Shocking details of Klyukina's ex-lover about her past. Yegor Creed spoke about his affair with Daria Klyukina Egor Creed and Daria Klyukina: life after the project

He told the truth about the girl. It turned out that the project participant had been deceiving everyone for a long time.

According to Sergei Naumov, when Klyukina first went on the show, she was in a relationship with her boyfriend. Let us remember that for the first time Daria participated in the fifth season of “The Bachelor,” the main character of which was actor Ilya Glinnikov. As the girl’s ex-boyfriend said, she persuaded him to participate in the project in order to gain fame and, accordingly, demand and money, which would help them buy a long-awaited apartment. After thinking a little, Sergei agreed.

“She wanted popularity, she wanted to be a media person. We understood that there would be advertising offers, we understood that there would be some other income, we wanted to buy an apartment. Everyone built it together, so I let it go. But in the end everything turned out differently.", Naumov shared.

Sergei said that he and Daria agreed on a legend that they had broken up before the project, but in fact they were still in a relationship, and Klyukina often called him from the project.

"She was like, 'I'll call my parents and explain it's a show.' We started to invent new version- about how, like, before leaving for the project, we separated. And then we got back together again. That, they say, she felt bad and needed support. Naturally, we were a couple, we talked on the phone with her", admitted Sergei.

Arriving at the project, the girl was embarrassed to say that she was unemployed, so she said that she was the owner of a cafe, which she had recently opened. In fact, the establishment belongs to Sergei and his twin brother Andrey.

After the fifth season, Naumov and Klyukina were inseparable for six months. The girl said that the conditions at the project were unbearable and she barely survived this period. However, this did not stop her from returning to the show in the sixth season. There she introduced herself as an aspiring actress. Before this, Daria actually broke up with Sergei - the reason was the girl’s popularity and desire to be a media person. Sergei is now also not wasting time - according to rumors, he will take part in the show “Married to Buzov”, which will soon start on the TNT channel.

Yegor Creed said that he is not ready to marry Daria Klyukina, the winner of the sixth season of the show “The Bachelor,” in the near future. According to the rules of the program, in the final the artist gave his “beloved” wedding ring. However, as Yegor says, this gesture was only part of the TV show.

In response to an indignant comment from one of the fans that Creed made a mistake by choosing the wrong girl in the finale, the singer responded as follows: “Tell me, do you really think that people get married on The Bachelor? The ring is a certain rule of the project. Just like roses. In the franchise, you give it to the girl at the end. This is a kind of tradition. On a project you can choose a person and make a traditional gesture, and then life goes on...”

By the way, rumors that Egor did not continue to build a relationship with Daria after the project have been circulating on social networks for some time. The fact is that filming of the finale of “The Bachelor” ended long before the audience saw it. Since then he has been spotted several times social events in the company of other girls. Let us remind you that the last season of “The Bachelor” was already the second in which Dasha took part. For the first time, she fought for the heart of another bachelor, actor Ilya Glinnikov. True, at that time she herself left the project, saying that she “did not see a future with Ilya.”

According to contractual obligations, Dasha and Egor were obliged to date for a year (12 calendar months) after the completion of the project, say sources close to the show. If one of the heroes does not comply with the conditions, this threatens him with huge penalties! Nevertheless, this did not frighten Klyukina, and she left Yegor for her ex-boyfriend. Apparently, she couldn’t stand the rhythm of Yegor’s life!

Like a true gentleman, Creed took the costs of fines ex-fiancée to myself. Why did their romance fail? The singer has repeatedly admitted in interviews that he dreams of a girl who will be far from a public profession.

Last weekend the “Bachelor” project with Yegor Creed ended. The victory was won by a girl from Yekaterinburg, Daria Klyukina. Despite the fact that Dasha participated in the show for the second time, she managed to win the singer’s trust and beat her rival Victoria Korotkova in the final.

It is known that Dasha was born in the suburbs of Yekaterinburg. Her mother worked as a piano teacher, and her father was a prison guard. Her parents filed for divorce when Klyukina was already a teenager.

Blogger Lena Miro, who often comments on media people, believes that her father did not take any part in Dasha’s upbringing.

“Even before school, my mother began to make a star out of the girl. Dad quickly moved to another city, so mom had carte blanche in raising her daughter. Dasha grew up as an escort, although I don’t want to believe it. She became a co-owner of a cafe in Sochi and makes her own cakes there. Having parted with yet another young man, Dasha Klyukina went on TV. Here she won a competition for girls who are wooing another media guy,” Miro noted in her post.

Daria Klyukina and Yegor Creed: will there be a wedding or not, Daria Klyukina’s past

The blogger is embarrassed that many modern girls They are looking for the same fame as Dasha. Probably everything described in Miro’s post is just her speculation.

In the last episode, Egor explained why he chose Klyukina. Presumably, he lacked certain emotions in communicating with Korotkova. “Being around Dasha can be either very good or very bad. With Vika you feel some kind of calm. With her next to you, you feel consistently good,” Creed said.

However, some members of Yegor's family did not like Dasha. At a meeting with the finalists, the artist’s sister accused her of duplicity. “She said that Vika is an accessory for men. Tell me, friends, how can a person whom everyone considers absolutely sincere and kind say such things about someone with whom she lived under the same roof for several months? Personally, I haven’t said anything like that about any of the girls. This confirmed my feelings towards to this person", noted Polina.

It's funny that the project participants before last moment, they don’t know what kind of “bachelor” they will throw at them. That is, initially they don’t care who it will be, writes the website They are already ready to fight for his heart, or more correctly, for television broadcasts, Instagram subscribers, business offers from sponsors, and so on...

On her second attempt, Klyukina was lucky to become the “bride,” but now those who believe in the reality of what is happening are demanding proof of their relationship. But for now there is nothing to show Dasha. Perhaps they will appear together on the red carpet of the Muz TV awards, which will be very significant, but now, in response to hundreds of questions on social networks - Dasha show photos with Creed, Klyukina is forced to remain silent and show photos of vacations with friends in different parts of the world.

It is clear that she will not marry him, but this is not necessary. After all, there has long been someone who pays for it beautiful life, and who made her a co-owner of a coffee shop in Sochi, but she, for obvious reasons, is forced to hide it herself.

Dasha also commented on the accusations of insincerity on the reality show. She noted that she was unpleasant to hear this and it was not true. In turn, Daria is not going to accuse anyone of faking feelings in front of the cameras. “I’ll say one thing: there really were participants on the project (and more than one), whose sincerity I couldn’t believe. By the way, they said about me that I returned to the show only to make a career, to become more famous. So, that’s fair It will be noted that most of the girls after the project, having received their share of popularity, became DJs, actresses, models, singers..."

The ex-boyfriend of the winner of the sixth season of “The Bachelor,” DJ Sergei Naumov, gave an interview to journalists in which he told the whole truth, how Daria persuaded her to let her go on the show, about Klyukina’s lies about business and their separation.

Let us remember that in 2017, viewers first learned who Dasha was when she found herself among the participants in the popular TNT project and began to fight for attention famous actor. Then fans of the fifth season immediately liked the girl. The model attracted her with her shyness, natural beauty and.

Almost all the fans of “The Bachelor” were rooting for the ex-participant, and the main character also liked her. But unexpectedly for everyone, in the eighth episode of the television project, just on an individual date, Daria admitted to the artist that she did not have feelings for him and wanted to leave the TV show. Ilya was shocked and upset, but could not convince Klyukina.

Later, when the project that happened at that time was still underway. The man came with a huge bouquet of roses to her house, but the girl did not want to come out, and another ex-participant of the same season, Snezhana Samokhina, who became friends with Dasha and was visiting her, came down to the “Interns” star. The blonde admitted to Ilya that...

Then the opinions of fans of the television project were divided, some began to call the girl a liar who came to the program for the sake of PR and being unfree, while others, on the contrary, began to defend her and were confident in her sincerity and honesty.

The same one, Klyukina’s former lover, decided to clarify the whole truth. According to Sergei’s story, Dasha herself began to persuade him to go to the show. At first, the boyfriend was categorically against it. The girl wanted to become famous and popular, to have the opportunity to earn money from advertising, as many stars do now. Also, the winner of the sixth season dreamed of buying an apartment in the capital. This became the decisive argument and the guy decided to give in to his beloved and let her go on the show.

Sergei Naumov and Daria Klyukina together came up with a false version for their loved ones about separation. The parents were told the truth, that this was all a show and not serious, but was only necessary for their common goals.

Serezha also stated that Dasha was never a co-owner of his cafe, it always belonged to him and his twin brother, Andrey. But since it was embarrassing to say at the program that you don’t work anywhere, the girl decided to say that she has general business with friends - a coffee shop in Sochi.

When Klyukina participated in the fifth season, she constantly called Sergei, cried and said that it was very difficult for her. She didn’t like scandals, gossip and, in general, she didn’t understand how she could fight for a man.

According to Naumov, he and the girl agreed in advance that she would stay on the project for about half and then leave it. Seryozha said that the ex-lover wanted to leave ahead of time twice, but still held out until the middle.

When the couple reunited after filming, they told those around them that they had decided to try being together again. According to Naumov, for the first six months everything was fine with Daria. But as soon as the episodes of “The Bachelor” came out and Klyukina began to be recognized on the street and invited to various filming in Moscow, she literally began to star fever and she forgot about Sergei. I became interested in the capital and new acquaintances. The man admitted that he himself suggested the model to break up and she didn’t mind. A month after the breakup, he found out that Dasha again went to the casting of the project with Yegor Creed. After this, the young man was once again convinced that Klyukina only cares about fame, money and PR.

Naumov stated that Dasha got into the sixth season through connections, perhaps in the same way she received the ring in the finale.

Daria Klyukina, a participant in seasons 5 and 6 of the TV show “The Bachelor,” was remembered by viewers for her charming smile, slight stutter and decisive action: in season 5, the girl left the project at will, although she had a chance to win. But already at next year she achieved her goal by winning the bachelor's heart.

Daria Klyukina was born on January 9, 1995 in the Urals - in Sverdlovsk region. In the town of Karpinsk there were children's and teenage years Dashi. My mother, a piano teacher, noticed early musical abilities girls and at the age of 4 took her to an amateur group for little ones. Daria, along with other kids, went on stage, sang and danced. At the age of 6, Dasha Klyukina entered the Karpinsky Music School, where she chose her “mother’s” instrument - the piano.

IN early age when Daria Klyukina visited kindergarten, There has been an accident. Dad came to pick up Dasha’s friend with his pet – a shepherd dog. While demonstrating the trained dog to the children, the man threw a stick, after which he rushed. Daria, who turned away, missed the moment of throwing the object - the girl saw only the dog rushing towards her. The baby was so scared that she lost consciousness and fell to the ground. Daria woke up with a bruise covering half her face. Soon the parents noticed that their daughter stuttered. Klyukina remained with a slight speech impediment forever.

Daria Klyukina's parents divorced when their daughter was a teenager. She stayed with her mother in Karpinsk, but with her father, an employee Government controlled execution of punishments in Severodvinsk, Dasha communicates.

At school, Daria Klyukina sang in the ensemble and school choir, attended classes at music school, improving vocals.

After receiving the certificate, the girl went to Yekaterinburg, where she entered the Ural Federal University named after. But soon Daria Klyukina left cold Yekaterinburg and moved to the southern city of Sochi.

According to Daria, she came to Sochi to celebrate New Year. The changes that occurred in the city after the Olympics amazed the girl. There were a lot of fellow countrymen in the city, which made the girl feel at home. Ural model Daria Klyukina starred in photo shoots for glossy magazines and clothing catalogs.

Soon Dasha became a co-owner of the coffee shop, putting a lot of effort into its opening and development. She came up with desserts herself, baked cookies, and designed the interior.

To maintain a model figure (Daria’s height is 1.67 m, weight 56 ​​kg), the girl goes to the gym.

Show "Bachelor"

As Daria Klyukina admitted, the girl was brought to the show “Bachelor” by the desire to “return her taste for life.” Shortly before participating in the project, Dasha quarreled with a young man. She wanted change and fresh impressions. Having seen an advertisement for “The Bachelor,” the Sochi model went to the casting. The girl was afraid that because of her speech impediment she would be rejected, but the organizers considered the slight defect a cute feature, a highlight that would become distinctive feature participants.

Daria Klyukina did not rule out that she would meet love and forget on the TV show ex-boyfriend. The name of the actor did not mean anything to Dasha: the girl had not seen a single episode. But the Ural beauty liked the main bachelor of the country. Glinnikov also liked Dasha: in an interview, Ilya admitted that he had never met such sincere girls before. Daria Klyukina was one of the first to receive a rose from the bachelor.

During the project, Dasha demonstrated a non-conflict character and rare modesty. The girl was shy for cameras, did not discuss her rivals, did not plot, did not quarrel or fight for the bachelor. Klyukina became friends with participant Snezhana Samokhina and calls her her closest friend.

Daria Klyukina and Ilya Glinnikov had three romantic dates in Malaysia, Sri Lanka and Sochi. It seemed that the notorious spark had jumped between the couple, but on a date in Sochi, Dasha unexpectedly left the project, confusing the cards for the producers of the TV show and upsetting the army of fans.

On their last date in a Sochi restaurant, Ilya poured out his soul to Daria, talking about the pain he experienced after breaking up with his beloved girl. But instead of reciprocating feelings, Klyukina admitted to Glinnikov that they were not on the same path, and Daria was leaving the project because she did not see a future together. Dasha left the TV show, and Ilya surprised the cameramen and viewers by bursting into tears, unable to contain his emotions. See these bright and emotional moments The show is available today on the channel's official website.

IN next episode the bachelor, hoping that the girl would return to the show, went to Sochi. Ilya came to Daria Klyukina’s home, but on the threshold Glinnikov was met not by Dasha, but by Snezhana’s friend Samokhina, who also left the project. Snezhana told Ilya that Dasha had resumed her relationship with her boyfriend.

In an interview, Daria Klyukina admitted that after she left Glinnikov in the restaurant, she no longer saw him and regretted that she left Ilya upset. Having learned that the bachelor would come to her to congratulate her on her birthday, not just one, but with film crew, Dasha refused to meet with him. The girl did not want to be under the gun of cameras on her birthday.

Daria Klyukina in the show "Bachelor"

Klyukina, who had prospects of becoming the winner of the project and getting married to the main bachelor of the country, refused the chance and did not return to the project, although Glinnikov, the producers of the TV show and millions of viewers of the program expected this from the girl.

Daria Klyukina says that she will not communicate with Glinnikov after leaving the project, because Ilya immediately stated that he came to the TV show not for the sake of friendship, but in search of a soul mate and with a dream of a family.

Dasha admitted that she considers competition with other participants and the fight for a man’s heart to be an unpleasant aspect of the show, while a girl wants to be the only one for her beloved. Daria Klyukina claims that she was glad to escape from the camera lenses, return to her comfort zone and live as she liked.

After leaving the show, Daria Klyukina visited Yekaterinburg to see her relatives and “cover” her student debts. In 2017, the girl graduated from UrFU with a degree in State and Municipal Administration.

In May 2017, the ex-participant of “The Bachelor” met with fans in Yekaterinburg: in mall“Mega” gathered half a thousand fans. IN " Instagram» Klyukina has more than half a million subscribers. Dasha complains that many fake accounts have appeared, so she recorded a video message, holding a sheet of paper with her login written in her hands. official page on Instagram.

Participant of the show "Bachelor" Daria Klyukina

Doubles on the Internet are not the only problem that fame has brought to the girl. After Daria Klyukina became known throughout the country, the girl was faced with the fact that many strangers They enjoy discussing her face and figure. The girl's model appearance aroused rumors about plastic surgery, to which Dasha allegedly resorted. Fake news and photos have appeared on the Internet in which Klyukina is allegedly different before and after plastic surgery.

Personal life

When asked by journalists whether Daria Klyukina had ever experienced love without reciprocity, the girl replied that more than once. She first fell in love in the 5th grade, but the boy she liked did not look in her direction. History repeated itself at the institute, and Daria took the first steps towards it, but soon realized that women’s activity only repels men.

Daria Klyukina says that in her understanding ideal man- certainly kind, indulgent, attentive and cheerful. Beauty and wealth are not necessary, because happiness does not require millions, yachts and villas. But intelligence is required. In an interview, Daria Klyukina directly stated that she considers the mind the sexiest component of the personality of a possible chosen one.

IN free time Klyukina listens to music and sings, loves leisure, in food he prefers seafood and Ukrainian borscht, which he cooks beautifully. Bad habit Daria calls her addiction to hookah. The girl is also afraid of heights and public speaking.

After the show “The Bachelor,” Dasha “rebooted” her relationship with her loved one, and they lived together for some time. Daria Klyukina realized that feelings are alive after an emotional shake-up on “The Bachelor.” But less than a year after leaving the project, Daria told the press that her heart was free.

Daria Klyukina now

After leaving the project, Daria Klyukina received an invitation from the capital’s producers to the casting of the series, which was produced by TNT. Daria Klyukina appeared in one episode of the comedy project. This is a series about residents of the outskirts of a metropolis.

The authors of the project claim that in the series there are no main characters on whose storylines all series would focus. On the contrary, "The Street" tries to show the diversity of the area's residents, telling about the lives of students, factory workers, housewives, businessmen and other people with their own special sorrows and joys. But in her only episode, the debutant actress got enough time to develop her own character.

Subsequently, in an interview, Daria Klyukina said that she did not even expect that she would be able to do everything right, and admitted that she dreams of further connecting her biography with cinema and making a career in this field.

The girl also appeared in the video clip for the popular musical composition"Stand out!" . The song quickly gained hit status, which brought popularity to the video with Klyukina’s participation.

At the beginning of 2018, rumors appeared that Daria Klyukina would again show “The Bachelor” and this time she would compete for the heart. Now Dasha, who has already gained popularity, has a different attitude towards both talking on camera and her own shortcomings, so the girl’s fans expect that she will be less embarrassed by filming. Moreover, thanks hard work With the help of the teacher, Daria practically got rid of the stutter that had so embarrassed the girl.

In parallel with the news that Daria returned to the show, an even more sensational rumor appeared. As you know, episodes of such TV shows are filmed in advance, so back in January 2018, fans assumed that the entire season of “The Bachelor” dedicated to Yegor Creed had already been filmed, and the musician’s bride had already been determined. At the same time, unverified information began to circulate on the Internet, which was actively disseminated by the girl’s fans, that it was Daria Klyukina who had been chosen as the bride.

The show premiered on March 11, 2018, and Daria Klyukina again became the first girl invited to an individual date with a bachelor. During the selection, Yegor gave the rose to Dasha without words, and then explained to the camera that he was talking to Daria with only his eyes.

During the entire show, Daria Klyukina was invariably considered one of the favorites, but in the very finale, fans were sure that Yegor would choose. When Creed gave the ring to Daria, making it clear that she was the one who won the show, many were shocked.


  • 2017-2018 – show “Bachelor”
  • 2017 – television series “Street”
  • 2017 – video for the song “Stand Out!” Misha Marvina

Former contestant fourth season program “The Bachelor” often communicates on periscope and she recently spoke about her correspondence on social network with Daria Klyukina, in which it was about her and her boyfriend.

Alla Berger asked why she didn’t leave the program at the very beginning, if she had a guy behind the project and Ilya had not yet become so interested in her. To which Dasha replied that she could not leave there. But Berger herself participated in the fourth season of the program and knows all its ins and outs, so she was very surprised by the girl’s answer.

Alla realized that all the photos were reality, since when communicating with her, Dasha at first did not deny that she had been dating a man for a long time. And that all the rumors about the guy are the real truth, about the fact that Dasha went on the TV program “Bachelor”, being in a relationship with Sergei, who is much older than her, and that it was he who advised Klyukina to go on the show to advertise their joint business - a coffee shop in Sochi.

It turns out that Daria really was not alone when she went to the project, if there are so many rumors around her person, which every day more and more confirm the information about whether Klyukina has a boyfriend.