Sample business plan title page. Title page of a business plan: example of design

The title page is one of the significant elements of the business plan, a kind of pass, the clothing by which it will be greeted by potential investors or other interested parties. An unsuccessfully worded project title or incorrect formatting can be a good reason for the entire business plan to end up in the pile of rejected work. Therefore, it is worth thoroughly understanding each element of the title page, as well as the different design options.

Approximate title page structure

Company information(see example 1). Indicate the name of the company, its address, phone number and other contact information.

Destination. Please indicate who exactly the business plan is addressed to: the bank, investors, employees, partners or other persons and structures.

Project name. The title page must include the short and full name of the project. Think carefully before you formulate a name, because it should be clear enough, easy to understand and fully reflect the essence of your project. At the same time, the short name may appear in the press and advertising in the future, so it should be well remembered.

Project developers. Be sure to indicate the head of your company and the person who prepared this project.

Deadlines. It is recommended that the title page indicate the start date of the project, its duration and the time interval from the date for which the submitted data is current until the start of the project. This information will help the investor plan his activities in relation to the presented project. Also write down the date of drawing up the business plan.

Privacy Notice. This mark means that your project is related to commercial activities, which imposes certain obligations on the person to whom you present the business plan. They must sign a confidentiality memorandum to ensure that the information you provide is protected.

Approval stamp. The approval stamp (see example 2) is placed in the upper right corner of the sheet. It indicates the position, full name of the director of the enterprise, date and stamp.

Instance number. The presence of the copy number in the upper right corner will show the investor that the enterprise has a strict procedure for recording external and internal documentation.

Design options

Business planners recommend adhering to the standards and requirements of specific organizations when designing a title page, as well as focusing on the target audience. Thus, when targeting company employees, you can limit yourself to a title page with a small number of basic elements; when demonstrating a project, the bank should focus on the bank’s policy. If you are applying for state guarantees, then in this case you must draw up a title page strictly according to the established standard, which is Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 22, 1997 N 1470 on the procedure for providing state guarantees (see example 3).

Maybe you think that business plan title page is not that important. Maybe you're right. But only if you write a business plan for yourself to manage your business. But, if you are going to “sell” your business idea to an investor, then the title page of the business plan should be one of the priority elements.

And that's why:

The title page is an important component of a business plan!

The title page is the “cover”, the first thing the reader encounters in the business plan. And the title page should “catch” him, attract his attention, so that he reads the contents of the business plan with great courage.

Making a title page is usually not difficult, and often interesting and exciting if you get creative. Completing it, as part of the business plan as a whole, will encourage the entrepreneur to continue working with the overall plan and will provide additional energy.

What should the title page of a business plan contain?

The title page should contain:

  • Business logo
  • Business name
  • Slogan or appeal
  • Document's name
  • Type of activity (in a nutshell)
  • Name and contact information of the business plan developer.

Name, logo and slogan are the three key elements that give personality and originality to any business, no matter whether it is a new or an existing business. While a brief description of the type of business and the personality of the person who does so only adds additional value to the business plan in the eyes of the reader.

1. Business logo

A business logo is the visual identification of a business. Along with the name and tagline, a logo represents one of the three pillars of a business's identity. At this stage of business planning, you may not have a logo. And this, of course, is not a disaster. But still, when starting to write a business plan to present to an investor or someone else, it is worth remembering that it will be more professional with its own logo. However, there is another goal: when the business is still in the early launch phase, completing such a task as considering and developing a style for the business will add positive emotions and motivation to you.

The logo must consist of:

  • An explanatory drawing that will represent the type of business. Think about how the drawing will reflect how and how you can be useful to consumers. This simply means that the image in the logo should answer the consumer's question: What's in it for me? This is a question every potential client asks.
  • Including the name of the business. It is advisable to include a short name of the business in the logo in order to create a recognizable brand.
  • Creating a logo requires some skill and experience with graphic design software, plus time of course. If you do not have the first or second, it is better to contact a designer who will do all the work for you.

2. Business name

Of course, before you start writing a business plan, you should have a... You may have already considered various names for your new business, but now it's time to decide what the official name will be for your business. The business name (along with your tagline) should tell potential customers the value and uniqueness of the product or service you offer.

A good name should be descriptive so that potential clients immediately understand what kind of business you are. A good name should be simple so that it is easy to remember and easy to pronounce. For example, the other day I was in a cafe that I really liked. But I didn’t remember the name, and the owner of this cafe lost a valuable (and free!) marketing ploy - word of mouth, since I won’t be able to tell you about which cafe I had such good impressions about.

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The process of deciding on a business name includes the following steps:

1. Brainstorm ideas for a company name

The goal of this step is to get a list of as many ideas as possible. Just start thinking about what your name should “convey” to others. Write down on a piece of paper:

  • ideas based on your product or service;
  • ideas related to the industry in which your business will operate;
  • some words directly related to your business;
  • the names of some of your products or services.

Make a combination of all these words and ideas, taking into account phonetic principles and the difficulty of pronouncing the name.

2. Testing the idea

More people can contribute more to the quality of choice. It’s good if you can ask relatives and friends to express their opinion on the sonority and difficulty of pronunciation of the name. This way you can narrow down your options.

3. Check if this name already exists

Use all available resources to verify this type of information: yellow pages, taxpayer database, contact the Central Register office in your community, search the Internet, etc.

There are consulting firms that provide “naming” services, i.e. will help you choose the right company name. If you are confused and cannot decide on the name of your future business, contact them, do not waste your time. “The Correct Name” will return the money spent with interest.

3. Business slogan

If a logo is a visual indicator of identity, then a slogan is a verbal indicator of identity. It is advisable to start with a slogan that clearly represents the identity of your business. Remember that your business also needs its own slogan because it will be included in your advertising campaigns. What you choose here and now will mainly be used in the further stages of your business.

A good slogan is a slogan that is easily remembered by potential and existing customers. A good slogan is simple, not too long, and clearly expresses the essence of your offer, i.e., what good you will do for your customers and clients.

The following questions and answers will give you the opportunity to develop several different slogans for your business and, through testing, choose the best one:

  • What kind of business are we in?
  • What is positive about our business?
  • Why would a potential buyer choose us over our competitors?
  • What will push potential customers to buy?

Once you have a large number of different slogans, check the phonetics and pronunciation and choose the best one. A piece of paper with other ideas should not be thrown away; maybe in the future you will want to change the slogan.

4. Title of the document and type of activity

In the middle of the title page of the business plan, the title of the document (business plan) should be indicated, as well as the type of business to which the business plan is applicable. The title of the document can be in uppercase and a font size greater than 30, while the type of business must be written in a font size of 12 to 20.

5. Name and contact details

It should be clear who wrote the business plan, especially when it comes to an application for financing. Thus, at the bottom of the main page you need to put your name, on the line below - your professional title (for example, engineer), and even lower - your email address or other contact information. All this is quite enough to contact you if necessary.

So, I hope you have a certain idea of ​​what it should look like business plan title page.

Successful business development directly depends on drawing up a business plan.

It’s not enough to just make a plan; you need to constantly adjust it in accordance with market changes.

This will allow your business to “stay afloat”, receiving income and conducting clear planning of budget expenditures.

Every successful individual entrepreneur (IP) knows that a well-drafted business plan is the “foundation” of any activity. Using a business plan, an individual entrepreneur can attract investors or apply for a loan from a bank.

A business plan is a full-fledged program for launching and developing a business, containing detailed information about a product, its production and distribution. The business plan reflects the planned profitability of the company, and also demonstrates the financial return on investment.

Preparing a business plan for lenders should focus on specific financial indicators. The basic rule for drawing up a successful business plan is to present the material dynamically and be concise (no more than 15-20 sheets). Let's consider how to write a business plan yourself?

Title page

How to write a business plan? This requires a model, especially for a beginner. Any work, first of all, consists of a title page.

This is the “face” of your business. The title page “introduces” a potential investor to a business idea, so it is very important to learn how to format it correctly.

The title page should be attractive and succinctly inform the investor about the essence of the business. The required items on the title page are:

  • name of the individual entrepreneur;
  • contact details of the company (telephone, address, etc.);
  • privacy notice;
  • short name of the project;
  • Full name of the head of the individual entrepreneur, his contact details;
  • information about the preparation of a business plan (who compiled it, when, where);
  • information about the timing of the project.

Want to know more about writing business plans? Then the next topic is for you. : purpose and structure, algorithm and examples.

Read about how to open an online store for free and quickly.

A cafe is a business that can bring big profits in the future. Here is everything about how to open a cafe, a business plan with calculations of costs and profitability.

  1. Summary.
  2. Project descriptions.
  3. Conducting market analysis and competitor assessments.
  4. Marketing strategy.
  5. Production, organizational and financial plans.

A summary is brief and general information about the project. The volume of the resume should not exceed 1 printed page. The resume contains information about the company's field of activity and expected financial results. The summary also substantiates the goals of creating the project, its uniqueness and benefits for investors.

Product Description

When writing a description of a product, it is necessary to focus on the usefulness of the product.

You can also make a brief comparison of this product with analogues, focusing on the main differences.

The “Product Description” section should provide an opportunity to analyze further business development.

Description of the business model

The business model is a simplified version of the functioning of all systems and business processes of an individual entrepreneur. Creating a business model is one of the most important steps at the strategic planning stage of a company's activities.

A business model succinctly describes how a company creates and sells its product. The development of a business model is entrusted to the management team of the individual entrepreneur.

Market and industry analysis

At the stage of market analysis, it is necessary to familiarize yourself in detail with the situation and analyze the total volumes of potential sales for the products produced. You can also make a trial batch of goods in order to study the behavior and reaction to it on the part of customers. When analyzing the market, it is necessary to evaluate competitors.

General scheme for competently drawing up a business plan

How to write the right business plan? A competent business plan contains detailed information about the main competitors to understand the prospects for the development of the individual entrepreneur.

Strategic SWOT Analysis

SWOT analysis is carried out to determine the actual state of the company and highlight the prospects for its development in the long term.

At the SWOT analysis stage, the strengths and weaknesses of the company are studied, risk factors and market opportunities are assessed.

SWOT analysis helps IP management evaluate the following points:

  • the presence of an advantage for individual entrepreneurs in the market for similar goods;
  • vulnerable (“bottleneck”) places of the company;
  • chances of making a profit;
  • threats from the market and competitors.

Risk assessment and management

An integral part of the business plan is the risk management concept.

This section is intended to prevent the occurrence of unfavorable events in the company’s activities in order to avoid significant financial losses.

Active risk management implies their prevention at the decision-making stage. In this case, risk management is associated with marketing market research, which shows the likelihood of losses based on an assessment of demand and pricing policies of competitors.

Any investor who makes a decision to invest funds pays attention to the risk of loss of invested capital.

Sales strategy

A sales strategy is a comprehensive planning consisting of answers to the following questions:

  • How (through what channels) will the product be distributed?
  • What will the price of the product be?
  • How to interest buyers?
  • How to create an advertisement? How much money should I allocate for this?

In this section, it is necessary to analyze the market and create a clear description of the conditions under which potential buyers will become clients of the individual entrepreneur.

Organizational plan

The “Organizational plan” section, as a rule, indicates the general structure of the individual entrepreneur and the role of each of its links in the process of production and sale of goods. In addition to the general structure of the enterprise, investors are interested in information about each member of management (if the company plans to raise capital).

At this point, a general table of the company’s income and expenses is demonstrated, a forecast balance is drawn up, and calculations are made for the calculation (cost) of goods.

When drawing up a financial plan, it is necessary to calculate the payback period of the project with a breakdown of cash flows by month.

When working on a business plan, you should not overdo it. Consider only basic information. It is important that the investor, after reading the first two pages, already understands what is at stake. The data used in drawing up the business plan must be 100% reliable.

Video on the topic

Business plan correctly and in accordance with standards. In this case, the likelihood of investor approval of the project increases.

What you need to know when designing a title page

Correct execution of documents allows a person to feel confident in the legal field. The standards for their preparation, mandatory details and other formalities are designed to systematize and facilitate cooperation between the parties. The picky attitude of lawyers to the execution of contracts is not a whim, but a serious attitude to the matter.

Let's consider an example when two parties enter into an agreement and one of them violates the terms of the agreement over time. One party sues the other, and during the proceedings it turns out that it was executed incorrectly and, therefore, is invalid. Such a mistake can seriously affect the outcome of the case, even bankrupt the company.

But accuracy and precision in document preparation are needed not only for the court. A person who wants to start his own business may not have his own funds, so he has to turn to a bank, private investors or government agencies for a subsidy to start a business. At this point, it becomes necessary to draw up a business plan.

Beginning entrepreneurs who take a business plan lightly are making a grave mistake. Firstly, by drawing up this document, a person visualizes and approaches the stages of development of his business more scrupulously. This will allow you to take into account points that may have been missed. Secondly, the investor’s decision may be influenced by the execution of the business plan. The title page is the face of the document, and it must be done according to all the rules. Potential lenders won't even watch the presentation if everything is done in a clumsy manner.

The appearance and attributes of the title page are standardized, which allows you to avoid wasting time on design development.

What should be on the title page

The title page of a business plan is an important page that needs to be designed correctly and aesthetically. As they say, you don't get a second chance to make a first impression. The sheet should not be overloaded with information.

The main thing is that the title page contains the name of the company or product. Even if the business plan itself turns out to be a failure, a successful name can pull off the entire project. The name should evoke pleasant emotions that promote interest among buyers and investors.

The business plan cover page provides investors with a summary of the project. By observing design standards and traditions, the startup author increases the chances of attracting investment. Careless preparation of the title page negatively affects the outcome of the presentation, since the attitude of a novice businessman to little things will be judged on how he generally approaches the matter. They say the whole world is made of little things. This is true, because a novice businessman can treat other documents in the same careless manner, which can lead to dire consequences.

Title lit attributes

What should the title page of a business plan include:

  • Name of the project or company.
  • It is necessary to indicate the legal form of the company.
  • Contacts of the project authors and responsible persons: full name, position, phone number, email address.
  • Full name of the document compilers with telephone numbers.
  • The addressee of the document is the full name of the person to whom the business plan is sent.
  • The date the document was drawn up, as well as the start date of the project.
  • Place of creation and date. For example, "Kaliningrad, 2016."

This is a comprehensive list of attributes that the title page of a business plan should contain. An example can be seen in the image below.

A competent approach to the matter will increase the chances of the project being approved by investors.