Draw mushrooms with paints. Children about mushrooms - mushroom pictures and stories. Division by appearance of mushrooms

How to draw a mushroom - draw boletus.

Well, well, it seems like I just painted a willow and a coltsfoot, didn’t have time to look back, and already summer is in full swing - it’s already on the market good people they sell mushrooms, and they are so big! When did they have time to grow up?

I don’t have time to go mushroom hunting myself, so I bought “gifts of the forest” and now I will draw and write a lesson step by step drawing mushrooms

I went home and wondered - what kind of mushrooms? Boletus or boletus? They have the same shape, the difference is the color of the cap: orange or brown. Who has what?

I looked on the Internet - yeah! With brown caps - BIRCHES. That's how I'll remember it.

We draw boletus mushrooms step by step from life

I choose a couple of prettier mushrooms, first I will draw them with a pencil.

We repeat the theme “Mushrooms” more than once throughout the year - we painted the mushrooms, fed the squirrel, and compared the umbrella with the mushroom. It seemed to me that I had a clear idea of ​​what mushrooms look like - the cap and the stem. Yeah, but now I finally see real, and not schematic mushrooms. Wow, how massive the legs of boletuses are. And it’s also so interesting that they are flared at the bottom. And I thought that mushrooms have legs like an even column, but it turns out that not all of them do.

I designate the middle line - I won’t call it the “axis of symmetry”, because the similarity of the halves of my mushrooms is very approximate. I draw a line for the cap - here it is necessary to correctly determine the angle of inclination: the cap of a large mushroom is put on straight, and the cap of a small one is on one side. The shape of the caps is dome-shaped, but also not ideal. On the underside of the cap there is a spongy “hymenophore” - that’s what the whole mushroom grew for - the place where mushroom spores ripen. In the boletus, the hymenophore looks like... foam rubber, porous and slightly lumpy.

The contours of the mushrooms are drawn. Let's add volume with shading.

By the way, the cap of the small mushroom is almost black, and we’ll draw the larger one lighter. The legs are also different. I used to think that the legs of mushrooms are white, but look at them - they are gray with many black specks. Well, my theoretical ideas were very different from what mushrooms actually look like. Okay, it’s important not to dwell on your misconceptions, but to admit and follow the truth.

Well, the mushroom drawing is ready.

Drawing mushrooms - lesson 2

Now I’ll do what I’ve wanted for a long time, but I didn’t dare and put it off. I will paint with watercolors.

The fact is that I didn’t like working with paints since childhood. IN art school I really hated painting. She shirked and pretended to be sick so as not to go to the art room on painting day. The teachers took an impressionistic approach, and this was not at all close to me. Thoughtfully look for correspondences of halftones and contrasts in black and white pencil drawing I liked it, and it was even exciting. But my soul did not accept brushwork, color transitions, and reflexes. I learned painting through force and clenching my teeth.

After finishing school, I happily threw the box of watercolors onto the mezzanine and forgot about it. Subsequently, as a graphic designer, I worked a lot with gouache, but this is a completely different technique. But now, when I started writing educational lessons, it somehow happened that I became interested in drawing in color. The always-favorite black and white drawings are somehow not enough anymore. The soul asks for more. Only now I have grown to color!

At first I colored the drawings with felt-tip pens, then I bought watercolor pencils. But recently, surprising myself, I found a box of watercolors on the mezzanine. God, how long has she been lying there... Do you know how difficult it is to overcome a dislike for a subject at school?

But, never mind, be brave.

The watercolor technique consists of either applying several transparent layers - glazing, or working on a raw sheet. But I’ll do it simpler: for the first time I’ll just try to choose the color as accurately as possible and paint it in one or two layers.

I choose two other mushrooms - for variety. How to draw - we have already discussed. Now it's time for the paints.

When coloring, the hats were easy to draw, but the most difficult part was the legs.

There are not only black specks on them - there are even what look like small shavings.

Speech therapy classes with children are much more productive if you use special visual material. This is especially necessary when personal experience The baby (on the topic under discussion) is not too big. For example, preschoolers see mushrooms quite rarely and have vague ideas about their different types, so high-quality images of these “forest gifts” make it possible not only to develop children’s speech, but also to significantly enrich knowledge about the world around them and nature.

If you want to use pictures of mushrooms for activities with children, then you should consider several rules for their use:

  • Give your child the opportunity to take a good look and study new images in each drawing, and only then use them for educational exercises or games.
  • Pay attention to the quality of the pictures. It is best to use special speech therapy sets of illustrations produced for kindergarten, but you can also take realistic images from the Internet or use photographs.
  • Be sure to select a variety of handouts - both subject pictures and plot ones. The first are small cards with single images of mushrooms, and the second are illustrations of a real (hedgehog with mushrooms) or fairy-tale (series of pictures Under a mushroom) situation on the topic. For the development of speech in preschoolers, both types of visual material are necessary.
  • Any illustration for classes must be made in a realistic manner, accurately repeating all the elements external structure one or another object.
  • It is most convenient to use cards with names that older preschoolers can read themselves.
  • Mushroom images on transparent background significantly expand the possibilities of using them when composing stories.

Cards by Glen Doman on the topic “Mushrooms”:


There are so many representatives of this natural kingdom that each species allows you to offer your child special tasks. To do this, of course, you need to choose suitable pictures with mushrooms for children, as close as possible to natural ones.


  • What color are the caps of these mushrooms?
  • Explain what their name says?

  • Count: one honey fungus - two honey mushrooms - three...
  • Think and tell us why honey mushrooms are often called “friendly”?

  • Compare the fox and the fox. How is the chanterelle mushroom similar to the red animal?
  • What kind of fox can you see in the kitchen? (fried, boiled, pickled, dried, salted, fresh)

  • Where does boletus like to grow most? Which tree “gave” its name to him?
  • What can you call a grove in which only aspen boletuses grow? (aspen, aspen)


  • What happens if you pull mushrooms out by the roots and don’t cut them with a knife? Why can't this be done?
  • In which forest can boletus be found most often (in a birch grove, in a birch forest).

Boletus (white mushroom)

  • Describe the appearance of the boletus.
  • Explain why it is also called “white”?
  • Can someone hide under a mushroom if it has grown very large?

  • Why can't you pick fly agarics?
  • What other inedible mushrooms do you know?

Death cap

  • Tell us about what poisonous mushrooms are and why pale toadstools are considered so dangerous for people?
  • Why doesn't anyone pick up harmful mushrooms?


Different pictures of mushrooms for children allow you to conduct many different kinds of speech therapy games. Here are some examples:

  • Collecting mushrooms

Each player chooses one picture of a mushroom and tries to describe it external features. If the other player guesses right, the card goes to him. The one who collects the most pictures wins.

  • How are we similar?

An adult chooses two cards (boletus-boletus, white-boletus, russula-fly agaric) and invites the children to see as many differences between them as possible. The last one to answer wins.

  • Cheerful cooks

Invite the children to “cook” lunch for their different edible mushrooms, known to them. Everyone must choose one picture and name a dish that can be prepared with one or another mushroom (for example: porcini mushroom soup, pickled boletus, boletus mushrooms in sour cream, salted milk mushrooms, etc.

  • Oh, what a honey fungus we have!

The image of any mushroom is transmitted from one player to another. Everyone names one of its signs, distinctive features external building. The winner is the participant who can see and name some detail last.

  • Tales from storytellers

Ask each player to choose one specially selected picture of a mushroom for children. Then everyone has to come up with short story about your character. Tell about his character, habits, activities. For example, Borovik is the king of all mushrooms in the forest, he is strict and important, busy from morning to evening state affairs, loves to play football and play the balalaika. Older preschoolers can be asked to come up (in a circle) with a whole story about the mushroom kingdom; everyone can draw illustrations for the fairy tale together.

  • Mosaic: find a piece

Make cut-out pictures from the cards and invite your child to assemble them. You can use drawings of poisonous and edible mushrooms for this game.

  • Full basket

Invite your child to select several cards (he will need a small basket for this), memorize them well and repeat all the names by heart without looking into the basket again. Each player can try to become a mushroom picker by collecting their own set of cards.


It is very useful to teach riddles on a chosen topic with children. This helps not only to train the preschooler’s memory and attention, but also significantly increases it lexicon, and also allows you to automate difficult sounds. Here is a selection of suitable riddles called Basket of Mushrooms for Kids:

Coloring pages

Coloring pictures has a very important for the development of the baby’s fine motor skills, for his speech development. Younger preschoolers should be offered larger, simpler outline images of the most famous mushrooms(white, fly agaric), and for older children it would be more correct to select drawings with miniature honey mushrooms, chanterelles, and russula. Make sure that children do the work only with pencils; it is this condition that ensures the value of coloring books.


I made a conditional division of mushrooms by species for the convenience of searching and comparing mushrooms according to appearance and by taste qualities that determine culinary suitability for different types cooking and storing mushrooms for future use..
From all the variety of species shapes and colors, I decided to highlight separate groups according to my own understanding. It may not seem entirely convenient for you, but the encyclopedic search is always at your service.

What types of mushrooms did I highlight first:
Boletus mushrooms - I include all mushrooms with a stocky, thick stem and a tubular cap as this type.
OBAKI - porcini mushrooms, boletus, boletus and similar large mushrooms, including Tsarsky obabok (Far Eastern obabok).
Butter mushrooms are small tubular mushrooms and the like, usually with a thin stalk and a soft cap.
MEATS - here I placed lamellar mushrooms, white mushrooms, saffron milk caps, pig mushrooms of all stripes and of course milk mushrooms.
RUSSUL - in addition to the red, blue and green russula themselves, here you will find Valui, kesari and similar lamellar mushrooms that are brittle and not as dense as milk mushrooms.
Honey mushrooms - in my understanding, all these tree mushrooms and similar toadstools, but, if desired, they can also be collected and cooked.
Oyster mushrooms are woody mushrooms that are very different shapes growing on living trees, ilmaki, mushroom noodles and the like.
CORAL - starting with deer horns and mushroom cabbage, here you will see horned mushrooms and similar mushrooms.
MORELS are strange jelly-like mushrooms that grow on wood and their relatives grow on the soil.
CHANTERELLERS - hedgehogs and several types of chanterelles are here together because of the similarity in taste and cooking methods.
RAINCOATS - strange white balls, picherichki, champignons, truffles and... and - all this is collected here.

Division by appearance of mushrooms

WHITE - All tubular mushrooms that resemble boletus and cape mushrooms in appearance.
MUSHROOMS - All lamellar mushrooms classic look such as volushki, milk mushrooms, russula and similar in appearance.
TOADSBOOKS - Mushrooms of all shapes and colors. Corals, oyster mushrooms, cabbage, noodles, horns, morels and the like.
DANGEROUS BY SIMILARITY - All poisonous and conditionally edible mushrooms, including those that are not tasty.
Grouping of mushrooms is done for convenience and no scientific explanation does not have.

Division by type of culinary suitability.

TASTY - Mushrooms that are recognized by the vast majority of mushroom pickers and lovers of mushroom cooking.
EDIBLE - Mushrooms suitable for traditional preparation dishes without any special frills.
NOT TASTY - These mushrooms can be eaten if there are simply no other mushrooms.
CONDITIONALLY EDIBLE - Mushrooms that are prepared for food or other use of the unit. However, the risk of poisoning remains.
POISONOUS - Mushrooms that are simply not worth eating.
DANGEROUS - These mushrooms are dangerous because they can be easily confused with good edible mushrooms in appearance. It is precisely these edible-poisonous pairs that I believe should be given special attention. This knowledge can cost the health of those who neglect it.

Mine, as I already mentioned, I did not develop for science or mushroom publication, my short and full classification is based only on my own views on mushrooms and their similarities. So, for example, I do not distinguish between the shapes of the mushrooms, value and russula, but classify them (based on the shape of the mushroom body) as milk mushrooms.
Agreeing with my classification or criticizing it is your personal business, as right as eating or not eating mushrooms.
I use my classifier and it’s convenient for me, I’m not interested in arguing in vain, but if you offer your classifier, it will be interesting.

Perhaps absolutely everyone knows what a mushroom looks like, because it consists only of a stem and a cap. However, not every novice artist knows how to draw a mushroom, be it a boletus or a toadstool. To understand and remember how to draw a mushroom correctly, you should at least look at the photographs various types mushrooms Of course, it is best to draw mushrooms from life while walking through a forest or park, but this is not always possible.
Before you draw a mushroom, you should make sure you have the following stationery supplies:
1). Linera;
2). Pencil;
3). Eraser;
4). Multi-colored pencils;
5). A piece of paper.

Next, you can start learning how to draw a mushroom step by step:
1. Schematically draw the outlines of the mushrooms;
2. Draw the legs of the porcini mushrooms. Compared to the stems of other mushrooms, they are slightly thicker;
3. Now work on the caps of the porcini mushrooms;
4. Draw the leg of the fly agaric. Don't forget that his leg has a characteristic skirt. Draw folds on the bottom of the hat;
5. Draw small spots on the fly agaric cap;
6. Draw the boletus. In fact, it is very similar to a porcini mushroom, but its cap is slightly flatter and its stem is noticeably thinner;
7. So, drawing mushrooms with a pencil is quite simple. But in order for the mushrooms to look realistic, and for one of their varieties to be more strikingly different from another, the drawing should definitely be colored. Therefore, first outline the sketch of all three mushrooms with a liner;
8. After this, use an eraser to remove excess pencil strokes;
9. Hat porcini mushroom color with pencils brown color range;
10. Shade the space under the porcini mushroom cap with light brown and brown shades. Paint the stem of the mushroom with light brown and gray tones;
11. Shade the leg of the fly agaric gray pencil, and his hat is red;
12. Paint over the cap of the boletus with a burgundy pencil, and then slightly darken it brown. Shade the stem of this mushroom with gray and brown pencils;
13. Color the grass with a rich green pencil.
The mushroom drawing is ready! In a similar way You can depict many other types of mushrooms, both poisonous and completely edible. In fact, there is absolutely nothing complicated about how to draw mushrooms step by step with a pencil, which means this skill can be quickly taught to a child.

This is an average difficulty lesson. It can be difficult for adults to repeat this lesson, so I don’t recommend drawing a mushroom for young children using this lesson, but if you really want to, you can try it. I also want to note the lesson “” - be sure to try it again if you still have time and desire to draw today.

What you will need

In order to draw a mushroom we may need:

  • Paper. It's better to take medium grain special paper: It will be much more pleasant for novice artists to draw on this one.
  • Sharpened pencils. I advise you to take several degrees of hardness, each should be used for different purposes.
  • Eraser.
  • Stick for rubbing hatching. You can use plain paper rolled into a cone. It will be easy for her to rub the shading, turning it into a monotonous color.
  • A little patience.
  • Good mood.

Step by step lesson

It will be much easier to draw food or still life if you see it live. No photograph can convey the chiaroscuro that real objects provide. It will be much easier to draw a mushroom if you can see and penetrate into the very essence... If it is not possible to draw from life, try using an image search in Google or Yandex.

By the way, in addition to this lesson, I advise you to pay attention to the lesson “”. It will help improve your skill or just give you a little fun.

Please note that every object, every living creature, every phenomenon on paper can be depicted using simple geometric objects: circles, squares and triangles. They are the ones who create the form; they are the ones the artist needs to see in the surrounding objects. There is no house, there are several large rectangles and a triangle. Build this way complex subjects much easier.

Tip: create a sketch with as thin strokes as possible. The thicker the sketch strokes are, the more difficult it will be to erase them later.

The first step, or rather the zero step, is always to mark a sheet of paper. This will let you know where exactly the drawing will be located. If you place the drawing on half of the sheet, you can use the other half for another drawing. Here is an example of marking a sheet in the center:

If you not only like to pick mushrooms, but also like to draw, let's try to draw mushrooms together, or rather, to draw a porcini mushroom. Let's draw the mushroom step by step, first with a simple pencil. At the last step, you can color the picture of the mushroom with paints or colored pencils, and if you draw grass next to it, the picture of the mushroom will be very beautiful and attractive.

1. Let's mark the mushroom stem

First, draw just two circles for the mushroom stem. Circles will help you continue to accurately maintain correct proportions mushroom drawing.

2. Add a cap to the mushroom stem

Draw two “ears” next to the stem of the mushroom, like Cheburashka’s. They will help you draw a mushroom cap. Add a “flattened” oval at the base of the leg. Mushrooms are not perfectly straight, their legs are curved, their caps are wrinkled, so in order to draw a realistic mushroom, you need to take these “little things” into account.

3. How to draw general outline mushroom

You see how easy it is to draw the shape of a mushroom now that you have guidelines. All you have to do is draw a pencil, almost an arbitrary line, around these “circles” and you will get a real porcini mushroom.

4. Drawing of a mushroom in detail

Before drawing the mushroom in more detail, remove the extra contours from the drawing. Completely design the mushroom cap and draw the “edge” of the cap with two lines. All the beauty of the porcini mushroom is in its contrasting cap. It is white inside and brown on top. A gap at the edge of the mushroom cap will emphasize this effect.

5. How to draw a mushroom. Final stage

You see how easy and simple it is to draw mushrooms if you draw them step by step. Total how much simple steps and you are already getting ready to paint over the mushroom with paints or pencils. The drawing of a mushroom looks very impressive using a simple pencil technique. If you also think so, you can simply shade the mushroom with a soft simple pencil, as in my drawing.

6. Drawing of a mushroom. Ambient

Small growing mushrooms drawn around the mushroom. Yellowed leaves, grass, twigs will make the picture more attractive and realistic. If you were able to draw a mushroom beautifully and correctly, try to continue the drawing and draw the surrounding landscape. You can even draw it next to the mushrooms. These animals love to collect mushrooms, preparing them on.

Now you know how to draw a mushroom. If you put in the effort, I believe you will achieve everything you set your mind to. Now you can pay attention to the lesson “” - it is just as interesting and exciting. Well, the buttons social networks It's not just like that =)