowed to lighten their hair. gray eyes. It is advisable to dye your hair using highlights, that is, not completely.
  2. There must be a mirror in the house showing the figure in full height, in order to really determine the type of figure, as well as its disadvantages and advantages.
  3. Fur products should not be worn if you have to use public transport. It is better to match the color of the fur to the color of the hair.
  4. Must be observed at all times and everywhere good tone, to be polite.
  5. Diamonds (although they are girls’ best “friends”) are not recommended for unmarried women. In addition, you should wear jewelry with this expensive stone only in the evening, when going on a visit or to another event.
  6. Brands cannot be displayed publicly. In Europe this is considered bad manners.
  7. You should not dye your hair in flashy unnatural colors; natural hair color makes the image more expensive. Clothes should also be modestly cut, but of high quality.
  8. You can't turn into a sloppy housewife. Clothing to be worn at home should be well-groomed, clean and smell nice. Women should not skimp on quality cosmetics and pleasant, bright scents.

The main wish of the beloved and popular fashion historian for women: “Try to always be beautiful, always on top!”

Valentina Oberemko,“AiF”: Alexander, you say that most women in Russia love you. Share with our male readers: what is the secret?

Alexander Vasiliev: They love me because I don’t pinch women’s butts and drag them into bed, because a woman knows what this leads to: unwanted pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases. And to the moral drama. You need to treat a woman like a friend, smart person. Talk, travel, go to the cinema, the theater, exhibitions, and not communicate according to the principle of “come, give, bring, take away, get out.” When men understand this, women actively look at them. But that doesn't happen often. And it's terrible.

But our women come to change clothes on your show precisely for the attention of men. And is it necessary to try so hard?

Certainly! When you go to a store, how do you choose a product? According to the packaging! Clothes, makeup, hairstyle - this is the packaging of a woman. If you want to be successful in all areas of life, you must be well-packed. Although this does not mean that you have to wear heels all the time, paint your eyelashes in the morning, or have perhydrol on your head.

- Or shake in a minibus in mink coat what you see all around...

The lack of men in Russia forces women not to relax 24 hours a day. She thinks: “What if I meet my prince on the minibus!” That's why they dress the way they should on the most important date of their lives. I often visit Vladivostok. And one day I witnessed a wild car accident - a head-on collision, two expensive sports cars, both had blondes. I saw mangled cars, and next to them were two corpses covered in minks and diamonds. I will remember this nightmare for the rest of my life.

- Therefore, when a Russian woman comes abroad...

- ... she is always visible. She travels for the first time, for example, from Ivanovo to Paris and thinks: “I shouldn’t lose face!” I recognize ours by dyed hair, because most Russian women resort to paints of rather radical shades - they replace the kokoshnik, which has become a thing of history. We need to always have a crown on our heads. And since crowns are no longer worn, perhydrol hair has taken its place.

We like the gold, embroidery, trimmings - this is part of folk culture. We don’t blame the Japanese for their shapeless clothes, the Scots for their addiction to cages, or the Spanish for their desire to play with a fan in the summer. This is their style. From time immemorial, we have had a passion for bright colors.

So it will not be possible to make Europeans out of us. We have a different build! Women are much taller than Europeans, they are larger bigger breasts, more curvaceous. What a broader soul! And they emphasize this breadth of soul bright colors. I’m not against this - I’m against the fact that Russian women are embarrassed of themselves and ask all the time: “Do I look like a French woman?” No, it's not like that! Why do you need this?

They were considered style icons
Lyubov Orlova Marilyn Monroe Marlene Dietrich
The USSR had something to oppose to Hollywood - we had our own blonde! For a long time, she forced all girls (including natural brunettes) to become blondes. The first actress to “prescribe” a men’s suit in a woman’s wardrobe.
Brigitte Bardot Raisa Gorbacheva Carla Bruni
Her “Babette” (the hairstyle of the heroine from the film “Babette Goes to War”) became fashionable for a long time. IN literally the first lady of the USSR, whose outfits and hairstyles were copied by the whole country. After she came to an official reception in a dress on her naked body, she was dubbed a style icon.

Openness is not in fashion

-Have you ever felt awkward with our people abroad?

Sometimes. But not for clothes, but for behavior. I have a traveling school. Every month I go with my students to Paris, then to Venice, then to Istanbul. On one of these trips to Paris, during an excursion to the museum, one of the students grabbed a 17th-century vase in her hands, raised it above her head and said: “I have a similar one at home. I want to see what company it is.” All I could say was: “This is not a store, dear, this is a museum!” Women come to my exhibition in GUM and touch the dresses with their hands. They want to feel whether the material is durable or not. I tell them: “If you touch it, it will be fragile!” Ashamed! There is a feeling that wild people live here.

- Are we wild in fashion too?

No, our women began to dress more stylishly. I believe that this is partly my merit. Russian women began to understand that it is not necessary to show all the best at once. Nowadays there is a general trend towards closedness. Openness was fashionable in the 2000s - this style was called porn chic. Now he has been replaced by modesty. This is due to the global crisis. The worse the economy, the longer the skirt, because long skirt You don’t have to spend money on new tights and new shoes.

Once a 70-year-old lady asked you for advice on how she could be fashionable and not be funny. You said it's too late to be fashionable.

Exactly. At 70, you should no longer be fashionable, but elegant. Fashion is for young rich slackers. After this they will write me a lot of angry comments: “My grandmother is 70 years old, and she’s going out into the world!” It is a rarity. Although I have a friend in Paris, ballerina Ksenia Tripolitova. She will soon turn 99 years old. She drinks champagne with me until 2 am, walks without a cane, looks after herself and complains that it has become more difficult for her to walk up to the 5th floor - shortness of breath has begun to appear. I once asked: “Ksenia, maybe it’s a matter of age?” “No, no, what age! - She looked at herself in the mirror and noticed: “Although, it seems that wrinkles have begun to appear on me... Maybe I’m getting old?”

- You advised to fight depression with shopping. But, as they say, this is a disease - shopaholism.

Going shopping doesn't mean you have to spend all your money. Shopping is amazing therapy. But when a person is prone to spending a lot, I advise going to a store where everything costs 36 rubles. There is no need to hammer into people’s heads the idea that everything that brings them pleasure requires treatment. For example, I collect vintage costumes. I have about 50 thousand exhibits. But I can’t open a museum in Russia. The public wants him, but the officials don't want him. Because then it will immediately become clear how bad life was in the USSR and how good it was under the Tsar.

- Where do you store all this?

I have three storage facilities - in France, Lithuania and Russia. And only Lithuania offered me to use a state museum for storage. And our museums are still gnawed by envy. It is generally accepted that fashion of the 20th century. - this is too banal. As a result, no one has such a collection except me. Can you imagine how many people had to go around, how many had to bow at their feet and say: “Give me the dress?” Valentina Tolkunova or Lyudmila Gurchenko!” But I bowed!

Alexander Vasiliev is a world-famous theater artist, interior designer, as well as an art critic and fashion historian.

Alexander Vasiliev was born on December 8, 1958 in Moscow in the famous theater family. His father, People's Artist of Russia, Alexander Vasiliev Sr. (1911 - 1990), corresponding member of the Academy of Arts, creator of sets and costumes for more than 300 productions on the domestic and foreign stage. Mother, Tatyana Vasilyeva - Gulevich (1924 - 2003), dramatic actress, professor, one of the first graduates of the Moscow Art Theater School.

Since childhood, Alexander Vasiliev was brought up in a theatrical environment. At the age of five, Alexander created his first costumes and sets for puppet theater, at the same time he took part in the filming of children's programs on Soviet television "Theater Bell" and "Alarm Clock". He staged his first fairy tale performance, “The Wizard of the Emerald City,” at the age of 12, demonstrating extraordinary abilities in theatrical design and costume creation.

Particular influence on young artist set an example as a father, not only a classical decorator, but also a creator stage costumes for Lyubov Orlova, Faina Ranevskaya, Igor Ilyinsky. At the age of 22, A. Vasiliev graduated from the Production Department of the Moscow Art Theater School. Then he worked as a costume designer at the Moscow Theater on Malaya Bronnaya. In 1982 he moved to Paris, where he immediately began working for French theater Ronde Pointe on the Champs-Élysées, at the Bastille Opera Studio, Lucerner, Cartoucherie, Avignon Festival, Bale du Nord, the Young Ballet of France and the Royal Opera of Versailles.

Alexander Vasiliev - creator of sets for operas, theatrical productions, films and ballets for many famous theaters and troupes For example, they collaborated with him National Theater in London, Scottish Ballet in Glasgow, Royal Ballet of Flanders, Oya Masako Ballet in Osaka and Asami Maki Ballet in Tokyo, Nevada Ballet, Santiago Opera and Ballet Theater and many others. More information about this facet of A. Vasiliev’s work can be found in the “Performances” section ".

Alexander Vasiliev lectures in 4 languages ​​at many colleges and universities around the world as a visiting professor on the history of fashion and stage design. Alexander Vasiliev is the owner of one of the largest private collections of costumes from the Russian period. Alexander showed this collection in many countries of the world - in Australia, Chile, Turkey, Hong Kong, Belgium, Great Britain, France and other countries. Awarded for the promotion of Russian art with the S.P. medal. Diaghilev, the V. Nijinsky medal, the Order of Patron and the Gold Medal of the Russian Academy of Arts. Twice winner of the Tobab Prize in Turkey.

Alexander Vasiliev is the author of the book “Beauty in Exile”, which went through six editions - in 1998, 2000, 2003, 2004, 2005. - and translated into English in New York in 2000. In 1998, Beauty in Exile was named best picture book of the year. He is the author of the book "Russian Fashion. 150 Years in Photographs", which contains more than 2000 photographs dedicated to the history of Russian, Soviet and post-Soviet fashion, starting from the 50s of the 19th century and ending beginning of the XXI century. The book contains texts from fashion magazines different eras, fragments of interviews with fashion models, famous people, film actresses, fashion designers. How social, political and economic reasons influenced the nature of the clothes of the Russian people, how the silhouette and fabrics were modified, how the canons of beauty were formed, posture, facial expression and sparkle in the eyes changed - this is the range of issues discussed in the book. According to the author, he intends to later publish this work in New York, “since they know nothing about Russian fashion not only in Russia, but also abroad.”

Alexander Vasiliev is co-author of the book "Lyudmila Lopato. The Magic Mirror of Memories." Zakharov, Moscow, 2003. Alexander Vasiliev worked for the Russian editions of Vogue and Harper's Bazaar magazines as a special correspondent in Paris.

Since 2002, Alexander Vasiliev has been on the Kultura TV channel as the author and host of the program “Blow of the Century”. This series is based on the book "Beauty in Exile". In 2005, the Kultura TV channel will begin broadcasting a new 10-episode television series, “Blow of the Century - 22,” based on the book “Russian Fashion. 150 Years in Photographs.” Since 1994, Alexander Vasiliev has devoted a lot of time to master classes and lecture courses at Russian universities and colleges. Since 2000, under the leadership of Alexander Vasiliev, the fashion festival “Volga Region Seasons of Alexander Vasiliev” has been held in Samara.

In October 2003, the design studio “Interiors of Alexander Vasiliev” opened in Moscow. The goal of the new project is to present the rich Russian tradition in Parisian gloss. In Russia, Alexander Vasiliev gives lectures at the Faculty of Management and Fashion Theory at Moscow State University, in lecture halls in Samara, Yekaterinburg, Omsk, Novosibirsk, Vladivostok, Ufa, Perm, Barnaul, Murmansk and many other cities.

In February 2004, the exhibition “Russian Interior in Photographs” was held, at which Alexander Vasiliev presented 55 rare photographs, never previously published or exhibited, dedicated to the theme of Russian interior design of the 18th, 19th and early 20th centuries. This prolific author plans to create a book about Russian interior design.

Alexander Vasiliev is a popular person. He studies the history of Russian and European fashion, collects various items, which he collects literally little by little at flea markets around the world.

Our today's hero is engaged in teaching, writes books and articles in which he talks about fashion trends. modern world. Lectures are given by Alexander Alexandrovich all over the world.

For 8 years, the popular art critic worked in “Fashionable Sentence”, in which he shared his knowledge on this issue with television viewers.

The fate and biography of our today's hero attracts many people who are interested in the world of fashion. They want to know everything about him, including his height, weight, age. How old is Alexander Vasiliev is also interesting. He is 177 cm tall. The art critic leads healthy image life, monitors his diet, which has a beneficial effect on his weight. It is equal to 78 kg.

IN next year Alexander Alexandrovich Vasiliev will celebrate his 60th birthday. He recently stated that it will be something big with big amount invited guests. An expert in the fashion world wants to prepare a TV show about himself and his destiny on the eve of this event. He says that many people do not know him personally, and this gives rise to many rumors and gossip.

More recently, Alexander Vasiliev: a photo in his youth and now posted it on his Instagram page. Fans of his talent noted that he has not changed at all during this time. Only became somewhat brutal and extravagant for last years.

Biography of Alexander Vasiliev (Fashionable verdict)

Alexander Vasiliev was born in December 1958 in Moscow shortly before the New Year. His father, Alexander Pavlovich, worked in one of the Moscow theaters, where he held the position of artist. Mother, Tatyana Ilyinichna, was a dramatic actress. All this led to the boy becoming interested in art and the world of fashion, and in the future he decided to connect his life with this activity.

At two years old, the boy was his father’s assistant, working on costume sketches. At the age of 5, he created a collection of clothes, which was presented at one of the fashion shows held in the capital of the Soviet Union. At this time they started talking about him as an aspiring fashion designer. From the same age, Alexander Alexandrovich took part in the filming of television programs well known to Soviet television viewers.

He begins decorating children's theater performances from the age of twelve. Although Alexander Vasiliev was incredibly busy designing costumes, this in no way negatively affected his studies. He perfectly comprehended various sciences. He especially liked literature, history and mathematics.

After graduating from school he decides to tie his professional activity with fashion and art. On his first attempt, Alexander Vasiliev entered the Moscow Art Theater School, where he studies in the production department. During student years An expert in the fashion world showed excellent knowledge, receiving a diploma with honors. Young man I was pleased to be invited to work at the Theater as a costume designer.

The biography of Alexander Vasiliev (Fashionable Verdict) at this time takes on a romantic shape. The young fashion designer was struck to the heart by love. But soon the young lovers separated. Beloved Alexandra Vasiliev and her mother are moving to France for permanent residence. Our hero is suffering, he is eager to go to Paris, but in those days it was very difficult to travel outside the Soviet Union. Soon, Vasiliev had an opportunity: he met a girl who came to the country to learn the intricacies of the Russian language. The decorator married this girl. There was no love between them. The relationship was fictitious. Alexander rejoiced like a child, he strove for his beloved. At that moment, the fashion designer did not imagine that he was leaving his homeland for a long time.

In France, it turned out that his beloved girl did not wait for him. She linked her fate with another man.
Alexander lived in Paris for several years, after which he received a notice ordering the fashion designer to return to Soviet Union. At this time, the political situation in my native country was delicate: Soviet troops were introduced into Afghanistan. Foreign countries opposed this. The country found itself on the brink of isolation. All citizens living outside the USSR had to return back. Alexander decided not to return to the Soviet Union; he is applying for permission to stay in Paris. The French authorities grant him citizenship within a short period of time.

Vasiliev is working on the design theater performances and festivals. He develops himself in the art of decorating. In addition, the young man studies at the Louvre school, after training he received a diploma as a professional in palace interior design.
At the same time, he worked with Ronde Pointe, the Royal Opera, the Studio of the Opera de Bastia and others. In addition, he teaches at the Russian Theater School and various fashion schools.

Just a few years later, Vasiliev begins working with British, Icelandic, and Turkish theater troupes. Although Alexander Alexandrovich was very busy, this did not prevent him from perfectly learning French, Spanish and Italian in addition to the languages ​​he already knew English language. Having learned these languages, the fashion connoisseur translated and gave his lectures around the world.

After the collapse of a great country (the Soviet Union), Vasiliev decides to return to his homeland. A few years later, he begins to host a program dedicated to fashion. It was called "Breath of the Century". She is actively involved in teaching and teaching fashion history to students of various universities and fashion schools. Since 2009, he has been hosting the television show program “Fashionable Sentence”, which was hosted by Vyacheslav Zaitsev before him. The renowned fashion historian studies and writes books, the number of which is currently approaching fifty. Vasiliev is also a collector. He collects neckerchiefs and scarves, the number of which is approaching 250.

The fashion connoisseur takes part in preparing sets for various films and theatrical performances. For example, he worked in a film by Roberto Enrico.

Recently, the well-known decorator and art critic left the “Fashionable Sentence” program. He is currently engaged in the opening of a museum exhibition, which will be in addition to the capital Russian Federation also in Paris, London and Rome. Museums in these European capitals will be constantly updated, telling about the history of fashion.

Personal life of Alexander Vasiliev

Many fans of the famous fashion historian know almost nothing about his personal life. It is known that in his youth Vasiliev fell in love with a girl who soon left for France. Having arranged a fictitious marriage, future star fashion history managed to follow her. Since that time, the personal life of Alexander Vasiliev has been hidden under a veil of secrecy. According to some reports, he lived with his fictitious wife for 5 years. WITH ex-lover the relationship did not work out, although he tried several times.

In the late 80s, the historian of Russian and world fashion had a short-term affair with Icelandic Stefania. But after just 2 months they had to separate, since Alexander did not want to stay in Iceland, and his beloved did not want to move to Paris.

In recent years, some have said about Vasiliev that he has gay, therefore he cannot get along with more than one representative of the fair sex. The fashion star does not pay attention to all the gossip and slander, preferring to keep his opinion to himself.

Family of Alexander Vasiliev

Alexander Vasiliev's family was intelligent. The parents devoted all their attention to their only son. Our hero's father and mother had a great influence on his professional choice. For many years my father worked as theater artist and a fashion designer of one of the Moscow theaters. Every year Vasiliev’s dad held a presentation of the clothes he designed. Many recognized fashion designers in the country took his opinion into account. Vasiliev Sr. was awarded a large number of different awards. Alexander Vasiliev Jr. is proud that his father was awarded the title - People's Artist Russia. State Museum named after Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin stores some of the works of the famous theater artist.

The mother of the popular decorator was an actress. Performances in which a woman played were popular. In the 80s, she began teaching at theater institutes in the capital. Her former students still remember her stage speech classes as a school of excellence.
Currently, Vasiliev jokingly calls his dog Palma, who lives in his apartment, his family.

Children of Alexander Vasiliev

Alexander Alexandrovich does not like to answer questions about children. It is known that the popular fashion connoisseur does not have any children of his own. But he
baptized three children from his friends. The godchildren of Alexander Vasiliev currently live in three European countries.

He communicates only with Marfa Milovidnaya, who lives in the Russian Federation. they call each other very often. Alexander Alexandrovich often visits her, and also gives her small surprise gifts after visiting other countries.

In his interviews, the decorator and art critic states that many women offer him to have a child. But our hero believes that he does not need a fictitious child.

Ex-wife of Alexander Vasiliev - Anna

For the first time Alexander saw future wife in the mid 70s. She came to the Soviet Union to improve her knowledge of the Russian language. The girl entered Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov. She was the daughter of Russian emigrants.

Alexander Vasiliev at this time was looking for ways to leave the country. He invited Anna to enter into a fictitious marriage. After some thought, the girl agreed. The young people got married and left for Paris. But the marriage remained fictitious, although it lasted about 5 years.

The ex-wife of Alexander Vasiliev - Anna after her divorce from ex-husband does not maintain any relationship. They don't meet or communicate. Currently, according to the decorator himself, he has absolutely no idea what his ex-wife is doing now.

Instagram and Wikipedia Alexander Vasiliev

Vasiliev follows modern traditions, it has pages on the World Wide Web. But he works most actively on his Instagram page. And Alexander Vasiliev’s Wikipedia contains a large number of information about his life path and parents. The Instagram page contains a large number of photographs of the popular art critic, from everyday life to photos as the host of “Fashionable Sentence”.

Here Alexander Alexandrovich announces his future performances related to fashion and its history. For example, soon Vasiliev will once again speak to an audience in the city of Rome.

The number of page subscribers is constantly growing. Now it is close to 5 million active users of social networks interested in fashion trends and new products.

Also, its popularity goes beyond the Russian Federation, because he works at various theaters and organizes shows of his historical collection. Behind him are several famous lectures, which he delivered in several languages.

Height, weight, age. How old is Alexander Vasiliev

Many fans of the art critic are interested in such external data as height, weight, age. How old is Alexander Vasiliev is a frequent question among those who follow or take part in the fashion world. So, Alexander Vasiliev’s height is approximately 178 centimeters. The fashion historian weighs approximately 80 kilograms. Alexander Alexandrovich Vasiliev was born in 1958, which means he will turn 59 years old this year. By the way, his Zodiac sign is Sagittarius, which fully corresponds to his character and aspirations.

An interesting fact is that among famous people, there are two more Alexander Vasiliev - a fashion designer from Ukraine, who, by the way, was trained by the protagonist of our article. And the vocalist of the group “Splin”, which is also well known in the CIS countries. Many journalists asked him about his pseudonym, but the fashion historian does not want to hide under fictitious names. Besides, as he says, the French already pronounce and spell his last name incorrectly.

Biography of Alexander Vasiliev (fashionable verdict)

The biography of Alexander Vasiliev originates in the capital of the USSR. The future fashion historian was born in December 1958. The family had an intelligent background.

Since childhood, he was surrounded by an atmosphere inextricably linked with art. Later he would say that it was precisely this environment that determined his vector of development at an early age.

From an early age he helped his father sew costumes for the theater. He made the first costumes that belong to his hand at the age of 5. At the same age, he starred in such programs as “Alarm Clock” or “Bells Theatre,” which are well known to Soviet television viewers. And at the age of twelve he acts as a decorator for children's theater performances.

By the way, he painted his first painting at the age of seven. When he starred in children's programs, a large number of letters came from his peers who begged for an autograph. Of course, Sasha could not refuse and many people got his painting.

Of course, this situation implied a further profession related to fashion and art. After graduating from school, he enters the Moscow Art Theater, where he is accepted into the production department. Having graduated with excellent marks, at the age of 22 he got a job at the Theater as a costume designer.

Around this time, he falls in love. But his beloved had to leave for France. Alexander could not come to terms with this, and found a way to leave for Paris. As you know, it was simply impossible to move from the USSR. The decorator had to arrange a fictitious marriage. At that time, Alexander had no idea that he was leaving home country for a long time.

When the period of stay abroad was coming to an end, changes began to occur in the USSR related to the policy of visiting other countries and the war in Afghanistan. Due to these factors, Alexander had to stay in France, where he obtained a residence permit. There he managed to get a job designing performances for theaters or festivals. His education developed in two ways - self-development and the Louvre School, where he received a diploma in palace interior design.

By that time, Alexander had served clients such as Ronde Pointe, the Royal Opera, the Studio de Bastia and so on. Along the way, he taught for the Russian Theater School and various fashion schools.

After a short period of time, theaters located in Britain, Iceland, and Turkey became interested in him. This comes from the fact that a Russian fashion historian was considered a great rarity in foreign countries. France, Spain and Italy taught him languages, after which he was able to translate and give his lectures in many parts of the world. In 1994 he received French citizenship.

When the USSR collapsed, Alexander returned to Russia, where he began organizing fashion festivals. Later, he became the host of the “Blow of the Century” program. For a long time taught and continues to teach fashion history at various universities and fashion schools.

In 2009, he came to the TV show “Fashionable Sentence”, replacing V. Zaitsev. Later, he established his own award in the form of a lily, which is awarded for interior design in establishments such as cafes, train stations, etc.

Can speak seven foreign languages. She also conducts lectures related to fashion in countries where she is very popular.

Concurrently, Alexander Vasiliev wrote several dozen books. Some of them are still published, and in several languages. Basically, his books describe the history of the formation of fashion, both in the USSR and in the CIS countries.

It is impossible not to note the large number of collections that are exhibited in many countries around the world, for example, in France, Australia, etc. These collections include robes of princesses, countesses and baronesses. But most of all, his collection includes neckerchiefs and scarves, of which there are more than two hundred.

By the way, Alexander took part in preparing the scenery for the film “And the War Passes By,” directed by Roberto Enrico.

Alexander is inextricably linked with the theater. He has created a large number of scenery for various productions and performances. During the design process, he visited 26 countries around the world, where he staged about a hundred performances. In 2012, he revived the ballet called “Pavilion of Artemis”, creating new and beautiful scenery.

He plans to create the first museum in Russia, which will display historical costumes. Generally speaking, it will be permanent exhibition, dedicated to the history of fashion.

Personal life of Alexander Vasiliev

The personal life of Alexander Vasiliev is a topic shrouded in darkness for ordinary fans. As previously mentioned, his lover left for Paris. To get there, Alexander arranged a fictitious marriage with a French woman who came to the USSR. They lived in this marriage for about five years, after which they decided to separate. As the actor admitted, Ann fell in love with him over time, and he also tried not to deprive her of sympathy.

He does not like to discuss his further love affairs, but only jokes that his only marriage is fashion, and he is happy with such a “marriage.” In numerous interviews, he says that women often do not give him a pass and offer to have a child. However, Alexander believes that a child born in such an atmosphere will feel uncomfortable.

There are rumors that Alexander had another short-lived marriage during his stay in Iceland.

Family of Alexander Vasiliev

As mentioned at the beginning of the article, Alexander Vasiliev’s family consisted of the intelligentsia. Alexandra’s dad worked in the theater as an artist and fashion designer, and had many awards related to his activities, including the People’s Artist of Russia. Some of his works are kept in the State Museum. Pushkin. IN different periods was chairman of the Soviet Center of the International Association of Stage Designers.

The fashion historian’s mother also worked in the theater and taught stage speech at famous universities in Moscow. Also, she was a teacher at the school at Bolshoi Theater. Such family bonds, from early childhood helped Alexander decide on his future profession.

Children of Alexander Vasiliev

The children of Alexander Vasiliev are a topic that he does not like to discuss in public. He doesn't have his own children. He has to godfather for three children of their acquaintances and friends. His closest communication is with Marfa Milovidnaya.

The fashion historian admits that he wants to leave behind a legacy. However, in this moment, he sees only his company in the form of his beloved dog. Many fans believe that he has a child from his first marriage. But he refuses to answer this question, because... believes that there are topics that cannot be disclosed to the public.

Alexander Vasiliev's wife - Anna

This marriage was fictitious and was needed in order to obtain a visitor visa to France. Alexander Vasiliev’s wife, Anna, came to study at Moscow State University, at the Russian language department. Their marriage was formalized in 1982.

In the same year, they leave the USSR. Unfortunately, it was not possible to start a family with the girl for whom he went to Paris. Now, he remembers Masha with gratitude, because who knows how his life could have turned out if he had not left for France.

Photo by Alexander Vasiliev before and after plastic surgery

Photo of Alexander Vasiliev before and after plastic surgery - a “testing ground” for a large number of speculations from outside yellow press and journalists. As the fashion historian himself notes in numerous interviews, with the help plastic surgery You can delay old age.

However, he does not recognize the stars who perform a large number of such interventions and it is already difficult to understand where is natural beauty and where is the work of a surgeon. He himself states that he has not yet thought about changing anything in his appearance. But you don’t have to go under the knife to do this – you can change your style or type of clothing.

So, while still at a young age, he often experimented with his appearance - he changed the length of his hair, its color, and grew a mustache and beard. All this took place in France, because... in the USSR they simply would not have understood him.

Instagram and Wikipedia Alexander Vasiliev

Like all modern cultural and stage figures, Alexander started a page on the social network Instagram. It contains a large number of photographs related to everyday life fashion historian. Also, there are announcements of his speeches or lectures related to fashion. For example, on May 12 the next performance will take place in Miami.

Many people use social media fashion historian, to be in the trend of the latest innovations, to be aware fashion trends etc. Instagram and Wikipedia of Alexander Vasiliev contain the main life and career stages of the fashion historian that he had to go through to achieve unprecedented success, both in the Russian Federation and abroad.