Who is currently running the program, wait for me. The “Wait for Me” program will move from Channel One to NTV. Musical arrangement of the program Wait for me

At the beginning of September, it became known that one of the most popular programs on television, “Wait for me,” was ceasing to exist. It turned out that the VID television company did not renew the contract with presenter Alexander Galibin, proposing to replace him with Sergei Zhigunov or Andrei Sokolov. Representatives of Channel One were against the dismissal of the presenter, so they decided to close the program.

For a long time further fate program remained unknown. Today, an open letter from the producer of “Wait for Me” Alexander Lyubimov appeared on the VIDgital microblog on Instagram. He officially announced the return of the famous program to television. The NTV channel became the new “home” of the program.

« The “Wait for Me” program will no longer air on Channel One. NTV will be her new home.We are grateful to the First for the fact that almost 20 years ago its producers believed in the then crude project and supported it.All these years, the “Wait for Me” program has been broadcast weekly not only in Russia. The “Wait for Me” studios worked in Yerevan, Chisinau, Minsk, Astana, Kyiv. Special episodes for Ukraine and Kazakhstan continue to air today. Together we managed to find more than 200 thousand people.But times are changing. The priorities of Channel One have noticeably shifted towards entertainment programs. This is the main reason for the transition of “Wait for me” to another federal channel. It was NTV, which really changed a lot in two years. New projects bring people together and often make them think about something very important. This is, first of all, the project “You are super!”, which, in my opinion, became an event of this year. That is why NTV, in the form and with the content strategy that it is focused on today, is the best platform for “Wait for Me.”
It seems to us that on NTV “Wait for Me” will live a new bright life,” said Lyubimov (the author’s spelling and punctuation are given without changes. - Note ed.)

President of the VIDgital company Alexander Lyubimov officially announced the return of the famous program to television

Previously, the last presenter of the program, Ksenia Alferova, spoke out about the fate of “Wait for Me.” In her microblog on Instagram, Alferova posted a frank and emotional post (spelling and punctuation are unchanged. - Note ed.): « Dear friends, for several weeks now you have been asking me whether the “Wait for Me” program will be aired. I know the same as you. I know that the VID television company was preparing a new, updated studio, that the team creating the program had many new ideas, that at the end of August we were supposed to have a new recording, but Channel One did not renew the contract with the television company. For what reasons? One can only guess. I can assume that this is due to the painful ambitions of those in power. How do I feel about this? How can one relate to the fact that at once, with one stroke of the pen, the hopes of thousands of people have sunk into oblivion?! It hurts me, I feel sad! It hurts for those people in whose lives a miracle will not happen, their lives will not turn 180 degrees, they will not be able to hug their daughters, sons, brothers, fathers and mothers! I’m sorry for the amazing team of people who, many years ago, under the leadership of the last Romantic of our time, Sergei Anatolyevich Kushnerev, created this unique system for finding people, created this bright, talented, such a real program. And they continued his work after his sudden departure. After all, this is not just a TV program, this is a phenomenon, this is truth, this is life! And it doesn’t matter who leads Her, it’s important that She lives, that people believe, wait and find each other! I can’t wrap my head around how anyone could take on such responsibility and stop it. Kind of wild, in my opinion. But let's hope for a miracle common sense, God! Let's believe that this program will continue its life, no matter what channel, and we will see tears of joy and happy smiles on the faces of the heroes who have found their family, friends dear to their hearts! Don't get lost, hope, love, stay and believe no matter what! Your Ksyusha!

Another presenter of the program, Maria Shukshina, did not stand aside. The actress, who hosted “Wait for Me” in 1999–2014, was ready to return, but she also set as a condition the return of the team that started making the show in 1998. The VID television company was not satisfied with such conditions.

Screensaver of the program “Wait for me”

Maria Shukshina hosted the “Wait for Me” program in 1999–2014

" The premiere will be marked by personnel changes. Instead of Yulia Vysotskaya and Sergei Shakurov in the role of hosts of the popular project, TV viewers will see the actress and people's artist RF.

“Becoming part of the Wait for Me project is a very big responsibility. I was amazed by the team, which sincerely empathizes with every person who asks for help. And I was even more impressed by the fact that the “Wait for Me” team is not only the editorial office. It turns out that these are thousands of volunteer helpers around the world who constantly go somewhere and double-check something. The scale is incredible. This is for real people's project, and it’s an honor for me to participate in it. This program proves with every broadcast that, after all, good people much more than bad ones,” Arntgolts shared her impressions.

According to Alexander Lazarev, his new role prompted him to take a fresh look at the program, which has been on the air for 20 years: “Watching “Wait for Me” on TV and being inside this program are completely different things. I used to empathize with the heroes of the program who lost each other, but when I found myself in the role of host, I felt a huge responsibility for their destinies. Whenever on film set I met people who were honest, sincere, with unimaginable emotions, I felt joy and great satisfaction that now everything is fine with our heroes. The “Wait for Me” program engages socially important matter. And what’s nice is that the stories that the guests of the program tell are not far-fetched, not turned inside out. Their stories are written by life itself. And it’s nice.”

Still from filming the program "Wait for me"

Tatyana Arntgolts and Alexander Lazarev became the new hosts of the “Wait for Me” program

It is worth noting that during the existence of “Wait for Me” more than 200,000 people were found. Based on the program, a network of volunteer assistants has been created in Russia, the CIS countries and abroad. To date, more than 500 people have helped Wait for Me. In addition, the program fruitfully cooperates with the criminal investigation department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

Let us remind you that at the beginning of September 2017 it became known that one of the most popular programs on television is “Wait for me”. It turned out that the VID television company did not renew the contract with the presenter, offering to replace him with or. Representatives of Channel One were against the dismissal of the presenter, so they decided to close the program.

A month later, rumors appeared that NTV would become the new “home” of “Wait for Me.” A little later the information was confirmed general producer NTV channel Timur Weinstein. “It was difficult to imagine two years ago that such a project as “Wait for Me” could appear on NTV. However, today “Wait for Me” fits harmoniously into NTV’s new content policy. This is a project with great history, which has absorbed a huge amount of good deeds, and we are proud that it will appear on the channel’s airwaves, complementing the line of socially oriented projects,” Weinstein said. popular actress Yulia Vysotskaya, theater and film actor Sergei Shakurov and founder of the search and rescue organization " Lisa Alert» Grigory Sergeev. It has not yet been reported why the channel did not renew the contract with them.

Yulia Vysotskaya and Sergei Shakurov as hosts of “Wait for Me”

People's Artist of Russia Igor Kvasha died today. He was 79 years old. Brilliant roles in theater and cinema, 55 years of service in one, also brilliant Sovremennik theater, 14 years of work on television in the program “Wait for me.” In the television community, Igor Vladimirovich was proudly called their colleague. Igor Kvasha had enough strength, time, boundless talent and love for everything.

He always tried to hide his tears from TV viewers, but they were still noticed. They were so sincere. And everyone understood that this was not actor play. That’s why he hid his tears, believing that sometimes his emotions were unforgivably overwhelming. Host of the “Wait for Me” program, which changed dozens of destinies. And for him, a wonderful actor, this was not a role. That's life.

Who knows if we would have ever seen, if not for the war, the actor Igor Kvasha. A boy born in the center of Moscow, whose father went to the front in 1941 and never returned, decided to become an actor after kindergarten, in Siberia, where he and his mother were evacuated from the capital, he played for the first time in a play, in a hospital, in front of the wounded.

“The very first role was at the age of seven, really. I was in a boarding school in Siberia. And we had a wonderful teacher there, Kremer, who worked wonderfully with children. And we performed a lot, went to the hospital to visit the wounded, read poetry,” recalled Igor Kvasha.

Then I was in Moscow theatre studio at the House of Pioneers. Ironically, not far from the place where he worked for all his remaining years - on Chistye Prudy. In the theater, which was first called the Studio of Young Actors, but gained popularity as the Sovremennik Theater. Igor Kvasha was one of its founders along with Oleg Efremov, Evgeny Evstigneev, Oleg Tabakov and Galina Volchek.

“I accidentally ended up in Moscow, our theater is on vacation. And suddenly I found out today. I don’t know how we will cope with this loss. It’s impossible to imagine that he’s gone,” says artistic director"Contemporary" Galina Volchek.

Igor Vladimirovich Kvasha was faithful to the “contemporary” for more than fifty years. A stage on which dozens of images were created. Soldier and minister, pensioner and German communist, Falstaff and Stalin. He never talked about his creative plans. And he never singled out his favorite role.

“Somehow we absorb everything that happens around us, everything that happens in life, everything that happens to people. Meeting people leaves something in you,” said Igor Kvasha.

Igor Kvasha called himself exclusively theater actor, and spoke about cinema as something secondary. But neither the audience nor the directors ever thought so. Although, as he laughingly told reporters, he always got the roles of charming scoundrels. Such as the Pastor in “The Man from the Boulevard des Capuchins” or the Burgomaster in “That Same Munchausen.”

“We had one picture with Igor. He played a pastor. A wonderful, long, unobtrusive friendship. He was wonderful, talented, demanding, first of all, of himself,” recalls director Alla Surikova.

He painted pictures that few people saw except his wife. He was proud of his grandchildren. And at home, with his usual cigarette in his hands, he smiled, looking at their drawings. And at such moments he said that he felt happy, because he considered the most positive human trait to be the ability to love.

President Vladimir Putin and Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev expressed their condolences to the family and friends of Igor Kvasha.

Farewell to the actor will take place on the main stage of the Sovremennik Theater on September 4. The funeral ceremony begins at 10 am. The funeral will take place at Troekurovskoye Cemetery.

« Wait for me"is the first national program to search for missing people. Channel One project.

Since October 2017 it has been broadcast on the NTV channel.

History of the program Wait for me

The program appeared on March 14, 1998 on the RTR channel under the title “ I am looking for you"and aired once a month on Saturdays. The authors of the program " Wait for me» – Oksana Naychuk, Victoria El-Muallya And Sergey Kushnerev, employees of the television company "ViD". At the end of 1998, the contract ended, and ViD decided to transfer the program, which by that time had already become quite popular, to Channel One.

The prototype of the program " Wait for me"is considered a radio broadcast Agnia Barto “Find a Person”, which she hosted from 1965 to 1974. In it, Barto helped unite people separated by the war. The writer at one time reunited about 1,000 families - and not only because it was more difficult to search then, but also because, oddly enough, there were fewer missing people then.

Unfortunately, even years later this topic remained relevant. Difficult events associated with the breakup Soviet Union, many hot spots, interethnic conflicts, emigration - all this contributed to the fact that people lost each other, and then spent years looking for loved ones.

Currently, for every 300 people, there is one who is being sought. And the transfer " Wait for me"helps people find each other. During the existence of the program, the editors received more than a million letters asking for help in finding relatives and loved ones. To date, “Wait for me” has already found about 106 thousand people.

Authors and presenters of the program Wait for me

After the program moved to Channel One, Oksana Naychuk was replaced by Maria Shukshina, and Igor Kvasha, who came in June 1998, fortunately for the “Wait for Me” program itself, remained.

By various reasons the presenters were briefly changed several times: the ill Igor Kvasha replaced by actors Alexander Domogarov and Sergei Nikonenko, who went on maternity leave Maria Shukshina- actress Chulpan Khamatova.

The last presenters of the program on Channel One were Alexander Galibin and Ksenia Alferova.

In 2017, after the transition of “Wait for Me” to the NTV channel, the hosts became actress, winner of the “TEFI” and “NIKA” awards Yulia Vysotskaya, and famous actor cinema and theater Sergei Shakurov. The third presenter of the program will be the founder of the volunteer organization “Lisa Alert” Grigory Sergeev, who has been searching for missing people for many years. Sergeev will talk about how the search process goes.

On September 14, 2018, the “Wait for Me” program again faced personnel changes: instead of Yulia Vysotskaya and Sergei Shakurov, viewers saw an actress and People’s Artist of the Russian Federation as hosts of the popular project.

“Becoming part of the Wait for Me project is a very big responsibility. I was amazed by the team, which sincerely empathizes with every person who asks for help. And I was even more impressed by the fact that the “Wait for Me” team is not only the editorial office. It turns out that these are thousands of volunteer helpers around the world who constantly go somewhere and double-check something. The scale is incredible. This is a truly people's project, and it is an honor for me to participate in it. This program proves with every broadcast that there are still many more good people than bad ones,” Arntgolts shared her impressions.

Social significance of the Wait for me program

Today " Wait for me"is no longer just a television program. This is huge social project, which includes a unique computer database for searching people, an Internet site, and a kiosk “Wait for me” at the capital’s Kazansky railway station, where applications to search for people are accepted. “Wait for Me” has more than 500 volunteer helpers - people who are imbued with the grief of others, both in Russia and in the CIS countries and abroad. And “Wait for Me” fruitfully cooperates with the Criminal Investigation Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

In 2003, Channel One’s “Wait for Me” program reunited people who had not seen each other for 73 years.

Awards show Wait for me

In 2007, the professionalism of the search team “Wait for me. Ukraine" was awarded the "TELEZIRKA" award in the category "Best Social Program".

In 2010, the creator and producer of the “Wait for Me” program, Sergei Kushnerev, became a laureate national award“Izvestia”, established by the newspaper “Izvestia”.

At the end of 2010, Maria Shukshina entered the Top-15, and Igor Kvasha entered the Top-40 popular TV presenters in Russia according to TNS Russia.

Transition of the program Wait for me on NTV

In September 2017, it became known that the program “Wait for Me” was ceasing to exist on Channel One due to disagreements between the VID television company, which refused to renew the contract with Alexander Galibin, and representatives of Channel One. In addition, it became known that Maria Shukshina was ready to return to the air, subject to the return of the original team of show organizers.

Ksenia Alferova, who gave several years of her life to the program, spoke sharply on her Instagram blog about its closure.

“I’m sorry for the amazing team of people who, many years ago, under the leadership of the last Romantic of our time, Sergei Anatolyevich Kushnerev, created this unique system for finding people, created this bright, talented, such a real program. And they continued his work after his sudden departure. After all, this is not just a TV program, this is a phenomenon, this is truth, this is life! And it doesn’t matter who leads Her, it’s important that She lives, that people believe, wait and find each other!”

On October 12, 2017, it became known that “Wait for Me” was moving to the NTV channel in updated composition. NTV General Producer Timur Weinstein admitted in an interview that the program “ Wait for me"complements the line of socially oriented NTV projects.

“It was difficult to imagine two years ago that such a project as “Wait for Me” could appear on NTV. However, today “Wait for me” fits harmoniously into NTV’s new content policy.”

Musical arrangement of the program Wait for me

Initially, the program “Wait for Me” in 1998 used music by the staff composer of the ViD television company. Vladimir Ratskevich.

From 1998 to 1999 the composition was used Alexandra Pakhmutova “The earth is empty without you” from the movie " Three poplars on Plyushchikha».

Since 1999, a fragment from music began to be used Antonio Vivaldi, and from 2004 to the present - an arranged version of this composition.

Program record " Wait for me"- 85 years old. This is a period of time that two people have not seen each other. The record was set in 2010.

The screensavers of the “Wait for Me” program and the music changed several times. There is an archive of episodes on the program website.

Since 2009, the program Wait for me» is entering an international format. Teleconferences are carried out via satellite communications with countries such as Ukraine, Moldova, Belarus, Kazakhstan, China, the USA, Israel and Turkey. IN largest cities of these countries, people who want to talk about those they are looking for gather in a special studio.

Since 2000, the newspaper “Wait for Me” has been published, publishing advertisements and accepting applications, and since 2005, the program “Wait for Me” has appeared on TV in Ukraine.

One of the hosts of the TV program “Wait for me” will be the founder and head of the search team “Lisa Alert” Grigory Sergeev, reported on the NTV channel, where the program will now air. Sergeev told the portal Miloserdie.ru about plans for joint work and the opportunities it provides.

“For the first time, viewers will see how searches are actually carried out: in direct contact with the studio there will be a search center, “Wait for me,” working daily and around the clock,” the general producer of the VID television company told NTV Alexander Lyubimov. — There will be a third presenter who will talk about how the search is going. This is Grigory Sergeev, head of the “Lisa Alert” search team, which has recently been working closely with the “Wait for Me” program.”

“We want to combine the efforts and skills of our squad and the program “Wait for me” - we have completely different search technologies, designed for different types missing people,” said the head of “Lisa Alert” to the portal Miloserdie.ru. “And I hope that joint action will lead to more people being present.”

As for the format of the program itself, we will try to show its “cuisine” to a greater extent. What is familiar will remain, but something else will appear: it will become clear how they ensure that this meeting takes place in the studio, which the audience sees.

In the 21st century, it is very important to use all the technologies available to us, and where possible, we will do so. The viewer will see the work of a program that may seem ordinary to us - but we believe that others should learn about how it is done.

— Many people believe that the work of “Lisa Alert” is precisely and only the search for people on the ground by volunteers - in the forest, in the field, on the streets of the city...

- Indeed, field search is half, or even less, of what has to be done to detect a person. In order for each search event to start, a huge amount of effort and time is required. And if, as a result of the usual search process, a person is not found, the work will not end there, even if there is no one in the area.

The simplest example: when we are looking for a person who has gone into the forest to pick mushrooms, we are looking for him not only in the forest. We are calling hospitals because the missing person could go out to the people who took him there.

In Russia as a whole, there is no system that allows you to quickly report this - except in Moscow, and accident bureaus in some regions, which work well, but not always promptly. To find such a person, we need to call hospitals in the region, contact emergency services, notify them...

This is a lot of hard work that is not visible - but it is precisely this that can lead to success in the search, and to the appearance interesting plot in the "Wait for Me" program. Now we will try to show this.

— Do you hope, as a result of this cooperation, to expand the circle of volunteers and those who help the search teams work?

- I am confident that this will happen. The issue of attracting new people is one of the most important for us. It never happens in any search that there are enough people. There are always fewer of them than needed throughout the country. Increasing the size of the squad is a big and important goal that will always be relevant. Whatever technologies are used, our most important resource is people!”

Earlier, the television program “Wait for Me,” dedicated to the search for missing people, will be broadcast on the NTV channel after the termination of cooperation with Channel One, the reason for which was cited as disagreements over the candidacy of the presenter, and the departure of the former platform into an entertainment format. The other hosts of the program will now be Yulia Vysotskaya and Sergei Shakurov, the channel reported.