Zhenya Feofilaktova biography personal life. Evgenia Feofilaktova (Guseva). Childhood and school years

Evgenia Feofilaktova became famous after participating in popular TV show"House 2". A beautiful and graceful brunette from the first days on the project fell in love with many guys. Fans waited with interest for news related to the dark-haired stranger. Today, Evgenia has become a popular personality. But many Interesting Facts her biographies are securely hidden. Who is she?

Childhood and school years

In a small urban village Kirov region Levintsy in 1985 in the simplest and ordinary family a girl was born. They named her Zhenya. Then no one could have imagined that, having matured, she would be one of the most popular personalities in the country. But it will be later. In the meantime, little Zhenya grew up and played with her peers. She studied diligently at school, simultaneously playing the violin and drawing. She was very talented and smart, sought to gain knowledge. She owns three foreign languages. And this is not all the talents that Evgenia Feofilaktova possesses. Her biography is very interesting and eventful.

It should be noted that at school the girl was a prominent student. And not only because she studied well and was the favorite of teachers. She stood out among her classmates for her desire to look better than the rest of the girls at school, and she always dressed latest fashion. For example, Zhenya shocked everyone when she first showed up to school, dressed in flared denim pants and shoes on a breathtakingly high platform.

Certified specialist

After school, she became a university student in St. Petersburg and began to study tourism and hotel services. Red diploma about higher education was almost in her hands, but she did not hold out a little to graduate with honors. It should be noted that this is not the only diploma that Evgenia Feofilaktova has. Her biography says that she is also a certified choreographer, a home hairdresser, and a violinist.

Finding your favorite job

Evgenia was looking for a job that she would like. In 2008, she got a job as a manager and was engaged in advertising. After that she sold souvenirs and tiles. A year later, she got a job as an administrator in the Moscow salon Amouage. Although she also worked there for a short time.

Everything changed after the TV show "Dom-2", in which Evgenia Feofilaktova took part. The biography of the girl became interesting to many fans of this TV project.

First novel

Evgenia met a very wealthy man for a long time. He owned many stores throughout Russia. The girl was 13 years younger than him. He needed a beautiful doll nearby, and the young beauty liked the courtship of the rich man, who created comfort and coziness around her. By the way, it was during this period that Evgenia Feofilaktova made the first plastic transformations with her face. Before the operation, as the brunette herself said, she did not look so attractive and sexy.

After long meetings, the rich man proposes to his beloved and gives a ring. At that time, Zhenya did not already experience deep feelings to him, love has passed. Their whirlwind romance did not last long after that. She left the man in love with her twice, but still returned. One day, realizing that she would not like to see him as a spouse and father of her children, Yevgeny Feofilaktova decides to leave. After the Dom-2 project, she will often tell that it was not love that was then in her young heart, but a feeling of deep respect for this man in love.

Participation in the project Dom-2

In February 2009, she became a member of the Dom-2 project. The brunette beauty came to build a relationship with Gena Jikia. Their romance was not destined to be. From the very first days, the girl has fans. She tries to fall in love with almost all the guys on the project.

As a child, she dreamed of becoming a singer Evgenia Feofilaktova. The biography says that the girl studied vocals at school. On the TV project, Zhenya has the opportunity to fulfill his dream and try himself as a singer.

Together with their friend Dasha, they sang and recorded a song about the carefree life of the ladies of the glamorous world called "Tru-la-la". By the way, the nickname Zhenya was given on the project is the same as the name of this song. Probably no coincidence. Later, after Daria left on maternity leave, Evgenia will perform solo and record a few more songs.

Once on the project, she first settles in common room with Nikita. No one then believed that the brunette, nicknamed "Tru-la-la" really has feelings for Nick Kuznetsov. After all, Zhenya openly made eyes at A. Cherkasov. Nikita's patience once snapped, and he grappled in a fight with Andrei, the secret boyfriend of his girlfriend.

At that time, photos of Evgenia often appeared both on social networks and on the pages of magazines. Feofilaktova decided that the extra advertising of her person and the scandals of the guys with the fight for her love would do a good service, making her more popular. Of course, the girl really liked that such events were developing around her and passions were seething.

After she becomes the girlfriend of Ilya Gazhienko. And it should be noted that the guy really woke up feelings for her. At first, they became one of the strongest couples, but quarrels and disagreements upset the relationship. Ilya often raised his hand to Zhenya. That is why the guy was kicked out of the show. The girl after his departure experienced difficult feelings. She also wanted to leave the project. But her friend Dasha persuaded her to stay.

Spartak by the name of Sergienko became the next boyfriend of the girl. Maybe he would have succeeded in making the beauty fall in love with himself, but due to the imminent departure, Evgenia Feofilaktova did not have time to reciprocate. The girl's biography is full interesting events. After Sergienko, many guys in love with a brunette wanted to build relationships with her as part of the project, but the girl refused almost all of them. None of them could win her heart.

Plastic surgery on the chest

Yevgenia Feofilaktova treats plastic updates of the body with special love. Before the breast augmentation surgery, she considered herself not beautiful enough, although surgeons had already corrected her face and body. In general, the operation for breast augmentation up to the 3rd size of Evgenia was remembered for a long time by the whole country. All trips to the consultation, the plastic surgery itself and the rehabilitation period took place under the close attention of the cameras. This did not bother the participant of the project. When it was all over, she returned to Dom-2 to show off her renewed body. The envious photo of Eugenia was very criticized. Feofilaktova was indifferent to public opinion.

Literally immediately, Evgenia turns on new novel with A. Zadoinov. Although she said for a long time that there was no love, nevertheless the guy won her heart. The relationship was very interesting. There were quarrels, and partings, and many pleasant moments. This pair has become one of the strongest. Over time, they moved to live in the city. At first they lived soul to soul. But the dream of starting a family never came true. Evgenia left him. One of the reasons for the breakup is Alexander's passion for gambling.

Fast wedding

Separated from Alexander, Evgenia Feofilaktova did not worry long. After the project, she is already in the arms of A. Gusev. After 3 months, the guy proposes, and they announce an imminent wedding. As it turned out later, the beauty was already in a piquant position at the registry office. After the wedding, the young went to celebrate the event in a restaurant. The ordered banquet was chic, as well as Evgenia's wedding itself. The Feofilaktovs and Gusevs were not present at the wedding. As the newlyweds themselves announced, their parents did not want to shine in front of the cameras of photojournalists and journalists.

Birth of the first child

After the wedding, the newlyweds wanted to go on a trip to enjoy each other's company. But we decided to postpone it. The reason was the study of Anton. Although journalists assumed that the honeymoon was postponed for a completely different reason.

In December 2012, the son of Evgenia Feofilaktova and Anton Gusev was born. Almost immediately after the birth, photos of little Daniel appeared on social networks.

Zhenya, having become a mother, returned to the Dom-2 project with her husband and son. For some reason, Eugene does not leave her grandson for grandmothers. Until now, nowhere to find a photo or information about who the parents of the star couple are. Although there were rumors that famous beauty nevertheless, she came to meet the baby, but a few days later she left the modest country house.

On the channel "TNT".

Biography of Evgenia Feofilaktova

Evgenia Feofilaktova was born on October 18, 1985 in the city of Kirov. Already in school years Zhenya liked to be the center of attention - for example, in the first grade she put on high heels and flared jeans.

After graduation, the girl went to St. Petersburg, where she entered the University of Service and Economics. She studied hotel service and tourism, and after graduation she worked as an advertising manager in the Moscow region.

At Feofilaktova she has a diploma in choreography, she also graduated from hairdressing courses and knows how to play the violin. Knows Italian, English and German languages and draws well. Since 2008 Evgeniya for some time she worked as a manager in the sale of souvenirs and tiles.

Before participating in the project "House 2" Evgeny Feofilaktov dated a man who was 13 years older than her. The man was the owner of a chain of stores throughout Russia. Throughout their relationship Evgeniya I wanted to break up with him several times. In the end, the girl broke off the relationship when she realized that he would not become her husband and good father child.

Evgenia Feofilaktova at the House 2 project

February 28, 2009 Evgenia Feofilaktova came to the reality show "House 2". On the program Evgenia Feofilaktova She didn’t waste time in vain: the spectacular brunette liked many project participants and managed to start a lot of novels. The first chosen one Zhenya became Nikita Kuznetsov, and soon the girl settled with him in a separate room. However, few believed in the sincerity of the relationship of this couple. The audience was right: a few days later Evgenia Feofilaktova And Nikita broke up.

Andrey Cherkasov, former member "House 2" also had an eye on Zhenya, because of which he got into a big conflict with Kuznetsov.

Later at Evgenia Feofilaktova had a fairly long relationship with a newcomer to the project Ilya Gazhienko. Ilya showed towards Genet the most serious intentions. At first, their relationship was strong enough, but over time, they began to quarrel often. Sometimes quarrels ended in assault. The relationship between lovers ended when Ilya kicked out of the project for indecent behavior. Zhenya very worried about care Elijah and even wanted to follow him. But, succumbing to the persuasion of a friend Daria Chernykh changed her mind. After some time Feofilaktova found a new passion Spartak Sergienko, but their romance never developed, as the young man left the project.

For a short time, the girl was alone, and then started an affair with Alikhan Khudaibanov but this relationship did not last long.

After another breakup Evgeniya decided to take care of her appearance: she had an operation to increase her breasts to the third size, then she enlarged her lips and raised her eyebrows.

next suitor Zhenya became Alexander Zadoynov. The couple for quite a long time delighted the audience with violent scandals and beautiful dates. After Zadoinov was kicked out of the project, the girl was left alone again, and the situation changed only with the arrival on the show Mikhail Terekhin. He easily won the heart Evgenia Feofilaktova, but a month later admitted that he never liked her.

On the project "House 2" Evgeny Feofilaktov got a nickname "Tru-la-la". So for the first time the girl was called by another participant in the show - Elena Bushina. She explained this by the fact that Zhenya speaks a lot and, mostly, not on business.

On the project Evgenia Feofilaktova started her musical career. In 2011, she presented the composition "Don't Teach Me How to Live" within the competition "Person of the Year" and also recorded several joint songs with his permanent friend Daria Pynzar.

Evgenia Feofilaktova collaborating with the group "Breathe": she appeared in their music video for the single "Who am I to you?" and introduced fans to a duet called "Give me the fire". In the company of team members Evgenia Feofilaktova committed tour in the cities of Russia.

After returning to the project Sasha Zadoynova Zhenya reconnected with him. For a long time, their couple was considered one of the strongest on the project. Later, on request Zhenya, the couple moved to city apartments. There they often quarreled because of addiction. Alexandra to online poker. Knowing that Zadoinov loses money from the card of the participants in the show, the presenters kicked him out of the project. For a while, the lovers communicated in the social. networks, but later broke up anyway.

Soon after it Evgenia Feofilaktova started dating Anton Gusev, and, after only three months, the young man proposed to her. The reason for this haste is simple: information appeared on the network that Zhenya expecting a baby.

The wedding ceremony took place on June 17, 2012 at the Gagarinsky registry office, from where the young people went to a banquet at a luxurious restaurant in the center of Moscow. The couple planned to spend the money donated for the wedding on Honeymoon to the Maldives, but it had to be postponed due to studies Anton. After the wedding Evgeniya took her husband's surname.

“Our wedding with Anton was just perfect - exactly the way I always dreamed of! The whole ceremony was sustained in the Spanish style. Flowers, fruits, snacks, champagne - everything was in harmony with each other. There was a wonderful fireworks display with a swan. Instead of the planned thirty guests, about fifty people came. My dress, to the surprise of many, was designed in a minimalist style. Anton's parents gave us an apartment for the wedding.

December 14, 2012 Evgeniya Feofilaktova-Guseva gave birth to a son. The boy was named Daniel. The boy's godmother was former member "House 2" Daria Pynzar. A happy family settled in a small country house not far from Moscow and has already shared photos of a newborn baby in front of a fireplace on social networks.

Besides, Evgenia Feofilaktova-Guseva Together with her husband, she opened her own online store for children's clothing and related products. The head of the family himself works as a courier in this company, which cannot but please fans of the project "House 2".

In 2014, the couple got into an accident in the Moscow region, Evgeniya escaped with only minor injuries, Anton was taken to the hospital with a broken leg. After the incident, the couple seriously thought about changing their godmother, as she believes that Daria does not devote enough time to her godson.

At the beginning of 2016 Evgeniya co-founded a beauty clinic. According to Evgeniya, the clinic uses the best drugs premium. Besides, Gusev plans to engage in advertising fashionable beauty salons.




Anton Gusev

Evgenia Mikhailovna Feofilaktova(after marriage Feofilaktova-Gusev, genus. October 18, Kirov, Russia) - Russian model, singer, famous member reality show Dom-2 on TNT.


Born in the city of Kirov. Since childhood, the girl was fond of music and drawing, she graduated music school violin class. Evgenia is a professional certified choreographer. Also, she took courses at home hairdressing. In 2007, Feofilaktova graduated from St. Petersburg State University of Service and Economics with a degree in hotel service and tourism. After that, she worked as an advertising manager in Odintsovo for a year. On February 28, 2009, she came to the television project Dom-2, where she remains to the present. On June 15, 2012, the wedding took place with Anton Gusev

Personal life

Evgenia's personal life has always aroused public interest. Her relationship is vigorously discussed in the press and the Internet, she was credited with an affair with popular artist 90s by Kai Metov, and her wedding with Anton Gusev, which took place on June 15, 2012, became one of the most discussed events on the Internet. Soon after the wedding and honeymoon, Zhenya admitted that she was expecting a child. She made a speech with recognition on the air of a reality show during the 2nd stage of "Person of the Year at Dom-2" on July 27, 2012. Feofilaktova also left a message on the social network for her fans:

My Beloved and I are expecting a baby boy! This is such happiness!

Evgenia Feofilaktova's blog on VKontakte


On February 28, 2009, Evgenia appeared in the popular reality show Dom 2. And thanks to a lot of scandals, Zhenya became one of the most rated participants in the entire history of the show, according to some media.

December 31, 2009 Feofilaktova in a duet with Daria Chernykh (Pynzar) releases her debut song "Tra-la-la". This song reflected the lifestyle of glamorous girls. The presentation of the song took place on TNT on the 2000th day of the Dom 2 project. After leaving musical composition Evgenia got a foothold in the tour of the project and, together with other participants, gave concerts in different cities. Together with the Doma-2 team, Evgenia toured cities such as Ryazan, Samara, Khabarovsk, Saratov and others.

Evgenia recorded a solo song " Black Panther”, written by E. Bushina and O. Sokol. Zhenya performed it on her birthday on TNT.

Together with Daria Pynzar (Chernykh), several cover versions of the songs of other participants in the show "Ai-yay-yay", "What has grown" were recorded. "Ai-i-i-i" was presented at a party in the cafe "City", a video review of the event was viewed on youtube more than 830,000 times.

In 2011, Zhenya performed a new song "Don't Teach Me to Live" on TNT during the contest "Person of the Year at Dom 2". In the New Year's issue of the Comedy Club, the song was named in the "full singer" category, but Nadezhda Angarskaya bypassed it. Reviews among Internet users for "do not teach me how to live" turned out to be mixed, but basically Zhenya was criticized for his overly processed voice in the composition.

After the pregnancy of Daria Pynzar, Evgenia performed all the hits solo. Also, despite the official cessation of the tour of the Dom-2 team, Zhenya traveled around the country with TNT parties, where she performed with her songs. She held similar parties in Khabarovsk, Izhevsk, Kemerovo, Tomsk, Petrozavodsk, and others.

The next stage in Feofilaktova's career was collaboration with the Dyshi group. Evgenia starred in the group's video for the song "Who am I for you", on youtube the video was viewed more than 500,000 times. Soon, Zhenya informed the fans on her blog that she had finished work on her new song "Give me the fire".

Very soon there will be a very important moment for me! February 14 will be the presentation of my new song, which I recorded together with the "Dyshi" group. The soloist of this group wrote the words for me. And this song is really important to me and unique. The important thing is that I was able to organize it all myself. The presenters did not help me, and the recording itself was not in the Doma-2 studio, as is usually the case, but in a professional recording studio. I also want to note that the format of this song is very original. First, she is English language which is very new to me. And secondly, this is not a song from the category of those that we are used to hearing, but a very unusual club track. But I will not reveal all the cards! See and hear everything for yourself!

Evgenia Feofilaktova's blog on dom2.ru

But due to unknown circumstances, the presentation of the track did not take place on TNT, as it was planned by Zhenya herself. Instead, Evgenia went on tour with the group "Dyshi". The first concert took place in Taganrog on the stage of the Valiano club, where the presentation "Give me the fire" was held. Zhenya also performed several of her old hits.

I recently went on a mini-tour with the Breathe group. I visited such beautiful cities as Taganrog and Belaya Kalitva. I liked it very much. After all, this is my first tour outside the home. I looked at how people work on tour. She sang a couple of songs together with the Dyshi group. I can say for sure that this is not my last work with this group. And in March I plan to repeat the tour. It always happens to me. When things don't go well in a relationship, I go headlong into creativity. Deeds, trying to drown out mental trauma ...

Evgenia Feofilaktova's blog on dom2

In addition, Evgenia takes part in fashion shows such as Russian Fashion Week

Tour in Petrozavodsk

In April 2012, Zhenya went to Petrozavodsk to visit " Russian radio and give a concert in one of the clubs in this city. The performance was unsuccessful. The live performance of Feofilaktova's songs succumbed to special criticism from Internet users. On youtube, a video with live vocals by Evgenia has been viewed more than 150,000 times.


  1. Evgenia Feofilaktova and Daria Pynzar - Tra-la-la
  2. Evgenia Feofilaktova and Daria Pynzar - What has grown
  3. Evgenia Feofilaktova and Daria Pynzar - Ay-yai-yai
  4. Evgenia Feofilaktova - Black Panther
  5. Evgenia Feofilaktova - Don't teach me how to live.
  6. Evgenia Feofilaktova - Give me the fire
  7. Evgenia Feofilaktova - My happiness

Evgenia Feofilaktova (Guseva after marriage), a model from Russia, a singer, a well-known brawler at `House-2`. By the way, this is the most scandalous and raised her rating to the peak of popularity, the highest, perhaps, in the history of this show. But only three years have passed since then, when in February 2009 this spectacular beautiful-eyed brunette, flirting with the male half of the project, appeared in front of the cameras, overnight arousing a keen interest in her personal life from the press and the public. That romance was attributed to fifty-year-old Kai Metov, a popular pop singer and a composer of the 90s, then the `highlight` of conversations was her wedding with a member of `House-2` Anton Gusev. The event took place in mid-June 2012, and the discussion of its end is not yet in sight. A media young lady was born in the capital city of the Kirov region in 1985, on October 18. I have been fond of music and dancing since childhood. After graduating from school, she entered St. Petersburg University. He is very proud of his diploma in hotel service and tourism. She worked as an advertising manager in the city of Odintsovo, Moscow Region. Eugenia considers herself talented person: draws well, has a diploma in choreography, studied violin for five years, her passion for foreign languages ​​since childhood is expressed in free colloquial speech in Italian, English, German. In the end, Zhenya even learned home hairdressing in courses: it will come in handy. Before appearing on the project, there was a long affair with a rather wealthy man, much older in age. But the proposal was rejected, since the deep respect for him did not replace love, the feeling on the basis of which a family should be created. But Evgenia was called mercantile. Attempts to tie serious relationship on the project, until Anton Gusev entered her life, caused only bitterness and disappointment. ...Three months before the birth of the baby, the young will leave the project, where they will definitely return after. Whether this `newly-made` family will pass the test of everyday worries or possible lack of money, it is too early to say. Wait and see. So far, Zhenya's mother promises to appear in front of the cameras of the reality show to help with the child. Creativity will have to be postponed for now: with participation in PR campaigns, recording albums, performing new songs and collaborating with the `Dyshi` group. Will actively exhibit in the future `symptoms` ` star fever` Feofilaktova, and how it can affect the relationship of the couple, no one knows in advance. It seems that now the expectant mother no longer dreams of fame, but only of children and family happiness. :) In the meantime, the bottom line is that both anti-fans and fans of Evgenia are full of `quirks`: videos with obscene language and songs ridiculed by her plastic surgery by changing the appearance, they “settle” on the Internet, then completely distraught and lost their heads from it, the names in the passports are changed as a sign of “love” ...

Birthday of Evgenia Feofilaktova - 18.10.1985 How old is Evgenia Feofilaktova? - 27 years How much does Evgenia Feofilaktova weigh? - 50 kg How tall is Evgeniya Feofilaktova? - 163 cm Is Evgenia Feofilaktova married? - Yes Who is the husband of Evgenia Feofilaktova? - Anton Gusev Is Evgenia Feofilaktova a lesbian? - No What is Evgenia Feofilaktova's phone number? - no data Where does Evgenia Feofilaktova live? - Russia Moscow Official website of Evgenia Feofilaktova - vk.com/id96545624

Evgenia Feofilaktova became famous thanks to her participation in scandalous project"Dom-2" on TNT. Being a spectacular brunette, she gained a huge number of fans who continue to follow the fate of the girl even after she left the "TV set". Evgenia also positions herself as a model, businesswoman, actress and singer.

Life before participating in the Dom-2 project

Evgenia was born in October 1985 in the city of Kirov. Natalya, her older sister, had a great influence on little Zhenya, with whom they always communicated very warmly. At school, Feofilaktova did not stand out for her special desire to study, but she was one of the main fashionistas - she was the first in her class to wear flared jeans and high platform shoes.

Much more school lessons The girl liked to play choreographic studio which she attended. Evgenia even thought about taking up dancing professionally, but after receiving a certificate, not without the influence of her parents and sister, she decided to give preference to a more serious profession.

Later future star dubious TV project moved to St. Petersburg, where she studied at the University of Service and Economics - Evgenia was attracted by the direction of hotel service. After receiving a diploma, Feofilaktova moved to the Moscow region - she worked in Odintsovo as an advertising manager and administrator of a beauty salon in the capital.

Participation in the project "Dom-2"

Evgenia became a participant in the scandalous reality show in February 2009. The girl immediately interested young people and was not afraid to enter into a relationship with them. With the first project guy Nikita Kuznetsov, the girl lived just a couple of days.

For frivolity, as well as talkativeness, she received the nickname "Zhenya Tweedledee", which was firmly entrenched in her until the end of her career as a project participant. The author of the biting nickname was another well-known participant in the TV show - Elena Bushina.

The longest relationship has developed with Alexander Zadoinov. They parted and converged several times, often quarreled, but even more often demonstrated romantic relationship and serious feelings for each other.

However, the audience remembered Yevgenia Feofilaktova much more thanks to her friendship with another participant in the project, Daria Pynzar. Many participants and fans of the project believe that it was thanks to Daria that Evgenia stayed on the project for such for a long time.

Friendly relations connected the girl with the host of the TV show Olga Buzova.

Evgenia Feofilaktova left the TV set in 2012 due to pregnancy.

Other projects

Evgenia tried herself as a model, actress. Her highest achievement is shooting in the video of the "Dyshi" group and the film "Egor Shilov" directed by Evgeny Gerasimov. In the crime drama, she replaced Katya Sambuca, who was originally supposed to play the gangster's girlfriend, but Katya's husband, director Bob Jack, forbade her from doing so. Evgenia was glad to participate in the same project with Yuri Spiridonov, Guf and Zhigan.

Evgenia Feofilaktova in the video of the group "Dyshi" - Who am I to you

However, the main dream of Feofilaktova has always been a career as a singer. Her cherished goal is to get on the team with Valery Meladze. She participated in the casting in the group " VIA Gra", but unsuccessfully.

Evgenia Feofilaktova in the movie "Egor Shilov" (trailer)

At the end of the competition, Evgenia and her husband Anton opened a children's online store, and then a clothing boutique. What happened to the Gusev brand after their divorce is not known for certain, according to rumors, the couple sold it.

Personal life of Evgenia Feofilaktova

Before participating in the project, Evgenia Feofilaktova had been in a relationship with a wealthy man much older than her for a long time. He was the owner trading network, whose stores successfully worked in different Russian cities.

Sometimes information appears on the Internet about Feofilaktova's relationship with actor Andrei Sokolov, but this is not so. He had an affair with actress Evgenia Guseva, the full namesake of Evgenia from Dom-2 (after Feofilaktova's marriage, she also became Guseva).

At Dom-2, the heroine had the longest relationship with Alexander Zadoinov. He courted the girl for a long time, and only after the young man left the project, Evgenia was able to understand that she was experiencing more than friendly feelings, in connection with which Alexander returned to the TV set. Their romance lasted a year and a half.