Sergey clerks personal biography. New stars: the group “Pizza. What are your future creative plans?

The hero of our article today is the lead singer of the Pizza group Sergei Prikazchikov. Want to know where he was born and trained? How is his personal life? We will definitely tell you about all this.

Biography: childhood and youth

Prikazchikov Sergei was born on July 16, 1983 in the capital of the Bashkir Republic - Ufa. He was raised in a middle-income family.

WITH early years the boy showed interest in music and the stage. Seryozha organized home concerts for parents and grandparents. At the age of 7 he was enrolled in music school, where he learned to play the guitar.

At the age of 14, Sergei became interested in a new direction for our country - rap. His idols were such bands as Onyx, MC Hammer and Vanilla Ice. The guy began to write his recitatives.

Creative activity

Sergei Prikazchikov launched his first serious project in 1999. The group was called "Funky Voices". She was quite popular in Bashkiria. Subsequently, the team was renamed twice - first to Funky Family, then to “Manifest”.

In 2004, Seryozha started solo career. He even managed to record the album “Soaring Up.” Soon he was invited to updated group"Via Ciappa". And the guy agreed.

Pizza Group

In 2009, Prikazchikov left the pop-rap group Via Chappa. However, he had no intention of leaving the stage. Seryozha founded new group, called "Pizza". He was joined by four young and talented musicians. The guys started recording songs. By this time, Prikazchikov had accumulated a lot of musical material.

In 2012, the group’s debut album, “Kitchen,” was released. Fans quickly sold out the entire circulation of the records. In rotation of the largest music channels There were clips in which members of the “Pizza” team starred. The lead singer of the group aroused particular interest among fans. They wanted to know about his biography and marital status.

Two albums, several videos and hundreds of concerts throughout the country - this is the result that the “Pizza” musical group can boast of. The group's lead singer received several prestigious awards in 2014. He considers this not his own merit, but that of the entire team. For example, at the RU.TV Awards “Pizza” won in the “Breakthrough of the Year” category.

The group’s collection includes hits “Elevator”, “Friday”, “For the whole planet Earth” and others. The compositions combine several styles: funk, soul-pop, rap and reggae.

Personal life

A cheerful and handsome guy who can sing and play the guitar, he was always surrounded by female attention. In his youth, Sergei often had whirlwind romances. ABOUT serious relationship he didn't think then.

Everything changed in 2008, when the guy met the pretty brunette Dasha Eronova. Sergei made a lot of efforts to win the girl’s heart. And he succeeded.

For three years the couple was in a civil marriage. Dasha persuaded Sergei to move to Moscow. And this step turned out to be the right one. After all, it is in the capital music career Prikazchikova went uphill. At first he worked as an arranger.

In 2012, Sergei and Daria formalized their relationship. The celebration took place in one of the Moscow restaurants. The lovers decided not to spend money on a lavish wedding, but to do everything modestly and tastefully. They invited only close friends and relatives to the celebration.


Family happiness did not last long. Everything changed for the worse after the active promotion of the Pizza project began. The lead singer of the group practically did not appear at home. He was either on tour or in the recording studio. His beloved wife suffered from a lack of his attention. The guys increasingly had loud scandals.

At the end of 2013, Seryozha and Dasha finally separated. The guy moved to another apartment. He and his wife even deleted each other's phone numbers. Soon the divorce proceedings began. It didn't cause any difficulties. After all, the spouses did not have children or joint property.

Present tense

How old is the lead singer of the group “Pizza”? Sergei is 33 years old. The young man is full of strength and creative energy. In 2016, Prikazchikov recorded a joint track “Reflection” with a rapper nicknamed Karandash.


Now you know when and by whom the Pizza project was created. The lead singer of the group is a hardworking and purposeful guy. Let's wish him creative development and much love!

Sergei Prikazchikov’s project “Pizza” does not fit into the usual stylistic framework: it is soul-pop, reggae, funk, and even rap. Soulful urban music with clear lyrics and pleasant guitar sound could not go unnoticed. Having barely appeared, the group hit the top of the charts, and at the 12th annual national music award “MUZ-TV 2014. Evolution” “Pizza” was named the breakthrough of the year

Photo: Pavel Tantserev

Sergei Prikazchikov was born in Ufa into a family of musicians. As a child, he didn’t want to study at all and that’s all free time spent on the street. Years later, he realized: his passion for music, which from the age of fourteen had become an integral part of his life, turned out to be life-saving. Sergei began writing poetry and music, performing with the group Via Chappa, and a little later he decided to give up everything and go to Moscow. In 2011, a video for the song “Friday” was released on MTV, which instantly won the hearts of girls with its romance and simplicity, and then the song “Nadia” appeared. For three years she waited for her finest hour. Sergei wrote it when he was still living in Ufa. “The song is essentially autobiographical, these are my real experiences, and only the name itself is made up,” says Sergei. - It contains real story, which happened to me shortly before breaking up with my girlfriend. The most interesting thing is that this girl still doesn’t even suspect that the song is about our relationship with her.”

Sergey, like most children, did your parents take you to a music school?

My parents are professional musicians, so my first public speaking took place when I was one and a half years old. I stood on a stool and performed something. When the question arose about whether to send me to a music school or not, my father asked me: “Are you sure you want to study music?” My parents tried to explain to me that this is a special profession that may not bring as much income as, for example, being a lawyer. But I stood my ground because I dreamed of making music, and without hesitation I answered: “Yes, I agree!” ( Smiling.)

How old were you then?

I was eight years old. I was a big boy, I played Elvis Presley on the guitar, and by the way, I was pretty good at it.

Did your parents teach you to play the guitar?

Yes, my father worked with me all the time. He plays the violin, guitar, bass guitar and, of course, the piano. He still works as a musician at the Bashkir State Philharmonic, plays in registry offices, restaurants, and a jazz club. In general, wherever possible. ( Smiles.)

And you spent your entire childhood voluntarily studying music while your friends were kicking a ball around in the yard?

Of course not! ( Laughs.) I grew up on the street. I studied absolutely disgustingly at school, often visited the police station...

Even the police!

You see, I lived in Ufa. This is not Moscow for you. This is where the police can stop you, tell you that you need to be more careful, and move on. But there everything was different for us. If you were stopped, you were immediately taken to the police station. Luckily, the guitar has helped me in many ways. You can say that she saved me from participating in various bad stories, because I always seemed to be with everyone and at the same time on my own.

Sergey, did the parents really not take any measures?

Of course, they scolded me, punished me, and gave me a belt. They even tried to lock the houses and not let them go outside. They did everything they could, but it all didn’t give any results. What guitar? What activities? If I wanted to walk, then I didn’t need anything - just walk!

Did you skip music school?

And how! Both school and art college. It was still more fun on the street - there was hip-hop... But what about the music school? Just sit and learn the passages. ( Smiling.) And you know, now I understand that thanks to the fact that I so skillfully combined serious studies at a music school with street concerts, what happened was what happened. I'm happy and don't regret anything.

well and musical education did you get it or not?

No. I learned a lot, but didn't finish my studies. I was kicked out of art school. By the way, several years earlier Zemfira was expelled from the same school. I thought: “Well, since Zemfira was kicked out, then I won’t be lost either!” ( Laughs.) A certificate and a diploma are all pieces of paper that have no meaning for creativity. After all, there are very educated musicians, but their songs have absolutely no soul, thoughts or emotions. For me it's the other way around. I play everything, but poorly: a little bit on the piano, a little bit on the guitar, I’ll “knock out” some arrangement for myself, and that’s all. But this is enough for me to reach the hearts of my listeners. Probably, in technical terms, education has some significance, but I am one of those who managed without it. I am largely self-taught.

Sergey, when did you realize that it was time to move to a higher level, that it was enough to be just a street musician?

In 2005 we formed the group Via Chappa. We had concerts, we even performed in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Our compositions were played on local radio stations, but I lacked freedom of expression. I realized that collective creativity is not my thing after all. I don't like it when someone tries to help me arrange or write music. I can call for help only if, for example, I am physically unable to hold two instruments in my hands at the same time. And then I call someone and say: “Here’s a guitar for you, play this way and that way.” The man plays and leaves. And then I do everything myself.

Having achieved success in Ufa, you decided to move to Moscow, right?

Success appeared and then disappeared. We recorded the song “Along the Waves (in Memory of Micah),” which was very popular. That's all. There was only one song. Relations in the team became worse and worse, in the end I decided to leave the group and go to Moscow.

To start over from scratch?

Yes. I left Via Chappa thinking that I would never get on stage. I wanted to be an arranger, a sound engineer, or at least a sound engineer, but not a performer. I had a very bad impression of show business in general. I went to nowhere. There was no work and, accordingly, no money either. I lived with some friends, slept on jackets on the floor. I tried to work for some pennies: to voice something, to record some arrangement. One of my Ufa friends, Vitaly Ovchar, once told me: “You should write something else.” I say: “I don’t want to.” But he insisted and still convinced me. I wrote the song “Hope”: “My hope is hopeless...” And after it, I somehow accidentally wrote “Friday”: “From Monday to Friday, it’s as if time is moving backwards. We were nowhere, floating in muddy water, are barely distinguishable in the circumstances...” ( Humming.) He said: “Now, this is a hit!” “Come on, some absolute pop,” I said. At that time, Vitalik worked as a video editor on TV, he showed my compositions knowledgeable people. As a result, through friends, my disc ended up in the production company Monolit. They called me and said: “We want to cooperate with you.” Of course I was happy. “I’ve heard stories about you about how you dress up artists, tell them what songs to sing, and then take their money?” - I joked. But they assured me that I could sing what I wanted and dress the way I wanted.

What about money?

“We will divide the money in half,” they said. I liked this idea, and we have been together ever since.

Are you still dividing your money in half?

Yes. ( Smiles.)

But now we’re probably done with spending the night with friends and renting apartments?

Yes, everything is fine now. Pah-pah-pah. ( Laughs.)

Sergey, you once said that you have a wife and that it was she who suggested you move to Moscow; in another interview you already talked about the fact that you do not have a wife and never have had one. Where is the truth?

I actually had a girlfriend, with whom we moved to Moscow together. Our relationship didn’t work out very well, but everything went according to plan and in the end we got married. The marriage did not last long - probably less than a year. We divorced not because of the move to Moscow and not because of the success that appeared at that moment. Over time, it became clear that our interests did not coincide at all - we had no points of intersection. I was worried then, but now I understand that everything is for the better.

Are you planning on starting a family yet?

No, it's still early.

You are already thirty...

It doesn't matter how old you are. It is important to feel that you are already confidently standing on your feet and are ready to start a family.

So you don’t feel very stable yet?

For now, yes.

Probably the most frequently asked question, which you are asked: why is your group called “Pizza”?

Yeah. ( Laughs.) That's actually been my stage name since Via Chappa. At some point we decided to come up with a nickname for me. And since I really loved to eat, the guys began to sort through: cheburek, lavash, borscht, dumplings, Olivier... One of them said: “Pizza.” I like it.

Is it true that you sent your first video to radio stations along with pizza?

Yes. It was just that debut single"Friday". We shot the video in Los Angeles and sent it out to TV and radio stations along with boxes of Four Cheese Pizza to please everyone, including vegetarians. And everyone said: “Mm, this is interesting!”

Are you currently preparing to release your second album?

Yes. It will most likely be released in the fall, possibly in October.

You say you do everything yourself. That is, it turns out that your group is you alone. What are the other team members doing?

Mine also plays in my group younger sister Tatiana and guitarist Ramses. They help me at concerts and sometimes participate in recording songs.

Of course they can express their opinion, but the last word always behind me. ( Smiles.)

As an older brother, do you tell your sister how to play correctly?

I love my sister very much. When I was still in Via Chappa, she said: “I want to play with you. Take me, please." And I always refused her. Now, when the opportunity arose, I took her to myself, but at work I am not an older brother, but music producer project, so I don’t suggest it, but demand that she fulfill what I came up with. Musicians should play as I said. Or improvise, and I listen and say: “Yeah, remember this and play like that.” The “Pizza” project is important for me because I do everything in it myself.

Has your attitude towards show business changed over the years?

It has changed. There are a lot of good, sincere people who support you. There are, of course, those who are jealous and try to put a spoke in the wheels. It happens that a successful artist comes to a radio station and says: “If you play these musicians, then I won’t communicate with you.” And he has a name, and for this station he has great importance. This is all business, which is very far from art. I do not like it. In general, I respect creativity, and not templates that are created in order to make money.

And if creativity doesn’t bring money, what can you live on?

Then you need to leave and do something else. That's exactly why I wanted to quit the stage.

Sergey, whose opinion matters to you now?

I listen to everyone...

But do you do it your own way?

Absolutely right! ( Smiling.)

The group with the delicious name “Pizza” is loved by young people just like this Italian delicacy. However, the band’s work can in no way be classified as musical fast food. The genre ingredients of their repertoire are very diverse: hip-hop, pop-soul, reggae, funk. This “cool mix” ensures the original sound of the songs, giving them a special melody.

History of creation and composition

The group was created in 2010. The leader of the musical trio is Sergei Prikazchikov. He is also the founder, lead singer, songwriter and arranger. Also in the team are Nikolai Smirnov and Tatyana Prikazchikova, Sergei’s younger sister.

Sergey and Tatyana are from Ufa, from a family professional musicians. It is known that Sergei Prikazchikov Sr. is a soloist of the Bashkir Philharmonic. Enrolling children in music school was a resolved issue in the family. Tanya was sent to violin, and Sergei to guitar class.

After graduating from school, Sergei studied at the Ufa College of Arts. By this time, the guy was already eager to write and perform rap. Having worked with other musicians and gained a wealth of experience, in 2009 Sergei left with his sister for Moscow to start a solo project. This is how a new chapter begins in the singer’s biography called “Pizza”.


Against the backdrop of the hardships of an aspiring provincial musician in Moscow, Sergei tirelessly wrote music, made arrangements, and visited production companies.

“Help came on its own. There were people who were interested, then a contract. Then it turned out that my music was still needed,” the singer said in an interview with Komsomolskaya Pravda.

Sergei didn’t think long about the name of the group. Pizza! Under this creative nickname he was known in Ufa as a young rapper.

“The name is bright, catchy. Everyone asks: “Why Pizza?!” I like it!”, admits the musician.

Moreover, with such a name one could come up with many ideas. The creativity was just off the charts. For example, Sergei and the producer sent discs with the first single “Friday”, written in 2011, to radio stations in boxes with pizza. Recipients appreciated the humor, and listeners appreciated new song. In a word, the track “Friday” immediately became a hit, followed by “Headlights”, “Weapons”, “Who Will You Be?”

Song "Weapons" by the group "Pizza"

In 2012, the band’s debut album “Kukhnya” was released, and videos for the hits “Friday”, “Nadia”, and “Paris” were filmed. The first was filmed in Los Angeles, the second in Kyiv, the third in Paris. By the way, in “Paris” in the role main character Sergei's wife, Dasha Eronova, who was at that moment a student at Bashkir University, starred.

The success of the next album was not long in coming: in 2014, the second studio disc “To the Entire Planet Earth” was released. The album cover was decorated with a stylized logo in the shape of a pizza. And the content delighted numerous fans.

“Elevator”, “Tuesday”, “Man from the Mirror” and other hits received a permanent “registration” in music television ratings, and from there they migrated to big stage. For such a breakthrough, the group received a victory in the OOPS! Choice Awards" and "Muz-TV". And the track “Elevator” became “Song of the Year” in 2015.

Critics immediately began scribbling reviews of Prikazchikov’s new brainchild and sorting his music into genre components: rap, pop, soul and something else so incomprehensible, but pleasing to the ear. Sergei himself calls his musical product “urban soul”.

“With my music, I couldn’t fit into any style. Help yourself, I told myself, and began to calmly write songs. No frames, no styles. Collective creativity is not for me. My musicians are wonderful, but they only reproduce what I came up with. Otherwise it wouldn’t be “urban soul,” Sergei admits to journalists.
Song "Elevator" by the group "Pizza"

What does the trendsetter of musical style listen to, fans wonder.

The credo of the guys from “Pizza” is live performance. At concerts, Sergei’s recognizable vocals sound to the accompaniment of Nikolai’s guitar, and Tatyana combines playing the keys and violin on stage. In the studio, Sergei plays the instruments himself:

“I just can’t explain to others what exactly I want, and it’s easier to do everything myself.”

In 2016, the premiere of the third studio album group with the optimistic name “Tomorrow”. A gift for the listeners was the duet of Sergei and, who performed the song “Fly”. In the same year, another tandem was presented - with the rapper Karandash, the musicians shot the video “Reflection”.

Song “Fly” by the group “Pizza” and Bianchi

Another facet of the group’s creativity was the creation of soundtracks for films, TV series and even cartoons. For example, the song “Who Will You Be” sounds in the 3D cartoon “Our Masha and the Magic Nut”.

Also, the compositions of “Pizza” are heard in the TV series “”, “Two Fathers, Two Sons” and “Lie If You Love”, in the film “Unreal Love”.

"Pizza" now

The creative plans of the team are, as always, limitless. Sergei once bet with a friend that he would create at least three cool singles a year, and he is confidently heading towards victory. The members of the team are constantly improving, experimenting, traveling with performances and tours, of which there are more and more. In 2017 alone, the guys played more than 150 concerts.

Fans are also pleased with the news about the personal lives of their idols. Tatyana Prikazchikova gave birth to a daughter. And Sergei, who divorced Daria back in 2013, met new love and also knew the joy of parental feelings. In 2018, a photo of his daughter Vera, who was born in October 2017, appeared on the singer’s Instagram.

Now Sergei is busy setting up a studio in new apartment to create hits without leaving home.

  • An important point in the group rider is the presence of “Teddy bear” candies in the room.
  • The group draws inspiration from travel and has already traveled halfway around the world. Sergei herself rests twice a year - in winter and summer.
  • The weakness of the group's lead singer - wrist watch. He already has a whole collection of Swiss items.
  • Musicians DO NOT EAT pizza. Tatyana is passionate about raw food nutrition.
  • At the age of 10-11, Sergei sang songs from the repertoire to the grandmothers at the entrance.
  • IN adolescence Sergei was not a very exemplary student; he often ended up in the police.

  • In his native Ufa, Sergei worked for some time as an administrator slot machines On the market.
  • Sergei Prikazchikov’s first album, “Soaring Up,” was released in 2004. It was a joint project of two Ufa rappers Asman and Pizza.
  • The arrangement of the song “Weapon” was written and played by one person in the bedroom of a rented apartment.
  • The song "Nadia" was written in 2008 and is based on real events that happened to the author.
  • Tatiana and Sergei's grandmother sings well. She lives in the village, is interested in esotericism, growing vegetables and uses social networks.


  • 2012 - “Kitchen”
  • 2014 - “For the entire planet Earth”
  • 2016 - “Tomorrow”


  • 2011 – “Friday”
  • 2012 – “Paris”
  • 2013 – “Tuesday”
  • 2013 – “Weapon”
  • 2014 – “For the entire planet Earth”
  • 2015 – “Elevator”
  • 2015 – “Carousel”
  • 2016 – “Romance”
  • 2016 – “Fly”
  • 2017 – “You alone”
  • 2018 – “That’s good”

Singer Date of birth July 16 (Cancer) 1983 (35) Place of birth Ufa Instagram @sergpizza

Soloist name popular group“Pizza” - Sergei Prikazchikov is now known to many, his songs conquer the top of the charts, but Star Trek popular singer it wasn't easy. A simple guy from the provinces did not immediately conquer the capital; for some time he had to sleep on a jacket on the floor of friends and eat only buckwheat.

Biography of Sergei Prikazchikov

Sergei was born on July 16, 1983 in Ufa. Musical world surrounded the boy since childhood - his parents were professional musicians.

When Sergei was 14 years old, he became interested in rap music. Listening to songs from various groups, the guy began to write lyrics himself. The artist’s work today bears little resemblance to his youthful hobbies, but that experience gave Prikazchikov certain skills and abilities.

After school, the young man entered the Ufa College of Arts and graduated in guitar class. Sergei’s first musical group, “Funky Voices,” was created in 1999. The project lasted 5 years, periodically changing its name, and brought the singer fame in his hometown.

In 2004 Prikazchikov decided that he was “ripe” for solo career. He released his first album, “Soaring Up,” and then received an invitation to work in the group “Via Chappa.” In this group, Sergei was a performer, author, and beatmaker until 2009, then left the group.

After leaving Via Ciappa, the singer creates the Pizza project, which includes four more people. Three years later, the debut album “Kitchen” was released, which was a wild success. The group performs compositions, mixing various musical styles: pop, blues, rap and jazz. The group's popularity is growing, as is Sergei's army of fans.

The singer is the recognized leader of the Pizza project, because he himself creates its original repertoire. The name of the group is Prikazchikov’s old nickname, by which he was known back in Ufa. In 2011, according to the producer’s plan, the group’s first single, called “Friday,” was sent to radio stations in pizza boxes.

Except independent work, "Pizza" releases and joint projects. So, in 2016, the video “Reflection” was released, released together with the rap artist Karandash.

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Personal life of Sergei Prikazchikov

In 2012, Sergei married Daria Eronova; before that, the couple had been dating for four years. The young people were happy, but after being married for several months, they began to move away from each other. This happened at a time when “Pizza” began to gain popularity, the singer disappeared in the studio, went on tour from there, and had no time left for his family.

In 2013, Sergei and Daria divorced. On this moment nothing is known about Prikazchikov’s personal affairs; the singer prefers to avoid this topic.

Latest news about Sergei Prikazchikov

In a short period of time, Sergei managed to achieve impressive success - today he has several dozen awards to his credit, a large number of hits, several albums.

The artist is full of creative plans and is not going to stop there. As before, he devotes a lot of time to work, actively tours and composes new bright songs.

The Pizza group is a famous musical group performing compositions in pop style. The group consists of three musicians, namely the soloist - Sergei Prikazchikov, who founded the group. Also Nikolai Smirnov and Tatyana Prikazchikova, who is Sergei’s sister.

The group was created in 2010. To date, the team has released 3 full-length albums and 11 music videos.

Sergei and Tatyana Prikazchikov were born in the city of Ufa. The father of future musicians worked as a soloist of the Bashkir Philharmonic. The guys also went to music school, and then continued their studies at the art school. In 2009, Sergei decided to go to conquer Moscow, and Tatyana also went along with the network.


In 2011, fame to musical group came after the release of the track “Pizza” on radio stations, which quickly became very popular and remained at the top of music ratings for a long time. After this, tracks such as “Headlights”, “Who Will You Be?” were released. and many others.

The first full-length album of the group “Pizza” was released in 2012. It included such currently popular compositions as “Paris”, “Friday”. The album was called "Kitchen". Just 2 years later, the artists will present their 2nd album with the intricate title “To the Entire Planet Earth.” The track “Elevator,” which was included in the album in 2015, won the title “Song of the Year.”

The artists of the “Pizza” group probably decided to release records every 2 years, because in 2016 the album “Zavtra” was released to listeners. The compositions also included a duet between the lead singer of the “Pizza” group, Sergei, and the famous performer Bianca. The song is called "Fly". In addition, in 2016, the artists presented another tandem - with the rapper Karandash, the musicians shot the video “Reflection”.

The group's compositions can also be heard as soundtracks for famous cartoon: “Our Masha.” The artists also gave the go-ahead for the use of musical material in Russian TV series. The songs can be heard in the popular serial film “Molodezhka”, the TV series “Lie If You Love”, as well as throughout the film “Unreal Love”.

Personal life

Artists do not like to share details of their personal lives. However, it is known that the first wife of the group’s lead singer was Bashkir University student Daria Eronova, who even took part in the filming of one of the group’s videos.

In 2013, the couple divorced. Today, the artist is married for the second time and has a daughter, Vera, who was born at the end of 2017. Tatyana Prikazchikova also gave birth to a daughter and a son. The latter just recently turned one year old. Nikolai carefully protects his personal life from journalists, so nothing is known about whether the third member of the group is married.

  • The members of the “Pizza” group have avid sweet tooths, so the artists’ rider even includes a clause about the availability of “Mishka Clubfoot” candies.
  • At the very beginning of their careers, musicians sent out discs with singles in a pizza box. Although, according to the artists, the dish is not their favorite. Tatyana, in principle, is a raw foodist.
  • The first album of the group’s lead singer, Sergei Prikazchikov, “Soaring Up,” was released in 2004. This was a common project of two Ufa rappers Asman and Pizza.
  • While still living in Ufa, the lead singer of the group, Sergei Prikazchikov, worked for a short time as an administrator of slot machines on the market.
  • In 2018, the Pizza group released 11 music videos. Many of them were filmed abroad.