A big dog. Why do you dream about a big, kind dog?

Dream books rarely give unambiguous interpretations of dreams. To understand why a big dog dreams, you need to remember the details of your dream. In addition, the personality of the dreamer is taken into account. The interpretation is different for men and women. A very important point is the emotional coloring of the dream. You need to remember what you felt when you saw a dog - joy, fear, confidence, panic. Let's figure out what interpretations different dream books give for a dream in which a large dog appears.

Here are excerpts from the most popular dream books. Let's figure out what they say about dreams in which a large dog appears.

Miller's Dream Book

Miller's popular dream book gives the following interpretations of dreams in which a large dog was present:

  • an affectionate big dog in a dream symbolizes good relationships with friends; if you need material or moral support at the moment, you can safely turn to your friends, they will definitely help;
  • if a dog bares its teeth, growls and tries to bite, then the dreamer in reality is expected to meet vile people who want to deceive and frame the dreamer;
  • if in a dream you were walking with a beautiful large dog on a leash, then in reality you can expect an improvement in your financial situation;
  • Did you have to flee from a pursuing dog in a dream? This means that in reality you will have to face temptation. And if you cannot overcome it, then the dreamer will face big troubles.

Vanga's Dream Book

Vanga’s equally popular dream book gives the following interpretations:

  • a large white or light-colored dog in a dream is a symbol of the support that you can receive from friends in reality;
  • but a dark-colored dog is an unfavorable sign. A Bulgarian clairvoyant gives an even more negative forecast if in a dream you saw a large dog lying around in the mud. This dream is a warning that in your close circle there is a person who pretends to be a friend, but is hatching insidious plans;
  • a homeless dog asking for help is a sign that your loved ones are not receiving enough of your attention. Give your loved ones your love and care so that happiness returns to your home again.

Freud's Dream Book

This dream book gives the following interpretations of dreams about dogs:

  • a large friendly dog ​​portends the appearance of new faithful friends in reality;
  • an aggressive, attacking dog - to strong quarrels, disagreements, family scandals;
  • buying a dog or bringing it into your house from the street means troubles imposed on you by other people. You may have to solve the problems of friends or provide forced assistance to relatives;

  • a scary dog ​​in a dream is a symbol that an illness may appear in the family or among close friends or an accident may occur that will lead to injury.

Why do you dream about a big dog?

When interpreting, it is important to take into account the dreamer’s gender, as well as his age and marital status.

To the girl

If a young girl dreams of a large dog, then in reality she will soon meet an interesting young man who will become her admirer. However, the new gentleman will be distinguished by frivolous behavior, so you should not count on a long-term and serious relationship.

If you decide to have an affair with him, then a sea of ​​emotions will await you. The new gentleman will give you a kind of “roller coaster”; he will either appear, showering you with flowers and gifts and promising eternal love, or suddenly disappear for no apparent reason. The romance will be short, but intense and memorable.

Unmarried woman

If an adult unmarried woman dreams of a big dog, then a man will appear in her life whom she wants to marry. When interpreting a dream, it is worth remembering what breed the dog was.

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If it was a service dog, then the admirer will be serious, but too boring. If you want to create a cozy family nest with a reliable person, then this is your chance. With such a husband you will live as if behind a stone wall, but you cannot count on fireworks of feelings. Your husband will not spoil you with romantic surprises and will not do crazy things for the sake of love for you. But this is not because there is no love, it’s just that romance is alien to this person. But you can rely on him in any trouble, he will never betray or abandon you.

If the dog in the dream was large and shaggy, then the new guy will turn out to be somewhat frivolous. He will be the life of the party; you will never be bored with him, as he constantly comes up with something new and interesting. However, the guy cannot be relied upon in serious matters; he may change his mind at the last moment, choosing some adventure instead of family matters.

Married woman

A large dog dreamed of by a married lady foreshadows a quick interesting vacation. This could be an unexpected trip - with family or friends, or an unexpected invitation to a party, banquet or picnic.

If the dog was very big, but showed friendliness towards the dreamer, then you can expect good news from afar. Perhaps former friends with whom fate once separated will appear in your life. Moreover, this meeting will be very pleasant and joyful, and the revived friendship will bring a lot of good things into your life.

But a large but unkind dog that shows aggression towards the dreamer is a symbol of quarrels and disagreements. Moreover, these quarrels can occur both in the family and among friends. In order not to be drawn into scandals, you will have to show tact and patience, try not to get into arguments, even if the topic does not seem too serious. Even a humorous argument during this period can develop into a serious quarrel, and then it will take a long time to restore relationships with people.

To a man

If a man dreams of a large dog, then this is a symbol of friendly support and loyal attitude of others. The interpretation depends on the type and behavior of the dog in a dream. The larger the dog, the more reliable your friends are. If you want to start a new business, but are afraid of not being able to cope, then enlist friendly support and boldly begin to implement your plans. Your friends will provide you with invaluable help.

But a favorable interpretation is possible only if the dog in your dream did not show aggression. If the dog was angry and tried to attack, it means that someone from your environment is unkind to you. Moreover, he wants to take revenge for some kind of insult. Therefore, take a close look at your surroundings, perhaps you will find an ill-wisher there who is hypocritically portraying friendly feelings.

Coat color of the dreamed dog: black, white, red or brown

An important point of interpretation is the color of the six dogs that you saw in your dream.

  • Black. If you dreamed of a black dog, then this is not a very favorable sign. Perhaps the dreamer will soon have a quarrel with a loved one. This will not necessarily be a husband (wife) or a loved one. The dream may foretell a quarrel with parents, a brother or sister, or a close friend. It is very important not to ignore this warning dream, otherwise the dreamer risks not only quarreling with loved ones, but also falling into a prolonged depression due to the inability to communicate normally with those who are dear to them. Therefore, try to show more tact, do not throw thoughtless accusations and do not invent insults out of thin air. This will allow you to improve communication and avoid major quarrels. But don’t overdo it, don’t let your loved ones start manipulating you, forcing you to do something that you don’t want at all.

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  • White. But the white or simply light fur of a dog in a dream is a positive sign. It means that you can fully rely on the people in your close circle, they will be able to provide invaluable help when you need it. In addition, the appearance of a white dog in dreams may mean a quick meeting with a friend with whom life has long separated you. This meeting will bring you a lot of joy, despite the fact that both you and your old friend have changed a lot during your separation.
  • Redhead. A very important warning is a dream in which a large red dog is present. Having seen such a dream, take a closer look at the people who are part of your close circle. Perhaps an unreliable person got in there. He can lead you greatly in a difficult situation. Moreover, he will do this not with the intention of causing harm, but simply out of negligence or forgetfulness. If you dreamed of an aggressive large red dog, then try to remember who you offended in the recent past. Perhaps you did not inflict the offense on purpose, but, nevertheless, you must definitely apologize. Otherwise, the offended person can cause the dreamer many small, but extremely annoying troubles.
  • Brown. If the dog in your dream has brown fur, then in reality you will have to face difficulties in communicating with others. You may have misunderstandings with colleagues or disagreements with friends. In addition, such soybean may portend troubles at work. Some problems may arise that will take a lot of effort to solve.
  • Gray. A kind gray dog ​​is a symbol that you have a secret friend. He will be able to support you in a difficult situation, when it seems that nothing will help. At the same time, he will not demand anything in return, preferring to continue to remain in the shadows.
  • Spotted. A dog in a dream may have uneven coloring. For interpretation, it is worth remembering which color was greater. If the main color was white, against which there were black or red spots, then this means that the negative information that these colors carry will be ironed out. If you dreamed of a black dog with a small number of white spots, then you can expect that the troubles that a dream with a black dog promises will be short-lived.
  • Unreal color. Anything can happen in a dream; if you dreamed of a dog of an unrealistic color (for example, blue or green), then this is a sign of the subconscious that you are too carried away by your dreams and have become somewhat detached from reality. Of course, there is nothing wrong with dreams, but don’t forget about real life, you can miss a lot of opportunities to improve your life by dreaming about handsome princes or building imaginary castles in the air.

Breed: Great Dane, Alabai, Shepherd

If you dreamed of a large purebred dog, then try to remember what breed the dog was. This may have an impact on interpretation.

  • Dog. This large dog is the embodiment of aristocracy and nobility. His appearance in a dream means that the dreamer will gain the patronage of high-ranking persons. You may have to meet an influential person who will help solve some problems.
  • German Shepherd. This dog is a symbol of devotion and fidelity. If in a dream you communicate well with a shepherd (petting, playing, walking), it means that in life you will have strong support from friends in any of your endeavors. If you beat or chase a shepherd in a dream, then this is not a very favorable sign. Perhaps you have been overcome by the sin of pride, and you are turning away from friendly help, which could really help out.

Many interpreters note that a black dog from a dream is an unfavorable harbinger. But in order to understand the most accurate meaning of the plot seen, you need to take into account its various details. They will help you correctly determine what a black dog means in a dream.

Dream Interpretation: big black dog

In Miller's dream book, a large black dog symbolizes an obstacle in life. Surely it appeared in reality between the sleeping person and the goals he set. You should take the dream as a hint that you need to more carefully reconsider your plans and try to find possible stones on the path to luck and success.

If a black dog in a vision turns out to be aggressive, then it symbolizes a real enemy. Perhaps it is he who prevents the sleeper from achieving his own goals.

According to Vanga’s dream book, a meeting with a very large black dog foreshadows a person having an important conversation with an old acquaintance. The friend knows some valuable information that will be useful to the dreamer in the future.

In the Exoteric Dream Book, a black dog is a sign of good luck and fortune. It is faith in one’s own success that will allow a man or woman to achieve all their goals and quickly improve their financial situation to the desired level.

Seeing a kind dog in a dream

It is very important to remember the character and mood of the animal before interpretation. If a kind dog of any color (including black) appears in a dream, then it can be considered a positive harbinger. First of all, such a plot promises the dreamer and his family good health in the near future. If there are seriously ill adults or children in the family, you should expect them to recover quickly after the dream.

For a young girl, a kind dog caressing her foretells a quick marriage with her current partner. If the sleeping woman does not yet have a lover, then a similar plot promises her an acquaintance with an interesting man.

It happens that a black dog in a dream first caresses a woman and then bites her. This is an important warning for the sleeping woman. She needs to take a closer look at each new acquaintance. Under no circumstances should you trust the first person you meet, no matter how positive he may seem. A man's intentions may turn out to be deceitful.

A big dog in a dream is a favorable sign. According to the dream book, such a dream can only be interpreted from a positive side. Perhaps, in reality, you will be able to acquire a faithful companion, which will become a reliable support for you in life.

Did you dream about a big, kind dog? Expect help from a trusted friend in reality. Perhaps now you do not maintain such a close relationship as before, but this will not stop him from coming to your aid when you need it.

Other interpretations of sleep big dog

Did you dream that in a dream you had a chance to feed a dog, after which it licked your hands as a sign of gratitude? Expect an unexpected gift from friends. This way, they will thank you for the necessary support that you have provided in the distant past. But a dying dog in a dream is an unfavorable sign. Perhaps in reality someone from your immediate circle will become very ill or even die.

According to the prediction of the Modern Dream Book, a big dog in a dream, which protects you from the attacks of ill-wishers, will predict good career growth in reality. So, most likely you will be offered a promotion or a significant salary increase. And for a lonely girl, such a dream is guaranteed to bring, if not marriage in the future, then at least a caring and loving betrothed.

If in a dream you saw a barking dog, then reality will probably bring you only bad news. This is especially true in cases where the dog’s skin is dark in color. Such a plot warns against unpleasant surprises in reality.

To the question of why a big dog dreams of being petted, the Universal Dream Book has an answer. Thus, such an episode guarantees the devotion of close friends in reality. If a lonely woman is frightened by a barking dog in a dream, then in everyday life fate will give her a caring husband.

Did you see a hunting dog in a dream? Expect victory in all your endeavors in everyday life. And if a series of failures does not leave you, do not panic. You will cope with everything successfully.

A dream in which a large dog caresses and licks you suggests that in reality you will have a promising and, of course, pleasant conversation. A dog howling in a dream signifies bad news. And if the animal is completely aggressive and tears clothes in a dream, then in reality you will be surrounded by rumors and gossip from ill-wishers. The dream book advises not to let them get away with this and force the offenders to stop spoiling your reputation.

Hosse's dream book explains why a big white dog dreams. This episode predicts that the dreamer will have new friends in reality, communication with whom will bring real joy. A dream in which a big dog bites you signals that in reality you are in for a fight over money. And if an animal ran away in a dream, then in reality the dreamer will be haunted by troubles and heavy thoughts.

Interpretation of a dream about a big dog in accordance with the dream books of Miller and Vanga

Did you dream about a big dog biting you in a dream? Miller claims that such a dream is a harbinger of failures, which are provoked by the actions of your ill-wishers. And an affectionate dog in a dream guarantees only positive aspects in life. So, the dreamer will actually be pursued by success and luck. A purebred dog is a guarantee of special luck in financial matters. Your entrepreneurial spirit and mental abilities will help you make a decent fortune.

According to Miller's predictions, if a big dog bites in a dream, then in reality you will have numerous showdowns with your spouse and co-workers. Moreover, it is unlikely that you will be able to avoid these quarrels, so you are hiding the fact that in the near future you will have a difficult period. A thin and dirty dog ​​will bring only misfortune to the dreamer in reality, and perhaps a serious illness.

If in a dream you were afraid of a large dog, then in everyday life you will begin to resist in your environment. You will do everything to ensure that everyone you know adopts your point of view. Miller is also convinced that a large and wounded animal in a dream symbolizes intrigues that consumed the dreamer in reality, not without the participation of outside help. Be careful and try to identify the attacker.

Did you dream about a dog fighting with a cat in a dream? Expect disappointment on the personal front. And if in a dream you try to spill water on them, then in reality everything will turn out very well for you. A multi-headed dog in a dream is nothing more than a warning. Calculate your own strengths wisely and do not take on several things at once. Otherwise, you will not achieve results in any of them.

A sick black dog, according to Miller’s interpretation, portends only troubles and misfortunes. And a mad and aggressive dog is a kind of warning that reality is preparing for the dreamer a difficult and lengthy confrontation with enemies.

To the question of why a big homeless dog dreams, you can find the answer from Vanga. So, she explains that your friend is probably in a difficult situation and more than ever he needs your help. However, he cannot ask her. If you value your loved ones and family, then try to show your participation on your own, without asking.

Did you see a big, shaggy dog ​​licking your hands in a dream? Such a dream suggests that in reality you will selflessly help a person whose gratitude will be limitless. According to the predictions of Vanga’s dream book, the black dog that appeared in a dream will only bring disappointment to the dreamer in reality. For example, the person who is closest to you in difficult times will leave you in trouble and will not lend a helping hand even after your request.

What can you expect if a big red dog is caressing you in your night dreams and looking for friendship with you? In fact, you can count on a cloudless relationship with your soulmate. Thus, the dream book predicts that in the near future the relationship between you will enter a new stage. They will become calm and peaceful. You will have the opportunity to enjoy every moment spent together.

Vanga also explains what a dream means in which you see a large wounded or dead dog. So, most likely, in everyday life the dreamer should prepare to receive sad news about the illness or death of a loved one. A dog that is trying to protect you from danger in a dream symbolizes a powerful patron who will appear in your life in the near future. He will help in the most difficult times and save you from many difficulties.

A dog attacking you in a dream, according to Vanga’s predictions, predicts opposition to the forces of evil in reality. Surely otherworldly forces will want to significantly change your life. Do everything possible to fight off the animal in your night dreams. And if you succeed, your destiny will not be in serious danger. Most likely, in reality you will easily defeat all your enemies.

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A dog is considered man's best friend and therefore symbolizes friendships and the emotional sphere in the interpretation of dreams. Usually, dreams with this animal do not bode well if you felt calm in the dream. But nightmares about dogs can portend danger for you or your family. Depending on the situation around and the dog itself, the interpretation of the dream may change. It is also important how the dream ended.

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    What was the dog like?

    Usually people who are afraid of dogs dream of them as aggressive packs. In this case, you should not look for any interpretation in this dream - this is only a reflection of internal fear.

    If your attitude towards dogs is neutral or positive, the dream may be prophetic. Depending on the size and color of the animal, the dream takes on different meanings.


    If you dreamed of a white dog that was simply walking next to you or playing with you, this is a symbol of a close friend and his support. There is a sincere and devoted person in your environment.

    If such a dog was aggressive, tried to bite or growled, it is worth taking a closer look at the surroundings. Among your friends and relatives there is a person who, under a good attitude, masks evil intentions.

    A dog bit me in a dream - interpretation of the dream in various dream books


    Black dogs in esotericism are an unkind sign. Previously, it was believed that magicians and sorcerers, ill-wishers associated with dark forces, preferred to appear in dreams in the form of a black dog.

    If such a dog does not hurt you in any way, this is a warning that some kind of fraud is being prepared against you. Biting the hand, it symbolizes problems. If there is a bite on the left hand - problems with a loved one, family. A bite on the right hand means financial losses and large debts.

    An aggressive, barking black dog means you will be publicly ridiculed, slandered, or set up. A dream may promise a quarrel with your best friend.


    Seeing a red dog in a dream means be prepared for the fact that at work you will have to perform other people’s duties and not expect a reward for this. Some people pretend to be allies, although they are making plans without your participation.

    For a woman, such a dream symbolizes her own unclean intentions. Perhaps you feel guilty about something. Red dogs in a dream are considered your protectors, possessing magical powers.

    Who had the dream?

    Depending on the dreamer’s gender and position in society, such a dream can be interpreted in different ways. Women are more likely to have dreams related to the emotional sphere. The dog in this case symbolizes family support and well-being, and if it was angry, the problems of relatives that were not reported to you.

    For men, night visions often appear as a sign about financial and material affairs, colleagues and friends. A dog in men's dreams symbolizes the patronage of an influential person and the favorable disposition of his superiors.

    Interpretation from famous dream books

    The most famous are the dream books of Vanga, Miller, Tsvetkov, Nostradamus, and folk dream books of different countries. Their interpretations are time-tested and beyond doubt.

    In most dream books, a dog is interpreted as a friend, buddy, but it can become a harbinger of financial changes and family problems. Most often, the interpretation comes true if the dream occurred on the eve of a major church holiday or from Thursday to Friday.

    Russian dream book

    A huge dog always symbolizes an influential friend, patron in business and well-wisher:

    • If you petted a kind big dog in a dream, you will meet a person who will become a support and assistant in all matters.
    • A barking dog in a dream - expect a quarrel with loved ones.
    • Aggressive behavior of an animal - your friend will not be who he said he was. You will be disappointed in him.

    According to Miller

    The appearance in a dream of a large white dog that is caressing promises you unexpected success in all matters, even those whose success you doubted.

    For women, such a dream promises great love. You will meet a man who will be perfect for you in every way. If you dreamed about a dog with two heads, you are fussing too much, you want to get everything at once.

    If you were leading a white dog on a leash or saw him killing a snake, your situation will soon improve; the dream foreshadows family well-being and prosperity.

    But a black dog on a chain in a married woman’s dream symbolizes a secret admirer who does not show his feelings. But even being friends with him can harm your reputation.

    According to Tsvetkov

    If in a night vision you were bitten by a dog, your friend is offended by your words or actions. By not apologizing, you risk losing him. If a dog attacks in a dream and tries to bite, but cannot, this is a symbol that difficulties and slander await you ahead, but a friend will come to your defense.

    If you dream of a big dog that licks itself, it means a quick separation from a close friend. He will go on a trip or move to another country.

    According to Nostradamus

    A homeless shepherd promises you major hardships and fraudulent activities behind your back. If she was with puppies, the losses will not be so great, but minor troubles can temporarily knock you out of your usual rhythm of life.

    For a girl, a stray dog ​​in a dream promises a happy and loving marriage, but a constant need for money. If you dreamed that the dog was well-groomed and at home, the financial situation of the young family will be stable.

    Interpretation of Vanga

    Seeing a big dog in a dream is a sign that your close friend will be in trouble and will not be able to cope with problems without your support. Black color of the animal - you will be disappointed in the person whom you considered the most reliable and faithful.

    A dog licking its wounds or being killed is a bad sign. Beware of exacerbation of chronic diseases; bad news from relatives is possible. A dream may foreshadow the illness of your best friend.

    No matter how gloomy the interpretation of a dream may be according to one dream book or another, remember that troubles can be avoided if you adhere to the interpreters’ recommendations and be alert.

Dogs are the most loyal creatures, and it is not for nothing that when you hear the phrase “my four-legged friend,” this particular animal immediately appears before your eyes. They have been living side by side with man for thousands of years, helping him in everything. But what can a dog dream about when it enters a dream? Is it always a good sign, or could it be a warning?

In most cases, a dog in a dream is a positive character, but not always. Much depends on the interpretation and related factors.

For example, a whole pack of dogs symbolize many problems, troubles and experiences that bother a person in real life. This dream warns of expected obstacles and dubious friends waiting for a person to make a mistake.

If dogs are favorably disposed towards a person, they caress and allow themselves to be petted, then the dream radically changes its meaning. In this case, you can count not only on your own strength, but also on luck, which will accompany you in all your endeavors. This dream foreshadows that the time has come for the most daring changes, to change the field of activity or organize your business.

Naturally, the behavior of dogs in their sleep is of great importance. If a flock of animals is friendly with each other, plays and frolics, then this is a sure sign that fruitful cooperation and a successful outcome of planned affairs are expected in a person’s life.

If the dogs are belligerent, fight, sorting things out among themselves, then the sleeping person will face a rift with friends or colleagues in life, which will not be easy to forget. This is a warning dream, after which you need to be more careful in your statements or actions so as not to become the culprit of a quarrel.

In addition to the number of pets, the interpretation of the dream also depends on what kind of dog you dreamed about.

As in life, in a dream many of a person’s associations when seeing a dog depend on its appearance. A big dog can cause fear, and a tiny puppy can cause tenderness. What animal parameters should you pay attention to when interpreting a dream?

Why do you dream of a big or small dog?

An animal of impressive size indicates that a person has good relationships with friends based on trust. But if a dog inspires terror in a sleeping person, it means that in life he is afraid of his comrades. And this does not allow you to fully open up to your friends, to fully trust.

There are several interpretations of dreams where a big dog appears:

  • symbolizes reliability, success and prosperity - a large dog can become a protector against any kind of threat;
  • the dream means that any troubles will lose their significance and become less important;
  • a large dog can mean that an influential and powerful patron will appear in a person’s life.

Small dogs most often mean small but enjoyable chores. Perhaps the family is about to celebrate an important date, the birth of a baby is expected, or a wedding. Of course, preparation, choosing gifts, organizing a celebration is a troublesome task, but at the same time pleasant.

These same dogs warn that soon you will have to take care not only of your life priorities, but also be interested in whether others agree with this arrangement of affairs.

Small dogs can represent younger relatives or comrades who need protection.

Dreaming of a white, black, red dog

The color of the fur of the dreamed dog allows you to interpret the dream differently. So why might you dream of a dog of one color or another:

  • Wool black color is a warning about a meeting with an enemy. Sometimes this dream suggests that someone around him has evil intent, or that the dreamer himself has lost faith in his loved ones. In this case, a frank conversation with friends helps.
  • Wool white color- a messenger that a meeting with old good friends will soon take place, and the old relationship will quickly be restored. Also, a white dog can be a symbol of changes in life for the better.
  • Redhead a dog is a sign of deceit on the part of supposed allies. This means that those around you are acting dishonestly towards you, or are preparing a conspiracy. If a man dreams of a dog with such fur, then there is a possibility of a dishonest colleague.
  • Gray The dog's fur means that in difficult times all loved ones will turn away. There is a great risk that your best friend will find yourself on the other side of the barricades in a conflict.
  • Brown dog - mistrust on the part of an old acquaintance, which the sleeping person will have to dispel.

Dog of a certain breed

Quite often, a purebred animal appears in people's dreams. The dream itself speaks of a person’s desire to be in some company, to achieve a promotion at work, to find an influential patron. Moreover, the dog seems to suggest that friends will help you achieve your goal.

What is the significance of this or that breed of four-legged friends:

  • A German Shepherd is a good sign, indicating that a person has friends who are ready to help. The plan will work out, especially if the activity is connected with caring for those in need.
  • The Rottweiler is a symbol of change, regardless of whether it is positive or negative, it will definitely cause difficulties for a person. It will take time for a person to come to terms with changes.
  • – the upcoming work involves communicating with friendly and talented employees. Such activities will only bring satisfaction.
  • Labrador – symbolizes a huge surge of energy in the work field. Friends will help you establish good relations with your boss. Such a dog indicates that a person is confident in himself and his abilities.
  • - portends unexpected joy at work, which will affect many. All possible problems will be resolved once or twice.

What does a dog do in a dream?

The actions of the animal are very important. If a dog is sleeping, then this is a symbol of a person’s conscience. In addition, it is important what your four-legged friend looks like:

  • If the dog is clean, with neat fur, it means that the sleeping person has a clear conscience.
  • An animal in the dirt, shaggy and emaciated means that there are a lot of thoughts, doubts, and reflections in the sleeper’s head. Perhaps this is a feeling of guilt.
  • Dreaming of a sleeping dog that does not allow one to pass through is a symbol of the fact that a person’s soul is heavy because of previously committed deeds.
  • The kindest, sweet dog personifies true friendship, which means that there is someone nearby to whom you can reveal any secret. This is a real support in any situation.
  • A dog that barks aggressively at the dreamer - the dream warns that the person will soon be drawn into a conflict.
  • Mad Dog warns that a big fight with your best friend could lead to him becoming your worst enemy.
  • The chained dog says that you should be more careful in choosing friends; many of those around you are not such at all.

Interesting interpretations of dreams from other dream books

How many people, so many opinions. If we look at different dream books, we can see that a dog can symbolize completely different phenomena.

  1. Looking into an ancient Old Church Slavonic dream book, you can read that a dog in a dream speaks of a person’s devotion and courage. Longo's dream book indicates that if a dog licks a person's hand, then good luck awaits him in his career. If the animal is sleeping, then most likely you will have to give up everything and take care of the children.
  2. Dream interpreter Kanonita points out that if you dream of a dog, then an unattainable goal can be achieved with maximum effort.
  3. Italians trust Maneghetti's dream book; according to him, dreams about dogs indicate who dominates in a relationship and who only submits. Most often, these relationships are negative, since one of the participants suppresses the will of the other. These may not necessarily be married couples, but also mother-child, father-child, etc.
  4. The well-known Nostradamus also did not ignore the topic of dogs in dreams. Its interpretation is connected with the financial situation of the sleeper, or more precisely with his instability. In such a dream there is a warning - it’s time to save money “for a rainy day.”
  5. Tsvetkov’s dream book says that a dog is a symbol of an upcoming victory. If a person experiences difficulties, then the matter will be resolved in his favor anyway.
  6. Freud focuses on the character and behavior of the animal, a kind dog dreams of new pleasant acquaintances, an evil one prophesies an imminent quarrel, the dog caresses - a new love will soon appear, bitten - grueling litigation awaits the sleeper.

Whatever dreams prophesy, you should not rely only on them. You should benefit from them and build a life with your own hands.