Mayakovsky's son came to his father. "What is good and what is bad" V. Mayakovsky

Leningrad, working publishing house "Priboy", 1925. 20 p. c ill. Described from the chromolithographed cover. 27.5x20 cm. Published without title page. Circulation 10130 copies. Price 75 kop. One of the most famous Soviet children's books. Extreme rarity!

Written in the spring of 1925. On May 20, 1925, Mayakovsky signed an agreement with the Priboy publishing house. The deadline for submitting the manuscript is May 22, 1925. Apparently, the poem has already been written. It was published as a separate edition in November 1925 with fig. thin N. Denisovsky. Strict selection of details, compositional laconicism and rich colors to a large extent adapt the innovative techniques of art. Nikolai Denisovsky to the level of perception of the child. These qualities are also present in the illustrations for the poem "What is good and what is bad?", Made in 1925 by N. Denisovsky. The artist finds witty design solutions, almost verbatim following the words of the poet. “If he beats / a wretched fighter / a weak boy, / I / don’t / don’t want / even / to insert it into a book,” writes Mayakovsky, and Denisovsky seals the drawing with a fat blot. In the book, not only poetic, but also graphic hyperbole is constantly encountered. For example, a crow, at the sight of which a cowardly boy takes flight, greatly exceeds the child in size. The cover design (you can find obvious strokes from Lebedev's "Ice Cream" in it) in a reduced version is repeated on one of the spreads: the father answers his son's questions, holding in his hands the very book in which he himself is located. In some lithographs, the conventionality of the manner of execution is emphasized by inclusions of foreign, clearly detailed fragments (wallpaper pattern, clock face, soap wrapper).

What is good and what is bad?

baby son

came to his father

and asked the little one:

What's happened


and what is


I have

no secrets -

listen, kids,

dads of this


I place

in a book.

If the wind

roofs tear,


the city rumbled -

Everyone knows -

this is

for walking


Rain dripped

and passed.


in the whole world.

This -

Very good

and big

and children.



blacker than the night

dirt lies

on the face,

It's clear,


very bad

for baby skin.



loves soap

and tooth powder

This Boy

very cute,

does well.

If it beats

trashy fighter

weak boy,

I'm like that

Don't want


insert into the book.

This one screams:

Don't touch


Who shorter! -

This Boy

so good

simple sight!

If you are

broke in a row

little book

and the ball

october says:

bad boy.

If a boy

loves work


in a book


about such

write here:


good boy.

From the crow


ran away, groaning.

This boy

just a coward.


very bad.


even though he himself is an inch,


with a fearsome bird.

Brave boy


in life

come in handy.


got into the dirt

and glad.

what a dirty shirt.

About this

They say:

he is bad,



cleans boots,





although small,

but quite good.



every son.


any child:

will increase

from son


if the son



joyful went,

and the baby decided:


to do well,

and I will not -



DENISOVSKII, NIKOLAI FYODOROVICH(1901, Moscow - 1981, Moscow) - painter, graphic artist, theater artist, poster artist, Honored Artist of the RSFSR. Born in the family of graphic artist F. Denisovsky. He studied in Moscow at the Stroganov School of Industrial Art (1911-1917) under S. Noakovsky and D. Shcherbinovsky, at the State Art Museum (1918-1919) in the theater and scenery workshop of G. Yakulov. In 1917, under the direction of G. Yakulov, he participated in the painting of the Pittoresk cafe on Kuznetsky Most in Moscow. Even during his studies, he tried his hand as a graphic designer at the Chamber Theater, at the Free Opera of S. Zimin (since 1914). In 1920-1921 he designed the performances of the N. Forreger Workshop and the Demonstration Theater in Moscow. Collaboration with G. Yakulov continued until 1928. In 1918–1928, together with other students of G. Yakulov, he worked on scenery and costume designs for the performances Oedipus Rex (award from the Theater Department of the Narkompros), Measure for Measure, Red Rooster, "Princess Brambilla", "Girofle-Girofle", "Señora Formica", "Colla di Rienza" for Demonstration and Chamber theater. In 1918 he participated in the design of Moscow for the celebration of May 1. Immediately after graduating from Vkhutemas, he worked as the secretary of the art education department of the People's Commissariat of Education for D. Shterenberg. During these years, he became close to V. Meyerhold, V. Mayakovsky, V. Bryusov, L. Popova, A. Rodchenko, V. Stepanova. In 1922–1924 he was sent by the People's Commissariat for Education to Berlin and Amsterdam as secretary of the First Russian Art Exhibition. One of the organizers and chairman of the board of OBMOKhU, a participant in all its exhibitions in 1919–1922. Together with other members of the Society, he made stencils for V. Mayakovsky's ROSTA Windows, painted propaganda trains, and created posters. One of the founding members of the Society of Easel Painters (1925–1932), participant in 2–4 OST exhibitions. In 1929 he left the OST. In the 1920s, he collaborated with Moscow and Leningrad satirical magazines (Red Pepper, Smekhach, Krokodil, Buzoter, Begemot, Searchlight, Beach, etc.). In 1925 he painted a series of paintings called "Petty Bourgeois at a Resort".

For exhibition works of art for the tenth anniversary October revolution, which opened in January 1928 in Moscow, created the painting "The First Meeting of the Council of People's Commissars". In the late 1920s - early 1930s, he went on creative business trips to the mines of Donbass (1929), factories of Kerch (1930), gold mines Far East(1930), in the Red Army (1931) and based on the results of these trips, he created several graphic cycles (“In the Donbass” and “At the Kerch Metallurgical Plant”, both - 1929) and album books (“Comrade Artyom”, 1930; “ Gold, with own text, 1931; "Coal, iron, steel", 1932). Based on graphic series in the early 1930s, he created paintings on production topics: "Miners", "Steam Hammer", "Exit of Cast Iron", etc. Illustrated books for Gosizdat and other publishing houses, in particular, "Goose Step" by E. Sinclair (1924), "January 9th" by M. Gorky (in the collection "January 9", 1930), "Asterisks in the Forest" by A. Barto (1934), etc. He worked a lot on illustrations for the poems of V. Mayakovsky: "What is good and what is bad?" (1925), "Left March", "Comrade Typist", "Optimist Factory" and others. Friendly relations with V. Mayakovsky continued until the death of the poet. It was N. Denisovsky who in 1930 designed the apartment of V. Mayakovsky in Gendrikov Lane for the celebration of the 20th anniversary creative activity poet. Participated in exhibitions: VII Exhibition of the group "L'arenier" ("Spider") (1925, Paris), "Russian drawing for ten years of the October Revolution" (1927, Moscow), exhibition of acquisitions of the State Commission for the acquisition of works of fine arts for 1927– 1928 (1928, Moscow), Fourth exhibition of paintings by contemporary Russian artists (1928, Feodosia), Modern book art at the International Press Exhibition (1928, Cologne), exhibition German artists(1928, Berlin), "Graphics and Book Art in the USSR" (1929, Amsterdam), exhibition of Russian graphics (1929, Riga), Art and Handicraft Exhibition of the USSR (1929, New York, Philadelphia, Boston, Detroit), exhibition of Russian art (1929, Winterthur, Switzerland), an exhibition of acquisitions by the State Commission for the Acquisition of Fine Arts for 1928-1929 (1930, Moscow), an exhibition of works of revolutionary and Soviet themes (1930, Moscow), "Socialist construction in Soviet art" (1930 , Moscow), "Modern Russian art"(1930, Vienna), exhibition Soviet art(1930, Berlin), the First Exhibition of Fine Arts of the USSR (1930, Stockholm, Oslo, Berlin), an exhibition of reporting works by artists sent to the areas of industrial and collective farm construction (1931, Moscow), "Anti-imperialist exhibition dedicated to the International Red Day" (1931 , Moscow), international exhibition"The Art of the Book" (1931, Paris; 1932, Lyon), an exhibition of Soviet graphics, books, posters, photos and the art industry (1931, Johannesburg), an exhibition of works by artists sent to areas of industrial and collective farm construction (1932, Moscow), anniversary exhibition "Artists of the RSFSR for XV years" (1932, Leningrad), exhibition of Soviet art (1932, Koenigsberg), exhibition on health care (1932, Los Angeles), Second exhibition of Soviet graphics, books, posters, photography and the art industry (1932– 1933, Johannesburg), art exhibition"15 Years of the Red Army" (1935, Kharkov), art exhibition "Industry of Socialism" (1939, Moscow), exhibition of graphics on the themes of the history of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks (1940, Moscow), exhibition the best works Soviet artists(1941, Moscow), all-Union art exhibitions of 1947 and 1950 (both in Moscow), an art exhibition dedicated to the 40th anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution (1957–1958, Moscow), etc. Since the late 1910s, he worked a lot and fruitfully in the field poster. In 1929–1930, together with V. Mayakovsky, he created a series of drawings for the posters of the People's Commissariat of Health. In 1931 he became a founding member of the Association of Revolutionary Poster Workers. During the war years, he was one of the organizers and leaders of the TASS Windows, and since 1956 - an artist creative association"Agitation poster". He worked as an artist in Izogiz (1931-1935) and "Vsekohudozhnik" in Moscow (1931-1935, 1947-1949). In the 1930s he continued to work in the theater, designing performances at the Maly Theater (since 1933). In 1934, he headed a team of artists who developed and implemented a project for the decoration of residential areas, industrial and transport facilities, etc., commissioned by the Kramatorsk Machine-Building Plant. In the 1930s and 40s he continued to work easel painting, painted portraits and thematic paintings. He taught at Vkhutein in Leningrad (1928–1930), then at the IPK at the Moscow State Art Institute. V. I. Surikov (1935–1938), MIPiDI (1949–1952), LVHPU (1952–1954). Author of articles on fine arts, memories. Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1962). Personal exhibitions: 1956, 1961 (both - Moscow).

Artist Alexey Laptev, illustrating "What is good ..." in 1930, repeated the most successful semantic and compositional findings of Denisovsky ("cheesy fighter" is crossed out with a wavy line, etc.), but gave his drawings a slightly more realistic character, supplemented the compositions with landscape motifs . The artist recalls that “at the request of the editor, he had to show Mayakovsky the sketches. But he didn't. I went to see him - he lived near the Polytechnic Museum, but I did not find him at home. And the next day, the newspapers reported his death ... ". In the 1930s the poem became a real bestseller, it was published in Moscow, Gorky, Rostov-on-Don, Pyatigorsk.

"What is good and what is bad" Vladimir Mayakovsky

baby son
came to his father
and asked the little one:
- What's happened
and what is
Badly? —
I have
no secrets -
listen, kids,
dads of this
I place
in a book.

- If the wind
roofs tear,
the city rumbled -
Everyone knows -
this is
for walking
Rain dripped
and passed.
in the whole world.
This -
Very good
and big
and children.

blacker than the night
dirt lies
on the face -
It's clear,
very bad
for baby skin.
loves soap
and tooth powder
This Boy
very cute,
does well.

If it beats
trashy fighter
weak boy,
I'm like that
Don't want
insert into the book.

This one screams:
- Don't touch
who is smaller! —
This Boy
so good
simple sight!

If you are
broke in a row
little book
and the ball
october says:
bad boy.

If a boy
loves work
in a book
about such
write here:
good boy.

From the crow
ran away, groaning.
This boy
just a coward.
very bad.

even though he himself is an inch,
with a fearsome bird.
Brave boy
in life
come in handy.
got into the dirt
and glad
what a dirty shirt.
About this
They say:
he is bad,

cleans boots,
although small,
but quite good.
every son.
any child:
will increase
from son
if the son

joyful went,
and the baby decided:
to do well,
and I will not -

Analysis of Mayakovsky's poem "What is good and what is bad"

Mayakovsky's poetic heritage, intended for young readers, is filled with optimistic intonations. A huge world opens up to its young addressees - young, joyful, populated by hard-working and self-confident adults. characters artistic text A brave Red Army soldier, smart Komsomol members, a worker and a peasant, a people's deputy fighting for children's happiness, an affectionate nanny become "walking". Gallery positive images anticipates the heroes of the work "", which appeared three years later. The author gives an unambiguous assessment of all the characters, not ignoring the disgusting loafers: stupid old praying women, bourgeois, chatty lady. In an effort to be honest and logical to the end, the poet breeds different parties even animals: he refers to a clean cat as a positive example, and a dirty dog ​​as a negative one.

In the textbook creation, created and published in 1925, there are also instructive and trusting intonations. Bright and understandable figurative structure, sincerity, clear strophic, unique style - strengths poetic text ensured its popularity with modern readers.

The unusually long title of the work demonstrates the main antithesis on which its composition is built. Abstract moral categories are interpreted from the point of view understandable to the child: “good” and “bad”. The right to talk about moral guidelines the poet trusts the father of the "baby son" - a character close and authoritative for young listeners.

The code of conduct, like a mosaic, is made up of separate episodes that demonstrate options for laudable or reprehensible acts. A series of examples begins with a description of the weather, suitable or inconvenient for walks. Then the father turns to the images of the boys. Dirty, fighter, slob, coward are placed on the negative pole. Hard-working and courageous guys, keeping cleanliness and order, taking care of things, are proclaimed an example to follow.

The final episode is built taking into account the peculiarities of child psychology, which has not lost its relevance in modern reading. The father ends his speech with a generalization that has become an aphorism: bad habits that have arisen in early years tend to develop into adults. An honest conversation on serious topics causes gratitude and joyful satisfaction in the child. "Baby" assimilates a complex subject and gains invaluable experience of an independent decision - to follow the life path marked with "good" marks.

Let's today, before we start reading Mayakovsky's poem itself, let's remember a little our childhood with you. Fine? A little piece of lyrics hasn't hurt anyone yet, has it? 🙂

I don’t know about you, but when I was little, I loved a book with Mayakovsky’s poem “What is good and what is bad.” In fact, he loved the book. In the sense - not the text of the poem, but the pictures that illustrated this very text. 🙂

But the text of the poem “What is good and what is bad” did not inspire me, but rather even amused me.

I imagined this boy (for some reason, 3-4 years old, probably). And my thoughts about his mental abilities were far from enthusiastic. After all, even the most daring flight of fancy did not help me imagine such a child who HIMSELF, by OWN GOOD WILL, came to his father with the question “how to behave correctly?”! 🙂

Usually we, adults, bother with such questions, but certainly not small children. It is not they themselves, but we, adults, who force children to look at the world with an evaluating, comparing look. We force to divide actions into bad and good. Divide others into "us" and "strangers". We make them stop being children. 🙁

But the pictures in the book were lovely. For some reason, I especially liked those where the boy was grimy. 🙂 Probably, against his background, I felt ideal. 🙂

And the gray rectangle about a boy who “they don’t even want to put in a book” made the fantasy work to its fullest: what does this scoundrel look like? 🙂

In general, based on my childhood memories, I present to you today the text with pictures of Mayakovsky's poem "What is good and what is bad." With pictures from the same "my" book.

These illustrations were made fine artist A. Pakhomov. And I'm sure you'll love them too. Well, are you ready? Started!

V. Mayakovsky

What is good and what is bad

baby son
came to his father
and asked the little one:
- What's happened
and what is
I have
no secrets -
listen, kids,
dads of this
I place
in a book.

- If the wind
roofs tear,
the city rumbled -
Everyone knows -
this is
for walking

Rain dripped
and passed.

in the whole world.
This -
Very good
and big
and children.

blacker than the night
dirt lies
on the face,
It's clear,
very bad
for baby skin.

loves soap
and tooth powder
This Boy
very cute,
does well.

If it beats
trashy fighter
weak boy,
I'm like that
Don't want
insert into the book.

This one screams:
- Don't touch
who is smaller!
This Boy
so good
simple sight!

If you are
broke in a row
little book
and the ball
october says:
bad boy.

If a boy
loves work
in a book
about such
write here:
good boy.

From the crow
ran away, groaning.
This boy
just a coward.
very bad.

even though he himself is an inch,
with a fearsome bird.
Brave boy
in life
come in handy.

got into the dirt
and glad.
what a dirty shirt.
About this
They say:
he is bad,

cleans boots,
although small,
but quite good.

every son.
any child:
will increase
from son
if the son

joyful went,
and the baby decided:
do Fine,
and I will not -

Well, how do you like Pakhomov's illustrations for Mayakovsky's poem "What is good and what is bad"? Amazing, right? Better than them, perhaps, I saw only. But there is already something incredible! 🙂

That's probably all for today. Have a good day!

Oh yes. In parting, here is what I strongly recommend. Be sure to read to your child. He’s really about exactly what is good and what is bad! He impressed me as a child. And really shocked. So you won't regret it. Sure!

Now that's all for sure. 🙂

baby son
came to his father
and asked the little one:
- What's happened
and what is
I have
no secrets -
listen, kids,
dads of this
I place
in a book.

- If the wind
roofs tear,
the city rumbled -
Everyone knows -
this is
for walking
Rain dripped
and passed.
in the whole world.
This -
Very good
and big
and children.

blacker than the night
dirt lies
on the face,
It's clear,
very bad
for baby skin.

loves soap
and tooth powder
This Boy
very cute,
does well.

If it beats
trashy fighter
weak boy,
I'm like that
Don't want
insert into the book.

This one screams:
- Don't touch
who is smaller!
This Boy
so good
simple sight!
If you are
broke in a row
little book
and the ball
october says:
bad boy.

If a boy
loves work
in a book
about such
write here:
good boy.

From the crow
ran away, groaning.
This boy
just a coward.
very bad.

even though he himself is an inch,
with a fearsome bird.
Brave boy
in life
come in handy.
got into the dirt
and glad.
what a dirty shirt.
About this
They say:
he is bad,
cleans boots,
although small,
but quite good.

every son.
any child:
will increase
from son
if the son
joyful went,
and the baby decided:
do Fine,
and I will not -

Analysis of the poem "What is good and what is bad?" Mayakovsky

Mayakovsky's creative heritage includes not only defiant complex works in the style of futurism. The poet addressed in his work to the youngest readers. A prime example, which has not lost its relevance in our time, is the poem "What is good and what is bad", written by Mayakovsky in 1925.

Children's literature only at first glance looks like a simple and easy thing that does not deserve the attention of serious authors. In fact, speaking to a child in a language he understands requires considerable effort. Especially if the author claims that his work will really teach the younger generation something good and important in life. Mayakovsky considered himself one of those who turned the "wheel of history." In the upbringing of a new generation destined for a better future, he saw his direct responsibility.

The poem begins with simple question child given to the father. In children's minds, the world is clearly divided into two parts: good and bad. For the child, abstract and intermediate concepts do not yet exist. A clear answer to such a question will become the basis for the emerging concepts of good and evil, truth and lies, justice and arbitrariness.

The father's answer begins with a simple example about the weather. Everyone knows that rain and wind are bad, but the shining sun is good. From this, the author proceeds to a direct analogy: dirt is bad, cleanliness is good. Therefore, a neat and hygienic child is a good person.

Further, the father continues to list situations understandable to the child that characterize positive traits. Protection of the weak, diligence, courage, neatness are clearly opposed to cruelty, laziness, cowardice and sloppiness. The boy understands that all his actions can be considered through the categories of good and bad. The final assessment of the child by others will depend on this. The final caveat is the assertion that only a "pig" can grow out of a "pig". A playful threat carries a great emotional impact. The child takes out of the conversation a firm conviction that it is necessary to always do only good.

The poem takes on a special meaning in our time. Excessive enthusiasm for the "rights of the child" cripples the emerging personality, makes it difficult for her to enter society. Recognition of the value of children's desires is, of course, necessary. But, in turn, this gives rise to excessive conceit and permissiveness. Spoiled children, not taught in childhood the basic rules of behavior, cannot find their place in society. Their life becomes difficult and painful.