How to draw a beautiful human face. Rounded face shapes. Video: How to draw a man's face with a pencil

Good day, aspiring artists!
Now we will learn how to draw a person’s face with a pencil step by step. People believe that depicting a human face is a task only for experienced artists. But if you follow simple rules, any beginner can handle this task with the ease of a professional. Knowledge of proportions and correct location all elements are the keys to unraveling the secret of “how to draw a person’s face.”

Centerlines and proportions

Each element can be thought of as a line. They are called axial. It is impossible to depict a correct, proportional face without using them. At first, until a certain skill appears, they need to be used constantly.
To begin with, using light, barely visible strokes, we apply a grid of axial strokes. This will simplify and speed up work on the contour.
Next, working with the axes, you can begin to depict human emotions. When a person is happy or angry, his facial features change, followed by a change in the direction of the axial grid.

Horizontal lines

Step 1 Oval

First, we create an approximate oval; we don’t need precision yet. It will be adjusted further. It is needed to understand the amount of work and create the correct proportions of all elements.

Step 2 Axial symmetry and eye placement

The oval must be divided into four parts by horizontal and vertical segments. The horizontal line is the axial line of the eye. Vertical is needed to correct the symmetry of the image. Don't try to do this without a ruler. Accuracy is important here; the correct placement of parts of the face depends on them.

Step 3 Eyebrows, nose, lips and hair

Next we draw our vectors for the eyebrows, nose, and hair. To do this, you need to divide the oval into three and a half parts, these will be the hairline, eyebrows, and the base of the nose.

To depict the lip line, divide the lower third, from the nose to the chin, horizontally in half. There will be a lower lip.

It is important to remember that in the initial marking you only need the main line of the lips. Their shape depends on the gender, race and age of the person. It will change in future work.

Step 4 Ears

The auricle, like a fingerprint, is unique to each person. Oddly enough, the correct placement of the ears is often the biggest problem when depicting a portrait.

In order to avoid such misunderstandings, you need to remember that the upper part of the ear is located on the axis of the eyes, and the lower part on the axis of the nose. Regardless of size or shape, ears are correctly depicted within this fragment.

Vertical lines

Step 5 Eyes

We return to the horizontal line of the eyes. It must be divided into eight parts. Each eye will occupy two of the eight parts. This way they will look proportional. The distance between them is equal to the length of one eye. There should be one eighth left to the outline of the head on each side. The corners are always on the axial.

Do not forget that lips, eyes, nose, ears are different for each person. Here's how to draw the average person's face. After proportionally placing the parts, they can be brought into line with the original.

Step 6 Nose and mouth

If the model is looking straight ahead, at the same vertical level are:

the inner corners of the eyes are the wings of the nose;

corners of lips - pupil.

After carrying out all the axial lines, we should get the following mesh:

We have drawn a basic backbone that can later be shaped to give it its own personality.

Step-by-step model for drawing a human face.

The article tells you how to draw a face quickly, symmetrically, and accurately calculate proportions. As soon as novice artists feel the strength, they can begin to perform more complex artwork. With experience, the need to construct a complex contour mesh will go away.

First you need to determine whether we will portray a man or a woman. They have significant differences. For example, we will draw a man's face.

You can learn how to draw a girl’s face from the video master class offered below.

Step 1 Shape

We draw an oval and the first two axial ones - horizontal (eyes), vertical (to determine symmetry).

Step 2 Details

With light movements we apply, along the pre-defined axes, the eyes, nose, eyebrows, lips. At this stage it is important to outline the details; we will adjust them further.

The pencil should not be pressed too hard into the paper. Otherwise, dents will remain on it, and then it will be difficult to correct the flaws.

Step 3 Detailing the shapes

Now we begin to transform the sketch into a drawing. We add and complement all the elements:

we finish drawing the eyelids, pupil, eyelashes;

carefully draw the eyebrows, bringing out each hair. Very painstaking work, requiring attention and perseverance;

We come up with a hairstyle for the model. Depicting hair correctly is the most difficult task;

We pay a lot of attention to the nose. Carefully draw out the nostrils;

for beginners it is easier to make the lips closed or in a half-smile;

We tighten the jawline.

Step 4 Add Shadows

The final touch is shading! Apply shadows in small, light strokes to the eyes, nose, mouth, cheekbones and neck.
The shading can be shaded with a piece of paper or your finger. This will make the picture closer to the original.

Lesson completed. Our model is designed for the entry level. But with diligence, the level of skill will increase with each new painting.

The next step is to learn the nuances of drawing facial expressions and depicting emotions. The main thing is to train!

A person's face is his mirror. A face can express a person’s character and reflect his qualities as a person. Here we have another lesson on drawing a human face. We already have lessons on how to draw a girl’s face and a mother’s face with a pencil step by step. And here we will teach you how to do this step by step and draw a face young man, guy, man. The principle of drawing is approximately the same in all cases. First, there is an auxiliary stage with the division of a sheet of paper into squares or rectangles, and then the drawing of all parts of the face itself. We will have a face in profile and full face, that is, a front and side view. So let's get started with the lesson!

Stage 1. To carry out this stage, you will need a ruler to draw smooth, clear lines. First we draw three straight lines. One of them runs right in the middle of the sheet, the other two parallel to it above and below. They are crossed by five lines located strictly perpendicular, that is, at right angles. Four lines are shifted to the left, and one to the right. We leave a small clear space between them.

Stage 2. Between the middle and lower straight lines we will place three more (they are shown blue). We draw a circle with a dotted line, limiting it with the same lines as in our drawing.

Stage 3. Let's start tracing the contours of the head in front view and side view. In the front view we are now drawing the hair border line at the top, and in the side view the line at the back of the head.

Stage 4. Now on the left we will draw the line of the chin and cheeks. And on the side - also the jawline.

Stage 5. In the left picture we show the hair growth line in the frontal part with two protrusions and, and draw the ears. On the right side we also show the hairline from the sides and in front.

Stage 7. It's time to shape the eyebrows and nostrils. The eyebrows are wide, the nostrils are slightly widened too.

Stage 9. Between the eyelids, we show the eyeballs with pupils in small circles. Small reflections of light should be reflected in the pupils. At this stage we will also draw small wrinkles under the eyes, on the side of the eyes, on the bridge of the nose and above the line of the mouth.

Step 10. Now we show the rather thick lips that form the line of the mouth. Under the mouth we will outline the chin and a small dimple above it.

Learning the basics of painting will help you become good artist or designer. Often the difficulty arises with the question of how to draw a person’s face with a pencil - drawing human body is associated not only with the ability to draw in general, but also with a subtle knowledge of human anatomy and the characteristics of facial expressions and expressions of emotions. One of the most difficult ones is drawing the face and hands. Let's figure out step by step how to draw human face full face.


Step 1 - make the blank

Most people have different face shapes, but basically all types fit well into an oval. Therefore, most types of faces fit perfectly into it and any full-face portrait can be started with its drawing. For the sketch we use a sharp pencil (HB or 2B, if you do better with others - write about it in the comments), but we make the lines very light - they will need to be erased later. If you press on the pencil while forming a sketch, you will deform the paper and these dents will ruin the portrait.

Draw a vertical oval, which is divided by one vertical and two horizontal lines. The vertical line runs exactly in the middle, and the specific location of the horizontal ones will be different in each case, since it outlines for us the location of the nose, eyes and lips (lower horizontal).

Step 2 - sketch the nose

Now you need to indicate the location of the nose and lips with indicative strokes. We outline the boundaries of the nose with several vertical lines. Place the lips using horizontal strokes, making the lower border of the lower lip a little longer.

Step 3 – draw the eyes

The vertical lines that we sketched to mark the boundaries of the nose will help us understand the location of the inner corners of the eyes. The distance between the eyes should be approximately equal to one more eye.

To draw eyebrows correctly, you need to imagine another imaginary eye in the drawing, along the line of which the eyebrow will run. This is an easy technique to visualize the exact height of the eyebrow above the eye.

Step 4 – draw the mouth

To preface the questions, the size of the mouth should fit within the boundaries of the vertical auxiliary lines that are drawn from the corners of the eyes. If a person smiles, the mouth may be a little wider. To draw the lips, the lines need to be laid quite lightly so that it does not turn out too hard and rough. To form the upper lip, apply three ovals using a very light, sketchy stroke. We remember that upper lip always slightly darkened, depending on how the light falls, with a bias in one direction. We convey this darkening by applying shadows. It is also important not to forget the hollow between the upper lip and nose; in men (due to hair growth) it is usually darkened more.

Underlip always slightly glares, to achieve this effect there are 2 ways: leave the lip unshaded, or apply very light shadows and lighten them with an eraser.

We sketch out the boundaries between the lips with very light strokes, practically without pressing on the paper. The borders of the lips themselves also do not need to be sharply highlighted. On black and white portrait it makes them too "angry".

Step 5 – clean up the drawing

We carefully remove the auxiliary lines with an eraser and get a sketch ready for work. In some places you can further soften the lines with a light, barely noticeable touch of the eraser - this will add even more air to the lines.

Step 6 – drawing details

pay attention to external features the model’s face, cheekbones, cheeks, draw these deviations from the ideal oval, trying to give the lines softness and smoothness. We carefully draw the eyes, put shadows, remember that constricted pupils are at rest, and dilated when excited or painfully reacting to something - this will allow us to partially convey the necessary emotion. Darken the pupil without much fanaticism, just to give it the desired depth. Lastly, highlight the highlights on the pupils and draw the eyelashes.

Step 7 – volume and shadows

When everything else is ready, all that remains is to add volume to your face with the help of shadows. We add them very easily, making sure that there are no areas in the drawing where the light “falls differently.”

That's it, the portrait is ready.

At our painting school, you can learn to draw a person’s face by attending special master classes or taking full course training. Call the numbers on the website to find out more!

The portrait conveys not only external characteristics faces, but also reflects inner world a person, his attitude to reality and emotional state at a certain point in time. In fact, a portrait is like any other conversation piece, is the arrangement of lines, shapes and colors on canvas or paper so that their final combination follows the shape of the human face.

Sounds almost like magic? In order to correctly place those same lines, shapes and shades on paper, you must first study the proportions of a person’s face (when drawing a portrait, they must be observed without fail) and their dependence on movements, direction and shape of the head.

What is a portrait?

Regardless of skill level, working on it is intimidating for any artist. The remarkable painter John Singer Sargent gave the portrait two characteristics that every artist would agree with:

  1. “Every time I paint a portrait, especially a commissioned one, I lose a friend.”
  2. “A portrait is a painting in which the lips end up looking somehow wrong.”

Portrait is one of the most difficult genres of drawing and painting. The reason is that the artist often works to order, and pressure from outside interferes with creative process. The portrait as envisioned by the customer often differs from what the artist creates. In addition, working on the image of a human face requires special knowledge and a fair amount of patience.

Why study proportions

Proportions are needed in order to understand how objects are located relative to each other in size, plane and intermediate relationships. If even a small amount of realism is important for a portrait, this cannot be achieved without knowing the proportions. On the other hand, abstract portraits have not been canceled.

Knowing proportions helps convey not only facial features, but also human emotions and facial expressions. Knowing the change dependency appearance from the position of the head, emotional state model and lighting, the artist can transfer the character and mood of a person onto the canvas, thereby creating an object of art. But for this you need to know correct proportions faces and be able to build a composition in accordance with the rules.

Ideal proportions

During High Renaissance Raphael created paintings that were considered the standard of perfection. Virtually all of today's perfect proportions originate from the oval faces of Raphael's Madonnas.

If you draw a vertical line in the very center of the face and divide it into three parts - from the hairline to the eyebrows, from the eyebrows to the tip of the nose and from the tip of the nose to the chin, then in an ideal face these parts will be equal. The figure below shows the ideal proportions of a person’s face, a diagram for drawing and constructing an ideal oval face, as well as the relationship between the main features. It is worth considering that the ideal male face characterized by more angular features, but despite this, their basic location corresponds to the presented diagram.

Based on this diagram, the ideal facial proportions when drawing a portrait correspond to the following formula:

  1. BC = CE = EF.
  2. AD = DF.
  3. OR = KL = PK.

Face shape

Correctly constructed proportions of a person’s face when drawing a portrait depend largely on the shape of that face. Raphael created a perfect oval, and nature does not limit perfection to just one geometric shape.

It is probably most convenient to study the construction of proportions and their changes during movement on a perfectly oval face; for this there are many ways and techniques that will be discussed below, but the essence of a portrait is not in creating an ideal, but in depicting a person with all his features and imperfections. That is why it is important to know what it can be face shape and how it affects the construction of proportions when drawing portraits.

Rounded face shapes

Long face has rounded hairline and chin shapes. The vertical midline of the face is much longer than the horizontal one. Long faces are usually characterized by a high forehead and long distance between the upper lip and the base of the nose. Typically, the width of the forehead is approximately equal to the width of the cheekbones.

Oval face similar in shape to an egg turned upside down. Its widest part is the cheekbones, followed by a slightly less wide forehead and a relatively narrow jaw. Length oval face slightly larger than its width.

Round face characterized by almost equal midlines of the vertical and horizontal sections of the face. Wide cheekbones smoothed out by a smooth, rounded jawline.

Angular face shapes

Rectangular face characterized by a wide jaw, emphasized by an angular chin and a straight hairline. The midline of the vertical section is much longer than the horizontal one. The width of the forehead of a person with a rectangular face is approximately equal to the width of the cheekbones.

Triangular It differs from the heart-shaped one only in the hair growth line; in the triangular one it is straight. Characteristic this face shape has high cheekbones and very narrow, a pointy chin, while the cheekbones are almost as wide as the forehead. Vertical section line triangular face usually slightly longer than horizontal.

Square shape typical for faces with low, wide cheekbones and an angular chin. Length square face equal to its width.

Trapezoid defined by a wide jaw, low cheekbones and a narrow forehead. Usually on such a face the chin is angular and wide, and the cheekbones are much wider than the forehead.

Diamond shape The face is given a proportionally narrow forehead and chin, the latter usually being pointed. High cheekbones are the widest part diamond-shaped face, and its horizontal section is much smaller than the vertical one.

Correct facial structure

Correct construction when drawing a portrait is based on measuring the model’s facial features and the distance between them. Each portrait is individual, just as no two faces are absolutely identical, with the exception of twins. Formulas for calculating proportions provide only basic advice, following which you can make the drawing process much easier.

For creating own characters or drawing faces from memory, it is extremely important to know the correct representation of proportions. It is important to remember here that the shape of the head is much more complex than an inverted egg or an oval, and therefore it is worth following the rules to avoid eyes on the forehead or a mouth that is too small.

Face outline

First, draw a circle - this will be the wide part of the skull. As you know, the main facial features take place under the circle. To roughly determine their location, we divide the circle in half vertically and continue the line down so that the lower outline of the circle divides it exactly in half. The bottom of the line will be the chin. From the sides of the circle to the “chin” you need to draw lines that will become the preliminary outlines of the cheekbones and cheeks.

If the portrait is drawn from the model’s face or from memory, then you can use a few light lines to correct the shape, determine the approximate width of the chin and hairline. It is worth noting that the hair in the portrait will occupy some part of the circle that was drawn at the very beginning.

Eyes and eyebrows

At the base of the circle we draw a horizontal line, perpendicular to the first. The eyes are located on this line. Exactly on it, not higher, no matter how much you would like! The horizontal line must be divided into five equal parts - each of them is equal to the width of the eye. The central part may be slightly wider. The eyes are located on the sides of it. To further calculate the proportions, it is best to indicate where the pupils will be located.

To determine how high above the eyes your eyebrows should be, you need to divide the circle into four equal parts, from bottom to top. The eyebrows will be located along a horizontal line passing directly above the eyes.

Nose and lips

The vertical line of the lower part of the face should be divided in half. Mark the middle where the base of the nose should be. The width of the nose can be easily determined by drawing parallel lines down from the inner corners of the eyes.

The remaining part - from the nose to the chin - must be divided in half again. The midline coincides with the line of the mouth, that is, the upper lip is located directly above it, and the lower lip is located below it. The width of the mouth can be calculated by drawing parallel lines down from the middle of the pupils. The width of the chin is usually equal to the width of the nose.

Constructing the proportions of the human face described above is a simplified method and is suitable for ideal faces, of which there are not many in nature.