How old are Olga Skabeeva and Popov? Olga Skabeeva: biography, photo, personal life, family, journalistic career

“60 Minutes” of the “Russia 1” TV channel, hosted by the spouses Evgeny Popov and Olga Skabeeva, has been one of the most popular programs domestic television. Many viewers liked both the original format of the program and the charming presenters.

They look organically on screen together and there is no doubt about their competence and high professionalism. Fans of the discussion show are, of course, interested in the biography and personal life of the charming Yevgeny Popov, information about his first wife (before Skabeeva, the TV journalist was already married)..

Life's work

Evgeny Popov was born in Vladivostok in intelligent family. I was interested in journalism since childhood and already in school years began collaborating with local radio. So, one day Zhenya’s parents saw an advertisement in the newspaper about recruiting young talents for a local radio station.

13-year-old Evgeny Popov made a fairly successful debut as a radio host and began hosting the program “Sacvoyage.” However, in his heart the boy dreamed of television journalism.

Evgeniy Popov

After graduating from school, he did not have to think long about where to go: the choice was obvious. Higher education Popov studied at the Far Eastern State University. Here he studied journalism. At the same time, he collaborated with the Primorsky Channel as a correspondent. And in his free time from study and work, he was interested in music. His fellow students recall how enthusiastically Popov stood at the DJ console and played discs in a local night cafe.

After graduating from university, Popov went to work at Vesti. The promising newcomer was almost immediately sent on an overseas business trip to North Korea.

For some time, Popov worked as a special correspondent in his homeland, and then moved to Moscow, where he managed to get a job on the Rossiya TV channel. From this time on, Popov’s rapid career rise and, by his own admission, “global professional happiness” began.

The capital's authorities send Evgeniy on a 2-year business trip to Kyiv, where he begins to cover political situation Ukraine and makes reports about the Orange Revolution. He began to be considered a television fighter against the opposition. Upon returning to Moscow, Evgeniy becomes a political observer for the “News of the Week” program, and after 2 years he is sent on business again.

This time Popov flies to the USA to cover American life for Russians. Over time, he, a staff correspondent for VGTRK, manages to rise to the rank of editor-in-chief of the New York news bureau.

A good salary, a full social package, paid for by the TV channel... In America, Popov once again manages to declare himself as a talented television journalist and reporter. And also here he finds personal happiness.

First wife

In the biography and personal life of Evgeny Popov special place occupied by his first wife, Anastasia Churkina. She had an influential father, diplomat Vitaly Churkin. Nastya works for Russian channel Russia today and, apparently, they met Evgeniy through work.

Evgeniy once admitted that during a business trip to the States he had many affairs with “beautiful and smart people.” Why he chose Nastya is unknown. Perhaps it was just passion, which, as usual, quickly passes. After all, the marriage of Churkin and Popova broke up after a couple of years.

Anastasia Churkina

There are rumors that Evgeny’s return to his homeland is connected with this: Vitaly Churkin did not want to meet with his former son-in-law in New York and Popov had to leave America immediately when his work contract ended.

Rumor has it that the marriage to Churkina broke up because of Olga Skabeeva. According to another version, Popov was lured to his homeland, promising him a good position. Evgeniy was supposed to head the broadcast and host the author’s program.

Popov and Skabeeva

Second marriage

After the divorce in 2012, Popov did not grieve alone for long. Already in April 2013, he signed with TV presenter Olga Skabeeva. Obviously, he met her while he was still married to Anastasia Churkina (Olga did an internship in the States).

The wedding of Evgeny and Olga took place in New York, the lovers were then on business trips abroad and it was decided that Skabeeva would fly from Brussels to Popov and they would get married in America. By the way, on the day of painting they were not able to fully devote time to each other, because before wedding ceremony Evgeniy needed to film a report.

The couple co-host 60 Minutes

A year later, something happened in the personal lives of the spouses. crucial moment: Olga gave birth to Evgenia’s first child, son Zakhar. About his family life and raising a child famous TV presenters once told in Boris Korchevnikov’s program “The Fate of a Man.” Olga told the audience that Zakhar is a very inquisitive child and is constantly keenly interested in the affairs of his parents and happily talks about his children’s affairs in the garden.

She and Evgeniy are trying to pay maximum attention to their son and spend time together. By the way, Olga willingly shares family photos with subscribers. Photos with her husband and son can be easily found on her Instagram.

The TV presenter recalled how in 2014, after putting her baby to bed, she walked into the hospital corridor of the maternity hospital and watched her husband’s news from the Maidan with bated breath. Popov is accustomed to reporting from hot spots. He managed to visit Syria, Donbass, Libya, and Japan, during the Fukushima accident.

Olga Skabeeva is famous to a wide circle viewers as the presenter of the rating programs “Vesti. Doc" and "60 Minutes", where they discuss important questions famous politicians and public figures.

Journalism became a deliberate and balanced step for her, thanks to which Skabeeva is a winner of prestigious awards in this field. Her unconventional manner of broadcasting, meticulousness and curiosity, demanding of herself and others attracts the attention of many fans of political programs; it is not surprising that they are also interested in learning facts from her biography and personal life.

Beginning of a journalistic career

The future TV presenter was born in 1984 in the city of Volzhsky, Volgograd region. Olga does not talk about her family, so information about who her mother and father are cannot be found on the Internet. Already in school age She stood out from her peers by demonstrating an analytical mind, a responsible approach to business, and straightforwardness. The girl did well at school and spent a lot of time reading serious books. As a tenth-grader, she decided to connect her life with a journalist, so even then she was preparing to enter a university.

The photo shows Olga Skabeeva in her youth.

After graduating from school, the girl was in no hurry to become a university student, but first gained experience working in this specialty in the local printed publication “City Week”. Intending to improve her education, Skabeeva went to St. Petersburg, where she successfully passed the exams at the Faculty of Journalism at the university. Also in student years The aspiring journalist began collaborating with television, getting a job in the Vesti St. Petersburg news block. Her first reports did not go unnoticed by the management of the St. Petersburg television company: in 2007, the girl was awarded the Golden Pen award, as well as the government’s youth award.

Successful TV projects

After completing her studies, Olga received a position in the federal editorial office of VGTRK. Working as a correspondent for the Vesti program, the journalist always worked hard, trying to clearly and clearly present her information to the audience. Not everyone accepted her style of presenting the program, believing that she had harsh statements and firm voice intonations. Despite this, Skabeeva’s professional qualities were in good standing with management.

Talk show "60 Minutes".

In 2015, her career federal channel changes took place: she became the host of her Vesti.doc program, which aired on the Russia-1 channel. A year later, she was offered to join Evgeny Popov, thanks to which the presenter appeared on the air of the socio-political talk show “60 Minutes”. Many guests of this program were famous people, political leaders and experts, between whom scandals often broke out on one topic or another.

Family and raising a child

Olga's personal life is no less interesting than her career. For many, it was a pleasant discovery that her husband is a fellow broadcaster, Evgeniy Popov. The future spouses met when they became employees of VGTRK. Having decided to get married, the lovers for a long time they could not set a wedding date, since at that time the journalist was sent on a business trip to Brussels, and Evgeniy was in New York. The joyful event took place in the spring of 2013, however, the newly-made husband had to work on the day of their wedding.

In the photo Olga Skabeeva with her husband Evgeny Popov.

In 2014 they became happy parents: son Zakhar was born. Her husband was on the Maidan at that time, so Skabeeva did not miss breaking news broadcasts, worrying about her loved one. Popov also had to work in such hot spots as Donbass and Syria, so the presenter had many reasons to worry. Now spouses have to be together not only at home, but also at film set, which does not affect their relationship at all. They also find time to communicate with their son, who pleases them with his development and curiosity.

TV presenter with her son Zakhar. Photo

On her Instagram, the TV presenter posts photos from her workplace, interesting stories, and also posts general pictures with her husband and son. Olga can boast of excellent appearance and a slender figure (her height is 176 cm, weight is about 63 kg), thanks to which she receives admiring comments from her many subscribers.

Olga Skabeeva and Evgeny Popov are the presenters of the political program. And they are husband and wife. Reporters got married in New York. And the fact that the couple had a son, Zakhar, was announced throughout the country in the Vesti program. The love story of two talented journalists is in the program.

“We see Zakhar every day - morning and evening. We spend the whole weekend with him. He rightly demands attention from us. We discuss his problems, even discuss our problems, although he is only three and a half years old. Zakhar is very logical, everything is important to him to know, to charge everyone with the mood. For example, in the morning we went to kindergarten That's how he greeted everyone. We love our child endlessly,” this is how Olga and Evgeniy talk about their son.

Olga gave birth in January 2014. Evgeniy was on the Maidan at that moment. “All the mothers, after their children fell asleep, also went to bed. And I went into the corridor, where there was a large TV, and watched special broadcasts. I was very worried.” Then Evgeniy had a lot of work, he flew in to check on how the pregnant Olga was doing, and soon flew back. And at the time of the birth of his son, Evgeniy was editing a film for the program. “This is our lot as reporters. When it was necessary to pick up Olga and Zakhar from the maternity hospital, I flew from Kyiv in the morning, took the family home, and flew away again in the evening,” says Evgeniy Popov.

Evgeniy Popov was on business trips in both Donbass and Syria. Olga, of course, was worried about her husband: “We are reporters. This is our job and this is our life: good, fun, and sometimes not so much.” “There is work, there is family - everything is important. But it is clear what comes first, what is a priority,” adds Evgeniy.

The spouses have different views on many things, this also applies to politics. “True, this is a secret. Sometimes we park near the house and cannot get out of the car because we had a big argument. We are together 24 hours a day. Our life is filled with a huge number of events - there is no time to stop, much less quarrel.”

Evgeniy Popov is from Far East. “I graduated from the University of Vladivostok, worked in local news, and then I was invited to Vesti. Global professional happiness came. I tried very hard.”

Olga was born in the city of Volzhsky, Volgograd region. After school she went to St. Petersburg, where she graduated from the Faculty of Journalism of St. Petersburg state university. Started working in the Vesti-St. Petersburg program.

This is what Olga says about the wedding: “I was on a long business trip in Brussels, and Zhenya was working in New York. We decided that it would be more convenient to get married in New York. Because of work, we postponed the wedding several times. Therefore, we ourselves are still confused about numbers. In general, this happened in April 2013." And Evgeniy even had to do a report on the wedding day.

About family, about patriotism, about the dangerous side of the work of journalists, about their favorite cities and about saving a pigeon - Evgeniy and Olga told Boris Korchevnikov about all this in the program “The Fate of a Man.”

Olga Skabeeva is a member of the Russia 1 channel team, the iron voice of the political show “60 Minutes”, she is a reporter and co-host of this program along with her husband Evgeny Popov. She graduated from the Faculty of Journalism in St. Petersburg. Golden Pen – 2006 in the “Perspective” category, Golden Pen – 2017 for the development of discussion platforms in Russian television, twice awarded the TEFI Prize (2017, 2018).

Early years: Volzhsky – St. Petersburg

Born on a frosty December day in 1984 in the city of Volzhsky, the girl’s parents named her Olga. Father is a civil engineer and mother is an architect with early years We taught our daughter discipline and efficient use of time. Rise at 06.30, nine school lessons at a Soviet-American school, then drawing, gymnastics, a variety of clubs - right up to the end of school, Olga had every minute planned.

When their smart, well educated and beautiful daughter announced her decision to become a journalist, her parents did not express enthusiasm about this. Dad believed that the girl should have a specific profession, mom hoped that Olya would follow in her footsteps. But in the Skabeev family, it was customary to trust each other completely, and the ninth-grader began to seriously prepare for future exams.

A persistent and purposeful girl entered the Faculty of Journalism at St. Petersburg State University after some practical activities in the newspaper “Volzhskaya Pravda (City Week)”. Here she mastered the skills of a correspondent, covering show business news. As a student, Skabeeva collaborates with the Vesti television channel. St. Petersburg" and receives awards from the city government for his reporting and becomes a Golden Pen as a promising professional journalist.

Career: St. Petersburg – Moscow

The honors diploma student, who speaks fluent English, was immediately invited to join the staff of the state television and broadcasting company St. Petersburg. The work of the young reporter was noticed by Moscow colleagues, and after some time Skabeeva found herself on the federal TV channel “Russia 1”, where she first hosted the author’s project “Vesti. 

doc". By combining the principle of investigative reporting and discussion in the studio, the journalist achieved not only popularity, but also new career heights. Everyone who followed the doping pressure on Russian athletes before the 2016 Olympics will remember well the scandalous interview initiated by Skabeeva with the German journalist Hajo Seppelt, author documentary film “Secrets about doping. How Russia makes its winners." The desire of the Russian reporter to find out on what facts the tape and the position of Seppelt himself was based caused an inappropriate reaction from Khaya. He rudely refused to answer uncomfortable questions and film crew

out the door, declaring that Skabeeva is not a real journalist.

Olga Skabeeva at the beginning of her career The reporter's investigation had a wide public response; in September 2016, Olga was invited to new show “60 Minutes,” into which she transferred the principle of combining reporting and discussion of a sensitive topic by politicians and experts different countries

. Together with their husband Evgeny Popov, they formed an unconventional tandem of presenter-reporters, independently studying the situation on the ground, and then translating the topic into a discussion format in the studio. All the most high-profile events in the world become the subject of discussion, and sometimes fierce debate between opponents.

Personal life of Olga Skabeeva The most dear and beloved men in Skabeeva’s life, besides her father, were her husband Evgeniy Popov and son Zakhar, whom Olga gave birth to in 2014. The journalist met Evgeniy through work. Although the woman considers herself particularly unromantic, their romance, and then family life

When they decided on the wedding, first the wedding was postponed due to an urgent report from Popov, then from Skabeeva. The third time, when Evgeny was in New York and again did an urgent report for Vesti, Olga arrived for a few hours to still legitimize their union. And - back to work. When Zakhar appeared in their family, young dad Zhenya was also on a business trip to the Kiev Maidan. And he also came briefly to pick up his wife and baby from the maternity hospital, and then return back.

The couple repeatedly states in their interviews that they will definitely give their four-year-old son more brothers and sisters, but so far both, despite their busy work schedule, are happy to raise Zakhar. The boy is used to discussing any topic with his parents; he is already studying English, drawing and attending the ski section.

The family loves to spend time together, although this is only possible on weekends. Olga can only afford rare moments alone with herself at home. A short rest in your favorite chair - and loving wife and mom is cheerful and active again.


Demanding oneself and dedication in any business, and especially in reporting, are not without annoying misunderstandings and mistakes. Olga knows how to recognize them, draw appropriate conclusions for herself and work to the limit of her capabilities, improving her journalistic talent.

Olga Skabeeva kicked out Nikita Isaev

Despite the fact that Skabeeva is criticized and disliked by many colleagues for her reporting style and straightforward statements on air, she firmly adheres to her once chosen positions.

When the time came to decide on her future, the girl immediately realized that her calling was journalism. There were no doubts and very soon Olga was accepted into the local Volzhsk newspaper “City Week”. After working for a year, the girl went to St. Petersburg, where she entered the university to study journalism.

During her student years, she began collaborating with television in the news block “Vesti St. Petersburg”. Her career was going uphill and her undeniable talent was noticed by those around her. Already in 2007, even before graduating from university, Olga received her first professional award “Golden Pen” and a youth award from the government of St. Petersburg. Her studies were also brilliant. Skabeeva graduated with honors.


In 2015, an exciting event occurred in the life of an aspiring professional - she was invited to become the host of the Vesti.doc information and analytical program, which aired on the Russia-1 channel. The project was a success and amazed with its topicality. The Vesti.doc project showed viewers footage of sensational, scandalous investigations and explored the underside of political life and invited famous figures to comment on the situation in the country and the world.

"60 Minutes"

In 2016, the channel’s management made Olga a co-host of the well-known Evgeny Popov in the socio-political talk show “60 Minutes”. In a minimum amount of time, guests and presenters try to discuss the entire event of the past days. At times, the most heated debates flare up in this program. Despite her restraint, Skabeeva can allow herself to speak out sharply and besiege her opponent, but this is precisely why television viewers love her. The program “60 Minutes” is popular. For two years in a row, this talk show has received TEFI awards, and Olga has twice become the best prime-time TV presenter.

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For all her popularity, Olga Skabeeva is subject to harsh criticism from the audience. Some viewers call her a “dark horse”; many do not like her harsh manner of presenting information and the “metallic” timbre of her voice. The situation is fueled by the fact that little is known about the TV presenter herself. She is accused of excessive love for Putin and aggressiveness. Olga herself does not comment on all these accusations. According to her, she is used to treating everything with a bit of irony and considers this the main quality of a good journalist.

Love with a colleague

In 2013, Olga Skabeeva married journalist Evgeny Popov, TV presenter of Vesti and Special Correspondent. The lovers hid their feelings for a long time, but the truth still leaked out. The ceremony took place in New York. The couple was on a joint business trip at the time. The wedding had already been postponed several times for various work reasons, so the lovers did not want to change their plans again.

Olga and Evgeniy do not separate either at home or at work. At the same time, they manage to maintain their love and not quarrel over trifles. On the program “Morning of Russia” (channel “Russia-1”) the lovers were asked a question: how do they manage to come to an agreement with each other, considering that every journalist is essentially a leader? They answered like this: “We don’t agree, everything somehow works out on its own.” It is clear that there is no struggle in this couple. Rather, they complement each other favorably, which is why their joint work as TV presenters looks so seamless.

A new page of life - little Zakhar

In 2014, Olga gave birth to a son, Zakhar. The TV presenter was congratulated on the birth of her child. live the entire Vesti team. Colleagues wished the mother and baby health and expressed hope that Olga would soon return to the air. During the birth of his son, Evgeniy Popov and the team of the “Special Correspondent” worked in Kyiv, where events were actively unfolding at that time, but still managed to pick up the family from the maternity hospital. The parents have a very busy and busy schedule, so sometimes they take their son to his grandmother in the city of Volzhsky.

Despite all the difficulties, Olga continues to realize herself as a professional in her field, a caring mother and beautiful woman. We hope that many more honest lines will come from the journalist’s pen, and her directness and intensity will help everyone learn the unbiased truth about events around the world.