The essence of the practical activity of a teacher. Definition of teaching activity

    - is an activity that ensures the relationships that arise between people during the transfer of spiritual and practical experience from generation to generation. Pedagogical activity consists of two types: scientific and practical. The adult generation of citizens... ... Wikipedia

    Pedagogical activity- the process of training and education aimed at comprehensive development student and carried out both in institutionalized forms and through individual labor activity... Source: MODEL LAW ON EMPLOYEE STATUS... ... Official terminology

    pedagogical activity- pedagoginė veikla statusas T sritis Kūno kultūra ir sportas apibrėžtis Žmogaus, įgijusio žinių, kultūros ir tam tikros patirties, sąveika su žmogumi, siekiančiu visa tai įgyti. atitikmenys: engl. pedagogical activity vok. pädagogische Tätigkeit,… … Sporto terminų žodynas

    PEDAGOGICAL ACTIVITY- activities carried out by specially trained professionals in educational institutions to achieve the results envisaged curriculum or a number of programs, as well as other objectives of education and its social goals… … Professional education. Dictionary

    Pedagogical activity- this is the activity of educating and training people, based on the special professional training of the teacher and corresponding to the norms and rules of his personal behavior in the process of this activity. Kinds pedagogical activity varied... Fundamentals of spiritual culture ( encyclopedic Dictionary teacher)

    Pedagogical activity- variety professional activity, aimed at transmitting sociocultural experience through training and education. (Pedagogy. Textbook, edited by L.P. Krivshenko. M., 2005. P. 418) Ch30.0 ... Pedagogical terminological dictionary

    Pedagogical activity Dictionary-reference book on educational psychology

    Pedagogical activity - special kind socially useful activities of adults, consciously aimed at preparing the younger generation for independent activity in accordance with economic, political, moral and aesthetic goals... Glossary of terms on general and social pedagogy

    Pedagogical activity- a special type of socially useful activity of adults, consciously aimed at preparing the younger generation for independent activity in accordance with economic, political, moral and aesthetic goals... Dictionary of educational psychology

    Pedagogical activity of Ostrogradsky. Ostrogradsky's pedagogical activity was very diverse. He gave public lectures on higher algebra, celestial and analytical mechanics, taught at the Main Pedagogical Institute (1832... ... Wikipedia

    PEDAGOGICAL ACTIVITY OF A TEACHER- PEDAGOGICAL ACTIVITY OF A TEACHER. The activity of a teacher aimed at planning, organizing and implementing the educational process, the purpose of which in language classes is to develop the communicative competence of students in the language being studied... ... New dictionary methodological terms and concepts (theory and practice of language teaching)


  • Pedagogical activity of a school librarian, I. I. Tikhomirov. This book is a response to the challenges of the time in one of the most humane professional fields of activity - library and pedagogical work with children. Tutorial reveals the essence of a new... eBook


1. 1The concept of pedagogical activity…………………………………………...3

1.1 The concept of pedagogical activity…………………………………………....3

2 Basic models of pedagogical activity, their characteristics…….……...6

2.1 Basic models of pedagogical activity, their characteristics……….…6

3.Modeling as a teaching method………………………………………………………......9

3.1 Modeling as a teaching method………………………………………………………9

4.Psychological models of pedagogical activity,………………………..13

based on a systems approach

4.1 Psychological models of pedagogical activity…………………….…13


List of used literature……………………………………………………18


The essence and structure of pedagogical activity, as well as the productivity associated with them, is one of the most pressing issues of pedagogical science and practice. Usually, scientific analysis of these important phenomena is replaced by general discussions about the art of teaching.

Of course, the scientific analysis of pedagogical activity pays tribute to the uniqueness of the creative method of each teacher, but it itself is built not on descriptions, but on the principles of comparative research and qualitative and quantitative analysis. Particularly promising is considered to be the direction associated with the application of the principles systematic approach to the analysis and construction of models of pedagogical activity

As an artificial, specially organized pedagogical system due to the objective laws of the development of society, it is under the constant “control” of society, i.e. that social system, of which she is a part. Changes in the pedagogical system, its restructuring and adaptation depend on which elements or elements society is currently targeting: strengthening the material base, improving the content of education, caring for the financial situation of the teacher, etc. The reasons for many unsuccessful attempts to improve pedagogical systems lie in a non-systemic, local approach to transforming its elements. Society, forming a social order, builds an education system corresponding to it as the most general pedagogical system. It, in turn, has its subsystems all the social institutions that perform educational functions and are united into the education system. For the effective functioning of pedagogical systems aimed at educating the younger generation, society creates a system for training educators, secondary specialized and higher pedagogical educational institutions as pedagogical systems. Showing concern for the level of professional qualifications, society creates different levels of pedagogical systems for professional training and advanced training.

Thus, we see an inextricable connection between the pedagogical systems of our time and society, which determines the relevance of the further development of models of pedagogical activity in modern system education.

1. The concept of pedagogical activity.

1.1. The concept of pedagogical activity.

Pedagogical activity is an independent type human activity, in which the transfer of social experience, material and spiritual culture is realized from generation to generation.

Based on this definition, types of activities are distinguished. Thus, activities aimed at creating and obtaining a material product are usually called practical; and activities aimed at changing the sphere of consciousness are usually called spiritual. These are relatively independent, although interconnected, forms of activity.

Let us now turn to the very interpretation of the concept of “pedagogical activity”. Analysis of the content of any type of activity indicates the presence of its psychological foundation, since the main characteristics of activity are considered to be objectivity - what it directly deals with (some material or ideal object), and subjectivity, since it is performed by a specific person. (A.N. Leontiev, S.L. Rubinstein, etc.)

The concept of activity is one of the key ones in modern psychology and pedagogy. Psychology studies the subjective aspect of activity.

It is obvious that teaching activity is one of the types of activity.

Pedagogical activities are divided into professional and non-professional (N.V. Kuzmina, E.M. Ivanova, etc.). An example of non-professional pedagogical activity can be the activity of raising children in a family or the activity carried out by enterprise managers. Non-professional teaching activity is considered to be teaching a craft. Thus, non-professional teaching activity is that which most people engage in in their Everyday life, not necessarily having special pedagogical education and teaching qualifications. Professional pedagogical activity is carried out in public or private teaching and educational institutions and requires the professional competence of the persons carrying it out and a certain level of their special education.

Let us consider several approaches to the interpretation of the concept of pedagogical activity.

A.I. Shcherbakov characterizes the work of a teacher as “an art that requires from him deep knowledge, high culture, pedagogical abilities and, above all, an understanding of the psychological structure and content of pedagogical activity, its main functions, the implementation of which ensures the effect of education and upbringing of students.” A.I. Shcherbakov identifies 8 functions of pedagogical activity, arranging them in order of importance as follows: information, mobilization, development, orientation, constructive, communicative, organizational, research. Moreover, the last four, according to the author, “are not specifically pedagogical, since they take place in all types of modern skilled labor.”

V.A. Slastenin believes that “the activity of a teacher-educator, by its very nature, is nothing more than the process of solving an innumerable set of typical and original pedagogical tasks of various classes and levels. However, with all the richness and diversity, pedagogical tasks are tasks of social management.” According to V.A. Slastenin, “readiness to solve pedagogical problems at a high level of skill is determined by a number of professional pedagogical skills.” He considers the system of relevant skills as the basis for the formation of professional skills of a teacher-educator.

Yu.N. Kulyutkin classifies the teaching profession as a group of professions of the “person-to-person” type, which are characterized by interpersonal interaction. An integral characteristic of the latter are reflexive processes. At the same time, “the teacher strives to form in the student those “internal foundations” (knowledge, beliefs, methods, actions) that would allow the student to independently manage his future activities in the future. Meanwhile, it is important to set... a larger goal - development of the student’s personality, taking into account the areas of his personality and different types effects of its promotion." Pedagogical activity appears in this theory as the teacher’s reflexive management of the student’s activities with the aim of developing the latter’s personality.

In the described characteristics, two approaches to defining the concept of pedagogical activity can be distinguished

The first is characterized by the recognition of the leading role of the teacher, who is the implementer of a specific educational, general education program, who fulfills his functional responsibilities and must meet the requirements of the profession. With this approach, the student is an object of the teacher’s proactive influence and influence.

In the second approach, the teacher is an intermediary between students and the outside world; he is an equal partner in dialogue interaction with the student.

The basis of this classification is the type of communication - monologue or dialogue. It should be noted that in all characteristics of monologue-type pedagogical activity, the form of orientation towards the type of communication is hidden: in words, the student is declared an active subject of the activity, but the forms of interaction that are offered are in fact a one-sided influence of the teacher. This approach clearly places an “emphasis” on the teaching process. In the second type, PD is filled with truly human meaning, expressed in cooperation and co-creation.

With the emergence of the teaching profession, however, nowhere from public life hasn't disappeared family education, public education, spontaneous and accidental education of children and youth.

As before, almost the entire society is engaged in some kind of pedagogical activity. The pedagogical component is present in the activities of any management structure; the pedagogical function is realized by art; Doctors, journalists, and directors become educators. Pedagogical activity turns into an attribute of universal human culture.

Thus, the purpose of pedagogical activity is to form relationships between people in a variety of areas.

Let's highlight these areas:

  • 1. Family, family relationships- a person is brought up primarily in a family, experiencing the influence of parents, brothers, sisters and other relatives. At the same time, he influences the people close to him.
  • 2. The sphere of self-education, the formation of oneself as an individual, as a specialist. These processes begin around adolescence and then for most people continue throughout their lives.
  • 3. Management sphere - in enterprise teams. institutions and organizations; the person at the head of the team passes on his experience and knowledge to the young and leads them along.
  • 4. The sphere of global interhuman relations - establishing relationships, mutual understanding, cooperation, the ability to compromise, agreement in the sphere of international, interhuman relations.

We have identified areas in which general pedagogical activity is manifested. Its forms are quite versatile.

But along with general pedagogical activities, there is professional pedagogical activity. It is carried out by specially trained people - teachers.

Definition of teaching activity.

According to psychologist L.M. Mitina, “pedagogical activity includes the professional activity of a teacher aimed at solving the problems of development and training of the younger generation” Mitina L.M. The teacher as a person and professional. M.: - 1994, P. 15..

Pedagogical activity is a type of professional activity, the content of which is training, education, education, development of students (children of different ages, students of schools, technical schools, vocational schools, higher educational institutions, advanced training institutes, institutions additional education etc.) Introduction to teaching. M., "Academy". 2000, p.6..

Features of teaching activity:

  • 1. Pedagogical activity is unique. Uniqueness is determined by its object. The object of pedagogical activity is a living, developing personality. Characteristic feature The object of pedagogical activity is that it acts simultaneously as the subject of this activity. Therefore, for the success of teaching activity, not only interest in it, passion for it, and responsibility for it are important. But its success also depends on the attitude of the children themselves towards the teacher, i.e. from their relationship.
  • 2. Many means are used in pedagogical activity, but the main one is the word of the teacher. His word is at the same time a means of expressing and understanding the essence of the phenomenon being studied, a tool of communication and organization of schoolchildren’s activities. Using the word, the teacher influences the formation of personal meaning, awareness of the significance of objects, processes and phenomena of the surrounding reality.
  • 2. The results of pedagogical activity, firstly, “materialize” in the mental appearance of another person - in his knowledge, skills, and abilities, in the traits of his will and character; secondly, they are not immediately obvious; they may be distant in time. In the process of development of a child’s personality, periods of progressive changes are observed, and there may be even the opposite. In some cases, difficulties arise in assessing the results of teaching activities from the current position of society. For example, a teacher educates moral values, guidelines that, from the standpoint of today’s specific situation, turn out to be unclaimed.
  • 3. Let us consider another very relevant feature of pedagogical activity today. Modern market relations suggest considering teaching activity as a sphere of providing educational services. These services include training in additional educational programs, individual educational routes, tutoring, etc. - something that goes beyond the relevant educational standards.

The logic of building a market for educational services dictates the need to protect consumer rights. Among his rights: the right to information about services, the right to choose a service, and the right to guarantee the quality of the services provided. In the education system, these consumer rights are ensured by educational programs and educational standards. A variety of programs and standards form the field of choice for educational services. Educational programs are created in order to inform the consumer about the essence of services. Programs and standards act as a guarantee of the quality of educational services. In this sense, under educational services are understood to be those that can provide government agencies to the population, institutions and organizations. Thus, in educational institutions, educational services are provided to society through teaching activities.

So, we come to the understanding that teachers are engaged in expediently structured, organized pedagogical activities. But a significant part of society in a certain area also takes part in pedagogical activities. The question arises: can a mass profession rely on a single talent or calling? Or can anyone do this activity?

There is a concept of medical contraindications to the choice of professions, types of work, and forms of professional training. Such contraindications may also be psychological. Contraindications are statements about which activities are not recommended or are categorically unacceptable for certain health problems, diseases, or character traits.

These are the contraindications for the teaching profession given in his book by A.V. Mudrik.

If your health is poor and the doctors think it will not improve, and you agree with them, then it is better to choose a quieter job than teaching.

If you, despite the long and hard work over yourself, have poor diction, then it is better for you not to become a teacher.

If, despite all your efforts, you cannot make contact with people, then do not rush to enter a pedagogical educational institution.

If people, junior or senior, cause you persistent hostility or constantly irritate you, then refrain, at least for a number of years, from entering the teaching path.

If your comrades say that you lack kindness, that you are often unfair, that you have a difficult character, consider whether you can get rid of these shortcomings before becoming a teacher.

If you are captured by some idea, the realization of which is the conscious goal of your life, then do not rush to abandon it and become a teacher.

But what if you are already studying at a pedagogical university?

There are two ways to correct a mistake: abandon the chosen path and try, after testing yourself well, to find your place; the second option is to force yourself to work hard to correct your shortcomings and work, work on yourself.

Teaching work is characterized by very high nervous tension. In order to master the mass of children, to capture them with one’s pedagogical and educational influence, it is necessary, as the People’s Commissar of Health I.A. Semashko noted, exceptionally high neuropsychological tension. The work of a teacher is excessively large in volume and is associated with limited opportunities for recreation and exposure to the fresh air.

Contraindications to choosing professions of this type(including teachers) are weak nervous system, speech defects, inexpressiveness of speech, isolation, self-absorption, unsociability, pronounced physical disabilities (as sad as this may be), sluggishness, excessive slowness, indifference to people, “dull-heartedness,” lack of signs of disinterested interest in a person.

But what about someone who has already chosen the profession of a teacher, who has already become a student at a pedagogical educational institution? There is no need to despair, you need to work hard and persistently on yourself. A lot can be changed if you know what needs to be changed, what needs to be worked on. To do this, the book provides various kinds of tests with which you can test yourself and find out what qualities of a teacher’s personality you need to develop in yourself Mudrik A.V. Teacher: skill and inspiration. M., 1996. P.38..

But the most important contraindication is the lack of desire to work with people, focusing only on one’s own self.


Topic 2: Pedagogical activity: essence, structure, functions.


    The essence of pedagogical activity.

    Main types of teaching activities.

    Professional competence of a teacher.

    Levels of pedagogical activity.

    Mastery and creativity of pedagogical activity.

    Self-development of a teacher.


    Bordovskaya, N.V.

    Pedagogy: textbook. allowance / N.V. Bordovskaya, A.A. Rean. – St. Petersburg: Peter, 2006. – pp. 141 – 150.

    Introduction to pedagogical activity: textbook.

    aid for students higher ped. textbook

    establishments/A.S. Robotova, T.V. Leontyev, I.G. Shaposhnikova [and others]. – M.: Publishing house. Center "Academy", 2000. - Ch. 1.

    General information about the teaching profession: textbook. manual / author - comp.: I.I. Tsyrkun [and others]. – Minsk: BSPU Publishing House, 2005. – 195 p.

Podlasy, I.P.

Pedagogy. New course: textbook for students. ped. universities: in 2 books. / I.P. Podlasy.

– M.: Humanite. ed. center "VLADOS", 1999. - Book. 1: General basics. Learning process. – p.262 – 290. - Prokopyev, I.I.

Pedagogy. Fundamentals of general pedagogy.

Didactics: textbook. allowance / I.I. Prokopyev, N.V. Mikhalkovich. – Minsk: TetraSystems, 2002. – p. 171 – 187. Slastenin, V.A. Pedagogy/V.A.Slastenin, I.F.Isaev, E.N.Shiyanov; edited by V.A.Slpstenina. – M.: Publishing center “Academy”, 2002. – pp. 18 – 26;

With. 47 – 56.

Question No. 1

The essence of pedagogical activity

Activity on the one hand, it is a specific form of the socio-historical existence of people, and on the other, a way of their existence and development. Activity:

1) Provides creation

material conditions - human life, satisfaction of natural human needs; 2) Becomes a factor in the development of a person’s spiritual world and a condition for the realization of his cultural needs; 3) Is the sphere of achieving life goals and success;

– M.: Humanite. ed. center "VLADOS", 1999. - Book. 1: General basics. Learning process. – p.262 – 290. - 4) Creates conditions for human self-realization;

5) Is a source - scientific knowledge

, self-knowledge; - 6) Provides environmental transformation.

Pedagogical activity is purposeful, because the teacher sets a specific goal (to develop responsiveness, teach how to use a sewing machine) In a broad sense, ped. activities are aimed at passing on experience to younger generations. This means that pedagogy as a science studies a special type of activity to introduce a person to the life of society.

Ped. activity is an educational and educational impact on the student, aimed at his personal, intellectual and activity development.

Ped. activity arose at the dawn of civilization in the course of solving such problems as the creation, storage and transfer to the younger generation of skills and norms of social behavior.

School, college, colleges are leading social institutions, the main purpose of which is to organize effective teaching activities.

Pedagogical activities are professionally carried out only by teachers, and parents, production teams, public organizations carry out general pedagogical activities.

Professional ped. activities are carried out in educational institutions specially organized by the company: preschool institutions, schools, vocational schools, secondary specialized and higher educational institutions, institutions of additional education, advanced training and retraining.

The essence of ped. A.N. Leontiev represented activity as a unity of purpose, motives, action, result. A goal is a system-forming characteristic.

Ped. activity is a special type of social activity aimed at transferring from older generations to younger generations the culture and experience accumulated by humanity, creating conditions for their personal development and preparation for the implementation of certain social roles in society.

Ped structure activities:

1. purpose of activity;

2. subject of activity (teacher);

3. object-subject of activity (students);

5. methods of activity;

6. result of activity.

Purpose ped. activities.

Target - this is what they strive for. The general strategic goal of pedagogical activity and the goal of education is the education of a harmoniously developed personality.

The purpose of pedagogical activity is developed and formed as a set of social requirements for each person, taking into account his spiritual and natural capabilities, as well as trends in social development.

A.S. Makarenko saw the goal of pedagogical activity in the development and individual adjustments of a personality development program.

The goal of a teacher’s professional activity is the goal of education: “A personality capable of building a life worthy of a person” (Pedagogy, edited by P.I. Pidkasisty, p. 69).

Achieving this goal requires the highest professionalism and subtle pedagogical skill from the teacher, and is carried out only in activities aimed at solving the assigned tasks as parts of the goal.

Main objects of purpose ped. activities:

    educational environment;

    activities of pupils;

    educational team;

    individual characteristics of pupils.

Therefore, the implementation of the goal of pedagogical activity is associated with the solution of such social and pedagogical tasks as:

1) formation of an educational environment;

2) organization of pupils’ activities;

3) creation of an educational team;

4) development of individual personality.

The solution to these problems should dynamically lead to the highest goal - the development of the individual in harmony with himself and society.

Teacher's tools:

    scientific knowledge;

    textbook texts and student observations act as “carriers” of knowledge;

    educational means: technical

computer graphics, etc.

Methods for transferring experience by the teacher: explanation, demonstration (illustrations), collaboration, practice (laboratory), training.

Product of teaching activity - the individual experience formed by the student in the aggregate: axiological, moral-aesthetic, emotional-semantic, objective, evaluative components.

The product of teaching activity is assessed in an exam, tests, according to the criteria of solving problems, performing educational and control actions.

The result of teaching activity is the development of the student (his personality, intellectual improvement, his formation as an individual, as a subject of educational activity).

The result is diagnosed by comparing the student’s qualities at the beginning of training and upon its completion in all plans of human development.

The activity of a teacher is a continuous process of solving many problems. various types, classes and levels.

To ped. the activity was successful,

The teacher needs to know:

    psychological structure of activity, patterns of its development;

    the nature of human needs and motives for activity;

    leading types of human activity at different age periods.

The teacher needs to be able to:

    plan activities, determine objects and subjects, taking into account the individual characteristics, interests and capabilities of children;

    generate motivation and stimulate activity;

    ensure that children master the main components of activity (skills of planning, self-control, performing actions and operations (Smirnov V.I. General pedagogy in abstracts, illustrations. M., 1999, p. 170))

Question No. 2

Main types of teaching activities

In the process of professional activity, the teacher manages the cognitive activity of schoolchildren and organizes educational work (organizes the educational environment, manages the activities of children with the aim of their harmonious development).

Teaching and educational work are two sides of the same process (you cannot teach without exerting an educational influence and vice versa).


Educational work

1. Carried out within different organizational forms.

1 It has strict time limits, a strictly defined goal and options for achieving it. .Is carried out within the framework of different organizational forms. Has goals that are not achievable within a limited period of time. Provides only a consistent solution to specific

2 . educational tasks

2 oriented towards common goals.

3. The most important criterion for teaching effectiveness is the achievement of educational goals and objectives.

3. .The most important criterion for the effectiveness of education is positive changes in the consciousness of pupils, manifested in emotions, feelings, behavior and activities.

4. The content and logic of learning can be clearly presented in training programs.

4. In educational work, planning is acceptable only in the most general terms.

5. The logic of a teacher’s educational work in each specific class cannot be recorded in regulatory documents at all.

5. The results of learning are almost uniquely determined by teaching.

6. The criterion for the effectiveness of students’ activities in the teaching process is the level of assimilation of knowledge and skills, mastery of methods for solving educational, cognitive and practical problems, the intensity of progress in development. The results of the exercise are easily identified and can be recorded in qualitative and quantitative indicators.

6. In educational work, it is difficult to identify and correlate the results of the teacher’s activities with the selected criteria of education. Moreover, these results are difficult to predict and are much delayed in time. In educational work, it is impossible to provide feedback in a timely manner.

Psychological studies (N.V. Kuzmina, V.A. Slastenin, A.I. Shcherbakov, etc.) show that the following interrelated types of teacher’s pedagogical activities take place in the educational process:

A) diagnostic;

b) orientation-prognostic;

V) constructive and design;

G) organizational;

d) informational and explanatory;

e) communicative-stimulating;

g) analytical and evaluation; h)

research and creative. - Diagnostic

studying students and establishing their development and education. It is impossible to carry out educational work without knowing the characteristics of the physical and mental development of each student, the level of his mental and moral education, the conditions of family life and upbringing, etc. To educate a person in all respects, you must first of all know him in all respects (K.D. Ushinsky “Man as a subject of education”). - Orientation and forecasting activities

the ability to determine the direction of educational activities, its specific goals and objectives at each stage of educational work, predict its results, i.e. what exactly the teacher wants to achieve, what changes in the formation and development of the student’s personality he wants to achieve. For example, there is a lack of student cohesion in the classroom, the necessary collectivist relationships are missing, or interest in learning is decreasing. Based on this diagnosis, he orients educational work to develop collectivism among students or increase interest in learning, specifies its goals and objectives and strives to achieve strengthened camaraderie in the class, mutual assistance, and higher activity in joint activities as the most important features of collectivist relations. If about stimulating cognitive interests, he can focus his efforts on making learning attractive and emotional. Such activities are carried out constantly in the work of a teacher. Without it, the dynamics and improvement of the goals, methods and forms of education and training cannot be ensured.

Structural and design activity is organically connected with orientation-prognostication. If, for example, a teacher predicts the strengthening of collectivist relations between students, he is faced with the task of constructing, designing the content of educational work, and giving it exciting forms. A teacher needs to have a good understanding of the psychology and pedagogy of organizing an educational team, the forms and methods of education, develop his creative imagination, constructive and design abilities, and be able to plan educational and educational work.

Organizational activities is associated with involving students in the intended educational work and stimulating their activity. To do this, the teacher needs to develop whole line skills. In particular, he must be able to determine specific tasks for the training and education of students, develop their initiative in planning joint work, be able to distribute tasks and assignments, and manage the progress of certain activities. A very important element of this activity is also the ability to inspire students to work, introduce elements of romance into it and exercise tactful control over its implementation.

Information and explanatory activity. Her great importance is determined by the fact that all training and education are essentially based to one degree or another on information processes. Mastering knowledge, ideological and moral-aesthetic ideas is the most important means of development and personal formation of students. In this case, the teacher acts not only as the organizer of the educational process, but also as a source of scientific, ideological, moral and aesthetic information. That is why deep knowledge of the academic subject which he teaches. The quality of the explanation, its content, logical consistency, and saturation with vivid details and facts depend on how the teacher himself masters the educational material. An erudite teacher knows the latest scientific ideas and knows how to clearly convey them to students. He has a good command of the practical side of knowledge, which has a positive effect on the development of skills in schoolchildren. Unfortunately, there are many teachers who do not have such training, which negatively affects teaching and education.

Communicative and stimulating activity is associated with the great influence the teacher has on students through his personal charm, moral culture, ability to establish and maintain friendly relations with them and encourage them by his example to active educational, cognitive, labor and artistic and aesthetic activities. This activity includes the manifestation of love for children, emotional attitude, warmth and care for them, which together characterizes the style of humane relationships between the teacher and children in the broadest sense of the word.

Nothing has such a negative impact on education as the dryness, callousness and official tone of a teacher in relations with students. Children usually keep their distance from such a teacher, as they say; he instills in them inner fear and alienation from him. Children have a completely different attitude towards a teacher who understands their needs and interests and knows how to win their trust and respect through meaningful academic and extracurricular work.

Analytical and evaluation activity. Its essence lies in the fact that the teacher, carrying out the pedagogical process, analyzes the progress of teaching and upbringing, identifies their positive aspects and shortcomings, compares the achieved results with the goals and objectives that were outlined, and also compares his work with the experience of colleagues. Analytical and evaluative activities help the teacher maintain so-called feedback in his work, this means continuously checking what was planned to be achieved in the training and education of students and what has been achieved, and on this basis making the necessary adjustments to the teaching and educational process, searching for ways improving it and increasing pedagogical effectiveness, making wider use of advanced pedagogical experience. Unfortunately, many teachers carry out this type of activity poorly; they do not strive to see the shortcomings in their work that exist and to overcome them in a timely manner. For example, a student received a “D” for not knowing the material covered. This is a clear signal that he needs urgent help, but with such help the teacher hesitates or does not think about it at all, and in the next lessons the student again receives a bad grade. And if he analyzed the reasons for the detected lag and helped the student accordingly, in subsequent classes the latter could receive a good grade, which would stimulate him to further improve his performance.

Finally, research and creative activity. There are elements of it in the work of every teacher. Two aspects of it are especially important. One of them is that the application of pedagogical theory inherently requires creativity from the teacher. The fact is that pedagogical and methodological ideas reflect typical teaching and educational situations. The specific conditions of training and education are too diverse and sometimes unique. For example, the general theoretical position about respect and demandingness towards students as a pattern of upbringing in the real educational process has many modifications: in one case it is important to help the student in his work, in another it is necessary to discuss with him the shortcomings in his behavior, in the third - to emphasize positive actions , in the fourth - make a personal remark or suggestion, etc. As they say, create, invent, try how best to use this pattern, what educational techniques are best used here. And so it is in all the work of a teacher.

The second side is associated with the comprehension and creative development of something new that goes beyond the framework of the known theory and, to one degree or another, enriches it.

This is the essence and system of skills for each of the considered types of teacher activities.

Professional functions of a teacher:












Question No. 3

Professional competence of a teacher

The basis of a teacher’s professional competence is his pedagogical skills.

Pedagogical skill is a set of sequential actions based on theoretical knowledge, pedagogical abilities and aimed at solving pedagogical problems.

Let us give a brief description of the main pedagogical skills.

Analytical skills - the ability to analyze pedagogical phenomena, theoretically substantiate them, diagnose them, formulate priority pedagogical tasks and find optimal methods and solutions.

Predictive skills - the ability to present and formulate diagnosable goals and objectives; activities, select methods for achieving them, anticipate possible deviations in achieving the result, select ways to overcome them, the ability to mentally work out the structure and individual components of the educational process, preliminary estimate the costs of funds, labor and time of participants in the educational process, the ability to predict educational and developmental opportunities for the content, interaction of participants educational process, the ability to predict the development of the individual and team.

Design or constructive skills - the ability to plan the content and types of activities of participants in the educational process, taking into account their needs, capabilities, characteristics, the ability to determine the form and structure of the educational process depending on the formulated tasks and characteristics of the participants, the ability to determine individual stages of the pedagogical process and the tasks characteristic of them, the ability to plan individual work with students, selecting optimal forms, methods and means of training and education, planning the development of the educational environment, etc.

Reflexive skills are associated with the control and evaluation activities of the teacher, aimed at himself.(Reflection of the teacher - This is an activity of understanding and analyzing one’s own teaching activities.)

Organizational skills presented by mobilization, information and didacticsocial, developmental and orientation skills.

Communication skills include three interrelated groups: perceptual skills, the actual skills of pedagogical (verbal) communication and the skills of pedagogical technology.

Pedagogical technique (according to L. I. Ruvinsky) is a set of skills necessary for a teacher in his activities to effectively interact with people in any situation (speech skills, pantomime, ability to manage oneself, friendly, optimisticistic mood, elements of the actor’s and director’s skills).

Organizational skills

Information and didactic skills:

    explain clearly educational material taking into account the specifics of the subject, the level of exposure of students, their age and individual characteristics;

    formulate questions in an accessible, concise, expressive manner;

    use effectively various methods training TSO (technical training aids), EVT (electronic computer technology), visual aids;

    work with printed sources of information, extract it from various sources and process it in relation to the goals and objectives of the educational process.

Mobilization skills:

    attract students' attention;

    develop their interest in learning;

    develop the need for knowledge, study skills and techniques scientific organization educational activities;

    Use reward and punishment methods wisely.

Developmental skills:

    determine the “zone of proximal development” of individual students and the class as a whole;

    create special conditions for the development of cognitive processes, will and feelings of students;

    stimulate cognitive independence and creative thinking of students.

Orientation skills:

    to form moral and value relations and their worldview;

    to form interest in educational or professional activities, science, etc.

    organize joint creative activity in order to develop socially significant personality qualities

· The essence of pedagogical activity

– M.: Humanite. ed. center "VLADOS", 1999. - Book. 1: General basics. Learning process. – p.262 – 290.- on the one hand, it is a specific form of the socio-historical existence of people, and on the other, a way of their existence and development.

Pedagogy. Fundamentals of general pedagogy.

1) Ensures the creation of material conditions for human life, the satisfaction of natural human needs;

2) Becomes a development factor spiritual world a person and the condition for the realization of his cultural needs;

3) Is the sphere of achieving life goals and success;

4) Creates conditions for human self-realization;

5) Is a source of scientific knowledge, self-knowledge;

6) Provides environmental transformation.

Professional activity of a teacher- this is a special type of social necessary labor adults, aimed at preparing younger generations for life.

Pedagogical activity- one of the types of practical art.

Pedagogical activity- purposeful, because the teacher sets a specific goal (to develop responsiveness, teach how to use a sewing machine) In a broad sense, ped. activities are aimed at passing on experience to younger generations. This means that pedagogy as a science studies a special type of activity to introduce a person to the life of society.

Ped. activity represents educational and educational influence on the student, aimed at his personal, intellectual and activity development.

Ped. activity arose at the dawn of civilization in the course of solving such problems as the creation, storage and transfer to the younger generation of skills and norms of social behavior.

Schools, colleges, and colleges are leading social institutions whose main purpose is to organize effective teaching activities.

Pedagogical activities are carried out professionally only by teachers, and parents, production teams, and public organizations carry out general pedagogical activities.

Professional ped. activities are carried out in educational institutions specially organized by the society: preschool institutions, schools, vocational schools, secondary special and higher education institutions educational institutions, institutions of additional education, advanced training and retraining.

The essence of ped. activities A.N. Leontiev represented as a unity of purpose, motives, action, result. A goal is a system-forming characteristic.

Ped. activity is a special type of social activity, aimed at transferring from older generations to younger generations the culture and experience accumulated by humanity, creating conditions for their personal development and preparing them to fulfill certain social roles in society.

Ped structure activities:

1. purpose of activity;

2. subject of activity (teacher);

3. object-subject of activity (students);

5. methods of activity;

6. result of activity.

Purpose ped. activities.

Target- this is what they strive for. General strategic goal pedagogical activity and the goal of education is the education of a harmoniously developed personality.

The purpose of teaching activity is developed and formed as a set of social requirements for each person, taking into account his spiritual and natural capabilities, as well as trends in social development.

A.S. Makarenko I saw the goal of pedagogical activity in the development and individual adjustments of a personality development program.

The goal of a teacher’s professional activity is purpose of education: “A person capable of building a life, worthy of a person"(Pedagogy edited by P.I. Pidkasisty, p. 69).

Achieving this goal requires the highest professionalism and subtle pedagogical skill from the teacher, and is carried out only in activities aimed at solving the assigned tasks as parts of the goal.

Main objects of purpose ped. activities:

Educational environment;

Activities of pupils;

Educational team;

Individual characteristics of pupils.

Therefore, the implementation of the goal of pedagogical activity is associated with the solution of such social and pedagogical tasks as:

1) formation of an educational environment;

2) organization of pupils’ activities;

3) creation of an educational team;

4) development of individual personality.

The solution to these problems should be dynamic to the highest goal - development of personality in harmony with oneself and society.

Teacher's tools:

Scientific knowledge;

Textbook texts and student observations act as “carriers” of knowledge;

Educational aids: technical

Computer graphics, etc.

Methods for transferring experience by the teacher: explanation, demonstration (illustrations), collaboration, practice (laboratory), training.

Product of teaching activity- the individual experience formed by the student in the aggregate: axiological, moral-aesthetic, emotional-semantic, objective, evaluative components.

Product of teaching activity is estimated on exams, tests, according to the criteria for solving problems, performing educational and control actions.

Result of teaching activity- development of the student (his personality, intellectual improvement, his formation as an individual, as a subject of educational activity).

The result is diagnosed by comparing the student’s qualities at the beginning of training and upon its completion in all plans of human development.

The activity of a teacher is a continuous process of solving many problems of various types, classes and levels.

To ped. the activity was successful,

The teacher needs to know:

Psychological structure of activity, patterns of its development;

The nature of human needs and motives for activity;

Leading types of human activity at different age periods.

The teacher needs to be able to:

Plan activities, determine the object and subject, taking into account individual characteristics, interests and capabilities of children;

Form motivation and stimulate activity;

Ensure that children master the main components of activity (skills of planning, self-control, performing actions and operations (Smirnov V.I. General pedagogy in abstracts, illustrations. M., 1999, p. 170))

2.Pedagogical interaction- this is a process that occurs between the teacher and the student during educational work and is aimed at developing the child’s personality. This concept received pedagogical understanding in the works of V.I. Zagvyazinsky, L.A. Levshin, H.J. Liimets and others. Pedagogical interaction is a complex process, consisting of many components: didactic, educational and socio-pedagogical interactions. It is due to:

1) educational activities;

2) the purpose of training;

3) education.

Pedagogical interaction is present in all types of human activity:

1) cognitive;

2) labor;

3) creative.

It is based mainly on cooperation . Pedagogical interaction can be considered as a process that acts in several forms:

1) individual (between the teacher and the student);

2) socio-psychological (interaction in a team);

3) integral (combining various educational influences in a particular society).

Interaction becomes pedagogical when adults (teachers, parents) act as mentors. Pedagogical interaction presupposes equality of relations. For adults, pedagogical interaction is associated with moral difficulties, with the danger of crossing a precarious line, beyond which authoritarianism, moralizing and, ultimately, violence against the individual begin. In situations of inequality, the child experiences a response; he exhibits passive and sometimes active resistance to upbringing.

Change social conditions in the late 1980s - early 1990s. led to a crisis in educational work in educational institutions. The rejection of communist education led to the loss of the purpose of education (harmoniously developed personality), the main direction of educational work (activities of pioneer and Komsomol organizations).

As a result, educational work, which is a set of educational activities, ceased to solve modern problems education.

The education program (St. Petersburg concept) offered a different view of education and educational work, revealing the humanistic meaning of these events. Education began to be defined as development, preservation and transformation human quality in pedagogical interaction.

Functions of a teacher

Teacher(teacher, lecturer, mentor, master) – a person who has special training and professionally engaged in teaching activities.

Pedagogical function– the direction of application of professional knowledge and skills prescribed to the teacher.

Main directions applications of pedagogical efforts are training, education, upbringing, development and formation of students.

The main function of the teacher– management of the processes of training, education, development, formation.

1. Pedagogical functions carried out by teachers at the preparatory stage of each project (cycle) of educational activities.

Goal setting. The goal is the key result of pedagogical activity; it ideally anticipates and guides the movement common labor teacher and his students to their common result.

Diagnostic function. Managing the learning process is based primarily on student knowledge. Without knowledge of the characteristics of the physical and mental development of schoolchildren, the level of their mental and moral education, the conditions of classroom and other education, etc., it is impossible to correctly set a goal or choose the means to achieve it. The teacher must be fluent in predictive methods of analyzing pedagogical situations.