Sergey Babaev: “When you are a recognizable person, you need to look decent. Sergey Babaev

The popular presenter is not at all annoyed by his wife’s small shortcomings

The popular presenter is not at all annoyed by his wife’s small shortcomings

We met with the TV presenter of “Other News” on Channel One Sergei BABAYEV at his dacha. The hospitable owner invited us to see the decoration of the house while his hospitable wife set the table. Meanwhile, the TV star’s children were playing outside. Having shown the home, the owner began to boast about the shower he had made with his own hands. When we got acquainted with all the “attractions,” Sergei invited us to the table, on which there was already a fragrant Berry pie and fragrant tea beckoned. The conversation flowed easily and naturally.

About the dacha

A house outside the city is a huge plus, I’m convinced Sergey Babaev. - After long hours of work, I really want to plunge into another world, where there is no fuss. We bought a dacha a long time ago. My mother-in-law recommended it, and I thank her very much for that. On the site, I try to do everything with my own hands. For example, he brought water into the house himself. But to build the house, of course, we had to hire specialists. They made us six small but very cozy rooms.

About his wife and betrayal

Happened to my wife and I love affair at work. We worked together at NTV: I was an assistant director, and Irina was a secretary. I was barely 19 then, but I immediately felt that this woman was my destiny. He sought his wife for two years. In the end she gave up. And we have been married for 13 years and have never had a big fight. Although there were difficult times. When we got married, we didn’t live well. But my wife didn’t nag me. She calmly and patiently helped with everything. And I tell her. You know, after so many years family life I realized that the main thing in marriage is respect and love, which transforms over the years, but the core must always remain. I never cheated on Ira. Of course, when a beautiful, slender girl walks, you can look after her. But nothing more. Again, everyone, even the most charming women, has flaws. Some have a heavy chin, others have an imperfect nose shape. And you start to get fixated on this. But some of my wife’s shortcomings don’t annoy me at all. On the contrary, it has some special charm.

About children

Three years after the wedding, we had Nikita. Six years later, Lisa was born. My sister has three children. But Ira and I are thinking of stopping for two. Children are a lot of work and nerves. They need to be dealt with and educated. The wife took on this difficult mission and copes with it perfectly. We decided to refuse the help of grandmothers and nannies, because who better than mom knows and feels his children?!

About modern television

Every generation says that everything was fine in their time, but now... I don’t think so. Today's television is much more interesting than that what it was like, say, 30 years ago. And our operators have this humorous expression on this matter: “Before there were times, but now it’s a moment, before it was rising..., and now the pressure.” They say that there are too many illiterate presenters on television now, even if live verbal blunders happen. But these reservations also have their advantages. The picture turns out to be more lively, the viewer begins to believe that the person is really talking to you here and now, and not in a recording. An interesting point is the clothing of the news presenters. They give us money for shirts and ties. In general, what is visible. I remember Mikhail Osokin always sat in front of the camera in torn sneakers and jeans, and on top - a decent jacket and a neatly tied tie.

Russian television journalist and presenter Sergey Babaev well known to viewers thanks to the program "Other news" on Channel One. Sergey Babaev has been working on television since he was 17 years old, and since he was 20 – as a journalist and presenter.

Sergey was born and raised in Moscow. After school, he entered the Faculty of Biology at Moscow State University, because he was seriously interested in biology, but he did not have to give his soul to science - in that same year the NTV company was founded, where Babaev ended up as an administrator. It happened completely by accident, but the world of television unexpectedly turned out to be much more attractive for Sergei than biology. It is not surprising that he soon transferred to the Faculty of Journalism in order to forever link his fate with the world of the silver screen. However, real work, not according to textbooks, took all the time and energy from the young TV personality, so there was almost no time left for study. As a result, instead of the required five years, Babaev “studied” at the journalism department for almost ten.

Creative career of Sergei Babaev / Sergei Babaev

But during these ten years, Sergei managed to achieve everything that can hardly be taught at a university - he worked as an assistant director, editor, director, regular and special correspondent, and then, finally, presenter. Having walked almost the entire staircase journalistic career from bottom to top, Babaev acquired not only a name, but also invaluable experience.

Sergei Babaev: “Every generation says that in its time everything was fine, but now... I don’t think so. Today's television is much more interesting than what it was, say, 30 years ago. They say that there are too many illiterate presenters on television now, when verbal blunders happen even on live air. But these reservations also have their advantages. The picture turns out to be more alive, the viewer begins to believe that the person is really talking to you here and now, and not in a recording.”

Since 2006, Sergey Babaev became the presenter popular show "Other news" on Channel One. He came to this project from its very inception and remains in it to this day. Program "Other news" is a non-political news block in which Sergei and his colleagues tell viewers “about the most important, useful and interesting things.”

Sergey Babaev: “I really like that everything I do turns out better than everyone else. This applies to both the “Other News” program and the soup that I cook for my eldest son.”

Personal life of Sergei Babaev / Sergei Babaev

Sergei Babaev is married and has two children – an older boy and a younger girl. All free time he tries to devote himself to his family. Sergei often plays with the children, although his wife is mainly involved in raising them Irina. Babaev met her on NTV - the young people then had a real “office romance”, which grew into strong family relationships.

Sergei Babaev: “I was an assistant director, and Irina was a secretary. I was barely 19 then, but I immediately felt that this woman was my destiny. He sought his wife for two years. In the end she gave up. And we have been married for 13 years and have never had a big fight.”

First child Nikita, appeared in the Babaev family 3 years later life together, and 6 years later, a daughter was born Lisa. Sergei believes that for him two is the ideal number of children, since raising them takes a lot of strength and energy.

The favorite pastime of Sergei Babaev and his entire family is relaxing at the dacha. There, the famous presenter rests not only his body, but also his soul. According to him, he made and built almost everything on his summer cottage, with the exception of the house itself.

Sergey Babaev: “I happy man“I go to work with pleasure in the morning (as long as I get up later and don’t have to shave every day), and in the evening I rush home to my family.”

The host of the Good Morning program talked about his family, his famous collection of conifers and sleepovers at work.

Sergey Babaev is one of the hosts of the Good Morning program. Photo: press service materials.

— Sergey, as far as I understand, with the “Other News” program you began a completely different life.
- Certainly. I became a presenter on Channel One. Before that, I worked for NTV and NTV+; in the fall of 1996, I opened NTV+ as a sports presenter. At that time it was a completely “invisible” satellite channel, with practically zero audience. People began to recognize me when I began working as a correspondent for TVS, especially after I covered some tragic events, such as the seizure of the theater center on Dubrovka. And having become a presenter on Channel One, of course, I began to feel somewhat differently. This is pleasant, but it also implies a greater degree of responsibility: you need to control yourself at all times, for example, you cannot allow yourself to get drunk in public. There are a lot of restrictions, because you need to look decent. When you recognizable person, this needs to be monitored especially carefully.

— They didn’t regard the change of format as a kind of relaxation for themselves: after the documentary
films about the war in Dagestan and Chechnya, reports about the terrorist attack on Dubrovka, you began to work in a more relaxed mode.

— Of course, filming reports from the sites of tragedies and communicating with people who have just lost their loved ones is difficult. But if you seriously engage in any business, you always find both your difficulties and your pleasant moments in it. I have always taken my work seriously. And in the format of “Other News” I gave it my all, I got tired. Therefore, I won’t say that it has become easier for me: being late for a live broadcast is completely unbecoming. Now I am hosting the Good Morning program, we have flexitime, and with the arrival of spring, the broadcast is completely divided into two parts - we work from Ostankino and from our mobile studio. Our routine is this: we arrive the previous day, record interviews with guests, then an orbital broadcast, then go straight to Ostankino to sleep, for which we have two special rooms, and get up at 4 in the morning, since at 5 we have live broadcast to Moscow.
— You once said: to become a good journalist, it is important to set yourself the goal not of making money, but of interest in the profession. Today you teach at VNSHT - do you manage to convince young journalists that they don’t become professionals on TV “through connections”?
“I explain to them all that first you need to have at least small abilities in order to develop them later if you are interested in the profession itself. Don't expect everything to happen instantly. No Posner became Posner instantly.

— He is also a graduate of the Faculty of Biology of Moscow State University, which you initially enrolled in.
- Yes. Having studied at the Faculty of Biology for one semester, thanks to my boss at NTV, Alexey Ivanovich Burkov, who brought me to the rector Viktor Sadovnichy, I then transferred to the Faculty of Journalism and graduated from it within ten years, since working on television, where I first came as an administrator and gradually became assistant director, editor, correspondent, director, sports commentator and presenter, I was completely absorbed.

— Tell us about your collection of coniferous plants.
— During the last years of school, I was very interested in biology, I read all the textbooks for the first and second years of the Faculty of Biology at Moscow State University, and this topic is still very interesting to me, although I chose a different profession for myself. At my dacha I have interesting exotic plants, so you can come to me like you would to a Botanical Garden. There is Scots pine, black pine, cedar pine. There is a cedar lantern that was given to me by the make-up artist from the directorate. information programs, three types of fir - Korean, Siberian and single-colored, several types of junipers and thujas. But my main recent acquisition, which has nothing to do with conifers, is cloudberries. The seedlings were given to me during a business trip to Kostroma. In the Moscow region this berry is extremely rare, the climate is too warm for it, but I will be happy to tinker with it. I really love berries - raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, cranberries and lingonberries. Last year I collected 9 kg of blackberries. Moreover, he went to collect it in the heat, and since it was wildly prickly, he put on a windbreaker so as not to get hurt. As a result, I didn’t notice how I got heatstroke.

- You generally spend a lot of time at the dacha - you have pilaf in a cauldron there, and bike rides with the whole family...

— Not only pilaf, you can cook a lot of things in a cauldron! And any vegetables, and potatoes turn out great, and chickpeas - Turkish peas. Shish kebab gets boring during the first May holidays, so then improvisations begin - and pilaf different types, and potatoes with yesterday's kebab. The main thing is that it is interesting to cook. The neighbors smell it and immediately run to visit. (Laughs.)

— Have your 15-year-old son Nikita and 9-year-old daughter Lisa already given you reasons to be proud?
- Certainly. Lisa studied figure skating for four and a half years and received the third junior rank. Then we left professional sports for a whole range of reasons. Now she has begun to draw, and in addition, she goes in for swimming. Nikita has been studying at theater studio at school. In my opinion, they stage good performances and sometimes take prizes at various competitions. Another son starred in a feature film children's film with Svetlana Nemolyaeva and is engaged in rowing.

—Are you an authority for them?
- Maybe yes. Of course, they, like all normal children, do not unquestioningly do what you tell them. Especially now, when Nikita is already 15 years old, and he is constantly trying to assert himself. In general, there are no special problems, but raising children is everyday work. Sometimes it is easier to gain understanding from the viewer than from your own children, who have their own character and their own ideas about everything.

— That is, they are calm about the fact that their dad is a TV presenter?
- Calm down, because during their lifetime I was always a television presenter. My daughter was born a month before Other News started, and she doesn’t remember me working as anything else. Their classmates somehow react to this. But the children themselves have no enthusiasm for this. Work is like work.

— You met your wife Irina at one time on NTV. What is she doing now?
“Now she’s taking care of the children, but she really wants to go to work.” I think she will succeed in this in the near future.

— What are your roots, what did your mom and dad plant in you?
- My parents are engineers. They were involved in everything related to space. Therefore, when I worked as a correspondent, I, among other things, dealt with this topic and traveled a lot to Baikonur. Dad instilled in me an interest in technology - he knows a lot and is good at doing things with his own hands, fixing something, making something. I learned this from him. At the dacha the majority construction work I did it with my own hands. From my grandmother I got a love for growing plants and biology, because I mostly spent the summer at her dacha. There were greenhouses and fruit trees, and beds. I also took part in all this, I perceived it as a miracle - you plant a seed, and from it grows a plant taller than you.

— Are you thinking about any other creative direction for the future?
— For now, “Good morning” is enough for me, where there are also a lot of opportunities for development. Besides plants, I am professionally interested in macrophotography: I take close-up photographs of insects, spiders, ticks, and so on. This is also very interesting activity, and I would like to reach certain heights in it.

Children are a lot of work and nerves. They need to be dealt with and educated. The wife took on this difficult mission and copes with it perfectly. We decided to refuse the help of grandmothers and nannies, because who knows and feels their children better than a mother?!

We met with the TV presenter of “Other News” on Channel One Sergei BABAYEV at his dacha. The hospitable owner invited us to see the decoration of the house while his hospitable wife set the table. Meanwhile, the TV star’s children were playing outside. Having shown the home, the owner began to boast about the shower he had made with his own hands. When we got acquainted with all the “attractions,” Sergei invited us to the table, on which the berry pie was already fragrant and aromatic tea was beckoning. The conversation flowed easily and naturally.

About the dacha

A house outside the city is a huge plus, Sergei Babaev is convinced. - After long hours of work, I really want to plunge into another world, where there is no fuss. We bought a dacha a long time ago. My mother-in-law recommended it, and I thank her very much for that. On the site, I try to do everything with my own hands. For example, he brought water into the house himself. But to build the house, of course, we had to hire specialists. They made us six small but very cozy rooms.

About his wife and betrayal

My wife and I had an office romance. We worked together at NTV: I was an assistant director, and Irina was a secretary. I was barely 19 then, but I immediately felt that this woman was my destiny. He sought his wife for two years. In the end she gave up. And we have been married for 13 years and have never had a big fight. Although there were difficult times. When we got married, we didn’t live well. But my wife didn’t nag me. She calmly and patiently helped with everything. And I tell her. You know, after so many years of family life, I realized that the main thing in marriage is respect and love, which transforms over the years, but the core must always remain. I never cheated on Ira. Of course, when a beautiful, slender girl walks, you can look after her. But nothing more. Again, everyone, even the most charming women, has flaws. Some have a heavy chin, others have an imperfect nose shape. And you start to get fixated on this. But some of my wife’s shortcomings don’t annoy me at all. On the contrary, it has some special charm.

About children

Three years after the wedding, we had Nikita. Six years later, Lisa was born. My sister has three children. But Ira and I are thinking of stopping for two. Children are a lot of work and nerves. They need to be dealt with and educated. The wife took on this difficult mission and copes with it perfectly. We decided to refuse the help of grandmothers and nannies, because who knows and feels their children better than a mother?!

About modern television

Every generation says that everything was fine in their time, but now... I don’t think so. Today's television is much more interesting than what it was, say, 30 years ago. And our operators have such a humorous expression about this: “Before there were times, but now it’s a moment, before it was rising... and now the pressure.” They say that there are too many illiterate presenters on television now, when verbal blunders happen even on live television. But these reservations also have their advantages. The picture turns out to be more lively, the viewer begins to believe that the person is really talking to you here and now, and not in a recording. An interesting point is the clothing of the news presenters. They give us money for shirts and ties. In general, what is visible. I remember

Babaev Sergey Eduardovich.

Sergey Eduardovich Babaev(October 16, 1976, Moscow, RSFSR, USSR) - Soviet and Russian journalist, TV presenter, best known as the host of the “Other News” program on Channel One. Currently hosts the Good Morning program.


Sergey Babaev was born on October 16, 1976 in Moscow. In high school, Sergei became interested in biology and initially entered the biology department of Moscow State University. But over time, he decided to transfer to the journalism department of the same university, which, according to his own statement, due to constant workload, he graduated only 10 years after admission.

On television since 1993. During his work, he mastered almost all television professions - he was an administrator, then an assistant director, director, editor, correspondent, presenter, and sports commentator.

A television

For 8 years (1993 - 2001) he worked in the sports editorial office on the NTV channel, and hosted programs on NTV-Plus. He came to NTV at the invitation of Alexey Burkov, the founder of sports broadcasting on the channel.

Worked in television programs “Takova” sport life", "Tennis at midnight with Anna Dmitrieva", hosted the program "Nearby. Non-sports news." Worked on a number Olympic Games- in 1994, 1996, 1998, 2000, 2002 and 2006 - as a sports journalist, correspondent, and diarist.

On November 1, 1996 at 7 o'clock in the morning he opened the broadcast of the first in Russia satellite television NTV-Plus - conducted the very first broadcast in the “Sports News” program on the NTV-Plus Sport channel. In 2001-2002, as an employee of NTV-Plus, he made live broadcasts in the sports block of the information program of the TV-6 channel “Now”.

In 2002-2003, he was a news correspondent for the TVS channel. He was among the channel’s journalists covering the hostage taking in the theater center on Dubrovka, and spoke live about latest events related to terrorist act on Dubrovka.

After the closure of the TVS channel in June 2003, he moved to Channel One. From 2003 to 2006 - special correspondent of the Directorate of Information Programs of Channel One, worked in the programs “News”, “Time” and “Times”. He specialized in covering meetings of the Government of the Russian Federation, making live broadcasts and reports. He also worked on reports on space, science and ecology.

From July 31, 2006 to May 30, 2014, he hosted the non-political information program “Other News” on Channel One.

Documentary film Movie

Starred in a small cameo role in the children's film "Seven Flowers" (directed by Elizaveta Trusevich, 2013).


He taught at the Institute for Advanced Training of Television and Radio Broadcasting Workers and at High school television (VShT). He took part in media forums and press festivals in Seliger, Syktyvkar, Pyatigorsk, Anapa (Sukko), Krasnodar, Rostov-on-Don and Kostroma. He gave lectures at institutes, including the Moscow Institute of Television and Radio Broadcasting Ostankino (MITRO), Humanitarian Institute television and radio broadcasting. M.A. Litovchina, Moscow State University seal named after Ivan Fedorov.

Participation in other television projects
  • “Cruel Intentions” (“Channel One”)
  • “Male/Female” (“Channel One”)
  • “Black and White” (“Channel One”)
  • "Evening Urgant" (Channel One)
  • “Let them talk” (“Channel One”)
  • “Fashionable verdict” (“Channel One”)
  • “Test purchase” (“Channel One”)
  • “Time for Lunch” (“Channel One”)
  • “Them and Us” (“Channel One”)
  • “Good health!” ("First channel")
  • “Big Difference” (“Channel One”)
  • “Through the Mouth of a Baby” (STS)
  • "The Smartest" (STS)
  • Documentary films (Ren-TV)
Personal life

Sergei Babaev is married and has two children: a son and a daughter.

  • Growing conifers, berries and other exotic plants in a summer cottage.
  • Macro photography.
  1. 1 2 Sergey Babaev // Faces - Channel One
  2. Sergey Babaev: “The secret of a journalist’s skill lies in books.” Seliger (July 24, 2014).
  3. [email protected]
  4. 1 2 “Other news” on the First.
  5. Sergey Babaev. Around TV.
  6. Sergey Babaev: “Not a week without a dacha!” Arguments and facts (August 9, 2013).
  7. ABOUT future profession with a star. Pyatigorskaya Pravda (October 24, 2013).
  8. Channel One presenter Sergei Babaev: “In the conditions of the information war, there is a certain bias on all sides.” BNK (April 24, 2014).
  9. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Teachers 2012. Slavic way.
  10. Russia - Canada. Elimination game (video). Channel One (February 22, 2006).
  11. NTV-Plus accepts congratulations // NTV.Ru
  12. 1 2 Sergey Babaev 4
  13. Sergey Babaev - Photos, biography, filmography // Poster
  14. News different from others. Echo of Moscow (May 27, 2007).
  15. NEWS DIFFERENT FROM OTHERS…. Daily Journal (August 16, 2006).
  16. Sergey Babaev told how to report correctly. Stories and news (October 18, 2014).
  17. Nabutov and Churikova started “Cruel Intentions”. TVNZ(February 25, 2010).
  18. Sergey Babaev: “Better than 100 live broadcasts than being present at the birth.” Life (August 22, 2007).
  19. Host of the “Other News” program Sergei Babaev: “All summer residents are a little masochists!” Komsomolskaya Pravda (May 26, 2011).
  20. Sergey Babaev. Photosite.