Which wallet to increase money color. Successful wallet parameters. What kind of wallet does the Aquarius zodiac sign need?

Certain colors suit each zodiac sign. Therefore, it is important to consider colors when choosing a wallet.

Astrologers believe that money also has its own energy. Of course, if a person treats them carelessly, then banknotes will respond in kind. They will simply bypass your wallet. Therefore, money should be treated with respect. And it’s good if you choose a suitable wallet for them.

Wallets and purses are different. Sometimes when buying an accessory it is difficult to decide which one is better. To have fewer problems with choosing, find out which wallets for different zodiac signs should be taken in color and appearance. Stargazers say that if you do right choice, then money will begin to attract to you.

Aries: what kind of wallet should a man and a woman have?

Sign Aries- characterized by hard work. People born under this constellation can easily earn a lot of money. However, they can quickly spend it. Representatives zodiac constellation have no sense of greed. They are ready to realize the dreams of their loved ones without sparing their money.

Aries accepts wealth as a way to achieve new goals. To achieve financial well-being, both men and women should buy wallets made of genuine leather. The accessory should have a stylish look without frills. It is advisable to take wallet V red colors: from bright color , before dark burgundy color.

IMPORTANT: Red color- This is a sign of active energy. If the accessory is painted in its various shades, then the influx Money provided for you. However, bills will not stay in such a wallet for long. Therefore, put money aside for safekeeping in a wallet of a different color if you decide to save for something.

What color wallet should I buy for a Taurus man and woman?

Taurus- purposeful people. They go ahead towards their goal, achieve a good position and have a lot of money. Prosperity and well-being for men and women of this sign always come first. Taurus treats money with care; you cannot attribute such a quality as squandering to the people of this constellation. And at the same time, they are completely non-greedy.

In order for money to settle in their wallets, men and women born under the constellation Taurus should choose classic accessory options in various shades green, yellow colors.

IMPORTANT: Green color and all its shades provide stable financial income and a gradual increase in material wealth for the owners of such wallets.

What color wallet should Gemini men and women have?

Men, women ( Twins) rarely achieve great wealth. Money is not their first priority. They can earn a large amount of money with their minds, and then spend it easily. They often participate in charity projects. They are no strangers to gambling.

It is the inconstancy of this sign that is main problem in attracting wealth. Stargazers recommend that men and women buy accessories made from natural materials. Choose either a combined color - grey, orange, or take two wallets at once. They will also receive money to receive blue, purple purse.

IMPORTANT: Don't let your wallet get torn. Otherwise, you are guaranteed financial instability.

What color wallet should a Cancer man and woman have?

Perhaps, Cancers- these are the most thrifty signs. They always have funds for unforeseen life circumstances. Some of them, starting to save what they have earned, sometimes cannot say to themselves: “Stop.” And as a result, they deny themselves many things, and they accumulate a decent fortune.

It is better to take a “money house” that is a little unusual and mysterious for Cancers. And the color, what for men, what for suitable for women lilac(any tone) silver.

Stylish lilac clutch-purse for girls

Which wallet to buy according to the zodiac sign Leo for a man and a woman?

Lions They deny themselves little. They love things from expensive brands. People born under this constellation are completely non-greedy. They are always ready to help, if necessary - to lend friends even their last money. But when funds run out, Leos quickly find ways to earn them.

For Leo ladies it is preferable to buy red wallets, purple colors. And for men, chic wallets and clutches will suit black, dark red shade.

IMPORTANT: It is advisable that the money clutch be spacious, then the bills will linger in it.

What color wallet should I buy for Virgo men and women?

Virgo endowed caring attitude to money. They cannot be called spenders, but they are definitely not stingy either. Men and women of this sign earn their capital through painstaking, daily work.

Since they value practicality in things, a virgin’s wallet should also be comfortable, roomy, and functional. The appearance of the wallet should also not allow excesses. It’s better to choose by color white, pale blue And green accessories.

IMPORTANT: If you decide to open your own business or change your occupation, then change your old banknote wallet to a new one. This process will bring you material growth.

What color wallet should I buy for Libra men and women?

Scales They generally treat their means wisely. Although sometimes they go to extremes. Women and men of this sign do not strive for wealth, but comfortable life at the expense of the partner they like. If there is no such opportunity, then they look for permanent job on long time. Frequent changes are not for them.

Wallet for Libra girls in delicate blue color

Representatives of this constellation, in order to attract wealth, should opt for original, stylish, roomy clutch wallets, purses with blue, birch, green flowers.

What color wallet should a Scorpio man and woman have?

If Scorpion sets a goal to achieve material wealth, then he will definitely achieve it. Basically, men and women of this zodiac sign do not put money first in their lives, but they like to live comfortably.

Scorpios are very capricious, so ordinary Chinese accessories will not be to their taste. Better buy wallets famous brand, good quality. And choose by color golden, yellow, red, orange tones.

IMPORTANT: It is the yellow color that has a soft effect on banknotes. Thanks to him, money will be comfortable in your wallet.

What color wallet should a Sagittarius man and woman have?

Fate often refers to Sagittarius favorably and pampers with cash receipts. Indeed, this sign is very generous. He can give money to those in need without asking for return. Therefore, Sagittarians are rarely rich financially.

For women and men of this constellation there will be accessories purple, blue, green shade. It is desirable that it is not small and made of natural material.

What color should a Capricorn man's and woman's wallet be?

Capricorn will never commit rash acts. When lending money, he will draw up a repayment agreement. This is a very cautious zodiac sign. Has great potential. Can achieve material well-being on his own without outside help.

Capricorns They prefer to buy one thing, but of good quality and so that it is practical and lasts a long time. That's why they choose accessories classic version. The color for the wallet must be selected brown, blue, black.

What kind of wallet does an Aquarius man and woman need?

Aquarius- creative zodiac sign. He can be terribly rich and poor. There are many geniuses among the representatives of this constellation. For Aquarius, freedom comes first. That's why he has problems with money.

Wallets are best suited for people of this sign self made. The color should be in dark colors, both for women and men. Give preference blue, purple, turquoise shades.

IMPORTANT: Blue color attracts monetary energy, but it is not advisable to store money in it. They will quickly decrease.

What color wallet should Pisces men and women have?

Fish- not a monetary sign. It's important to them inner world. Even if Pisces becomes wealthy, they will not hold on to their capital with a stranglehold.

Silver women's wallet for the Pisces sign

Often among the people of this constellation there are lovers of antique products. Therefore, an antique wallet with notes of the last century will suit them. The color to attract material wealth can be white, steel, blue, silver, turquoise.

Men's wallet - white

Video: Which wallet suits which sign

There are a number of rites and rituals to attract money. Nevertheless, you can attract financial flow into your life without any special actions, for example, by simply choosing the right wallet. What color should a wallet be to attract money? This question can be answered by astrologers, magicians and Feng Shui specialists.

Cash has always attracted the colors of wealth, that is, the colors of earth and metal

Few people know that an important role in a person’s life is played not only by the things with which he is surrounded, but also by the colors of these objects. Colors can create special vibrations that attract different events into a person’s life. What kind of vibrations it will be, positive or negative, depends on the chosen color and what the person wants to receive.

For example, wanting to achieve financial well-being, a person can work long and hard, but the money will not stay with him for a long time. The reason for this phenomenon is often incorrectly selected things that create negative vibrations and send financial flow in the wrong direction. Of course, there are no absolutely good and absolutely bad flowers, but they all act differently. Thus, the color of the wallet for attracting money will not depend on the fact of receipt of funds, but rather on the speed of their receipt and the ability to manage funds.

It is quite difficult to figure out what color of wallet attracts money. In addition, it is recommended to focus not only on the color of the product, but also on your own astrological sign, since different signs Completely different colors bring luck and financial independence to the zodiac.

The main colors of wallets are red, blue and black. When choosing a wallet, it is recommended to give preference to these three colors. They are considered favorable for absolutely all people. However, this does not mean that wallets of other colors are prohibited. You just need to choose the right product.

How will the green wallet impact?

What color should a wallet be so that there is always money in it? Of course, green. The fact is that this color has long been associated with wealth and material well-being. Green items are widely used in various rites and rituals that are aimed at attracting financial well-being.

At the same time, a green or light green wallet has one significant drawback - the color increases the risk of being robbed. This is primarily explained by the fact that such a wallet is visible from a distance, and therefore attracts attention.

The green color of a wallet can also tempt a person to spend rashly. This is due to the fact that this color relaxes, so people part with money more willingly and without hesitation. Choosing a green wallet with multi-colored decorative elements will help reduce the negative vibrations of this color. Good decision would be to purchase a dark green wallet with red and black inserts. Such a spotted product will confuse potential robbers, and at the same time reduce the urge to waste.

Universal black color

The black color of the earth is a symbol of fertility, the beginning of all things, money will willingly come to such a call

For those who don’t know what color of wallet attracts money, experts recommend choosing a black wallet. Black color symbolizes wisdom, restraint and rationalism. It will protect a person from thoughtless spending. At the same time, black is a neutral color, so it will not have a significant impact on financial flows.

Some experts note that black color increases the wisdom of the owner, as it does not distract thoughts. A wallet of this color is perfect for men and self-confident women.

Gold and silver color

It would seem that the most money-attracting color of a wallet is golden. However, experts do not agree with this. Such a wallet really attracts money, but it negatively affects a person’s character. Gold and silver products attract too much attention. A person begins to admire the sparkling shimmer of the sun on a brand new wallet and completely forgets about sound savings and respect for money. People who prefer products of such colors are prone to excessive boasting, which they often regret.

Money loves respect and counting. A gold and silver wallet makes a person wasteful and inattentive. In this case, attention is drawn to the wallet itself, and not its contents. Money may become “offended” in such a relationship, and as a result, the financial flow may be interrupted.

As in the case of a green wallet, the negative impact of a product made of iridescent golden material can be reduced by calm and restrained colors used for decoration.

Black wallets with sparkling inserts of golden or silver leather will have a positive impact on both financial flow and a person’s character. Such decorative elements will ensure easier parting with money, but the overall black background of the wallet will not allow you to turn a person into a spender.

Red and pink shades

Red is the ideal shade for accumulating wealth quickly

What color a money wallet should be depends on the person’s preferences. One of the most favorable colors is red and all its shades. Fuchsia-colored products and pink wallets fall into the same category.

The red wallet literally magnetizes money. At the same time, a wallet of this color makes a person more assertive and a little aggressive in business matters, resulting in improved professional acumen and skills. This wallet can be recommended to people who have long been eager to prove themselves at work and achieve a promotion.

Pink shades of a purse increase financial flow, but do not increase overall aggression. Products of this color can be recommended to emotional and vulnerable individuals.

Yellow and orange wallet

Yellow and orange are considered neutral colors when it comes to increasing material well-being. This color of a wallet or purse does not play a special role in attracting money, but due to its bright color it can attract pickpockets.

Increase the positive vibrations a little yellow color suede will help. According to experts, a fleecy wallet will slow down the outflow of finances from the wallet. This applies to wallets of all shades of yellow, orange and even beige.

Blue shades

The blue color of the wallet helps enhance intuition

Those who are in doubt about what color to buy a wallet to attract money are advised to pay attention to bright and rich shades of blue. Experts say that this color increases intuition and has a beneficial effect on professional acumen. In order for a product to really attract finance into a person’s life, preference should be given to muted but rich colors. A blue wallet can be replaced with a purple one - the vibrations of these colors are the same.

But you shouldn’t just buy a pale blue wallet, except in cases where this color of the wallet suits a person’s horoscope. This is due to the fact that this shade makes a person overly vulnerable and impressionable, which negatively affects the handling of money.

How to choose the best wallet?

The choice of wallet, in addition to your own preferences, depends on several factors. For those in doubt, you can use the table below. It suggests the color of the wallet depending on the person's birthday. Moreover, the date of birth should be reduced to a simple number. If a person was born on the 6th, you must choose a wallet of the appropriate color. If a person was born on the 21st, you need to add both numbers (2+1) and choose a wallet whose color corresponds to number 3 in the table.

If your date of birth falls on the 11th or 22nd, there is no need to reduce it to a simple number. The lucky ones born these days can choose a wallet of absolutely any color.

Each zodiac sign has its own lucky wallet color

A wallet whose color corresponds to the lucky colors of different signs will help you attract money according to your zodiac sign.

  1. Bags, clutches, purses and wallets in brown shades will help Aries get rich. You should give preference to soft leather products and avoid artificial materials.
  2. Taurus should pay attention to a wallet of any shade of green, both light and dark.
  3. Gray wallets will bring success to Gemini in financial matters. You can also pay attention to silver and purple colors.
  4. Cancers are advised to purchase white wallets. Good luck in financial matters will also be ensured by the combination of white and blue.
  5. For Leos, exclusively red wallets are recommended - from muted to scarlet. It would be good if the product is decorated with gold fittings.
  6. Virgos are advised to pay attention to the universal black and brown colors.
  7. Blue and brown wallets will bring success to Libra.
  8. Scorpio should pay attention to all shades of red and yellow, and then success in financial affairs secured.
  9. Astrologers recommend any shades of blue for Sagittarius.
  10. A black or gray wallet made of high-quality leather will suit Capricorn.
  11. Shades of blue, white and gray wallets are recommended for Aquarians, and a wallet made of high-quality suede will protect them from thoughtless spending.
  12. Pisces should choose among all shades of blue.

In addition to choosing the color of your wallet, you need to pay attention to its shape and size. According to Feng Shui, a wallet should be as thick and long as possible. Preference should be given correct forms and quality materials.

According to the art of Feng Shui, a wallet is the main keeper of money and, accordingly, it is associated with prosperity and financial wealth. It is important to approach the choice of a wallet responsibly, because it is with the help of a wallet that you will exchange energy with money.

From this article you will learn what the color of a wallet should be, as well as what shape and size products you need to purchase if you always want to have enough money on hand.

Features of the shape of the wallet

You need to store your hard-earned money in spacious wallets in which you can place them unfolded. It is very important that the money is intact in the wallet and not bent in half or rolled in several layers.

Creases on banknotes will disrupt the circulation of positive energy, which in turn will push luck and profit away from you.

The ideal shape for storing money according to Feng Shui is rectangular. In this case, folding wallets will become absolutely useless.

The wallet must have a special section for small money. If you don’t have it, it’s best to buy an additional compact coin holder.

Natural base guarantees success

When choosing a wallet, you should pay special attention to its base. Feng Shui only allows natural foundations, which ensure the free circulation of money energy.

The most ideal option would be a genuine leather wallet. You can also opt for suede and fabric products.

Another tricky detail is that the appearance of the wallet should slightly distract attention from the money itself, thanks to this, others will not be able to take away your financial energy.

Under no circumstances buy products made from artificial leatherette, because the latter does not conduct monetary energy and will not allow you to attract finance into your life.

Ideal wallet size according to feng shui

What size should an ideal wallet be according to Feng Shui philosophy? To choose the right size of the “money house” you need to determine its parameters, which are length, height and depth. But at the same time, you need to use not an ordinary school ruler, but a special one developed by Feng Shui experts. It has not just markings, but also a scale of favorable and unfavorable sizes. Of course, if you haven’t found such a ruler, you can use a regular centimeter ruler.

It should also be added that the ancient Chinese device has 4 favorable and unfavorable segments. In this case, each of the segments is additionally divided into 4 sectors. Each sector corresponds to a specific value.

For example, the group of favorable segments includes the following distances:

  • 0-54 millimeters;
  • 162-215 millimeters;
  • 215-270 millimeters;
  • 378-432 millimeters.

Measure your wallet against these parameters and check how successful it is for saving your finances.

There are also meanings that are more attractive financial well-being. Next we will look at them in more detail:

  • 0-13 millimeters - tells about financial success;
  • from 27 to 40 millimeters - will attract all types of luck to its owner;
  • from 40 to 54 millimeters - speaks of wealth;
  • from 1.75 to 1.89 centimeters - this distance will foreshadow the receipt of unexpected additional income;
  • from 2.02 to 2.15 - indicates that success awaits the person in the future;
  • from 2.43 to 2.56 - income will increase;
  • from 3.78 to 4.02 - you will soon encounter an influx of finances;
  • from 4.15 to 4.29 - there will be a lot of jewelry;
  • from 4.29 to 4.32 - a person will achieve success and succeed in life.

But in addition to positive ones, there are also negative numerical values ​​that you need to beware of. And you will learn about their more detailed meaning further.

  • from 81 to 95 millimeters - they will tell about failures, collapse and the likelihood of imprisonment;
  • from 95 to 108 millimeters - one of the spouses will die;
  • from 149 to 162 - a person may be robbed;
  • from 270 to 284 - such values ​​​​tell about death or a forced change of place of residence;
  • from 297 to 311 - high chances of expulsion and shame;
  • from 311 to 324 - a lot of money will be lost;
  • from 324 to 338 - meanings speak of various misfortunes;
  • from 338 to 351 - they will tell about death.

Regarding the shape of the wallet, in order to store paper bills, it is better to choose rectangular options, in which you can easily place different money straightened out.

It is necessary to refuse those wallets in which money will be wrinkled or bent - they slow down the flow of monetary energy and prevent money from increasing in quantity.

What color should a wallet be according to Feng Shui?

If you conduct an audit of wallet stores, you will find that most often on sale are wallets of all shades of red. Scarlet, side, purple, garnet - all these tones are characterized by powerful energy.

At the same time, red wallets, according to Feng Shui, are not only the most powerful in terms of energy, but also the most finicky. It is important that such a wallet looks perfect - stylish, elite and made of leather High Quality. So that it is not only pleasant to hold in your hands, but also so that it evokes admiration.

You can choose a wallet that suits your color using the individual method.

Each person belongs to one or another element, and the color of the chosen wallet will largely depend on it. Therefore, you will need to determine your element and then your color of wealth. This can be done using a special Circle of Destruction, which looks like this:

  • the element of water takes control of the element of fire;
  • fire in turn affects the metal;
  • metal is elevated above wood;
  • the tree controls the earth;
  • the land rises above the water.

If you take the following table as a sample, you can easily determine the color of the wallet that is most suitable for you. For example, if you belong to the earth element, then you need to choose yellow wallets for yourself.

Knowing your personal element, you can easily choose the financial element for yourself. The principle of the five elements applies here, according to which the element of money is the one that is under the control of your personal element.

  • the element of personality (wood) - corresponds to the financial earth element - wallets in brown, yellow and sand shades are suitable;
  • fire - the element of metal - choose white, light gray or silver wallets;
  • earth - correlates with the water money element - black, blue and turquoise wallets are suitable;
  • metal - corresponds to the element of wood - you can buy wallets in all shades of green and light green;
  • the water element of the personality corresponds to the fire element, which is associated with the red, burgundy or garnet colors of wallets.

If this technique seemed quite complicated to you, there is a simpler alternative - the earth element is always associated with accumulation. Therefore, to increase the flow of money, it is worth buying brown, beige or yellow wallets.

Talismans for a rich wallet

As a rule, people put photographs of their loved ones and relatives in their wallets. However, Feng Shui does not support this approach and there are two reasons for this:

  • according to the first, when financial energy passes through a person’s photo, it can cause severe harm its energy field;
  • and according to the second, photographs do not have the most favorable effect on the energy of money.

It will be much better and more effective if you put a couple of interesting Feng Shui talismans in your wallet, for example, 3 Chinese coins that hang on a red ribbon, or an imperial-sized mirror (you can buy it in a special store). With such attributes, you are sure to increase your cash flow.

In the art of Feng Shui, it is believed that mint is responsible for the smell of money, so if you want to always have banknotes in your wallet (preferably larger ones), you will need to drop a couple of drops of mint oil into it. If for some reason you cannot use an aromatic product, we advise you to simply keep candy wrappers from mint chewing gum or candies in your wallet, or you can simply take the leaves of this plant.

Another trick that will help you attract money to your wallet is to put the first coin you earned or a 100 dollar bill into it and not change it.

A bean pod stored in a wallet will protect a person from excessive spending. And if you put a piece of horseradish in your wallet, it will attract even more money to you and make you more successful in material terms.

This may seem strange, but to strengthen and stabilize your cash receipts, you should apply honey to one of the bills. Thanks to this, you will ensure a stable level of income.

And if you want to raise money for some kind of purchase or, for example, for relaxation, experts in Feng Shui philosophy advise you to prepare an image of the item that you dream of owning and place it in your wallet. Every time you open your wallet, the picture will catch your eye, which in turn will create a flow of positive vibrations that will help you get the amount of money that is missing.

Now you know for sure what color a purse should be that will attract financial success into your life. Finally, watch this interesting thematic video:

Do you also know that you can attract money with the help of a properly selected wallet? Feng Shui experts say that money energy is drawn to certain colors, materials, and shapes and sizes. Let's find out which wallet will help you attract money.

The first thing you should pay attention to is wallet color. According to Feng Shui, the colors that activate money energy are red, yellow, green, brown and gold. The choice of color also depends on your financial goals:

  • If you want to earn big money, at the same time, you have leadership qualities and are not afraid to take risks and take responsibility, then a red wallet is suitable for you.
  • If you strive for stability and savings, then a brown wallet will help you.
  • If you want constant monetary growth, then you should choose a green wallet.
  • Gold and yellow wallets are best suited for those who are counting on easy money and one-time earnings.

Having figured out the color of the wallet, let's move on to material. In Feng Shui, it is believed that money is drawn to wallets made of natural materials: suede or leather. These materials perfectly pass through cash flows. They will not let your finances leave your wallet unnecessarily and will attract more large quantity money. Wallets made from artificial materials can have a negative impact on your well-being. They will block money channels and give your savings no development or activity.

Particular attention should be paid to wallet sizes. You shouldn't buy a wallet that doesn't have enough space. The bills in the wallet must fit completely. They absolutely cannot be stored folded. Feng Shui experts advise choosing a spacious wallet in which money does not wrinkle and is always convenient to take out.

Wallet shape also plays a big role. To attract money, you need to choose a rectangular-shaped wallet. This form actively attracts finances and promotes further material growth. A round wallet will not give you stability. Money will be your main problem.

In addition to the wallet itself, it is also important storing money in it. A wallet must have several sections. Try to place money according to denomination and currency, for example, hundreds with hundreds, thousands with thousands, dollars with dollars, rubles with rubles. Small change should not be stored together with banknotes; it must be placed in a separate pocket of the wallet.

The last thing you need to do to attract money to your wallet is to put it in talismans. A piece of cinnamon, mint, runic symbols of wealth and success, and horseradish root can attract money. In a separate pocket you can put a lucky coin that was received from the hands of a rich person.

Sometimes following all these feng shui tips is not enough. Many who used this method of raising money were disappointed by the lack of results. And all because you need to know about a few more little tricks:

  • You should absolutely not store photographs of your relatives and loved ones in your wallet. The energy of photography can block cash flows.
  • If the wallet is holed or torn, even slightly, it can no longer be used to store money. Holes, scuffs, and breaks negatively affect the flow of money.
  • You should not put money you find or win in your wallet. They will only bring you trouble. It is better to spend them immediately or give them to those in need.
  • Keep your wallet in order at all times. Throw away all unnecessary receipts, tickets, business cards and other things not related to money. You won't be able to get rich if your wallet is a mess.

All these simple Feng Shui rules will help you attract money into your life. When following these tips, the main thing is to believe that everything will work out for you. Do not doubt your success for a minute, and then everything impossible will become possible. And to attract money luck, press the buttons and

24.12.2013 12:18

In love, any way to attract good luck is good. In this article we will introduce you to three...

The classical tradition of Feng Shui used only banknotes and corresponding amulets to obtain wealth.

Today, the ability to attract good luck is understood more widely, so a Feng Shui wallet for attracting money is an incredibly important symbol that requires careful selection.

A kind of home for profit is also a point of energy exchange, so the well-being of its owner also depends on the correctness of the wallet.

What color should a wallet be according to Feng Shui?

To understand, it is necessary to start with the individual characteristics of the owner. This even applies to the color scheme.

It is believed that every person has a tendency to a certain element, determined by the date of his birth. Each category, be it, for example, fire or wood, requires suitable shades from a common palette. To determine the element, you need to know the last digit of your year of birth and have the eastern calendar at hand.

  • 0, 1 — “Metal” — snowy, light gray, silver.
  • 2, 3 - “Water” - purple, blue, turquoise, black, blue.
  • 4, 5 - “Tree” - brown, green, light green.
  • 6, 7 - “Fire” - scarlet, burgundy, coral, purple, garnet.
  • 8, 9 - “Earth” - orange, beige, sand, yellow.

In the event that it is impossible to be sure which specific color suits you, Feng Shui suggests focusing on the general recommended tones associated with the elements of wealth, accumulation and well-being.

  • Since metal and earth are considered to be such categories, the correct Feng Shui wallet can be painted in chocolate, silver and gold shades.
  • But you should not use black and blue tones, unless your patron is water. Otherwise, money will simply start flowing out of your wallet. Only men can decide on such an undertaking, for whom an accessory in similar shades will add courage.

What should a wallet be like according to Feng Shui? universal version? You should stop at red shades. This is an excellent color for attracting money, and in China it is associated with leadership, life energy, and victory. But such an accessory should always look expensive, so taking into account the dirtiness of scarlet tones, plan the care of your wallet in advance.

Wallet sizes for attracting money

According to Fesh Shui, a wallet will bring financial success only in those conditions when it meets the imperial parameters. We are talking about a size of 43.2 cm, which is divided into 8 segments with different values.

It will be nice if at least one of the sides of the accessory matches the desired length. You can determine the required indicators using the ruler of a Feng Shui master or using an ordinary stationery item. The main thing is to keep in mind that the imperial size includes 4 positive and 4 negative segments, each of which has personal symbolic divisions.

Positive lengths

In Feng Shui, segments of a positive nature include lengths from 0 to 5.4 cm; from 16.2 to 21.5 cm; from 21.5 to 27 cm; from 37.8 cm to 43.2 cm. Anything that fits into these designations is suitable for use as a monetary accessory.

However, according to Feng Shui, the size of a wallet is perceived as the most successful if in a series of indicators there are particularly successful numbers with “monetary” values.

  • 0-1.3 cm - success in money;
  • 2.7-4 cm - luck in 6 directions;
  • 4-5.4 cm - great wealth;
  • 17.5-18.9 cm - sudden additional finances;
  • 20.2-21.5 cm - future success;
  • 24.3-25.6 cm - increase in income;
  • 37.8-40.2 cm - cash inflow;
  • 41.5-42.9 cm - an abundance of jewelry;
  • 42.9-43.2 cm - general success in everything.

Unfavorable lengths

Choosing a wallet according to Feng Shui should also take into account the presence of unfavorable sizes. Negative influence such segments are reduced by the necessary amulets and simple rules: sum of positive lengths more than the amount negative, as well as for 2 positive sizes there is no more than one bad one. But even in such a situation, there are lengths that should always be avoided, since they have very mournful meanings.

  • 8.1-9.5 cm - collapse, failure and going to prison;
  • 9.5-10.8 cm - death of a marriage partner;
  • 14.9-16.2 cm - robbery or theft in the future;
  • 27-28.4 cm - hasty departure or death;
  • 29.7-31.1 cm - outcast status and shame;
  • 31.1-32.4 cm - loss of finances;
  • 32.4-33.8 cm - misfortunes of various kinds;
  • 33.8-35.1 cm - death.

Please note that according to Feng Shui, a wallet must be spacious. Money should not be stored there crumpled or rolled up. Banknotes, like coins, need freedom and comfort, so it is better to choose financial compartments in such a size that you do not have to bend or push anything in with force.

The problem, according to Feng Shui, is that creases in money lead to poor energy circulation, and this interferes with attracting good luck and profit.

Money wallet shape

Feng Shui suggests that a wallet for permanent use should be classic, i.e. rectangular. This will allow you to store money without suppressing its underlying energy. So folding wallets, for example, can hardly be called useful.

However, it is better not to mix paper bills with metal exchange units. You can even purchase a tiny coin holder, which is quite suitable for attracting finance even if it is round in size.

Natural accessory materials

According to Feng Shui, to attract money, the wallet must always be in perfect condition. His appearance should speak about the dignity and wealth of the owner. Natural materials naturally help to achieve such results. Therefore, the free passage of financial energy will be maximum in fabric, leather and suede accessories.

Among Feng Shui masters, it is believed that the purpose of a wallet is to distract attention from the money itself so that there is no interception of energy. Therefore, a solid and impressive accessory can even be made of artificial leather, but only in cases where it speaks for itself. It should be a quality item for money, covered with good paint, without extra threads or slanted seams.

It will be most useless new wallet according to Feng Shui, if it is made from cheap plastic or polyethylene materials. This composition is a real reflector of energy flow.

Secrets of storing money

Almost everything that Feng Shui teaches regarding the accumulation of wealth is simple rules for choosing a wallet. However, even a decent accessory cannot overcome negative energy, which accumulates when it is not filled correctly. Therefore it is recommended to follow simple tips The contents of the wallet are in order.

  • Always handle money very carefully, maintaining due respect and attention to it. Even the ends of the bills should not be bent, and the papers themselves should be placed face up, in order of increasing denomination.
  • Considering the feng shui for money, the wallet can be filled and bank cards. They also attract positive cash flows and do not interfere with energy circulation.
  • Never part with all your money at once. An empty wallet has negative waves, so at least a few kopecks in it should jingle.

We talked about it in one of our articles, let us recall the main principles of choosing talismans.

  1. Following Russian traditions of enrichment, it is useful to put a piece of horseradish root in a purse or coin box. This plant perfectly accumulates material energy, especially if you grew the product yourself, dug it up and dried it.
  2. A small sprig of heather in a secret pocket has the same meaning.
  3. To attract good luck to your money wallet, Feng Shui recommends adding Chinese coins to your accessory. There should preferably be three of them, and it is better to tie a scarlet ribbon or thread between them. At the same time, creating a talisman with your own hands (i.e., personally tying knots) gives the coins additional strong energy. You can put in your wallet the amount of Chinese money that corresponds to the number that is significant to you.
  4. As a talisman feng shui you can use a pocket mirror with an imperial size (placed in a wallet), as well as pictures with magical symbols. So, some runes, hexograms, and hieroglyphs can bring good luck in money.
  5. Mint perfectly attracts financial flows. You can put a couple of dried leaves, drop a couple of drops into your wallet essential oil. You are even allowed to keep a picture of a plant, a candy wrapper or mint-flavored chewing gum.
  6. According to Feng Shui, a wallet can also store a cinnamon stick. Such a talisman will not only allow you to save money, but also save it. Leaves are considered no less useful green tea and images with grape brushes. But a pod of beans or other beans is necessary to protect against robbery and squandering.
  7. In America, rare $2 bills are kept in the secret pockets of wallets for good luck. Feng Shui also suggests placing a highly energetic, irredeemable $1 bill or any lucky paper currency (you can even use a coin). This role is usually played by the first bill earned ($100 or less). The lucky irredeemable unit can also be considered the most large bill your state (a coin with numismatic value, money with a series and number, which contains many eights or contains your initials).

Wallet according to Feng Shui: taboos and prohibitions

  • You should not keep torn bills and dirty coins in your wallet to attract money. In the same way, you need to give up finances that you got by chance. They absorb all the energy, but do not open access to other cash flows.
  • Chaoticity and untidiness do not contribute to the flow of money, if we talk about Feng Shui. What should the wallet be in this case? Of course, neat. Therefore, under no circumstances should you be left with a frayed or broken accessory that contains excess debris and holes.
  • It is not recommended to keep photographs of close friends and relatives in your wallet. If, for example, an icon can serve as a symbol of good luck, then in the case of an image common man this doesn't happen. Most often, the energy of relatives simply disrupts the financial flow.
  • Clean and not filled to the brim with junk is the best wallet for attracting money according to Feng Shui. It will contain absolutely useless checks, tickets, old coupons and receipts. You should also not store your lists of necessary purchases and reminders with a to-do list in a money accessory.

Replacing an old wallet with a new one according to Feng Shui

According to Feng Shui, it is not recommended to throw away a very lucky old wallet. Such things require special treatment so that their positive energy continues to act towards the owner. Replace the old accessory with a new one, but keep it at home, in secluded place. It is advisable to have one small bill there. After a month, it can be replaced with money with a larger denomination.

Replacing an old wallet with a new one according to Feng Shui should be done annually. If during this period the item has become very dear to you, you can leave it for a while, having first cleared it of rubbish, but only if there are no abrasions, breakages or holes. A very old and worn-out accessory should be thrown away in any case, because it will not bring good luck with money.

How to properly throw away your old wallet

Before purchasing an accessory to attract money, you should know how to throw away an old wallet according to Feng Shui. The main thing in in this case- farewell ritual.

Ritual of farewell

  • On the day of the autumn equinox, you should remove all bills and change from your money accessory. It is customary to throw coins on the street over your left shoulder.
  • It’s also better to part with paper money and buy something not for yourself with it. This is especially important if the wallet was unlucky.
  • When a thing brings a lot of failures and disappointments, it is recommended to burn it. Therefore, get rid of your wallet at the fire or in the stove. If there are no such possibilities, simply bury the accessory in the ground, as far from the house as possible.

Don't look back when leaving such a ritual.

Ritual of cleansing

The Feng Shui of a new wallet, by and large, will depend only on the owner and his attitude towards money.

  • It’s a good idea, for example, to immediately after transferring all the bills into a new accessory, hold your wallet over a burning candle (three times clockwise). This should be a new candle that is lit only with matches.
  • Having completed this procedure, put the wallet in a clean dish (plate) and leave it for a day.

In the morning, you can use such a thing without fear. According to Feng Shui, a wallet does not require much effort to attract money. In this case, the most important thing is to use things carefully and respect the contents of this accessory.