Is Steve Jobs dead? How did Steve Jobs die? Illness and death

Steven Paul Jobs is an American inventor and entrepreneur. One of the founders of Apple Corporation and the Pixar film studio. He went down in history as the man who revolutionized mobile gadgets.


Steve was born in 1955 in San Francisco. His parents are unregistered Syrian Abdulfattah (John) Jandali, a professor of political science, and German Joan Schieble, who met at the University of Wisconsin. Joan's relatives were against this union and threatened to deprive the girl of her inheritance, so she decided to give the child up for adoption.

The boy ended up in the family of Paul and Clara Jobs from the Californian town of Mountain View, who named the newborn Steven Paul Jobs. My adoptive mother worked in an accounting firm, and my father worked as a mechanic in a company that produced laser systems. When Steve was in 7th grade, due to the increased crime situation in the new area, his adoptive parents were forced to use their last funds to buy a house in the more prosperous Los Altos. There was only enough money for a modest three-bedroom, one-story house on Christ Drive. Now the building in which Steve assembled the first Mac is included in popular tourist routes, and the city itself has become part of Silicon Valley, the most progressive area in the world.

At school, Steve was a restless bully, but thanks to the efforts of teacher Mrs. Hill, little Jobs began to demonstrate amazing academic performance. So, from the fourth grade he went straight to the sixth grade at Crittenden Middle School.

In high school, Steve became interested in electronics and became friends with Bill Fernandez, a boy who shared his interests. According to Bill, he hit it off with Steve because he was “a nerd, socially awkward, smart.” Bill later became the first Apple employee along with Jobs and Wozniak. As a teenager, Steve spent a lot of time at Bill's house, which his mother decorated in the style of Japanese minimalism. According to Fernandez, it was the design of his home that influenced Jobs' love for minimalism.

At age 13, Jobs called Hewlett-Packard President William Hewlett at home. The boy was assembling an electrical appliance and needed some parts. Hewlett talked with the boy for 20 minutes, agreed to send everything he needed and offered to work in his company over the summer. Steve attended extracurricular lectures at the HP branch for a long time.

Education and first steps

After school, Jobs attended Reed College (Portland, Oregon), but soon dropped out because tuition was too expensive. During his short time studying, Steve managed to meet Daniel Kottke, who became his best friend. He received a job offer from Hewlett-Packard and accepted it. At work, Jobs met his namesake Steve Wozniak, with whom he wrote his name in history.

At the same time, Jobs was interested in the art of calligraphy. There was no practical benefit from the classes; Steve simply rested his soul, writing neat letters with a pen. But 10 years later, calligraphy came in handy when Jobs created fonts for his first computer. It is believed that it was the fonts of the first Macintoshes that formed the basis of modern fonts for personal computers.

In February 1974, Steve returned to California, where his friend and technical genius Wozniak invited Jobs to work as a technician at Atari, which produced games such as the famous arcade game Pong.

Since his student days, Stephen was interested in the hippie subculture, and later his mind was captivated by the concept of Zen Buddhism, so after six months of working for Atari, he went to India. The journey was not easy: Jobs suffered from dysentery and lost 15 kilograms. Later on the trip, Kottke joined him and they set off together in search of a guru and spiritual enlightenment. Years later, Steve admitted that he went to India to resolve the inner feelings caused by his biological parents abandoning him.

Steve Jobs' legendary speech to Stanford University graduates

In 1975, Jobs returned to Los Altos and Atari, volunteering to quickly create the circuitry for the video game Breakout. Steve had to minimize the number of chips on the board, for the removal of each of which there was a reward of $100. Jobs convinced Wozniak that he could complete the job in 4 days, although such work usually took several months. In the end, Jobs succeeded, and Wozniak gave him a check for $350, lying that Atari paid him 700 instead of the real 5000. Having received a large sum for those times, Jobs quit his job.

Creation of Apple

Steve was 20 years old when Wozniak showed him a computer he made and convinced his friend to make computers for sale. It all started with the production of printed circuits, but eventually young people came to assembling computers.

In 1976, engineer Bill Fernandez (he left the company after 18 months, considering it unpromising) and draftsman Ronald Wayne were hired into the business. On April 1, friends founded Apple Computer Co. For start-up capital, Jobs sold his minibus, and Wozniak sold a programmable calculator. The total was $1,300.

The friends also sold equipment for hacking telephone networks to phreakers, the predecessors of computer hackers. For hacking, a sound source with a frequency of 2600Hz was required. Using ordinary children's whistles, former US Air Force radio operator John Draper invented a gadget, popularly nicknamed the "blue box", which made the necessary sound and allowed you to get a free long-distance call. Jobs and Wozniak contacted Draper and sold his invention, thereby earning enough money to create the first batch of computers. But Draper was unlucky - he was sent to prison.

A little later, the first order was received from a local electronics store. The two Steves convinced the owner that their computer was second to none: it could display data on the screen simultaneously with its input, and it was also expected that it would be delivered fully assembled, ready for use. Wozniak's technical genius and Jobs's oratory skills convinced the store owner to order 50 computers.

But the team didn’t have the money to buy parts for such a large batch. So Steve got all his friends involved. In the garage of his parents' house, he set up a workshop where he soldered, assembled, and completed equipment. According to eyewitnesses, Jobs showed himself to be a strict leader. The only person who never raised his voice was Steve Wozniak.

A month later, in July 1976, the store received its first batch of computers, called Apple I, each of which cost $666.66.

The world's first mass-produced computer from IBM appeared the same year Wozniak completed work on the Apple II, so Jobs ordered the launch of an advertising campaign and the creation of beautiful packaging with a logo to beat the competition. New Apple computers have sold 5 million copies around the world. As a result, at the age of 25, Steve Jobs became a millionaire.

At the end of 1979, Steve and other Apple employees went to the Xerox (XRX) research center, where Jobs saw the Alto computer. He immediately became obsessed with the idea of ​​​​creating a PC with an interface that would allow him to give commands with a cursor.

At that time, the Lisa computer was being developed, named after the daughter of Steve Jobs. The inventor was going to implement all Xerox developments and lead the project of an innovative computer, but his colleagues Mark Markulla, who invested more than 250 thousand dollars in Apple, and Scott Forstall reorganized the company and removed Jobs.

In 1980, computer interface specialist Jef Raskin and Jobs began work on a new project - a portable machine that was supposed to fold into a miniature suitcase. Raskin named the project Macintosh after his favorite apple variety.

Even then, Stephen was a demanding and tough boss; working under his leadership was not easy. Numerous conflicts with Jeff led to the latter being sent on leave and later fired. A little later, disagreements forced John Sculley to leave the corporation, and in 1985, Wozniak. At the same time, Steve founded the NeXT company, which worked in the field of hardware.

In 1986, Jobs took the helm of the Pixar animation studio, which produced many world-famous cartoons, such as “Monsters, Inc.” and “Toy Story.” In 2006, Steve sold his brainchild to Walt Disney, but remained on the board of directors and became a Disney shareholder with 7 percent of the shares.

In 1996, Apple wanted to buy NeXT. So Steve returned to work after many years of suspension and became the manager of the company, joining the board of directors. In 2000, Jobs entered the Guinness Book of Records as the CEO with the most modest salary - $1 per year.

Presentation of the first iPhone. When the world changed forever

Revolution in the world of gadgets

In 2001, Steve introduced the first Apple player called the iPod. Later, the sale of this product brought the main income to the company, as the MP3 player became the fastest and most capacious player of that time.

The first iPod had, firstly, a touch-sensitive scroll wheel, which was an extraordinary innovation at that time, and secondly, the player came with a memory capacity of 5 or 10 gigabytes. The slogan of the new product was: “A thousand songs in your pocket!”

The evolution of the iPod

Since then, the iPod has been released every year, and with each generation the storage capacity has increased. In 2004, the player got a color screen, and in 2005 it got the ability to play video. In 2006, a new line of iPod Classic was released, which was distinguished by a particularly large amount of memory - the most capacious iPod could load 160 gigabytes of music, photos and videos. Not every personal computer could boast such a hard drive capacity.

In parallel, since 2004, Apple released the iPod Mini (later transformed into the iPod Nano) and the ultra-portable iPod Shuffle, which lost its screen.

In 2007, the iPhone touchscreen mobile phone went on sale. This was not the first phone with a touch screen. For example, Ericsson released its first phone with a sensor already in 2000, long before the merger with Sony. In 2004, Philips released the 550 model with a touch-sensitive screen. Three years before the first iPhone, Nokia, at that time the flagship in the mobile device market, introduced the 7710 touchphone based on Symbian OS.

The iPhone, released in June 2007 and retroactively rebranded as the iPhone 2G, had a very responsive sensor, wireless connectivity, and no competing model had the same thin and sleek design. The iPhone had quite a few shortcomings, for example, it did not support 3G networks, but it had a separate OS that allowed you to download applications from the App Store.

The iPhone 2G marked the beginning of the death of push-button phones and the smartphone mania that swept the world. Since then, a new iPhone has traditionally been released every year (usually in the fall) and, despite the high cost compared to its competitors, it has consistently maintained sales levels. And already in 2008, Apple demonstrated the thinnest laptop on the planet, the MacBook Air.

In 2010, Jobs introduced the iPad, an Internet tablet, which caused confusion among the public. However, Stephen's ability to convince the buyer that he needed this product raised tablet sales to 15 million copies a year. Subsequently, a smaller version of the iPad Mini was released, and in 2015, alas, without Steven Jobs, sales of the iPad Pro, a tablet with a larger screen diagonal, began. The developing market for mobile applications has made the iPad a full-fledged, and in many cases, a more convenient replacement for a laptop. Today, you can write music, take notes, draw, design, and more on your iPad.

Steve Jobs and his 10 rules for success

Jobs had a keen sense of what the buyer needed, so he sought to create a miniature machine that could satisfy every whim of the modern user. Stephen's ideas were not always innovative; he skillfully used existing developments of others, but brought them to perfection and “packed them in a beautiful wrapper.” After his death, new Apple products like the Apple Watch were no longer revolutionary.

Personal life of Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs called Chris Ann Brennan his first love. He met a hippie girl in 1972, after running away from his parents. Together they studied Zen Buddhism, took LSD and hitchhiked.

In 1978, Chris gave birth to a daughter, Lisa, but Stephen stubbornly denied his paternity. A year later, a genetic test proved Jobs's relationship with his daughter, which obligated him to pay child support. The inventor rented a house in Palo Alto for Chris and Lisa and paid for the girl’s education, but Steve began communicating with her only years later.

In 1982, Jobs had an affair with folk singer Joan Baez, who was 14 years older than him. The relationship lasted three years until Stephen became interested in a young student, Egan, with whom he had a short affair.

Later, Stephen met the most beautiful woman in his life, as he himself said about her. Tina Redse was a computer consultant who was interested in hippie culture. The romance lasted 4 years, after which Jobs made proposals, but was refused, and the couple broke up.

At a lecture at Stanford Business School in 1989, Stephen accidentally met bank employee Lauren Powell. A year later, the young people got married, and in 1991 their son Reed was born. Lauren later gave birth to two more daughters - Erin (1995) and Eve (1998).

Illness and death

In August 2004, Stephen was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, a disease that is difficult to treat. Typically, a tumor in this place is considered inoperable, but Jobs, if you can use this word in relation to cancer, was lucky - he was diagnosed with a neuroendocrine tumor, which grows much more slowly and is more treatable, and this occurs in one case out of 20.

The doctors rejoiced - surgery and a course of treatment would most likely send the disease into stable remission. But Jobs refused the operation and began treatment with Hindu gurus. Jobs didn't want his body to be "opened up and rummaged through." He treated cancer with a vegetable diet, meditation and acupuncture. Nine months later he was re-examined. The tumor not only became significantly larger, but also metastasized. Time was lost.

Tim Cook "Steve Jobs" (trailer)

Biography Steve Jobs life episodes and obituary . When born and died Jobs, memorable places and dates of his life. A film about Steve Jobs. Quotes, photos and videos.

Years in the life of Steve Jobs:

born February 24, 1955, died October 5, 2011


“Apple has lost a visionary and creative genius, and the world has lost an amazing person. Those of us who were fortunate enough to know and work with Steve have lost a dear friend and inspiring mentor. "Steve leaves behind a company that only he could have built, and his spirit will forever be the foundation of Apple."
Epitaph on the Apple website after the death of Steve Jobs


Biography of Steve Jobs became legendary during his lifetime - a daring dreamer who revolutionized the world of computers. An adopted child who never finished college, who organized a company in the garage of his parents’ house, which later became one of the most expensive companies in the world, he seemed to prove with his whole life: you need to dream and believe in yourself, and then everything will work out. Or almost everything.

Steve Jobs was born on February 24, 1955. His parents were not married, and their relatives were against their marriage, so Jobs's biological mother and gave him up for adoption, making his adoptive parents promise that they would give Steve a higher education. Who knows how Jobs' biography would have turned out if Clara and Paul had not become his parents. They worked tirelessly to raise money for their adopted son's education, and in 1972 Steve entered Reed College. And then left him - after six months, because he was bored there. True, he attended lectures for another year as a free listener and later admitted that they gave him a lot.

While still at school he met Steve Wozniak. Wozniak and Jobs founded Apple together in the garage of Jobs' parents' home.. In fact, first personal computer (Apple I) collected by Wozniak, but it was Jobs who convinced his friend not to sell the patent, but to refine it and create his own business, acting as a talented marketer. Already four years later Jobs became a multimillionaire. But not everything always went smoothly in the history of Steve Jobs - for example, in 1985 he was fired from Apple, but invited back after twelve years. It was under his leadership that the company was able to significantly strengthen its position in the market. He became her ideological inspirer, a face, a person whom thousands, if not millions of young people dreaming of such success, wanted to be like.

It seemed that Steve could do everything. But Jobs was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in 2003, rare and, according to doctors, incurable. However, Steve was not going to give up so easily - the tumor was successfully operated on. It seemed that he managed to win again, but five years later the cancer that miraculously disappeared returned. What followed was a long treatment, severe weight loss, a liver transplant, and Jobs’s return to work again with excellent prognosis.

But on August 24, 2011, Steve Jobs released his open letter in which he said: “I have always said that if the day ever came when I could no longer fulfill my responsibilities and expectations as the head of Apple, I would be the first who will inform you about it. Unfortunately, this day has come." It became clear to everyone that Jobs had serious health problems, but everyone fully hoped for a miracle, which, alas, did not happen. Steve Jobs died on October 5, 2011. No one had any doubts about how Steve Jobs died - the cause of Jobs' death was pancreatic cancer. The news that Steve Jobs died shook the public, filling the pages of Internet sites, blogs, and newspapers.
Steve Jobs funeral took place two days after his death - it was a small, private funeral. At Stanford University, where Jobs gave a fiery speech in 2005, a closed service was held, attended by Steve Jobs' relatives and colleagues. To this day, Steve Jobs remains for many a dreamer, a winner, a person who inspires action. Steve Jobs Quotes- these are the words of a person who lives every day as if it were his last, knows how to set goals for himself and achieve them, loves life and received from it everything he wanted: love, success, money and the fulfillment of dreams.

Steve Jobs with his wife Lauren and illegitimate daughter Lisa

Life line

February 24, 1955 Steven Paul Jobs was born in San Francisco.
summer 1972 Finishing school, entering Reed College in Portland.
1974 Work at Atari in Los Gatos, California, a video game company. A trip to India in search of spiritual enlightenment.
1975 Return to Atari.
April 1, 1976. Registration of Apple Inc. with Steve Wozniak.
May 17, 1978 Birth of an illegitimate daughter, Lisa Nicole Brennan, from her relationship with Chris Ann Brennan.
December 1980 Apple Inc.'s first public sale of shares. Steve Jobs becomes a multimillionaire.
1985 Dismissal from Apple.
1986 Purchase of Pixar studio for $5 million.
March 18, 1991 Wedding to Lauren Powell.
September 1991 Birth of son Reed.
August 1995 Birth of daughter Erin.
1997 Returning to Apple as interim CEO.
1998 Birth of daughter Eve.
2000 Jobs becomes permanent CEO of Apple.
2003 Jobs was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.
August 2004 Surgery, successful tumor removal.
October 2004 Steve Jobs's first public appearance after surgery.
2006 Sale of Pixar studio in exchange for shares of Walt Disney worth $7.4 billion.
January 2009
June 2009 Jobs' return after liver transplant.
January 17, 2011 Taking leave for health reasons.
August 24, 2011 Official resignation from the post of head of Apple Corporation.
October 5, 2011 Date of death of Steve Jobs.
October 7, 2011 Steve Jobs' funeral at Alta Mesa Cemetery.

Memorable places

1. Steve Jobs' house, where he lived with his parents and in whose garage he founded Apple Computer together with Steve Wozniak.
2. Homestead School, where Steve Jobs studied.
3. Reed College, where Steve Jobs studied for the first six months and then remained a free student for a year.
4. Office of Apple, created by Steve Jobs.
5. Pixar Studio, owned by Steve Jobs from 1986-2006.
6. Steve Jobs' home, which he purchased in the 1990s. and lived there until the end of his life.
7. Alta Mesa Cemetery, where Steve Jobs is buried.
8. Monument to Steve Jobs in Grafisoft Park in Budapest.

Episodes and facts from life

Steve Jobs has always been a talented and inquisitive child with extraordinary abilities who does not like formalism. So, in elementary school he At first I was known as a hooligan until one of the teachers found an approach to him. As a result, when Jobs finished fourth grade, the school principal offered to transfer him directly to seventh, but Steve’s parents agreed on sixth. Jobs was also expelled from college after six months, but he continued to attend lectures and classes that were interesting to him. According to him, it was thanks to the calligraphy course he took that he was able to later create the famous Mac fonts.

Courage, self-confidence- were one of Jobs' main qualities. So, at the age of 12, Steve called the head of Hewlett-Packard on his home phone and talked with him for 20 minutes. The teenager wanted to assemble an electric current frequency indicator and needed some parts. At the end of the conversation, the HP president not only agreed to send the necessary parts, but also offered Steve a summer job at his company.

Jobs's best qualities that helped him achieve success also hurt him - for example, lack of modesty, timidity and, as a result, some arrogance. It was because of his difficult character that Jobs was forced to leave Apple. But when he started a family and children, he became much softer and changed his attitude towards people, himself and his employees. His return to Apple allowed the company to become the most successful company in the computer market.

Steve Jobs battled cancer for 7 years and tried not to advertise the disease, declaring only a good prognosis after completing the next course of treatment. According to him, the disease helped him look at life differently: “The memory of the fact that I will die soon is the most important tool that helps me make difficult decisions in my life. Because everything else - other people's opinions, all this pride, all this fear of embarrassment or failure - all these things fall in the face of death, leaving only what is really important. Remembering death is the best way to avoid thinking that you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no longer any reason for you not to follow your heart.” Steve’s loved ones, who were next to him at the time of his death, claim that the last words of the geniuses, a few hours before his death, were: “Wow! Wow! Wow!".

Steve Jobs has always been a bold dreamer

Testaments and bright quotes of Steve Jobs

“Stay hungry. Stay reckless."

“Don't waste your time living someone else's life... have the courage to listen to your heart and intuition. Somehow they know what you want to become. Everything else is secondary."


“I am saddened by Steve's passing. Together with his wife, we express our most sincere condolences to his family and friends and everyone who worked with him. Steve and I first met about 30 years ago and have been colleagues, competitors and friends for the better part of our lives. It is rare to find a person in the world who has had as much influence as Steve, the effects of which will be felt for many generations to come. For those who were lucky enough to work with Steve Jobs, it was a huge honor. I will miss Steve terribly."
Bill Gates, creator and largest shareholder of Microsoft

“Steve, thank you for being a mentor and friend. Thank you for showing that you can change the world with what you build. I will miss you".
Mark Zuckerberg, creator of Facebook

“Steve was one of America's greatest innovators - brave enough to think differently, bold enough to believe he could change the world, and talented enough to do it. Steve liked to say that he lived every day like it was his last. It is because of this that he changed our lives, entire industries and accomplished the most important feat - he changed our vision of the world. The world has lost a prophet."
Barack Obama, US President

“Even as a feminist, all my life I’ve been waiting for a man to love and who will love me. For decades, I believed that my father would be such a man. But when I turned 25, I met such a man, and he turned out to be my brother.”
Mona Simpson, Steve Jobs' biological sister

People bring candles and flowers to an Apple store in New York

Steve Jobs, the legendary co-founder of Apple, has died at the age of 57. The sad news was reported by blogger Riversaid.

In recent years, the former Apple CEO and Chairman of the Board of Directors battled cancer, which forced him to take a leave of absence for health reasons. He was diagnosed with a malignant pancreatic tumor, and in 2009 Jobs underwent a liver transplant, but the disease still won.

On the main page of the Apple website there is a black and white portrait of Steve Jobs and the years of his life are written. In an official statement, Apple expresses its condolences to Jobs' loved ones and family:

His brilliance, energy and passion have been the source of countless innovations that have enriched and improved the lives of all of us. The world is an immeasurably better place because of Steve. His greatest love was his wife Lauren and his family. Our hearts are now with them and with everyone touched by his extraordinary talents. Steve Jobs changed the world's understanding of computers. In the late 1970s, he and his partners developed one of the first commercially successful series of personal computers, the Apple II, and soon the Macintosh appeared. However, the main success was still ahead: with the advent of iPod players, the triumphant march of the company's products around the world began. It was followed by the iPhone and iPad, which turned Apple into the largest IT company with a capitalization of $300 billion. Today, Apple products have become symbols of style and performance for millions of people around the world.

There is no doubt that with the loss of Steve Jobs, a completely different era will begin for Apple. Investors and shareholders have repeatedly expressed their concern regarding the health of the company's head. Speculation on this topic reached its climax after the Bloomberg news agency mistakenly published Jobs' obituary in August 2008. All this led to the fact that the stock market reacted to each deterioration in Jobs' health with a sharp decline in Apple shares. The same thing was repeated the other day, at the presentation of the new one, which was led by Tim Cook, who replaced Jobs. However, experts are confident that despite the tragic death of Steve Jobs, his brainchild will continue to live.

Steve Jobs

“You shouldn’t be upset when you leave life. But if life has left you, you should be upset,” Jobs said upon learning of his fatal illness. Meanwhile, the death of the head of the corporation made millions of people remember him not only as a successful businessman, but also as a philosopher. The news of his terminal illness greatly changed his approach to life. "Death is life's best invention. It is the cause of change. It clears away the old to open the way for the new," Jobs said at Stanford University six years ago in his commencement address.

Jobs suffered from a rare form of pancreatic cancer and underwent a liver transplant. He suffered from this for 7 years. The operation was performed on him in Switzerland.

"The memory that I'm going to die is the most important tool that helps me make difficult decisions in my life. Because everything else - other people's opinions, all this pride, all this fear of embarrassment or failure - all these things fall in the face of death , leaving only what is really important. The memory of death is the best way to avoid thinking that you have something to lose. You are already naked. You no longer have any reason not to follow the call of your heart - Pride, fears, resentments and failures - everything. they fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important."

Steven Paul Jobs (February 24, 1955 – October 5, 2011), known as Steve Jobs, was an American business tycoon and inventor. He was a co-founder, chairman of the board of directors and CEO of Apple Corporation. Jobs also previously served as CEO of Pixar Animation Studios; In 2006, The Walt Disney Company acquired Pixar, and Jobs became a member of Disney's board of directors. In 1995, he was listed as an executive producer on the animated film Toy Story.

In the late 1970s, Jobs, along with Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak, Mike Markkula and others, designed, developed and launched one of the first commercially successful series of personal computers, the Apple II. In the early 1980s, Jobs was one of the first to see the commercial potential of a mouse-driven graphical user interface, leading to the creation of the Macintosh. After losing a power struggle with the board of directors in 1984, Jobs was fired from Apple and founded NeXT, a company that developed a computer platform for universities and businesses. In 1996, Apple acquired NeXT, and Jobs returned to the company he co-founded and served as its CEO from 1997 to 2011. In 1986, he acquired Lucasfilm's computer graphics division, which was spun off as Pixar Animation Studios.] He remained its CEO and majority shareholder (with 50.1%) until its acquisition by The Walt Disney Company in 2006. Jobs became Disney's largest private shareholder (with 7%) and a member of Disney's board of directors.

Jobs's business history has contributed greatly to the symbolic image of the idiosyncratic individualistic Silicon Valley entrepreneur, emphasizing the importance of design and the key role of aesthetics in the public consciousness. His work in promoting the development of products that are both functional and elegant has earned him a large following.

Apple co-founder Steve Jobs has become the most famous and talked about innovator of the last two decades. Much of what we now perceive as the norm (mobile phones, laptops, tablets) would not have appeared without the contribution of him and his corporation to the development of innovative solutions.

Date of death of Steve Jobs

The dates of birth and death of Steve Jobs are as follows: February 24, 1955 – October 5, 2011. He died at his home in Palo Alto after a long battle with illness. All the time, almost until his death, Steve Jobs worked on developing new products that Apple needed to release, as well as on the corporation's development strategy. Only the last months of his life, after taking leave for medical reasons in August 2011, he devoted to communicating with his family and closest friends, as well as meetings with his official biographer. Steve Jobs' funeral took place two days after his death, on October 7, in the presence of his closest relatives and friends.

Cause of death of Steve Jobs

The official cause of death of Steve Jobs was pancreatic cancer, which metastasized to the respiratory organs. Steve first learned about his disease in 2003. – a very dangerous form of cancer, often metastasizing to other organs; the prognosis for such patients is most often disappointing and lasts about six months. However, Steve Jobs was diagnosed with an operable form of cancer, and in 2004 he underwent successful surgery. The tumor was completely removed, and Steve did not even require additional procedures such as chemotherapy or radiation therapy.

Rumors that the cancer had returned appeared in 2006, but neither Steve Jobs himself nor representatives of Apple Corporation commented on this matter and asked to keep this matter private. But everyone could see that Jobs had lost a lot of weight and looked lethargic.

In 2008, rumors flared up with renewed vigor. This time, Apple representatives explained the not-so-healthy appearance of the company's leader as an ordinary virus, because of which Steve Jobs had to take medication.

In 2009, Jobs went on extended leave for medical reasons. That same year he underwent a liver transplant. Liver failure is one of the common consequences of pancreatic cancer.

In January 2011, Steve Jobs again left his post as head of the company for treatment. According to some reports, it was at this time that doctors announced a disappointing forecast for his remaining life. After this, Jobs no longer returned to his post; Tim Cook took his place.

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After his death on October 5, 2011, three probable causes were named: pancreatic cancer that had metastasized, failure of the transplanted liver, and the consequences of taking immunosuppressants, which is mandatory for organ transplantation. The first reason was officially named. Thus, the year of Steve Jobs’ death was 2011; he had been battling a disease for almost 8 years, in which doctors predict patients to have no more than six months.