Ksenia Borodina after plastic surgery. Ksenia Borodina: history of weight loss and plastic surgery (before and after photos)

But if on the project scandalous fame increases ratings, then beyond famous house most participants never find a use for themselves. Only a few managed to break out of the vicious circle and become stars outside the television set - Victoria Bona, Alena Vodonaeva, Olga Buzova and the two Ksenias, who as a friendly duo hosted the program at the very beginning. For Sobchak in the 2000s, the role of an expressive TV presenter delving into other people’s affairs suited her perfectly: then she herself loved to start a showdown for no reason and hosted several more similar programs on other channels. But by 2012, she switched to more serious activities: she became interested in socio-political problems and became the editor-in-chief of the glossy magazine. “Dom-2” had to be left.

But Ksenia Borodina did not have any fundamental changes in her biography. She still hosts the famous program and, it seems, has no intention of deviating from her chosen path. Ksenia dreamed of being on TV since childhood.

Before the fateful casting for the TV production, Ksenia sent out her resume to many channels, but was only able to become the heroine of the popular talk shows “Windows” and “Girl’s Tears.”

Ksenia told stories invented by the scriptwriters about pregnancy and the search for the child’s father. Borodina already wanted to give up her dreams and was about to fly to her parents in Italy when the producers of the upcoming show “Dom-2” called her. She happily accepted the offer.

The TNT channel simultaneously helped Borodina by fulfilling her wishes, but also took away other opportunities from her. She never managed to leave her alma mater. Ksenia starred in episodes of the series “Deffchonki”, hosted several episodes of “Battle of Psychics” and “Reboot” - all within one button of the remote control.

Plastic surgery by Ksenia Borodina

Ksenia Borodina before and after a successful television career - that’s practically two different faces. Fame left its mark on her appearance and image: she moved from the teenage style with short T-shirts and shorts to feminine outfits, and from provocative shades in makeup to more natural tones.

Online for a long time discussed Borodina's appearance. Fans believed that, like most of the participants in “House-2”, Borodina did not refuse plastic surgery from one of the Moscow surgeons. In 2011, after the birth of her first daughter Marusya, she lifted and enlarged her breasts. According to followers, Ksenia did not avoid fillers based on hyaluronic acid and slightly enlarged her lips. Fortunately, Ksenia knows when to stop and looks quite natural.

In March 2017, a source from a medical clinic told the media that Ksenia Borodina had surgery on her face. The TV presenter denied the statements and said that she came to the dentist, however, pictures on Instagram made subscribers doubt the veracity of these words. Fans saw traces of rhinoplasty and believed that Ksenia had her nose fixed together with her husband Kurban Omarov.

Ksenia Borodina: photo

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Diet of Ksenia Borodina

In addition to “House-2”, in the life of Ksenia Borodina there was another important project- her diet. Before losing weight, Borodina could be called plump, especially in contrast with the taller and thinner Sobchak. Borodina tried to lose weight several times, especially since the producers of the show demanded that she lose up to 50 kilograms. In the end, the TV star managed to reach required parameters. The test for Ksenia’s figure was her first pregnancy and childbirth, after which Ksenia gained 15 kilograms. The TV presenter quickly pulled herself together short term put the body in order.

The celebrity's transformations did not go unnoticed, and fans dreamed of learning the secret of Borodina's miraculous diet. Fly-by-night companies offered quick and painless methods of losing weight “from Borodina”: using pills, unprecedented diets and hypnosis. Ksenia picked up the topic and in 2011 presented a book with the simple title “Lose Weight with Ksenia Borodina.” Contrary to expectations, there were no miracles in Borodina’s diet: 2 liters of water a day, calorie counting, healthy eating, massage and mesotherapy. The TV star also became the face of special weekly weight loss packages, which include instant soups and cereals.

Ksenia Borodina is well known today in Russian show business as one of the most bright stars modernity. And success and major changes in the girl’s life came with the first releases of the “Dom-2” project on the TNT channel. It was 2004, when Borodina was very different from the socialite we know her today. First of all, the most obvious differences are distinguishable in appearance. If you compare two photographs from 2017 and 2004, the difference will be colossal.

So what has changed Ksenia Borodina so much over the years? With her first marriage, the girl significantly revised her style, changed her hairstyle and style of makeup. In addition, Ksenia lost a lot of weight, which obviously benefited her. She became younger in appearance and more attractive. During this time, she changed from a plump brunette to a very slender and attractive blonde.
And it’s interesting that the secret of that very amazing attractiveness of Ksenia Borodina was achieved when taking into account plastic surgery. The famous presenter went under the plastic surgeon’s knife, but did it only for her own benefit. That is, Ksenia takes care of her appearance, but does not overdo it with plastic surgery. Let's talk about this in more detail.
First changes
In addition to the fact that after marriage, Borodina lost a lot of weight, the girl decided to pay special attention to contour changes in her appearance. First of all, Borodina decided to correct the shape of her lips. It's about about the newfangled Botox craze. This became noticeable to absolutely everyone who follows the life of a socialite and from time to time looks at the girl’s Instagram. Her lips were obviously fuller, although they didn’t seem particularly thin before.
Borodina herself does not hide the fact that she uses Botox - she emphasized this point during one of her broadcasts on the micro-blog. Visually, Ksenia’s lips became fuller, and the mouth itself became more rounded. This makes the young socialite even more attractive and desirable to the male audience.
But besides Botox, Ksenia Borodina visited plastic surgeons for another purpose. What exactly are we talking about?
Breast augmentation
There are a lot of rumors floating around about Ksenia Borodina’s breast augmentation. Some are convinced that she did it, citing “before” and “after” photographs. In turn, the girl in every possible way denies the fact of plastic surgery for breast augmentation. But if you take a closer look at Ksenia’s photographs on her personal Instagram, you can understand that the truth is not so far away.
According to Borodina, she was very upset appearance own breast after the birth of Marusya (first daughter). After her second birth, the girl admitted to her fans that she actually had mammoplasty. She took this step to be more attractive to men. And we must pay tribute that Borodina did the correct and necessary plastic surgery. As a result, the breasts did not increase in volume, but they visually lifted and became obviously more attractive.
Have you had a nose job?
Quite recently, a series of new rumors flared up that Ksenia Borodina had once again gone under the knife to change the shape of her nose. It was an interesting coincidence that at this time the star Russian show business stopped going on live broadcasts and reduced the number of her new photos on Instagram as much as possible. And only recently the girl resumed communication with her audience, who, by the way, noticed obvious changes in the celebrity’s nose.

Followers of Ksenia Borodina noted that the young woman’s nose had clearly changed. Attentive fans noticed that it became thinner and neater. Because very big number fans agreed that she had rhinoplasty.
If you compare old photographs with new ones, you can see the difference. But such differences can also be due to a better perspective. However, many people are sure that it was rhinoplasty that so thoroughly changed the contours of the celebrity’s nose. Ksenia Borodina herself does not yet plan to comment on these rumors and in every possible way ignores any questions that relate to plastic surgery in her life.
Ksenia Borodina is an absolute idol for most Russians, since this girl knows exactly how to look stylish, fashionable and at the same time behave correctly in society. As for plastic surgery, Borodina admitted to some things, but we can only guess about others.

The host of the show “Dom-2” and fashion model, famous blogger and designer, Ksenia Borodina is known for several successful plastic surgeries on the face and body. Even before she became a TV presenter, replacing the post of Ksenia Sobchak, she decided to increase her breast size, and later even openly admitted that she had long dreamed of this operation.

“A girl doesn’t need much to be happy. Family, health and always being beautiful,” said Ksenia Borodina in an interview. Having become the owner of luxurious forms, she managed to become one of the most famous personalities show business, a sought-after fashion model and TV presenter. Many believe that it was this operation that allowed her to “break into the world.”

After breast surgery, as you know, other transformations followed. Ksenia Borodina is keen on anti-aging injections; she has also already undergone cheiloplasty and cheekbone correction. In addition, with the help of liposuction, she once got rid of excess weight and figure problems.

Where did it all start?

Ksenia did not like her breast size, although it was larger than the first one initially. When Ksenia gained weight, her shape became more voluminous, but after liposuction and numerous diets, the breast tissue sagged, and the size noticeably decreased.

Already in those years, the girl began to think about plastic surgery on her breasts. Having restored her figure with the help of fitness, she was unable to enlarge her breasts through training and other banal means, which are usually ineffective.

Visually increasing the size had to be done using traditional “feminine” tricks with the help of dresses and corsage inserts, and special underwear with a push-up effect. Ksenia Borodina never had a complex about her appearance and always posed proudly in front of the cameras, but the dream of beautiful and firm breasts was still relevant and obsessive for her.

When was breast surgery performed?

Plastic surgery really works wonders, and this is clearly visible in photographs with Ksenia Borodina different years, when comparing which it is difficult not to see significant changes. The chest has become more voluminous and raised.

Experts say that Ksenia most likely underwent a combined operation, combining augmentation mammoplasty techniques with breast lift, without which it would have been impossible to solve the problem of ptosis after sudden weight loss.

Ksenia unabashedly took narcissistic selfies and posted them on the Instagram app to gain the admiration of her fans and admirers. Many people supported her, saying that the operation was so successful that it was difficult to distinguish breasts from real ones by their appearance.

What was the result?

The new forms of the TV presenter look natural, but this is exactly the effect that many are trying to achieve plastic surgeons and their clients. Well-chosen implants that perfectly match the proportions of her body look very harmonious.

Ksenia Borodina herself looks happy and wears dresses with open necklines with great pleasure. New breasts became a source of pride for her. She has managed to “get used to” it so much that she now denies that she underwent mammoplasty several years ago, as if she had forgotten about this fact.

Fans are convinced that Ksenia’s pretense gives her image a special charm, especially since the new changes actually help her career growth.

What does Ksenia Borodina look like today?

Ksenia produces her own clothes, participates in the implementation of various creative and television projects, she likes to be the center of attention and feel feminine. Beautiful breasts of the third size became a reason for envy.

But if scandalous fame increases ratings on a project, then outside the famous house most of the participants never find a use for themselves. Only a few managed to break out of the vicious circle and become stars outside the television set - Victoria Bona, Alena Vodonaeva, Olga Buzova and the two Ksenias, who as a friendly duo hosted the program at the very beginning. For Sobchak in the 2000s, the role of an expressive TV presenter delving into other people’s affairs suited her perfectly: then she herself loved to start a showdown for no reason and hosted several more similar programs on other channels. But by 2012, she switched to more serious activities: she became interested in socio-political problems and became the editor-in-chief of the glossy magazine. “Dom-2” had to be left.

But Ksenia Borodina did not have any fundamental changes in her biography. She still hosts the famous program and, it seems, has no intention of deviating from her chosen path. Ksenia dreamed of being on TV since childhood.

Before the fateful casting for the TV production, Ksenia sent out her resume to many channels, but was only able to become the heroine of the popular talk shows “Windows” and “Girl’s Tears.”

Ksenia told stories invented by the scriptwriters about pregnancy and the search for the child’s father. Borodina already wanted to give up her dreams and was about to fly to her parents in Italy when the producers of the upcoming show “Dom-2” called her. She happily accepted the offer.

The TNT channel simultaneously helped Borodina by fulfilling her wishes, but also took away other opportunities from her. She never managed to leave her alma mater. Ksenia starred in episodes of the series “Deffchonki”, hosted several episodes of “Battle of Psychics” and “Reboot” - all within one button of the remote control.

Plastic surgery by Ksenia Borodina

Ksenia Borodina before and after a successful television career are practically two different faces. Fame left its mark on her appearance and image: she moved from the teenage style with short T-shirts and shorts to feminine outfits, and from provocative shades in makeup to more natural tones.

Borodina’s appearance has been discussed on the Internet for a long time. Fans believed that, like most of the participants in “House-2”, Borodina did not refuse plastic surgery from one of the Moscow surgeons. In 2011, after the birth of her first daughter Marusya, she lifted and enlarged her breasts. According to followers, Ksenia did not ignore hyaluronic acid fillers and slightly enlarged her lips. Fortunately, Ksenia knows when to stop and looks quite natural.

In March 2017, a source from a medical clinic told the media that Ksenia Borodina had surgery on her face. The TV presenter denied the statements and said that she came to the dentist, however, pictures on Instagram made subscribers doubt the veracity of these words. Fans saw traces of rhinoplasty and believed that Ksenia had her nose fixed together with her husband Kurban Omarov.

Ksenia Borodina: photo

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Diet of Ksenia Borodina

In addition to “House-2”, there was another important project in the life of Ksenia Borodina - her diet. Before losing weight, Borodina could be called plump, especially in contrast with the taller and thinner Sobchak. Borodina tried to lose weight several times, especially since the producers of the show demanded that she lose up to 50 kilograms. In the end, the TV star managed to reach the required parameters. The test for Ksenia’s figure was her first pregnancy and childbirth, after which Ksenia gained 15 kilograms. The TV presenter quickly pulled herself together and put her body in order in a short time.

The celebrity's transformations did not go unnoticed, and fans dreamed of learning the secret of Borodina's miraculous diet. Fly-by-night companies offered quick and painless methods of losing weight “from Borodina”: using pills, unprecedented diets and hypnosis. Ksenia picked up the topic and in 2011 presented a book with the simple title “Lose Weight with Ksenia Borodina.” Contrary to expectations, there were no miracles in Borodina’s diet: 2 liters of water a day, calorie counting, healthy eating, massage and mesotherapy. The TV star also became the face of special weekly weight loss packages, which include instant soups and cereals.

A beautiful girl can go far even in the absence of any talents. But if she also knows how to behave in front of the camera, smiles beautifully and has a well-spoken speech, then a career as a TV presenter is not far off. For example, she has grown significantly professionally over the years on the TNT channel. And few people remember what Borodina looked like before and after plastic surgery. Let's try to remember and compare?

Let's rewind the film

Ksenia Borodina has always been a pretty girl, but during her now long career on television, she has changed dramatically in appearance. Ksenia has been hosting the television project “Dom-2” since the very first broadcast in 2004. She has grown professionally as well. Previously, Borodin was called a bad parody of Sobchak, but who now remembers that there were two Ksenias on the project?!

In 1983, a girl with expressive eyes and appearance was born into an Armenian family. Nature and genes did not initially offend Ksenia. Almost immediately, the girl’s parents divorced, and her mother got a new husband. Ksenia remained in the capital to be raised by her grandparents. The girl went deep into studying foreign languages and was very successful in this. However, Ksenia preferred Moscow to studying in England. Already at university, the girl set the goal of a career in television. She constantly sent out her resume through various channels, but luck still did not smile.

The casting for "Dom-2" also seemed to be a failure, and the girl went to Italy. The invitation to the TV production was a gift from heaven, and everything finally came together.

Changes in appearance

The debut on TV was exciting, as it took place in a duet with socialite Ksenia Sobchak. Borodina even found a match for herself on the project. The chosen one was Oscar Karimov. However, the relationship did not last long, although this was not Ksenia’s fault. The affair with Karimov showed the tenderness and romantic nature of the naive Borodina. Then she was a real girl from the next yard, whom the audience sympathized with so much. Further, the novels continued to grow, and Borodina herself changed along with them. Soon Ksenia got married and changed a lot after giving birth. She said goodbye to long curls and lightened her hair several shades. It was then that the girl’s weight changed. Later, Ksenia tried all possible methods of losing weight and even developed her own diet. By the way, this topic has become the subject of many scandalous claims against the TV presenter. After all, Ksenia not only regained her former slimness, but also improved her data. Many believe that it was then that Ksenia Borodina began her “alterations.” Before and after the plastic surgery she is suspected of having, the girl looked different. She went from a plump brunette to a slender blonde with enviable curves. There are more fans of the presenter, but there are also more opponents.

Besides everything else

I couldn’t resist Borodin’s newfangled Botox craze. Before and after plastic surgery, her lips looked different. Now they were plumper, although they were not thin. Afterwards, the breasts grew, although again there is no clear verdict on this matter from either doctors or fans. Perhaps we are just talking about supportive underwear, but the version with plastic surgery looks much more plausible.

Completely invisible

Borodina’s plastic work, done before and after becoming involved in the project, inspires respect. After all, the girl made only those changes that really made her better and more attractive. The chin, waist and neck have become thinner and more expressive. The TV presenter works hard on herself, and her efforts are visible to the naked eye. She is constantly in search of herself, experimenting with her style, figure and hair. She was always pretty, but over time she became truly beautiful. Would you say now, looking at Borodina, that she is the mother of two beautiful daughters? That she has her own business and several books? She carries herself well on air and looks discreet and elegant on talk shows, where she is often invited. Sample modern woman, who, alas, is still chronically unlucky with men!

What do we see

So, let’s compare photos of Borodina before and after plastic surgery. What differences can you see right away? Her nose became thinner and more graceful. Perhaps this is the ever-popular rhinoplasty, but the option that the girl’s nose has also become smaller as she loses weight is also being considered. Be that as it may, changes in the form cannot be noticed.

But the lips have clearly changed. They became plumper, and the mouth itself became more rounded shape. This effect is possible when using popular lip fillers.

It can also be assumed that the girl had her breasts enlarged, although she herself sharply denies this. According to Ksenia, she was upset by the sight of her own breasts after the birth of her first daughter, Marusya. After her second birth, Ksenia admitted that she really did undergo mammoplasty in order to please men more. Borodina looked very different before and after plastic surgery. Her breasts rose, but did not increase much in size, so we must give credit - the girl has taste and a sense of proportion.

Working with the face

The only thing that is covered in a veil of secrecy is the fact of the presenter’s nose correction. Is Borodin being disingenuous? (before and after the operation the face looks different) - a very noticeable procedure. In some photos it seems that the tip of the nose has become narrower, but this is impossible to say with certainty. Most often, the changes could turn out to be a good angle and high-quality makeup. It is known that a good makeup artist can enhance the appearance to a certain extent. Maybe this is the same case?

Why is she doing this?

Numerous fans of the TV personality complain that Ksenia is going to this event in vain. plastic surgery, because it looks good without them. But there are rumors that the presenter is being pushed to change by her life partners. For example, it's sad famous Mikhail Terekhin encouraged his beloved to undergo breast surgery. It is possible that the first husband initiated the liposuction in which the girl is suspected. But how appetizing and harmonious are the changes that Borodina makes! Before and after plastic surgery, the girl looks equally natural. She does not stick out her decisions and laughs it off in response to direct questions. By the way, the ex-wife of Borodina’s ex-boyfriend, Christina, was the first to confirm rumors about mammoplasty. Maybe this is female rivalry and a desire to slander the presenter? Who knows!

What's next?

It’s no secret that “House-2” has very loose morals, not only with regard to the desire to build love, but also with regard to plastic surgery. Almost all the “oldies” of the television set managed to correct the shortcomings of nature. But few people limit themselves to minor edits. For most, the first operation opens the door to the world of beauty and silicone. It’s nice that Ksenia knows when to stop and is probably considered an authority among her “wards”. Why are guys so attracted to radical measures to change their appearance, since the services of cosmetologists are now available and more economical? For example, one of the improvements in appearance that Borodina made: Before and after the changes, the girl’s mouth looks equally natural. This is her next brilliant move without surgery. Ksenia did not spoil her natural features, but, without a doubt, turned to specialists for beauty injections. She regularly pins up her lips for a sexier volume. Well, a girl must have her secrets!

Another smart move was the installation of dental veneers, thanks to which her smile became snow-white and beautiful in a Western way. With her transformation, Ksyusha gave herself additional PR and became a writer and author of a diet. The latter may be good, but the girl did not discover anything new in this area. She talks about the benefits healthy eating and calorie counting, advises drinking more water and do not deny yourself a massage. It turns out that the secret of beauty is simple. Go for it!