Death behind the scenes: TV project participants who died after the show. The winner of the show “Weighted and Happy People” will pay off his mortgage with his winnings Weighted People Today

The new season has prepared many surprises for the audience. The project not only received a different name "Weighted and happy people”, but the new coaching staff and presenter will also take part in the show.

“Weighted People” was first shown on Russian television in 2015. The project became a remake of the version famous show"The Biggest Loser" in the USA.

Blue Team

Red Team

Black Team

Since the launch of the show, “Weighted People” has been very popular among domestic viewers and has high ratings.

The main goal of the participants of the program is to lose weight by eating a healthy diet, breaking old habits and exercising gym. All of them will have to compete for the main prize of the project - 3,000,000 rubles!

In the new season of the television project, the rules have become somewhat different, as well as the location of what is happening. Participants, presenters and coaches moved to the territory of the Sochi resort. Surrounded by pleasant sea air, they will have to become a team and fight against extra pounds.

The new coaching staff included two completely different people with individual views of weight loss methods. This is rapper Seryoga, he is also known as coach Sergei Parkhomenko.

The artist already has solid experience in training wealthy businessmen. Seryoga works exclusively according to the author’s methodology. He had the honor of leading the blue team of participants on the project.

The Reds will be led by fitness trainer and nutritionist Natalya Lugovskikh, who is also the current champion of Europe and the Russian Federation in fitness bikini. She has her own secrets and special sports skills, and therefore the coach is confident that her team will become the best in season 4.

The show will be hosted by a famous socialite. She knows from personal experience how difficult it is to achieve beautiful figure, stick to diets and visit sports training. Anfisa will be able to support the participants kind words and motivate them to achieve better results.

The surprise for viewers of the project was the information that there would be three coaches on the show. The third will be famous actor.

The release date for Season 4 episodes of "Weighted Men" was originally slated for March 2018. However, from February 17, the show will be broadcast every Saturday on the STS channel at 19:00 Moscow time.

The project will involve 18 overweight people. All of them are citizens of Russia and each of them was checked for compliance with the established framework of the organizers.

The age of the participants can be from 18 to 50 years, the weight of women must be more than 100 kg, and for men - 120 kg or more.

Of course, the choice fell on the most interesting people for the show, as well as those who need help first. Every participant in the project dreams of parting ways with the hated fat forever. and get a chance to start a healthy life.

The participants will have to pass difficult tests prepared for them by the organizers of the project, who assure that they have something else to surprise the audience and the fat people themselves!

The competitions will take place against the backdrop of Sochi stadiums and facilities that were specially built for the Olympics. These buildings were able to further motivate the participants to win. The total weight of all applicants for the prize is 2832 kilograms.

Only one person will be the winner. At the open finals, the results of the fruitful work of coaches and team members will be summed up, and the name of the one who deserved the treasured money and a ticket to a healthy life will be named!

On June 2, the final of the reality show “Weighted and Happy People” took place on the STS channel, where the winner of the project was determined.

The STS project is the Russian version of the popular American show The Biggest Loser, winner of the TEFI award in the Reality Show category.

Grand Prize project STS “Weighted and happy people”– two and a half million rubles – went to a 28-year-old Anton Avduevsky from Achinsk (Krasnoyarsk Territory), who achieved the best result in the history of the show and set a new record by losing half of his initial weight - 82 kilograms.

The second prize - five hundred thousand rubles - was received by the 28-year-old Andrey Shlyakhov from the city Volzhsky (Volgograd region), showed best result weight loss at home after leaving the project. The hero managed to lose 73 kilograms, which is 46.49% of his original weight.


At the beginning of the season of the “Weighted and Happy People” project, Anton Avduevsky’s weight was 167 kg. In his native Achinsk, everyone knows Anton as a bright, cheerful guy who organizes and hosts events. His profession obliges him to smile, but he is sure that this is a mask, and he himself is an “unsociable gnome.” No one is waiting for him at home except a snake named Zoya- pet. He began to gain weight after his father’s death - that day Anton was flying to his birthday, but ended up at the funeral.

Anton Avduevsky, show winner:

“I proved first of all to myself that I am very strong man. Of course, I’m glad that at one time the idea came to me to participate in the casting of the project, because after that my life changed dramatically. Moreover, I’m not going to stop, but will go further - my plans are to pass the triathlon standards, which are running, cycling and swimming.”

Anton plans to spend his winnings on paying off his mortgage loan, and with the remaining amount he wants to go on a trip with the reality finalist, a 28-year-old Muscovite Anya Lezhneva, with whom he got involved in the project romantic relationship. The second winner, Andrei Shlyakhov, who left the show in the 11th week, also competed for the girl’s heart.

Anton Avduevsky, coach Natalya Lugovskikh and Andrey Shlyakhov

Andrey is from the city of Volzhsky, he weighed 157 kg. In the ninth grade, Andrei fell in love for the first time, but the girl did not reciprocate the guy, who at that time already weighed 100 kilograms. Only at the age of 28 did Andrei start thinking that he needed to lose weight. He had already tried to lose weight, but his family’s eating habits and the lack of an example before his eyes made it difficult to cope with his problem on his own. According to Andrey, once as a child he was sent to his grandmother for the summer, and he returned as a “kolobok”.

Andrey Shlyakhov:

“When I returned home, the most difficult thing was to restrain myself and continue the path that I started on the project. After all, there were trainers and nutritionists looking after us, the daily routine was clearly structured: now you need to eat, then training awaits. And at home I am my own trainer, nutritionist, and controller.”

Anfisa Chekhova:

“For me, each participant is a superhero worthy of being in the finals. Everyone fought, gave their best to the last, overcame themselves, used willpower, the existence of which they had not previously suspected. But the most important thing is that no one ever set anyone up, betrayed anyone, not one of the participants went over their head. This is a unique season where everyone has been kind to each other.”

“Weighted and Happy People” is produced by White Media.


The fourth season of the most popular reality show about weight loss and healthy image life "Weighted and Happy People" was filmed in the Olympic Sochi. The project leader was Anfisa Chekhova, and the coaching staff included a rapper and a fitness instructor Seryoga, miss Olympia, champion Russia, Europe and the fitness bikini world Natalia Lugovskikh and legendary athlete, TV presenter and famous actor Sergey Badyuk.

  • In just the fourth season new life fought 18 participants from all over Russia, which were dropped collectively 875 kilograms .
  • In the STS project, the heroes had to carry 14-ton snowcats through the snow at an altitude of 2200 meters, cross a 50-meter dilapidated bridge, overcome a 50-meter obstacle course, lift themselves to a height of 30 meters using a climbing structure, and roll 20-kilogram balls along the track , hold 200-liter barrels filled with sand, and run a cross-country race around the Sochi autodrome.
  • The heaviest participant in the entire history of the project is a truck crane operator from Ivanteevki Alexander Povagin- fought bravely with his 250 kilograms and made it to the final four. The hero set a personal record, losing more than a third of his weight - 84 kilograms .

What woman doesn't dream of ideal figure and the admiring glances of men? Finalist Vesta Romanova managed to lose 50 kilograms and find happiness in her personal life. But what’s interesting: even before participating in the project, she was not deprived of the attention of the stronger sex. the site talked to Vesta and found out why she at one time weighed almost 130 kilograms, why all women need to photograph themselves naked in the mirror, and whether it is possible to lose excess weight with the snap of a finger.

Just yesterday this smiling, stylish girl c unusual name I couldn’t tie my sneakers without feeling dizzy, I didn’t want to leave the house unless absolutely necessary, and I lived by the “food-work-food-home-food” principle. Today from that sad life only memories remain.

29-year-old Vesta Romanova took part in the competition last year (the second season of which has already started on STS) and reached the very final, losing a cash prize of 3 million rubles to 30-year-old Pyotr Vasiliev. However, the girl, despite everything, considers herself a winner. Today Vesta looks great and successfully combines work and family.

Having been in the hands of professionals, the ex-“weighted” one now willingly shares her acquired knowledge with those who need it. Romanova develops nutrition programs, helps find the right motivation and simply energizes her fans. good mood. Although the project made a star out of the blonde, she still remains a simple, modest person who has no secrets from anyone. And if we’re going to share our story, then without any embellishments or cuts. IN exclusive interview website Vesta Romanova told how wonderful life “light” turned out to be.

. Why did you get so many?

As my psychologist says, everything happened because of my personal life. And not because of her absence, but on the contrary: I tried to protect myself from relationships that, as a rule, did not end well.

“I ate and gained weight in order to completely protect myself from communicating with men, not to attract their attention. Which, by the way, I never succeeded in.”

Even when I weighed 123 kilograms, I was in great demand among the stronger sex. And the further, the worse.

V.R.: When I was at school, we didn’t have the concept of “fat” at all. My classmates and I were very active: we didn’t sit in front of computers or TVs, but, on the contrary, spent all our time outside. I was an ordinary girl in body, but not fat. I did a lot of sports, so I didn’t gain weight. The problems started when I broke up with my boyfriend after seven years of relationship.

I felt great even with a weight of 110 kilograms. Only at the moment when the scales showed the number 120 did I begin to experience discomfort. It was hard for me to walk, turn, bend over. The worst thing is that I got lazy and didn’t want to do anything at all. Probably, the brain is also swollen with fat.

“I came to work and just sat there all day. I was constantly eating and surfing the Internet. Then she returned home, ate again and went to bed. The state of an amoeba... Or a frog that sits in its swamp, croaks, and doesn’t need anything else in this life.”

website: When did you come to the conclusion that it was time to change?

V.R.: One day it became completely unbearable. I bent over to tie my shoes and my blood pressure suddenly rose. My face was filled with blood, my head was spinning, I couldn’t get up... Then I realized that I needed to pull myself together and do something.

V.R.: Yes, just a couple of days later I accidentally came across a casting announcement for a new reality show about weight loss. I submitted my application form and forgot about it, because I was sure that only people of their own were accepted into such projects. Surprisingly, I was invited to come to the casting, where I talked with a psychologist. After this there was silence, which lasted more than a month. Just before the start of the filming process, I was informed that I was in the project.

website: All this time before filming began, did you try to lose weight on your own?

V.R.:"Oh yeah (laughs)... From time to time, like any normal woman, I was overcome by the desire to lose excess weight. And I immediately went for the “miracle pills,” mistakenly believing that this would help me lose weight, and quickly.”

I probably tried every possible diet and pill on myself. Now I understand that miracles do not happen. No matter how sad it is, from extra pounds you always get rid of it very slowly. It is a pity that many do not believe and continue to persistently search quick ways part with the hated fat.

website: What was and is now your main motivation to keep fit?

V.R.: Mirror! In general, as it turned out, many fat people do not look at themselves in the mirror, are afraid to be photographed and post their pictures on social networks. You know, like that good principle defense: “I don’t see, that means it doesn’t exist.”

“That is why a sober look at yourself from the outside can help you lose weight, and even better - a photo of yourself naked in the mirror. After all, every woman strives to be beautiful.”

website: Were you upset that you didn’t win the final of the show and 3 million rubles went to another?

V.R.: And I won! She defeated herself. My achievement cannot be measured by money. On the project, I was able to lose 40 kilograms, after the end of the show another 12. The main thing is that I managed to overpower myself, give up bad habits and tune in to a new life. And money... You can always earn it if you have the desire.

website: What weight are you now and do you plan to continue losing weight?

V.R.: On this moment I weigh 70 kilograms and this is mine ideal weight, I feel very comfortable in it. Soon I plan to do a light drying, so that the body finally acquires a relief. After all, this was quite problematic before.

Now I also began to observe the sleep schedule: I go to bed and wake up at the same time. By the way, I also eat by the hour. In general, I have become more disciplined, I am not late for meetings, as I was before. I also completely gave up alcohol.

"Weighted People" is a Russian replica of the famous American show "The Biggest Loser". Participants here are those to whom the independent process of losing weight does not bring results. The project gives a chance to achieve widespread changes in your life, starting with an external transformation. Of course, it’s difficult for heroes to break the foundations that have been formed over the years, but real prize 3 million rubles becomes an excellent incentive. 4 seasons have already appeared on the screens, and now the viewing audience is interested in the appearance of “Weighted People” season 5.

Nowadays, the show is more relevant than ever, because food culture is undergoing significant changes, fast food outlets are located everywhere, which means that excess weight is becoming a modern disaster. Some don’t even fight this, but there are those who want to change everything and regain their good appearance. For such people, the television project “Weighted People” season 5 was created, the release date of which is expected in the second half of February 2019. Despite the fact that the show is quite fresh, it has gained unconditional popularity among the audience.

Participants and filming of “Weighted People”-5

You must follow the announcement of the start of the casting and the appearance of the questionnaire on the website of the STS TV channel, which carries out the broadcast. Last season, active applications began in summer period, so it’s important not to miss this period if you want to get there. ABOUT exact date The premiere is still unknown, but the audience is targeted for February next year.

Most recently, the 4th season of the project died down, which made an indelible impression on the audience. Be that as it may, viewers really enjoy watching how the participants change and transform. In the “Weighted People” show, participants will receive total control and support from fitness trainers and nutritionists.

There was a major reboot, and not only the name of the show was changed, but also its coaching staff. Now the embodiment of rigor and source of knowledge have become: Sergey Parkhomenko and Natalya Lugovskikh and Sergey Badyuk. They will do everything necessary to bring the participants' bodies closer to in better shape, because the goal of the project remains unchanged - to achieve a slim body. Events are now developing on the Black Sea coast. The host was Anfisa Chekhova, who agreed to participate in the show due to the fact that she herself had been struggling with excess weight since her youth.

For those wishing to participate in the project, there are a number of conditions that are necessary to confirm the application. The selection process is very strict, so you need to become thoroughly familiar with it. First of all, STS employees will let through individuals who have reached the age of majority, but have not exceeded the age of 42. The starting weight for a female contender should start from 110 kg, while a man should weigh more than 120 kg. Contestants included in the “Weighted People” project can be from both large Russian cities and small towns.

What will be shown in the new episodes of “Weighted People”-5

Having visited the qualifying stage of the fifth season of the project, everyone suffering from excess weight the person will have the opportunity to join a team of 18 people. During the production of the show, participants will go through many a large number of severe tests, both physical and psychological. It won't be easy for anyone. Everything is built on competition with opponents, so maximum effort will be required. Here everyone wants to be in the final, but only one person will bypass all competitors.

The reward that awaits the winner is expressed not only in monetary terms, but also in gaining a slender body filled with health, as well as the opportunity to change your life. The road will be difficult, no one hides it, on the contrary. But it will temper the character, make a person recognize his fears and discard them forever.

The prize for the winner is 2.5 million rubles, and another 500,000 will be received by the eliminated participant, who continued to lose weight at home and showed impressive results.

After the required number of participants has been selected, their total weight is calculated, which, as is already known, from previous seasons is equal to 2 tons. Then all competitors are divided equally into 2 teams. The result of weekly work, which includes physical training and radical nutritional correction, is the team weigh-in. And where the total number of kilograms lost is less, one participant is selected, who, according to general opinion, did not work for full force. Accordingly, this person leaves the project.

As a result, there is only one winner left in the show, who is declared the champion of the project. I would like to note the fact that not everyone comes to participate because of money; for many it is a desire to eradicate their bad habits, and as a result – excess weight.

Interesting facts about the continuation and the show “Weighted People”-5

  1. The premiere of the show “Weighted People” took place in 2015 on the Russian federal channel STS. The project was an analogue of the famous foreign product called “The Biggest Loser”. The program is very popular in its homeland.
  2. For those wishing to take part in the filming, minimum weight limits have been established. For both men and women, the figure should not be lower than 100 kilograms.
  3. Overweight participants reach their goal within 16 weeks.
  4. Natalya Lugovskikh, who is part of the team, is the champion of Europe and Russia in the fitness bikini category.
  5. Sergey Badyuk noted that he himself gained weight of more than 150 kilograms, so he perfectly understands how much work it will cost the participants to work on themselves.
  6. All seasons were broadcast on STS TV channel.
  7. In 2016, the show was awarded the TEFI Award.

There is no doubt that the TV show will appear on television screens. In the obesity rating, Russia ranks 20th, which so far looks like a chance for people to think about their health. And how difficult it is for overweight people to be convinced once again by looking new season project.


The coaches of the fourth season were: Natalia Lugovskikh, Sergey Parkhomenko And Sergey Badyuk.

Project leader - Anfisa Chekhova

Weighted people. Winners of all seasons

Weighted People Season 1 - winner Peter Vasiliev
Weighted People Season 2 - winner Timur Bikbulatov
Weighted People Season 3 - winner Boris Baburov
Weighted and happy people season 4 - Anton Avduevsky

Weighted and happy people 4. Participants

Weighted and happy people 4. All episodes

Weighted and happy people STS season 4 episode 16 06/02/2018 FINAL and WINNERS

The winner of the show was Anton Avduevsky. His prize is 2.5 million rubles. Anton lost 82 kilograms during the project (from 167 kg to 85 kg).

Second winner among eliminated participants - Andrey Shlyakhov. His prize is 500 thousand rubles. Andrey managed to lose 73 kilograms (from 157 kg to 84 kg)

Weighted and happy people STS season 4 episode 15 05.26.2018

Anfisa Chekhova met with project participants in the Olympic Park. This is the last week in Sochi. Weighted people will have to pass three tests, two of which are in Olympic disciplines, and the final test will give the winner immunity and automatic access to the final. The first training and test with Paralympic athlete Vadim Aleshkin - it was necessary to run against the clock around the stadium with a vest that weighs the same as the weight the participants lost during the project. Polina Piskareva took first place, she earned an additional 10 seconds in the final test. Second place went to Alexander Povagin (+5 seconds), third place to Anton Avduevsky (+3 seconds). The second training and test took place in the pool, the coach was Paralympic Yaroslav Svyatoslavsky. I had to swim a distance of 500 meters. First place went to Anton Avduevsky, second place to Polina Piskareva and third place to Anna Lezhneva. Bonus seconds were also awarded for winning places. The final test involved climbing a structure by lifting yourself up using climbing equipment. The winner received immunity. The first was Anna Lezhneva, the second was Anton Avduevsky, the third was Polina Piskareva. Results of the final weigh-in: Anna Lezhneva’s weight has not changed, Polina -1.18%, Alexander +1.08%, Anton -5.41%. At the voting, opinions were divided and since Polina lost more weight, Alexander Povagin left the show. Finalists: Anna Lezhneva, Anton Avduevsky and Polina Piskareva.

Weighted and happy people STS season 4 episode 14 05/19/2018

Weighted and happy people STS season 4 episode 13 05/12/2018

Weighted and happy people STS season 4 episode 12 05/05/2018

Weighted and happy people STS season 4 episode 11 04/28/2018

Weighted and happy people STS season 4 episode 10 04/21/2018

Weighted and happy people STS season 4 episode 9 04/14/2018

Weighted and happy people STS season 4 episode 8 04/07/2018

Anfisa Chekhova announced to the project participants that they would live in the mountains all week. Before leaving for a new place, they must leave one participant from each team in the Weighted and Happy house. They chose Elena Sadikova, Evgeniy Khaitkulov and Irina Cheremnykh. Whoever of these three loses the most weight by the end of the week will bring his team +1 kg at the final weigh-in. They will also earn money from trials healthy food for your team. In the chalet where the rest of the participants arrived, a table was set with junk food and alcohol. Many succumbed to temptation. Igor Koshelev refused food and drink and went to bed. Katerina Nikitina had too much alcohol and began to attack Anna Lezhneva because of her friendship with members of another team. Anton Avduevsky and Anna Lezhneva slept in the same bed. The next day, trainers arrived at the chalet and arranged a training session without simulators. Remaining in the house of the Weighted and happy participants tests were held, Irina Cheremnykh won both. She brought the black team +2 kg at the final weigh-in. Evgeniy Khaitkulov, in turn, let the team down and brought -2 kg at the weigh-in. Anfisa Chekhova took Irina Cheremnykh to shopping mall to pass psychological training"Monument to myself." Irina had to speak out loud in front of the crowd all the bad words that she had ever heard addressed to her. Final weigh-in results: red team -2.8%, blue team -2.1%, black team -3%. Katerina Nikitina used immunity to save herself. Only Evgeny Khaitkulov voted and he voted against Anna Lezhneva. Anna Lezhneva left the project.

Weighted and happy people STS season 4 episode 7 03/31/2018

The participants were again divided into teams of red, blue and black. On the first day, a letter from Anfisa Chekhova awaited them: they needed to pack their things in suitcases and come to the train station in Adler. Challenge of the week: each team needs to choose a person who will go home for a few days to see his family. During this time, the fitness bracelet will count your steps. The team whose member passes greatest number steps. The prize for first place is a trip to the dolphinarium and swimming with dolphins, for second place - a visit to the spa center, for third place - a low-calorie dessert. Igor Koshelev went home from the black team, Alexander Povagin from the blue team, and Polina Piskareva from the red team. As a result, the reds took first place, the blacks took second, and the blues took third. Alexander and Polina tried to adhere to healthy eating, and Igor got drunk on the first evening. Also, the team whose participant lost more kilograms was given +1 kg at the weigh-in.

The training session for the blue and red teams was conducted by Sergei Parkhomenko. Natalya Lugovskikh caught a cold. Seryoga organized a paintball tournament. The blue team won. The red team had to squat 300 times as a loss. Sergei Badyuk returned to the project and gave Igor a debriefing due to drunkenness. As punishment, he gave his team intensive training.

The final test took place in the mountains at an altitude of more than 2000 m. Team members climbed into inflatable boats tied to a snowcat. The snowcat rode upward and the boats found themselves in an inclined position, and the participants supported themselves and the boat by holding the rope with their hands. The task is to hold out as long as possible and not slide down. The prize for the winners is +2 kg at the weigh-in, for the losers -2 kg. The black team won, since their team had three people - Anastasia Idrisova got sick. The red team lost.

Final weigh-in results: blue -2.7%, black -1.3%, red -1.7%. Anastasia Idrisova and Irina Cheremnykh lost the least amount of weight in a week in the black team. The votes of Christian and Igor were divided equally, the final decision was made by the team captain - he left Irina, and Anastasia Idrisova left the project.

Weighted and happy people STS season 4 episode 6 03.24.2018

Army week on the project. The participants were divided into two platoons and dressed in khaki uniforms. Green team: Andrey Shlyakhov, Igor Koshelev, Christian Bodrov, Evgeny Khaitkulov, Elena Sadikova, Irina Cheremnykh. Their coach is Natalya Lugovskikh, and the platoon captain is Andrey Shlyakhov. Gray team: Polina Piskareva, Anton Avduevsky, Katerina Nikitina, Alexander Povagin, Evgeny Vorobyov, Anna Lezhneva, Anastasia Idrisova. Their coach is Sergei Parkhomenko, and their captain is Anton Avduevsky.

The next day, the new teams had a joint training session that lasted three hours. The coaches took turns giving tasks to the teams in order to identify their fortitude. The losing team had to clean the house. First task: the whole team holds a huge tire above them. Both teams did it. Second task: whichever participant stays in the plank longer, the team will win. Katerina Nikitina stood the longest. Third task: go the distance, turning over a huge tire with the whole team. The green team won. Last task: running a race with clasped hands. The gray team won. In the evening the green ones washed the house.

New Challenge of the Week: Two members of different teams must go from one side of a pontoon bridge over a swimming pool to the other. The team that completes the task will win larger number participants. The opponent can and should be thrown into the water using the issued weapon. The winner will select a competitor from the opposing team whose weight will not be taken into account at the final weigh-in. The gray team won.

The final test took place in a military unit in Sochi. Participants had to go through a 400-meter long test strip with many physically challenging tasks. The winners will be given +3 kg at the weigh-in. The Greens excluded Anton Avduevsky from the gray team so that there would be an equal number of participants in both teams. In the end, the green team won.

Final weigh-in results: gray team -2.1%, green team -2.3%. Anna Lezhneva and Evgeniy Vorobyov lost the least amount of weight in the gray team. The captains did not use immunity. The majority of participants voted against Evgeniy Vorobyov and he left the project.

Weighted and happy people STS season 4 episode 5 03/17/2018

The morning began with breakfast in bed - everyone got their favorite dish, only in a healthier and more useful version. Then everyone went to the market - there a quiz on nutrition awaited the participants. The prize for the winners is video letters from relatives. Quiz questions:

1. What should be the percentage of meat and fish in the diet of a person losing weight? Answer: 30% meat, 70% fish

2. What should you drink on an empty stomach to activate your gastrointestinal tract? Answer: mineral water

3. Which fruit is the safest for a person losing weight: banana, grapes or persimmon? Answer: persimmon.

4. Which drink is less harmful to your figure? Answer: soda with sweeteners.

5. How many hours before bedtime can the last meal be? Answer: 3 hours

6. Which food stimulates metabolism more: cayenne pepper, cucumber juice or coffee? Answer: cayenne pepper.

The red and blue teams won. The black team was also given a chance to see the video messages - to do this, they had to eat what was left on their table with junk food, which they threw away after each correct answer. Videos from relatives caused mixed reactions from some participants, and some were left without greetings from their relatives.

The next day, Anfisa Chekhova took the team captains for a mini-test. They had to randomly choose bonuses and punishments for their teams. Igor Koshelev from the black team got: handcuffed one of the participants for a week (he handcuffed Christian) and a call home for 5 minutes (divided 15 seconds between all participants who have children). Bonuses for Katerina Nikitina from the blue team: +1 kilogram at weigh-in for the opposing team and -1 kg for her team. Anton Avduevsky from the red team had to deprive one of the team members of training with a coach for a week (Andrei Shlyakhov agreed) and wear weights all week (Anton wore them himself).

Team training: the black team did qigong with Sergei Badyuk on Skype, the red team (except for Andrei Shlyakhov) worked out in the gym as usual - rode bikes. The blue ones talked about life and received personalized tokens from Seryoga Parkhomenko.

The last test of the week: the participants were brought to the quarries. Each team has 4 people. One stands on a rotating platform and catches sandbags, the rest throw these bags and run back and forth. The winners receive +2 kg at the weigh-in. Losers -2 kg. The blue team won, the red team took second place.

Final weigh-in results: red team -3%, blue team -3.6%, black team -3.1%. The least weight loss in the red team was Anton Avduevsky and Anna Khalyavka. The majority voted against Anna Khalyavka and she left the project.

Weighted and happy people STS season 4 episode 4 03/10/2018

It's time to determine the strongest team of the season. In the first test, the most heavy participants teams: Alexander Povagin from the blue team, Evgeny Vorobyov from the red team and Christian Bodrov from the black team. They had to complete a timed obstacle course on a 50 m long bridge. The winner receives an extra kilogram at the weigh-in. Evgeny Vorobyov won with a result of 2 minutes 47 seconds.

The second test of the week is the captains' competition. They had to climb as quickly as possible up a staircase 500 m long and consisting of 300 steps. The red team won again - Anton Avduevsky was the first and received the prize kilogram.

The third test took place in the mountains. Team members had to show how they learned to feel and support each other. They had to cross a 500 m long track on skis while holding onto poles. The black and blue teams fell far behind the red team due to the fall of the participants. The red team received the third prize kilogram and their team became the strongest according to the results of the week.

The teams trained in different locations: the black team with Sergei Badyuk trained in a fight club in the ring, the blue team with Sergei Parkhomenko swam in the pool, and the red team with Natalya Lugovskikh traditionally trained in the gym. The first relationship appeared on the project: Anton Avduevsky and Andrey Shlyakhov from the red team had their eyes on Anna Lezhneva from the blue team.

Team results at the final weigh-in: red -2.1%, black -1.8%, blue -1.7%. Katerina Nikitina and Anastasia Spiridonova lost the least amount of weight in the blue team. Katya refused to use her immunity to vote. 2 out of 3 team members voted against Anastasia Spiridonova and she left the project.

Weighted and happy people STS season 4 episode 3 03.03.2018

Ambulances arrived to pick up the project participants. They were given 10 minutes to get ready, and then they were taken by ambulance to the forest. There, dug graves awaited them, Anfisa Chekhova in mourning and doctor Roman Fishkin. The topic of the test is the effect of excess weight on health and life expectancy. Obese people live much shorter lives. Participants were given medical records with the diagnoses they were given after examination at the beginning of the project, and their biological age was determined. Everyone was scared of their diagnoses, and some clearly realized that they would not be able to have children until they lost weight. The last person to receive a medical card was Evgeniy Vorobyov - his biological age was 62 years. Roman Fishkin suggested a method of burying him alive so that he would experience his own rebirth. The assistants brought a huge box where Evgeniy lay down, after which the rest of the participants closed the lid and took it to the dug graves. Everyone then buried their cards in the ground in the hope that by doing so they would be spared future health problems. The black team held a training session with their mentor Sergei Badyuk. The main exercise is static-dynamic squats. Sergei worked most of all with Igor Koshelev, as he promised to make him a normal conscript who would be accepted to serve. In the evening, the blue and red teams confronted the black team because of the mess they had created. After a showdown and swearing, the black team was given a two-room suite.

The next day the teams had to find new captains. The test was conducted by the winner of the second season of the show “Weighted People” Timur Bikbulatov. First, the participants who wanted to become captain had to be the first to reach two balls with the color of their team, and then, in a duel by inflating the balls, find out which of them was worthy to continue leading the team. The team captain is granted immunity, which can be spent on himself or one of the team members. Anton Avduevsky became the captain of the red team, Igor Koshelev became the captain of the black team, and Katerina Nikitina remained the captain of the blue team. In the evening, the teams trained: the red teams had a circuit training of 5 exercises, the blue teams had sumo-style wrestling in the ring.

At the end of the week, Anna Khalyavka returned to the project. The last challenge of the week is to run three laps behind the quad bike. The blue team won and earned 2 kg at the weigh-in.

At the final weigh-in, the results were as follows: blue team -2.1%, red team -2.2%, black team -1.3%. Andrey Mishkin and Irina Cheremnykh lost the least amount of weight. Team captain Igor Koshelev gave immunity to Irina. Andrey Mishkin left the project.

Weighted and happy people STS season 4 episode 2 02/24/2018

Sergei Badyuk took his team members to a secret base for training. He promised that he would dream about them nightmares. The task of the secret team is to make the most of your time to lose weight. The participants were placed in a house without central heating, with simple furnishings and outdoor amenities. After the first week of training, the black team was able to lose 5.25% of their total weight and therefore none of them left the project.

The first task of the week was announced to the red and blue teams by the project’s nutritionist Yulia Bastrigina. She showed the participants their usual diet, announced the amount of extra pounds of fat and how many calories they would need to burn to get rid of excess weight. The teams' task is to complete a daily marathon under the guidance of trainers, during which they need to burn an amount of calories equal to half of their usual daily calorie intake. The results are recorded using fitness bracelets. The winning team will receive 2 kilos lost at the weigh-in. In the red team, Elena Sadikova was excluded from the marathon so that the number of marathon participants would be the same in both teams.

The marathon of the blue team under the leadership of Sergei Parkhomenko took place in a calm and positive manner. In the evening there was a run with a total length of 16 km, the next morning exercises with weights on the seashore and another evening run, which only the female half of the team reached. The red team's marathon was psychologically intense: Natalya Lugovskikh did not spare anyone and shouted a lot at the team members. First, they worked out on machines and performed exercises on apparatus in the gym, the next morning they ran along the coast and finished the marathon dancing in a hotel room. As a result, Anna Lezhneva and Anastasia Spiridonova worked out their calories in the blue team, and in the red team all participants burned the specified number of calories, including Elena Sadikova. The red team won. All participants were also given food diaries and glucometers. The black team's training took place in a mountainous area - they passed the "evacuation of the wounded" test: in pairs on a stretcher they had to carry heavy bags up the mountain.

The second test took place in the swimming pool of the Zhemchuzhina hotel. The teams had to build a raft, swim 50 meters on it and return back, collecting bags with puzzle pieces along the way. The winner is the one who completes the puzzle first. Participants who fall into the water are excluded from the competition. The red team won - they removed 2 kg from their opponents during the weigh-in.

At the final weigh-in, the red and blue teams were in for a surprise - they were introduced to the black team of Sergei Badyuk. Weigh-in results: red lost 2.2% of their total weight, blue - 1.7%, black - 1.6%. Igor Koshelev and Elizaveta Laletina lost the least weight in a week. Most members of the black team voted against Lisa and she left the project. Anfisa Chekhova told Anna Khalyavka that her mother had died.

Weighted and happy people STS season 4 episode 1 02/17/2018

The project participants flew to Sochi. Right at the airport, they were waiting for a public weigh-in to fix their starting weight, and an acquaintance with the coaches - rapper Sergei Parkhomenko (blue team) and fitness trainer Natalya Lugovskikh. After weighing, everyone was taken to the seashore - there the first test awaited them: they had to get to the house of “Weighted and Happy” (a distance of about 2 km) the fastest. The first two people choose their mentor and assemble a team at their own discretion. Only 12 people (2 teams of 6 participants each) will move into the house, the rest will leave from where they came. Katerina Nikitina was the first to come running - she chose the blue team. Andrei Volzhsky came running second, he got the red team. Once all the participants reached their destination, Katerina and Andrey made their choice. Anastasia Idrisova, Andrey Mishkin, Igor Koshelev, Irina Cheremnykh, Christian Bodrov and Elizaveta Laletina left the project. However, on the way home, these participants were picked up by a Kamaz truck with Sergei Badyuk - they became members of a secret black team.

The next day, the participants had to defend the right to their personal belongings, which were taken from them before checking into the hotel. The red team's training took place in the gym. Important condition: If at least one person fails, no one on the team will receive their items. Exercises: plank with ball, 30 abdominal crunches and bear walk. The blue team trained at fresh air. Suitcases with things were used as equipment. It was necessary to squat 10 times in three approaches, do a pull-down of a suitcase to the chin and stand in a plank for 60 seconds with a suitcase on your back. In the end, everyone got their things back.

The second test of the week took place in the mountains. The teams had to move all-terrain snowcats weighing 14 tons over a distance of 40 meters using a cable and arm strength. The winners place an extra 3 kg on the bowl weighing the losers. The blue team won.

At the final weigh-in, the red team showed the best result - they were able to lose weight by 6%, and the blue team only by 4.6%. Katerina Nikitina and Maxim Akimov lost the least weight in the blue team. By majority vote, it was decided that the show “Weighted and Happy People” was leaving Maxim Akimov.