Vodonaeva has a stormy romance with a very cool musician. Sober DJ Alexey Kosinus Alexey Kosinus instagram

There is a tradition of throwing the bride's bouquet. I decided not to break it. But since I am the bride, then the rules are also mine. And my bouquet tomorrow will be caught by a very beautiful and cool girl at whose wedding in the near future I plan to have a good walk! Dear @marrusee tomorrow we will finally meet, get to know each other and see you. After dinner, you catch a bouquet and visit me đŸŒș
And you, friends, if you would like to congratulate me and give me wedding gifts, I would really ask you to materialize them to help those who need and need it. Maybe it's Maru, or maybe it's someone else. Many children need help, and many adults do too. There are many of us. my instagram stats Lately comes to three million. And this means you come in, read me, are interested in my life, even if you are not signed. I want to take this opportunity and invite you to participate in a good deed. Even if you and I are a LITTLE BIT, but ALL TOGETHER, it will be noticeable and tangible 🙏 Good night you ❀ Maru, and you wait for me tomorrow 👭 đŸŸ ☕ #Thank you #AppreciateWhatThere is #ThreeOrchids











Acquaintance with electronic music DJ Kosinus began in 1996 - the time of the birth and formation of club culture in Russia. Over the years, the project has gained a worthy reputation, which is confirmed by numerous awards, prizes and cooperation with leading promoters. In addition to tours and performances, DJ Kosinus has been running his show on Radio Record for more than six years, organizing a large-scale Record Trap festival and curating the sensational Zeskullz project aimed at the Western market. One musical heights Aleksey, known for his passion for sports, did not limit himself and in December 2015 launched a project - Human3000 - Worldwide Wellness Community, dedicated to the creation of a new "superman". Thus, a society of caring people was born. talented people who clearly understand that their professional and creative realization largely depends on their health. They know for sure: the right choice of "today" determines the quality of your "tomorrow"; and the physical, intellectual and emotional state is the foundation of life.

As part of the Human3000 project (its presentation was held at the legendary Four Seasons Hotel Lion Palace under the guidance of leading industry representatives), health and sports events, seminars and webinars of highly qualified specialists in their field. For example, unusual master class from Ilya Barinov, choreographer and instructor in Hatha yoga and Qigong practice. On the closed terrace of the W St.Petersburg hotel with a view of St. Isaac's Cathedral under musical accompaniment DJ Kosinus himself hosted one of the first daytime "parties" combining the concept of a healthy lifestyle and contemporary music. A very popular phenomenon in the West! Will start soon New episode– ROCKSTAR YOGA. Just imagine: the sun, music, Fresh air, yoga on the ship, dozens happy people spending time with benefit and joy ...

Alexey Kosinus is sure that the secret of his success is a conscious lifestyle filled with harmony, achievements and real pleasure. ELLE, the ideological inspirer of the project, spoke about the key principles of a competent approach to one's own destiny:


“Creating the right goal is the first step to achieving the magic of your life. Either a person has a goal, or stagnation awaits him. The goal is a single movement mechanism for all people.”


“Having set the right goal for ourselves, we understand where to start the movement. To receive the recognition we deserve, we must adequately assess what we have to offer the world. At the very beginning, any of us is faced with certain fears, and the only way to overcome them is to take action.”


“One day I discovered that awareness is the basis of any creativity, a unique opportunity to always keep a fresh perception. The mindfulness approach helps me with this: attention training techniques, yoga, meditative and breathing practices.


"Conscious and active image life, necessary to achieve the goal, involves a reasonable attitude towards your body. After all, this is our business card, the first impression, the main tool for interacting with the outside world. I have been involved in sports all my life, as a child I was seriously fond of athletics, which always helped me keep myself in good shape: both physically and psychologically. Sport should save us from unnecessary stress, save and replenish energy. For this reason, one day I abandoned the “pumping” of muscles in the gym and started looking for suitable type workout. As a result, I discovered a yoga practice with elements of gymnastics that meets the criteria I need. I work individually, in a group and at home, because I know well what exercises I need.


“It is no coincidence that the topic of nutrition is so relevant and popular in modern world. Proper nutrition This is not a diet or violence. This is our resource and style of conscious living.”


“My activities in various creative fields are complementary. For example, often new ideas are born under the influence of music.


“I have never been able to relax in the “doing nothing” format. A vacation without work meetings is an extremely distant phenomenon from me. With the advent of yoga in my life, my acquaintance with meditative practices began, thanks to which I began to learn how to recover through relaxation. The practice of short meditations that can fit into any work schedule has been a real discovery for me. And in general, for the residents of the metropolis, this is salvation.

Read: in the family, Lesha brings the girl he is going to marry - TV presenter and ex-participant of the show "Dom-2" Alena Vodonaeva. On legal rights, we gave Alena a bride and asked a non-rhetorical question: “Lyosha, who is this?”

Lyosha, so who is this?

Lesha: This is Alena, she will live with us. (Laughs) Since we announced our marriage, we have been constantly asked to tell some love story, we even tried to compose. In fact, everything is terribly banal, like in girlish rom-coms: you meet your man - and you want to spend your whole life with him. We have been together for three months, but it took me five weeks to propose to Alena.

It's strange, it seemed to me that it took you several years - you've known each other for a long time, haven't you?

Alyona: Yes, it's been four years. Our "cupids" - and my ex-director Ilya Dybov - put us in a joint DJ set. Then it was considered fashionable if a celebrity stood up for the "turntables". I remember that Lesha treated me condescendingly: they say, let her dance nearby and be beautiful, and I will make music. And he really made great music - I was so impressed that in all the interviews I said how sexy he is at work. Now the media have lifted the archives and remind me of these words. But I don't mind.

“A stamp in a passport is a ritual, marriage is a regime”

Okay, he's sexy, you're sexy - why didn't it come to marriage that time?

Alyona: Lesha was then in a relationship, quite serious and long-term, and I believe in woman power and never cross the path of anyone, even if I feel that I can. After we met, I encouraged Dybov to invite Lesha to dinner at. I thought he would not agree, but he came. Now we remember this meeting, and Lesha says that I was very important and businesslike, but sweet. (Laughs) Since then we have been talking as friends. More precisely, I thought it was “as friends”, and Lesha, as it turned out, was driving up all this time, but turned out to be such an intelligent pick-up artist that I didn’t even notice.

Lesha: When we reread many years of correspondence in messengers, I showed Alena to individual messages: “Well, here I almost directly tell you that I care about you,” but she didn’t understand anything, it turns out. I grew up in a professorial family, I couldn’t express all my feelings to a girl so directly.

Alyona: Yes, here it’s not about the professorship, but in St. Petersburg, my parents are also a doctor and a teacher, but in Siberia everything is easier than on the Neva.

How did you, Alena, let such parents go to Dom-2?

Alyona: And they didn't know. I said that I was going to Moscow to write my diploma. By the way, I didn’t lie: I am a journalist, and I chose a reality show as the topic of work. I just had the courage to make myself the subject of my own research. In addition, then "Dom-2" was a "Star Factory" for the poor - any girl from the periphery could become a star, and it was not necessary to sing. And my parents, of course, were shocked - they are calm and reasonable people, like Lesha. I am explosive in the family.

Lesha: Alena is just like my mother in character. Apparently, therefore, from the first meeting, they began to communicate as if they had always known each other. Alena considers herself quite callous and harsh. And I think that she just always speaks to the point - you can endlessly praise and cherish your loved one, leaving him in the same place where he is. And you can express fair criticism, allowing it to grow. The first is the comfort zone, the second is true love.

Everything is fine, but why so hurry with the stamp in the passport?

Lesha: Alena has a son, Bogdan, from a previous marriage, he is seven years old - the age when an attitude towards family values. He must understand: when people love each other, they take responsibility. So you say “stamp in your passport” and roll your eyes, but why? It is fashionable to consider marriage an outdated ritual, but in general, a person needs rituals and a regime for a healthy and harmonious existence. The stamp in the passport is a ritual, married life is a regime. It's cool, it's grown-up, it means that you are ready to take responsibility not according to your mood, but always.

Speaking of rituals. What a pity that you do not invite us to loaf and contests with sliders.

Lesha: We don't invite anyone at all. Let this be our holiday. You can noisily celebrate a decade from the date of the wedding, then there will be something to be proud of.

Alyona: The sacrament of marriage should still be a bit of a sacrament, with stupid contests this is impossible. I want to be only with Lesha. Then, of course, we will arrange a festive dinner with our parents and with Bogdan, who is categorically determined to eat a wedding cake. (Laughs.)

What kind of relationship did Lesha and Bogdan have?

Alyona: They are great friends. Usually men do not like to mess with very young children, and Lesha, consider yourself lucky - he got a ready-made child at the most interesting age.

But just now Bogdan agreed with Lesha that he would eat ten spoons of soup and run to watch cartoons, and you strictly told him to finish eating to the end, arguing that you were his mother here. And who is the boss in the house?

Alyona: I read somewhere that any woman has three faces of motherhood: “mother”, “not home” and “get over it”. And due to the fact that for a long time there was no reliable male partner next to me, I became a bit of a “remother”. It is difficult to unlearn instantly, but I think I will soon find a balance - Lesha is very patiently helping me with this.

“I didn’t try to give myself to anyone more advantageously”

Your first appearance on Alena's fan club blew up, and then another quick engagement drove everyone crazy: Vodonaeva is pregnant? Do they have a PR affair? What is going on?

Alyona: By the way, very important point: I knew that it would be so, and many of my subscribers, unfortunately, are rude in the comments, and Lesha in a personal. And I was a little ashamed of what I would subject him to, and he immediately, unlike my previous partners, calmly said to me: "It's all right, I don't pay attention."

Lesha: The funniest theories are not even about a PR novel, but about our way of life. Neither Alena nor I smoke, we don't drink a drop of alcohol and, moreover, we don't use any stimulants. And now she uploads another punk-rock photo, as we love - in the skin, with shadows, and in response, a hundred comments at once: “Drug addicts! Drug addicts!" It looks like the grandmothers at the entrance have finally mastered Instagram.

How is that? Did the fortuneteller say?

Alyona: Better - clairvoyant and winner of the "Battle of psychics" Ziraddin Rzayev. Together with him we host a show on RU.TV "Pair of Normal". And I never asked him questions about myself. And then at the beginning of the year I had an affair, and I decided to take advantage of my official position and find out where everything would lead. Ziraddin replied: "You can forget about this, but remember the number four." And in April, the fourth month of the calendar, we again met with Lesha, whom we had known for four years before. Isn't it fate?

text: Kristina Shibaeva
photo: Valentin Bloch
style: Cake Monster
make-up: Natalya Voskoboinik
hairstyles: Vitaly Pashenko (Park by Osipchuk)

A week has passed since the day Alena Vodonaeva and Alexei Kosinus became husband and wife. But the anti-fans, after seeing the pictures from the wedding former member and the St. Petersburg musician, did not believe in the reality of everything that was happening, and the audience was confused by the date of the wedding, because most registry offices do not register marriages on Mondays. In addition, a certain lady appeared on the network, who is allegedly an employee of this institution, who said that Alena and Alexei just rented one of the halls of the Wedding Palace for wedding photo shoot, writes site site. It is for this reason that people in love did not want to arrange a magnificent celebration and did not even invite their parents to register, since there really was nothing.

But the director of Vodonaeva assures that all this is fiction, the marriage of Alena and Alexei was, and Monday was chosen only because there are traditionally few people on this day, so you can easily find parking spaces in front of the registry office. He also said that the solemn painting took place exactly at 20.00, and there were five more couples in front of Vodonaeva and Cosine. And then the public saw the catch, because the Wedding Palace of St. Petersburg is open until 20.00, which means that they should have been invited to register at least 30 minutes before closing.

In the meantime, disputes are raging on the network about whether there was a wedding or not, some residents of the Northern capital were lucky to see the newly-made spouses at the bus stop public transport where they got wet in the rain with their bags. Passers-by were surprised by Alena, who real life turned out to be not so beautiful, and her vaunted breasts, which she exposes always and everywhere, not so luxurious.

And that's not all, because a couple of minutes ago, a well-known magazine published an interview with Vodonaeva, in which she boasted of the apartment that they were allegedly given for the wedding, although a couple of months ago she told that her fiancé bought a house in St. Petersburg, where now she has to solve all the issues of repair. But as it turned out, in fact, the apartment was bought by Alexei's parents, and when the man's mother found out that the daughter-in-law was already trying to establish her own rules there, she was quickly pointed to her place and was forbidden to even approach this housing. It was for this reason that Vodonaeva had to spend the whole last week in a hotel, and not in home his legal spouse. It is also rumored that Alexei's parents are very happy that they have finally added a son, who will now live on the full support of his rich wife. Therefore, it will not be surprising that at one fine moment Rustam Kalganov's predictions will come true, and terrible scandals over money will begin in this pair.

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Alexey Kosinus, aka Zeskullz - St. Petersburg DJ, music producer, a turbo-engine of a number of projects in the style of Wellness, including the organizer of a new movement for Russia - non-alcoholic wellness parties. Read about the promotion of a healthy lifestyle, yoga and music in the interview.

I saw you with the singer Polina at Urgant - I was glad. What else is new in life?

Apart from music and fashion, the two main projects are Human 3000 and RockstarYoga. The latter began as an Internet project aimed at a foreign audience. I wanted to improve communication between people. different countries who are united by concern for their health. Then we held one offline event in St. Petersburg, then another ... and away we go. Organized a two-day presentation with workshops at the Four Seasons Hotel, brought to life the idea of ​​​​doing a yoga-related party to attract young people to a cool and proper vacation. So, in a year we have done more than 30 events - the Human 3000 project has become an urban one.

Cool. But you're not the only one doing this, right?

Of course not. The project is driven by the four of us: my mother (she is a doctor, doctor of science) conducts practices, talks about women's health and nutrition, sister (trained psychologist) writes content for social networks and my friend Sergey ‘Bad Bonus’ (psychologist by education) – we do everything else with him. It so happens that we focus on female audience because girls are more health conscious. Of course, I would like the guys to join, but so far there are very few of them.

What do you think, what is it connected with?

The fact is that it is still difficult for them to move away from stereotypes. I notice it myself. I have been practicing yoga for 4 years, when I started, my friends were surprised: “What kind of nonsense ?! Yoga for girls! Guys want to make themselves a cool relief body, but they believe that this is only possible in a rocking chair. By my example, I show how wrong they are. For this, I perform with a naked torso - all in the name of an idea!

I thought so. And what is Yoga Rockstar, tell me?

People who are far from the topic are afraid of yoga because of the touch of ethnicity. Therefore, I want to carry out a light urbanization of yoga culture, wrap it in an accessible and understandable shell. The literacy of the internal presentation will not suffer from this, but the visual itself and the mood will be sort of Californian. I associate it with Adam Levin and Jared leto - cool rock musicians who lead the right lifestyle. Hence the name - Rockstar.

And what is the direction? Or is it fusion?

A distinctive feature of our project is objective lighting. various aspects healthy lifestyle. We give our participants the opportunity to learn as much information as possible about existing approaches, to reveal the pros and cons of each of them. Rockstar Yoga is based on my combination experience various kinds yoga is like a constructor, everything is individual, and the main thing is that after practice you feel the tone. As part of the project, we opened two specialized halls in St. Petersburg: one - on Bolsheviks, the other - on Zvezdnaya. In America, sports have long been combined with the practice of yoga. We are developing this movement in our country, focusing on young families. It's great: while the children are doing jiu-jitsu, moms go to yoga.

Rock music, like electronic music, in a healthy way lives are associated weakly, rather the opposite.

This is a stereotype that I intend to destroy - this is exactly what all my projects are about. Recently, my friend The Dual Personality and I recorded RockstarYoga vol.1, which will be released in December of this year. This is an hour-long record of electronic music for yoga. No standard ethnic motifs, this is experimental Electonic music for yoga practice. I want modern musical trends to intersect with such healthy stories, I try to promote it in Russia. By the way, the British producer Goldie also recently opened a yoga room ‘Yogangster’ – and he’s not the only one – the musicians of the new generation prove by their own example that the stereotype “electronic music = unhealthy lifestyle” is hopelessly outdated. The message that we are trying to convey to the masses is that if you are healthy, then everything in your life is going well. I am pleased with this trend, I believe that this is the future. Perhaps even a new Musical direction because music written under alcohol or drugs is different from "pure" music.

You yourself had to deal with negative effect from doping?

Yes, in the noughties my friend and I had a duet called ‘Kosinus & Slutkey’. Then we parted ways because he active participant various "doping" stories, and I am against this. But no one guessed about it. People thought I was “under something” because I was always super-peppy, and he was always calm. Eventually 'Slutkey' broke this situation, he quit music, which is very sad, because he certainly had talent. Unfortunately, many worthy people killed themselves with various "dopings".

This is a common legend - that creativity, supposedly, is born like that. After Morrison, Cobain and Amy Winehouse it’s hard for people to believe that this is also possible: get up at dawn, yoga, meditation, smoothies, piano. Suspiciously sterile!

I never understood those who look for inspiration at the bottom of a glass. I love music, it invigorates and inspires me in itself, energizes me so much that I have it many times more than ten inadequate DJs combined.

However, there are other situations as well. Someone is so afraid of the public, his hands are shaking before going out. For him, alcohol and drugs are the key. He needs it to avoid stress. I, on the contrary, absorb the energy of the hall, recharge it, and for this you need to be included, clean. When you are under something, you play somewhere outside yourself, you don’t understand what you are doing and where you are. But if you are real creative person, then creativity should be in yourself, and not in substances.

But what about the audience itself? A sober person is unlikely to go to night club. I last time was in the club about 7 years ago. Then she refused, stopped drinking - and immediately goodbye.

This separate story. That's why we organize parties where electronic music is mixed with healthy entertainment. Also a pro-American story - in the States they have been doing this for several years, 3-4 years. There it is called Yoga Rave. But we abandoned the word 'Rave', because in Russian people it is strongly associated with drugs. I call it "non-standard recreation for young people." Non-standard, because a set of a night club, a bar, alcohol and drunken dances is still considered standard in our country. Parties are held in right time- evening or daytime, last a couple of hours and are accompanied by tea, fresh juices or shots based on the same whitgrass. In the role of MC - a trainer, he conducts a simplified yoga training, from the basic, most simple movements. This unites and energizes people, and in half an hour an unreal, crazy energy reigns on the dance floor. Living, healthy energy! If we compare the success of our healthy lifestyle parties and club parties, then our success is much more stable. I used to play 8 times a week in clubs, of which only 1-2 parties were really cool. And here every party flies with a bang.

I can’t believe that you have always been such an ardent healthy person, given the specifics of your work and the years when you started - in the 90s, only the dead did not drink or smoke.

I'll be honest: at first I occasionally performed under alcohol - I thought that in this way I was more liberated. But it did not become a system. I realized that alcohol only gets in the way. As for sports, I have been a professional athlete since childhood - even before music, from the age of 9, I went to a sports school, ran 60 meters, won prizes. The coach had hopes for me, so when in the 9th grade I was about to leave sports for music, the coach came to my school and persuaded me not to ruin my career.

I think she would be glad to see your today's results. Has yoga changed you mentally?

Definitely. I am constantly at work, I can run around the city from 7 am to 12 am, and then go to perform. This is the standard mode. Before, there was such a confusion in my head, as if you were rushing under 200 km / h in a Lamborghini, in terrible tension, because you had just learned to drive. Now you continue to rush at the same speed, but you feel much more confident, calmer, you understand where to go further and where to turn. Thanks to yoga, my productivity has increased, I calculate actions faster and more clearly, plus I have freed up extra time. Friends are shocked, they don’t understand how I do it all, but I just get high.

How difficult was the transition from a traditional diet to a healthy diet for you?

I gradually gave up products that did not carry sufficient benefits. You understand what it's like: one refuels with diesel - fast food and Coca-Cola, the other - with jet fuel - organic products. Calling for something is meaningless, everything is known in comparison. It needs to be experienced for yourself. For example, my musician friends love teas, they bring them from Asia. While we were working in the studio, they treated me. A month later I ordered in a cafe green tea. I drank and was stunned, because this is not tea at all and it is simply impossible to drink this! This is the last comparative history which cheered me up.

In terms of nutritional restructuring, the most difficult thing for me was the rejection of sweets. I was looking for substitutes, gradually switched to dried fruits, and then discovered the existence of very cool vegetarian desserts. I never thought that it is so tasty, and even healthy! In fact, I never make them myself. The maximum that I make at home is a fruit smoothie.

Speaking of smoothies. Heard you were doing some super cool detox. Will you tell?

Yes. Mom teaches the course "Cleaning Energy Channels", which came to us from Asia. The bottom line is to give up chewing functions for a month, drink smoothies, juices, puree soups. In the first week, the intestines, mucous membranes and the whole body are cleansed. Since liquid food is better absorbed by the body, less energy is spent on digestive processes, and then there is more strength. In the spring, I went through this program myself and felt the effect on myself. My head reconfigured itself: no matter what I did, the algorithms lined up like in a computer, and much faster than usual.

How does the brain react? Doesn't require crackers to chew?

It is present literally the first two days, then passes. You eat, your body is not hungry. And the reaction of the head is a deception.

If we are talking about the head, let's talk about meditation. Do you practice?

Certainly. Meditation is the most correct state to recover. For me, acquaintance with this experience was another confirmation that no “doping” works, only yours works. internal state. If you are internally calm, then life goes differently. If, after running around, I realize that I am mentally exhausted, I go home and meditate.

Oh, Lyosha, everyone would have your consciousness!

Meditation practices are a global trend. Yoga lunches are being introduced in New York business clusters. Especially for businessmen working hard from 7 am. They come there, meditate for 30 minutes, reset themselves and go back to work. Meditation - cool theme, and I want to develop it, but it's hard. I think, first of all, such a cluster will appear among conscious business people who understand that it works.

Where did you study meditation?

From master practitioners who suggest in which direction to move. It is important to understand where to go. You need to be brought to this state at least once, and then you yourself will learn how to achieve it.

Interviewed by Yulia Ulyanova